Russian Social University of applicants for Master's degree. Prices for training in master's degree rgsu

Dear applicants! We draw your attention to the fact that upon admission to the areas of training (specialties), where the entrance test "Mathematics" is indicated, only profile level... BASIC LEVEL MATHEMATICS IS NOT CONSIDERED WHEN ADMISSION TO HIGHER EDUCATION!


Federal Law of 05/01/2017 N 93-FZ excludes the requirement for a disabled person to have an opinion federal institution medical and social examination on the absence of contraindications for training in educational institutions.

Federal Law of May 1, 2017 N 93-FZ "On Amendments to Article 71 of the Federal Law" On Education in Russian Federation

Introduce into Article 71 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2014, N 23, Art. 2930; 2015, N 1 , Art.53; N 29, Art.4364; 2016, N 1, Art.78; N 27, Art.4160) the following changes:

1) in part 5, the words “which, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated in training in the relevant educational institutions” shall be excluded;

2) in clause 2 of part 7, the words “which, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated to study in the relevant educational institutions” shall be excluded.

Reception of applications and documents in electronic form not provided for in RSSU and subsidiaries of RSSU

Possibility of delivery entrance examinations in the language of the subject of the Russian Federation in the RSSU and the branches of the RSSU is not provided

Possibility of passing entrance examinations for admission to training in Master's programs with foreign language(languages) education in the language of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is not provided for in the RSSU and branches of the RSSU

Applicants wishing to receive social education choose RSSU from year to year, since at present it is the only university in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries that provides such an opportunity. However, getting there is not easy. The passing score for some specialties exceeds 85 in each subject required for admission. Moreover, the number budget places in these areas is small, which further complicates admission to free education in RSSU. In addition, in many highly demanded specialties, there are no budgetary places at all, so many RSSU students study on a commercial basis. Before concluding a contract, it is extremely important to find out the prices for training in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. Let us consider what is the established cost of education in the RSSU in the 2017-2018 academic years.

Full-time education

RSSU offers a wide range of specialties available for training. Each of them differs from the other in complexity, degree of demand, teaching staff and form of training, therefore, the prices for training vary significantly. So, the most affordable in terms of price in the upcoming academic year will become the direction "Special. (defect.) education (hereinafter: SDO) "at the Faculty of Psychology (hereinafter: FP), one year of study at which will cost 128,000 rubles.

It will cost eight thousand more (136 thousand rubles) to receive Pedagogical education(hereinafter: software) in the profile "Music education" in High school music to them. A. Schnittke (hereinafter: GSOM).

For a significant part of the specialties in the RSSU, the cost is set at 140 thousand rubles per academic year. It is installed for the following areas:

For 150,000 rubles a year at RSSU, it will be possible to study Personnel Management (hereinafter: UP) at FU.

In second place in terms of prevalence is the price of studying at the RSSU, amounting to 154 thousand rubles and covering the following areas:

The most expensive specialties are shown in the table below:

Extramural studies

Many applicants choose to enroll in the RSSU correspondence course, because, firstly, only this form makes it possible to fully combine earnings and education, and secondly, the prices for such training are much more democratic than with full-time attendance. At the most inexpensive price (50,000 rubles), it will be possible to study the following specialties:

A little more (56,000 rubles) will cost to study in the following areas:

Training in the following specialties will cost 60,000 rubles:

The highest prices for extramural students, from 70 thousand rubles per year, are set for the following areas:

RSSU has special form distance learning, implying the use of remote educational technologies... The advantage of such training is not only convenience, but also the lowest cost, and the disadvantage is the narrow choice of available directions. So, in absentia, remotely at the indicated prices, you can study at the RSSU only on the following training programs:

The cost of studying in a specialty RSSU

Branch of RSSU in Minsk

Some specialties at RSSU require more thorough training, the duration of which is 5 years instead of four. Studying in the specialty of the Social University can only be full-time, and the cost of such training does not exceed 150 thousand rubles. The list of available destinations includes:

Prices for studying at the RSSU master's program

Full-time education

RSSU also trains masters. At the most affordable price of 140,000 rubles per year, you can continue your education in the following training programs:

The next, both in terms of availability and prevalence, was the price of 154,000 rubles per year, which is set for the areas listed below:

As for the other areas, there is a wider range of prices:

Extramural studies

In the magistracy of the RSSU, it is allowed to study in absentia. The cheapest (for 50,000 rubles per year) will cost training in specialties from the following table:

The most common for full-time masters is the price of 60,000 rubles, which is set for the directions indicated below:

For training in Journalism at PKU, 70,000 rubles will be taken annually.
The following table shows the directions for training in which you will have to pay 78,000 rubles for every two semesters.

The most expensive master's program at the RSSU is "Jurisprudence" at the Law Firm, where they will take 98,000 rubles per year.

Extramural + distance learning

Prices for various specialties for masters studying by correspondence distance learning range from 44,000 to 88,000 rubles per academic year.

See also overview video about RSSU:

Dear applicants! We draw your attention to the fact that when entering the areas of training (specialties), where the entrance test "Mathematics" is indicated, only the profile level is taken into account. BASIC LEVEL MATHEMATICS IS NOT CONSIDERED WHEN ADMISSION TO HIGHER EDUCATION!


Federal Law of 05/01/2017 N 93-FZ excludes the requirement for a disabled person to have a conclusion of a federal institution of medical and social expertise on the absence of contraindications for training in educational institutions.

Federal Law of May 1, 2017 N 93-FZ "On Amendments to Article 71 of the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "

Introduce into Article 71 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2014, N 23, Art. 2930; 2015, N 1 , Art.53; N 29, Art.4364; 2016, N 1, Art.78; N 27, Art.4160) the following changes:

1) in part 5, the words “which, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated in training in the relevant educational institutions” shall be excluded;

2) in clause 2 of part 7, the words “which, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated to study in the relevant educational institutions” shall be excluded.

Acceptance of applications and documents in electronic form in the RSSU and the subsidiaries of the RSSU is not provided

The possibility of passing entrance examinations in the language of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the RSSU and the branches of the RSSU is not provided.

The possibility of passing entrance examinations for admission to master's programs with a foreign language (s) of education in the language of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the RSSU and the branches of the RSSU is not provided

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