What is the lowest person in the world. Lowest people in the world

We rarely think about what we do not see with our own eyes. And the world is full of amazing facts that you should know. They concern any "creations." However, facts about people are most interesting. They do not cease to amaze. For example, do you know what the lowest person in the world? Do you know his height and associated lifestyle? Not? Let's figure it out together.

A little about our differences

Before you know who today wears the title "The lowest person in the world", it is proposed to look at society as a whole. We all have individual features. Some remain with us for life, others change over time. To those, for example, the weight belongs. It can change significantly over time. But with the color of the skin or growth does not occur. No, of course, they change, but not so much. The skin can tan. But the growth after a certain age almost all of the people remains unchanged. There are special cases associated with deviations in physiological processes, but they will not be concerned. The lowest person in the world (whoever he is) is also some deviation. Scientists say that such people do not work a certain hormone responsible for increasing the size. However, these people have to live with such a "characteristic". They find their calling, familiarize families, work. Even, as the facts say, they achieve certain success.

About clarifications

When they say "the lowest person in the world," then they mean a certain person. But we understand that their many. That is, the people are constantly updated on the planet. Babies are born, develop and grow. Sometimes there is a new record holder among them. Therefore, if you wish to find out what kind of growth is the lowest person in the world, you must specify the period. That is, specify what it is meant.

Are you wondering who now wears this title? Maybe you want to know which of those who lived for all times differed in a terrible growth? These are different data. Of course, from the depths of history, they rarely reach us. However, you can learn the necessary information from special sources that began to lead when a letter originated. Well, over time, people understood the value of the information. Now there are special organizations collecting and keeping it for now living and their descendants. You can, for example, find out what is the record Guinness in this area. Assigns to be made to this folio.

About first record

Gul Mohammed got fame thanks to the Guinness book. He became the first record holder in this category. This man lived in the Indian city of New Delhi. Its growth, as described, was only fifty-seven centimeters. This "kid" lived forty years. They say he had a destructive addiction to tobacco. This is him and thugged. The first record holder died in 1997. He was thickened by the usual cold, which caused a serious complication. Weight Gul just seventeen kilograms. His story can serve as a negative example for young people. Tobacco does not prolong life to anyone, regardless of growth and weight. However, for such a miniature man, it, it turned out to be even more destructive than for others.

Next recordsman

Not so long ago, the world learned the name of the new challenger on the title of the lowest. They became a citizen of Nepal. The name of his Chandra Bahadur Dnagi. The growth of this applicant is even less. It is only fifty-six centimeters. The weight of this person is only twelve kilogram. But age impresses everyone, especially experts. The fact is that people whose growth has stopped in infancy, rarely delay in this world for a long time. This is due to changes in their physiology. However, Chandra has already noted seventy-second anniversary. Only this fact is worthy of making it in the book of records.

Stay as long as an unknown person allowed his lifestyle. He never addressed the hospital. Lives secluded, engaged in sewing household products, among which are caps and special litters to transfer weights on the back. Chandra feels great. He told that the secret of his health in turmeric. He breeds it in warm water and consumes regularly. He regretted Chandra only that he could not create his own family. In addition, he has a dream. He wants to look at the world. Recognition as a record holder could give him the opportunity to fulfill the dream.

Official winner

A few words about that man who was introduced into the book of records. They turned out to be Junley Balunga, which lives in the Philippines. It is almost sixty centimeters growth. He stopped changing when Dzungri was coming a year old. His development stopped with this. Now he can communicate only with short phrases without affecting complex topics. Interestingly, in the family, in which the record holder was born, there are still children. They developed normally. One Dzhunga was not like that. The reasons for such a phenomenon doctors could not install. However, the record holder hopes that there will be experts who can help him. We wish him success.

The lowest and most in the world

Interesting was the idea of \u200b\u200ba meeting of record holders. Who owns this wonderful idea, it is unlikely to know. However, the photo on which the highest and small person in the world is captured, shehleted the whole planet. She is surprising and coming up on reflections. We are so different, but all worthy of normal life. Is it really so hard to negotiate?

Last time, on the pages of our site you read an article about. But after her, the question was not disclosed: who is the smallest man on the planet. The lowest is Chandra Bahadur Dangu, the growth of which is only 54.6 cm. You can learn about this and other little men of the world below.

The smallest:


Below is only Chandre Bahadur Danga

The smallest person in history, and part-time and today, is Chandra Bahadur Danga, its growth is 54.6 cm.

Chandra originally from Nepal, he was born on November 30, 1939, in a deaf village. He became a record holder for growth only in 2012 and this did not happen due to the fact that there was no previous record holder, it was simply a little recent about a little old old man.

Chandra was born in the poor family, and as it happens, parents, and the brothers with the sisters men were quite normal. Throughout his life, the parents first cared for a man, and after their death, the elder brother. When he did not become an elder brother, to care for an unknown at that time, his native nephews took the record holder.

About the record holder learned recently and by chance. The man grew in a deaf outback, and in his entire life, Chandra never turned to doctors for help. I discovered a low record holder of a logging manager who reported an amazing person in the newspaper. Representatives from the Guinness Records immediately flew to the record holder for the official establishment of a record.

Even despite his age, and Chandra is already the eighth ten, he feels great and cheerfully, normally moves and lives an interesting life. Chandra works weaver, he sews national clothes.

The personal life of a little man did not work out. He could not find his wife and doubt that it would happen. Chandra's dream is to travel around the world, and thanks to his fame he can afford it already.

Slightly above record

The second is the smallest on Earth - Filipinets Dzungri Balung, its growth is 59.93 cm.

The guy was born in the Philippines on June 12, 1993 in a large family. It is noteworthy that parents, as well as brothers and sisters, Djungs have absolutely normal growth. The reason why the guy does not grow, become frequent and long-term diseases of the kid after birth. After a year of life, the growth of the baby simply ceased to increase.

The Junley family is poor enough, so parents are very difficult, because their baby can barely move on their feet, and that, only with the help of a stick. Long standing on the legs of the vice-record holder causes pain, so the guy moves only if necessary and for a short distance. Djungs fully take the parents, as he cannot serve himself.

During the examination in childhood, the doctors suggested that making the most difficult operation, the baby may begin to grow, but the parents simply didn't have enough money for her. The probability of solving a problem with increasing after the operation was extremely small, while there was a big threat to life.

The guy really like that he is a record holder, as now he knows about him and recognizes the whole world. Despite its growth, the guy is quite active, and if possible, it always helps parents. In one of the interviews, Dzhunri said he dreams of creating a family: find his wife and have children.


Little Dama

The lowest female representative today is Yoty AMGE, with an increase of 62.8 cm.

The girl was born on December 16, 1993 in India. Unlike other little people, the growth of Yoti is a consequence of the disease of the ahondroplasia (hereditary disease disturbing the growth of bone tissue). On the day of the 18-year period, the girl was officially recognized as the Guinness Book as the smallest woman in the world.

Yoti AMGE is a very popular person: she has already managed to play in films, serials and even participated in one of the reality shows. In the interruptions between projects, the girl often gives an interview. For life, a small lady does not complain, as it is always in the spotlight and has quite good earnings.

The smallest person on the planet Dzungi Balun, in 2012 met with the smallest woman of Yoti AMGE, on the occasion of the release of the 57th edition of the Guinness Book of Records.

Thumbelina from Netherlands

The lowest woman in the entire history of data maintained was Pauline Master, its growth was 30.5 cm.

Polne Master was born in 1876, in Holland. The Guinness Records Book claims that it is this little person that was the smallest woman in the world.

It is known about the girl quite not much. At the age of 18, she had a greater popularity that he encouraged her to go to work in a circus, where he takes the stage pseudonym - Princess Polin. Tours with a circus, a girl visited Belgium, Great Britain, Germany and France. In 19 years, a "Dutch thimble" had a lot of cavaliers. Due to the popularity and work in the circus, the girl earned a good. She performed with acrobatic tricks, and also sometimes loved to invite the spectators to the stage and to dance with them.

Being touring in the USA, in 1894, Pauline gains popularity in this country. For the new year, the princess sloped with inflammation of lungs and meningitis, but medicine was powerless. March 1, 1895 Little record holder dies.

People with such deviations as dweller and giantism suffer from chronic pain and their whole life is a struggle.

Currently, the owner of the smallest growth. The record was officially fixed on June 12, 2011. Dzungry was born on June 12, 1993, so he received the title of record holder on his eighteen. The boy stopped growing when he was just a year.

Jot Amji (India) - 63 cm

The smallest woman in the world can be known to you by participation in the series "American Horror History: Fric-Show". In addition, she starred in the documentary ribbons and took part in a reality show on television. Just was born in 1993. Her little growth is caused by ahondroplasia. The reason is a mutation in the gene of the receptor of the growth hormone, satisfactory treatment of this hereditary pathology is not currently found. By the way, the same disease and the star of the series "Game of Thrones" Peter Dinklaja.

Madge Bester (South Africa) - 65 cm

Maja was born in 1963 and for a long time was considered the smallest woman in the world (until her record was interrupted). The cause of its small growth is an imperfect osteogenesis, a disease of the "crystal man." This disease is characterized by increased bone fragility. Therefore, Mudge moves in a wheelchair. The disease of the "crystal man" was inherited from the mother, the growth of which was 70 cm.

Hagedra Tapa Magar (Nepal) - 67 cm

Hagedra was born in 1992 and in his native village it was nicknamed with a little Buddy. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams, and now weigh 5.5 kg. A documentary was filmed about him, so Hagendra got used to universal attention and worship. Hagedra suffers a prioritian dwarfism. People with this pathology rarely live to thirty years.

Lin Yu Chi (PRC) - 67.5 cm

Born in 1972 in Taipei (Taiwan). The cause of his small growth is an imperfect osteogenesis. Lin Yu Chi is an active member of the Association for "Crystal People" - writes articles, participates in events aimed at raising awareness and help those who suffer from the same ailment. The name of his disease Lin, chained to a wheelchair, found out only twenty years, did not put the physicians to this diagnosis.

Bridget Jordan (USA) - 68.5 cm

Bridgett is the smallest woman in the USA. She was born in 1989 and she also has a brother Brad, also very small growth (96.5 cm). Brother and sister suffer from the same disease - a micro-pedal osteodisplazic primordial dwarper of the second type. This is one of the very rare types of dwarphism. Bridgett is approaching a thirty-year border, which is usually becoming the last for such people. She adores dancing and even was in the team of cheerleaders in college.

Eduard Nino Hernandez (Colombia) - 70 cm

Born in 1986. Lives in Bogota and makes a living as a dancer and a television show. When it was measured for the book of records, he weighed only 10 kg.

And now the highest in the world:

Bao Sushun (PRC) - 2 m 36 cm

Bao Sushun is one of the most famous names in this list. The Mongolian Shepherd from the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia in 2005-2007 was recognized as the Guinness Book of Records The Higher Man from among the now living people (later his title was received by Turk Kesien). Bao Syshun was born in 1951 and developed normally to 16 years, and then suddenly began to grow abnormally. On December 13, 2006, Sashun due to the length of his hands (1.06 m) saved two dolphins, sowing foreign bodies from their stomachs.

Nasir Sumro (Pakistan) - 2 m 39 cm

Nasir is one of the highest people in Pakistan. It is known that he has to earn heavy physical labor. And one more time was called the highest in the world with a non-native man.

Asadalla Khan (India) - 2 m 41 cm

Asadalla Khan was born in 1988 and before he was considered the highest person in India (now this title is wearing Dharmendra Pratap Singh).

Zhang Juntsy (PRC) - 2 m 42 cm

Zhang Juntsy was born in 1966. He is not public, so a little knows about him. This is the highest person in China, which was officially fixed in November 2010, when he was measured on a Japanese TV show. From measurements for the Guinness Book of Records, he refused.

Brahim Takiolakh (Morocco) - 2 m 46 cm

Brahim was born in 1987. He matured, but as his growing growth did not stop and soon reached 2 m 46 cm. This person has the largest feet in the world. His condition is explained by the acromegaly. This is a disease associated with a violation of the front line of the pituitary. Accompanied by an increase in stop, brushes, front of the skull - forehead, nose, jaws. When the brahim was 18 years old, he grew up for a whole meter in one year. Brahim graduated from the University, and in 2006 came to treatment in Paris. The tumor that caused an inequate growth was removed, and the level of hormones was normalized. This allows at least not to grow further. As a result, Brachim settled in Paris, and earns on life, photographing with visitors to the amusement park of St. Paul.

Mermezad Mortez (Iran) - 2 m 46 cm

This person suffering from acromegaly, toilem - after all, he, despite the heavy pathology, stands for his country in the Paralympic Games. It is a sedentary volleyball player and serves as an external striker. He has a gold medal for victory on Paralympiad in 2016.

Dharmendra Pratap Singh (India) - 2 m 46 cm

Another very high person suffering from acromegaly. Among other things, the pituitary tumor in its case presses also on the optic nerve, from here weak vision and frequent headaches. Singh was born in 1983, in a very poor family, and his parents had no money to make the boy an expensive operation. Despite all the vital difficulties, this heroic man received a degree in literature. And it's still forced to work on some circus ideas and photographed with sewages.

Sultan Kesen (Turkey) - 2 m 51 cm

Sultan Kesen was recognized as the highest person from living at the present time. The record was officially recorded on September 17, 2009 in Guinness Book. Sultan was born in 1982 and both of his parent had a normal growth. The boy's pituitary gland was influenced by a tumor, which forced him to grow so quickly that he could only move on the crutches and stopped attending school. In 2010, Sultan was a course of radiation therapy on the Radio Surgical apparatus "Gamma-Knife" and helped: by 2012 his growth finally stopped. Today, Sultan Kesen works in the magic circus of Samoa and tours worldwide.

Filipinets Dzhunri Balawing He was the lowest person in the world. Its growth was 59.93 cm. The previous record holder was higher by 7 centimeters. Dzungry has health problems, practically cannot move independently in space.

Doctors are not able to designate the reasons who stopped the development of Balauing, as a result of which he not only stopped growing, but also acquired speech deviations. Naturally, no education for his older son, parents did not think.

This smiling eighteen-year-old guy has already attracted the attention of the world community, whose representatives promise the necessary medical and any other assistance.

Today, according to official statements, the smallest person on the planet lives in Nepal and has an increase of 54.6 cm. Noteworthy and age Chandra Bahadur Danga - 72 years old. He regrets that he could not marry, but glad that worldwide fame would allow him to undergo a medical examination and go on a journey through unfamiliar countries.

Also, like the Philippine Predecessor on the Guinness Book of Records, Chandra was born in a large family. For many years, it is engaged in the manufacture of national Nepalese clothes. In the world of big people, it does not feel very comfortable, but trying to keep optimism. From all the famous humanity of Liliputov, only Indian Gi Mohammed could be compared with Danga, who died in forty years from tobacco abuse. He was above all two with an excess centimeter.

The lowest and highest person in the world met in London on the occasion of the photo shoot for the Guinness Book of Records. Photo of Sultan Kösen - the highest person in the world next to Chandra Bahadur Dangu - the lowest person in the world looks very touching.

6 photos

1. 30-year-old Sultan Kösen from Turkey as the highest person in the world whose growth is 251 cm, was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records. (Photo: Facundo Arrizabalaga / Pap / EPA).
2. Thanks to the doctors, the highest person in the world finally stopped growing. Permanent growth was caused by acromegal disease - a pituitary tumor, which is responsible for the production of growth hormone.

After treatment at the Medical Center of Virginia University in the United States, where he accepted a new drug, which helps to control the secretion of this hormone, the Sultan will no longer grow. (Photo: Facundo Arrizabalaga / Pap / EPA).

3. Chandra Bahadur Danga from Nepal, whose growth is 54.9 centimeters, was recognized as the smallest man in the world and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

The reason for so low growth chandra has not yet been clarified. All other members of his family has the most common growth. (Photo: Facundo Arrizabalaga / Pap / EPA).

4. The weight of Chandar of Bahadura Danga is small, given its growth, about 14.5 kilograms.

According to Chandra, he never took medications and was not a doctor. Chandra never dismissed about his height, in general he is a big optimist in life. Thanks to fame, he had the opportunity to travel than he took advantage of, despite his age, and he was already 75 years old. (Photo: Facundo Arrizabalaga / Pap / EPA).

5. Sultan Kösenu belongs to another Guinness record - owner of the biggest palm, whose length is 27.5 centimeters. (Photo: Facundo Arrizabalaga / Pap / EPA).
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