Psychological tests to determine the way. Test for your talents

The IQ test uses exercises for arithmetic counting, handling logical series, the ability to complete geometric shape, the ability to recognize a fragment, memorize facts, manipulate letters in words, memorize technical drawings. After passing the test, you will see a graph with the average values ​​for different ages and a mark about your IQ value, and you will also be able to find out the correct answers.

Logic, intuition and intelligence.

Many people think that intelligence is the same as mind. Psychologists interpret intelligence more broadly. It is not only the ability to logical thinking, but also the ability to correctly assess the situation and find the right solutions. Intelligence is also the ability to adapt to life and not get lost when she throws surprises. As for logic and intuition, these are faithful helpers of the intellect in solving various problems. And it is the intellect that determines what to give preference to. Use the test to test how well logic and intuition help you solve mental problems.

Are you an attentive person?

There are people who are always on the alert - almost nothing can surprise them, stun, confuse them. Their complete opposite is people who are absent-minded and inattentive, who get lost in the simplest situations. The proposed test is more a game than a reason for serious conclusions, but still, maybe it will make you think about something. Answer yes or no to the following questions:

General verbal test

Verbal giftedness - possession of lexicographic skills - understanding the meaning of words and the ability to use them effectively. high level verbal skills are often successful in professional field related to the written word (writer, journalist, editor, critic), in teaching, in the legal industry, as well as actors, psychologists, translators and interviewers.

Eysenck test number 1

Dr. Eysenck developed the IQ test in the middle of the 20th century, which gives the most accurate IQ measurement. When tested on a typical modern mind test, about 50% of the population has an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% below 90. (A score of 100 is the average of the sample). And only 14.5% of people have IQs from 110 to 120, 7% - from 120 to 130, 3% - from 130 to 140. And no more than 0.5% of the population have IQs over 140.

Thoughts are logical! Can you?

The concept of "logical", i.e. analytical, or deductive, can be used in relation to a person who is characterized by the ability to inference or the ability to build orderly and persuasive evidence.

IQ test # 1 (brain explosion)

IQ (translated from English intelligence quotient) - the amount of intelligence (CI), intellectual art, mental alertness, work of thought. In Russia, the term IQ has taken root - a quantitative assessment of the level of intelligence of a person relative to an average person of the same age. IQ tests measure mental ability, not the level of knowledge ("erudition"). The IQ test uses exercises for arithmetic counting, handling logical series, the ability to complete a geometric figure, the ability to identify a fragment, memorize facts, manipulate letters in words, memorize technical drawings. Tests not only show your CI, but reveal your preferred way of thinking (logical, figurative, mathematical, verbal). The lower you get on one of the strategies, the more reserves are hidden in you. Having identified the gaps in your strategies, then you can train them and raise your CI.

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Various superheroes are incredibly popular these days. Still, each of us would also like to have cool superpowers, for example, be indestructible or travel in time. Which superpower do you find most delightful?


So, in our test, each superpower means human qualities, abilities and resources that are quite available to us in real life.

The first superpower that you have chosen symbolizes the resources and qualities that you have, but you do not recognize this, deny their presence. You should awaken these abilities in yourself.

The second superpower - the one that interested you the least - symbolizes abilities that you do not possess, but subconsciously seek them in other people. You would like to have a friend or partner with these qualities, and he would perfectly complement you. Find such a person.

1. Ability to see the future

This superpower in real life symbolizes qualities such as the ability to predict the course of events, well-developed intuition and insight. These qualities will warn against rash acts and bad influence.

2. Ability to be invisible

3. Ability to travel in time

4. Enormous physical strength

5. Ability to fly

6. Ability to heal any wounds and raise the dead

This superpower is a symbol of compassion, mercy, the ability to support other people, instilling in them faith in themselves.

Special Ability Tests- designed to obtain data on the development of human characteristics that are not related to his intellectual development, but, as it were, complementary intellectual development .

The ability to perform certain types of activities depends on special abilities.

Areas of using tests of special abilities in professional selection and professional consulting:

  • rational placement of personnel,
  • identifying weaknesses, ineffective workers,
  • analysis of the causes of injury, marriage, industrial accidents,
  • the right choice of specialty,
  • professional self-determination of personality, awareness and realization of one's vocation.

Groups special abilities important for practical purposes:

  • motor;
  • sensory;
  • technical;
  • professionalized.

The first three groups are not correlated with certain professions, although some of them more often find themselves in some types of activity than in others.

The last group is directly related to specific professions, which is reflected in their names.

Motor ability tests- to diagnose motor (psychomotor or sensorimotor) abilities and find a wide practical use in professional selection and sports.

The role of motor skills in the success of mastering a variety of activities - F. Galton, E. Crepelin and others.

Motor tests aimed at studying:

  • accuracy of movements,
  • strength of movements,
  • pace of movement
  • rhythm of movements,
  • movement speed,
  • accuracy of movements.
  • visual-motor and kinesthetic-motor coordination,
  • dexterity of movements of fingers and hands,
  • hand firmness
  • the speed of movement of the wrist and fingers (the speed at which hand signals are transmitted on a telegraph machine).
  • tremor,
  • responsive orientation (the ability to find the correct motor response to stimuli at a high speed of presentation),
  • control assessment (the ability to maintain control over objects changing in speed and direction),
  • coordination of the accuracy of muscle effort, etc.

To do this, apply various devices (dynamometer, ergograph, thermometer, etc.).

Test tasks - stringing beads, tying knots, outlining complex shapes, bending shapes out of the wire according to given samples) - dexterity, technical dexterity, accuracy and some other qualities are checked.

In 1923, N.I. Ozeretsky in the USSR developed Motor test for the diagnosis of motor development in children from 4 to 16 years old.

Psychomotor tests:

  • O "Connor's finger dexterity test,
  • Stromberg agility test,
  • Purdier's manual dexterity test,
  • Minnesota Keying Speed ​​Test,
  • Crawford's manipulation dexterity test.

Diagnostic methods sensory abilities used in clinical testing to identify defects in the development of certain sensory functions.

These methods are most widely used in the selection of military and industrial personnel, in particular, drivers of various vehicles.

Although the psychological study of sensory ability extends to all modalities, standardized methods are created primarily for the study of vision and hearing.

Visual and auditory tests

When studying visual abilities measurement tests are applied:

  • visual acuity,
  • distinctive sensitivity,
  • color discrimination,
  • depth perception,
  • muscle balance of the eyes.

A hallmark of tests visual perception developed and used by domestic psychotechnicians, was their focus on the specific requirements of professions.

The most popular methods for diagnosing visual and auditory abilities:

  • a Snellen chart showing letters gradually decreasing in size,
  • Ortho-Reiter test,
  • Eyesight test,
  • "Eyesight test",
  • Stilling tables - diagnostics of color perception, consist of many colored dots.

To measure the eye, we used special devices (Geller, Mede and others), which made it possible to compare the length of objects, the dimensions of the corners, the estimate of the depth, etc.

Rybakov's test- in figures of various shapes, in a limited time, it was necessary to correctly draw a line so that a square could be folded from the two parts obtained.

Auditory Comprehension Tests:

  • diagnostics of hearing acuity,
  • separating signals from the background noise,
  • adequate response to loud sounds,
  • distinguishing the characteristics of sounds.

Most often tested hearing acuity(measurement of absolute thresholds).

The following is used as an irritant:

  • clear sound,
  • a human voice pronouncing numbers, words or sentences,

In many areas of activity, it is the distinction of speech that acquires paramount importance.

Massachusetts Auditory Perception Test- widespread.

Technical ability are regarded as general intelligence. There are independent factors of technical ability:

  • spatial representations,
  • technical understanding.

Technical ability tests - diagnostics of abilities, manifested in the work with equipment or its parts.

Such work requires special mental abilities, good development of sensory functions, as well as certain motor qualities: coordination, dexterity, physical strength.

Technical ability tests aimed at identifying knowledge, experience accumulated by the subjects. They do not allow you to judge the methods of acquiring them:

  • Bennett's test - test of learning technical understanding, uses a series of short question pictures. To answer the questions, you need to understand general, technical principles from everyday situations.
  • Spatial thinking test (SPM) by I.S. Yakimanskaya, V.G. Zarkhin and H.-M.Kh. Kadayas.

This is famous ability test... Reveals the presence of a person's creative, mental, intellectual, mathematical, analytical abilities. Abilities for entrepreneurship, science, creativity.

Draw a square, triangle, circle, rectangle, and zigzag on paper. Choose the shape you like the most and label it with number 1. With number 2, designate your least liked shape. Next, we will talk about figure number 1.


    You are a reasonable, hardworking and organized person, but sometimes, paying attention to the little things, you miss the most important thing. You are stubborn and persistent, sometimes it borders on stubbornness. It is difficult to convince you of anything. You are erudite enough and do not miss the opportunity to show off your knowledge. You are patient. But you are often indecisive. Because of your frugality, many people think of you as greedy. Working on the Internet at.


    You are a leader who knows how to make decisions and is ready to take responsibility for other people. You are selfish and love to be the center of attention. You are determined and intolerant of objections. You quickly grasp the main idea, but do not know how to listen to others. You love to compete and know how to win. You are confident in yourself, but tend to overestimate your own capabilities. You are very energetic and always strive for leadership. Leadership skills help you fix it. Or open.

    A circle

    You are psychoanalytic. You know how to listen and understand other people. You are sympathetic and benevolent. You are willing to solve other people's problems and sometimes try to please everyone at once. That being said, you are fair. More than mathematics, you like history and literature. Your erudition and creativity will help you master this kind of work on the Internet,.


    You tend to doubt everything, including yourself. Your interests, opinions and assessments are constantly changing. It seems that you are constantly looking for yourself. At the same time, you are an inquisitive, inquisitive and courageous person. Over time, you can choose another, more stable shape: a square or a triangle. You could be successful on the Internet in the financial arena, for example.


As for the second figure, it shows what type of character you do not like. It is difficult for you to communicate with people who have chosen these figures (show this test to your spouse). But you still need to be tolerant towards each other, because people are all different.

Many people go with the flow of life, get an education and choose a profession, without thinking about what abilities nature has awarded them. After passing the talent test, you will be able to determine the direction that is most promising for realizing your own potential. Some define it intuitively. Such a test can provide a scientific basis for the choice made.

By answering a few questions, you can get a generalized result that determines the area of ​​life in which the possible percentage of success is highest. At the same time, do not forget that innate abilities are responsible only for part of the positive result. You still have to work on yourself and make some effort.

Test on what kind of talent you have - a tool for determining hidden opportunities... Each person may have several. There is an opinion among psychologists and sociologists that the realization of only one deposit can make a person happy. Therefore, having learned about your many talents, it is not always advisable to be scattered on all promising areas. It is better to opt for the kind of activity that you like more.

On our site you can find your talent absolutely free of charge in just a few minutes. The result will help you choose a vector for self-realization, no matter what potential you have: acting or mathematical skills.

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