Distance learning in "dgtu". Don State Technical University Faculties and Branches

Distance learning at the University of Rostov is another stage in the improvement of the education system. Those wishing to enroll in this educational institution increases every year, because they give quality education, there is an incentive to study well, as well as opportunities for practice.

Find out how to enter, what is the term of study and the cost on the official website. The point is that the information for each specialty is different. Each year, the best students are allocated and assigned increased scholarships, incentives from the government and various funds.

To earn good grades, all you need to do is turn in your homework, follow the teacher's recommendations, and really study. Despite the remote cooperation of the curator with the students, the system provides everything you need to get all the knowledge. Feedback from students suggests that the university has a very good teaching staff, and there is also motivation for a good study.

Every year, the best students in several specialties go to the recreation center from the university. All this is also possible with distance learning, so there is an incentive to work a little, moreover, in such comfortable conditions.

Examples of solved tests in personal account

Faculties and branches

Donkoy State Technical University offers training at the following faculties:

  1. Agroengineering;
  2. energy and communication systems;
  3. management and entrepreneurship;
  4. oil and gas industry.

The university also has branches in the following cities:

  1. Volgodonsk;
  2. Taganrog;
  3. Azov;
  4. Mines;
  5. Pyatigorsk;
  6. Stavropol;
  7. Makhachkala.

If you are not interested in this university, then check out the university.

Taking the test remotely - from 999.99 rubles *

Passing the exam remotely - from 1000 rubles. *

Defense of the thesis via Skype - from 2500 rubles. *

All final calculations for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the diploma defense was successful). The total cost depends on the complexity of the assignment, discipline and urgency. Send a request for calculation.

Official website and personal account


Login to your personal account:

http://moodle.donstu.ru/ (CDO)

https://ec.donstu.ru/site/ci/ (Portal)

Tests and exams in the 2017/2018 academic year at the Don State Technical University

Distance education at a university is no longer news for applicants, more than 5 thousand students choose this form of education every year. This is due to the fact that new opportunities and advantages are opening up, but one thing remains unchanged - exams.


  • Solving tests in your personal account (answers to tests);
  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Control, term papers, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Turnkey delivery of the session;
  • We resolve issues with academic debts due to transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation work;
  • Entrance exams (help).

Send a request for calculation: This address Email protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call: 8-800-100-6787 (Free within the Russian Federation!)

Students are always looking for easy ways to pass them, someone buys grades, someone enjoys friendship with excellent students, and someone chooses help from our specialists. Our advantage is that we help with all subjects and do our job in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution. Answering tests will make your life easier and help you prove that you are the one who deserves the best marks.

πŸ“’ Students of "School X" DSTU presented greenhouses at an exhibition in Moscow On February 28, a large-scale exhibition-conference for professionals of the urban plant growing industry "CityFermer" was opened in Moscow. Students of the Institute of Advanced Technologies "School X" of DSTU presented their projects. Freshmen of the Don State Technical University were the only students who took part in the exhibition. Young people presented automated greenhouses designed within the framework of training module Rapid Farm, and also demonstrated the plants grown in them. In total, 5 student greenhouses are presented at the exhibition - GomorraFarm, Wonder Wood, EcoKitchen, Grow the Future, ArtLife. - When the guys started working on greenhouses, I acted as an expert, advised them on how to build greenhouses, growing microgreens. I saw the level of their competence at the very beginning. I see progress, - said Anton Beltyukov, co-owner of the Seem Semena trademark. - The guys have developed really great projects. Their expertise has increased, few people in this field reach this level technical solutions in such a short time. I am pleased that I am an accomplice in this process. Work on autonomous greenhouses lasted 2.5 months. During the training module, freshmen, united in teams, made the necessary calculations, programmed microcontrollers and expansion boards, studied the soil and solutions to create nutrient medium for plants, their physiology and selected the necessary microclimate, as well as negotiated with potential customers. πŸ‘‰ Institute of Advanced Technologies DSTU - pilot educational project DSTU, which implements the model project learning... One of the key areas is training specialists for β€œsmart” agriculture. For study, students are offered a set of compulsory disciplines and a wide selection of elective modules. Practical mentors are involved as teachers who work with teams to solve technological problems. Also, students of the "School X" are required to study in depth English to be able to receive best knowledge from leading practitioners from around the world.

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πŸ“’ DSTU expands partnership with three Uzbek universities On December 4, the rector of the Don State Technical University, Besarion Meskhi, met with a delegation from Uzbekistan. It included university rectors, representatives of the business community, authorities and diplomatic missions of the republic. The parties talked and concluded three agreements - the Don State Technical University is developing cooperation with the Tashkent State Technical University, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the Andijan Machine-Building Institute. βœ… Specific areas of cooperation were outlined - in the development of joint educational programs, conducting scientific projects, retraining, advanced training, creation of a business incubator, spin-off companies, training on a dual training system, participation in sports and cultural events and many others. - I am sure that our cooperation will be interesting and useful for both countries, - said the rector of DSTU Besarion Meskhi and made his proposals. In particular, he invited the universities of Uzbekistan to work in the framework of the Southern Scientific and Educational Center. Mechanical engineering and agriculture were identified as priorities for such a partnership. The rector also came up with an initiative to hold joint events, such as a media expedition.

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πŸ“’ DSTU will open a classroom for modern agriculture On September 13, DSTU will open a classroom "Modern agriculture" that is unique for the South of Russia. The auditorium is equipped with specialized equipment that allows you to study in detail new approaches in the field of precision farming. The project was implemented by the flagship university and the Bizon agro-technological holding. βœ… The training class "Modern Agriculture" covers an area of ​​about 180 square meters and is designed for 50 listeners. The audience is divided into two areas - lecture and practical. Here students will learn theoretical courses, the device of machines and individual mechanisms, will learn how to operate technology in the virtual space. Investments in the project exceeded 5 million rubles. - Every year the intellectual component in the agricultural sector is becoming more and more significant. Nowadays, agriculture is, first of all, high-precision measurements aimed at increasing the efficiency of agribusiness. Therefore, in the classroom, the emphasis is on innovations in the field of soil cultivation, seeding, fertilization and plant protection products, precision farming. The study of agricultural technologies using specific examples will allow students to improve the quality of the knowledge and skills they acquire, ”said Bizon CEO Sergei Sukhovenko. βœ… A total of 8 demonstration stands of agricultural machinery from Lemken, Stara and Rauch were installed in the new auditorium. For example, an agro-simulator cab of the Stara Imperador self-propelled sprayer is located on a practical site. With the help of a special game console, students will take tests in the discipline "Introduction to the specialty". Young people will study in more detail the device of technology, get acquainted with the principles of growing basic crops, the basics of fodder production and feeding farm animals and harvesting. The final score will depend on the level to which the student is able to develop the farm. The auditorium is also equipped with a monitoring center for fields and agricultural enterprises "Bizona". Students will be able to connect to the service and monitor in real time what equipment is being used at the moment on the field, how fast it is moving, etc. - We are opening a classroom that is unique for the South of Russia. Studying here, students will be as close as possible to practical conditions and will study all the subtleties of agricultural processes, - emphasized the rector of DSTU Besarion Meskhi. - This class will help us prepare qualified specialists to work on new equipment and new technologies, and this is an important task for our agricultural region. βœ… Opening classroom"Modern Agriculture" of the Don State Technical University will take place on September 13 at 12:00 at the address: pl. Gagarin, 1, main building, first floor, aud. 161.

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πŸ“’ Denis Khashev, an employee of the Institute of Advanced Technologies of DSTU, head of Major Robotics, won a grant for the implementation of a project to train engineers. βœ” Currently, the implementation of the "Tech Challenge" event is already underway, as a result of which a student engineering community will be formed. Its participants will have the opportunity to create new technological solutions and start-ups, work with leading industry companies. πŸ‘‰ Selected students will help the development of the engineering movement in our university and city. # Rosmolodezh # Rosmolgrant # resource center # engineers decide

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Classes 3

Who defended himself, that fellow! πŸ’ͺ Thank you for the sincere emotions and bright photos to the graduates 😍

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