Kuprin Story White Poodle Read completely. Alexander Kuprin "White Poodle

Alexander Kurin "White Poodle"

Narrow mountain paths, from one cottage village to another, made his way along the southern shore of the Crimea a small stray troupe. Ahead ordered, the twilight of a long pink tongue, a white poodle Arto, sked like a lion. At the intersection, he stopped and, waving his tail, looked back in question.

For some other famous signs, he always unmistakably recognized the road and, having fun bungling with the shaggy ears, rushed gallop forward.

A twelve-year-old boy Sergey was walking behind the dog, who kept the rolled carpet for acrobatic exercises under the left elbow, and the right and dirty cage with a spon, trained to pull out multicolored paper with predictions to the future life from the drawer.

Finally, a senior member of the troupe was made behind, the grandfather Martyn Imbolkin, with a scrathed back.

The Sharmannka was an old, who suffered hoarse, cough and enduring in his century not one tet of repair.

She played two things: a sad German Waltz Laununer and a gallop from "Travels to China" - both former years ago thirty-forty years ago, but now everyone forgotten.

In addition, there were two treacherous pipes in the scarm.

In another pipe that has published a low sound, the valve did not immediately close: once the progress, she pulled the same bass note, drowning and knocking all the other sounds, until she suddenly had a desire to silence.

Grandfather himself realized these flaws of his car and sometimes noticed jokingly, but with a shade of secret sadness:

- What can you do? .. an ancient organ ... colder ... Play - Dachnips offended: "Fu, say, what is the nasty!" But the plays were very good, fashionable, but only the current gentlemen do not adore our music. They are now "Geisha", "under the double-headed eagle", from the "bird seller" - Waltz. Again, these pipes ... I wore the author to the master - and it is not taken to repair. "It is necessary, says new pipes to put, and best, say, sell your sour blessed in the museum ... It seems like some monument ..." Well, yes, oh well! She fed us with you, Sergey, so far, God will give and still feed.

Grandfather Martyn Lododzhkin loved his scold in the way you can only love the living, close, perhaps, even a related creature. Having spoiled with her for many years of heavy stray life, he finally began to see something inspired, almost conscious.

It happened sometimes that at night, during the night, somewhere on a dirty inn of the courtyard, a Charmanka, who stood on the floor next to Grandfather headboard, suddenly published a weak sound, sad, lonely and trembling, definitely senile sigh.

Then Skyzkin quietly stroked her along the carved side and whispered gently:

- What, brother? Complaining? .. And you are terrib ...

As much as scarmer, maybe even a little more, he loved his younger satellites in eternal wanderings: Puddle Arto and Little Sergey.

The boy he took five years ago "hire" from Zabuldigi, a widow shoemaker, if it is obliged to pay two rubles a month for it. But the shoemaker soon died, and Sergey remained forever connected with his grandfather and soul, and small everyday interests.

The path went along a high coastal cliff, wrilling in the shadow of centenary olives. The sea sometimes flashed between the trees, and then it seemed that, leaving the distance, it at the same time rises up with a calm mighty wall, and his color was still blue, even thicker in patterned reversals, among silver-green foliage. In the grass, in the bushes of Kizil and the wild rosehip, in the vineyards and trees - cicadas were poured everywhere; The air was trembling from their ringing, monotonous, ineffable cry. The day was a sultry, hailless, and the gazing earth focused her legs.

Sergey, who was walking, as usual, ahead of the grandfather, stopped and waited until the old man was stood with him.

- What are you, Seryozha? - asked the floresman.

- Heat, grandfather Ishkin ... There is no patience! To swim ...

The old man on the move with the usual movement of the shoulder corrected the scarmer and wiped the face with a sleeve.

- What would be better! He sighed, greedily glanced down, on the cool blue blue of the sea. - Only after all after the bathing will grow even more. I spoke one familiar Feldsher: Salt this very much on a person ... So, they say, relaxes ... Salt of marine ...

- Ried, maybe? - Doubt said Sergey.

- Well, here, the liner! Why should he lie? A solid man, nonbeid ... Domishko in his Sevastopol. Yes, then here and go down to the sea.

Wait, we will reach Uthodko to Mishor, there and the telescope of the Trucks. Before the lunch, it is flattering, swim something ... And then, it means to sleep Troops ... and a great deal ...

Artho, who heard the conversation from behind, turned and ran up to people.

His blue good eyes pushed from the heat and looked mightily, and the tunched long tongue shuddered from frequent breathing.

- What, brother Pesk? Heat? - asked grandfather.

The dog was tensely yawned, curling the tongue with a tube, shook his entire body and squeezed finely.

"N-yes, you are my brother, you will not do anything ... It is said: In the sweat of your face," continued in the foot of the face. - I put it, you have something to say, not a face, but a muzzle, but still ... Well, I went, went ahead, nothing under my feet ... And I, Seryozha, confess to say, I love when this very warm . The authority is just interferes, but if you do not work, I would have a job somewhere on the grass, in the shadow, the belly, it means up, and lie down. For our old bones, this is the sun is the first thing.

The path descended down, connecting with a wide, solid, like a stone, a dazzling road. Here the ancient Graft Park began here, in the thick greenery of which beautiful cottages, flower beds, greenhouses and fountains were scattered. Skodzhkin knew these places well; Every year he passed them one after another during the grape season, when the whole Crimea is filled with an elegant, rich and fun public. The bright luxury of the southern nature did not touch the old man, but the Sergey admired Much, formerly for the first time. Magnolia, with their solid and shiny, precisely lacquered leaves and white, with a large plate of magnitude, flowers; Arbors, completely covered with grapes, coating down heavy clusters; huge centuries-old plane with their light bark and mighty krons; Tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - on the flower beds, on the hedge, on the villages - bright, magnificent fragrant roses, - all this did not cease to strike with his lively blooming charm the naive soul of the boy. He expressed his enthusiasm loud, every minute to the old man for the sleeve.

- Grandfather Lodyzhan, and grandfather, look-bow, in the fountain there are golden fish! .. By God, grandfather, Golden, die in place! - shouted the boy, pressing the face to the lattice, stewing the garden with a large swimming pool in the middle. - Grandfather, and peaches! Bone how much! On the same tree!

- I go-go, fool, what the mouth rushed! - pushing his joking old man. - Wait, we will reach the city of Novorossiysk and, it means that we will again approve south. There's really places, - there is something to see. Now, about saying, Sochi will go to you, Adler, Tuapse, and there, brother you, Sukhum, Batum ... Eyes spread, look ... say, about - palm trees. Surprise! The trunk of her shaggy, on the manner of felt, and each sheet is so big that both of us to hide the fit.

- By God? - Sergey happily surprised.

- Wait, you will see. Yes, do you never know what? Apeltsyn, for example, or although, say, the same lemon ... I saw, I suppose, in a bench?

- Just so-so and grows in the air. Without anything, right on the tree, as we, it means, an apple or a pear ... and the people there, the brother, completely outstanding: Turks, Pergriki, Circassians are different, all in the coats and with daggers ... Desperate Narodishka! And then there are, brother, ether. I saw them in the Batum many times.

- Ethies? I know. These are with horns, "Sergey said confidently.

- Rogov, put, they do not have, these are the crude. But black, like boots, and even shine. The ruins are red, thick, and the glazes are white, and the hair curly, as on the black sheep.

- Terrible, like ... Ethiopus are these?

- How to say to you? With unaccustomed it is accurate. .. fear a little, well, and then you see that other people are not afraid, and you yourself will become a bed ... a lot there, my brother, everyone, all. Come - you will see. The only bad is fever. Therefore, the swamps around the swamp, and moreover, fry. There are nothing to the local residents, and the emergent person has a bad person.

However, we will be with you, Sergey, tearing languages. Climb to a gate. On this dacha, the Lord live very good ... You ask me: I know everything!

But the day turned out to be unsuccessful. They were driven out of one places, barely envyed, in others, at the very first hoarse and bellish sounds of the scarmer, disadvantageously and impatiently waved on them from the balconies with their hands, in the third servants she stated that the "gentlemen are not yet arrival." On two dachas, they, however, paid for the idea, but very little. However, the grandfather no low fee begged. Going out of the fence to the road, he stuck in his pocket with a satisfied look and said good-natured:

- Two yes five, total seven kopecks ... Well, Brother Serie, and this is money. Seven times in seven, "So he fell half a day, it means that we all are twisted, and we have overnight, and the ancient ankle is, well, by his weakness, you can skip a glass, the ailments of many for ... Eh, do not understand this Lord! A dumplings give him a pity, and the Piglet is ashamed ... well, they are told to go away. And you better give at least three kopecks ... I'm not offended, I'm nothing ... Why are it offended?

In general, the skullcin was a modest nrava and, even when he was challenged, did not ropal. But today and he brought one beautiful, complete, very good lady out of usual, very good lady, the owner of an excellent giving, surrounded by a garden with flowers. She carefully listened to music, she looked at the acrobatic exercises of Sergey and on the funny "things" of Arto, after that he asked the boy in detail about how old he and his name is, where he learned the gymnastics who he had an old man what he had to do his parents, etc; Then he ordered to wait and went into the room.

She did not appear ten minutes, or even a quarter of an hour, and the longer the time stretched, the more uncertain, but tempting hopes were growing up with artists. Grandfather even whispered the boy, covering from caution with his palm, like a shield:

- Well, Sergey, our happiness, you just listen to me: I, brother, I know everything. Maybe something will give something out of the dress or from shoes. It's right! ..

Finally, the lady came to the balcony, threw on top into the alternate hat of Sergei, a little white coin and immediately disappeared. The coin turned out to be old, erased on both sides and in addition to a leaky griven. Grandfather looked at her for a long time. He was already on the road and moved away from the cottage, but he still kept the Grivennik on his palm, as if we were weighing.

- N-yes-A ... deft! - He said, suddenly stopped. - I can say ... And we are, three fools, tried. It would be better if it would have given a button that was. That by extremes can be sewed somewhere. And what am I with this rubbish will do? The lady, I suppose, thinks: All the same, the old man will shut her at night, slowly, it means. No, s, very mistake, madam. An old man's skipping is not engaged in such a disgust. Yes - s! Here you have your gem! Here!

And he with indignation and proudly threw a coin, which, weakly ringing, buried into white road dust.

So the old man with a boy and the dog went around the whole suburban village And they were going to go to the sea. On the left side remained another, the last, cottage. It was not visible due to the high white wall, over which, on the other side, the tightwork of thin dusty cypresses rose, similar to long black and gray spindles. Only through the wide cast-iron gate, similar to its fancy carving on the lace, it was possible to consider the corner of fresh, exactly green bright silk, lawn, round flower flower beds and away, in the background, covered through the alley, the whole clutch thick grapes. In the middle of the lawn stood a gardener who had irrigated a rose from the long sleeve. He covered the pipe hole with his finger, and from this in the fountain of countless splashes, the sun played with all the colors of the rainbow. Grandfather was going to pass by, but, looking at the gate, stopped in bewilderment.

"Wait a little, Sergey," he called the boy. - No, there are people moving there? That's the story. How many years I go, - and never soul. Well, ka, Vali, Brother Sergey!

- "Dacha friendship, an extraneous entrance is strictly prohibited," read Sergey inscription, skillfully knocked out at one of the pillars that supported the gate.

- Friendship? .. - asked the illiterate grandfather. - In-in! This is the most real word - friendship. All day I have shown, and here we will take. This is me to the nose, on the manner as a hunting dog. Arto, Ishi, dog son! Vali boldly, Seryozha. You always ask me: I know everything!

The garden tracks were sleeping with a smooth large gravel, crissed under their feet, and from the sides are furnished with large pink sinks. On the flowerbeds, over a motley carpet of multicolored herbs, rose-in bright flowers, from which sweet air was sweet. In reservoirs, transparent water groved and splashed; Of the beautiful VAZ hanging in the air between the trees, we descended the garlands down the curly plants, and in front of the house, on the marble columns, there were two shiny mirrored balls, in which the traveling troupe reflected upside down, in a ridiculous, curved and stretched form. Before the balcony was a large drowning platform. Sergey spread his rug on it, and grandfather, setting his scarmer on a stick, was already preparing to twist the handle, as suddenly an unexpected and strange spectacle attracted their attention. The terrace from the inner rooms jumped like a bomb, making shrill screams, a boy of eight or ten years old. He was in a light sailor suit, with naked hands and bare knees. Blond hair, everything in large curls, they disengaged him casually on his shoulders.

Following the boy ran out six more people: two women in the aprons; Old fat boom in the phraka, without a mustache and without a beard, but with long gray babenbards; Outdoor, redhead, red-eyed maiden in blue checkered dress; Young, painful look, but very beautiful lady in a lace blue hood and, finally, a thick bald master in a grade pair and in golden glasses. All of them were strongly alarmed, waved their hands, spoke loudly and even pushed each other. Immediately it was possible to guess that the cause of their concern is a boy in a sailor suit, so suddenly flew on the terrace.

Meanwhile, the culprit of this turmoil, nor for a second, without stopping his squeal, she fell into the stomach on the stone floor, quickly rolled on his back and with strong fierce began to jog with his hands and legs in all directions. Adults drove around him.

The old lacquer in Thrake pressed with a belling view of both hands to a starchy shirt, shaking his long bundlebards and said complaints:

- Batyushka Barin! .. Nikolai Apollonovich! .. Do not please upset the mammy-s - stand up ... Be so kind - rinse-s. Miksturna is very sweet, one suprow-s. Please get up ...

Women in the aprons splashped with their hands and twitter soon, soon with utility and frightened voices.

The red-eyed girl shouted with tragic gestures something very impressive, but completely incomprehensible, obviously, in a foreign language. In prudent bass persuaded the boy Mr. in golden glasses; At the same time, he tilted her head that one, then on the other side and powerively diluted with his hands. And the beautiful lady of Tomno moan, pressing a thin lacy handkerchief to the eyes:

- Ah, Trillil, oh, my God! .. My Angel, I beg you. Listen, my mother begs you. Well, by the same, accept medicine; You will see, you will immediately, immediately become easier: and the tummy will take place. Well, do it for me, my joy! Well, do you want Trillil, mom will be before you knees? Well, look, I'm kneeling in front of you. Want, I will give you golden? Two golden? Five golden, trilli? Want a living donkey? Do you want a live horse? .. Yes, tell him anything, doctor! ..

"Listen, Trilli, be a man," a thick gentleman threw in glasses.

- Ay-Yai-Yai-Ya-Aaa! - shouted the boy, wriggling on the balcony and desperately bold with his feet.

Despite its extreme excitement, he still tormented to enter his heels in the stomachs and in the legs of people around him, who from this, however, were quite cleverly shied.

Sergey, long-looking with curiosity and surprise on this scene, quietly pushed the old man in the side.

- Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, what is it with him? He asked in a whisper. - In no way, will you tear it?

"Well, to fuck ... such a thing will hear." Simple - the Blugger Boy. The patient must be.

- Shamashedchy? - He guessed Sergey.

- And how much I know. Hush! ..

- Ay-Yai-Aa! Drying! Fools! .. - The boy was louder and louder.

- Start, Sergey. I know! - Suddenly Skodzhkin also ordered and with a decisive view of the scarves handle.

In the garden rushed back, the sypret, fake sounds of the ancient gallop. Everything on the balcony was fixed, even the boy was silent for a few seconds.

- Oh, my God, they will upset the poor trillion even more! - exclaimed the deplorable lady in the blue hood. - Oh, yes, rolim them, rhine more! And this dirty dog \u200b\u200bwith them. Dogs always have such terrible diseases. What are you standing, Ivan, exactly the monument?

She with a tired view and disgusted with a scarlet with a handkerchief on the artists, the red-eyed girl did terrible eyes, someone threateningly hurt ...

A man in Frak quickly and gently rolled down from the balcony and with an expression of horror on his face, spreading widespread on the hand side, ran up to a flore.

- This is what the disgrace! - He stuck sampled, frightened and at the same time, the headstone-angry whisper. - Who allowed? Who missed? March! Won! ..

Charmanka, sadly squeaking, silent.

"Mr. good, let you explain to you ..." - he began to delicate grandfather.

- No! March! - shouted with some even whistle in the throat. Floomy man.

His thick face was scared, and the eyes were incredibly wide open, just suddenly got out, and came the wheel. It was so scary that grandfather involuntarily retreated two steps back.

"Colive, Sergey," he said, hastily throwing his scarmer on his back. - Go!

But they did not have time to do and ten steps, as the balcony rushed new shrill screams:

- Oh no no no! To me! I want it! A-ah! Dae! Call! To me!

- But, trilli! .. Oh, my God, Trilli! Oh, yes turn them, - the nerve lady groaned. - Fu, as you are all stupid! .. Ivan, you hear what they tell you? Now call these beggars! ..

- Listen! You! Hey, how are you? Sharmancans! Return! - cried several votes from the balcony.

Fat booster with bundles flew in both sides, bouncing, like a large rubber ball, rushed after the outgoing artists.

- No! .. Musicians! Listen! Back! .. Back! .. - He shouted, choking and mahind both hands. - An old man is a venerable, - he finally grabbed his grandfather's sleeve, - Warn the neck! The gentlemen will be your pantomoin watch. Vivid! ..

- N-well, things! He sighed, twisting his head, grandfather, however, approached the balcony, took off his scarmer, strengthened her before his stick and played a gallop from the very place where he had just interrupted.

The bustle on the balcony calmed down. A baryman with a boy and a master in golden glasses came to the most railing; The rest respectfully remained in the background. From the depths of the garden, a gardener came in apron and became near the grandfather. From now, the outstanding janitor was placed behind the gardener. It was a huge bearded man with gloomy, narrow, ripple. He was dressed in a new pink shirt, on which large black peas went missing rows.

Under the hoisters, stuttering the sounds of Galopa, Sergey spread on the ground a rug, quickly threw the canasic pantalon from his feet (they were sewn from the old bag and behind, in the widest place, decorated with a quadranous factory stamp), dropped the old jacket and stayed in an old trico which, despite numerous patches, deftly covered its fine, but strong and flexible figure. He has already been developed by imitating adults, receptions of the catering acrobat. Steering on the rug, he put his hands on the go to her lips, and then widespread theatrical movement spread them to the parties, as if sending the public two rapid kisses.

Grandfather with one hand continuously spitched the handle of the scarmer, removing the rattling, coughing motive out of it, and the other threw a boy different items that he skillfully picked up on the fly. The repertoire of Sergey was small, but he worked well, "clean," as acrobats say, and with hunting. He vowed up an empty beer bottle, so she blurred himself several times in the air, and suddenly, having caught her neck to the edge of the plate, held it for a few seconds in equilibrium; juggled with four bone balls, as well as two candles, which he simultaneously caught in the candlesticks; Then played at once three different objects - fan, wooden cigar and rain umbrella. They all flew from him in the air, without touching the ground, and suddenly the umbrella was immediately over his head, the cigar in the mouth, and the fan flirtary fooled his face. In conclusion, Sergey himself rebuilt several times on the carpet, made a "frog", showed "American knot" and looked like. Exhausting the whole stock of their "tricks", he again threw two kisses to the public and, breathing heavily, went to the grandfather to replace him with his scarm.

Now there was a turn of Arto. The dog knew this perfectly, and had long been jumping in the excitement by all four paws on the grandfather, who had sideways from the strap, and buried him with a detachment, nervous lame. How much know, maybe a smart poodle wanted to say that, in his opinion, to recklessly engage in acrobatic exercises, when the Reomur shows twenty-two degrees in the shadows? But Grandfather Imboke with a cunning look pulled out a thin crossiel whip from the back. "So I knew!" - with annoyance stuck in last time Arto and lazily, repeatedly rose to the hind legs, not bringing the blinking eyes from the owner.

- serve, Arto! So, so, so ... - said the old man, holding a poodle of a whip over his head. - Invert. So. Invert ... more, more ... Dance, doggy, dance! .. Sit down! What about? Do not want? Sit down, tell you. Ah ... something! Look! Now say hello to the most accurate public! Well! ARTO! - The voice of Lododzhkin trembled.

"GAV!" - broke with the disgust of the poodle. Then he looked, plaintively blinking his eyes, on the owner and added two more times: "Gav, Gav!"

"No, I don't understand me my old man!" - I heard in this dissatisfied Laa.

- This is another thing. Politeness primarily. Well, now we jump a little bit, "the old man continued, stretching low above the ground whip. - Alla! Nevertheless, brother, tongue tongue. Alla! .. Gop! Perfectly! And well, even, Noh Ein Mal ... Alla! .. Hop! Alley! Gop! Wonderful, doggy. Come home, I will give you carrots. And you do not eat carrots? I forgot at all. Then take my chill and ask the Lord. Maybe they give you anything like something more.

The old man raised the dog to the hind legs and stuck her in her mouth his ancient, fearful carduz, which he with such a thin humor called "Cylindra". Holding a carriage in the teeth and overgrowing his walking legs, Arto approached the terrace. In the hands of a painful lady, a small pearl wallet appeared. All surrounding smiled sympathetically.

- What? I did not tell you? "The grandfather whispered sisper, leaning toward Sergey." - You ask me: I'm, brother, I know everything. No less than the ruble.

At this time, from the terrace, there was such a desperate, sharp, almost inhuman cry, that confused Arto dropped out of his mouth and scrapping, with a tailed tail, fearfully looking back, rushed to the legs of his owner.

- I want, yah! - rushed, drowning legs, curly boy. - To me! Want! Dog-U-y! Trillie wants a soba-a-aku-y ...

- Oh my god! Oh! Nikolai Apollonch! .. Batyushka Barin! .. Calm down, Trillil, I beg you! - Again, people on the balcony were launched.

- Dog! Feed a dog! Want! Drying, devils, fools! - I went out of myself.

- But, my angel, do not upset myself! - Floas the lady in the blue hood over him. - Do you want to stroke a dog? Well, good, good, my joy, now. Doctor, as you think, can Trillley stroke this dog?

- Generally speaking, I would not advise, - spread it my hands, - but if reliable disinfection, for example, boric acid or a weak solution of carboles, then ... in general ...

- Soba A-Aku!

- Now, my charm, now. So, the doctor, we will order to wash it out by boric acid and then ... but, trilli, do not worry so! Old man, please, please your dog here. Do not be afraid, you will pay. Listen, is you not sick? I want to ask, she is not mad? Or maybe she has echinococci?

- I do not want to stroke, I do not want! - Trillilly roared, launching mouth and nose bubbles. - I want completely! Fools, devils! To me! I want to play yourself ... forever!

"Listen, the old man, go here," the lady was raised to shout. - Ah, Trillil, you will kill my mother with your cry. And why only let these musicians allowed! Yes, go closer, even closer ... more, you tell you! .. So ... oh, do not be sad, Trillil, Mom will do whatever you want. I beg you. Miss, and so calm finally the child ... Doctor, I ask you ... How much do you want, old man?

Grandpa removed the carriage. His face took a courteous, orphan expression.

- How much of your grace will be pleased, lady, vashchovenia) ... We are small people, we are all gives - good ... tea, the old man yourself will not hurt ...

- Oh, how are you stupid! Trilli, you will get sick. After all, understand that the dog is yours, not mine. Well, how much? Ten? Fifteen? Twenty?

- Aaaa! I want it! Give the dog, give a dog, - screamed the boy, pushing a lake in a round belly leg.

"That is ... I'm sorry, your beggar," Lodyzhkin jumped. "I am an old man, stupid ... Immediately, I don't understand ... In addition, it's deaf enough ... That is, how do you ignite it? .. for a dog? ..

- Ah, my God! .. You seem to be deliberately pretending to be an idiot? - I boiled the lady. - Nanny, let the trilli of the water! I ask you a Russian language, how much do you want to sell your dog? You see, your dog, a dog ...

- Dog! Dog-Aku! - Foured louder than the previous boy.

Lodyzzhkin was offended and put on the head of the card.

"Dogs, a lady, not trading," he said it coldly and with dignity. "And this dog, madam, can be said, we have two," he showed a thumb over the shoulder on Sergey, "we feed two, they will eat and dress up. And it is impossible for this that, for example, to sell.

Trillil Meanwhile, shouted with a steaming whistle. A glass of water was served him, but he fastened him in the face of the governess.

- Yes, listen, a crazy old man! .. There is no thing that would not be sold, "the lady insisted, squeezing her whiskey with his palms. "Miss, wipe the face as soon as possible and give me my migrenine." Maybe your dog is worth a hundred rubles? Well, two hundred? Three hundred? Yes, answer the same, the idol! Doctor, tell him anything, for God's sake!

"Colive, Sergey," sullenly grumbled Lodyzhan. - ISTU-KA-N ... Arto, come here! ..

- Uh, waiting, courtesy, - the entangleant bass stretched out thick gentlemen in golden glasses. - You would not break better, my cute, that's what you say. Dog your ten rubles a red price, and even together with you to put it ... You think, donkey, how much you give you!

"Thank you more. Thank you, Barin, but only ... - Lododzhkin, groachty, threw a scarmer by the shoulders. - Only in no way this thing does not go out to, it means to sell. You're better than any other dog, look ... stay happily ... Sergey, go ahead!

- Do you have a passport? - Suddenly the doctor roared Grozno. - I know you, Channelails!

- Janitor! Semen! Chase them! - screamed with a lady face distorted from anger.

The gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with an ominous look approached the artists. The terrace rose a terrible, multi-haired gam: Revived by the good Mate Trilli, his mother groaned, the patter was launched with a raised bar, a dense bass, exactly angry Bumblebee, buzzed Dr.. But grandfather and Sergey really did not have time to see what it would end. Preceded fairly struck poodies, they rushed to the gate with almost running. And followed by the janitor, pushing the back, in the scarm, and spoke to a threatening voice:

- Shot here, Labardians! Thank you yet, that along the neck, old hell, did not work. And another time you come, so know, you will not be shy with you, you will not be a zoom and painting to Mr. Trick. Shantrap!

For a long time, the old man and the boy walked silently, but suddenly, exactly in a persuade, looked at each other and laughed: first, Sergey turned around, and

then, looking at him, but with some embarrassment, smiled and skidger.

- What, grandfather Lodyzhan? You know everything? - teased him Lukovo Sergey.

- Yes, brother. We wound up with you, - shook the head of the old floresman. - Yazvaya, however, a boy ... as him, that, they raised his jester, take it? Tell me for mercy: twenty-five people around him dancing dancing. Well, be in my power, I would be spelled out to him. Serve, says a dog? Stage What? He wanted the moon from the sky, so give him a moon? Look here, Arto, appearance, my dog. Well, the day was set today. Amazing!

- What is better! - continued to eat Sergey's evidence. - One lady dress gave, another virgin gave. All of you, Grandfather Ishkin, you know.

"And you pick up, a backhead," the old man snapped good-naturedly. - How did you fly away from the janitor, remember? I thought, and not catch up with me. A serious man is this janitor.

Coming out of the park, the stray troupe went down to steep, a rash path to the sea. Here the mountains, retreating a little back, gave place to an unbreakable flat strip covered with smooth, covered with a touch of stones, which now, with a quiet rustle, gently splashed the sea. Seedlings in two hundred from the coast were tumbled in the water dolphins, showing her fat, round back for a moment. Away on the horizon, where the blue atlas of the sea was idle with a dark blue velvet ribbon, stood immobally slim, a little bit in the sun, sails of fishing boats.

"Here and get out, grandfather Imboke," said Sergey decisively. He had already managed to jump on the go, on one, then on the other foot, to pull himself with himself. - Let me give you an authority to remove.

He quickly undressed, slaughtered himself with his palms on bare, chocolate from the tan body and rushed into the water, lifting the boosing foams around him.

Grandfather undressed not in a hurry. Hooking his eyes with his palm from the sun and squinting, he looked at Sergey with a love grin.

"Wow grows by the boy," I was thinking about myklencin, "in order that the bony - won all the ribs, and still the guy will be strong."

- Hey, earrings! You hurt the distance do not cry. Sea pig will take off.

- And I am for the tail! - shouted from Sergey.

Grandfather stood for a long time in the sun, tasting under his arms. He came into the water very carefully and, before he plunge, diligently urine himself a red bald tree and the shouldy-boke. He had a yellow, flabby and powerless, legs - strikingly thin, and the back with an outstanding sharp shovels was snugged from a long storm drainage.

- Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, Look! - shouted Sergey.

He rebuilt in the water, throwing his legs through his head. Grandfather, who already climbed into the water on the belt and squatted in it with blissful grooves, shouted anxiously:

- Well, you do not indulge, pig. Look! I T-you!

Arto frantically buried and jumping along the shore. He was bothering that the boy was swimming so far.

"What to show your bravery? - Poodle worried. - There are earth - and go on the ground. Much calmer. "

He himself climbed into the water on his belly and twisted her tongue two or three times. But salty water He did not like, and light waves fucked about coastal gravel, scared him. He jumped ashore and began to bark on Sergey again. "What are these stupid focuses? Would sit at the shore, next to the old man. Oh, how much anxiety with this boy! "

- Hey, Seryozha, get out, or in fact, will be you! - called the old man.

"Now, Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, a steamer sailing." U-U-Ukh!

He finally walked down to the shore, but before dressing, grabbed Arto and, returning himself to the sea, threw him away into the water. The dog immediately floated back, putting out only one face with the ears popped up to the top, loud and offended snort. Jumping into land, she shook with all the body, and the clouds splash flew to the old man and in Sergey.

- Wait-ka, Seryozha, in no way, is it to us? - said Skodzhakin, looking closely up, on the mountain.

Along the path quickly descended down, unintelligible shouting and waving his hands, the same gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with black peas, which a quarter of an hour ago he drove a wandering troupe from giving.

- What does he need? - asked the grandfather with a perplexity.

The janitor continued to shout, running down the awkward trot, and the sleeves of his shirt were quenched in the wind, and the sinus was inflated like a sail.

- Oh-go! .. Wait Troops! ..

"And so that you didn't hang out you," the ankle grumbled angrily. - It's about the artist again.

- Come on, grandfather, put him! - Bravely suggested Sergey.

- Well, you, quench ... And what kind of people, I'm sorry for the Lord! ..

- You are what ... - Beginned by the breatht, the janitor still published. - Sell, what, ps? Well, no Slady with Panych. Roars like a body. "Feed Yes Support a dog ..." Baryna sent, buy, says, whatever it cost.

- Quite even stupid it is from your baryni! - he was angry suddenly the skullcan, which here, on the shore, felt much more confident than on someone else's dacha. - And again, what is she such a lady to me? You may be a lady, and I don't care a cousin. And please ... I ask you ... You leave from us, the sake of Christ ... And that ... and do not stick.

But the janitor did not lose. He sat down on the stones, next to the old man, and said, awkwardly, in front of him with his fingers:

- Yes, you understand, a fool-man ...

"From the fool and hear," the grandfather snapped calmly.

- Yes, wait ... not to that I am ... that's right, what a ray of frustration ... You think: Well, what is your dog? I picked up another puppy, learned to stand dust, here's a dog again. Well? Income, what, am I saying? BUT?

Grandpa carefully tied the belt around the pants. For persistent questions of the janitor, he answered with the delinted indifference:

- And here, the brother you are mine, immediately - the figure! Said the janitor. - Two hundred, and not that three hundred casual prosecution! Well, usually, I'm some kind of work ... You think only: three hundredths! After all, it is possible to open a grocery ...

Thus, the janitor pulled a piece of sausage from his pocket and threw his poodle.

Arto caught him on the fly, swallowed in one reception and distorted with a tail.

- Cumshot? - Briefly asked Lodyzhan.

- Yes, there is nothing long and fingered. Come on PSA - and by hand.

"Ta-Ak-S," grandfather handed over. - Sell, then a dog?

- Usually - to sell. What are you still? The main thing, the panic is so affected. What I wanted, so the whole house was passing. Serve - and that's it. It's still without a father, but when father ... The saints are ours! .. Everyone's legs go. Barin we have an engineer, maybe heard Mr. Eally? Over all of Russia, railways are building. Meloner! And we have a boy one. And jet. I want to continue live - I understand you. I want a boat - you have a suspicious boat. As there is nothing, nothing to refuse ...

- And the moon?

- That is, in which sense?

- I say, he never wanted the moon from the sky?

- Well ... They also say - the moon! - I was confused Janitor. "So how, Mil Man, Lada with us, or what?"

Grandfather, who has managed at this time to put on his brown, green on the seams of a jacket, proudly straightened, as far as he allowed the forever bent back.

"I'll tell you one, a guy," he began not without solemnity. - Approximately if you have

there was a brother or, let's say, a friend who, it means, from the Syvothy himself. Wait, friend, you do not blend sausage with a sausage ... it's better to eat ... that, brother, you can't get it. I say, if you had the most that neither true friend... which is Syzduty ... how much would you sell it approximately?

- equated too! ..

- Here and equated. You are so telling your Barina, who railway Builds, "Grandfather's voice elevated. - So say: not all, they say, for sale, what is bought. Yes! You are not a smooth dog better, it's nothing. Arto, go here, dog son, I'm t-you! Sergey, take away.

"You're old fool," the janitor finally suffered.

"Fool, yes, father, and you are Ham, Judas, a selling soul," Ishkin chatted. "You will see your shareholder, bow to her, say: from ours, they say, with love with your Low bow." Cut the carpet, Sergey! Eh, my back, Spin! Let's go to.

- So, Ta-AK! .. - I mean the janitor meaningfully.

- With the same take! - Znorly answered the old man.

Artists swept along sea Shore, again up, on the same road. Looking at randomly back, Sergey saw that the janitor was following them. His appearance was thoughtful and sullen.

He focused on the whole five under the capped his shaggy red headlock on his eyes.

Grandfather Lodyzhan was a long time ago one corner between Mishhor and Alupka, a book from the lower road, where it was great to have breakfast. He he led his companions there. Not far from the bridge, shifted through a rare and dirty mountain stream, ran out from under the ground, in the shade of curves of oaks and dense nuts, speaking, cold stream of water. She did round shallow reservoir in the soil, from which he escaped in the stream of a thin snake, glistened in the grass like a living silver. Near this spring in the morning and in the evenings, it was always possible to catch pious Turks who fought water and worked out their sacred ablutions.

"Our sins are serious, and stocks are scarce," said Grandfather, sitting in a coolness under Ozhnik. - Well, Seryozha, Lord bless!

He took out bread bag, a dozen of red tomatoes, a piece of bessarab cheese "Cheese" and a bottle with olive oil. Salt was tied to the nodule of a cloth of dubious purity. Before eating the old man was baptized for a long time and whispered something. Then he broke the scratch of bread into three uneven parts: one, the biggest, he stretched out Sergey (small grows - he needs to eat), the other, smaller, left for the poodle, the smallest took himself.

- In the name of the Father and Son. The eyes of everyone on Ta, Lord, are relieved, he whispered, fussily distributing portions and watering them from the bottle of oil. - Talk, Seryozha!

Not in a hurry, slowly, in silence, how true workers eat, they began three for their modest lunch. It was only audible, as we chewed three pairs of jaws. Arto eating his share as a sideline, stretched out on his stomach and putting both front paws on bread. Grandfather and Sergey alternately Makali in salt ripe tomatoes, of which the tech on their lips and the hands are red, like blood, juice, and joined their cheese and bread.

Satisfied, they drunk water, substituting a tin mug under a stream. The water was transparent, beautiful taste and so cold that there was even a mug from her outside.

The day fever and the long path of the artists who stood today a little light. The grandfather had eyes sticking. Sergey Zeval and squeezed.

- What, brother, do we go to sleep for a minute? - Deduchka asked .- give me the last time the water was drinking. Wow, good! - He rushed, take away from the mug of his mouth and severely translating his breath, meanwhile as light drops fled from his mustache and beard. - If I were king, everything was drinking this water ... in the morning until night! Arto, Icy, here! Well, God I drink, no one saw, and who saw, he did not hurt ... Oh-Oh-Honyushka-and!

The old man and the boy lay down next to the grass, the old jackets under his heads under the head. The dark foliage of the coronal, spreading oaks noishes over their heads. Through it, blue blue sky. The stream, who escaped from stone on a stone, was murmured so monotonous and so inchiborated, just fascinated by someone his hypnosis. Grandfather grumbled for some time, Kryjahtel and said something, but Sergey seemed that his voice sounds from some soft and sleepy given, and the words were incomprehensible as in a fairy tale.

- First thing - I will buy you a suit: Pink triko with gold ... Shoes are also pink, satin ... in Kiev, in Kharkov or, for example, let's say, in the city of Odessa - there, brother, what circus! .. Lanterns apparently -newimy ... All electricity burns ... people, maybe thousand five, or even more ... Why do I know? The last name we are in writing the Italian. What is the name of Estheeev or, let's say, Lodyzhan? Chaphag one - there is no imagination in it. And we will launch you in the poster - Antonio or, for example, too good - Enrico or Alfindo ...

Further, the boy did not hear anything. Gentle and sweet dorms took possession of them, having waking and exhausting his body. He fell asleep and grandfather who lost his favorite afternoon thread about the brilliant circus of the future of Sergey. Once, he seemed to him through sleep that Arto was growing on someone. For a moment, in his blurred head, a semi-conscious and anxious memory was slid about a long janitor in a pink shirt, but, sprawled to sleep, fatigue and heat, he could not stand, but only lazy, with his eyes closed, called the dog:

- Arto ... where? I t-you, tramp!

But his thoughts immediately descended and broke into heavy and shapeless visions.

- Arto, ICI! Back! Fun, Fly, Fly! Arto, back!

- What are you, Sergey, scream? - I asked Lodyzhagn displeased, with difficulty painting the crushed hand.

- We slept the dog, that's what! - The boy answered rudely irritated voice. - Doggy disappeared.

He whistled sharply and shouted again long:

- Arto-Oh!

"You invent nonsense! .. Returns," Grandpa told. However, he quickly stood on his feet and began to shout a dog angry, syple from sleep, senile falsetto: - Arto, here, dog son!

He hurriedly, small, confused margins, ran across the bridge and rose up on the highway, without ceasing to call the dog. In front of him lay a prominent eye on the pillar, a smooth, bright way of the road, but on it - not a single figure, nor shadow.

- Arto! Arian-Shen-ka! - Heavyly overwhelmed the old man. But suddenly he stopped, bent low to the road and squatted.

- Yes, here it is what business is! - said the old man with a fallen voice. - Sergey! Seryozha, sound here.

- Well, what else? - Roughly responded the boy, coming to the skipper. - I found yesterday?

- Seryozha ... What is it? .. That's what it is? You understand? - barely audible asked an old man.

He looked at the boy with a pitiful, confused eyes, and his hand, showing right to the ground, went in all directions. On the road in white dust, a rather large disarmed scraper of sausages was lying around, and next to him in all directions traces of dog paws were imprinted.

- After all, a scoundrel, a dog! - The grandfather whispered frightened, still sitting squatting. "No one, like him," something clear ... Remember, let the sea, he has fallen with a sausage.

"Clear thing," Sergey repeated gloomily and with anger.

The grandfather's widely opened eyes were suddenly filled with large tears and quickly flashed. He closed them with his hands.

- What should I do now, Seriezhenka? BUT? Do something to us now? - asked the old man, swinging back and forth and helplessly sobbing.

- What to do what to do! - Angrily mad him Sergey. - Get up, grandfather Lodyzzhkin, let's go! ..

"Let's go," sadly repeated the old man, waving from the ground. - Well, let's go, Serious!

Sergei closed out of patience, shouted on the old man, as on the little:

- Will you, the old man, fooling something. Where is it seen to Vessel, so that other people's dogs to lure? What do you slapping on me? Like I say? Right come and say: "Come back the dog!" And no - to the world, that's the whole tale.

- To the world ... yes ... of course ... this is true, to the world ... - with a meaningless, bitter smile repeated the skullcin. But his eyes awkward and confusedly ran. - To the world ... Yes ... Only this is, Seriezhenka ... does not come out this case ... so that the world ...

- How does it not come out? The law is one for all. What to watch them in your teeth? - An impatiently interrupted the boy.

- And you, Seryozha, not ... Do not be angry with me. The dog will not be returned with you. - Grandfather mysteriously lowered his voice. - As for patchport, I fear. I heard that divecha lord said? Asks: "Do you have a patchport?" Here she is what story. And for me, - Grandfather made a frightened face and whispered barely heard, - I, Seryozha, Patchport, someone else's.

- How is someone else?

- That's something else. I lost my own in Taganrog, and maybe stolen it with me. Two years later, I twisted: hiding, the bribes gave, wrote petitions ... Finally I see, there is no my opportunity, I live exactly the hare - everyone fear. There was no fortunate at all. And here in Odessa, at night, one Greek turned up. "It says, sowing trifles. Putting, says old man, on the table twenty-five rubles, and I will provide you forever patchport. " I spread my mind back and forth. Eh, I think, disappear my head. Come on, say. And since then, my dear, so I live on someone else's patchport.

- Ah, grandfather, grandfather! - Deep, with tears in the chest sighed Sergey. - I really feel sorry for me ... The dog is very good very ...

- Serious, my native! - stretched out the old man trembling hands. - Yes, if I only have a patchport real, would I glanced that they are generals? For the throat would take! .. "How so? Allow! What is the full right of other strangers to steal? What kind of law on it is? " Now we have a lid, seinery. I will come to the police - the first thing: "Apply Patchport! Are you Martyn Lodyzkin Samara Martyn? " - "I, Vashbishrody". And I, Brantz, and not Lododzhkin at all and not a trades, but a peasant, Ivan Dudkun. And whoever this skidger is one God knows him. How much I know, maybe thorish what or a runaway convict? Or maybe even the clever? No, Seryozha, nothing we do nothing ... Nothing, Head. ..

The grandfather's voice cut off and choke. Tears again flowed in deep, brown from the sunshine. Sergey, who listened to the weakened old man silently, with tightly clenched eyebrows, pale from excitement, suddenly took him under the mouse and began to raise.

"Let's go, grandfather," he said immensely and affectionately at the same time. - To the line Patchport, let's go! Do not spend the night on a big road.

"You're my dear, native," said, shaking with all the body, an old man. - The dog is so very taning ... Our arthleka is our ... Another such will not be with us ...

"Okay, okay ... get up," Sergey ordered. - Let me clear you from dust. You're at all I have Raskis, grandfather.

On this day, artists no longer worked. Despite his young age, Sergey well understood the entire fateful meaning of this scary word "patchport." Therefore, he did not insist anymore on any further investigations of Arto, nor on the world, nor on other decisive measures. But while he walked next to the grandfather until the night, he did not have a new, stubborn and focused expression, rightly he conceived something extremely serious and big.

Do not claim, but, obviously, one of the same secret motivation, they deliberately made a significant hook in order to continue to pass by "friendship."

Before the gates, they detained a bit, in the vague hope to see Arto or even hear from published him Lai.

But the carved gate of the magnificent cottage was tightly closed, and in the shady garden under slender sad cypresses was an important, calm, fragrant silence.

"Will you, let's go," the boy ordered himself and pulled his companion for the sleeve.

- Serezhenka, maybe there will be another artist from them? - Suddenly the grandfather sobs. - BUT? What do you think dear?

But the boy did not answer the old man. He walked ahead with big, solid steps. His eyes stubbornly looked down on the road, and thin eyebrows angrily moved to the transfer.

Silently reached Alupka. Grandfather All the road of the crackler and sighed, Sergey retained an evil, decisive expression on his face. They stopped for overnight in the dirty Turkish coffee shop, which worn the brilliant name "Oldyz", which means the Turkish "Star". Together with them the Greek-Kamenotesians, dealers-Turks, several people of Russian workers who interrupted with a fit work, as well as a few dark, suspicious vagrants, whom so much walks in the south of Russia. All of them, as soon as the coffee closed at a certain hour, ruled on the benches standing along the walls, and right on the floor, and those that were more expensive, put everything that had all the most valuable out of things and out of dress.

It was far over midnight when Sergei, who was lying on the floor next to his grandfather, carefully rose and began to dress silently. Through the wide windows, the pale light of the month was raised into the room, he washed the oblique, trembling binding along the floor and, falling on the sleeping podsuka of people, attached to them to their faces an afflicted and dead expression.

- Where are you going to wear, Maltsuk? - Sleepily called Sergey at the door of the host of coffee, young Turks Ibrahim.

- skip. I need! "Surovo, Sergey answered a business tone. - Yes, get up, or a Turkish blade!

Yawning, scratching and scarcely smoking by the language, Ibrahim Outside the door. The narrow streets of the Tatar bazaar were immersed in a thick dark blue shadow, which covered the entire pavement with a gear pattern and concerned the foot of the other, the illuminated side, sharply whitish in the moonlight with its low walls. On the distant outskirts of the town of Doggy. From somewhere, from the upper highway, the ringing and fractional horses drowned, which fled the internity.

Passing white, with a green dome, in the form of a bulb, a mosque, surrounded by a silent crowd of dark cypresses, the boy descended on a close curve to the lane on a big way. For ease, Sergey did not take the upper clothes with him, remaining in one trite. The month shone him in the back, and the shadow of the boy fled ahead of him with a black, strange, shortened silhouette. On both sides of the highway, a dark curly shrub was attached. Some kind of bird shouted in it monotonously, through smooth gaps, a thin, gentle voice: "I sleep! .. I sleep! .." And it seemed that she had a silent silence in the night silence, and fighting sleeping and fighting fatigue, and quiet, without hope, complains of someone: "I sleep, sleep! .." And over dark bushes and over the bluish caps of distant forests rummaged, resting with its two teeth in the sky, Ai-Petri - so light, sharp, air As if he was carved from a gigantic piece of silver cardboard.

Sergey was a little terribly among this magnificent silence, in which his steps were so distinctly and boldly, but at the same time in his heart it was poured some kind of tickling, dizzying courage. At one turn suddenly opened the sea. Huge, calm, it quietly and solemnly sounded. From the horizon to the shore stretched narrow, trembling silver track; Among the sea, she disappeared, - only in some places, her sparkles broke out, - and suddenly the very lands were widely splashing the alive, sparkling metal, washing the shore.

Spearly slipped Sergey to a wooden wicket leading to the park. There, under thick trees, it was completely dark. The noise of the restless stream was heard and his raw, cold breathing was felt. Clearly lit up under legs wooden bridge outfill. Water under it was black and terrible. Now, finally, the high cast iron gates, patterned, accurately lace, and accused by creeping wisterial stems. Moonlight, breaking through the thicket of trees, slid along the car's carot weak phosphoric stains. On the other side was darkness and sensiblely buggy silence.

There were a few moments during which Sergey was experiencing fluctuations in the shower, almost fear. But he will concern these troubling feelings and whispered:

- And yet I will climb! Does not matter!

It was not difficult to climb him. Elegant cast iron curls, which made up the pattern of the gate, served as loyal points of support for tenacious hands and small muscular legs. Above the gate at a high height spread from a pillar on a widespread stone arch. Sergei Slap took off on her, then, lying on his stomach, lowered his legs down, on the other side, and became little to face all the torso, without ceasing to look for some protracks. Thus, he already completely tightened through the arch, keeping her edge with fingers of the elongated hands, but his legs still did not meet supports. He could not figure out the day that the arch over the gate acted inside much further than the dodder, and as his hands were crying and how heavierly hung down the exhaust body, horror penetrated his soul.

Finally he could not stand. His fingers clinging to the sharp corner were broken, and he rapidly flew down. He heard a large gravel under him under him, and felt acute lap in his knees. For a few seconds, he stood on all fours, stunned by a drop. It seemed to him that all the inhabitants of the cottages were now awake, a gloomy janitor will come running in a pink shirt, a cry, turmoil ... But, as before, there was a deep, important silence in the garden. Only some low, monotonous, buzzing sound was broadcast all over the garden:

"Zhu ... zhzhj ... zhzhj ..."

"Oh, because it's noise in my ears!" - He guessed Sergey. He rose to his feet; Everything was scary, mysterious, fabulously beautiful in the garden, precisely filled with fragrant dreams. At the flowerbeds were quietly staggering, leaning over each other with an unclear anxiety, as if he was whispering and peeping, barely visible in the dark flowers. Slender, dark, odorous cypresses were slowly nodded with their sharp tops with a thoughtful and striculant expression. And behind the stream, in more often the bushes, the little tired bird fought with a dream and repeated with the submissive complaint: "I sleep! .. I sleep! .. Sleep! .." At night, among the trees that were confused on the tracks, Sergey did not recognize the places. He wandered for a long time for creaking gravel until he went to the house.

Never in life, the boy did not experience such a painful feeling of complete helplessness, abandonment and loneliness, as now. The huge house seemed to him filled with merciless faded enemies, which secretly, with an evil grin, followed the dark windows behind each movement of a small, weak boy. Silently and impatiently waited for the enemies of some signal, they were waiting for someone's angry, deafening terrible orders.

- Only not in the house ... in her house it can not be! - whispered as a dream, boy. - In the house she will put out, get bored ...

He walked around the cottage. On the back side, on a wide yard, several buildings were located, simpler and simple looks, obviously intended for servants. Here, as well as in a big house, there was no fire in one window; Only a month reflected in dark glasses dead uneven glitter. "Do not leave from here, never leave! .." Sergey thought with melancholy. He remembered to the MiG grandfather, the old Charmana, overnightlies in coffee, breakfasts in cool sources. "Nothing, nothing will no longer!" - sadly repeated Sergey about himself. But the more hopeless his thoughts became, the more fear was inferior in his soul a place of some stupid and calm-angry despair.

Thin, like groaning screams suddenly touched his hearing. The boy stopped, not breathing, with tense muscles, stretching out on tiptoe. The sound repeated. It seemed that he came out of the stone basement, about whom Sergey stood and who was communicated with the outer air near the coarse, small quadrangular holes without glasses. Stepping on some kind of flower curtain, the boy came up to the wall, put his face to one of the trunns and whistled. Silent, the awesome noise was heard somewhere below, but immediately sat down.

- Arto! Artist! - called Sergey trembling in a whisper.

A frantic, broken Lai immediately filled the entire garden, recalled in all its corners. In this lae, together with joyful greetings, the complaint was mixed, and anger, and a feeling of physical pain. It was heard, like a dog rushed in a dark basement, rushing from something to free.

- Arto! Dog! .. Arteshenka! .. - I fought a boy with a crying voice.

- Ksyz, Pokyana! - rang out the brutal, bass cry. - y, cautious!

Something shouted in the basement. The dog was overwhelmed with a long intermittent war.

- Do not dare beat! Do not dare beat the dog, damned! - screaming in a frenzy Sergey, scratching a stone wall with nails.

Everything that happened later, Sergey remembered vaguely, for sure in some turbulent hot delight. The door of the basement widespread and swallowed out, and the janitor ran out of it. In one underwear, barefoot, bearded, pale from the bright light of the Moon, fighters right in his face, he seemed to be Sergey a giant, angry fabulous monster.

- Who wanders here? Shoot! - Zagozal, exactly thunder, his voice in the garden. - The thieves! Robby!

But at the same moment from the darkness of the opened door, like a white jumping lump, jumped out with Lace Arto. On his neck, his rope scribe was dangling.

However, the boy was not to the dog. The Grozny appearance of the janitor embraced his supernatural fear, tied his legs, paralyzed all his little subtle body. But, fortunately, this tetanus continued not long. Almost unconsciously, Sergey was emptied piercing, a long, desperate cry and at random, without seeing the road, without remembering himself from fright, it was set off to flee away from the basement.

He rushed like a bird, tight and often hitting the land with his feet, which suddenly become strong, just two steel springs. Next to him grew, pouring away with joyful lame, Arto. Rearly rumbled in the sand of the janitor, fiercely leaning some kind of curses.

With a scope, Sergey jumped to the gate, but I didn't think instantly, but rather instinctively felt that there were no roads. There was a narrow dark loophole between the stone wall and growing along it by cypresses. Without thinking, subordinate to one sense of fear, Sergey, hitting, whining in her and ran along the wall. The sharp needles of cypresses, densely and snatching resin, whipped him in the face. He stumbled on the roots, fell, breaking his hands into the blood, but immediately got up, not noticing even pain, and again ran ahead, bent almost twice, not hearing his scream. Arto rushed after him.

So he ran through a narrow corridor formed on the one hand - a high wall, on the other - closely built by cypresses, fled, accurately

little distraught from the horror of the animal, caught in an infinite trap. He dryed in his mouth, and every breath of Kolol in the breast with a thousand needles. The topot of the janitor came to the right, then to the left, and the boy lost her head rushed forward, then back, several times run past the gate and again diving into the dark, close loophole.

Finally, Sergey was out of his strength. Through the wild horror they began to gradually master the cold, sluggish longing, stupid indifference to any danger. He sat down under the tree, pressed against his trunk to the body to be exhausted from fatigue and grumbled his eyes. Closer and closer crunched sand under the rank steps of the enemy. Artho quietly wondered by bugging the face in his knees of Sergey.

Two steps from the boy looked at the branches, spread by hand. Sergey unconsciously raised his eyes up and suddenly, embraced incredibly joy, jumped into one shock on his feet. He just now noticed that the wall opposite the place where he was sitting was very low, no more than one and a half Arshin. True, the top of her was stubborn with bottled fragments, but Sergey did not think about it. MiG grabbed the trunk of Arto and put it with the front paws on the wall. Smart dog understood it perfectly. He quickly climbed onto the wall, waved his tail and clutched victoriously.

Following it, I found himself on the wall and Sergey, just at the time when a large dark figure looked out of the broken branches of cypresses. Two flexible, deft bodies - dogs and a boy - quickly and gently jumped down on the road. Following it, like a dirty stream, bad, swear swearing.

Whether the janitor was less agile than two friends, whether he was tired of a grown in the garden or simply did not hoped to catch up with the fugitives, but he did not pursue them anymore. Nevertheless, they still fled to rest for a long time, both strong, deft, precisely painted by the joy of deliverance.

His ordinary frivolity soon returned to the poodle. Sergey still looked around fearfully back, and Arto had already poured on him, enthusiastically hanging out the ears and sniffing the rope, and everything was illuminated to lick him from running on the lips.

The boy came to himself only at the source, at that very, where in the afternoon they had a grandfather had breakfast. Putting together mouths to the cold water, a dog and a man long and greedily swallowed fresh, tasty water. They repelled each other, raised for a minute up the head to translate the spirit, and the water was dripped from the lips, and again with a new thirst, they were driving to the water, without being able to break away from him. And when they finally fell off from the source and went further, then the water splashed and bouffalla in their crowded belly. Danger passed, all the horrors of this night were without a trace, and both fun and easily went on a white road, a brightly lit moon, between dark shrubs, from which it was already pulled by the morning damp and the sweet smell of the refreshing leaf.

In Coffee "Yldyz", Ibrahim met a boy with a reproach whisper:

- And still silence, Maltsuk? Studently stuck? Wai-Wai-Wai, Nehoroso ...

Sergey did not want to wake the grandfather, but this was done for him. In an instant, he found an old man among his pile of piles on the floor and, before he managed to come to his senses, licked him with a joyful squeal cheek, eyes, nose and mouth. The grandfather woke up, saw on her poodle rope, saw the boy covered next to him, and understood everything. He turned to Sergey for clarification, but could not achieve anything. The boy was already asleep, swaying on the sides of the hand and the widespread mouth.

A. I. Kubrin

A. I. Kubrin

White Poodle

Narrow mountain paths, from one cottage village to another, made his way along the southern shore of the Crimea a small stray troupe. Ahead ordered, the twilight of a long pink tongue, a white poodle Arto, sked like a lion. At the intersection, he stopped and, waving his tail, looked back in question. For some other famous signs, he always unmistakably recognized the road and, having fun bungling with the shaggy ears, rushed gallop forward. A twelve-year-old boy Sergey was walking behind the dog, who kept the rolled carpet for acrobatic exercises under the left elbow, and the right and dirty cage with a spon, trained to pull out multicolored paper with predictions to the future life from the drawer. Finally, a senior member of the troupe was made behind, the grandfather Martyn Imbolkin, with a scrathed back.

The Sharmannka was an old, who suffered hoarse, cough and enduring in his century not one tet of repair. She played two things: a sad German Waltz Launner and a gallop from "Travels to China" - both former years old about thirty-forty years ago, on now everyone forgotten. In addition, there were two treacherous pipes in the scarm. At one - Dotkanaya - a voice disappeared; She did not play at all, and therefore, when the turn came to her, then all the music began to stutter, wipe and stumble. In another pipe that has published a low sound, the valve did not immediately close: once the progress, she pulled the same bass note, drowning and knocking all the other sounds, until she suddenly had a desire to silence. Grandfather himself realized these flaws of his car and sometimes noticed jokingly, but with a shade of secret sadness:

- What can you do? .. an ancient organ ... colder ... Play - Dachnips offended: "Fu, say, what is the nasty!" But the plays were very good, fashionable, but only the current gentlemen do not adore our music. They are now "Geisha", "under the double-headed eagle", from the "bird seller" - Waltz. Again, these pipes ... I wore the author to the master - and it is not taken to repair. "It is necessary, says new pipes to put, and best, say, sell your sour blessed in the museum ... It seems like some monument ..." Well, yes, oh well! She fed us with you, Sergey, so far, God will give and still feed.

Grandfather Martyn Lododzhkin loved his scold in the way you can only love the living, close, perhaps, even a related creature. Having spoiled with her for many years of heavy stray life, he finally began to see something lightweight in it, almost conscious. It sometimes happened that at night, during the night, somewhere on a dirty inn of the courtyard, a Charmana, standing on the floor, next to Grandfather headboard, suddenly published a weak sound, sad, lonely and trembling: exactly old sigh. Then Skyzkin quietly stroked her along the carved side and whispered gently:

- What, brother? Complaining? .. And you are terrib ...

As much as scarmer, maybe even a little more, he loved his younger satellites in eternal wanderings: Puddle Arto and Little Sergey. The boy he took five years ago "hire" from Zabuldigi, a widow shoemaker, if it is obliged to pay two rubles a month for it. But the shoemaker soon died, and Sergey remained forever connected with his grandfather and soul, and small everyday interests.

The path went along a high coastal cliff, wrilling in the shadow of centenary olives. The sea sometimes flashed between the trees, and then it seemed that, leaving the distance, it at the same time rises up with a calm mighty wall, and his color was still blue, even thicker in patterned reversals, among silver-green foliage. In the grass, in the bushes of Kizil and the wild rosehip, in the vineyards and trees - cicadas were poured everywhere; The air was trembling from their ringing, monotonous, ineffable cry. The day was a sultry, hailless, and the gazing earth focused her legs.

Sergey, who was walking, as usual, ahead of the grandfather, stopped and waited until the old man was stood with him.

- What are you, Seryozha? - asked the floresman.

- Heat, grandfather Ishkin ... There is no patience! To swim ...

The old man on the move with the usual movement of the shoulder corrected the scarmer and wiped the face with a sleeve.

- What would be better! He sighed, greedily glanced down, on the cool blue blue of the sea. - Only after all after the bathing will grow even more. I spoke one familiar Feldsher: Salt this very much on a person ... So, they say, relaxes ... Salt of marine ...

- Ried, maybe? - Doubt said Sergey.

- Well, here, the liner! Why should he lie? A solid man, nonbeid ... Domishko in his Sevastopol. Yes, then here and go down to the sea. Wait, we will reach Uthodko to Mishor, there and the telescope of the Trucks. Before the lunch, it is flattering, swim something ... And then, it means to sleep Troops ... and a great deal ...

Artho, who heard the conversation from behind, turned and ran up to people. His blue good eyes pushed from the heat and looked mightily, and the tunched long tongue shuddered from frequent breathing.

- What, brother Pesk? Heat? - asked grandfather.

The dog was tensely yawned, curling the tongue with a tube, shook his entire body and squeezed finely.

"N-yes, you are my brother, you will not do anything ... It is said: In the sweat of your face," continued in the foot of the face. "We put, you have to say about you, not a face, but a muzzle, but still ... well, I went, went ahead, nothing under my feet ... And I, Seryozha, admit to say, I love when this very warm. The authority is just interferes, but if you do not work, I would have a job somewhere on the grass, in the shadow, the belly, it means up, and lie down. For our old bones, this is the sun is the first thing.

The path descended down, connecting with a wide, solid, like a stone, dazzling and white road. Here the ancient Graft Park began here, in the thick greenery of which beautiful cottages, flower beds, greenhouses and fountains were scattered. Skodzhkin knew these places well; Every year he passed them one after another during the grape season, when the whole Crimea is filled with an elegant, rich and fun public. The bright luxury of the southern nature did not touch the old man, but the Sergey admired Much, formerly for the first time. Magnolia, with their solid and shiny, precisely lacquered leaves and white, with a large plate of magnitude, flowers; Arbors, completely covered with grapes, coating down heavy clusters; huge centuries-old plane with their light bark and mighty krons; Tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - on the flower beds, on the hedge, on the villages - bright, magnificent fragrant roses, - all this did not cease to strike with his lively blooming charm the naive soul of the boy. He expressed his enthusiasm loud, every minute to the old man for the sleeve.

- Grandfather Lodyzhan, and grandfather, look-bow, in the fountain there are golden fish! .. By God, grandfather, Golden, die in place! - shouted the boy, pressing the face to the lattice, stewing the garden with a large swimming pool in the middle. - Grandfather, and peaches! Bone how much! On the same tree!

- I go-go, fool, what the mouth rushed! - pushing his joking old man. - Wait, we will reach the city of Novorossiysk and, it means that we will again approve south. There's really places, - there is something to see. Now, about saying, Sochi will go to you, Adler, Tuapse, and there, brother you, Sukhum, Batum ... Eyes spread out ... Let's say something like a palm tree. Surprise! The trunk of her shaggy, on the manner of felt, and each sheet is so big that both of us to hide the fit.

- By God? - Sergey happily surprised.

- Wait, you will see. Yes, do you never know what? Acehelsyn, for example, or although, say, the same lemon ... saw probably in a bench?

- Just so-so and grows in the air. Without anything, right on the tree, as we, it means, an apple or a pear ... And the people there, the brother, completely dicked: Turks, Pergriki, Circassians are different, everything in the coats and with daggers ... Desperate Narodishka! And then there are, brother, ether. I saw them in the Batum many times.

- Ethies? I know. These are with horns, "Sergey said confidently.

- Rogov, put, they do not have, these are the crude. But black, like boots, and even shine. The ruins are red, thick, and the glazes are white, and the hair curly, as on the black sheep.

- Terrible look ... Ethiopus are these?

- How to say to you? With inappropriate, it is precisely ... You fear a little, well, and then you see that other people are not afraid, and you yourself will become a bed ... There is a lot there, my brother, all sorts of things. Come - you will see. The only bad is fever. Therefore, the swamps around the swamp, and moreover, fry. There are nothing to the local residents, and the emergent person has a bad person. However, we will be with you, Sergey, tearing languages. Climb to a gate. On this dacha, the Lord live very good ... You ask me: I know everything!

But the day turned out to be unsuccessful. They were driven out of one places, barely envyed, in others, at the very first hoarse and bellish sounds of the scarmer, disadvantageously and impatiently waved on them from the balconies with their hands, in the third servants she stated that the "gentlemen are not yet arrival." On two dachas, they, however, paid for the idea, but very little. However, the grandfather no low fee begged. Going out of the fence to the road, he stuck in his pocket with a satisfied look and said good-natured:

- Two yes five, total seven kopecks ... Well, Brother Serie, and this is money. Seven times in seven, "So he fell half thenter, it means that we all are twisted, and we have overnight, and an annexian ankle, in his weakness, you can skip a glass, the ailments of many for the sake of ... Eh, do not understand this gentleman! A dumplings give him a pity, and the Piglet is ashamed ... well, they are told to go away. And you better give at least three kopecks ... I'm not offended, I'm nothing ... Why are it offended?

In general, the skullcin was a modest nrava and, even when he was challenged, did not ropal. But today and he brought one beautiful, complete, very good lady out of usual, very good lady, the owner of an excellent giving, surrounded by a garden with flowers. She carefully listened to music, she looked at the acrobatic exercises of Sergey and on the funny "things" of Arto, after that he asked the boy in detail about how old he and his name is, where he learned the gymnastics who he had an old man what he had to do his parents, etc.; Then he ordered to wait and went into the room.

She did not appear ten minutes, or even a quarter of an hour, and the longer the time stretched, the more uncertain, but tempting hopes were growing up with artists. Grandfather even whispered the boy, covering from caution with his palm, like a shield:

- Well, Sergey, our happiness, you just listen to me: I, brother, I know everything. Maybe something will give something out of the dress or from shoes. It's right! ..

Finally, the lady came to the balcony, threw on top into the alternate hat of Sergei, a little white coin and immediately disappeared. The coin turned out to be old, erased on both sides and in addition to a leaky griven. Grandfather looked at her for a long time. He was already out on the road and moved away from the cottage, she still kept the Grivennik on his palm, as if we were weighing.

- N-yes-A ... deft! - He said, suddenly stopped. - I can say ... And we are, three fools, tried. It would be better if it would have given a button that was. That by extremes can be sewed somewhere. And what am I with this rubbish will do? The lady probably thinks: All the same, the old man will lower her at night, slowly, it means. No, s, very mistake, madam. An old man's skipping is not engaged in such a disgust. Yes - s! Here you have your gem! Here!

And he with indignation and proudly threw a coin, which, weakly ringing, buried into white road dust.

Thus, the old man with a boy and a dog went around the entire country village and were going to go to the sea. On the left side remained another, the last, cottage. It was not visible due to the high white wall, over which, on the other side, the tightwork of thin dusty cypresses rose, similar to long black and gray spindles. Only through the wide cast-iron gate, similar to its fancy carving on the lace, it was possible to consider the corner of fresh, exactly green bright silk, lawn, round flower flower beds and away, in the background, covered through the alley, the whole clutch thick grapes. In the middle of the lawn stood a gardener who had irrigated a rose from the long sleeve. He covered the pipe hole with his finger, and from this in the fountain of countless splashes, the sun played with all the colors of the rainbow.

Grandfather was going to pass by, but, looking at the gate, stopped in bewilderment.

"Wait a little, Sergey," he called the boy. - No, there are people moving there? That's the story. How many years I go, - and never soul. Well, ka, Vali, Brother Sergey!

"Dacha friendship", an extraneous entrance is strictly prohibited, "I read Sergey inscription, skillfully knocked out at one of the pillars that supported the gate.

- Friendship? .. - asked the illiterate grandfather. - In-in! This is the most real word - friendship. All day I have shown, and here we will take. This is me to the nose, on the manner as a hunting dog. Arto, Ishi, dog son! Vali boldly, Seryozha. You always ask me: I know everything!

The garden tracks were sleeping with a smooth large gravel, crissed under their feet, and from the sides are furnished with large pink sinks. On the flowerbeds, over a motley carpet of multicolored herbs, rose-in bright flowers, from which sweet air was sweet. In reservoirs, transparent water groved and splashed; Of the beautiful VAZ hanging in the air between the trees, we descended the garlands down the curly plants, and in front of the house, on the marble columns, there were two shiny mirrored balls, in which the traveling troupe reflected upside down, in a ridiculous, curved and stretched form.

Before the balcony was a large drowning platform. Sergey spread his rug on it, and grandfather, setting his scarmer on a stick, was already preparing to twist the handle, as suddenly an unexpected and strange spectacle attracted their attention.

The terrace from the inner rooms jumped like a bomb, making shrill screams, a boy of eight or ten years old. He was in a light sailor suit, with naked hands and bare knees. Blond hair, everything in large curls, they disengaged him casually on his shoulders. Following the boy ran out six more people: two women in the aprons; Old fat boom in the phraka, without a mustache and without a beard, but with long gray babenbards; Outdoor, redhead, red-eyed maiden in blue checkered dress; Young, painful look, but very beautiful lady in a lace blue hood and, finally, a thick bald master in a grade pair and in golden glasses. All of them were strongly alarmed, waved their hands, spoke loudly and even pushed each other. Immediately it was possible to guess that the cause of their concern is a boy in a sailor suit, so suddenly flew on the terrace.

Meanwhile, the culprit of this turmoil, nor for a second, without stopping his squeal, she fell into the stomach on the stone floor, quickly rolled on his back and with strong fierce began to jog with his hands and legs in all directions. Adults drove around him. The old lacquer in Thrake pressed with a belling view of both hands to a starchy shirt, shaking his long bundlebards and said complaints:

- Batyushka Barin! .. Nikolai Apollonovich! .. Do not please upset the mammy-s - stand up ... Be so kind - rinse-s. Miksturna is very sweet, one suprow-s. Please get up ...

Women in the aprons splashped with their hands and twitter soon, soon with utility and frightened voices. The red-eyed girl shouted with the tragic gestures something very impressive, but completely incomprehensible, obviously in a foreign language. In prudent bass persuaded the boy Mr. in golden glasses; At the same time, he tilted her head that one, then on the other side and powerively diluted with his hands. And the beautiful lady of Tomno moan, pressing a thin lacy handkerchief to the eyes:

- Ah, Trillil, oh, my God! .. My Angel, I beg you. Listen, my mother begs you. Well, by the same, accept medicine; You will see, you will immediately, immediately become easier: and the tummy will take place. Well, do it for me, my joy! Well, do you want Trillil, mom will be before you knees? Well, look, I'm kneeling in front of you. Want, I will give you golden? Two golden? Five golden, trilli? Want a living donkey? Do you want a live horse? .. Yes, tell him anything, doctor! ..

"Listen, Trilli, be a man," a thick gentleman threw in glasses.

- Ay-Yai-Yai-Ya-Aaa! - shouted the boy, wriggling on the balcony and desperately bold with his feet.

Despite its extremely excitement, he nevertheless tormented his heels in his stomachs and to the legs of people around him, who from this, however, were quite cleverly shied.

Sergey, long-looking with curiosity and surprise on this scene, quietly pushed the old man in the side.

- Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, what is it with him? He asked in a whisper. - In no way, will you tear it?

"Well, to fuck ... such a thing will hear." Simple - the Blugger Boy. The patient must be.

- Shamashedchy? - He guessed Sergey.

- And how much I know. Hush! ..

- Ay-Yai-Aa! Drying! Fools! .. - The boy was louder and louder.

- Start, Sergey. I know! - Suddenly Skodzhkin also ordered and with a decisive view of the scarves handle.

In the garden rushed back, the sypret, fake sounds of the ancient gallop. Everything on the balcony was fixed, even the boy was silent for a few seconds.

- Oh, my God, they will upset the poor trillion even more! - exclaimed the deplorable lady in the blue hood. - Oh, yes, rolim them, rhine more! And this dirty dog \u200b\u200bwith them. Dogs always have such terrible diseases. What are you standing, Ivan, exactly the monument?

She with a tired view and disgusting the handkerchief on the artists, the overama of the red-eyed girl did terrible eyes, someone threateningly hurt ... A man in Frak quickly and gently rolled down from the balcony and with an expression of horror on her face, spreading widespread on his hand .

- This is what the disgrace! - He stuck sampled, frightened and at the same time, the headstone-angry whisper. - Who allowed? Who missed? March! Won! ..

Charmanka, sadly squeaking, silent.

"Mr. good, let you explain to you ..." - he began to delicate grandfather.

- No! March! - shouted with some even whistle in the throat. Floomy man.

His thick face was scared, and the eyes were incredibly wide open, just suddenly got out, and came the wheel. It was so scary that grandfather involuntarily retreated two steps back.

"Colive, Sergey," he said, hastily throwing his scarmer on his back. - Go!

But they did not have time to do and ten steps, as the balcony rushed new shrill screams:

- Oh no no no! To me! I want it! A-ah! Dae! Call! To me!

- But, trilli! .. Oh, my God, Trilli! Oh, yes turn them, - the nerve lady groaned. - Fu, as you are all stupid! .. Ivan, you hear what they tell you? Now call these beggars! ..

- Listen! You! Hey, how are you? Sharmancans! Return! - cried several votes from the balcony.

Fat booster with bundles flew in both sides, bouncing, like a large rubber ball, rushed after the outgoing artists.

- No! .. Musicians! Listen! Back! .. Back! .. - He shouted, choking and mahind both hands. - An old man is a venerable, - he finally grabbed his grandfather's sleeve, - Warn the neck! The gentlemen will be your pantomoin watch. Vivid! ..

- N-well, things! He sighed, twisting his head, grandfather, however, approached the balcony, took off his scarmer, strengthened her before his stick and played a gallop from the very place where he had just interrupted.

The bustle on the balcony calmed down. A baryman with a boy and a master in golden glasses came to the most railing; The rest respectfully remained in the background. From the depths of the garden, a gardener came in apron and became near the grandfather. From somewhere the outstretched janitor was placed behind the gardener. It was a huge bearded man with gloomy, narrow, ripple. He was dressed in a new pink shirt, on which large black peas went missing rows.

Under the hoisters, stuttering the sounds of Galopa, Sergey spread on the ground a rug, quickly threw the canasic pantalon from his feet (they were sewn from the old bag and behind, in the widest place, decorated with a quadranous factory stamp), dropped the old jacket and stayed in an old trico which, despite numerous patches, deftly covered its fine, but strong and flexible figure. He has already been developed by imitating adults, receptions of the catering acrobat. Steering on the rug, he put his hands on the go to her lips, and then widespread theatrical movement spread them to the parties, as if sending the public two rapid kisses.

Grandfather with one hand continuously spitched the handle of the scarmer, removing the rattling, coughing motive out of it, and the other threw a boy different items that he skillfully picked up on the fly. The repertoire of Sergey was small, but he worked well, "clean," as acrobats say, and with hunting. He vowed up an empty beer bottle, so she blurred himself several times in the air, and suddenly, having caught her neck to the edge of the plate, held it for a few seconds in equilibrium; juggled with four bone balls, as well as two candles, which he simultaneously caught in the candlesticks; Then played at once three different objects - fan, wooden cigar and rain umbrella. They all flew from his air, without touching the ground, and suddenly the umbrella was immediately over his head, the cigar was in the mouth, and the fan of the flirtary fooled his face. In conclusion, Sergey himself rebuilt several times on the carpet, made a "frog", showed "American knot" and looked like. Exhausting the whole stock of their "tricks", he again threw two kisses to the public and, breathing heavily, went to the grandfather to replace him with his scarm.

Now there was a turn of Arto. The dog knew this perfectly, and had long been jumping in the excitement by all four paws on the grandfather, who had sideways from the strap, and buried him with a detachment, nervous lame. How much know, maybe a smart poodle wanted to say that, in his opinion, to recklessly engage in acrobatic exercises, when the Reomur shows twenty-two degrees in the shadows? But Grandfather Imboke with a cunning look pulled out a thin crossiel whip from the back. "So I knew!" - With the annoyance, it was sanging for the last time, Arto and lazily, it was repeatedly rose to the hind legs, not bringing the blinking eyes from the owner.

- serve, Arto! So, so, so ... - said the old man, holding a poodle of a whip over his head. - Invert. So. Invert ... more, more ... Dance, doggy, dance! .. Sit down! What about? Do not want? Sit down, tell you. Ah ... something! Look! Now say hello to the most accurate public! Well! ARTO! - The voice of Lododzhkin trembled.

"GAV!" - broke with the disgust of the poodle. Then he looked, plaintively blinking his eyes, on the owner and added two more times: "Gav, Gav!"

"No, I don't understand me my old man!" - I heard in this dissatisfied Laa.

- This is another thing. Politeness primarily. Well, now we jump a little bit, "the old man continued, stretching low above the ground whip. - Alla! Nevertheless, brother, tongue tongue. Alla! .. Gop! Perfectly! And well, even, Noh Ein Mal ... Alla! .. Hop! Alley! Gop! Wonderful, doggy. Come home, I will give you carrots. And you do not eat carrots? I forgot at all. Then take my chill and ask the Lord. Maybe they give you anything like something more.

The old man raised the dog to the hind legs and stuck her in her mouth his ancient, fearful carduz, which he with such a thin humor called "Cylindra". Holding a carriage in the teeth and overgrowing his walking legs, Arto approached the terrace. In the hands of a painful lady, a small pearl wallet appeared. All surrounding smiled sympathetically.

- What? I did not tell you? "The grandfather whispered sisper, leaning toward Sergey." - You ask me: I'm, brother, I know everything. No less than the ruble.

At this time, from the terrace, there was such a desperate, sharp, almost inhuman cry, that confused Arto dropped out of his mouth and scrapping, with a tailed tail, fearfully looking back, rushed to the legs of his owner.

- I want, yah! - rushed, drowning legs, curly boy. - To me! Want! Dog-U-y! Trillie wants a soba-a-aku-y ...

- Oh my god! Oh! Nikolai Apollonch! .. Batyushka Barin! .. Calm down, Trillil, I beg you! - Again, people on the balcony were launched.

- Dog! Feed a dog! Want! Drying, devils, fools! - I went out of myself.

- But, my angel, do not upset myself! - Floas the lady in the blue hood over him. - Do you want to stroke a dog? Well, good, good, my joy, now. Doctor, as you think, can Trillley stroke this dog?

- Generally speaking, I would not advise, - spread it my hands, - but if reliable disinfection, for example, boric acid or a weak solution of carboles, then ... in general ...

- Soba A-Aku!

- Now, my charm, now. So, the doctor, we will order to wash it out by boric acid and then ... but, trilli, do not worry so! Old man, please, please your dog here. Do not be afraid, you will pay. Listen, is you not sick? I want to ask, she is not mad? Or maybe she has echinococci?

- I do not want to stroke, I do not want! - Trillilly roared, launching mouth and nose bubbles. - I want completely! Fools, devils! To me! I want to play yourself ... forever!

"Listen, the old man, go here," the lady was raised to shout. - Ah, Trillil, you will kill my mother with your cry. And why only let these musicians allowed! Yes, go closer, even closer ... more, you tell you! .. So ... oh, do not be sad, Trillil, Mom will do whatever you want. I beg you. Miss, and so calm finally the child ... Doctor, I ask you ... How much do you want, old man?

Grandpa removed the carriage. His face took a courteous, orphan expression.

- How much of your grace will be, lady, your high movement ... we are small people, we are all given - good ... tea, the old man yourself will not hurt ...

- Oh, how are you stupid! Trilli, you will get sick. After all, understand that the dog is yours, not mine. Well, how much? Ten? Fifteen? Twenty?

- Aaaa! I want it! Give the dog, give a dog, - screamed the boy, pushing a lake in a round belly leg.

"That is ... I'm sorry, your beggar," Lodyzhkin jumped. "I am an old man, stupid ... Immediately, I don't understand ... In addition, it's deaf enough ... That is, how do you ignite it? .. for a dog? ..

- Ah, my God! .. You seem to be deliberately pretending to be an idiot? - I boiled the lady. - Nanny, let the trilli of the water! I ask you a Russian language, how much do you want to sell your dog? You see, your dog, a dog ...

- Dog! Dog-Aku! - Foured louder than the previous boy.

Lodyzzhkin was offended and put on the head of the card.

"Dogs, a lady, not trading," he said coldly and with dignity. "And this forest, madam, can be said, we are two," he showed a thumb over his shoulder on Sergey, "we feed us two, and dresses. And it is impossible for this that, for example, to sell.

Trillil Meanwhile, shouted with a steaming whistle. A glass of water was served him, but he fastened him in the face of the governess.

- Yes, listen, a crazy old man! .. There is no thing that would not be sold, "the lady insisted, squeezing her whiskey with his palms. "Miss, wipe the face as soon as possible and give me my migrenine." Maybe your dog is worth a hundred rubles? Well, two hundred? Three hundred? Yes, answer the same, the idol! Doctor, tell him anything, for God's sake!

"Colive, Sergey," sullenly grumbled Lodyzhan. - ISTU-KA-N ... Arto, come here! ..

- Uh, waiting, courtesy, - the entangleant bass stretched out thick gentlemen in golden glasses. - You would not break better, my cute, that's what you say. Dog your ten rubles a red price, and even together with you to put it ... You think, donkey, how much you give you!

"Thank you more. Thank you, Barin, but only ... - Lododzhkin, groachty, threw a scarmer by the shoulders. - Only in no way this thing does not go out to, it means to sell. You're better than any other dog, look ... stay happily ... Sergey, go ahead!

- Do you have a passport? - Suddenly the doctor roared Grozno. - I know you, Channelails!

- Janitor! Semen! Chase them! - screamed with a lady face distorted from anger.

The gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with an ominous look approached the artists. The terrace rose a terrible, multi-haired gam: Revived by the good Mate Trilli, his mother groaned, the patter was launched with a raised bar, a dense bass, exactly angry Bumblebee, buzzed Dr.. But grandfather and Sergey really did not have time to see what it would end. Preceded fairly struck poodies, they rushed to the gate with almost running. And followed by the janitor, pushing the back, in the scarm, and spoke to a threatening voice:

- Shot here, Labardians! Thank you yet, that along the neck, old hell, did not work. And another time you come, so know, you will not be shy with you, you will not be a zoom and painting to Mr. Trick. Shantrap!

For a long time, the old man and the boy walked silently, but suddenly, exactly in a persuasion, looked at each other and laughed: first, Sergey, and then, looking at him, but with some embarrassment, smiled and skidger.

- What, grandfather Lodyzhan? You know everything? - teased him Lukovo Sergey.

- Yes, brother. We wound up with you, - shook the head of the old floresman. - Yazvaya, however, a boy ... as him, that, they raised his jester, take it? Tell me for mercy: twenty-five people around him dancing dancing. Well, be in my power, I would be a prescriber-al Izu. Serve, says a dog? Stage What? He wanted the moon from the sky, so give him a moon? Look here, Arto, appearance, my dog. Well, the day was set today. Amazing!

- What is better! - continued to eat Sergey's evidence. - One lady dress gave, another virgin gave. All of you, Grandfather Ishkin, you know.

"And you pick up, a backhead," the old man snapped good-naturedly. - How did you fly away from the janitor, remember? I thought, and not catch up with me. A serious man is this janitor.

Coming out of the park, the stray troupe went down to steep, a rash path to the sea. Here the mountains, retreating a little back, gave place to an unbreakable flat strip covered with smooth, covered with a touch of stones, which now, with a quiet rustle, gently splashed the sea. Seedlings in two hundred from the coast were tumbled in the water dolphins, showing her fat, round back for a moment. Away on the horizon, where the blue atlas of the sea was idle with a dark blue velvet ribbon, stood immobally slim, a little bit in the sun, sails of fishing boats.

"Here and get out, grandfather Imboke," said Sergey decisively. He had already managed to jump on the go, on one, then on the other foot, to pull himself with himself. - Let me give you an authority to remove.

He quickly undressed, slaughtered himself with his palms on bare, chocolate from the tan body and rushed into the water, lifting the boosing foams around him.

Grandfather undressed not in a hurry. Hooking his eyes with his palm from the sun and squinting, he looked at Sergey with a love grin.

"Wow grows by the boy," I was thinking about myklencin, "in order that the bony - won all the ribs, and still the guy will be strong."

- Hey, earrings! You hurt the distance do not cry. Sea pig will take off.

- And I am for the tail! - shouted from Sergey.

Grandfather stood for a long time in the sun, tasting under his arms. He came into the water very carefully and, before he plunge, diligently urine himself a red bald tree and the shouldy-boke. The body of Poego was yellow, flabbing and powerless, legs - strikingly thin, and the back with an outstanding sharp shovels was snugged from a long-standing dramatic drainage.

- Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, Look! - shouted Sergey.

He rebuilt in the water, throwing his legs through his head. Grandfather, who already climbed into the water on the belt and squatted in it with blissful grooves, shouted anxiously:

- Well, you do not indulge, pig. Look! I T-you!

Arto frantically buried and jumping along the shore. He was bothering that the boy was swimming so far. "What to show your bravery? - Worried Poodle. - There are land - and go on the ground. Much calmer. "

He himself climbed into the water on his belly and twisted her tongue two or three times. But he did not like salt water, and light waves fucked about coastal gravel, scared him. He jumped ashore and began to bark on Sergey again. "What are these stupid focuses? Would sit at the shore, next to the old man. Oh, how much anxiety with this boy! "

- Hey, Seryozha, get out, or in fact, will be you! - called the old man.

"Now, Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, a steamer sailing." U-U-Ukh!

He finally walked to the shore, but before dressing, grabbed Arto on the hands and, returning himself to the sea, threw him away into the water. The dog immediately floated back, putting out only one face with the ears popped up to the top, loud and offended snort. Jumping into land, she shook with all the body, and the clouds splash flew to the old man and in Sergey.

- Wait-ka, Seryozha, in no way, is it to us? - said Skodzhakin, looking closely up, on the mountain.

Along the path quickly descended down, unintelligible shouting and waving his hands, the same gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with black peas, which a quarter of an hour ago he drove a wandering troupe from giving.

- What does he need? - asked the grandfather with a perplexity.

The janitor continued to shout, running down the awkward trot, and the sleeves of his shirt were quenched in the wind, and the sinus was inflated like a sail.

- Oh-go! .. Wait Troops! ..

"And so that you didn't hang out you," the ankle grumbled angrily. - It's about the artist again.

- Come on, grandfather, put him! - Bravely suggested Sergey.

- Well, you, quench ... And what kind of people, I'm sorry for the Lord! ..

- You are what ... - Beginned by the breatht, the janitor still published. - Sell, what, ps? Well, no Slady with Panych. Roars like a body. "Feed Yes Support a dog ..." Baryna sent, buy, says, whatever it cost.

- Quite even stupid it is from your baryni! - he was angry suddenly the skullcan, which here, on the shore, felt much more confident than on someone else's dacha. - And again, what is she such a lady to me? You may be a lady, and I don't care a cousin. And please ... I ask you ... You leave from us, the sake of Christ ... And that ... and do not stick.

But the janitor did not lose. He sat down on the stones, next to the old man, and said, awkwardly, in front of him with his fingers:

- Yes, you understand, a fool-man ...

"From the fool and hear," the grandfather snapped calmly.

- Yes, wait ... not to that I am ... that's right, what a ray of frustration ... You think: Well, what is your dog? I picked up another puppy, learned to stand sides, here's a dog again. Well? Income, what, am I saying? BUT?

Grandpa carefully tied the belt around the pants. For persistent questions of the janitor, he answered with the delinted indifference:

- And here, the brother you are mine, immediately - the figure! Said the janitor. - Two hundred, and not that three hundred casual prosecution! Well, usually, I'm some kind of work ... You think only: three hundredths! After all, it is possible to open a grocery ...

Thus, the janitor pulled a piece of sausage from his pocket and threw his poodle. Arto caught him on the fly, swallowed in one reception and distorted with a tail.

- Cumshot? - Briefly asked Lodyzhan.

- Yes, there is nothing long and fingered. Come on PSA - and by hand.

"Ta-Ak-S," grandfather handed over. - Sell, then a dog?

- Usually - to sell. What are you still? The main thing, the Pipic we have so affected. What I wanted, so the whole house was passing. Serve - and that's it. It's still without a father, but when father ... The saints are ours! .. Everyone's legs go. Barin with us engineer, maybe heard Mr. Oboljaninov? Over all of Russia, railways are building. Meloner! And we have a boy one. And jet. I want to continue live - I understand you. I want a boat - you have a suspicious boat. As there is nothing, nothing to refuse ...

- And the moon?

- That is, in which sense?

- I say, he never wanted the moon from the sky?

- Well ... They also say - the moon! - I was confused Janitor. "So how, Mil Man, Lada with us, or what?"

Grandfather, who has managed at this time to put on his brown, green on the seams of a jacket, proudly straightened, as far as he allowed the forever bent back.

"I'll tell you one, a guy," he began not without solemnity. - Approximately, if you had a brother or, let's say, a friend who, that means, from the Syvothy itself. Wait, friend, you do not blend sausage with a sausage ... it's better to eat ... that, brother, you can't get it. I say, if you had the most faithful friend ... Who is Syvdtiv ... how much would you sell it about it?

- equated too! ..

- Here and equated. You are so telling your Barina, who builds the railway, - the grandfather's voice elevated. - So say: not all, they say, for sale, what is bought. Yes! You are not a smooth dog better, it's nothing. Arto, go here, dog son, I'm t-you! Sergey, take away.

"You're old fool," the janitor finally suffered.

"Fool, yes, father, and you are Ham, Judas, a selling soul," Ishkin chatted. "You will see your shareholder, bow to her, say: from ours, they say, with love with your Low bow." Cut the carpet, Sergey! Eh, my back, Spin! Let's go to.

- So, Ta-AK! .. - I mean the janitor meaningfully.

- With the same take! - Znorly answered the old man.

Artists swept along the sea shore, again up, on the same road. Looking at randomly back, Sergey saw that the janitor was following them. His appearance was thoughtful and sullen. He focused on the whole five under the capped his shaggy red headlock on his eyes.

Grandfather Lodyzhanka was a long time ago, some corner between Mishhor and Alupka, a book from the lower road, where it was great to have breakfast. He he led his companions there. Not far from the bridge, shifted through a rare and dirty mountain stream, ran out from under the ground, in the shade of curves of oaks and dense nuts, speaking, cold stream of water. She did round shallow reservoir in the soil, from which he escaped in the stream of a thin snake, glistened in the grass like a living silver. Near this spring in the morning and in the evenings, it was always possible to catch pious Turks who fought water and worked out their sacred ablutions.

"Our sins are serious, and stocks are scarce," said Grandfather, sitting in a coolness under Ozhnik. - Well, Seryozha, Lord bless!

He took out bread bag, a dozen of red tomatoes, a piece of bessarab cheese "Cheese" and a bottle with olive oil. Salt was tied to the nodule of a cloth of dubious purity. Before eating the old man was baptized for a long time and whispered something. Then he broke the scratch of bread into three uneven parts: one, the biggest, he stretched out Sergey (small grows - he needs to eat), the other, smaller, left for the poodle, the smallest took himself.

- In the name of the Father and Son. The eyes of everyone on Ta, Lord, are relieved, he whispered, fussily distributing portions and watering them from the bottle of oil. - Talk, Seryozha!

Not in a hurry, slowly, in silence, how true workers eat, they began three for their modest lunch. It was only audible, as we chewed three pairs of jaws. Arto eating his share as a sideline, stretched out on his stomach and putting both front paws on bread. Grandfather and Sergey alternately Makali in salt ripe tomatoes, of which the tech on their lips and the hands are red, like blood, juice, and joined their cheese and bread. Satisfied, they drunk water, substituting a tin mug under a stream. The water was transparent, beautiful taste and so cold that there was even a mug from her outside. The day fever and the long path of the artists who stood today a little light. The grandfather had eyes sticking. Sergey Zeval and squeezed.

- What, brother, do we go to sleep for a minute? - asked grandfather. - Give me for the last time the water drink. Wow, good! - He rushed, take away from the mug of his mouth and severely translating his breath, meanwhile as light drops fled from his mustache and beard. - If I were king, everything was drinking this water ... in the morning until night! Arto, Icy, here! Well, God I drink, no one saw, and who saw, he did not hurt ... Oh-Oh-Honyushka-and!

The old man and the boy lay down next to the grass, the old jackets under his heads under the head. The dark foliage of the coronal, spreading oaks noishes over their heads. Through it, the blue blue sky. The stream, who escaped from stone on a stone, was murmured so monotonous and so inchiborated, just fascinated by someone his hypnosis. Grandfather grumbled for some time, Kryjahtel and said something, but Sergey seemed that his voice sounds from some soft and sleepy given, and the words were incomprehensible as in a fairy tale.

- First thing - I'll buy you a suit: Pink Triko with gold ... Shoes are also pink, satin ... in Kiev, in Kharkov or, for example, say, in the city of Odessa - there, brother, in which circus! .. The lanterns apparently invisible ... All Electricity burns ... people, maybe thousand five, or even more ... Why do I know? The last name we are in writing the Italian. What is the name of Estifeev or, let's say, Lodyzhan? Chaphag one - there is no imagination in it. And we will launch you in the poster - Antonio or, for example, too good - Enrico or Alfindo ...

Further, the boy did not hear anything. Gentle and sweet dorms took possession of them, having waking and exhausting his body. He fell asleep and grandfather who lost his favorite afternoon thread about the brilliant circus of the future of Sergey. Once, he seemed to him through sleep that Arto was growing on someone. For a moment, in his blurred head, a semi-conscious and anxious memory was slid about a long janitor in a pink shirt, but, sprawled to sleep, fatigue and heat, he could not stand, but only lazy, with his eyes closed, called the dog:

- Arto ... where? I t-you, tramp!

But his thoughts immediately descended and broke into heavy and shapeless visions.

- Arto, ICI! Back! Fun, Fly, Fly! Arto, back!

- What are you, Sergey, scream? - I asked Lodyzhagn displeased, with difficulty painting the crushed hand.

- We slept the dog, that's what! - The boy answered rudely irritated voice. - Doggy disappeared.

He whistled sharply and shouted again long:

- Arto-Oh!

"You invent nonsense! .. Returns," Grandpa told. However, he quickly stood on his feet and began to shout a dog angry, syple from sleep, senile falsetto:

- Arto, here, dog son!

He hurriedly, small, confused margins, ran across the bridge and rose up on the highway, without ceasing to call the dog. In front of him lay a prominent eye on the pillar, smooth, bright white canvas road, but on it - not a single figure, not a single shadow.

- Arto! Arian-Shen-ka! - Heavyly overwhelmed the old man.

But suddenly he stopped, bent low to the road and squatted.

- Yes, here it is what business is! - said the old man with a fallen voice. - Sergey! Seryozha, sound here.

- Well, what else? - Roughly responded the boy, coming to the skipper. - I found yesterday?

- Seryozha ... What is it? .. That's what it is? You understand? - barely audible asked an old man.

He looked at the boy with a pitiful, confused eyes, and his hand, showing right to the ground, went in all directions.

On the road in white dust, a rather large disarmed scraper of sausages was lying around, and next to him in all directions traces of dog paws were imprinted.

- After all, a scoundrel, a dog! - The grandfather whispered frightened, still sitting squatting. "No one, like him," something clear ... Remember, let the sea, he has fallen with a sausage.

"Clear thing," Sergey repeated gloomily and with anger.

The grandfather's widely opened eyes were suddenly filled with large tears and quickly flashed. He closed them with his hands.

- What should I do now, Seriezhenka? BUT? Do something to us now? - asked the old man, swinging back and forth and helplessly sobbing.

- What to do what to do! - Angrily mad him Sergey. - Get up, grandfather Lodyzzhkin, let's go! ..

"Let's go," sadly repeated the old man, waving from the ground. - Well, let's go, Serious!

Sergei closed out of patience, shouted on the old man, as on the little:

- Will you, the old man, fooling something. Where is it seen to Vessel, so that other people's dogs to lure? What do you slapping on me? Like I say? Right come and say: "Come back the dog!" And no - to the world, that's the whole tale.

- To the world ... yes ... of course ... this is true, to the world ... - with a meaningless, bitter smile repeated the skullcin. But his eyes awkward and confusedly ran. - To the world ... Yes ... Only this is, Seriezhenka ... does not come out this case ... so that the world ...

- How does it not come out? The law is one for all. What to watch them in your teeth? - An impatiently interrupted the boy.

- And you, Seryozha, not ... Do not be angry with me. The dog will not be returned with you. - Grandfather mysteriously lowered his voice. - As for patchport, I fear. I heard that divecha lord said? Asks: "Do you have a patchport?" Here she is what story. And for me, - Grandfather made a frightened face and whispered barely heard, - I, Seryozha, Patchport, someone else's.

- How is someone else?

- That's something else. I lost my own in Taganrog, and maybe stolen it with me. Two years later, I twisted: hiding, the bribes gave, wrote petitions ... Finally I see, there is no my opportunity, I live exactly the hare - everyone fear. There was no fortunate at all. And here in Odessa, at night, one Greek turned up. "It says, sowing trifles. Putting, says old man, on the table twenty-five rubles, and I will provide you forever patchport. " I spread my mind back and forth. Eh, I think, disappear my head. Come on, say. And since then, my dear, so I live on someone else's patchport.

- Ah, grandfather, grandfather! - Deep, with tears in the chest sighed Sergey. - I really feel sorry for me ... The dog is very good very ...

- Serious, my native! - stretched out the old man trembling hands. - Yes, if I only have a patchport real, would I glanced that they are generals? For the throat would take! .. "How so? Allow! What is the full right of other strangers to steal? What kind of law on it is? " Now we have a lid, seinery. I will come to the police - the first thing: "Apply Patchport! Are you Martyn Lodyzkin Samara Martyn? " - "I, Vashbishrody". And I, Brantz, and not Lododzhkin at all and not a trades, but a peasant, Ivan Dudkun. And whoever this skidger is one God knows him. How much I know, maybe thorish what or a runaway convict? Or maybe even the clever? No, Seryozha, nothing we do nothing ... Nothing, Seryozha ...

The grandfather's voice cut off and choke. Tears again flowed in deep, brown from the sunshine. Sergey, who listened to the weakened old man silently, with tightly compressed armor, pale from excitement, suddenly took him under the mouse and began to raise.

"Let's go, grandfather," he said immensely and affectionately at the same time. - To the line Patchport, let's go! Do not spend the night on a big road.

"You're my dear, native," said, shaking with all the body, an old man. - The dog is so very taning ... Our arthleka is our ... Another such will not be with us ...

"Okay, okay ... get up," Sergey ordered. - Let me clear you from dust. You're at all I have Raskis, grandfather.

On this day, artists no longer worked. Despite his young age, Sergey well understood the entire fateful meaning of this scary word "patchport." Therefore, he did not insist anymore on any further investigations of Arto, nor on the world, nor on other decisive measures. But while he walked next to the grandfather until the night, he did not have a new, stubborn and focused expression, rightly he conceived something extremely serious and big.

Do not claim, but, obviously, one of the same secret motivation, they deliberately made a significant hook in order to continue to pass by "friendship." Before the gates, they detained a bit, in the vague hope to see Arto or even hear from published him Lai.

But the carved gate of the magnificent cottage was tightly closed, and in the shady garden under slender sad cypresses was an important, calm, fragrant silence.

"Will you, let's go," the boy ordered himself and pulled his companion for the sleeve.

- Serezhenka, maybe there will be another artist from them? - Suddenly the grandfather sobs. - BUT? What do you think dear?

But the boy did not answer the old man. He walked ahead with big, solid steps. His eyes stubbornly looked down on the road, and thin eyebrows angrily moved to the transfer.

Silently reached Alupka. Grandfather All the road of the crackler and sighed, Sergey retained an evil, decisive expression on his face. They stopped for overnight in the dirty Turkish coffee shop, which worn the brilliant name "Oldyz", which means the Turkish "Star". Together with them, the Greeks were spent the night - Kamenotees, dealers - Turks, a few people of Russian workers who interrupted with a fit work, as well as a few dark, suspicious vagrants, which so much staggers in the south of Russia. All of them, as soon as the coffee closed at a certain hour, ruled on the benches standing along the walls, and right on the floor, and those that were more expensive, put everything that had all the most valuable out of things and out of dress.

It was far over midnight when Sergei, who was lying on the floor next to his grandfather, carefully rose and began to dress silently. Through the wide windows, the pale light of the month was raised into the room, he washed the oblique, trembling binding along the floor and, falling on the sleeping podsuka of people, attached to them to their faces an afflicted and dead expression.

- Where are you going to wear, Maltsuk? - Sleepily called Sergey at the door of the host of coffee, young Turks Ibrahim.

- skip. I need! "Surovo, Sergey answered a business tone. - Yes, get up, or a Turkish blade!

Yawning, scratching and scarcely smoking by the language, Ibrahim Outside the door. The narrow streets of the Tatar bazaar were immersed in a thick dark blue shadow, which covered the entire pavement with a gear pattern and concerned the foot of the other, the illuminated side, sharply whitish in the moonlight with its low walls. On the distant outskirts of the town of Doggy. From somewhere, from the upper highway, the ringing and fractional horses drowned, which fled the internity.

Passing white, with a green dome, in the form of a bulb, a mosque, surrounded by a silent crowd of dark cypresses, the boy descended on a close curve to the lane on a big way. For ease, Sergey did not take the upper clothes with him, remaining in one trite. The month shone him in the back, and the shadow of the boy fled ahead of him with a black, strange, shortened silhouette. On both sides of the highway, a dark curly shrub was attached. Some kind of bird shouted in it monotonously, through smooth gaps, a thin, gentle voice: "I sleep! .. I sleep! .." And it seemed that she had a silent silence in the night silence, and fighting sleeping and fighting fatigue, and quiet, without hope, complains of someone: "I sleep, sleep! .." And over dark bushes and over the bluish caps of distant forests rummaged, resting with its two teeth in the sky, Ai-Petri - so light, sharp, air As if he was carved from a gigantic piece of silver cardboard.

Sergey was a little terribly among this magnificent silence, in which his steps were so distinctly and boldly, but at the same time in his heart it was poured some kind of tickling, dizzying courage. At one turn suddenly opened the sea. Huge, calm, it quietly and solemnly sounded. From the horizon to the shore stretched narrow, trembling silver track; Among the sea, she disappeared, - only in some places, her sparkles broke out, - and suddenly the very lands were widely splashing the alive, sparkling metal, washing the shore.

Spearly slipped Sergey to a wooden wicket leading to the park. There, under thick trees, it was completely dark. The noise of the restless stream was heard and his raw, cold breathing was felt. Clearly lit up under legs wooden bridge outfill. Water under it was black and terrible. Finally, the high cast iron gates, patterned, accurately lace, and wrapped with creeping stems of wisteria. Moonlight, breaking through the thicket of trees, slid along the car's carot weak phosphoric stains. On the other side was darkness and sensiblely buggy silence.

There were a few moments during which Sergey was experiencing fluctuations in the shower, almost fear. But he will concern these troubling feelings and whispered:

- And yet I will climb! Does not matter!

It was not difficult to climb him. Elegant cast iron curls, which made up the pattern of the gate, served as loyal points of support for tenacious hands and small muscular legs. Above the gate at a high height spread from a pillar on a widespread stone arch. Sergei Slap took off on her, then, lying on his stomach, lowered his legs down, on the other side, and became little to face all the torso, without ceasing to look for some protracks. Thus, he already completely tightened through the arch, keeping her edge with fingers of the elongated hands, but his legs still did not meet supports. He could not figure out the day that the arch over the gate acted inside much further than the dodder, and as his hands were crying and how heavierly hung down the exhaust body, horror penetrated his soul.

Finally he could not stand. His fingers clinging to the sharp corner were broken, and he rapidly flew down.

He heard a large gravel under him under him, and felt acute lap in his knees. For a few seconds, he stood on all fours, stunned by a drop. It seemed to him that all the inhabitants of the cottages were now awake, a gloomy janitor will come running in a pink shirt, a cry, turmoil ... But, as before, there was a deep, important silence in the garden. Only some low, monotonous, buzzing sound was broadcast all over the garden:

"Zhu ... zhzhj ... zhzhj ..."

"Oh, because it's noise in my ears!" - He guessed Sergey. He rose to his feet; Everything was scary, mysterious, fabulously beautiful in the garden, precisely filled with fragrant dreams. At the flowerbeds were quietly staggering, leaning over each other with an unclear anxiety, as if he was whispering and peeping, barely visible in the dark flowers. Slender, dark, odorous cypresses were slowly nodded with their sharp tops with a thoughtful and striculant expression. And behind the stream, in more often the bushes, the little tired bird fought with a dream and repeated with the submissive complaint:

"Sleep! .. Sleep! .. Sleep! .."

At night, among the trees confused on the tracks, Sergey did not recognize the places. He wandered for a long time for creaking gravel until he went to the house.

Never in life, the boy did not experience such a painful feeling of complete helplessness, abandonment and loneliness, as now. The huge house seemed to him filled with merciless faded enemies, which secretly, with an evil grin, followed the dark windows behind each movement of a small, weak boy. Silently and impatiently waited for the enemies of some signal, they were waiting for someone's angry, deafening terrible orders.

- Only not in the house ... in her house it can not be! - whispered as a dream, boy. - In the house she will put out, get bored ...

He walked around the cottage. On the back side, on a wide yard, several buildings were located, simpler and simple looks, obviously intended for servants. Here, as well as in a big house, there was no fire in one window; Only a month reflected in dark glasses dead uneven glitter. "Do not leave from here, never leave! .." Sergey thought with melancholy. He remembered to the MiG grandfather, the old Charmana, overnightlies in coffee, breakfasts in cool sources. "Nothing, nothing will no longer!" - sadly repeated Sergey about himself. But the more hopeless his thoughts became, the more fear was inferior in his soul a place of some stupid and calm-angry despair.

Thin, like groaning screams suddenly touched his hearing. The boy stopped, not breathing, with tense muscles, stretching out on tiptoe. The sound repeated. It seemed that he came from the stone basement, near which Sergey stood and who was communicated with the outer air of near-coarse, small quadrangular holes without glasses. Stepping on some kind of flower curtain, the boy came up to the wall, put his face to one of the trunns and whistled. Silent, the awesome noise was heard somewhere below, but immediately sat down.

- Arto! Artist! - called Sergey trembling in a whisper.

A frantic, broken Lai immediately filled the entire garden, recalled in all its corners. In this lae, together with joyful greetings, the complaint was mixed, and anger, and a feeling of physical pain. It was heard, like a dog rushed in a dark basement, rushing from something to free.

- Arto! Dog! .. Arteshenka! .. - I fought a boy with a crying voice.

- Ksyz, Pokyana! - rang out the brutal, bass cry. - y, cautious!

Something shouted in the basement. The dog was overwhelmed with a long intermittent war.

- Do not dare beat! Do not dare beat the dog, damned! - screaming in a frenzy Sergey, scratching a stone wall with nails.

Everything that happened later, Sergey remembered vaguely, for sure in some turbulent hot delight. The door of the basement widespread and swallowed out, and the janitor ran out of it. In one underwear, barefoot, bearded, pale from the bright light of the Moon, fighters right in his face, he seemed to be Sergey a giant, angry fabulous monster.

- Who wanders here? Shoot! - Zagozal, exactly thunder, his voice in the garden. - The thieves! Robby!

But at the same moment from the darkness of the opened door, like a white jumping lump, jumped out with Lace Arto. On his neck, his rope scribe was dangling.

However, the boy was not to the dog. The Grozny appearance of the janitor embraced his supernatural fear, tied his legs, paralyzed all his little subtle body. But fortunately, this tetanus continued not long. Almost unconsciously, Sergey was emptied piercing, a long, desperate cry and at random, without seeing the road, without remembering himself from fright, it was set off to flee away from the basement.

He rushed like a bird, tight and often hitting the land with his feet, which suddenly become strong, just two steel springs. Next to him grew, pouring away with joyful lame, Arto. Rearly rumbled in the sand of the janitor, fiercely leaning some kind of curses.

With a scope, Sergey jumped to the gate, but I didn't think instantly, but rather instinctively felt that there were no roads. There was a narrow dark loophole between the stone wall and growing along it by cypresses. Without thinking, subordinate to one sense of fear, Sergey, hitting, whining in her and ran along the wall. The sharp needles of cypresses, densely and snatching resin, whipped him in the face. He stumbled on the roots, fell, breaking his hands into the blood, but immediately got up, not noticing even pain, and again ran ahead, bent almost twice, not hearing his scream. Arto rushed after him.

So he ran along the narrow corridor formed on the one hand - a high wall, with the other - closely built by the cypresses, fled, precisely the little distraught from the horror of the animal, who fell into an endless trap. He dryed in his mouth, and every breath of Kolol in the breast with a thousand needles. The topot of the janitor came to the right, then to the left, and the boy lost her head rushed forward, then back, several times run past the gate and again diving into the dark, close loophole.

Finally, Sergey was out of his strength. Through the wild horror they began to gradually master the cold, sluggish longing, stupid indifference to any danger. He sat down under the tree, pressed against his trunk to the body to be exhausted from fatigue and grumbled his eyes. Closer and closer crunched sand under the rank steps of the enemy. Artho quietly wondered by bugging the face in his knees of Sergey.

Two steps from the boy looked at the branches, spread by hand. Sergey unconsciously raised his eyes up and suddenly, embraced incredibly joy, jumped into one shock on his feet. He just now noticed that the wall opposite the place where he was sitting was very low, no more than one and a half Arshin. True, the top of her was stubborn with bottled fragments, but Sergey did not think about it. MiG grabbed the trunk of Arto and put it with the front paws on the wall. Smart dog understood it perfectly. He quickly climbed onto the wall, waved his tail and clutched victoriously.

Following it, I found himself on the wall and Sergey, just at the time when a large dark figure looked out of the broken branches of cypresses. Two flexible, deft bodies - dogs and a boy - quickly and gently jumped down on the road. Following it, like a dirty stream, bad, swear swearing.

Whether the janitor was less agile than two friends, whether he was tired of a grown in the garden or simply did not hoped to catch up with the fugitives, but he did not pursue them anymore. Nevertheless, they still fled to rest for a long time, both strong, deft, precisely painted by the joy of deliverance. His ordinary frivolity soon returned to the poodle. Sergey still looked around fearfully back, and Arto had already poured on him, enthusiastically hanging out the ears and sniffing the rope, and everything was illuminated to lick him from running on the lips.

The boy came to himself only at the source, at that very, where in the afternoon they had a grandfather had breakfast. Putting together mouths to the cold water, a dog and a man long and greedily swallowed fresh, tasty water. They repelled each other, raised for a minute up the head to translate the spirit, and the water was dripped from the lips, and again with a new thirst, they were driving to the water, without being able to break away from him. And when they finally fell off from the source and went further, then the water splashed and bouffalla in their crowded belly. Danger passed, all the horrors of this night were without a trace, and both fun and easily went on a white road, a brightly lit moon, between dark shrubs, from which it was already pulled by the morning damp and the sweet smell of the refreshing leaf.

In Coffee "Yldyz", Ibrahim met a boy with a reproach whisper:

- And still silence, Maltsuk? Studently stuck? Wai-Wai-Wai, Nehoroso ...

Sergey did not want to wake the grandfather, but this was done for him. In an instant, he found an old man among his pile of piles on the floor and, before he managed to come to his senses, licked him with a joyful squeal cheek, eyes, nose and mouth. The grandfather woke up, saw the poodle rope on his neck, saw the boy lying next to him, covered with dust of the boy and understood everything. He turned to Sergey for clarification, but could not achieve anything. The boy was already asleep, swaying on the sides of the hand and the widespread mouth.

Narrow mountain paths, from one cottage village to another, made his way along the southern shore of the Crimea a small stray troupe. Ahead ordered, the twilight of a long pink tongue, a white poodle Arto, sked like a lion. At the intersection, he stopped and, waving his tail, looked back in question. For some other famous signs, he always unmistakably recognized the road and, having fun bungling with the shaggy ears, rushed gallop forward. A twelve-year-old boy Sergey was walking behind the dog, who kept the rolled carpet for acrobatic exercises under the left elbow, and the right and dirty cage with a spon, trained to pull out multicolored paper with predictions to the future life from the drawer. Finally, a senior member of the troupe was made behind, the grandfather Martyn Imbolkin, with a scrathed back.

The Sharmannka was an old, who suffered hoarse, cough and enduring in his century not one tet of repair. She played two things: a sad German Waltz Launner and a gallop from "Travels to China" - both former years old about thirty-forty years ago, on now everyone forgotten. In addition, there were two treacherous pipes in the scarm. At one - Dotkanaya - a voice disappeared; She did not play at all, and therefore, when the turn came to her, then all the music began to stutter, wipe and stumble. In another pipe that has published a low sound, the valve did not immediately close: once the progress, she pulled the same bass note, drowning and knocking all the other sounds, until she suddenly had a desire to silence. Grandfather himself realized these flaws of his car and sometimes noticed jokingly, but with a shade of secret sadness:

- What can you do? .. an ancient organ ... colder ... Play - Dachnips offended: "Fu, say, what is the nasty!" But the plays were very good, fashionable, but only the current gentlemen do not adore our music. They are now "Geisha", "under the double-headed eagle", from the "bird seller" - Waltz. Again, these pipes ... I wore the author to the master - and it is not taken to repair. "It is necessary, says new pipes to put, and best, say, sell your sour blessed in the museum ... It seems like some monument ..." Well, yes, oh well! She fed us with you, Sergey, so far, God will give and still feed.

Grandfather Martyn Lododzhkin loved his scold in the way you can only love the living, close, perhaps, even a related creature. Having spoiled with her for many years of heavy stray life, he finally began to see something lightweight in it, almost conscious. It sometimes happened that at night, during the night, somewhere on a dirty inn of the courtyard, a Charmana, standing on the floor, next to Grandfather headboard, suddenly published a weak sound, sad, lonely and trembling: exactly old sigh. Then Skyzkin quietly stroked her along the carved side and whispered gently:

- What, brother? Complaining? .. And you are terrib ...

As much as scarmer, maybe even a little more, he loved his younger satellites in eternal wanderings: Puddle Arto and Little Sergey. The boy he took five years ago "hire" from Zabuldigi, a widow shoemaker, if it is obliged to pay two rubles a month for it. But the shoemaker soon died, and Sergey remained forever connected with his grandfather and soul, and small everyday interests.

The path went along a high coastal cliff, wrilling in the shadow of centenary olives. The sea sometimes flashed between the trees, and then it seemed that, leaving the distance, it at the same time rises up with a calm mighty wall, and his color was still blue, even thicker in patterned reversals, among silver-green foliage. In the grass, in the bushes of Kizil and the wild rosehip, in the vineyards and trees - cicadas were poured everywhere; The air was trembling from their ringing, monotonous, ineffable cry. The day was a sultry, hailless, and the gazing earth focused her legs.

Sergey, who was walking, as usual, ahead of the grandfather, stopped and waited until the old man was stood with him.

- What are you, Seryozha? - asked the floresman.

- Heat, grandfather Ishkin ... There is no patience! To swim ...

The old man on the move with the usual movement of the shoulder corrected the scarmer and wiped the face with a sleeve.

- What would be better! He sighed, greedily glanced down, on the cool blue blue of the sea. - Only after all after the bathing will grow even more. I spoke one familiar Feldsher: Salt this very much on a person ... So, they say, relaxes ... Salt of marine ...

- Ried, maybe? - Doubt said Sergey.

- Well, here, the liner! Why should he lie? A solid man, nonbeid ... Domishko in his Sevastopol. Yes, then here and go down to the sea. Wait, we will reach Uthodko to Mishor, there and the telescope of the Trucks. Before the lunch, it is flattering, swim something ... And then, it means to sleep Troops ... and a great deal ...

Artho, who heard the conversation from behind, turned and ran up to people. His blue good eyes pushed from the heat and looked mightily, and the tunched long tongue shuddered from frequent breathing.

- What, brother Pesk? Heat? - asked grandfather.

The dog was tensely yawned, curling the tongue with a tube, shook his entire body and squeezed finely.

"N-yes, you are my brother, you will not do anything ... It is said: In the sweat of your face," continued in the foot of the face. "We put, you have to say about you, not a face, but a muzzle, but still ... well, I went, went ahead, nothing under my feet ... And I, Seryozha, admit to say, I love when this very warm. The authority is just interferes, but if you do not work, I would have a job somewhere on the grass, in the shadow, the belly, it means up, and lie down. For our old bones, this is the sun is the first thing.

The path descended down, connecting with a wide, solid, like a stone, dazzling and white road. Here the ancient Graft Park began here, in the thick greenery of which beautiful cottages, flower beds, greenhouses and fountains were scattered. Skodzhkin knew these places well; Every year he passed them one after another during the grape season, when the whole Crimea is filled with an elegant, rich and fun public. The bright luxury of the southern nature did not touch the old man, but the Sergey admired Much, formerly for the first time. Magnolia, with their solid and shiny, precisely lacquered leaves and white, with a large plate of magnitude, flowers; Arbors, completely covered with grapes, coating down heavy clusters; huge centuries-old plane with their light bark and mighty krons; Tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - on the flower beds, on the hedge, on the villages - bright, magnificent fragrant roses, - all this did not cease to strike with his lively blooming charm the naive soul of the boy. He expressed his enthusiasm loud, every minute to the old man for the sleeve.

- Grandfather Lodyzhan, and grandfather, look-bow, in the fountain there are golden fish! .. By God, grandfather, Golden, die in place! - shouted the boy, pressing the face to the lattice, stewing the garden with a large swimming pool in the middle. - Grandfather, and peaches! Bone how much! On the same tree!

- I go-go, fool, what the mouth rushed! - pushing his joking old man. - Wait, we will reach the city of Novorossiysk and, it means that we will again approve south. There's really places, - there is something to see. Now, about saying, Sochi will go to you, Adler, Tuapse, and there, brother you, Sukhum, Batum ... Eyes spread out ... Let's say something like a palm tree. Surprise! The trunk of her shaggy, on the manner of felt, and each sheet is so big that both of us to hide the fit.

- By God? - Sergey happily surprised.

- Wait, you will see. Yes, do you never know what? Acehelsyn, for example, or although, say, the same lemon ... saw probably in a bench?

- Just so-so and grows in the air. Without anything, right on the tree, as we, it means, an apple or a pear ... And the people there, the brother, completely dicked: Turks, Pergriki, Circassians are different, everything in the coats and with daggers ... Desperate Narodishka! And then there are, brother, ether. I saw them in the Batum many times.

A. I. Kubrin
White Poodle
Narrow mountain paths, from one cottage village to another, made his way along the southern shore of the Crimea a small stray troupe. Ahead ordered, the twilight of a long pink tongue, a white poodle Arto, sked like a lion. At the intersection, he stopped and, waving his tail, looked back in question. For some other famous signs, he always unmistakably recognized the road and, having fun bungling with the shaggy ears, rushed gallop forward. A twelve-year-old boy Sergey was walking behind the dog, who kept the rolled carpet for acrobatic exercises under the left elbow, and the right and dirty cage with a spon, trained to pull out multicolored paper with predictions to the future life from the drawer. Finally, a senior member of the troupe was made behind, the grandfather Martyn Imbolkin, with a scrathed back.
The Sharmannka was an old, who suffered hoarse, cough and enduring in his century not one tet of repair. She played two things: a sad German Waltz Launner and a gallop from "Travels to China" - both former years old about thirty-forty years ago, on now everyone forgotten. In addition, there were two treacherous pipes in the scarm. At one - Dotkanaya - a voice disappeared; She did not play at all, and therefore, when the turn came to her, then all the music began to stutter, wipe and stumble. In another pipe that has published a low sound, the valve did not immediately close: once the progress, she pulled the same bass note, drowning and knocking all the other sounds, until she suddenly had a desire to silence. Grandfather himself realized these flaws of his car and sometimes noticed jokingly, but with a shade of secret sadness:
- What? Can you do? .. an ancient organ? N ... Walrow ... Play - Dachnips offended: "Fu, say, what's the nasty!" But the plays were very good, fashionable, but only the current gentlemen do not adore our music. They are now "Geisha", "under the double-headed eagle", from the "bird seller" - Waltz. Again, these pipes ... I carried the organ? N to the master - and it is not redeemed. "It is necessary, says new pipes to put, and best, say, sell your sour blessed in the museum ... It seems like some monument ..." Well, yes, oh well! She fed us with you, Sergey, so far, God will give and still feed.
Grandfather Martyn Lododzhkin loved his scold in the way you can only love the living, close, perhaps, even a related creature. Having spoiled with her for many years of heavy stray life, he finally began to see something lightweight in it, almost conscious. It sometimes happened that at night, during the night, somewhere on a dirty inn of the courtyard, a Charmana, standing on the floor, next to Grandfather headboard, suddenly published a weak sound, sad, lonely and trembling: exactly old sigh. Then Skyzkin quietly stroked her along the carved side and whispered gently:
- What?, Brother? Complaining? .. And you are terrib ...
As much as scarmer, maybe even a little more, he loved his younger satellites in eternal wanderings: Puddle Arto and Little Sergey. The boy he took five years ago "hire" from Zabuldigi, a widow shoemaker, if it is obliged to pay two rubles a month for it. But the shoemaker soon died, and Sergey remained forever connected with his grandfather and soul, and small everyday interests.
The path went along a high coastal cliff, wrilling in the shadow of centenary olives. The sea sometimes flashed between the trees, and then it seemed that, leaving the distance, it at the same time rises up with a calm mighty wall, and his color was still blue, even thicker in patterned reversals, among silver-green foliage. In the grass, in the bushes of Kizil and the wild rosehip, in the vineyards and trees - cicadas were poured everywhere; The air was trembling from their ringing, monotonous, ineffable cry. The day was a sultry, hailless, and the gazing earth focused her legs.
Sergey, who was walking, as usual, ahead of the grandfather, stopped and waited until the old man was stood with him.
- What are you?, Seryozha? - asked the floresman.
- Heat, grandfather Ishkin ... There is no patience! To swim ...
The old man on the move with the usual movement of the shoulder corrected the scarmer and wiped the face with a sleeve.
- What would be better! He sighed, greedily glanced down, on the cool blue blue of the sea. - Only after all after the bathing will grow even more. I spoke one familiar Feldsher: Salt this very much on a person ... So, they say, relaxes ... Salt of marine ...
- Ried, maybe? - Doubt said Sergey.
- Well, here, the liner! Why should he lie? A solid man, nonbeid ... Domishko in his Sevastopol. Yes, then here and go down to the sea. Wait, we will reach Uthodko to Mishor, there and the telescope of the Trucks. Before the lunch, it is flattering, swim something ... And then, it means to sleep Troops ... and a great deal ...
Artho, who heard the conversation from behind, turned and ran up to people. His blue good eyes pushed from the heat and looked mightily, and the tunched long tongue shuddered from frequent breathing.
- What?, Brother Pesk? Heat? - asked grandfather.
The dog was tensely yawned, curling the tongue with a tube, shook his entire body and squeezed finely.
"N-yes, you are my brother, you will not do anything ... It is said: In the sweat of your face," continued in the foot of the face. "We put, you have to say about you, not a face, but a muzzle, but still ... well, I went, went ahead, nothing under my feet ... And I, Seryozha, admit to say, I love when this very warm. Organ? N It all interferes, but if it is not work, I would have a lot somewhere on the grass, in the shadow, the belly, it means up, and lie down. For our old bones, this is the sun is the first thing.
The path descended down, connecting with a wide, solid, like a stone, dazzling and white road. Here the ancient Graft Park began here, in the thick greenery of which beautiful cottages, flower beds, greenhouses and fountains were scattered. Skodzhkin knew these places well; Every year he passed them one after another during the grape season, when the whole Crimea is filled with an elegant, rich and fun public. The bright luxury of the southern nature did not touch the old man, but the Sergey admired Much, formerly for the first time. Magnolia, with their solid and shiny, precisely lacquered leaves and white, with a large plate of magnitude, flowers; Arbors, completely covered with grapes, coating down heavy clusters; huge centuries-old plane with their light bark and mighty krons; Tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - on the flower beds, on the hedge, on the villages - bright, magnificent fragrant roses, - all this did not cease to strike with his lively blooming charm the naive soul of the boy. He expressed his enthusiasm loud, every minute to the old man for the sleeve.
- Grandfather Lodyzhan, and grandfather, look-bow, in the fountain there are golden fish! .. By God, grandfather, Golden, die in place! - shouted the boy, pressing the face to the lattice, stewing the garden with a large swimming pool in the middle. - Grandfather, and peaches! Bone how much! On the same tree!
- I go-go, fool, what the mouth rushed! - pushing his joking old man. - Wait, we will reach the city of Novorossiysk and, it means that we will again approve south. There's really places, - there is something to see. Now, about saying, Sochi will go to you, Adler, Tuapse, and there, brother you, Sukhum, Batum ... Eyes spread out ... Let's say something like a palm tree. Surprise! The trunk of her shaggy, on the manner of felt, and each sheet is so big that both of us to hide the fit.
- By God? - Sergey happily surprised.
- Wait, you will see. Yes, do you never know what? Acehelsyn, for example, or although, say, the same lemon ... saw probably in a bench?
- Well?
- Just so-so and grows in the air. Without anything, right on the tree, as we, it means, an apple or a pear ... And the people there, the brother, completely dicked: Turks, Pergriki, Circassians are different, everything in the coats and with daggers ... Desperate Narodishka! And then there are, brother, ether. I saw them in the Batum many times.
- Ethies? I know. These are with horns, "Sergey said confidently.
- Rogov, put, they do not have, these are the crude. But black, like boots, and even shine. The ruins are red, thick, and the glazes are white, and the hair curly, as on the black sheep.
- Terrible look ... Ethiopus are these?
- How to say to you? With inappropriate, it is precisely ... You fear a little, well, and then you see that other people are not afraid, and you yourself will become a bed ... There is a lot there, my brother, all sorts of things. Come - you will see. The only bad is fever. Therefore, the swamps around the swamp, and moreover, fry. There are nothing to the local residents, and the emergent person has a bad person. However, we will be with you, Sergey, tearing languages. Climb to a gate. On this dacha, the Lord live very good ... You ask me: I know everything!
But the day turned out to be unsuccessful. They were driven out of one places, barely envyed, in others, at the very first hoarse and bellish sounds of the scarmer, disadvantageously and impatiently waved on them from the balconies with their hands, in the third servants she stated that the "gentlemen are not yet arrival." On two dachas, they, however, paid for the idea, but very little. However, the grandfather no low fee begged. Going out of the fence to the road, he stuck in his pocket with a satisfied look and said good-natured:
- Two yes five, total seven kopecks ... Well, Brother Serie, and this is money. Seven times in seven, "So he fell half thenter, it means that we all are twisted, and we have overnight, and an annexian ankle, in his weakness, you can skip a glass, the ailments of many for the sake of ... Eh, do not understand this gentleman! A dumplings give him a pity, and the Piglet is ashamed ... well, they are told to go away. And you better give at least three kopecks ... I'm not offended, I'm nothing ... Why are it offended?
In general, the skullcin was a modest nrava and, even when he was challenged, did not ropal. But today and he brought one beautiful, complete, very good lady out of usual, very good lady, the owner of an excellent giving, surrounded by a garden with flowers. She carefully listened to music, she looked at the acrobatic exercises of Sergey and on the funny "things" of Arto, after that he asked the boy in detail about how old he and his name is, where he learned the gymnastics who he had an old man what he had to do his parents, etc.; Then he ordered to wait and went into the room.
She did not appear ten minutes, or even a quarter of an hour, and the longer the time stretched, the more uncertain, but tempting hopes were growing up with artists. Grandfather even whispered the boy, covering from caution with his palm, like a shield:
- Well, Sergey, our happiness, you just listen to me: I, brother, I know everything. Maybe something will give something out of the dress or from shoes. It's right! ..
Finally, the lady came to the balcony, threw on top into the alternate hat of Sergei, a little white coin and immediately disappeared. The coin turned out to be old, erased on both sides and in addition to a leaky griven. Grandfather looked at her for a long time. He was already out on the road and moved away from the cottage, she still kept the Grivennik on his palm, as if we were weighing.
- N-yes-A ... deft! - He said, suddenly stopped. - I can say ... And we are, three fools, tried. It would be better if it would have given a button that was. That by extremes can be sewed somewhere. And what am I with this rubbish will do? The lady probably thinks: All the same, the old man will lower her at night, slowly, it means. No, s, very mistake, madam. An old man's skipping is not engaged in such a disgust. Yes - s! Here you have your gem! Here!
And he with indignation and proudly threw a coin, which, weakly ringing, buried into white road dust.
Thus, the old man with a boy and a dog went around the entire country village and were going to go to the sea. On the left side remained another, the last, cottage. It was not visible due to the high white wall, over which, on the other side, the tightwork of thin dusty cypresses rose, similar to long black and gray spindles. Only through the wide cast-iron gate, similar to its fancy carving on the lace, it was possible to consider the corner of fresh, exactly green bright silk, lawn, round flower flower beds and away, in the background, covered through the alley, the whole clutch thick grapes. In the middle of the lawn stood a gardener who had irrigated a rose from the long sleeve. He covered the pipe hole with his finger, and from this in the fountain of countless splashes, the sun played with all the colors of the rainbow.
Grandfather was going to pass by, but, looking at the gate, stopped in bewilderment.
"Wait a little, Sergey," he called the boy. - No, there are people moving there? That's the story. How many years I go, - and never soul. Well, ka, Vali, Brother Sergey!
"Dacha friendship", an extraneous entrance is strictly prohibited, "I read Sergey inscription, skillfully knocked out at one of the pillars that supported the gate.
- Friendship? .. - asked the illiterate grandfather. - In-in! This is the most real word - friendship. All day I have shown, and here we will take. This is me to the nose, on the manner as a hunting dog. Arto, Ishi, dog son! Vali boldly, Seryozha. You always ask me: I know everything!
The garden tracks were sleeping with a smooth large gravel, crissed under their feet, and from the sides are furnished with large pink sinks. On the flowerbeds, over a motley carpet of multicolored herbs, rose-in bright flowers, from which sweet air was sweet. In reservoirs, transparent water groved and splashed; Of the beautiful VAZ hanging in the air between the trees, we descended the garlands down the curly plants, and in front of the house, on the marble columns, there were two shiny mirrored balls, in which the traveling troupe reflected upside down, in a ridiculous, curved and stretched form.
Before the balcony was a large drowning platform. Sergey spread his rug on it, and grandfather, setting his scarmer on a stick, was already preparing to twist the handle, as suddenly an unexpected and strange spectacle attracted their attention.
The terrace from the inner rooms jumped like a bomb, making shrill screams, a boy of eight or ten years old. He was in a light sailor suit, with naked hands and bare knees. Blond hair, everything in large curls, they disengaged him casually on his shoulders. Following the boy ran out six more people: two women in the aprons; Old fat boom in the phraka, without a mustache and without a beard, but with long gray babenbards; Outdoor, redhead, red-eyed maiden in blue checkered dress; Young, painful look, but very beautiful lady in a lace blue hood and, finally, a thick bald master in a grade pair and in golden glasses. All of them were strongly alarmed, waved their hands, spoke loudly and even pushed each other. Immediately it was possible to guess that the cause of their concern is a boy in a sailor suit, so suddenly flew on the terrace.
Meanwhile, the culprit of this turmoil, nor for a second, without stopping his squeal, she fell into the stomach on the stone floor, quickly rolled on his back and with strong fierce began to jog with his hands and legs in all directions. Adults drove around him. The old lacquer in Thrake pressed with a belling view of both hands to a starchy shirt, shaking his long bundlebards and said complaints:
- Batyushka Barin! .. Nikolai Apollonovich! .. Do not please upset the mammy-s - stand up ... Be so kind - rinse-s. Miksturna is very sweet, one suprow-s. Please get up ...
Women in the aprons splashped with their hands and twitter soon, soon with utility and frightened voices. The red-eyed girl shouted with the tragic gestures something very impressive, but completely incomprehensible, obviously in a foreign language. In prudent bass persuaded the boy Mr. in golden glasses; At the same time, he tilted her head that one, then on the other side and powerively diluted with his hands. And the beautiful lady of Tomno moan, pressing a thin lacy handkerchief to the eyes:
- Ah, Trillil, oh, my God! .. My Angel, I beg you. Listen, my mother begs you. Well, by the same, accept medicine; You will see, you will immediately, immediately become easier: and the tummy will take place. Well, do it for me, my joy! Well, do you want Trillil, mom will be before you knees? Well, look, I'm kneeling in front of you. Want, I will give you golden? Two golden? Five golden, trilli? Want a living donkey? Do you want a live horse? .. Yes, tell him anything, doctor! ..
"Listen, Trilli, be a man," a thick gentleman threw in glasses.
- Ay-Yai-Yai-Ya-Aaa! - shouted the boy, wriggling on the balcony and desperately bold with his feet.
Despite its extremely excitement, he nevertheless tormented his heels in his stomachs and to the legs of people around him, who from this, however, were quite cleverly shied.
Sergey, long-looking with curiosity and surprise on this scene, quietly pushed the old man in the side.
- Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, what? Is it with him? He asked in a whisper. - In no way, will you tear it?
"Well, to fuck ... such a thing will hear." Simple - the Blugger Boy. The patient must be.
- Shamashedchy? - He guessed Sergey.
- And how much I know. Hush! ..
- Ay-Yai-Aa! Drying! Fools! .. - The boy was louder and louder.
- Start, Sergey. I know! - Suddenly Skodzhkin also ordered and with a decisive view of the scarves handle.
In the garden rushed back, the sypret, fake sounds of the ancient gallop. Everything on the balcony was fixed, even the boy was silent for a few seconds.
- Oh, my God, they will upset the poor trillion even more! - exclaimed the deplorable lady in the blue hood. - Oh, yes, rolim them, rhine more! And this dirty dog \u200b\u200bwith them. Dogs always have such terrible diseases. What are you standing, Ivan, exactly the monument?
She with a tired view and disgusting the handkerchief on the artists, the overama of the red-eyed girl did terrible eyes, someone threateningly hurt ... A man in Frak quickly and gently rolled down from the balcony and with an expression of horror on her face, spreading widespread on his hand .
- This is what the disgrace! - He stuck sampled, frightened and at the same time, the headstone-angry whisper. - Who allowed? Who missed? March! Won! ..
Charmanka, sadly squeaking, silent.
"Mr. good, let you explain to you ..." - he began to delicate grandfather.
- No! March! - shouted with some even whistle in the throat. Floomy man.
His thick face was scared, and the eyes were incredibly wide open, just suddenly got out, and came the wheel. It was so scary that grandfather involuntarily retreated two steps back.
"Colive, Sergey," he said, hastily throwing his scarmer on his back. - Go!
But they did not have time to do and ten steps, as the balcony rushed new shrill screams:
- Oh no no no! To me! I want it! A-ah! Dae! Call! To me!
- But, trilli! .. Oh, my God, Trilli! Oh, yes turn them, - the nerve lady groaned. - Fu, how are you all stupid! .. Ivan, you hear what? Are you talking about? Now call these beggars! ..
- Listen! You! Hey, how are you? Sharmancans! Return! - cried several votes from the balcony.
Fat booster with bundles flew in both sides, bouncing, like a large rubber ball, rushed after the outgoing artists.
- No! .. Musicians! Listen! Back! .. Back! .. - He shouted, choking and mahind both hands. - An old man is a venerable, - he finally grabbed his grandfather's sleeve, - Warn the neck! The gentlemen will be your pantomoin watch. Vivid! ..
- N-well, things! He sighed, twisting his head, grandfather, however, approached the balcony, took off his scarmer, strengthened her before his stick and played a gallop from the very place where he had just interrupted.
The bustle on the balcony calmed down. A baryman with a boy and a master in golden glasses came to the most railing; The rest respectfully remained in the background. From the depths of the garden, a gardener came in apron and became near the grandfather. From somewhere the outstretched janitor was placed behind the gardener. It was a huge bearded man with gloomy, narrow, ripple. He was dressed in a new pink shirt, on which large black peas went missing rows.
Under the hoisters, stuttering the sounds of Galopa, Sergey spread on the ground a rug, quickly threw the canasic pantalon from his feet (they were sewn from the old bag and behind, in the widest place, decorated with a quadranous factory stamp), dropped the old jacket and stayed in an old trico which, despite numerous patches, deftly covered its fine, but strong and flexible figure. He has already been developed by imitating adults, receptions of the catering acrobat. Steering on the rug, he put his hands on the go to her lips, and then widespread theatrical movement spread them to the parties, as if sending the public two rapid kisses.
Grandfather with one hand continuously spitched the handle of the scarmer, removing the rattling, coughing motive out of it, and the other threw a boy different items that he skillfully picked up on the fly. The repertoire of Sergey was small, but he worked well, "clean," as acrobats say, and with hunting. He vowed up an empty beer bottle, so she blurred himself several times in the air, and suddenly, having caught her neck to the edge of the plate, held it for a few seconds in equilibrium; juggled with four bone balls, as well as two candles, which he simultaneously caught in the candlesticks; Then played at once three different objects - fan, wooden cigar and rain umbrella. They all flew from his air, without touching the ground, and suddenly the umbrella was immediately over his head, the cigar was in the mouth, and the fan of the flirtary fooled his face. In conclusion, Sergey himself rebuilt several times on the carpet, made a "frog", showed "American knot" and looked like. Exhausting the whole stock of their "tricks", he again threw two kisses to the public and, breathing heavily, went to the grandfather to replace him with his scarm.
Now there was a turn of Arto. The dog knew this perfectly, and had long been jumping in the excitement by all four paws on the grandfather, who had sideways from the strap, and buried him with a detachment, nervous lame. How much know, maybe a smart poodle wanted to say that, in his opinion, to recklessly engage in acrobatic exercises, when the Reomur shows twenty-two degrees in the shadows? But Grandfather Imboke with a cunning look pulled out a thin crossiel whip from the back. "So I knew!" - With the annoyance, it was sanging for the last time, Arto and lazily, it was repeatedly rose to the hind legs, not bringing the blinking eyes from the owner.
- serve, Arto! So, so, so ... - said the old man, holding a poodle of a whip over his head. - Invert. So. Invert ... more, more ... Dance, doggy, dance! .. Sit down! What? -O? Do not want? Sit down, tell you. Ah ... something! Look! Now say hello to the most accurate public! Well! ARTO! - The voice of Lododzhkin trembled.
"GAV!" - broke with the disgust of the poodle. Then he looked, plaintively blinking his eyes, on the owner and added two more times: "Gav, Gav!"
"No, I don't understand me my old man!" - I heard in this dissatisfied Laa.
- This is another thing. Politeness primarily. Well, now we jump a little bit, "the old man continued, stretching low above the ground whip. - Alla! Nevertheless, brother, tongue tongue. Alla! .. Gop! Perfectly! And well, even, Noh Ein Mal ... Alla! .. Hop! Alley! Gop! Wonderful, doggy. Come home, I will give you carrots. And you do not eat carrots? I forgot at all. Then take my chill and ask the Lord. Maybe they give you anything like something more.
The old man raised the dog to the hind legs and stuck her in her mouth his ancient, fearful carduz, which he with such a thin humor called "Cylindra". Holding a carriage in the teeth and overgrowing his walking legs, Arto approached the terrace. In the hands of a painful lady, a small pearl wallet appeared. All surrounding smiled sympathetically.
- What?? I did not tell you? "The grandfather whispered sisper, leaning toward Sergey." - You ask me: I'm, brother, I know everything. No less than the ruble.
At this time, from the terrace, there was such a desperate, sharp, almost inhuman cry, that confused Arto dropped out of his mouth and scrapping, with a tailed tail, fearfully looking back, rushed to the legs of his owner.
- I want, yah! - rushed, drowning legs, curly boy. - To me! Want! Dog-U-y! Trillie wants a soba-a-aku-y ...
- Oh my god! Oh! Nikolai Apollonch! .. Batyushka Barin! .. Calm down, Trillil, I beg you! - Again, people on the balcony were launched.
- Dog! Feed a dog! Want! Drying, devils, fools! - I went out of myself.
- But, my angel, do not upset myself! - Floas the lady in the blue hood over him. - Do you want to stroke a dog? Well, good, good, my joy, now. Doctor, as you think, can Trillley stroke this dog?
- Generally speaking, I would not advise, - spread it my hands, - but if reliable disinfection, for example, boric acid or a weak solution of carboles, then ... in general ...
- Soba A-Aku!
- Now, my charm, now. So, the doctor, we will order to wash it out by boric acid and then ... but, trilli, do not worry so! Old man, please, please your dog here. Do not be afraid, you will pay. Listen, is you not sick? I want to ask, she is not mad? Or maybe she has echinococci?
- I do not want to stroke, I do not want! - Trillilly roared, launching mouth and nose bubbles. - I want completely! Fools, devils! To me! I want to play yourself ... forever!
"Listen, the old man, go here," the lady was raised to shout. - Ah, Trillil, you will kill my mother with your cry. And why only let these musicians allowed! Yes, go closer, even closer ... more, you tell you! .. So ... oh, do not be sad, Trillil, Mom will do whatever you want. I beg you. Miss, and so calm finally the child ... Doctor, I ask you ... How much do you want, old man?
Grandpa removed the carriage. His face took a courteous, orphan expression.
- How much of your grace will be, lady, your high movement ... we are small people, we are all given - good ... tea, the old man yourself will not hurt ...
- Oh, how are you stupid! Trilli, you will get sick. After all, understand that the dog is yours, not mine. Well, how much? Ten? Fifteen? Twenty?
- Aaaa! I want it! Give the dog, give a dog, - screamed the boy, pushing a lake in a round belly leg.
"That is ... I'm sorry, your beggar," Lodyzhkin jumped. "I am an old man, stupid ... Immediately, I don't understand ... In addition, it's deaf enough ... That is, how do you ignite it? .. for a dog? ..
- Ah, my God! .. You seem to be deliberately pretending to be an idiot? - I boiled the lady. - Nanny, let the trilli of the water! I ask you a Russian language, how much do you want to sell your dog? You see, your dog, a dog ...
- Dog! Dog-Aku! - Foured louder than the previous boy.
Lodyzzhkin was offended and put on the head of the card.
"Dogs, a lady, not trading," he said coldly and with dignity. "And this forest, madam, can be said, we are two," he showed a thumb over his shoulder on Sergey, "we feed us two, and dresses. And it is impossible for this that, for example, to sell.
Trillil Meanwhile, shouted with a steaming whistle. A glass of water was served him, but he fastened him in the face of the governess.
- Yes, listen, a crazy old man! .. There is no thing that would not be sold, "the lady insisted, squeezing her whiskey with his palms. "Miss, wipe the face as soon as possible and give me my migrenine." Maybe your dog is worth a hundred rubles? Well, two hundred? Three hundred? Yes, answer the same, the idol! Doctor, tell him anything, for God's sake!
"Colive, Sergey," sullenly grumbled Lodyzhan. - ISTU-KA-N ... Arto, come here! ..
- Uh, waiting, courtesy, - the entangleant bass stretched out thick gentlemen in golden glasses. - You would not break better, my cute, that's what you say. Dog your ten rubles a red price, and even together with you to put it ... You think, donkey, how much you give you!
"Thank you more. Thank you, Barin, but only ... - Lododzhkin, groachty, threw a scarmer by the shoulders. - Only in no way this thing does not go out to, it means to sell. You're better than any other dog, look ... stay happily ... Sergey, go ahead!
- Do you have a passport? - Suddenly the doctor roared Grozno. - I know you, Channelails!
- Janitor! Semen! Chase them! - screamed with a lady face distorted from anger.
The gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with an ominous look approached the artists. The terrace rose a terrible, multi-haired gam: Revived by the good Mate Trilli, his mother groaned, the patter was launched with a raised bar, a dense bass, exactly angry Bumblebee, buzzed Dr.. But grandfather and Sergey really did not have time to see what it would end. Preceded fairly struck poodies, they rushed to the gate with almost running. And followed by the janitor, pushing the back, in the scarm, and spoke to a threatening voice:
- Shot here, Labardians! Thank you yet, that along the neck, old hell, did not work. And another time you come, so know, you will not be shy with you, you will not be a zoom and painting to Mr. Trick. Shantrap!
For a long time, the old man and the boy walked silently, but suddenly, exactly in a persuasion, looked at each other and laughed: first, Sergey, and then, looking at him, but with some embarrassment, smiled and skidger.
- What?, Grandfather Lodyzhan? You know everything? - teased him Lukovo Sergey.
- Yes, brother. We wound up with you, - shook the head of the old floresman. - Yazvaya, however, a boy ... as him, that, they raised his jester, take it? Tell me for mercy: twenty-five people around him dancing dancing. Well, be in my power, I would be a prescriber-al Izu. Serve, says a dog? Stage What? same? He wanted the moon from the sky, so give him a moon? Look here, Arto, appearance, my dog. Well, the day was set today. Amazing!
- For what? it is better! - continued to eat Sergey's evidence. - One lady dress gave, another virgin gave. All of you, Grandfather Ishkin, you know.
"And you pick up, a backhead," the old man snapped good-naturedly. - How did you fly away from the janitor, remember? I thought, and not catch up with me. A serious man is this janitor.
Coming out of the park, the stray troupe went down to steep, a rash path to the sea. Here the mountains, retreating a little back, gave place to an unbreakable flat strip covered with smooth, covered with a touch of stones, which now, with a quiet rustle, gently splashed the sea. Seedlings in two hundred from the coast were tumbled in the water dolphins, showing her fat, round back for a moment. Away on the horizon, where the blue atlas of the sea was idle with a dark blue velvet ribbon, stood immobally slim, a little bit in the sun, sails of fishing boats.
"Here and get out, grandfather Imboke," said Sergey decisively. He had already managed to jump on the go, on one, then on the other foot, to pull himself with himself. - Let me give you a body? H Remove.
He quickly undressed, slaughtered himself with his palms on bare, chocolate from the tan body and rushed into the water, lifting the boosing foams around him.
Grandfather undressed not in a hurry. Hooking his eyes with his palm from the sun and squinting, he looked at Sergey with a love grin.
"Wow grows by the boy," I was thinking about myklencin, "in order that the bony - won all the ribs, and still the guy will be strong."
- Hey, earrings! You hurt the distance do not cry. Sea pig will take off.
- And I am for the tail! - shouted from Sergey.
Grandfather stood for a long time in the sun, tasting under his arms. He came into the water very carefully and, before he plunge, diligently urine himself a red bald tree and the shouldy-boke. The body of Poego was yellow, flabbing and powerless, legs - strikingly thin, and the back with an outstanding sharp shovels was snugged from a long-standing dramatic drainage.
- Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, Look! - shouted Sergey.
He rebuilt in the water, throwing his legs through his head. Grandfather, who already climbed into the water on the belt and squatted in it with blissful grooves, shouted anxiously:
- Well, you do not indulge, pig. Look! I T-you!
Arto frantically buried and jumping along the shore. He was bothering that the boy was swimming so far. "What to show your bravery? - Worried Poodle. - There are land - and go on the ground. Much calmer. "
He himself climbed into the water on his belly and twisted her tongue two or three times. But he did not like salt water, and light waves fucked about coastal gravel, scared him. He jumped ashore and began to bark on Sergey again. "What are these stupid focuses? Would sit at the shore, next to the old man. Oh, how much anxiety with this boy! "
- Hey, Seryozha, get out, or in fact, will be you! - called the old man.
"Now, Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, a steamer sailing." U-U-Ukh!
He finally walked to the shore, but before dressing, grabbed Arto on the hands and, returning himself to the sea, threw him away into the water. The dog immediately floated back, putting out only one face with the ears popped up to the top, loud and offended snort. Jumping into land, she shook with all the body, and the clouds splash flew to the old man and in Sergey.
- Wait-ka, Seryozha, in no way, is it to us? - said Skodzhakin, looking closely up, on the mountain.
Along the path quickly descended down, unintelligible shouting and waving his hands, the same gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with black peas, which a quarter of an hour ago he drove a wandering troupe from giving.
- What does he need? - asked the grandfather with a perplexity.
The janitor continued to shout, running down the awkward trot, and the sleeves of his shirt were quenched in the wind, and the sinus was inflated like a sail.
- Oh-go! .. Wait Troops! ..
"And so that you didn't hang out you," the ankle grumbled angrily. - It's about the artist again.
- Come on, grandfather, put him! - Bravely suggested Sergey.
- Well, you, harvest ... and what? This is for people, forgive the Lord! ..
- You are what ... - Beginned by the breatht, the janitor still published. - Sell, what, ps? Well, no Slady with Panych. Roars like a body. "Feed Yes Support a dog ..." Baryna sent, buy, says, whatever it cost.
- Quite even stupid it is from your baryni! - he was angry suddenly the skullcan, which here, on the shore, felt much more confident than on someone else's dacha. - And again, what is she such a lady to me? You may be a lady, and I don't care a cousin. And please ... I ask you ... You leave from us, the sake of Christ ... And that ... and do not stick.
But the janitor did not lose. He sat down on the stones, next to the old man, and said, awkwardly, in front of him with his fingers:
- Yes, you understand, a fool-man ...
"From the fool and hear," the grandfather snapped calmly.
- Yes, wait ... not to that I am ... that's right, what a ray of frustration ... You think: Well, what is your dog? I picked up another puppy, learned to stand sides, here's a dog again. Well? Income, what, am I saying? BUT?
Grandpa carefully tied the belt around the pants. For persistent questions of the janitor, he answered with the delinted indifference:
- Breshing further ... I will answer you immediately.
- And here, the brother you are mine, immediately - the figure! Said the janitor. - Two hundred, and not that three hundred casual prosecution! Well, usually, I'm some kind of work ... You think only: three hundredths! After all, it is possible to open a grocery ...
Thus, the janitor pulled a piece of sausage from his pocket and threw his poodle. Arto caught him on the fly, swallowed in one reception and distorted with a tail.
- Cumshot? - Briefly asked Lodyzhan.
- Yes, there is nothing long and fingered. Come on PSA - and by hand.
"Ta-Ak-S," grandfather handed over. - Sell, then a dog?
- Usually - to sell. What are you still? The main thing, the Pipic we have so affected. What I wanted, so the whole house was passing. Serve - and that's it. It's still without a father, but when father ... The saints are ours! .. Everyone's legs go. Barin with us engineer, maybe heard Mr. Oboljaninov? Over all of Russia, railways are building. Meloner! And we have a boy one. And jet. I want to continue live - I understand you. I want a boat - you have a suspicious boat. As there is nothing, nothing to refuse ...
- And the moon?
- That is, in which sense?
- I say, he never wanted the moon from the sky?
- Well ... They also say - the moon! - I was confused Janitor. "So how, Mil Man, Lada with us, or what?"
Grandfather, who has managed at this time to put on his brown, green on the seams of a jacket, proudly straightened, as far as he allowed the forever bent back.
"I'll tell you one, a guy," he began not without solemnity. - Approximately, if you had a brother or, let's say, a friend who, that means, from the Syvothy itself. Wait, friend, you do not blend sausage with a sausage ... it's better to eat ... that, brother, you can't get it. I say, if you had the most faithful friend ... Who is Syvdtiv ... how much would you sell it about it?
- equated too! ..
- Here and equated. You are so telling your Barina, who builds the railway, - the grandfather's voice elevated. - So say: not all, they say, for sale, what is bought. Yes! You are not a smooth dog better, it's nothing. Arto, go here, dog son, I'm t-you! Sergey, take away.
"You're old fool," the janitor finally suffered.
"Fool, yes, father, and you are Ham, Judas, a selling soul," Ishkin chatted. "You will see your shareholder, bow to her, say: from ours, they say, with love with your Low bow." Cut the carpet, Sergey! Eh, my back, Spin! Let's go to.
- So, Ta-AK! .. - I mean the janitor meaningfully.
- With the same take! - Znorly answered the old man.
Artists swept along the sea shore, again up, on the same road. Looking at randomly back, Sergey saw that the janitor was following them. His appearance was thoughtful and sullen. He focused on the whole five under the capped his shaggy red headlock on his eyes.
Grandfather Lodyzhanka was a long time ago, some corner between Mishhor and Alupka, a book from the lower road, where it was great to have breakfast. He he led his companions there. Not far from the bridge, shifted through a rare and dirty mountain stream, ran out from under the ground, in the shade of curves of oaks and dense nuts, speaking, cold stream of water. She did round shallow reservoir in the soil, from which he escaped in the stream of a thin snake, glistened in the grass like a living silver. Near this spring in the morning and in the evenings, it was always possible to catch pious Turks who fought water and worked out their sacred ablutions.
"Our sins are serious, and stocks are scarce," said Grandfather, sitting in a coolness under Ozhnik. - Well, Seryozha, Lord bless!
He took out bread bag, a dozen of red tomatoes, a piece of bessarab cheese "Cheese" and a bottle with olive oil. Salt was tied to the nodule of a cloth of dubious purity. Before eating the old man was baptized for a long time and whispered something. Then he broke the scratch of bread into three uneven parts: one, the biggest, he stretched out Sergey (small grows - he needs to eat), the other, smaller, left for the poodle, the smallest took himself.
- In the name of the Father and Son. The eyes of everyone on Ta, Lord, are relieved, he whispered, fussily distributing portions and watering them from the bottle of oil. - Talk, Seryozha!
Not in a hurry, slowly, in silence, how true workers eat, they began three for their modest lunch. It was only audible, as we chewed three pairs of jaws. Arto eating his share as a sideline, stretched out on his stomach and putting both front paws on bread. Grandfather and Sergey alternately Makali in salt ripe tomatoes, of which the tech on their lips and the hands are red, like blood, juice, and joined their cheese and bread. Satisfied, they drunk water, substituting a tin mug under a stream. The water was transparent, beautiful taste and so cold that there was even a mug from her outside. The day fever and the long path of the artists who stood today a little light. The grandfather had eyes sticking. Sergey Zeval and squeezed.
- What?, Brother, do we go to sleep for a minute? - asked grandfather. - Give me for the last time the water drink. Wow, good! - He rushed, take away from the mug of his mouth and severely translating his breath, meanwhile as light drops fled from his mustache and beard. - If I were king, everything was drinking this water ... in the morning until night! Arto, Icy, here! Well, God I drink, no one saw, and who saw, he did not hurt ... Oh-Oh-Honyushka-and!
The old man and the boy lay down next to the grass, the old jackets under his heads under the head. The dark foliage of the coronal, spreading oaks noishes over their heads. Through it, the blue blue sky. The stream, who escaped from stone on a stone, was murmured so monotonous and so inchiborated, just fascinated by someone his hypnosis. Grandfather grumbled for some time, Kryjahtel and said something, but Sergey seemed that his voice sounds from some soft and sleepy given, and the words were incomprehensible as in a fairy tale.
- First thing - I will buy you a suit.

The story "White Poodle" Kubrin wrote in 1903. In the work, the author touched on the theme of care, disinterested friendship, social inequality. The story conflict is built on opposing how stray artists and rich people belong to the trained dog. The old man and the boy perceive Arto as a close friend, whereas for the son of Baryni is just a toy that he will probably forget tomorrow.

main characters

Martyn Lodyzhan - Old man, floresman.

Sergey - Twelve-year-old boy, acrobat. Five years ago, Lodyzhan took his "rental" at Zabuldigi Supozhnik.

Art - White Poodle, "Crazed Like Lion".

Other characters

Trilli - Son of the owners of the cottage "Friendship", a capricious boy of eight to ten years.

Lady - History of cottages "Friendship".

Janitor - served by Trilli's parents.

Chapter 1

"A small stray troupe made his way along the southern coast." Ahead of the Poodle Arto, he was Sergey's Poodle, and the grandfather Martyn Lodyzzhkin "with a scrathed back was played behind him." Sharmanka barely worked, and on it it was possible to play only long-standing waltz and gallop.

Chapter 2.

Troupe came out to the old Count Park, "in the thick greenery of which beautiful cottages were scattered." Sergey and Martyn began to walk in the giving, but "the day was bad for them."

Almost everywhere they were driven or refused, paid only in two. And although Skodzhakin was glad to at least some earnings, he was very outraged by one lady: a woman looked at a long time and asked them, and then he gave only a holey grivennik.

They went around the entire country village. The last dacha remained for a high fence, which was written "Dacha Friendship".

Chapter 3.

The troupe went into the garden, and Seryozha spread the rug in front of the balcony. Only they gathered to start the presentation, as the terrace ran out, making shrill sounds, boy. Following him, the servants, a young lady and a thick bald lord were in a hurry. They tried in every way to calm the child, but he did not lose it.

Skidzhan said to start a presentation. Hearing the sounds of the scarm "Everything on the balcony was fixed in a balcony." Artists wanted to drive, but Trillie began to be capricious to be returned. Lodyzhan played on his scarm, Sergey performed acrobatic tricks. After that, Martyn pulled out a thin whip, and the Arto obediently fulfilled his orders.

Seeing the trained dog, Trilli immediately demanded a poodle to himself. The lady asked how much the skullcan wants for Arto. Martyn replied that the poodle was not for sale, because he feeds them. The boy shouted even louder. The angry lady was ready to pay as much as you like, but Imboke was not inferior. Then the janitor traveled artists from the cottage.

Chapter 4.

Already by the sea artists caught up janitor. Feeding the poodle of sausage, he explained that he came on behalf of Baryni, who offers 300 rubles for the dog. The old man strongly refused to sell Arto.

Chapter 5.

Imboke and Seryozha stopped breaking in breakfast in the "corner between Mishahhor and Alupka" at the source. After breakfast, they decided to sleep a little. In the dawn, grandfather spoke himself with himself: arguing how to buy a pink trite with gold and satin pink shoes.

While Sergey and Martyn slept, Arto disappeared. Seeing sausage stump lying on the road, the old man realized that the dog took the janitor. Martyn was very upset.

Outraged Sergey said that he would now return and make the dog would give, and otherwise you will have to turn to the world. Lodyzhan replied that they should not be referred to the world: he lives on a foreign passport, and in fact the peasant Ivan Dudkun.

Chapter 6.

"Silently they reached Alupka" and stopped in a dirty Turkish coffee, which was called "ildyz" - "Star". Late night, Sergey was imperceptibly gathered and came out. The boy went to the dacha "Friendship". After moving through the patterned cast iron gate, he decided to bypass the cottage around.

From the stone basement, Sergey heard groaning squeals. The boy called the dog and the "frantic, disrupting Lai immediately filled the entire garden." In the basement there was a bass cry, and something shouted. Remarkable Sergey shouted, so as not to dare beat the dog.

From the basement, the janitor and artho sang with a rope cram around the neck. Seryozha, and behind him and a poodle, a nurse rushed. Finding a place where the wall of the fence was low enough, the boy suggested the dog, jumped himself, and they quickly ran away.

Although the janitor did not pursue them more, the dog and the boy fled for a long time. Perhaps the source, Sergey and Arto returned to the coffee shop. Arto on joys with a screech ran up to the skipper and woke it up. The old man wanted to appeal to the boy for explanations, but he already fell asleep.


In the story "White Poodle", Kurin opposes two boys - acrobat Serious and Barsky Son Trilli. Seryozha not much older than his antipode, but at the same time he perceives completely differently the world. The little acrobat admires the Crimean nature, with understanding refers to the ankle room, without pouring in a hurry to return his friend Arto. The trillion also applies to the entire consumer, it is important for him only the immediate execution of his whims, no matter what it would be worth his parents.

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