“How to increase your strength? Coaching ”() - download the book for free without registration. How to increase muscle strength? Tips for beginners Maria Melia how to increase your strength

That each of us can realize the potential inherent in nature and increase our efficiency. The author invites the reader to the coach's "workshop", where the consulting process, usually hidden from prying eyes, takes place.

Why the book How to Strengthen Your Power? Coaching is worth reading

  • it A new book author of the best-selling book "Business is Psychology", which has already gone through several reprints.
  • She teaches how to achieve success without losing yourself in the maelstrom. modern life, to realize and understand your goal, to reveal your potential, to fulfill your "life task".
  • The dialogical style of presentation makes the book a kind of coach-consultant and helps the reader to look at himself in a new way, clarify his true values ​​and goals, turn life's problems into tasks, and find his own resources to solve them.

Who is this book for

For everyone whose activities are related to communicative or “helping” professions, for professionals in the field of coaching. And also for the thoughtful reader who does not want to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, thinks about his development and just wants to know more about himself and about other people.

Who is author

Marina Melia is a professor of psychology, general director of the MM-Class company. She worked as a psychologist in national teams of sports teams, headed the laboratory of Psychology of elite sports at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute physical culture... She was the director of the Soviet-American psychological center ECOPSY, the general director of the consulting company RHR Int. She is engaged in psychological coaching consulting for top officials of Russian business.

Striving for self-improvement, our clients try to be extremely honest with themselves. However, attempts to change oneself, one's nature, "turn the river back", to become completely different is the path to nowhere. It does not lead to creation, not to development, but to the destruction of those qualities that, with an attentive, "ecological" and careful attitude towards them, could turn into force.

How Coaching Can Help You Strengthen Your Strength

In the process of coaching, a person gets the opportunity to develop his personality, the best that is in him. The coach believes that everyone can do it. At meetings with a consultant, a special atmosphere is created in which the client is revealed and his inner resources are released to achieve true goals. He acquires the ability to perceive various aspects of his I, without resorting to defensive reactions. Instead of striving to be "who is supposed to be," he allows himself to be who he really is.

In my work, I rely on the following postulates, which are fundamentally different from the above myths:

Each person is unique, which means that working with each is absolutely individual and cannot be based on standard, pre-prepared schemes and recipes.

Each person first of all needs to find his talents, resources, competitive advantages - what distinguishes him favorably from others.

Each person needs to develop his potential, his virtues, strengthen his strength, and not eradicate his shortcomings.

Let's talk about these postulates in more detail.

The uniqueness of each and the lack of ready-made recipes. Advisory work is based on a seemingly simple statement: all people are different. We are all really different from each other. Each of us reacts differently to the world: notices something, ignores something, loves something, but hates something. What is easy for one turns out to be excruciatingly difficult for another. What is stimulus for one person causes boredom or resistance in another. Surely, any of us will find at least a couple of friends who react differently to the lack of time: for one, the emergency situation causes excitement, the efficiency of his work grows several times, the other, on the contrary, loses his ability to work and cannot even maintain his usual productivity. There are many such examples. If we look around, we will see: one is guided by the desire to stand out, he has a strong sense of competition, while the other is quite satisfied with what he has achieved. One is focused on specific cases, the other is attracted by distant prospects. One likes to meet new people, the other is comfortable only in the company of close friends. One is looking for any opportunity to argue, the other by all means avoids even a hint of confrontation. Each person is unique not only in their actions, thoughts, feelings, but also in their perception of the world.

We all make thousands of decisions every day. Sitting at the table and looking through the to-do list, we think where to start - with simple ones that won't take a lot of time, or with complex ones that will take half a day to sort through? The phone rings. What will we do: pick up the phone or will not answer the call, preferring not to break away from the task we are solving? If we pick up the phone, do we recognize the voice of the interlocutor? Will we immediately remember his name? Can you hear the tone of his voice? And if we hear complaints, how will we react: will we start making excuses or will we listen carefully? It is impossible to comprehend each of these actions, so we follow the path of least resistance and react automatically. These reactions, and even more so their combinations, are purely individual.

When faced with differences between people, we sometimes prefer to hide from this diversity behind safe schematic generalizations. The mistake that we make in this case is the desire to fit a person into one of the well-known categories and “look at him from our bell tower”, guided by our norms, views and attitudes.

There is no single formula or single correct recipe for success. Everyone has their own goals and priorities, dignities inherent in him, distinguishing him from the general mass. Each person has innate talents that are an integral part of his personality. Everyone does something better than thousands of other people. And the possibility of his development depends on whether a person accepts this uniqueness in himself.

When communicating with clients, you are amazed at their originality, originality, amazing variety and uniqueness of characters. The task of a coach-consultant is to preserve and emphasize this uniqueness, to help a person become what fate is destined to be.

Strength development is a must for every person, and especially for men. The development of physical strength occurs by strengthening the ligaments, joints, tendons. It turns out that daily trips to the gym, jogging, exercise on the horizontal bar may make you an athlete, but they can only slightly help to add strength.

What's the secret?

Have you ever noticed that a thin person can be many times stronger than a well-fed big man. The answer is simple - thin people may simply have better tendons. And no need to be surprised, it's the tendons, not the muscles. Experts note that tendons are the main mechanism of our strength. Their task is to bond muscle tissue to bones, which will serve as the basis of the very strength that will allow you to achieve the most incredible results. There are also drugs that increase physical strength but their use is frowned upon by doctors.

A bit of history

Not so long ago, in the XX century, he lived interesting person Alexander Zass. His fate was not easy, he participated in the First World War, was captured and even managed to escape several times. But then the war ended, and Alexander went on a trip to Europe with the thought of what to do. Then he began to engage in exercises aimed at developing tendons, after which he achieved tremendous strength and began performing in the circus with the most incredible programs. He tore thick chains with his bare hands, raised horses, and could even prevent a blow from a sledgehammer. Such power caused many questions among the audience, and, based on his own experience, Alexander presented his system of exercises to the world, which allowed others to achieve such results as well.

Alexander Zass system

The most popular and effective exercise turned out to be pushing the wall. The whole point is that tendons develop only when force is applied to a stationary object. Here pushing the wall comes to the rescue, tug of war, which is fixed in the floor, and so on. Alexander did not stop at these exercises. He found that it was much more effective and more convenient to perform exercises with ordinary chains. The bottom line is simple, Zass made a couple of hooks for the convenience of adjusting the length of the chains and began to work out all his muscle groups in static mode.

The bottom line is that in an attempt to break the chain in different positions in the body, a stable force wave is created, which persists for a couple of seconds, and then you need to slowly get out of this tension, relaxing. And the task in this case is not to try to break the chain, but to create a force wave so that the chain will soon break on its own.

The second point to pay close attention to is breathing. If you breathe intermittently and sharply, then nothing will work. Breathing should be even, calm. Slow inhalation with increasing tension, then holding the force wave and exhaling smoothly with weakening.

And if Zass had to come up with his own training devices, now you can find many options. Metal fittings, a rope, wooden sticks will help in this matter. Exercises can be very basic. You can try bending a thick metal rod, squeezing a stick, or lifting a heavy object. Only the field of such exercises strains the whole body, including muscles and tendons. The body enters the force wave that Alexander spoke about. Only by repeating the same exercise regularly does the athlete develop the part that is responsible for the strength of the tendons - the strength that allows you to do incredible things.

What is the essence of the program?

Exercise allows the body to develop, thereby training the following qualities:

  • Maximum strength is the ability to lift the most weight.
  • The goal of strength endurance is to work on muscle definition, as well as develop the ability to apply maximum effort for a certain time.
  • Explosive strength training can improve your performance in certain sports. For example, sprinting, jumping and so on.

The development of these three indicators will help to increase physical strength and endurance.

What strength exercises should you do?

Strength-building exercises develop the ability to lift heavy objects. Trainers recommend starting with basic exercises to work out the muscles - these are squats, deadlifts, bench press, barbell deadlift, push-ups on the uneven bars. So how to develop physical strength?

How to distribute the load?

It is quite obvious even for a beginner that in order to increase own strength, you need to properly regulate the load. The question of how to do this most efficiently and without harm remains open. First, you need to determine your repetitive maximum for each exercise performed. This indicator will correspond to the minimum weight that you will be able to lift or push from one time. This is necessary in order to work on progress in the course of further training and increase the result every time. Usually the load depends on the goals pursued. For example, if you want to gain muscle volume, coaches recommend doing at least 75% of the re-maximum, and if your goal is to increase physical strength, then this figure can be increased to 85-100%.

The optimal number of repetitions

Standard strength exercises require 20-25 repetitions, but the number of approaches is precisely determined by the basic exercises. You can stop for a break for 2-4 minutes, this time is quite enough to replenish energy reserves and continue training. Standard execution strength exercises can be based on 5 sets of 5 reps. A simple example can be given, if your repetition maximum is 125 kilograms, then the weight of the bar should be 100 kilograms, and the number of repetitions - 5. After that you need to rest for a couple of minutes and start a new set of the same exercises. Usually, when working on strength, the number of approaches does not exceed 5.

How often should you exercise?

To increase your physical strength, it is important to properly distribute the regularity of your workouts. Usually this value is longer than their duration, that is, it turns out that it is more rational to spend 2 workouts for one hour than one large two-hour workout.

Standard Strength Program

Like any workout, a complex to increase physical strength begins with a warm-up. It is important to focus on the joints and tendons, which will be the main source of stress. It will not be superfluous to do stretching. The following program is designed for a month and includes 3 workouts per week. It is aimed at increasing the physical strength of the hands and other parts of the body. So let's get started:

  • Set # 1: Squats, Bench Press, Bent Over Row, Dips, Plank and Side Plank - 5 reps and 5 sets.
  • Set # 2: Deadlift, Army Press, Deadlift, Machine Back Extension, Shoulder Exercises - 7 reps and 5 sets.

These basic exercises will help increase your physical strength if you do them for at least a month.

Marina Melia

How to increase your strength? Coaching

Scientific editor E. Shchedrina

Editor O. Nizhelskaya

Project Manager I. Gusinskaya

Corrector E. Aksyonova

Computer layout K. Svishchev

Design S. Prokofieva

© Melia M.I., 2012

© LLC "Alpina Publisher", 2012

© Electronic edition. LLC "Liters", 2013

How to increase your strength? Coaching. / Marina Melia. - 2nd ed., Add. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2012.

ISBN 978-5-9614-2715-8

All rights reserved. No part of an electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including placement on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use without the written permission of the copyright holder.


Coaching and writing a book about him are two so difficult to reconcile things that I would hardly have been able to decide on this venture, if not for the help and influence of many people.

I am grateful to fate that I was able to see firsthand how the greats Karl Rogers, Victor Frankl, Karl Whitaker, Virginia Satir, James Bujenthal ... These meetings changed my professional life and became a discovery in understanding real human contact and the ability to hear the Other.

In this row are two Russian psychologists - Vladimir Stolin and Andrey Kopyev. With Vladimir Stolin, we were partners in the first psychological cooperative in the USSR "Interact" and in the first in Russia psychological consulting company RHR International / ECOPSY. At this time, the invaluable experience of the first contacts with the heads of enterprises, the first attempts " psychological methods help the development of the Russian economy ”(we put this very meaning in the name ECOPSY). In addition, I am convinced that all domestic corporate consulting emerged from Stolin Pogodinka. I have been associated with Andrey Kopiev for almost 20 years working together... Daily communication with such a brilliant professional gave me more than dozens of books I read.

I am grateful to all my colleagues in the "MM-Class" for their intellectual support: many of the thoughts presented in this book were born in a dialogue with them. I would especially like to thank Ekaterina Garcia and Svetlana Spichakova, who not only managed to organize me for this work, but also worked very carefully with the material of the book. And, of course, Maria Sidorova, who walked with me all this way: from prints of materials of master classes to verification of the final version of the manuscript.

I am grateful to all my clients who were and remain my main teachers.


Coaching is something trendy and mysterious. And very modern. A personal psychotherapist, psychoanalyst is the XX century, but a personal coach is a XXI century. What is it? “Science, art, craft,” Marina Melia answers, “and all this is fused together.” As in the profession of a surgeon, or a sculptor, or a director. It is difficult to reveal the creative component of the profession in the book. And yet, in other creative professions there is an obvious result of creativity - be it the most complex heart surgery, sculpture or film. There is also a place for the author's signature under his work. Even the “closest relatives” of coaching consultants - sports coaches - can enjoy the publicity of their success - the won medals and prizes of their wards. The products of creativity of a coach-consultant - especially those working with top business executives - are invisible to the outside eye, the names of clients, the very fact of work are covered with a veil of professional secrecy.

Marina Melia does not rely on the sonorous names and fame of her clients, does not take credit for their successes, does not provide multi-page transcripts of her meetings, and does not publish recipe menus. And nevertheless, after reading the book, the reader will understand what coaching is, and why it is needed, and what it is based on, how it is built and what drives the process, what a coach-consultant should be able to do and what traps lie in wait for a coach in his professional business. Moreover, after reading the book - written surprisingly easily, simply, in a conversational manner - you get the feeling that you were shown the product, something tangible, visible was or somehow appeared in the mind.

One of the pillars of the book, given in its title, is "the secret of success is the ability to reveal your advantages and organize your life in such a way as to use them as efficiently as possible." It would seem that this idea is already present in the consciousness of the professional community, and in a broader sense - in the public consciousness. And yet, for most people, it's easy beautiful words, elegant idea. It is extremely difficult to use - both in relation to other people and in relation to ourselves.

A coach helps other people, drawing on their own talents, to achieve their goals. Finding talent in something else is easy to say! We are critical people. We are taught to see weaknesses and shortcomings in any professional business - politics, art, business. We can easily explain someone else's successes - by successful circumstances, luck, situation. To attribute the outstanding success of another to the talent, mind, and will of the one who achieved this success is to go against one's insides - to commit violence against oneself. It's like admitting that you yourself lacked something from this set - talent, intelligence, will. Well, it would also be nice to talk about people from another world - about Bill Gates, for example. But about our own, who grew up in the same communal kitchen ... In psychology, this phenomenon is denoted by a "smart" term - causal attribution, but in common language - just envy. The closer a person is to us - in terms of age, education, life circumstances - the more powerful a hidden impulse acts on us: to explain his success by chance, luck, lack of moral prohibitions, and the more difficult it is to discover his special talent.

Use the idea of ​​reliance on strengths in relation to ourselves it is also difficult. Talents, abilities - they already exist, is it worth paying great attention to them? Isn't it more correct to look for what is weak in us, what is a brake and a deficit?

Marina Melia reveals the idea of ​​relying on strength both in depth and breadth - what it means in the life of each of us and what it means in the work of a coach. How to learn to believe in the non-coincidence of someone else's success and arm yourself with the desire to unravel the talent of your client? How to avoid the traps created by our nature and the profession itself, and how to subject your consciousness and subconsciousness to dry cleaning, get rid of the slightest spots of envy, vanity, lust for power, self-deprecation - the true enemies of a professional coach.

Marina Melia does not work with all clients. Her specialization is the first persons of Russian business: owners and managers of large organizations and enterprises. One of the most interesting sections of the book is devoted to their generalized portrait.

In our society, there are persistent and mostly negative stereotypes of successful entrepreneurs. These people fully experience the manifestations of the asymmetry of causal attribution - their success is attributed to chance, circumstances, low morality. Their wealth is perceived by the environment exactly in accordance with the saying "You cannot make stone chambers by righteous labor." The staggering income gaps between the poorest and the richest are cited all the time. In their disinterested philanthropic actions, they are looking for hidden self-interest.

The more powerful the stereotype, the more interesting it is to understand what these people really are. And Marina Melia has something to say about this - her empirical base broader than what Maslow once allowed to define the self-actualizing personality. And the trusting relationship between the coach and the client allows you to see the subject deeper and more fully than any interview or testing. The collective portrait of the Russian entrepreneur turned out to be colorful, accurate, convex, multidimensional - far from both envious criticism and reckless admiration.

Any profession needs a framework - its own constitution or the "ten commandments". Marina Melia offers her own version of such a constitution - her ten principles. Description of principles or commandments provokes pathos, abstraction and metaphor. The author managed to avoid these provocations. In Marina Melia's presentation, the principles are working moments: "drivers" that trigger the correct behavior, and "blockers" of errors. Principles placed in a real process “flesh out” details and nuances. The contradictions of the principles themselves are openly discussed and removed. “Reliance on positive”, but what if you see “negative” - something that interferes and harms the client himself? "Unconditional acceptance" - but what if you want to object? "Customer orientation" and his problem - what to do with your own emotions? All these real and apparent contradictions are removed not by verbal balancing act, but on the basis of our own experience, using examples from rich practice.

Find out how to increase muscle strength, important tips for beginners and advanced athletes, competent recommendations + videos from specialists.

Strength training is fundamentally different from most workouts in the gym, where most people work to increase muscle volume or burn fat, that is, all forces are aimed at adjusting the figure, strength is given secondary importance.

Strength training - on the contrary, has only one goal - how to increase muscle strength and develop physical strength... So how do you truly master the power of a titan ?! Read on for 6 important rules!

1. Performing basic and isolation exercises

For the development of strength are actively used, special attention should be paid to the golden three - and, these are the three pillars of creating athletic power.

Other basic exercises are also actively involved in the work -,, and so on. It is the use of these multi-joint exercises that forces the majority of muscle groups to be included in the work, and the more muscle fibers are loaded at the same time, the higher the strength indicators.

2. The importance of approaches

Strength training programs are all about powerlifters. Have you ever seen how they work in action ?! Not in competitions, but in training. A healthy man once appeared in my gym, he occupied the bench press, I acted as an insurer, counted 7 working approaches, and how many warm-ups were unknown, as I later found out - he is the champion of Ukraine in powerlifting, the maximum weight on the bench press is 200 kg. without equipment.

So, strength training includes up to 10 in one exercise !!! Moreover, the more weight, the fewer repetitions are performed. Performing such a maximum number of approaches contributes to the perfection of the neuromuscular connection and the development of the technique of performing exercises to automatism.

3. Distribution of the load on the muscles

In fitness and bodybuilding, for maximum muscle development, the load is concentrated on a specific area. For example, when performing a bench press, you need to direct the entire load to the muscle, actively pump it with blood and deliver the largest number nutrients to further boost growth. All other muscles receive less attention so as not to distract the payload.

In strength training, the opposite is true, for squeezing out the weight, they are actively used, and of course, the chest, here is no longer a priority task, to pump the chest, the goal is the maximum weight lifting. To do this, you need to include in action, absolutely all possible muscle areas.

4. Number of repetitions

For the development of strength, they set one in which they will do from 1 to 6, the increase in the amount is more aimed at increasing muscle mass. Why it happens?!

In strength training, it is very important to injure the element of muscle contraction - the myofibril, then after a little rest to get the effect of supercompensation (this is a phenomenon when the body, having spent energy, by the next load, tries to release even more efforts, thus increasing strength).

In the process of increasing muscle volume, the process is different, the number of repetitions is 8-10, here the main goal is to drive muscle acid and pump it with blood well, therefore, and are often used, which are useless for the development of strength.

5. Rest time

In this case, there is no specific period, usually 3-4 minutes are used for muscle growth, 1-2 minutes for burning and developing endurance, for the development of maximum body strength - the rest time lasts from 4 to 10 minutes.

It is very important to fully recover, the body in this case itself will tell you when it is ready to work further, otherwise if you strictly adhere to a certain time limit, then feeling tired, you will not be able to overpower the planned weight and a standard phrase will break out from the depths of your soul - it didn’t go!

6. Work to failure

Work before, extremely rarely used in powerlifting, with a large weight, refusal increases the risk of injury of the exercise, tired muscles slightly lose concentration, and under the influence of huge weights, ligaments and joints are overloaded, there is a slight loss of coordination and therefore the risk of injury increases.

Work to failure is often used for muscle pumping, but as mentioned earlier, this method is suitable for pumping muscles, not for building strength.

Finally, I will tell especially to beginners, you are still thinking how to increase muscle strength? repetitions, this will make the muscles more prominent, traced and significantly reduce the layer of fat deposits.

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