Reverse side of Admiral Kolchak. Why Admiral Kolchak is a traitor and only a traitor

The Russian historian of special services A. Martirosyan wrote an article about the betrayal of Admiral A. V. Kolchak, who was recruited by the special services of Great Britain and the United States. The very one who was so glamorously painted in the film "Admiral" with Khabensky in the title role.
He knew something about her, something he didn't. For example, that Kolchak was a descendant of the Crimean Tatar commander Ilias Kalchak Pasha. In general, judge for yourself.

Recently, almost demands have been heard more and more often for the rehabilitation of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak as an allegedly innocent victim of the political repressions of the Bolsheviks. Sometimes it comes almost to the point of hysteria on the part of the "rehabilitator democrats" who demand a full justification for the actions of this traitor to Russia. So, shortly before his death, the extremely odious "architect of perestroika" and the same traitor - Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev, foaming at the mouth from the TV screens, demanded the complete rehabilitation of A.V. Kolchak. For what? Why do some traitors care so much about the "honest name" of other traitors who preceded them?! After all, since the gray biblical times, betrayal is the only a priori unforgivable act forever and ever, and, therefore, regardless of any previous merits to Russia, a traitor must remain a traitor! Have we managed to erect a monument in Irkutsk to a traitor who officially entered the service of the British king!? And a multiple traitor. Even worse. A traitor who not only managed to formalize his transition to the side of ardent enemies of Russia, but also de jure formalize the forcible dismemberment of the Russian State! After all, many territorial and political problems, in particular, with the same Baltic limitrophes, were generated precisely by his activities! Judge for yourself.

Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to whom he swore allegiance and kissed the cross! Have you ever thought about why the fleets of the Entente in 1918 calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea?! After all, he was mined! In addition, in the confusion of the two revolutions of 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak's entry ticket for joining the British intelligence service was the surrender of all information about the location of minefields and barriers in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and he had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands!

Further. As you know, on June 28, 1916, Kolchak was appointed to the post of commander of the Black Sea Fleet. However, this happened with the direct patronage of the British intelligence resident in Russia, Colonel Samuel Hoare, and the British ambassador to the Russian Empire, Buchanan (the tsar is also good - no, to send English allies to the "Bigben mother" so that they do not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire). This is the second betrayal, because, under such patronage, becoming the commander of one of the then most important fleets of Russia, Kolchak assumed obligations to fulfill the official task of British intelligence to disorganize and reduce the combat capability of this fleet. And, in the end, he fulfilled it - he simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 secretly fled to England. What do you want to call the commander of the fleet, who during the war vilely abandons his fleet and secretly flees from the country abroad?! What does he deserve in this case?! At a minimum, more than a clear definition - TRAITOR and TRAITOR!

Kolchak received the title of Admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to whom he also swore allegiance. And who also betrayed! At least by the fact that, having secretly fled to England, already in August 1917, together with the Chief of the Naval General Staff of Great Britain, General Hall, he discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia! Simply put, the question of overthrowing the Provisional Government! If even easier - the question of a coup d'état. Otherwise, sorry, how could a dictatorship be established?! To swear allegiance to the already vile Provisional Government that overthrew the tsar, to receive a promotion from him in rank and immediately betray him too!? This is already a genetic pathology! Below I will explain what is the matter here.

Then, at the request of the American ambassador in England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was also recruited by the diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. Recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Eliahu Ruth. That is, along the way, he now betrayed the British too. Although the Britons, of course, knew about this recruitment. The fact that he temporarily betrayed the British - and to hell with him, and with them. The point is different. Having gone to recruit with the Americans, for the second time in a short time he betrayed the same Provisional Government, to which he also swore allegiance and thanks to which he became an admiral. And in general, the list of his betrayals only lengthened.

As a result, becoming a double Anglo-American agent, immediately after the October 1917 coup, Kolchak turned to the English envoy to Japan, K. Green, with a request to the government of His Majesty King George V of England to take him into service! So after all, he wrote in his petition: "... I completely place myself at the disposal of His government ...". "His government" - means the government of His Majesty the English King George V! On December 30, 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak's request. From that moment, Kolchak had already officially gone over to the side of the enemy, dressed in the toga of an ally. Why an enemy?! Yes, because at that time only the laziest of the agents of England, the USA and the Entente as a whole could not know that, firstly, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente adopted an official decision to intervene in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the European core of the Entente - England and France - signed a convention on dividing Russia into spheres of influence! And almost a year later, when in November 1918 the German Empire (and the Austro-Hungarian Empire too) was sent to the dustbin of History, and Kolchak was finally thrown back to Russia, under the patronage of the United States, the Anglo-French allies on November 13, 1918 confirmed that the convention itself or, to put it in a purely legal language, prolonged its operation. And Kolchak, who knew all this and was already a double Anglo-American agent, precisely after the confirmation of this convention, under the patronage of the same states, agreed to become supposedly the Supreme Ruler. That's why I say that it was a bastard and a traitor, officially in the service of the enemy! If he simply cooperated (suppose, within the framework of military-technical supplies) with the former allies in the Entente, as many White Guard generals did, then this would be one thing. Even despite the fact that they also took on not too benevolent obligations that affected the honor and dignity of Russia. However, they at least de facto acted as something independent, without formally transferring to the service of a foreign state. But Kolchak officially entered the service of Great Britain. And the same Admiral Kolchak, whom the Bolsheviks shot like a mad dog, was not just the self-proclaimed Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, against whom the Bolsheviks fought, but the official representative of the English king and his government, who was officially in their service, who tried to rule over all of Russia! The British General Knox, who oversaw Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for the creation of the Kolchak government! All this is now well known, including from foreign sources.

And along the way, Kolchak also carried out an equally important task for the Americans. No wonder E. Ruth "trained" him for the role of the future Cromwell of Russia. And do you know why?! Yes, because the excessively “compassionate” E. Ruth developed a barbaric plan to enslave Russia that had a decent name - “A plan for American activities to preserve and strengthen the morale of the army and civilian population of Russia”, the essence of which was simple, like the revered Yankee popcorn . Russia was supposed to continue to “supply” the “cannon fodder” to the Entente, that is, to fight for the interests of the Anglo-Saxons alien to Russia itself, while paying with its political and economic enslavement, the “first violin” in which the United States was supposed to play. I emphasize that the economic enslavement of Russia, primarily the seizure of its railways, especially the Trans-Siberian Railway, occupied a central place in this plan. Damn Yankees even formed a special "railway corps" to manage Russian railways, especially the Trans-Siberian (by the way, the British at that time set their sights on Russian railways in our North, in the area of ​​​​Arkhangelsk and Murmansk). And in parallel, the Yankees set their sights on the natural resources of Russia.

So it's time to end the hysterical screeching about the supposedly innocently murdered allegedly honest and decent Admiral A.V. Kolchak. A bastard and a traitor - he is a bastard and a traitor! And he must remain so in history (without denying at the same time his previous scientific merits to Russia, it is impossible not to notice that he crossed them out with his own hand). It has now been finally and documented for sure that he was a traitor to Russia and that he must and will remain so in its history of the 20th century. In the documents of British intelligence, the US State Department, in the personal correspondence of the "gray eminence" of American politics during the First World War - Colonel House - A.V. Kolchak is directly called their double agent (these documents are known to historians). And it was precisely as their double agent that he had to implement the most criminal plans of the West towards Russia. And the "finest hour" of this traitor came in 1919. However, the West began to pave the way for his future crimes against Russia back in November 1918, at the end of the First World War.

As you know, on November 11, 1918, in the suburbs of Paris - Compiègne - the Compiegne Agreement was signed, which put an end to the First World War. When it is mentioned, it is usually quite "elegant" to forget to mention that it was just a 36-day armistice agreement. In addition, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which bore the brunt of the war in the status of the tsarist empire, and then, having already become Soviet, rendered a colossal service to the same Entente with its revolutionary banditry in Germany. Without the help of Lenin and Co., the Entente would have been fiddling with Kaiser Germany for a long time to come. But this is so, a saying ...

The main thing is that Article 12 of the Compiègne Armistice Agreement stated: “All German troops who are now in the territories that constituted Russia before the war must equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies recognize that the moment has come for this, accepting into account the internal situation of these territories. However, the secret subparagraph of the same article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries. Such actions of the Entente were openly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without the participation of Russia, I emphasize, even if it was Soviet. But it's still "flowers".

The fact is that the terminological "pearl" - "... in the territories that made up Russia before the war" - meant that the Entente de facto and de jure not only agrees with the results of the German occupation of the territories, the legality of which became part of Russia before August 1 1914 and even throughout the entire First World War, it never occurred to anyone to challenge, at least openly, but in the same way, that is, de facto and de jure trying to reject, or, as then the Anglo-French allies expressed themselves “elegantly”, to “evacuate” these territories already after the fact of the German occupation. Simply put, as if in the order of the "legitimate trophy" obtained from the defeated enemy - Germany.

And in this regard, I want to draw attention to the following circumstance. As mentioned above, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Soviet of the Entente made an official decision to intervene in Russia. Unofficially, this decision was agreed upon as early as December 1916 - they were only waiting for the now vaunted “February workers” to plant their “revolutionary ax” in the back of the Entente’s most loyal ally, Nicholas II. And in the development of this decision, on December 10 (23), 1917, the Anglo-French convention on the division of the territory of Russia was signed. For the information of readers: this vile convention has not been officially canceled so far! According to this convention, the allies deigned to divide Russia as follows: the North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of British influence (this, of course, did not exhaust the “appetites” of the Britons, but this is a separate conversation). France got Ukraine and the South of Russia. On November 13, 1918, the same Anglo-French allies, under the patronage of the United States, brazenly extended the duration of this convention. Simply put, they declared Russia for the second time, even if it was Soviet, really a war, and really a world war, and really the second in a row in the scenario “from the wheels” of the First World War! In fact, it really was a re-announcement of the first "Second World War" in the 20th century in the "off-the-wheels" scenario of the First World War.

As for the second "pearl" from Article 12 of the Compiègne Agreement - "taking into account the internal situation of these territories", - here is another international legal "trick" of the Entente. Not risking calling these territories states - the question of recognizing their fake sovereignty will be raised only on February 15, 1919 during the Versailles so-called "peace" conference - the Entente, nevertheless, prepared to steal them. Especially in the part concerning the Baltics, although I knew very well that it would be completely illegal! Because in this way, behind the scenes and without any participation of Russia, the Nishtad Treaty of August 30, 1721 between Russia and Sweden will be brazenly broken! According to this agreement, the territories of Ingria, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia with the cities of Riga, Revel (Talinn), Derpt, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel and Dago passed to Russia and its successors in full, undeniable and eternal possession and ownership! By the time the Compiègne truce was signed, for almost two centuries no one in the world even tried to challenge it, especially since the Nishtad Treaty itself was confirmed in writing and guaranteed by the same England and France.

But the Entente was afraid to openly steal. First of all, because during the period of the actual German occupation, as well as after the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the German occupation authorities forcibly “cut” huge pieces of purely Russian territories to the Baltic territories. To Estonia - parts of the St. Petersburg and Pskov provinces, in particular, Narva, Pechora and Izborsk, to Latvia - the Dvina, Lyudinsky and Rezhitsky counties of the Vitebsk province and part of the Ostrovsky county of the Pskov province, to Lithuania - parts of the Suwalki and Vilna provinces inhabited by Belarusians (not very , obviously capable of understanding something, but with giblets sold to the West, the authorities of the modern Baltic limitrophes are now all the time trying, speaking in a purely folk language, to “spread the mitten” wider on these lands). The Entente was also afraid because first it was necessary to change the power structures of a purely pro-German orientation formed by the German occupation authorities (German intelligence widely planted its agents of influence there) to authorities with a pro-Entente orientation. But this is just one side of the coin. The second was the following.

Under the direct pressure of the Entente, which put this as a strict precondition for a truce, on November 5, 1918, the Kaiser's government of Germany unilaterally severed diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. There was no need to look for a blessing and a reason - the Soviet embassy, ​​headed by a long-time patient of the best European and Russian psychiatrists A. Ioffe, interfered so openly and so brazenly in the internal affairs of Germany that it was impossible not to notice it. However, it was, as they say, "debt in payment is red" - a year before that, the nemchura behaved in exactly the same way in Russia.

The rupture of diplomatic relations meant that even according to the norms of the then robbery international law, all previously signed and ratified agreements between the two states automatically lost their legal force. Moreover, on November 9, 1918, the Kaiser's empire also sank into oblivion: the monarchy fell, the Kaiser went on the run (he took refuge in Holland), and the Social Democrats led by Ebert-Scheidemann came to power in Germany. At the time of the signing of the November 11, 1918, Compiègne truce, the Social Democratic, we use the parliamentary rule and put an end in order not to use foul language, .... led by Ebert-Scheidemann, she managed a super-unique, super-unprecedented even for the robbery history of the West and the same trick of its jurisprudence. Automatically devoid of any legal force, the already predatory Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of March 3, 1918, just six days after its, I emphasize, automatic denunciation by the German side, is suddenly resurrected by the Social Democrats who came to power in Germany . Even worse. Together with the function of control over its execution, as if supposedly continuing to operate, the treaty was voluntarily handed over to the Entente as a "trophy"!? Naturally, with all the ensuing extremely negative geopolitical, strategic and economic consequences for Russia, even for the Soviet one! After all, it was about the theft of a Million Square Kilometers of Strategically Important Territories of the Russian State, along with their natural, economic and demographic resources! Resources, which, even at that time, were measured in more than tens of billions of gold rubles!

Lenin, who tried to recapture the Baltic states by force of arms, no matter how you treat him personally, was absolutely right de facto. And, what is especially important in this regard, de jure too. Because official diplomatic relations were unilaterally severed by the Kaiser's Germany, which soon collapsed, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty automatically lost any force whatsoever. Consequently, the Baltic States, which remained under German occupation, both de facto and de jure, turned into the territory of Russia, illegally seized and occupied by the troops of the state that had died in the bose, which the Entente also openly steals! Yes, and for the second time declaring Russia, even Soviet, the next, that is, the next world war, the second in a row and in the scenario “from the wheels of the first”! From a purely military-geopolitical point of view, the armed onslaught of the Bolsheviks on the Baltic states that began on November 13, 1918 was absolutely justified in the nature of an objectively necessary counter-offensive in order to protect the state's own territory.

But from an ideological point of view, Lenin was just as wrong, because he gave this armed campaign the appearance of an attempt to "come to the aid of the German revolution", violently rejected by all of Germany, which Ilyich and Co. did not want to understand, since their enthusiasm at that moment, to put it mildly to put it, the idea of ​​a “field revolution”, inadequate to the then realities, simply turned off in their minds even the shadow of a hint of any kind of rational thinking. The result was logical - the defeat was inevitable, especially since all of Europe, with desperate efforts, up to inciting vicious anti-Semite phobia in most of its countries, repulsed the attacks of Lenin, Trotsky and Co., stunned by the bloody taste of the "world revolution" and their German and other "colleagues" .

But, despite the failure of this armed campaign, the fate of these territories could not be decided without the participation of Russia, even if in the person of some traitor. And the Entente entrusted this vile deed to the now praised Admiral Kolchak, who by that time had become a direct agent of the strategic influence of the Entente.

On May 26, 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente sent Admiral Kolchak, who was completely controlled by British intelligence (his actions on behalf of the allied command were directly led by the British General Knox and, subsequently, the legendary British geopolitician, and then, as, indeed, until the end of his life, the most authoritative British military spy-intellectual J. Halford Mackinder) a note in which, announcing the break in relations with the Soviet government, he expressed his readiness to recognize his own double agent of strategic influence in admiral's shoulder straps for the Supreme Ruler of Russia!? And here is what is typical. To admit, they recognized him, but only de facto. But de jure - miles sorry, the three fingers of the Entente were shown. But with all this, they demanded purely legal actions from him - they put forward a tough ultimatum to him, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to:

1. The separation of Poland and Finland from Russia, in which there was no point, especially in relation to Finland, except for the furious desire, especially of Great Britain, to arrange everything in such a way that these countries allegedly gained independence from the hands of only the Entente (the West). The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government on December 31, 1917, which, by the way, Finland still celebrates. That was the right step, because her stay in Russia, where, according to the Friedrichsham Treaty of 1809, Alexander I included her (by the way, at the request of the ancestor of the future Fuhrer of Finland, Mannerheim), was not only meaningless, but also dangerous due to separatism blazing there purely nationalist.

As for Poland, after the events of October 1917, it already became independent - Lenin did not interfere. Consequently, from this point of view, the ultimatum to Kolchak was also meaningless.

2. Transferring the issue of the separation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Trans-Caspian region) from Russia for consideration by the arbitration of the League of Nations in the event that agreements necessary for the West are not reached between Kolchak and the puppet governments of these territories.

Along the way, Kolchak was given an ultimatum to recognize that the Versailles "peace" conference had the right to decide the fate of Bessarabia as well.

In addition, Kolchak had to guarantee the following:

1. That as soon as he captures Moscow (the Entente, obviously, naturally "went crazy" that he set such a task for him), he would immediately convene the Constituent Assembly.

2. That he will not interfere with the free election of local self-government bodies. A little explanation. The fact is that under an outwardly very attractive wording, a delayed-action mine of enormous destructive power was hidden. The country then blazed a fire of separatism of various stripes. From purely nationalist to regional and even small-town. Moreover, literally everyone was involved in this destructive process, including, regrettably, even purely Russian territories, almost completely Russian in terms of population composition. And giving them the freedom to elect local self-government bodies automatically meant giving them the freedom to separately declare the independence of their territory, and, accordingly, secession from Russia. That is, the ultimate goal was to destroy the territorial integrity of Russia by the hands of its own population! The West, by the way, always tries to do just that. In the same way, by the way, in 1991 the USSR was destroyed.

3. That he will not restore "special privileges in favor of any class or organization" and in general the former regime, which restricted civil and religious freedoms. A little explanation. Simply put, the Entente was not at all satisfied not only with the restoration of the tsarist regime, but even with the regime of the Provisional Government. And if it is even simpler, then a single and indivisible Russia, as a state and country. It is at this point, not to mention others, that the meanness of Kolchak's repeated betrayal is most clearly manifested. Someone, but he was well aware that the news of the overthrow of the king was received, in particular, in the same England, to the service of the king of which he volunteered, the British Parliament stood with a standing ovation, and its Prime Minister - Lloyd - George - just like that and exclaimed: "The goal of the war has been achieved!" That is, he openly admitted that the First World War was started precisely for this! And, therefore, recognizing this point of the Entente's ultimatum, Kolchak once again proved that he was a traitor deliberately acting against Russia!

On June 12, 1919, Kolchak gave the necessary written answer to the Entente, which she considered satisfactory. Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente. After all, she recognized Kolchak only de facto, but she issued an ultimatum de jure. And the answer from the only recognized de facto traitor to Russia, the Entente recognized de jure! That's what the West means!

As a result, some Kolchak in one fell swoop crossed out all the conquests of Peter the Great and the Nishtad Treaty of August 30, 1721 itself! When he completed the tasks assigned to him and huge chunks of the territory of the Russian state were de jure torn away, his fate was sealed. The Moor has done his job - the Moor can not only retire, but it is also obliged to be killed, preferably by proxy. So that the ends would all really be in the water. Through the hands of the representative of the Entente under Kolchak, General Janin (the Anglo-Saxons remained true to themselves here too - they framed the representative of France for this unseemly deed) - and with the assistance of the Czechoslovak corps (they were still enemies of Russia, who raged at the direction of their Western masters on the Trans-Siberian Railway), the puppet admiral was surrendered Bolsheviks. Well, they shot him like a dog, and rightly so! There is no need to squander the territory of a great state and a great country that has been gathering for centuries!

It remains to say the following. On what the Anglo-Saxons "took" Kolchak - on immense vanity, whether on the use of drugs (Kolchak was an avid cocaine addict) or on both at the same time, or on something else - now it is impossible to establish. But something can still be said. Apparently, in Kolchak they “kindled” a sense of tribal revenge for their distant ancestor - the commander of the Khotyn fortress in 1739, Ilias Kalchak Pasha, from whom the Kalchak family began in Russia. Ilias Kalchak Pasha - this is how his name was written in the 18th century. - was forced to surrender to Russian troops under the command of Minich during the next Russian-Turkish war. After 180 years, a distant descendant of Ilias Kalchak Pasha - A.V. Kolchak - handed over to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs!

That was an openly Jesuit move of the West! With the hands of a traitor, it was in admiral's shoulder straps, moreover, not of Russian origin - after all, Kolchak was a "Krymchak", that is, a Crimean Tatar - to deprive Russia of access to the Baltic Sea, for the right to have which, Russia of Peter the Great waged the Northern War with Sweden for over 20 years ! All the works of Peter the Great, his predecessors and successors were completely crossed out, including the famous Nishtad Peace Treaty of August 30, 1721, which legitimized Russia's right to free access to the Baltic Sea and further to the Atlantic! Moreover. This is how Russia got a headache in the face of the viciously Russophobic so-called Baltic states. So it was before the Second World War, so it continues today.

And now, the "democratic scum" - this inherently charming expression belongs to one of the most respected people in the whole world, the "king of dynamite" and the founder of the world-famous Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel - sing Kolchak not only as allegedly a patriot of Russia, but also as innocently murdered victim of political repression of the Bolsheviks!?

On December 31, 1917, Admiral Kolchak deliberately went over to the side of the British King, after which he faithfully served him, and all his actions, again consciously, were directed purely against his own Motherland - Russia. And if specifically, then the destruction of its territorial integrity.

Therefore, if we talk about his honor and loyalty, then yes, in relation to the British crown, he kept them until his death - which naturally followed in the form of execution for the betrayal of the Motherland that nurtured and exalted him - Russia and faithful service to her primordial and vile enemies.

Recently, almost demands have been heard more and more often for the rehabilitation of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak as an allegedly innocent victim of the political repressions of the Bolsheviks. Sometimes it comes almost to the point of hysteria on the part of the "rehabilitator democrats" who demand a full justification for the actions of this traitor to Russia. So, shortly before his death, the extremely odious "architect of perestroika" and the same traitor - Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev, foaming at the mouth from the TV screens, demanded the complete rehabilitation of A.V. Kolchak. For what? Why do some traitors care so much about the "honest name" of other traitors who preceded them?! After all, since the gray biblical times, betrayal is the only a priori unforgivable act forever and ever, and, therefore, regardless of any previous merits to Russia, a traitor must remain a traitor! Have we managed to erect a monument in Irkutsk to a traitor who officially entered the service of the British king!? And a multiple traitor. Even worse. A traitor who not only managed to formalize his transition to the side of ardent enemies of Russia, but also de jure formalize the forcible dismemberment of the Russian State! After all, many territorial and political problems, in particular, with the same Baltic limitrophes, were generated precisely by his activities! Judge for yourself. Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to whom he swore allegiance and kissed the cross! Have you ever thought about why the fleets of the Entente in 1918 calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea?! After all, he was mined! In addition, in the confusion of the two revolutions of 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak's entry ticket for joining the British intelligence service was the surrender of all information about the location of minefields and barriers in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and he had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands! Further. As you know, on June 28, 1916, Kolchak was appointed to the post of commander of the Black Sea Fleet. However, this happened with the direct patronage of the British intelligence resident in Russia, Colonel Samuel Hoare, and the British ambassador to the Russian Empire, Buchanan (the tsar is also good - no, to send English allies to the "Bigben mother" so that they do not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire). This is the second betrayal, because, under such patronage, becoming the commander of one of the then most important fleets of Russia, Kolchak assumed obligations to fulfill the official task of British intelligence to disorganize and reduce the combat capability of this fleet. And, in the end, he fulfilled it - he simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 secretly fled to England. What do you want to call the commander of the fleet, who during the war vilely abandons his fleet and secretly flees from the country abroad?! What does he deserve in this case?! At a minimum, more than a clear definition - TRAITOR AND TRAITOR! Kolchak received the title of Admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to whom he also swore allegiance. And who also betrayed! At least by the fact that, having secretly fled to England, already in August 1917, together with the Chief of the Naval General Staff of Great Britain, General Hall, he discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia! Simply put, the question of overthrowing the Provisional Government! If even easier - the question of a coup d'état. Otherwise, sorry, how could a dictatorship be established?! To swear allegiance to the already vile Provisional Government that overthrew the tsar, to receive a promotion from him in rank and immediately betray him too!? This is already a genetic pathology! Below I will explain what is the matter here. Then, at the request of the American ambassador in England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was also recruited by the diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. Recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Eliahu Ruth. That is, along the way, he now betrayed the British too. Although the Britons, of course, knew about this recruitment. The fact that he temporarily betrayed the British - and to hell with him, and with them. The point is different. Having gone to recruit with the Americans, for the second time in a short time he betrayed the same Provisional Government, to which he also swore allegiance and thanks to which he became an admiral. And in general, the list of his betrayals only lengthened. As a result, becoming a double Anglo-American agent, immediately after the October 1917 coup, Kolchak turned to the English envoy to Japan, K. Green, with a request to the government of His Majesty King George V of England to take him into service! So he wrote in his petition: "...I place myself entirely at the disposal of His government..."."His government" - means the government of His Majesty the English King George V! On December 30, 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak's request. From that moment, Kolchak had already officially gone over to the side of the enemy, dressed in the toga of an ally. Why an enemy?! Yes, because at that time only the laziest of the agents of England, the USA and the Entente as a whole could not know that, Firstly, On November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Soviet of the Entente adopted an official decision to intervene in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the European core of the Entente - England and France - signed a convention on dividing Russia into spheres of influence! And almost a year later, when in November 1918 the German Empire (and the Austro-Hungarian Empire too) was sent to the dustbin of History, and Kolchak was finally thrown back to Russia, under the patronage of the United States, the Anglo-French allies on November 13, 1918 confirmed that the convention itself or, to put it in a purely legal language, prolonged its operation. And Kolchak, who knew all this and was already a double Anglo-American agent, precisely after the confirmation of this convention, under the patronage of the same states, agreed to become supposedly the Supreme Ruler. That's why I say that it was a bastard and a traitor, officially in the service of the enemy! If he simply cooperated (suppose, within the framework of military-technical supplies) with the former allies in the Entente, as many White Guard generals did, then this would be one thing. Even despite the fact that they also took on not too benevolent obligations that affected the honor and dignity of Russia. However, they at least de facto acted as something independent, without formally transferring to the service of a foreign state. But Kolchak officially entered the service of Great Britain. And the same Admiral Kolchak, whom the Bolsheviks shot like a mad dog, was not just the self-proclaimed Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, against whom the Bolsheviks fought, but the official representative of the English king and his government, who was officially in their service, who tried to rule over all of Russia! The British General Knox, who oversaw Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for the creation of the Kolchak government! All this is now well known, including from foreign sources. And along the way, Kolchak also carried out an equally important task for the Americans. No wonder E. Ruth "trained" him for the role of the future Cromwell of Russia. And do you know why?! Yes, because the excessively “compassionate” E. Ruth developed a barbaric plan to enslave Russia that had a decent name - “A plan for American activities to preserve and strengthen the morale of the army and civilian population of Russia”, the essence of which was simple, like the revered Yankee popcorn . Russia was supposed to continue to “supply” the “cannon fodder” to the Entente, that is, to fight for the interests of the Anglo-Saxons alien to Russia itself, while paying with its political and economic enslavement, the “first violin” in which the United States was supposed to play. I emphasize that the economic enslavement of Russia, primarily the seizure of its railways, especially the Trans-Siberian Railway, occupied a central place in this plan. Damn Yankees even formed a special "railway corps" to manage Russian railways, especially the Trans-Siberian (by the way, the British at that time set their sights on Russian railways in our North, in the area of ​​​​Arkhangelsk and Murmansk). And in parallel, the Yankees set their sights on the natural resources of Russia. So it's time to end the hysterical screeching about the supposedly innocently murdered allegedly honest and decent Admiral A.V. Kolchak. A bastard and a traitor - he is a bastard and a traitor! And he must remain so in history (without denying at the same time his previous scientific merits to Russia, it is impossible not to notice that he crossed them out with his own hand). It has now been finally and documented for sure that he was a traitor to Russia and that he must and will remain so in its history of the 20th century. In the documents of British intelligence, the US State Department, in the personal correspondence of the "gray eminence" of American politics during the First World War - Colonel House - A.V. Kolchak is directly called their double agent (these documents are known to historians). And it was precisely as their double agent that he had to implement the most criminal plans of the West towards Russia. And the "finest hour" of this traitor came in 1919. However, the West began to pave the way for his future crimes against Russia back in November 1918, at the end of the First World War. As you know, on November 11, 1918, in the suburbs of Paris - Compiègne - the Compiegne Agreement was signed, which put an end to the First World War. When it is mentioned, it is usually quite "elegant" to forget to mention that it was just a 36-day armistice agreement. In addition, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which bore the brunt of the war in the status of the tsarist empire, and then, having already become Soviet, rendered a colossal service to the same Entente with its revolutionary banditry in Germany. Without the help of Lenin and Co., the Entente would have been fiddling with Kaiser Germany for a long time to come. But this is so, a saying ... The main thing is that Article 12 of the Compiègne Armistice Agreement said: “All German troops that are now in the territories that constituted Russia before the war must equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies recognize that the moment has come for this, taking into account the internal situation of these territories. However, the secret subparagraph of the same article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries. Such actions of the Entente were openly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without the participation of Russia, I emphasize, even if it was Soviet. But it's still "flowers". The fact is that the terminological "pearl" - "... in the territories that made up Russia before the war"- meant that the Entente de facto and de jure not only agreed with the results of the German occupation of the territories, the legality of which was part of Russia before August 1, 1914 and even throughout the First World War, it never occurred to anyone to dispute , in any case, openly, but in a similar way, that is, both de facto and de jure, is trying to tear away, or, as the Anglo-French allies then “elegantly” expressed it, “evacuate” these territories already after the fact of the German occupation. Simply put, as if in the order of the "legitimate trophy" obtained from the defeated enemy - Germany. And in this regard, I want to draw attention to the following circumstance. As mentioned above, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Soviet of the Entente made an official decision to intervene in Russia. Unofficially, this decision was agreed upon as early as December 1916 - they were only waiting for the now vaunted “February workers” to plant their “revolutionary ax” in the back of the Entente’s most loyal ally, Nicholas II. And in the development of this decision, on December 10 (23), 1917, the Anglo-French convention on the division of the territory of Russia was signed. For the information of readers: this vile convention has not been officially canceled so far! According to this convention, the allies deigned to divide Russia as follows: the North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of British influence (this, of course, did not exhaust the “appetites” of the Britons, but this is a separate conversation). France got Ukraine and the South of Russia. On November 13, 1918, the same Anglo-French allies, under the patronage of the United States, brazenly extended the duration of this convention. Simply put, they declared Russia for the second time, even if it was Soviet, really a war, and really a world war, and really the second in a row in the scenario “from the wheels” of the First World War! In fact, it really was a re-announcement of the first "Second World War" in the 20th century in the "off-the-wheels" scenario of the First World War. As for the second "pearl" from Article 12 of the Compiègne Agreement - “Having regard to the internal situation of these territories”, - then here is another international legal "trick" of the Entente. Not risking calling these territories states - the question of recognizing their fake sovereignty will be raised only on February 15, 1919 during the Versailles so-called "peace" conference - the Entente, nevertheless, prepared to steal them. Especially in the part concerning the Baltics, although I knew very well that it would be completely illegal! Because in this way, behind the scenes and without any participation of Russia, the Nishtad Treaty of August 30, 1721 between Russia and Sweden will be brazenly broken! According to this agreement, the territories of Ingria, part of Karelia, all of Estonia and Livonia with the cities of Riga, Revel (Talinn), Derpt, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, the islands of Ezel and Dago passed to Russia and its successors in full, undeniable and eternal possession and ownership! By the time the Compiègne truce was signed, for almost two centuries no one in the world even tried to challenge it, especially since the Nishtad Treaty itself was confirmed in writing and guaranteed by the same England and France. But the Entente was afraid to openly steal. First of all, because during the period of the actual German occupation, as well as after the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the German occupation authorities forcibly “cut” huge pieces of purely Russian territories to the Baltic territories. To Estonia - parts of the St. Petersburg and Pskov provinces, in particular, Narva, Pechora and Izborsk, to Latvia - the Dvina, Lyudinsky and Rezhitsky counties of the Vitebsk province and part of the Ostrovsky county of the Pskov province, to Lithuania - parts of the Suwalki and Vilna provinces inhabited by Belarusians (not very , obviously capable of understanding something, but with giblets sold to the West, the authorities of the modern Baltic limitrophes are now all the time trying, speaking in a purely folk language, to “spread the mitten” wider on these lands). The Entente was also afraid because first it was necessary to change the power structures of a purely pro-German orientation formed by the German occupation authorities (German intelligence widely planted its agents of influence there) to authorities with a pro-Entente orientation. But this is just one side of the coin. The second was the following. Under the direct pressure of the Entente, which put this as a strict precondition for a truce, on November 5, 1918, the Kaiser's government of Germany unilaterally severed diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. There was no need to look for a blessing and a reason - the Soviet embassy, ​​headed by a long-time patient of the best European and Russian psychiatrists A. Joffe interfered so openly and so impudently in the internal affairs of Germany that it was impossible not to notice this. However, it was, as they say, "debt in payment is red" - a year before that, the nemchura behaved in exactly the same way in Russia. The rupture of diplomatic relations meant that even according to the norms of the then robbery international law, all previously signed and ratified agreements between the two states automatically lost their legal force. Moreover, on November 9, 1918, the Kaiser's empire also sank into oblivion: the monarchy fell, the Kaiser went on the run (he took refuge in Holland), and the Social Democrats led by Ebert-Scheidemann came to power in Germany. At the time of the signing of the November 11, 1918, Compiègne truce, the Social Democratic, we use the parliamentary rule and put an end in order not to use foul language, .... led by Ebert-Scheidemann, she managed a super-unique, super-unprecedented even for the robbery history of the West and the same trick of its jurisprudence. Automatically devoid of any legal force, the already predatory Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of March 3, 1918, just six days after its, I emphasize, automatic denunciation by the German side, is suddenly resurrected by the Social Democrats who came to power in Germany . Even worse. Together with the function of control over its execution, as if supposedly continuing to operate, the treaty was voluntarily handed over to the Entente as a "trophy"!? Naturally, with all the ensuing extremely negative geopolitical, strategic and economic consequences for Russia, even for the Soviet one! After all, it was about the theft of a Million Square Kilometers of Strategically Important Territories of the Russian State, along with their natural, economic and demographic resources! Resources, which, even at that time, were measured in more than tens of billions of gold rubles! Lenin, who tried to recapture the Baltic states by force of arms, no matter how you treat him personally, was absolutely right de facto. And, what is especially important in this regard, de jure too. Because official diplomatic relations were unilaterally severed by the Kaiser's Germany, which soon collapsed, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty automatically lost any force whatsoever. Consequently, the Baltic States, which remained under German occupation, both de facto and de jure, turned into the territory of Russia, illegally seized and occupied by the troops of the state that had died in the bose, which the Entente also openly steals! Yes, and for the second time declaring Russia, even Soviet, the next, that is, the next world war, the second in a row and in the scenario “from the wheels of the first”! From a purely military-geopolitical point of view, the armed onslaught of the Bolsheviks on the Baltic states that began on November 13, 1918 was absolutely justified in the nature of an objectively necessary counter-offensive in order to protect the state's own territory. But from an ideological point of view, Lenin was just as wrong, because he gave this armed campaign the appearance of an attempt to "come to the aid of the German revolution", violently rejected by all of Germany, which Ilyich and Co. did not want to understand, since their enthusiasm at that moment, to put it mildly to put it, the idea of ​​a “field revolution”, inadequate to the then realities, simply turned off in their minds even the shadow of a hint of any kind of rational thinking. The result was logical - the defeat was inevitable, especially since all of Europe, with desperate efforts, up to inciting vicious anti-Semite phobia in most of its countries, repulsed the attacks of Lenin, Trotsky and Co., stunned by the bloody taste of the "world revolution" and their German and other "colleagues" . But, despite the failure of this armed campaign, the fate of these territories could not be decided without the participation of Russia, even if in the person of some traitor. And the Entente entrusted this vile deed to the now praised Admiral Kolchak, who by that time had become a direct agent of the strategic influence of the Entente. On May 26, 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente sent Admiral Kolchak, who was completely controlled by British intelligence (his actions on behalf of the allied command were directly led by the British General Knox and, subsequently, the legendary British geopolitician, and then, as, indeed, until the end of his life, the most authoritative British military spy-intellectual J. Halford Mackinder) a note in which, announcing the break in relations with the Soviet government, he expressed his readiness to recognize his own double agent of strategic influence in admiral's shoulder straps for the Supreme Ruler of Russia!? And here is what is typical. To admit, they recognized him, but only de facto. But de jure - miles sorry, the three fingers of the Entente were shown. But with all this, they demanded purely legal actions from him - they put forward a tough ultimatum to him, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to:

1. The separation of Poland and Finland from Russia, which made no sense, especially in relation to Finland, except for the furious desire, especially of Great Britain, to arrange everything in such a way that these countries allegedly gained independence from the hands of only the Entente (the West). The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government on December 31, 1917, which, by the way, Finland still celebrates. That was the right step, because her stay in Russia, where, according to the Friedrichsham Treaty of 1809, Alexander I included her (by the way, at the request of the ancestor of the future Fuhrer of Finland, Mannerheim), was not only meaningless, but also dangerous due to separatism blazing there purely nationalist. As for Poland, after the events of October 1917, it already became independent - Lenin did not interfere. Consequently, from this point of view, the ultimatum to Kolchak was also meaningless. 2. The transfer of the issue of the separation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Trans-Caspian region) from Russia for consideration by the arbitration of the League of Nations in the event that agreements necessary for the West are not reached between Kolchak and the puppet governments of these territories.

Along the way, Kolchak was given an ultimatum to recognize that the Versailles "peace" conference had the right to decide the fate of Bessarabia as well. In addition, Kolchak had to guarantee the following:

1. That as soon as he captures Moscow (the Entente, obviously, naturally "went crazy" that he set such a task for him), he would immediately convene the Constituent Assembly. 2. That it will not interfere with the free election of local self-government bodies. A little explanation. The fact is that under an outwardly very attractive wording, a delayed-action mine of enormous destructive power was hidden. The country then blazed a fire of separatism of various stripes. From purely nationalist to regional and even small-town. Moreover, literally everyone was involved in this destructive process, including, regrettably, even purely Russian territories, almost completely Russian in terms of population composition. And giving them the freedom to elect local self-government bodies automatically meant giving them the freedom to separately declare the independence of their territory, and, accordingly, secession from Russia. That is, the ultimate goal was to destroy the territorial integrity of Russia by the hands of its own population! The West, by the way, always tries to do just that. In the same way, by the way, in 1991 the USSR was destroyed. 3. That he will not restore "special privileges in favor of any class or organization" and in general the former regime, which restricted civil and religious freedoms. A little explanation. Simply put, the Entente was not at all satisfied not only with the restoration of the tsarist regime, but even with the regime of the Provisional Government. And if it is even simpler, then a single and indivisible Russia, as a state and country. It is at this point, not to mention others, that the meanness of Kolchak's repeated betrayal is most clearly manifested. Someone, but he was well aware that the news of the overthrow of the king was received, in particular, in the same England, to the service of the king of which he volunteered, the British Parliament stood with a standing ovation, and its Prime Minister - Lloyd - George just exclaimed: "The goal of the war has been achieved!" That is, he openly admitted that the First World War was started precisely for this! And, therefore, recognizing this point of the Entente's ultimatum, Kolchak once again proved that he was a traitor deliberately acting against Russia!

On June 12, 1919, Kolchak gave the necessary written answer to the Entente, which she considered satisfactory. Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente. After all, she recognized Kolchak only de facto, but she issued an ultimatum de jure. And the answer from the only recognized de facto traitor to Russia, the Entente recognized de jure! That's what the West means! As a result, some Kolchak in one fell swoop crossed out all the conquests of Peter the Great and the Nishtad Treaty of August 30, 1721 itself! When he completed the tasks assigned to him and huge chunks of the territory of the Russian state were de jure torn away, his fate was sealed. The Moor has done his job - the Moor can not only retire, but it is also obliged to be killed, preferably by proxy. So that the ends would all really be in the water. Through the hands of the representative of the Entente under Kolchak, General Janin (the Anglo-Saxons remained true to themselves here too - they framed the representative of France for this unseemly deed) - and with the assistance of the Czechoslovak corps (they were still enemies of Russia, who raged at the direction of their Western masters on the Trans-Siberian Railway), the puppet admiral was surrendered Bolsheviks. Well, they shot him like a dog, and rightly so! There is no need to squander the territory of a great state and a great country that has been gathering for centuries! It remains to say the following. On what the Anglo-Saxons "took" Kolchak - on immense vanity, whether on the use of drugs (Kolchak was an avid cocaine addict) or on both at the same time, or on something else - now it is impossible to establish. But something can still be said. Apparently, in Kolchak they “kindled” a sense of tribal revenge for their distant ancestor - the commander of the Khotyn fortress in 1739, Ilias Kalchak Pasha, from whom the Kalchak family began in Russia. Ilias Kalchak Pasha - this is how his name was written in the 18th century. - was forced to surrender to Russian troops under the command of Minich during the next Russian-Turkish war. After 180 years, a distant descendant of Ilias Kalchak Pasha - A.V. Kolchak - handed over to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs! That was an openly Jesuit move of the West! With the hands of a traitor, it was in admiral's shoulder straps, moreover, not of Russian origin - after all, Kolchak was a "Krymchak", that is, a Crimean Tatar - to deprive Russia of access to the Baltic Sea, for the right to have which, Russia of Peter the Great waged the Northern War with Sweden for over 20 years ! All the works of Peter the Great, his predecessors and successors were completely crossed out, including the famous Nishtad Peace Treaty of August 30, 1721, which legitimized Russia's right to free access to the Baltic Sea and further to the Atlantic! Moreover. This is how Russia got a headache in the face of the viciously Russophobic so-called Baltic states. So it was before the Second World War, so it continues today. And now, the "democratic scum" - this inherently charming expression belongs to one of the most respected people in the whole world, the "king of dynamite" and the founder of the world-famous Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel - sing Kolchak not only as allegedly a patriot of Russia, but also as innocently murdered victim of political repression of the Bolsheviks!? Yes, the Bolsheviks did the right thing three times, that they shot him like a rabid dog - for a traitor, especially of such a level, there can be nothing else !!! Arsen Martirosyan

On December 31, 1917, Admiral Kolchak deliberately went over to the side of the British King, after which he faithfully served him, and all his actions, again consciously, were directed purely against his own Motherland - Russia. And if specifically, then the destruction of its territorial integrity.

Therefore, if we talk about his honor and loyalty, then yes, in relation to the British crown, he kept them until his death - which naturally followed in the form of execution for the betrayal of the Motherland that nurtured and exalted him - Russia and faithful service to her primordial and vile enemies.

Admiral Kolchak: a traitor and only a traitor!

Recently, almost demands have been heard more and more often for the rehabilitation of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak as an allegedly innocent victim of the political repressions of the Bolsheviks. Sometimes it comes almost to the point of hysteria on the part of the "rehabilitator democrats" who demand a full justification for the actions of this traitor to Russia. So, shortly before his death, the extremely odious "architect of perestroika" and the same traitor - Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev, foaming at the mouth from the TV screens, demanded the complete rehabilitation of A.V. Kolchak.

For what? Why do some traitors care so much about the "honest name" of other traitors who preceded them?! After all, since the gray biblical times, betrayal has been the only a priori unforgivable act forever and ever, and, therefore, regardless of any previous merits to Russia, a traitor must remain a traitor! Have we managed to erect a monument in Irkutsk to a traitor who officially entered the service of the British king!? And a multiple traitor. Even worse. A traitor who not only managed to formalize his transition to the side of ardent enemies of Russia, but also de jure formalize the forcible dismemberment of the Russian State! After all, many territorial and political problems, in particular, with the same Baltic limitrophes, were generated precisely by his activities! Judge for yourself.

Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland, to whom he swore allegiance and kissed the cross! Have you ever thought about why the fleets of the Entente in 1918 calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea?! After all, he was mined! In addition, in the confusion of the two revolutions of 1917, no one removed the minefields. Yes, because Kolchak's entry ticket for joining the British intelligence service was the surrender of all information about the location of minefields and barriers in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea! After all, it was he who carried out this mining and he had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands!

Further. As you know, on June 28, 1916, Kolchak was appointed to the post of commander of the Black Sea Fleet. However, this happened with the direct patronage of the British intelligence resident in Russia, Colonel Samuel Hoare, and the British ambassador to the Russian Empire, Buchanan (the tsar is also good - no, to send English allies to the "Bigben mother" so that they do not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire). This is the second betrayal, because, under such patronage, becoming the commander of one of the then most important fleets of Russia, Kolchak assumed obligations to fulfill the official task of British intelligence to disorganize and reduce the combat capability of this fleet. And, in the end, he fulfilled it - he simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 secretly fled to England. What do you want to call the commander of the fleet, who during the war vilely abandons his fleet and secretly flees from the country abroad?! What does he deserve in this case?! At a minimum, more than a clear definition - TRAITOR AND TRAITOR!

Kolchak received the title of Admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to whom he also swore allegiance. And who also betrayed! At least by the fact that, having secretly fled to England, already in August 1917, together with the Chief of the Naval General Staff of Great Britain, General Hall, he discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia! Simply put, the question of overthrowing the Provisional Government! If it is even simpler, then the question of a coup d'état. Otherwise, sorry, how could a dictatorship be established?! To swear allegiance to the already vile Provisional Government that overthrew the tsar, to receive a promotion from him in rank and immediately betray him too!? This is already a genetic pathology! Below I will explain what is the matter here.

Then, at the request of the American ambassador in England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was also recruited by the diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. Recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Eliahu Ruth. That is, along the way, he now betrayed the British too. Although the Britons, of course, knew about this recruitment. The fact that he temporarily betrayed the British - and to hell with him, and with them. The point is different. Having gone to recruit with the Americans, for the second time in a short time he betrayed the same Provisional Government, to which he also swore allegiance and thanks to which he became an admiral. And in general, the list of his betrayals only lengthened.

As a result, becoming a double Anglo-American agent, immediately after the October 1917 coup, Kolchak turned to the English envoy to Japan, K. Green, with a request to the government of His Majesty King George V of England to take him into service! So after all, he wrote in his petition: "... I completely place myself at the disposal of His government ...". “His government” means the government of His Majesty the English King George V! On December 30, 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak's request.

From that moment, Kolchak had already officially gone over to the side of the enemy, dressed in the toga of an ally. Why an enemy?! Yes, because at that time only the laziest of the agents of England, the USA and the Entente as a whole could not know that, firstly, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente adopted an official decision to intervene in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the European core of the Entente - England and France - signed a convention on the division of Russia into spheres of influence! And almost a year later, when in November 1918 the German Empire (and the Austro-Hungarian Empire too) was sent to the dustbin of History, and Kolchak was finally thrown back to Russia, under the patronage of the United States, the Anglo-French allies on November 13, 1918 confirmed that the convention itself or, to put it in a purely legal language, prolonged its operation. And Kolchak, who knew all this and was already a double Anglo-American agent, precisely after the confirmation of this convention, under the patronage of the same states, agreed to become supposedly the Supreme Ruler.

That's why I say that it was a bastard and a traitor, officially in the service of the enemy! If he simply cooperated (suppose, within the framework of military-technical supplies) with the former allies in the Entente, as many White Guard generals did, then this would be one thing. Even despite the fact that they also took on not too benevolent obligations that affected the honor and dignity of Russia. However, they at least de facto acted as something independent, without formally transferring to the service of a foreign state. But Kolchak officially entered the service of Great Britain.

And the same Admiral Kolchak, whom the Bolsheviks shot like a mad dog, was not just the self-proclaimed Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, against whom the Bolsheviks fought, but the official representative of the English king and his government, who was officially in their service, who tried to rule over all of Russia! The British General Knox, who oversaw Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for the creation of the Kolchak government! All this is now well known, including from foreign sources.

And along the way, Kolchak also carried out an equally important task for the Americans. No wonder E. Ruth "trained" him for the role of the future Cromwell of Russia. And do you know why?! Yes, because the excessively “compassionate” E. Ruth developed a barbaric plan for the enslavement of Russia that had a decent name - “A plan for American activities to preserve and strengthen the morale of the army and civilian population of Russia”, the essence of which was simple, like the revered Yankee popcorn .

Russia was supposed to continue to “supply” the “cannon fodder” to the Entente, that is, to fight for the interests of the Anglo-Saxons alien to Russia itself, while paying with its political and economic enslavement, the “first violin” in which the United States was supposed to play. I emphasize that the economic enslavement of Russia, primarily the seizure of its railways, especially the Trans-Siberian Railway, occupied a central place in this plan. Damn Yankees even formed a special "railway corps" to manage Russian railways, especially the Trans-Siberian (by the way, the British at that time set their sights on Russian railways in our North, in the area of ​​​​Arkhangelsk and Murmansk). And in parallel, the Yankees set their sights on the natural resources of Russia.

So it's time to end the hysterical screeching about the supposedly innocently murdered allegedly honest and decent Admiral A.V. Kolchak. A bastard and a traitor - he is a bastard and a traitor! And he must remain so in history (without denying at the same time his previous scientific merits to Russia, it is impossible not to notice that he crossed them out with his own hand). It has now been finally and documented for sure that he was a traitor to Russia and that he must and will remain so in its history of the 20th century. In the documents of British intelligence, the US Department of State, in the personal correspondence of the "gray eminence" of American politics during the First World War - Colonel House - A. V. Kolchak is directly called their double agent (these documents are known to historians). And it was precisely as their double agent that he had to implement the most criminal plans of the West towards Russia. And the "finest hour" of this traitor came in 1919. However, the West began to pave the way for his future crimes against Russia back in November 1918, at the end of the First World War.

The main thing is that Article 12 of the Compiègne Armistice Agreement stated: “All German troops who are now in the territories that constituted Russia before the war must equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies recognize that the moment has come for this, accepting into account the internal situation of these territories. However, the secret subparagraph of the same article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries. Such actions of the Entente were openly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without the participation of Russia, I emphasize, even if it was Soviet. But it's still "flowers".

The fact is that the terminological "pearl" - "... in the territories that made up Russia before the war" - meant that the Entente de facto and de jure not only agrees with the results of the German occupation of territories, the legality of which became part of Russia before August 1 1914 and even throughout the entire First World War, it never occurred to anyone to challenge, at least openly, but in the same way, that is, de facto and de jure trying to reject, or, as then the Anglo-French allies expressed themselves “elegantly”, to “evacuate” these territories already after the fact of the German occupation. Simply put, as if in the order of the "legitimate trophy" obtained from the defeated enemy - Germany.

And in this regard, I want to draw attention to the following circumstance. As mentioned above, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Soviet of the Entente made an official decision to intervene in Russia. Unofficially, this decision was agreed upon as early as December 1916 - they were only waiting for the now vaunted "February workers" to plant their "revolutionary ax" in the back of the Entente's most loyal ally, Nicholas II. And in the development of this decision, on December 10 (23), 1917, the Anglo-French convention on the division of the territory of Russia was signed. For the information of readers: this vile convention has not been officially canceled so far!

According to this convention, the allies deigned to divide Russia as follows: the North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of British influence (this, of course, did not exhaust the “appetites” of the Britons, but this is a separate conversation). France got Ukraine and the South of Russia. On November 13, 1918, the same Anglo-French allies, under the patronage of the United States, brazenly extended the duration of this convention. Simply put, they declared Russia for the second time, even if it was Soviet, really a war, and really a world war, and really the second in a row in the scenario “from the wheels” of the First World War! In fact, it really was a re-announcement of the first "Second World War" in the 20th century in the "off-the-wheels" scenario of the First World War.

Lenin, who tried to recapture the Baltic states by force of arms, no matter how you treat him personally, was absolutely right de facto. And, what is especially important in this regard, de jure too. Because official diplomatic relations were unilaterally severed by the Kaiser's Germany, which soon collapsed, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty automatically lost any force whatsoever. Consequently, the Baltic States, which remained under German occupation, both de facto and de jure, turned into the territory of Russia, illegally seized and occupied by the troops of the state that had died in the bose, which the Entente also openly steals! Yes, and for the second time declaring Russia, even Soviet, the next, that is, the next world war, the second in a row and in the scenario “from the wheels of the first”! From a purely military-geopolitical point of view, the armed onslaught of the Bolsheviks on the Baltic states that began on November 13, 1918 was absolutely justified in the nature of an objectively necessary counter-offensive in order to protect the state's own territory.

But from an ideological point of view, Lenin was just as wrong, because he gave this armed campaign the appearance of an attempt to "come to the aid of the German revolution", violently rejected by all of Germany, which Ilyich and Co. did not want to understand, since their enthusiasm at that moment, to put it mildly to put it, the idea of ​​a “field revolution”, inadequate to the then realities, simply turned off in their minds even the shadow of a hint of any kind of rational thinking. The result was logical - the defeat was inevitable, especially since the whole of Europe, with desperate efforts, up to inciting vicious anti-Semite phobia in most of its countries, repelled the attacks of Lenin, Trotsky and Co., stunned by the bloody taste of the "world revolution" and their German and other "colleagues" .

But, despite the failure of this armed campaign, the fate of these territories could not be decided without the participation of Russia, even if in the person of some traitor. And the Entente entrusted this vile deed to the now praised Admiral Kolchak, who by that time had become a direct agent of the strategic influence of the Entente.

On May 26, 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente sent Admiral Kolchak, who was completely controlled by British intelligence (his actions on behalf of the allied command were directly led by the British General Knox and, subsequently, the legendary British geopolitician, and then, as, indeed, until the end of his life, the most authoritative British military spy-intellectual J. Halford Mackinder) a note in which, announcing the break in relations with the Soviet government, he expressed his readiness to recognize his own double agent of strategic influence in admiral's shoulder straps for the Supreme Ruler of Russia!? And here is what is typical. To admit, they recognized him, but only de facto. But de jure - miles sorry, the three fingers of the Entente were shown. But with all this, they demanded purely legal actions from him - they put forward a tough ultimatum to him, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to:

1. The separation of Poland and Finland from Russia, in which there was no point, especially in relation to Finland, except for the furious desire, especially of Great Britain, to arrange everything in such a way that these countries allegedly gained independence from the hands of only the Entente (the West). The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government on December 31, 1917, which, by the way, Finland still celebrates. That was the right step, because her stay in Russia, where, under the Friedrichsgam Treaty of 1809, she was included by Alexander I (by the way, at the request of the ancestor of the future Fuhrer of Finland, Mannerheim), was not only meaningless, but also dangerous due to separatism blazing there purely nationalist.

As for Poland, after the events of October 1917, it already became independent - Lenin did not interfere. Consequently, from this point of view, the ultimatum to Kolchak was also meaningless.

2. Transferring the issue of the separation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Trans-Caspian region) from Russia for consideration by the arbitration of the League of Nations in the event that agreements necessary for the West are not reached between Kolchak and the puppet governments of these territories.

Along the way, Kolchak was given an ultimatum to recognize that the Versailles "peace" conference had the right to decide the fate of Bessarabia as well.

In addition, Kolchak had to guarantee the following:

1. That as soon as he captures Moscow (the Entente, obviously, naturally "went crazy" that he set such a task for him), he would immediately convene the Constituent Assembly.

2. That he will not interfere with the free election of local self-government bodies. A little explanation. The fact is that under an outwardly very attractive wording, a delayed-action mine of enormous destructive power was hidden. The country then blazed a fire of separatism of various stripes. From purely nationalist to regional and even small-town. Moreover, literally everyone was involved in this destructive process, including, regrettably, even purely Russian territories, almost completely Russian in terms of population composition. And giving them the freedom to elect local self-government bodies automatically meant giving them the freedom to separately declare the independence of their territory, and, accordingly, secession from Russia. That is, the ultimate goal was to destroy the territorial integrity of Russia by the hands of its own population! The West, by the way, always tries to do just that. In the same way, by the way, in 1991 the USSR was destroyed.

3. That he will not restore "special privileges in favor of any class or organization" and in general the former regime, which restricted civil and religious freedoms. A little explanation. Simply put, the Entente was not at all satisfied not only with the restoration of the tsarist regime, but even with the regime of the Provisional Government. And if it is even simpler, then a single and indivisible Russia, as a state and country. It is at this point, not to mention others, that the meanness of Kolchak's repeated betrayal is most clearly manifested. Already someone, but he was well aware that the news of the overthrow of the king was received, in particular, in the same England, to the service of the king of which he volunteered, the British parliament stood with a standing ovation, and its prime minister, Lloyd George - just like that and exclaimed: "The purpose of the war has been achieved!". That is, he openly admitted that the First World War was started precisely for this! And, therefore, recognizing this point of the Entente's ultimatum, Kolchak once again proved that he was a traitor deliberately acting against Russia!

On June 12, 1919, Kolchak gave the necessary written answer to the Entente, which she considered satisfactory. Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente. After all, she recognized Kolchak only de facto, but she issued an ultimatum de jure. And the answer from the only recognized de facto traitor to Russia, the Entente recognized de jure! That's what the West means!

As a result, some Kolchak in one fell swoop crossed out all the conquests of Peter the Great and the Nishtad Treaty of August 30, 1721 itself! When he completed the tasks assigned to him and huge chunks of the territory of the Russian state were de jure torn away, his fate was sealed. The Moor has done his job - the Moor can not only retire, but it is also obliged to be killed, preferably by proxy. So that the ends would all really be in the water. Through the hands of the representative of the Entente under Kolchak, General Janin (the Anglo-Saxons remained true to themselves here too - they framed the representative of France for this unseemly deed) - and with the assistance of the Czechoslovak corps (they were still enemies of Russia, who raged at the direction of their Western masters on the Trans-Siberian Railway), the puppet admiral was surrendered Bolsheviks. Well, they shot him like a dog, and rightly so! There is no need to squander the territory of a great state and a great country that has been gathering for centuries!

It remains to say the following. On what the Anglo-Saxons "took" Kolchak - whether on boundless vanity, whether on the use of drugs (Kolchak was an avid cocaine addict) or on both at the same time, or on something else - now can not be established. But something can still be said. Apparently, in Kolchak they “kindled” a sense of tribal revenge for their distant ancestor, the commander of the Khotyn fortress in 1739, Ilias Kalchak Pasha, from whom the Kalchak clan in Russia began. Ilias Kalchak Pasha - this is how his name was written in the 18th century. - was forced to surrender to Russian troops under the command of Minich during the next Russian-Turkish war. After 180 years, a distant descendant of Ilias Kalchak Pasha - A.V. Kolchak - handed over to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs!

That was an openly Jesuit move of the West! With the hands of a traitor, it was in admiral's shoulder straps, moreover, not of Russian origin - after all, Kolchak was a "Krymchak", that is, a Crimean Tatar - to deprive Russia of access to the Baltic Sea, for the right to have which, Russia of Peter the Great waged the Northern War with Sweden for over 20 years ! All the works of Peter the Great, his predecessors and successors were completely crossed out, including the famous Nishtad Peace Treaty of August 30, 1721, which legitimized Russia's right to free access to the Baltic Sea and further to the Atlantic! Moreover. This is how Russia got a headache in the face of the viciously Russophobic so-called Baltic states. So it was before the Second World War, so it continues today.

And now the “democratic scum” — this inherently charming expression belongs to one of the most respected people in the whole world, the “king of dynamite” and the founder of the world-famous Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel — sing Kolchak not only as allegedly a patriot of Russia, but also as innocently murdered victim of political repression of the Bolsheviks!? Yes, the Bolsheviks did the right thing three times, that they shot him like a mad dog - for a traitor, especially of such a level, there can be nothing else !!!

In connection with the release of the film "Admiral" on a wide Russian screen, an article about A.V. Kolchak. I haven't seen the movie, and I'm not talking about it. But I read the article. Its author is Arsen Martirosyan, a historian. The title is "Hiding the Truth".

Here are some of the most striking quotes.

“It is no secret that Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the tsar and the Fatherland, to which he swore allegiance and kissed the cross!

“Kolchak received the title of Admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to whom he also swore allegiance. And who also betrayed!

The Compiègne Agreement "was signed without the participation of Russia, which bore the brunt of the war in the status of an empire, and then, having already become Soviet, rendered a colossal service to the same Entente with its revolutionary intervention in the events in Germany."

“This vile deed (it doesn’t matter in this case which one - N.S.) was entrusted by the Entente to Admiral Kolchak.”

"Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente."

Thus, from the pen of Mr. Martirosyan, a historian, appears an English spy, a traitor to the Motherland (moreover, a recidivist traitor) and a completely immoral type. A doll in the hands of vile Russophobes from the Entente.

What made Admiral Kolchak come to such a life? The author is happy to answer. Firstly, approximately in the well-known sense that this can happen to anyone if he is drunk and soft: Kolchak, it turns out, was an "inveterate cocaine addict." And secondly, and most importantly: the Entente, apparently, managed to kindle in Kolchak a “feeling of tribal revenge” for his distant ancestor, the Turkish commander Ilias Kolchak Pasha, who surrendered in 1739, during the next Russian-Turkish war, Russian troops. And now “after 180 years, a distant descendant of Ilias Kolchak Pasha - A.V. Kolchak - handed over to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs. That's who they are trying to present today as a true patriot of Russia and an innocently murdered victim.

Since the convincing formula "it's not a secret that ...", as if taken from the Soviet legal proceedings of the 30s, is obviously not enough to confirm the above theses, and no evidence of espionage, betrayal, etc. does not exist, the author is trying to "catch on indirect" Admiral Kolchak. He offers a certain system of moral coordinates akin to the one in which wearing jeans and performing a twist at a school party is a direct path to treason. It is absolutely impossible and senseless to cite here a small tie of random, arbitrarily pulled out of the historical and biographical context and just as arbitrarily constructed facts. Besides, it's also half distorted.

For example, Kolchak was not a cocaine addict, and even if he was, why, but there were never any questions about his moral and volitional qualities. However, the composition of the drug, with which he was treated for severe rheumatism acquired on a polar expedition, included light narcotic elements.

And his ancestor really bore the name of Ilias Kolchak Pasha. But it is "not a secret" that most of the Russian nobility, starting with the royal family, had ancestors, and not only distant ones, of "non-titular" origin. So what?

The revolution of 1918 in Germany really played into the hands of the Entente. True, Soviet Russia, if it "intervened", then not directly, then it had no time for it, but rather influenced the events by its own example. But the main thing is not even that. The main thing is that Russia, after the October coup, renounced allied obligations and unilaterally withdrew from the war. Which was quite predictable: all the propaganda of the Bolsheviks was based on this. And then, the Bolshevik elite, headed by Lenin, had their well-known personal obligations to the Kaiser's Germany. And this definitely influenced the course of the war, extremely weakening the anti-German coalition and allowing Wilhelm to transfer his liberated armies to the western front. So the powers of the Entente had absolutely no reason to invite Russia, which had betrayed them after the violent change of power, to the feast of the winner.

And for a military man and a man of action, A.V. Kolchak, on the contrary, had every reason for purely patriotic motives to offer his sword to the British crown. And not “at the turn of 15-16 years” when Kolchak was invited as a military adviser, of course, with the knowledge of his command, to the allied Americans, but in 1918. And not a spy, but a soldier. And not against Russia, but against Germany, whose agents of influence - Kolchak knew this for sure - at the head of a gang of criminals seized his country, just as terrorists are now seizing an airplane. And he was about to fight as part of the British units in Mesopotamia, when he was called to fight directly with the Bolsheviks, and he goes to Harbin, and from there to Omsk.

The author of the article in Krasnaya Zvezda can be fully congratulated as a sovramshi. Kolchak was neither a traitor nor a spy. Why in the main newspaper of our military ministry they decided to make him such a reptile - you can guess. One of the options - by accident, from the bulldozer, without any reason and additional considerations. It happens. But more often it happens that there are considerations. And then the goal here is not Kolchak himself, who is not dangerous to anyone today and, in fact, is not needed, but the insidious Entente. Those. West. The United States and England, which, “it’s no secret”, have irrationally hated us for centuries, spread rot and always, as usual, sent spies and saboteurs to us in order to prevent us from getting up from our knees and taking a more or less decent pose.

And now I still want to talk about Kolchak himself. Not about who he never was, but about who he really was.

In the galaxy of tragic and therefore especially romantic leaders of the white movement, there are many characters who are truly bright and original.

The legendary Colonel Kappel.

Mystical, dangerously attractive Baron Ungern.

Terrible, furious ataman Semyonov.

Piercing, straight and thin as a string, graphic Wrangel.

This series, of course, can be continued, and for a long time. But I subjectively like the other two. Two generals.

Anton Ivanovich Denikin. Father of soldiers. Discreet, wearily courageous, thrifty towards people. Emphatically not cruel in a very cruel, fierce time. Completely devoid of posture and conceited ambitions. But endowed with a great sense of command and civic responsibility.

and Sergei Leonidovich Markov. Army favorite. The hero of the Ice Campaign and just a pure, obvious hero, as if descended either from the pages of the Iliad, or from the portrait paintings of the Gallery of 1812. Combining the brilliance of staff education and sharp operational talent with cheerful boyish fearlessness. He personally raised his half-dressed, frozen companies in a bayonet attack.

As for Kolchak, he should be given his due.

In those years, many were tipped, and many were predicted, to be Napoleons.

“And someone, having fallen on a map, does not sleep in a dream.

There was a breath of Bonaparte in my country.”

It is hard to believe, but Marina Tsvetaeva wrote this about Kerensky, who was soon slandered and ridiculed with popular prints. Kolchak also did not escape the temptation of Bonapartism. At one time, along with Kornilov, he was nominated for dictators, and this, apparently, did not pass psychologically without a trace for him.

A handsome man with a precise, dry face and the impeccable bearing of a hereditary naval officer. Gifted scientist and researcher. Talented sailor, gunner, miner.

As a land commander, he had neither experience nor the gift of God. As the Supreme Ruler, he did not enjoy serious authority. He could neither reconcile the warring clans of his warlike subordinates, nor find a common language with the population. From this, he was nervous and replaced firmness with cruelty, to which he was generally not inclined. He had no solid political views.

Apparently, with all his undoubted talents, he was not created for the role that fate offered him.

He was impeccably honest and impeccably brave. Dedicated to the Motherland, duty and oath. He accepted death courageously and proudly.

Nikolai Svanidze

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