Where is Stalin buried in what cemetery. The history of the secret funeral of Joseph Stalin ...

Where is Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich buried? Written by Tatiana Koroleva. Joseph Stalin is the greatest personality of the 20th century. He is called the "father of nations" and a traitor, a great ruler and a man who organized the genocide of his people. Contemporaries and historians still cannot give an unambiguous assessment of the activities of this person. It is known that he died only because his subordinates were afraid to approach him at the right moment and provide assistance. Where is Stalin buried? What were the last days his life? You will find answers to all questions in this article.

Illness The first attack of illness overtook the leader of the peoples on March 1, 1953. He was found unconscious in the official residence - at the Kuntsevskaya dacha, where Stalin settled in post-war years... The personal doctor of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars was so scared that for a long time he could not admit that a high-ranking patient had a stroke. However, the next day, the doctor found the strength to diagnose and determine the paralysis of the right side of the leader's body. Stalin did not get up that day. He only occasionally raised his active hand, as if asking for help. But she never came. Some historians believe that fear is not the only motive for which the leader did not receive the necessary treatment on time. The fact is that the closest associates of the "father of nations" - Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov - were interested in his early death. Many are interested in where Stalin was buried. After all, the story of his burial could turn out to be no less strange than the fact of sudden death. Death According to official sources, the guards, who found the leader's sprawled body on the dining room floor, could not call a doctor without a special order from Beria. That night Lavrenty Pavlovich could not be found. Only ten hours later the required permission was obtained. Only after this did the patient receive medical assistance... And the next day he had another stroke. Beria knew from the evening that the "father of peoples" was not feeling well. This is evidenced by documentary sources. Stalin's story is the fate of a man betrayed by his closest comrade-in-arms at the most crucial moment. On March 5, 1953, the leader died. The whole vast country plunged into deep mourning. People came in an endless stream to say goodbye to the great leader and teacher. Everyone knows where Stalin was buried immediately after his death: on March 9, his body was placed in Lenin's mausoleum. It rested there until 1961.

Anti-Stalinist Sentiments Soon the long-awaited "thaw" began in the country. Anti-Stalinist sentiments began to develop. At the XXII Congress of the Communist Party, which took place on October 17-31, 1961, several fateful decisions were made at once. Just a day before the closing of the event, a proposal was made to remove the body of the deceased leader from the Mausoleum and reburial it in an ordinary grave. The speaker expressed the opinion that staying in the Kremlin tomb next to Lenin is incompatible with the lawlessness that Stalin committed during his reign. It is interesting that this proposal came from the lips of the unremarkable head of the Leningrad Regional Committee Ivan Spiridonov. Prominent party leaders like Anastas Mikoyan, Mikhail Suslov, Frol Kozlov preferred to remain silent. However, they decided to support the initiative of Comrade Spiridonov. So where is Stalin buried? Read about it below.

Reburial So, at the XXII Congress of the party, it was decided to reburial the leader in Red Square, near the walls of the Kremlin, behind the Mausoleum. The country's leadership was afraid of the outbreak of unrest in the country, so the removal of Stalin's body took place in the strictest secrecy. On October 31, late in the evening, under the pretext of another rehearsal of the solemn parade on November 7, Red Square was cordoned off. The dug grave and the entrance to the Mausoleum were covered with plywood shields. Only the numerous guards, the reburial commission and the funeral team were witnesses to the transfer of the body. In the tomb, the officers transferred Stalin's body to a wooden coffin draped with red and black crepe. The leader's body was covered with a black veil, leaving only half of his chest and face exposed. The head of the carpentry workshop, Shanin, on command, closed the coffin with a lid and nailed it. With the help of eight officers, the body of the leader was taken out of the Mausoleum. The coffin was moved to the grave. A kind of sarcophagus of eight slabs was erected at its bottom. After a short pause, the coffin was carefully lowered into the grave. According to an ancient Russian custom, those present threw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin. Then the soldiers buried Stalin's body.

Consequences Contrary to expectations, the news that the "father of nations" was taken out of the Mausoleum was taken calmly by the citizens of the country. They soon found out where Stalin was buried. But no riots followed. In 1970, a monument was erected on the grave of the leader, created by the sculptor Tomsky. It is known that the reburial at the Kremlin wall was not the only solution that was proposed at the congress of party leaders. For example, Nikita Khrushchev wanted to bury Joseph Vissarionovich not far from his daughter and wife, at the Novodevichy cemetery. However, this idea was abandoned. For some reason, the party feared that the body of the leader could be stolen from the grave and taken to Georgia. As a result, everyone at the congress voted for the initiative of the leader of Uzbekistan, Nuritdin Mukhitdinov. He offered to bury the leader near the Kremlin, next to other important Soviet military leaders, politicians, and other statesmen... Many now know where Stalin was buried. You can see photos of his grave in our article. New versions History does not stand still, many decades have passed since the death of the leader. Over the years, the question of where Joseph Stalin was buried began to acquire fantastic details. The information that the great leader is resting in the center of the capital began to be questioned. For example, the Canadian historian of Ukrainian origin Sinko Greg believes that one of Stalin's doubles rests in the grave on Red Square. And Joseph Vissarionovich himself allegedly secretly moved to the Himalayas. They say that in his youth he was fond of Buddhist literature, so he hoped that local miracle workers would help him gain health and eternal immortality. In the press, under headlines like "Mysteries of the 20th Century," there are periodically suggestions that the "father of nations" died much earlier from a serious illness. And for a long time his role was played by talented counterparts, "dolls" who replaced each other more than once. It's hard to take such fantasies seriously. However, the time of Stalin's rule is fraught with a lot of ominous secrets, many of which most of us never get to know.

Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953. On March 9 of the same year, he was buried in the Mausoleum on Red Square. Soon after the XX Party Congress (1956), at party-production meetings discussing the results of the congress, the opinion that the presence of Stalin's body in Lenin's tomb was "incompatible with the lawlessness committed by Stalin" began to sound more and more insistently. In the fall of 1961, on the eve of the XXII Congress of the CPSU, the workers of the Kirov and Nevsky machine-building plants proposed to move Stalin's ashes to another place. The same proposal was put forward by the workers of the Moscow plant named after Vladimir Ilyich. On October 30, 1961, speaking at the XXII Congress of the CPSU, the first secretary of the Leningrad regional party committee, Ivan Spiridonov, submitted on behalf of the Leningrad party delegation and the city workers a proposal of workers for consideration by the congress. The proposal of Leningraders was supported by the party delegations of Moscow, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Altai Territory, Saratov region and others. The XXII Congress decided: The Mausoleum on Red Square, created to perpetuate the memory of Lenin, henceforth to be called - the Mausoleum of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. It was decided to reburial Stalin's ashes in Red Square behind the Mausoleum.

The country's leaders, undoubtedly, were aware that the decision to remove Stalin's body from the Mausoleum could provoke unrest in the country. Therefore, the action was carried out secretly and thoroughly prepared for it. Late in the evening of October 31, 1961, in an atmosphere of absolute secrecy, under the pretext of rehearsing the parade by November 7, Red Square was cordoned off. The entrance to the Mausoleum, as well as the dug grave, were covered with plywood shields. Only the funeral team, numerous guards and the reburial commission were on the spot. According to the recollections of the former commander of the Kremlin regiment, Konev, in the Mausoleum, officers transferred Stalin's body into a wooden coffin covered with black and red crepe. The body was covered with a dark veil, leaving the face and half of the chest exposed. Shanin, the head of the carpentry workshop, under whose leadership the coffin was made at the Arsenal, was ordered to close the coffin with a lid and nail it down. Eight officers carried the coffin out of the Mausoleum, brought it to the grave, at the bottom of which a kind of sarcophagus was made of eight slabs, and placed it on wooden stands. After a short pause, the soldiers carefully, on ropes, lowered the coffin into the grave. According to Russian custom, some of those present threw a handful of earth, and the soldiers buried the grave. Contrary to expectations, the country took the news of the removal of Stalin's body from the Mausoleum quite calmly. In 1970, a monument by the sculptor Nikolai Tomsky was erected on Stalin's grave.

Joseph Stalin is the greatest personality of the 20th century. He is called the "father of nations" and a traitor, a great ruler and a man who organized the genocide of his people. Contemporaries and historians still cannot give an unambiguous assessment of the activities of this person. It is known that he died only because his subordinates were afraid to approach him at the right moment and provide assistance. Where is Stalin buried? What were the last days of his life? You will find answers to all questions in this article.


The first attack of the disease overtook the leader of the peoples on March 1, 1953. He was found unconscious in his official residence - at the Kuntsevskaya dacha, where Stalin settled in the post-war years. The personal doctor of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars was so scared that for a long time he could not admit that a high-ranking patient had a stroke. However, the next day, the doctor found the strength to diagnose and determine the paralysis of the right side of the leader's body. Stalin did not get up that day. He only occasionally raised his active hand, as if asking for help. But she never came. Some historians believe that fear is not the only motive for which the leader did not receive the necessary treatment on time. The fact is that the closest associates of the "father of nations" - Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov - were interested in his early death. Many are interested in where Stalin was buried. After all, the story of his burial could turn out to be no less strange than the fact of sudden death.


According to official sources, the guards, who found the leader's sprawled body on the floor in the dining room, could not call a doctor without Beria's special order. That night Lavrenty Pavlovich could not be found. Only ten hours later the required permission was obtained. Only after that the patient received medical attention. And the next day he had another stroke. Beria knew from the evening that the "father of peoples" was not feeling well. This is evidenced by documentary sources. Stalin's story is the fate of a man betrayed by his closest comrade-in-arms at the most crucial moment. On March 5, 1953, the leader died. The whole vast country plunged into deep mourning. People came in an endless stream to say goodbye to the great leader and teacher. Everyone knows where Stalin was buried immediately after his death: on March 9, his body was placed in Lenin's mausoleum. It rested there until 1961.

Anti-Stalinist sentiments

Soon the long-awaited "thaw" began in the country. Anti-Stalinist sentiments began to develop. At the XXII Congress of the Communist Party, which took place on October 17-31, 1961, several fateful decisions were made at once. Just a day before the closing of the event, a proposal was made to remove the body of the deceased leader from the Mausoleum and reburial it in an ordinary grave. The speaker expressed the opinion that staying in the Kremlin tomb next to Lenin is incompatible with the lawlessness that Stalin committed during his reign. It is interesting that this proposal came from the lips of the unremarkable head of the Leningrad Regional Committee Ivan Spiridonov. Prominent party leaders like Anastas Mikoyan, Mikhail Suslov, Frol Kozlov preferred to remain silent. However, they decided to support the initiative of Comrade Spiridonov. So where is Stalin buried? Read about it below.


So, at the XXII Party Congress, a decision was made to reburial the leader in Red Square, near the walls of the Kremlin, behind the Mausoleum. The country's leadership was afraid of the outbreak of unrest in the country, so the removal of Stalin's body took place in the strictest secrecy. On October 31, late in the evening, under the pretext of another rehearsal of the solemn parade on November 7, Red Square was cordoned off. The dug grave and the entrance to the Mausoleum were covered with plywood shields. Only the numerous guards, the reburial commission and the funeral team were witnesses to the transfer of the body. In the tomb, the officers transferred Stalin's body to a wooden coffin draped with red and black crepe. The leader's body was covered with a black veil, leaving only half of his chest and face exposed. The head of the carpentry workshop, Shanin, on command, closed the coffin with a lid and nailed it. With the help of eight officers, the body of the leader was taken out of the Mausoleum. The coffin was moved to the grave. A kind of sarcophagus of eight slabs was erected at its bottom. After a short pause, the coffin was carefully lowered into the grave. According to an ancient Russian custom, those present threw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin. Then the soldiers buried Stalin's body.


Contrary to expectations, the news that the "father of nations" was taken out of the Mausoleum was taken calmly by the citizens of the country. They soon found out where Stalin was buried. But no riots followed. In 1970, a monument was erected on the grave of the leader, created by the sculptor Tomsky. It is known that the reburial at the Kremlin wall was not the only solution that was proposed at the congress of party leaders. For example, Nikita Khrushchev wanted to bury Joseph Vissarionovich not far from his daughter and wife, at the Novodevichy cemetery. However, this idea was abandoned. For some reason, the party feared that the body of the leader could be stolen from the grave and taken to Georgia. As a result, everyone at the congress voted for the initiative of the leader of Uzbekistan, Nuritdin Mukhitdinov. He offered to bury the leader at the Kremlin, next to other important Soviet military leaders, politicians, and other statesmen. Many now know where Stalin was buried. You can see photos of his grave in our article.

New versions

History does not stand still, many decades have passed since the death of the leader. Over the years, the question of where Joseph Stalin was buried began to acquire fantastic details. The information that the great leader is resting in the center of the capital began to be questioned. For example, the Canadian historian of Ukrainian origin Sinko Greg believes that one of Stalin's doubles rests in the grave on Red Square. And Joseph Vissarionovich himself allegedly secretly moved to the Himalayas. They say that in his youth he was fond of Buddhist literature, so he hoped that local miracle workers would help him gain health and eternal immortality. In the press, under headlines like "Mysteries of the 20th Century," there are periodically suggestions that the "father of nations" died much earlier from a serious illness. And for a long time his role was played by talented counterparts, "dolls" who replaced each other more than once. It's hard to take such fantasies seriously. However, the time of Stalin's rule is fraught with a lot of ominous secrets, many of which most of us never get to know.


Now you know where Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich is buried. His death shocked millions of compatriots. And his life is the subject of interest of an extraordinary number of meticulous researchers. One thing is certain. It was great person, which left an indelible mark on world history. And the death and mystery of the burial of such people is always overgrown with fantasies, secrets and riddles.

Stalin! One of the dominant historical figures in 20th century history. For me, demonic, but for others with an angelic halo. Such people, even after death, excite the minds for decades, and their resting places become attractions.

Death and funeral of Stalin

At the time of his death (which they are trying to shroud in an aura of mystery), Stalin held two significant positions in the USSR at once. But for the people, he was a real genius who led the army in a mortal battle against fascism.

Achievements of the country during the reign of Stalin:

  • Victory over fascist Germany;
  • The USSR has achieved incredible prestige in the world;
  • the country has reached the status of a real empire.

Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at his dacha in Kuntsevo, in the west of Moscow. It is not far from Poklonnaya Gora. I once wanted to get there, but it turned out that I needed a permit from the Kremlin services.

The country was in mourning. No one doubted that the body would rest in the most famous tomb Soviet Union- in the Mausoleum.

Indeed, the embalmed body was placed next to Ilyich. And the inscription "Lenin - Stalin" appeared on the domestic ziggurat. Thousands of people went to bow to the mummies.

Where Stalin rests

During the XX Congress of the CPSU in 1956, Khrushchev's famous speech was delivered. The overthrow of the cult of personality began. Stalin's name was pronounced less and less often, crossed out from textbooks.

In 1961, at the XXII Congress of the CPSU, a decision was made to reburial the "relics" of the Generalissimo (he had such military rank). On the night of October 31st to November 1st (magic night!) Stalin's body was buried near Kremlin wall(I think, no less honorable place than the Mausoleum).

His grave, decorated with a bust, you will see today. Access is open to the necropolis at the Kremlin wall. Gagarin, Gorky, Brezhnev, Andropov and others are buried here. mass graves Bolsheviks who died in 1917. It was the most honorable burial place in the USSR.

You can get here from 10.00 to 13.00, except Friday and Monday. Entrance near the Mausoleum.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1879-1953) died on March 5, 1953 at a dacha in Kuntsevo near Moscow. Death of the leader Soviet people became the No. 1 news in the whole world. In Paris, Lisbon, Berlin, New York and thousands of other cities in the world, the largest newspapers have come out with huge headlines on the front pages. They informed their citizens about the most important political event. In some countries, city transport conductors addressed passengers with the words: "Stand up, gentlemen, Stalin is dead."

As for the USSR, a 4-day mourning period was declared in the country. All ministries, departments, main departments and administrations, factories and factories, higher educational establishments and the schools stood up. Only production facilities with a round-the-clock schedule worked. The world's first state of workers and peasants froze in anticipation of the main thing. It was Stalin's funeral, scheduled for March 9, 1953.

Farewell to the leader

To bid farewell to the people, the body of the leader was exhibited in the Column Hall of the House of Unions. From 4 pm on March 6, access to it was opened. From the streets of Moscow, people flocked to Bolshaya Dmitrovka, and already along it they walked to the Column Hall.

There, on a pedestal, drowning in flowers, there was a coffin with the body of the deceased. They put on a gray-green uniform with gold buttons. Orders and medals were lying on a satin cover next to the coffin, funeral music sounded. At the coffin, the leaders of the party and government froze in the guard of honor. People walked by in an endless stream. These were ordinary Muscovites, as well as residents from other cities who had come to say goodbye to the head of state. It is assumed that out of 7 million inhabitants of Moscow, 2 million wanted to see the dead leader with their own eyes.

Foreign delegations were admitted through a special entrance. They skipped the line. This was common practice at the time. For some reason, the authorities treated foreigners much more reverently than their citizens. They were given a green street everywhere, and the funeral ceremony was no exception.

The people walked for 3 days and 3 nights. In the streets there were trucks with spotlights installed on them. They were turned on at dusk. In the middle of the night, the House of Unions was closed for 2 hours, and then reopened. Classical music was broadcast on the radio around the clock.

It should be noted that people were in an extremely depressed mood these days. Fixed big number heart attacks, and mortality increased dramatically. But there are no exact statistics for this period of time. Everyone was overcome by one desire - to get into the Hall of Columns and see the one who had already been elevated to the rank of a monument during his lifetime.

Huge crowds of people went to say goodbye to Stalin

Death of people

All streets in the center of the capital were fenced off by trucks and soldiers. They kept crowds of thousands of people moving towards the House of Unions. As a result of this, here and there crush began to form. Order was maintained only on Bolshaya Dmitrovka (at that time Pushkinskaya Street). On the rest of the streets within the Boulevard Ring, there was a massive crowd of citizens, which, practically, was not regulated by anyone.

As soon as people got to the center, they found themselves squeezed from all sides by trucks and troops. And the people kept coming and coming, which only exacerbated the situation.

The bulk of people gathered in the Trubnaya Square area. This place connects Petrovsky, Rozhdestvensky, Tsvetnoy boulevards, Neglinnaya and Trubnaya streets. There was a rumor that it is from Trubnaya Square that it is easiest to get to Bolshaya Dmitrovka. Therefore, huge human streams rushed to her.

There was one huge crush in this place. At the same time, a huge number of people died. How many? Exact numbers unknown, and no one counted the dead. The crushed bodies were thrown into trucks and taken out of the city. There they were buried in mass graves. It is noteworthy that among the victims there were those who came to their senses and asked for medical assistance. But this meant that the wounded had to be transported to hospitals. In this case, the whole world would have known about the mass crush, which, naturally, would have cast an unattractive shadow on Stalin's funeral. Therefore, the wounded were buried together with the dead.

Here is what eyewitnesses later told: “The crowd of people was so great that there was a terrible crush. These were real human tragedies. People were pushed into the walls of houses, shop windows were smashed, fences and gates collapsed. Men tried to escape on lamp posts, but fell down and found themselves under the feet of the crowd. Someone got out of the dense mass and crawled over their heads. Others dived under the trucks, but the soldiers did not let them on the other side. The crowd swayed from side to side, like one huge living organism. "

All lanes from Sretenka to Trubnaya Street were packed with a solid mass of people. Not only adults were killed, but also children. People never saw Stalin alive and wanted to see at least the dead. But they never saw him. Their journey to the Hall of Columns turned into a struggle for survival. From the crowd shouted to the military: "Take the trucks away!" But they answered that they could not do this, since there was no order.

The bloodthirsty leader passed away and took with him a huge number of his subjects. During his lifetime, he was never satisfied with human blood. According to the most conservative estimates, at least 2 thousand people died. But, most likely, the true death toll was much higher.

Funeral day

On March 9, at 7 o'clock in the morning, troops appeared on Red Square. They cordoned off those areas along which the funeral procession was supposed to move. At 9 am, workers gathered in the main square of the country. They saw 2 words on the mausoleum - Lenin and Stalin. The entire Kremlin wall was covered with wreaths of fresh flowers.

At 10 hours 15 minutes the closest associates of the leader raised the coffin with his body in their hands. With a heavy sarcophagus, they headed for the exit. Officers helped them to carry the honorable burden. At 10 hours 22 minutes, the coffin was installed on the gun carriage. After that, the funeral procession set off from the House of Unions to the Mausoleum. Marshals and generals carried the awards of the Generalissimo on satin cushions. The top leaders of the country and the party followed the coffin.

At 10:45 am, the coffin was installed on a special red pedestal in front of the mausoleum. The funeral meeting was opened by the chairman of the funeral commission N. S. Khrushchev. Farewell speeches were made by G.M. Malenkov, L.P. Beria, V.M. Molotov.

At 11 hours 50 minutes Khrushchev announced the closure of the funeral meeting. The closest associates of the leader again took the coffin and brought it into the mausoleum. Exactly at 12 o'clock, after the battle of the Kremlin chimes, an artillery salute was fired. Then beeps rang out at factories across the country from Brest to Vladivostok and Chukotka. The funeral ceremony ended with 5 minutes of silence and the Anthem of the Soviet Union. Troops passed by the mausoleum with the bodies of Lenin and Stalin, armada of planes flew in the sky. So ended my life path comrade Stalin .

Stalin's grave near the Kremlin wall

Stalin's second funeral

The body of the leader of the peoples was in the mausoleum until October 31, 1961. From 17 to 31 October 1961, the XXII Congress of the CPSU was held in Moscow. On it, a decree was adopted on the removal of the embalmed body of the leader from the mausoleum. On the night of October 31 to November 1, this decree was implemented. Stalin's coffin was buried near the Kremlin wall, and Lenin's body took place in the center of the pedestal.

At 18 o'clock on October 31, Red Square was cordoned off. The soldiers dug a grave. At 21 o'clock, the sarcophagus was moved to the basement. There, the protective glass was removed from him, and the body was transferred to a coffin. The gold star of the Hero of Socialist Labor was removed from his uniform, and the gold buttons were changed to brass ones.

The coffin was covered with a lid and lowered into the grave. It was quickly covered with earth, and a white marble slab was laid on top. The inscription was engraved on it: "Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich 1879-1953". In 1970, the tombstone was replaced with a bust. So quietly, secretly and imperceptibly, Stalin's second funeral took place.

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