Yang Stevenson 20 cases of reincarnation. Cases of reincarnation from the book of Stevenson

These books about the methodology for achieving the remnants of the soul, related to her life outside the human body. Dedicated to all practicing hypnotherapeutors who communicate with patient souls using a spiritual return technique, and those who are looking for answers to questions about their spiritual being.

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Jan Stevenson, Doctor medical Sciences (He died in 2007), was the head of the Department of Psychiatry of the Medical Faculty at the University of Virginia.

He was awarded the honorary title of professor psychiatry at this university. For forty years, Dr. Stevenson explored children who spontaneously recalled their past lives and these memories had actual confirmation.

He decided to study only children, as it believed that children could hardly fabricate such memories. In total, Dr. Stevenson studied around 2500 childrenwho reported on their memoirs of past life.

Approximately 1200 of these cases, Dr. Stevenson was able to objectively confirm the memories of the child.

Most of the cases studied by Stevenson were from Asia, India and other locality, where the doctrine of reincarnation is common.

In those places where reincarnation is not a generally accepted system of belief, it is assumed that attempts to express the child memories of their past lives can be suppressed by their parents.

Studies have shown that children's memoirs have the following common features.

Research Yana Stevenson: Characteristic features of children's memories of past life

1. The child describes his last life

1. As soon as the child starts talking, he begins to describe his last life. Often, children say that his or her name differs from that name, which they give their biological parents.

The child claims that his current family is not his true family, and his real family lives in another city or village.

The child recalls the names of the members of their former family and the geographical position of his stay in the past life. Children can describe the subject details of their homes and surroundings from their past lives.

2. The child remembers the details of his death in the past life

Approximately 50% of those studied by Dr. Stevenson, recall children with their past incarnation,

Dr. Stevenson discovered that those who died from injured by a knife or from bullets were born in a new reincarnation with moles or scars in places of injuries.

In modern life, the child could have phobias associated with the cause of death from the past life.

3. The child recognizes relatives from the past life

Based on the information provided by the child to his biological relatives, his family could be found from the former incarnation. When a child meets his former family for the first time, he can call the names of family members and the level of related relationships.

Often the baby knows family secrets that could only be known to members of his family from the former incarnation. Ultimately, a family of past life often recognizes a child as the reincarnation of their deceased relative.

The biological parents of the child in his current embodiment often experience fear that the child may leave them for the sake of family from the previous embodiment, since mutual attraction to the members of the former family is very strong.

This fear, however, is unreasonable, since the connection of the child with modern family is quite strong.

Although the child, usually continue to continue long-term relationships with family from his past life.

4. Talent from past life

Personal features and preferences, habits and behaviors are often transmitted from one incarnation to another.

Talents from past life continue to exist in modern embodiment. Thus, the reincarnation explains the adderkind.

5. Paul in a new embodiment usually remains the same

In 90% studied by Dr. Jan Stevenson cases, the child returned the same sex as in the past life. Thus, in ten percent cases, the floor changed during the transition from one life to another.

Observation that the floor changes only 10 percent of cases Reincarnation, brings an understanding on homosexuality, transsexuals, transsexualism and gender identity.

6. Physical similarity can be observed from one embodiment to another

Stevenson's studies show that physical appearance can be similar to the incarnation. Two unique cases when the studies continued for 20-30 years clearly show how the features of the face can be inherited from one life to another as Susanna Ganem and Daniel Djurdi.

Yang Stevenson studied Susanna Han in the late 60s and Daniel Djordi in the early 70s, when they were still young children. Photos of these women from their past incarnations were available.

Stevenson visited Suzanne again and Daniel in 1998 and found that these two women, at that time adults, had facial features fully similar to their past incarnations. These cases were described in the book of Voloder's "Old Souls".

Two others studied by Stevenson case of reincarnation, who also photos for comparison were available, show similar features of the face with Burmese twins.

In his book "At the crossroads of reincarnation and biology" (Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect, 1997), Dr. Stevenson advises future researchers "to conduct systematic studies of the similarity of the person in the subjects of the study with their previous incarnations."

7. Life planning in a new embodiment. Relations are resumed during reincarnation

As noted earlier, there were two cases in Stevenson's studies, with physical similarity in reincarnation in the Birma of two twins, which were sisters in past lives. In other words, two sisters again embodied in twin girls.

Such an example shows that the souls can plan their new embodiments so that again be along with your loved ones.

This case with the twins was part of the study 31 pairs of twins (62 people) conducted by Jan Stevenson. Past lives of these people were objectively confirmed. In 100% of these cases, Gemini had close relations in past lives.

These figures clearly show that the souls can plan their new incarnations so as to reunite with their close after reincarnation.

8. Feemen

In 22% of the cases studied by Stevenson, we had prophetic dreams. Usually, the soul, which is preparing to come into a family, sends Son.in which he foreshadows about his future reiking. Most often, this dream sees the future mother.

After the birth of a child, the one who dreamed a dream, realizes that it was about the birth of a child a dream reported.

Prophetic dreams, as well as relationships renewing with reincarnation, show that the souls can actually

In other words, the prophetic dreams are another way through which you can see the work of the spiritual component of a person in cases of reincarnation.

Achievements in the field of research of reincarnation: the contribution of Yana Stevenson

The world in a huge debt before Dr. Stevenson for the important work he did during his professional activity.

Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit (IISIS) hopes to use his contribution and, as a gesture of respect and recognition, posthumously assigned him Reincarnation reward REINCARNATION RESEARCH IISIS AWARD).

Now reincarnation studies are continuing at the University of Vertiality under the leadership of Dr. Jim Tucker.

The problem of scientific confirmation of the existence of reincarnation is of great importance. Usually, religious ideas and concepts cannot be identified or studied with the help of a scientific base, since religion and science is incommensurable. However, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation is interested in various scientists and researchers. Reincarnation reports are often subjected to different checks and confirmed by facts. If the resettlement of the soul occurs, it must have any confirmation. A man who lived in another era can tell something about his experience and bring evidence of its presence.

For a long time, the Canadian American Psychiatrist Yang Stevenson was actively engaged in studying cases of reincarnation. He carefully studied the memories of people about their previous lives. His work lasted for several decades and he collected data on more than 2,000 people. These people rightly said that they remember their previous lives or showed abilities, had signs, which can be explained only with the help of reincarnation. All the well-known cases of reincarnation Stevenson carefully studied.

Stevenson discovered three objective signs confirming the revival of the soul in a new body and not related to the memoirs of a person. The first sign is the ability of a person to speak someone else's language (foreign, ancient). And by virtue of life circumstances, this person could not know or examine this language. The second sign is the presence of congenital labels on the body of a man (birthmarks, limb defects, moles, etc.). In some cases, the studied people talked about the presence of communication between these marks and the last life. For example, a person recalled that he died from a blow to a knife in the region of the heart, and in this place he has a birthmark, resembling a scar. The third sign of the resettlement of the soul is the presence of historical confirmations. However, all the well-known historical events are not taken into account. Only it is considered to be reliable confirmation historical eventwhich has become known in the course of a long professional study when not available historical documents were used.

The third part of the people who explored J. Stevenson had various innate labels and defects. For example, a boy with a bake-shaped outflow in the head of the nape remembered that in one of the past lives died from a blow to the head on the head. Stevenson found a family in which once one of the members was killed by an ax. Features of the wound of the murdered correlated with a defect on the head of the boy. Another boy had defects of the limbs - his fingers on his hand were wrinkled. He spoke in his memoirs that he was injured during agricultural work. Stevenson managed to find people who told about a person who was dead from the loss of blood after the injury - his hand got into the throat. In the third case, the girl who was born without foot told the reincarnation. She recalled himself a young woman who fell under the train and subsequently overlooking the amputation of the right foot. However, she failed to survive. Among the studies, Ya. Stevenson had many cases when the memories of past lives were recorded documented, and the protocols of forensic emergence coincided with label on the body of people whose souls suffered reincarnation.

Stevenson attached great importance to the stories of children 2-5 years old about his past life. Often these stories coincided in detail with valid events. At the same time, children could not learn from somewhere about the life of a person who were told. Usually by 6-8 years, the memory of children about the past already disappears. The eastern wise men say that the past is hidden from people from mercy, because rarely who can transfer many deaths or torture with the inevitability of an endless path.

Jan Stevenson, studying the reincarnation, wrote works: "20 cases of reincarnation", "Children who remember previous lives: search for reincarnations", "Reincarnation and biology", "European cases of reincarnation".

Confirms the existence of reincarnation our memory. Scientists recognize the presence of three types of memory of the past: Deja Vu, genetic memory and directly memories of past lives. Deja vu (Fr. - "already seen") is a mental phenomenon. He lies in the recognition of a new one. For example, a person first turned out to be in any place, but it seems to him that he has already been here and everything seems familiar. However, in psychiatry, the frequent repetition of this phenomenon refers to pathology and accompanies some mental illness. Genetic memory issues a deeper memories to a person. She manifests unexpectedly. A person suddenly remembers any information about his distant ancestors. A well-known psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung (Switzerland) was engaged in studying genetic memory. In his opinion, the experience of each person is not lost, he is inherited from generation to generation and lurks in the depths of the brain. What is the Deja Nu, he experienced. Once he made a strong impression of a picture of one French artist. It showed a doctor in long-standing clothes. K. Jung recognized the shoes of this doctor and called them their own. He had a feeling that he once wore them. In addition to this, he was convinced that he lived in the XVIII century. Often his hand wrote the wrong year of birth - 1775 instead of 1875. Automatic letter can be explained by genetic memory. Jung studied the archives and found out that one of his progenitors just lived at the time in the province and was a lake.

Many of our famous contemporaries talk about genetic memory. For example, Sylvester Stallone is confident that one of his distant ancestors was a nomad and performed the function of a sentiment. Keanu Rivz tells that his grandparaded was a dancer in one of the temples of Bangkok. When conducting hypnotic sessions of these people were sent to the past and they confirmed their memories.

Our consciousness suppresses genetic memory, since the memories of the past and knowledge about who our ancestors were, can lead to a split personality. Often genetic memory manifests itself in a dream when a person owns the subconscious

Memories of previous lives are associated with reincarnation. They differ from genetic memory because a person remembers life different people, but populated by one soul - his soul. In accordance with the eastern teachings, each person lives 5-50 reincarnations. Memories of past life arise in people by chance. This can be associated with head injuries, mental illness or immersion in trance. Scientists who study the issues of reincarnation confirm that all in past lives affects the health and behavior of a person in the present. For example, many people experience fears. At the same time, a person may be afraid of what he suffered in the previous life.

Cases of reincarnation

The existence of reincarnation is confirmed by numerous cases occurring in different places on the globe. Many people consider such stories such as inventions, hallucinations that originated in the heads of tired of monotonous life or mentally unhealthy people. But it's surprising that hallucinuing people as accurately describe real events and places. It can be assumed that the memories of past life are in fact the information that is obtained from other people extrasensnory. However, none of the participants in these stories possessed paranormal abilities. In addition, psychics usually receive fragmentary information that are not related to each other. People who have subjected to reincarnation, extensive memories.

Of these, you can build a person's fate, the existence of which is confirmed by various sources.

History 1.

The first study of the reincarnation Y. Stevenson held with the six-year-old Imad al-Avar. This boy was the first to say the words "Jamili" and "Mahmoud" than very surprised parents and all relatives. Later he often repeated the word "Khili". When Imad was 2 years old, he saw a stranger on the road, ran towards him and hugged him.

The man was surprised and asked: "Are we familiar with you?" Imad replied that he knew him as a good neighbor. Then it turned out that the man lives in the village of Khirbri, which is far from around the corner, is 30 km away. A few years later, the boy continued to tell various stories, however more connected. He told about how he lived in Khili and that he always wants to return there. He spoke of beautiful jamiel. I also remembered the close relative who fell under the truck and it crushed his feet, which led to death. Relatives with pleasure listened to these stories, with the exception of the Father. He forbade her son to talk about his memoirs, he was unpleasant the idea that reincarnation was happening to his child.

Stevenson was very interested in this story. He has repeatedly and repeatedly talked with Imad, his relatives, and then he went to Khili himself. There he found confirmation of the story of a relative of the sideways under the wheels of the truck. I also found out that the sidis had a cousin Ibrahim, who was convicted of fellow villagers for having Him Dzhami. Both brothers belonged to the Bumagazy family. Ibrahim died at the age of 25 from tuberculosis. In the last 6 months of life, he did not get out of bed, and Mahmoud cared for him - his uncle. The house of Ibrahim on the description accurately corresponded to the stories of the boy. And the neighbor Ibrahim turned out to be the most stranger, whom Imad hugged on the road.

According to I. Stevenson's studies, Imaad's stories were 44 facts that coincided with the facts from the life of Ibrahim Bumgazi.

History 2.

In one of the Mexican psychiatric hospitals, a Patient Juan entered. He complained that his mysterious visions were tormented. Juan saw himself as a priest of a large temple, located on a huge island. In his visions, he was engaged in the same way - she laid out mummies on large clay sarcophagam jugs and spread them to the altars who were in the numerous church rooms. Hun described the resulting detail. He even saw what the priestess served him were dressed in a blue dress with an embroidery in the form of blue roses. The walls of the rooms with the altars were painted by birds, fish and dolphins, which again were blue. One day in one of scientific magazines Stevenson came across an article about the Maze famous on the myths on the island of Crete. It turned out that this labyrinth is not a palace, but necropolis is a huge city of the dead. The rite of the burial of the dead was completely compared to what he told Juan, never knew about Crete Island. Also, the patient did not know that the ancient Greeks considered the blue and blue color symbols of grief, and birds, fish and dolphins - accompanying the souls of the dead in the afterlife.

History 3.

A boy named Sri Lanka lived in Sri Lanka. When he turned 2 years old, he said Mother, that in fact he is Sammy Fernando. Talking about yourself as another person, the boy said that his real house is located on eight miles south that he works on the railway. Then he said that in the past life was an alcoholic and died under the wheels of the truck. Ya. Stevenson conducted an investigation and found out that a man really lived in the specified location named Sammy Fernando and he died as in the story of the boy. When comparing the memories of the boy and relatives of the deceased, there were 59 coincidences. His memories of the boy hit his parents under 6 years old. Then his memory of the past life calmed down.

History 4.

Many hypnosis experts believe that it is possible to study the reincarnation using hypnosis and immersion of people in a deep trance. An experiment was conducted in Munich University, during which several hundred people answered questions regarding the first three years of his life, while under hypnosis. The results of the experiment surprised scientists. About 35% of the experiment participants remembered the events that never happened to them in this life. Many of them unexpectedly began to speak in an unknown language. In the book "No one dies forever" a psychologist Jan Courier tells about the American doctor from Philadelphia, who was engaged in hypnosis with his wife. In the state of the trance, she went into the past and unexpectedly began to speak a low male voice, and with a Scandinavian accent. Specialists who were present at the hypnosis session came to the conclusion that the woman spoke at the outdated Swedish. However, nevertheless, not all lanes explain the oddities taking place with people in a state of trance, reincarnation.

History 5.

In Sao Paulo, a Tina girl lived. She worked in the law office and from an early age remembered the details of his past life. Then she had another name - Alex. Her mother was called Angela. They lived together in France. Tina and now prefers all French and with hatred refers to the Germans. This is due to the fact that in the past life she was killed by the Nazi soldier. In confirmation of this, there are tags on its body. On her chest and back she has strange birthmarks that resemble the fat wounds from the bullets.

History 6.

In 1907 in one english family Gioan Grant was born. In childhood, she often recalled his past life in a distant country. She shared his memories with their parents, but they forbade her to talk about this topic. Becoming adult, Joan went to travel. Her goal was Egypt. Once on ancient land, she received bright memories of those distant times when Pharaohs were still lived. Joan decided to write down everything that the memory suggested her. There were many memories, but all the stories were unfinished. However, with the help of her husband, a psychiatrist doctor, Joan wrote on them the book "Winged Pharaoh", which in 1937 was published. It described the life of the sekki, daughters of Pharaoh. Events in the book occurred 3000 years ago. Joan Grant's work was highly appreciated by literary critics, scientists, including the Egyptologists. They noted the deep knowledge of the writer in the field of culture and the history of ancient Egypt. Much doubt they were subjected to Joan's statement that the seque was she herself. According to the materials of the memoirs of the past life, six more novels were written. Joan's herself called them the chronicles of past lives.

History 7.

Indian criminalist Vikram Rada Sing Chaohan from Pyhylah studied the story of one child who was subjected to reincarnation. In the past, he lived in Jalandhar and was a different person. After some time, he was reborn elsewhere. A comparative analysis of the handwriting of two people was carried out and thus confirmed the existence of reincarnation.

The boy from the poor peasant family named Tarandit Singh was 6 years old. He constantly told his relatives about the past life. Starting from 2 years old, the boy repeated his parents that he was not a son and repeatedly tried to escape from the house. He repeated that his name is Santam Singh and earlier he lived in the village of Chakhel, that his real father is called Singh. In the past life, he visited the school in the village of Samaliv. On September 10, 1992, he, together with his comrade Sakhvyndder Singh, was driving a school home and got into an accident. He was shot down the countryman Yoga Singh on a scooter. As a result of injuries to Santam died.

Since the taaranty constantly repeated his memories, described the events, mentioned the names, his parents went to Chakchel to clarify everything. They could not find true parents of the boy there, but received information that the village with the title of Chakchela is still in Jalandhar. They went down again. There, parents found the old teacher who remembered the student named Santam Singh and the reason for his death, as well as his father's name - Jit Singh.

After the parents of Santam were found, other tarangiti stories were confirmed. At the time when Santam fell into an accident, he had two books and 30 rupees with him. Books were impregnated by the blood of a boy. It turned out that the mother of the deceased still keeps the money and books as a memory of the Son.

Soon the parents of Santama came to the taranthit. They brought a wedding photo with them, which the boy immediately found out - he saw her many times in her old life.

The newspapers printed an article about this story. I read it and Vicram Chaohan, but did not believe in reincarnation. However, curiosity made him conduct an investigation. He asked many people in both settlements and found many coincidences in their stories. Criminalist also learned that a few days before the death of Santam bought a notebook in the shop for 3 rupees. When the shopkeeper met with a taranthit, then the boy immediately remembered the debt, however, called another amount - 2 rupees.

For the final clarification of the truth, the criminologist found samples of the handwriting of Santam Singha and compared them with the handwriting of the Tarantjit Singha. The handwriting for each person is unique, it is associated with the character of man, his mental peculiarities. After the study, Vicram Chaohan discovered that the handwriting of two boys was almost identical. A small difference could be explained by the difference in the age - tarantite only 6 years old and he still does not write very well.

Between the two boys, there were too many coincidences to rejected the reincarnation. In the further handwriting boys, other specialists were compared and also found them almost the same.

The criminalist decided to continue observation of the Taranjit, since he did not cease to surprise everyone. The boy lives in the poor family and does not attend school. However, he was able to task and write english Alphabet, as well as all letters in Punjabi.

Thus, the existence of reincarnation can be considered scientifically confirmed.

History 8.

In 1951, Prakas Warchani was born in the Indian Town of Chhat. One day, when he was already 4.5 years old, he woke up at night and shouted, made an attempt to escape from the house. He cried his behavior of his parents who tried to calm him. The boy began to talk strange things.

Celtic priests (Druids) believed in the reincarnation of the soul. They considered the souls of immortal. After the death of a man's soul, in their opinion, moves into a different body.

Prakash suddenly began to say that his name is Nirmal. The boy called to his father, but at the same time called him unfamiliar for all the name Bholunt. He confusedly told about the city of Kosi-Kalan, located nearby, and repeated that he was born there. Soon the boy calmed down and even fell asleep, but the same thing next night was repeated. Nightmalls continued for a whole month. In the daytime, Prakash also recalled his family from Kosi Calana. He told about her sister Tare, described the house in which his allegedly lived. Prakash spoke about the father - a successful trader who owns several shops. According to the boy, Bholanat had a steel safe for storing money in the house. At the boy himself (Nirmala) had a box, locking on the key where he folded his wealth and savings.

Prakash persistently told about his memories and in the end his uncle decided to find out everything. They sat down on the bus, which went to the opposite Kosi-Kalal side. Prakash, who never went anywhere, immediately I was crying and began to ask him to go home, in Kosi-Kalan, which was completely in the other side.

I had to reset to another bus together with Prakash. Arriving in the right settlement, they quickly found the Bholent shop, but he was closed. Returning to the Chhat, the boy very often crushed. He stopped recognizing mother and respond to his name. The boy demanded that he was all called Nirmaal. Once he escaped from home and found him on the road to Kosi-Kalan. At the same time, Prakas was in the hands of a big nail. The boy said they could be discovered by his real father's safe.

Warchani decided to punish the boy. He was planted on the potted circle, beat, but he did not cease to remember the last life. Bholovent learned that a man and a boy who call him nirmal was wanted. Bholent had a son with the same name, but he died a few years ago from the sieves. Other children remained, among which there is a daughter of Tara.

Several years have passed and in 1961 Bholten Jane went to Chhat to meet the boy in which his son lived. Prakash immediately recognized Bholent and delighted him. He asked questions about Tara, about her senior brother.

After a while, the family of Janes came to Chat in full. Prakash was very happy with his real mother, Tara, he learned and brother Delendra. Jane invited Prakas to visit. When Prakash Warchani was in Kosi-Kalan, he was immediately able to find the house of Janes. It happened even though Tara tried to confuse Prakasha and suggested his path wrong. The boy could not find entrance to the house, since after the death of Nirmala did in another place. However, in the house, he immediately pointed to Nirmala's room and the one in which he lay before his death. He learned some surviving toys belonging to Nirmala, showed a place where the father's safe is located.

Prakash many relatives and neighbors learned and called named. To one of the neighbors, he turned simply with a greeting, as an old friend. It turned out to be Chirandji, who was the owner of a grocery shop at the time when Nirmal was alive. At the time of dating with Prakash, he has already sold his shop. The most awesome turned out to be the fact that Prakash learned two of his aunts, who lived on their half of the house and rarely left it. Even the neighbors did not know them in the face.

As a result of the meeting, Jane was convinced that the soul of their deceased son Nirmala was reborn in Prakha. Warchani was very worried that Janes will be able to pick up their son. However, those were glad that the soul of Nirmala was revived and occasionally met with Prakash. Gradually, Prakash himself calmed down and his thrust for past life weakened.

History 9.

This story occurred in 1977 in the town of Des-Moins in Iowa. In the family Barry and Bonnie Chris was born daughter. The girl was called Romi. They were mobile and inquisitive. When Romi learned to speak, her parents, Catholics were amazed. She chatted like all the little children, but once spoke about her past life. She told that Joe Williams. Romi assured that she lived in a red brick house in Charles City. This town is 40 miles from Des-Moins. The girl said that she had a wife Sheila and three children. According to Romi, Joe and Sheila drove on a motorcycle and died in an accident. The girl described these events in every detail. At the same time, she said that these memories frighten her. In Romi stories, it was about childhood Joe. A fire and his mother happened to the house, struggling with a flame, got a strong hand burn. She also said that Mother Joe hurts the right foot, and showed a sore place. Romi really wanted to see his mother Louise and asked her to take her to her.

Romi's parents did not know how to react to the words of her daughter, they considered everything in fiction and tried to convince the girl in this. However, Romi told all new and newest details about Joe's life and the circumstances of his death. As a result, Romi's parents decided to refer to the specialists, after which the experiment was conducted.

In 1981, the investigator Hegenera Beroji, together with his wife and two journalists from the Swedish magazine "Allers" arrived in Des-Moinse. They met with Romi and her parents. Then everyone together they went to Charles City to check the girls' stories.

The girl was very excited all the way. She suggested buying Mom Louise flowers and added that she loves blue. Handing to the city, she said that through the front door they would not be able to enter what they need to look for another door around the corner. On the outskirts of the city, near the white bungalow, they stopped. It was not a house from a red brick at all, but they saw a pointer offering the use of black.

The door opened an old woman with crutches, on her right foot she had a bandage. It was Louise Williams. It turned out that she really was a son named Joe. However, Louise hurried to the doctor and did not want to continue the conversation. Romi upset this refusal. An hour later, Louise returned and invited guests to the house. She was surprised at blue colors and remembered that last time The son gave her exactly such a bouquet. Father Romi shared with Mrs. Williams by Romi's stories about Joe. In response, the woman expressed great surprise, from where such details about them with the son of life are known. She confirmed that she lived with her son in a red brick house, but he was destroyed by a tornado 10 years ago, at that time a lot of houses were injured in Charles City. After that, Joe helped her to build this house, and they locked the front door for the winter.

Girl and Mrs. Williams really liked each other. Romi tried to help an old woman in everything. Together they went to photographs and returned, holding hands. In the photos of Romi learned Joe and Sheil. Many Romi stories were confirmed by facts - the existence of three children Joe and Sheila, the fire, the names of relatives and much more. Mrs. Williams also confirmed the description of the accident in which Joe died. This happened 2 years before the birth of Romi. However, despite all the facts, Parents of Romi and Mother Joe, who were convinced that the girl does not lie, it was difficult to believe that reincarnation occurred.

P. Rakash Barshni was born in August 1951 in Chhat, India. He did not differ from other children, except that we cried more often than the children of his age. Once at night (he was four and a half years old) he woke up and ran out of the house. When the parents found her son, he argued that his name is Nirmal, that he was born in Kosi-Kalan - a town located in six miles from here, and his father is called Bholanat.

For four or five days in a row, Prakash threw out among the night and ran into the street, then it began to be repeated less often, but she continued for about a month.

Prakash all the time spoke of "his family" in Kosi-Kalan. He said that he had a sister named Tara, called neighbors. The boy described "his" house built from a brick, while in his real house in the chhat walls were from Saman. He told that his father had four stores: he traded grain, clothing and shirts. The boy also told about the Iron safe of his father, in which he had his own box with a separate key.

The Prakas family could not understand why the child became so obsessed with his "other life", which he began to recall. He begged his parents to take him to Kosi-Calan and so I was upgraded by this that in the end, Uncle Prakas promised to go there. He, however, tried to deceive the boy and drove with him on the bus in the opposite direction, but Prakash solved the deception, after which the uncle surrendered completely. In Kosi Calane, they actually found a store owned by a person named Bholanat Jane, but since the store was closed, Prakash and his uncle returned to Chhat, not met by anyone from the Jane family.

Note: Prakash before his first trip to Kosi-Kalan never traveled from the clutch. Kosi Calan (population of 15,000 people) - shopping center Provinces, and Chhat (population of 9,000 people) - Administrative Center. They lie on the main road that connects Delhi and Makhura.

After returning, the boy continued to insist on the fact that he was Nirmal, and stopped responding to Prakash, the mother said that she was not real his mother and this poor house was also not him. The child with tears in his eyes begged to be taken back to Kosi-Calan. Once he took and went there on foot, taking with him a big nail, which he said was the key from his box in the father's safe. Before it was found and returned, Prakash managed to walk polished along the road leading to Kosi-Kalan. The parents of the boy were very upset by sudden changes that happened in the Son. They wanted to return the former Prakasha, who does not suffer from these devastating memories, the confirmation of which they did not want to look at all. In the end, their patience burst, and they took the case in their hands. Following the ancient folk custom, they are long the boys on a pottery circle, hoping that due to dizziness he will forget his past. And when the idea failed, they just beat it. It is not known whether these measures prompted Prakasha to forget their lives as a nirmala or not, but in any case he stopped talking about it.

Meanwhile, the family really lived in Kosi-Kalana, who lost the child - he died of smallpox over sixteen months before the birth of Prakasha. His name was Nirmal, the father of the boy - Bholanat Jane, and sister - Tara. Father Nirmala was a merchant, the owner of four stores: clothes, two grocery shops and a universal store, in which the shirts were sold among other things. The Jane family lived in a comfortable brick house, where his father had a large iron safe. Each of the sons of Bholanata had his drawer and his own key in this safe.

Note: Bholanat Jane became the owner of these stores while Nirmala's life. When Prakash talked his story, two of the four stores were already sold. It is important to note that in the previous one, and in this case, people did not know about the changes that occurred after their death, which indicates reincarnation, and not about extrasensory abilities.

Soon, the members of the Jane family learned that a child came to them, accompanied by Uncle, who argued that he was Nirmal, but for five years they did not even try to learn more about it. When, at the beginning of the summer of 1961, Nirmal's father with his daughter Memo was in chhat on affairs, they were lucky to meet with Prakash and his family. Before these events brought them together, two families were not familiar with each other, but Prakash immediately recognized the "her" father and was very happy to see him. He asked about Tara and her senior brother Jagdish. When the visit ended, Prakash conducted guests to the bus station, with tears begging them to take it with them. The behavior of Prakas was made on Bholanata Jane is an indelible impression, because in a few days his wife, the daughter of Tara and the son of Deender arrived to meet him. Prakash, seeing his brother and sister Nirmala, burst up and called them by name; He was especially happy to Tare. He learned and the mother of Nirmala. Sitting on his knees at Tara, Prakash, showing a woman, said: "This is my mom."

Note: Prakash mistakenly accepted Memo for his sister Vilm. Memo was born after the death of Nirmala, but when Prakash met Memo in 1961, she was as old as Willm, when Nirmal died.

The Warchany family was dissatisfied with the events that fell on her, memories of Prakas and a suddenly revived irresistible desire of a boy to communicate with their former relatives. Despite this, Prakas's parents eventually convinced to allow him to travel to Kosi-Ka-Lan again. And in July 1961, a month before his decade, the boy immediately went there. Without an assistance, he found the road from the bus station to the house of Bholanat Jane (and it was a path in half ailed with many turns), although the packaging in every way tried to mislead him, offering to minimize him. When Prakash finally approached the house, he stopped in embarrassment and indecision. It turned out that the entrance was in another place before the death of Nirmala. But in the very house of Prakash, I unmistakably recognized the room where Nirmal slept, and the room in which he died (Nirmala was transferred there shortly before death). The boy found a family safe and found out a small trolley - one of Nirmala's toys.

Prakash learned many people: "his brother" of Jagdish and two aunts, numerous neighbors and family friends, calling them by name, describing or making it, both. When Prakas asked, for example, if he could determine who this man, he correctly called him Ramesh. He was asked the following question: "Who is he?". The boy replied: "His store opposite our, won, small," - that completely corresponded to the truth. Prakash has identified another person as "one of our store neighbors" and correctly called the place where the store of this neighbor is. Another man he greeted involuntarily, as if they were closely familiar. "You know me?" He asked him, and Prakash answered quite accurately: "You are the Chirandi. And I am the son of Bholanata. " After that, Chirandji asked Prakas, as he learned him, and the boy answered that he often bought sugar, flour and rice in his shop. These were the usual purchases of Nirmala in the Bachelor's shop of Chirandji, the owner of which he was no longer the owner, as he sold it shortly after the death of Nirmala.

Note: Two recognized women lived separately, on their half at home. Women practicing such a lifestyle are hiding from human eyes, and leaving their half, put on terraja. They are seen only husbands, children and the nearest relatives on the women's line, therefore, their appearance is unknown to strangers. To learn these women to a person who is not included in the family circle is impossible.

In the end, Jane's family recognized Prakas as a reincarnated Nirmala, and it was further glowed in the family of Warchani. Throughout this time, close to Prakas was opposed to the deepening in his memories and did not want to recognize them, but in the end they had to surrender, because evidence was irrefutable. Making sure that Prakas's connection with the family of Jane Neosporima, they began to fear that Jane would try to take it from them and adopt. They also began with suspicion to treat those who studied this case, considering them (perfectly in vain) the secret agents of the Jane family. Grandmother Prakas went so far that even sentenced her neighbors to beat several researchers.

Over time, the tension in the relationship between the two families slept. Janes did not build any plans for the secret abduction of Prakasha and were quite satisfied by the visits, which were in the end were permitted. The fears of the Warshni family gradually lay down, as, however, the power of the emotional relations of Prakas with his past decreased. When in three years, scientists returned to bring research to the end, they were met with great heartiness and readiness to cooperate.

Note: It is typically for children: an adult, they cease to remember the previous life. As they immerse themselves in reality, the memories are faded by see the book of Stevenson "Children remembering previous lives."

In the late 1950s, the twentieth century Psychiatrist Yang Stevenson (1918-2007) from a medical college in Charlotsville, Virginia, took up the search for answers to the question of the memory of past existences.

He began to study reports on reincarnation using a systematic scientific procedure.

Even his critics could not not recognize the thoroughness with which they were controlled by the used methods, and they were realized that any criticism of his celebrity discoveries would have to follow an equally strict method.

The results of the initial research of Dr. Stevenson were published in 1960 in the United States, and a year later in England. He carefully studied hundreds of cases, where the presence of memories of previous births was approved. Testing these examples in their scientific criteria, it reduced the number of suitable cases of only to twenty-eight.

But these cases had a number of common strong features: all the subjects remembered that they were certain people and lived in certain places long before their birth. In addition, the facts that they presented could be directly confirmed or refuted by independent examination.

One of the cases reported by him concerned the young Japanese boy, who from very early age persistently argued that before he was a boy named Todzo, whose father, a farmer, lived in a village of Khodokibu.

The boy explained that in the previous life, when he - as Todzo - was still small, his father died; Soon after that, his mother married again. However, in just a year after this wedding, Todzo also died - from smallpox. He was only six years old.

In addition to this information, the boy gave a detailed description of the house in which Todzo lived, the appearance of his parents and even his funeral. It seemed the impression that it was about genuine memories of past life.

To test his allegations, the boy was brought to the village of Walking. It was found that his former parents and other people mentioned were undoubtedly lived here in the past. In addition, the village in which he never had never had, he was clearly familiar.

Without any help, he brought his companions in his former home. Once on the spot, he drew their attention to the store, which, according to him, did not exist in his previous life. Similarly, he pointed to the tree, which was unfamiliar to him and which, obviously, has grown since then.

The investigation quickly confirmed that both of these statements corresponded to reality. His testimonies before visiting Khodokubo compiled a total score of sixteen clear and specific statements that could be checked. When they were checked, they all turned out to be correct.

In Ov dr. Dr. Stevenson especially emphasized his high confidence in children's testimony. He believed that they were not only much less susceptible to conscious or unconscious illusions, but could hardly read or hear about events in the past they describe.

Stevenson continued his research and in 1966 published the first edition of his authoritative book "Twenty cases, which testify to reincarnation." By this time, he personally has already studied almost 600 cases that the best thing seemed to be explained by reincarnation.

Eight years later, he released the second edition of this book; By that time, the total number of cases studied was doubled and amounted to about 1200. Among them, he found those who, in his opinion, "not just inspire the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation; They seem to give weighty evidence in her favor. "

The case of Imad Elavara

Dr. Stevenson heard the case of memories of past lives of one boy, Imad Elavara, who lived in a small Lebanese village in the area of \u200b\u200bDruz settlements (religious sect in the mountainous regions of Lebanon and Syria).

Although it is believed that the dubuses are within the framework of Islamic influence, they actually have a large number of very different beliefs, one of which is faith in reincarnation. Perhaps the result of this in the community of Druz is noted numerous cases of memories of past existences.

Before Imad reached a two-year-old age, he had already begun to talk about the previous life he spent in another village, called Christ, also to the settlement of Druz, where, according to His approval, was a member of the Bohamzi family. He often caught his parents to bring him there. But his father refused and believed that he fantasies. The boy soon learned to avoid talking on this topic in the presence of his father.

Imad made a number of applications about his past life. He mentioned beautiful woman named Jamile, which he loved very much. He spoke of his life in Christ, about the pleasure that experienced, hunting with his dog, about his double-barbell and his rifle, which, since he did not have the right to keep them, he had to hide.

He described that he had a small yellow car and that he used other machines who were at the family. He also mentioned that there was an eyewitness of the road accident, during which a truck hit his cousin, bringing such injuries that he soon died.

When an investigation was conducted in the end, it turned out that all these statements were reliable.

In the spring 1964. years Dr. Stevenson made the first of several trips to this mountain region to talk to the young Imad, which was at that time five years.

Before you visit the "native" village, Imad suggested a total of forty-seven clear and certain statements regarding its previous life. Dr. Stevenson wanted to independently check the accuracy of each, and therefore decided to bring Imad to the village of Hirch as soon as possible.

After a few days later it turned out to be; They went together for twenty miles to the village along the road, in which he rarely traveled and which then loops in the mountains. As with most of the territory of Lebanon, both villages had a good communication with the capital, Beirut, located on the coast, but between the villages themselves, because of the bad road, which took place around the rough terrain, there was no regular movement of transport.

Having arrived in the village, Imad made sixteen statements in place: he spoke indefinitely in one, was mistaken in another, but he was right in other fourteen. And from these fourteen statements, twelve concerned very personal incidents or comments about his previous life. It is very unlikely that this information can be obtained not from the family, but from some other source.

Despite the fact that Imad never called the name he wore in his previous life, the only figure in the Buchami family, which was fitted - and corresponded very accurately - this information was one of the sons, Ibrahim, who died from tuberculosis in September 1949 . He was a close friend of a cousin, who died at a truck at him in 1943. He also loved the beautiful woman Jamile, who left the village after his death.

Being in the village, Imad recalled some more details of his former life as a member of the Bohamzi family, impressive as their character, and with their reliability. So, he correctly pointed out where he, if Ibrahim Buhamzi, kept his dog and how she was tied. And that, and the other was not an obvious answer.

He also correctly identified "his" bed and described how she looked in the past. He also showed where Ibrahim kept his weapon. In addition, he himself learned and correctly called the name of Sister Ibrahim, Khudu. He also learned without tips and called his brother when he was shown a photographic card.

I was convincing a dialogue that occurred with his sister's thinner. She asked Imad: "You said something before you die. What was it?" Imad replied: "Huda, Call Foad." It was really like this: Fuad was shortly before that, and Ibrahim wanted to see him again, but almost immediately died.

If there was no elderly bad buchamzi secret conspira - And it seemed almost impossible, if you consider attentive observation by Dr. Stevenson, it is difficult to imagine any other way, as Imad could learn about these last words dying, except for one thing: that Imad really was a reincarnation The late Ibrahim Buhamzi.

In fact, this case is even more weight: from forty-seven statements expressed by Imad about their past life, only three were erroneous. From this kind of evidence it is difficult to dismiss.

It would be possible to argue that this case had a place in society in which faith was cultivated to reincarnation, and therefore, as one could expect, the fantasies of immature minds in this direction are encouraged.

Understanding this, Dr. Stevenson informs about the curious moment about them: Reminiscence about past lives are found not only in those cultures in which reincarnation is recognized, but also in those where it is not recognized - or, in any case, not recognized officially.

He, for example, was investigated about thirty-five cases in the United States; Such cases are available in Canada and the UK. In addition, as it indicates, such cases are found in India in the medium of Muslim families who have never recognized the reincarnation.

It is hardly necessary to emphasize that this study has pretty important consequences for scientific and medical knowledge about life. Nevertheless, no matter how obvious this statement seemed to be categorically denyed in many circles.

The reincarnation is a direct challenge to modern provisions that it is a person - provisions that excludes everything that cannot be weighted, measure, rebound or highlight in a Petri Cooker or on the microscope glass.

Dr. Stevenson somehow told the television producer Jeffrey Iverson:

"Science should pay much more attention to the data we have, pointing to life after death. Certificates are these impressive and occur from different sources, if you look honestly and impartially.

The dominant theory claims that when your brain dies, your consciousness is killed, your soul. It is so holy believe that scientists cease to see that this is just a hypothetical assumption and there is no reason why consciousness should have survived the death of the brain. "

Modern cases of reincarnation

Cases confirming the existence of reincarnation is not so rare. Most of the well-known are given in the book Jan Stevenson "Twenty-cases, forcing to think about reincarnation." This book is mostly referred to all those who are interested in this phenomenon.

Prakash Warshni (Chhat, India) was born in 1951 His story became known to Stevenson not immediately, but only a few years later. In infancy, as his parents remembered, the boy often cried. At the age of 4.5 years, the kid with a scream lifted the whole family in the middle of the night and everything tried to escape from the house to the street. Adults calmed the Son, but he, according to eyewitnesses, as if he began to speak.

Prakash said that his name Nirmal, called his father, calling him someone else's name Bholanat. In his configuration stories, the boy constantly recalled and called the neighboring city of Kosi Calan, the center of the province, where he allegedly born. Then the baby finally fell asleep, calming down, but the next night everything was repeated again. Night fears and visions continued for about a month. And in the afternoon, the boy recalled about the "his" family from Kosi Kalana, telling everything about Tara, sister; He described the good brick house of his father, a wealthy merchant and the owner of several stores. Money Bholanat, as the boy told, kept in a special steel safe, arranged in the house, and he, Nirmala, there was his drawers with the key, where he put his savings and children's wealth.

Prakash was so persistent, not to say - intrusive that ultimately gave up his father's brother; He decided to bring a nephew somewhere from the house so that he admitted to his fictions and calmed down. They sat down to the bus, going to the opposite side of the Kosi Kalan side. But Prakash, who had never left beyond the limits of his village, cried and begged him to take him home, in Kosi Kalan, which is completely different.

Uncle with the boy moved to another bus, because it was obvious: the kid tells the wrong story, but what he really remembers. In Kosi Calane, they easily found the store of Bholanat Jane, who, to Prakas's frustration, was closed. So they returned from the trip with nothing. But the boy after returning home, in Chhat, constantly crying, drove away from myself, saying that she was not his mother, and even stopped responding with his name, demanding that everyone called him Nirmaal. He perfectly made himself and others, and once ran away from the house. He caught up on the road leading to Kosi Calan; In hand, Prakash kept a big nail, which he said, opened his father's safe of Bholanata.

The Warshni family resorted to the old tested tool: the boy was planted on a potted circle, which quickly spinned quickly, but the boy did not leave his memories. Then he was beaten, and the boy, frightened, just stopped talking about his last rich life. And the family of Jane learned that they were wanted by visitors from Chhat - a man and a little boywho said that his name is Nirmal. The story of the neighbors was interested in Bholanata, the owner of several shops, father of the family (he had sons, and among the daughters - Tara). One of the sons of Bholanata, named Nirmal, died of smallpox in childhood, almost a year and a half before the birth of Prakasha. But only a few years later, in 1961, Bholanat Jane went to Chhat, and there he met a boy in which the soul of his deceased son lived. Prakash was delighted, seeing and immediately recognizing Bholanata, calling her his father. He asked about Tara and her senior brother, and the younger daughter of Bholanat Memo Prakash was constantly called the name of the Wilma than he had led all the eyewitnesses to confusion. The fact is that Memo was born already after the death of Nirmala, but in 1961 she was at the same age as the Wilma still during the life of Nirmala.

Soon, the entire family of Janes came to the chhat to get acquainted with Prakash. He recognized his brother Delendra and was very happy with the sister of Tara and Mother Nirmala. They invited the boys to go to visit them, and it was not necessary to be forgotten - he rushed throughout the soul, as he said, "home." In the summer of 1961, Prakash Warshni came to Kosi Calan. He himself found the road to the house of Janes, without confusing in numerous turns and not listening to Tar Jane, who, checking the boy, tried to confuse him. True, I could not enter the house in any way: the entrance during the life of Nirmala was elsewhere. But, hitting the house, the boy immediately found the Room of Nirmala and another room where he lay before his death. From numerous children's toys, he immediately recognized the toy cart left from Nirmala. Even the safe of his father, he unmistakably found.

The boy was surrounded by relatives and neighbors of Janes, and Prakash, gladly peering in his face, everyone called. So, when he was shown on a certain person, and asked who he was and what he was doing, Prakasha replied without thinking: "His name is Ramesh, and he has a small shop, not far from our store." To one of the adult, the boy just turned with the words of the lead, as an old friend: In it, Prakash recognized the neighbor Janes named Chirandji, the owner of the grocery shop, in which he himself, being Nirmal, often bought food.

True, by 1961, the Chirandji has already sold his shop, but the boy who called himself Nirmaal Jane, could not know about it, because he died a few years before.

Most of all Janes surprised that among his birth Nirmala Prakash recognized two of his aunts on his father; They lived in the same house, but on their half, rarely leaving the rooms. In the face of their nobody, except the closest relatives, could not find out.

Janes finally believed that in the body of Prakas was reborn to the life of their nirmaal, and the Prakas Warchany family, much poorer, was put before this irrefutable fact. They worried that the boy will be stolen, and any pains of extraneous about Prakasha took very sharply. Some researchers who came to the Chhat specially for the sake of Prakas Warchani were beaten by his rations and neighbors. However, Janes were not going to adopt Prakash, they were very glad that Nirmal was alive again and occasionally comes to visit them. Yes, and Prakash himself, having gained another family, calmed down; emotional communication, having connected it with the last life, weakened in a few years.

Another case applies to later and preserved in Dr. J. Stevenson's piggy bank. In the Indian city of Nange, located in the state of Punjab, in 1976 a girl was born that parents called Siemy. Everything went well, while at the 3-year-old baby suddenly did not try to speak to her parents that she had a husband named Mohandala Sin and the Son, which urgently need to be held in the hospital. She cried and asked her parents to go to the town of Sundagal, where her house is located. Simim called the details: her husband, she said, works by the driver in Sundagal.

The desire of the baby was able to be fulfilled only in a year, when her father's shakes have forced the whole family to move to the village of Stattha under Sundagal. In the provincial towns, everyone knows everything about each other, and soon to the family, SIMI has come about the bus driver in Sundagal, named Mohandala Sin, who has ten years old died. They found out where he lives, and went to see him. But by Simi, who was only 4 years old, was not required to ask the way - she, as it turned out, everything remembered everything and dragged her father almost run to "his own", as she said, home. She told the Father on the neighbors who lived nearby, found out her own photo, where a young woman was depicted. The girl happily said: "This is me!". She remembered her past name - Krishna, and what died due to illness in 1966 (all these information was confirmed by neighbors). A few days later Mohandala Sin returned home, and Sima could see him with him. She told the cases from their livelihood, which no one, besides them two, could not know. Krishna's family believed that Sima is her new embodiment. And her sons went with her to Krishna's mother; An old woman has been about 70 years old, but she also could not believe the little girl who told that she was her daughter. Simi, seeing the handkerchief in the hand of the old woman, exclaimed, according to eyewitnesses: "This is a handkerchief from the same fabric as the dress that you sewed to me before illness! I didn't wear it, because it died soon ... ".

The next story happened in North America, in the United States. It is set out in the book of H. Benji "Americans who were reincarnated." In Iowa, there is a small town of Des-Moins. Here in 1977 was born in the family of crisis girl Romi. Disitor, Salunya, Najnitsa, Romi began to speak very early. And parents, jealously adhered to the Catholic faith, to put it mildly, were stunned by her first stories ... She said that she was a man named Joe Williams, he just died, crashing, rushing along with his wife Shelya on a motorcycle. The girl described his death in detail, his children, and his mother - Mother Joe Williams. She, Romi spoke, somehow stunned a strong fire that began in the house, and severely burned his hands. Do not know how to distinguish, where the right and left, the baby showed on his right leg and said: "Louise has this leg a lot hurts ... I want to be worried about me." She recalled a red house in Charles City, where Joe Williams was born, and very angry when her parents did not believe. And those concerned about the persistent stories of the daughter, turned to specialists from the Association for the Research and therapy of past lives. They offered an experiment, and then crises accompanied by an expert group, which was part of H. Benji and press representatives, decided to go to Charles City, since it is located close to their native Dre Moinse.

Romi Chris turned 4 years old when she again found himself in the house, where he lived in his past life in the body of Joe Williams. On the way, she demanded to buy Louise Williams blue colors, which she loves so much. Houses from the Red Brick, who recalled Romi, was not in place, but the girl confidently led everyone to a white cottage. And not to the front entrance, but to black, for the angle. The old woman opened on the knock, barely moved with crutches; She tried not to step on her starpanted right leg. To the question, I am not Louise Williams, the old woman harshly replied that yes, it was she, but she had no time to talk, because it is necessary to leave. Only an hour later, when Mrs. Williams returned from his doctor, she let the whole group in the house. The girl gave her a bouquet of blue flowers, and the old woman was shot, because, as it turned out, the last gift of the son in front of the catastrophe was precisely blue flowers. Father Romy retold her everything that daughter said about Joe Williams and his life. Mrs. Williams was very surprised, because he never happened in Des-Moinse and never knew anyone there, like her dead son.

A red house where Joe was born, was destroyed in his life during a strong hurricane. Joe himself built the current cottage, and it was he who requested that the central entrance in the cold season was locked.

Little girl, so resembling her son in his own words and the behavior, Mrs. Williams immediately loved. When the old woman got up to get out of the room, Romi was thrown to her help, supported, despite his age and small height, at hand, helping to move. Romi learned an old family photo, where Joe was with the neck and all three of their children, each of whom she called by name. The old woman was also confirmed by all the stories of the girl - and about the fire, and about the tragic death of Joe, which happened in 1975 to explain this case, science could not, and the parents of Romi did not believe in reincarnation. But they knew that their daughter would not fantasize and did not lie, because they saw confirmation by her words with their own eyes.

A mexican named Juan complained to a psychiatrist on strange visions. He imagined that he was a priest of some unknown deity and serves in the temple located on the sea island. Its obligations included in the stories of Juan, to serve the mummies stored in the temple. Juan in detail described decorations on the walls of the "his" temple, clothes of other priests and priestesses. The main color, as he recalled, in the jewelry was blue and its shades: blue cloth cloth, blue and blue frescoes, depicting dolphins, fish, on the walls of the altars. Distribution of these visions was suggested by Dr. Stevenson: during the excavations held in Crete, an extensive necropolis was discovered, where, according to the ancient Greek myths, was located built by the legendary master of Dedal Mabyrinth of Minotaur. The rituals described by Juan fully corresponded to the rite of funeral depicted on blue-blue frescoes; fish, birds and dolphins depicted as conductors in the kingdom of the dead, and blue colour The ancient Hellenes and their ancestors - the inhabitants of Crete - perceived as the color of grief and loss pain.

In 2 years, the young resident of Sri Lanka Siuditsy surprised his parents with stories about his past life. From the story of the baby, the parents realized that he was the reincarnation of the railway worker named Sammy Fernando, who died in a state of alcoholic intoxication under the wheels of the truck. Since the boy called and the place where the incident happened, Stevenson's expert group was able to establish that the story, they told, is true. And the story of Siugita to the smallest details coincided with real history Alcoholic Sammy Fernando and everything was specified for 4 years, while Sugitis was 6 years old. At this age, memories, disturbing the boy and his loved ones stopped.

In 1948, Misra's welded appeared in the Indian city of Panna. After 3 years, she began to tell the details about his former life to brothers and sisters, and then the father who led the detailed records. The jacket of the girl and her father in Jabalpur became the impetus for such memories, the road to which passes through Katnik. It was here, according to the stories of the welders, she lived before, and called her Biya Pathhak.

The girl described the house where Biya lived: the house doors were painted black and equipped with strong docks, and the house itself was composed of white stone. She also recalled that there were many rooms in the house, only 4 of which were plastered and the repairs continued in the rest. School for girls, where Biya studied, was, on the memoirs of the welders, right behind the house; From the windows of the house it was possible to see the railway. Another detail, which was not difficult to check then experts, is that the girl constantly said that her former family had their own car: in India 1930s. It was a big rarity and well remembered to all neighbors. The welded told that her in her past life was two children and her son just turned 13 years old when she died. I remembered pain in the throat, with whom the baby suffered a few months before his death. True, she died, as it turned out in the course of the investigation conducted by experts, from heart disease, but this weld could not remember. At 4 years old, the welded once danced for his mother dance, which never studied anywhere, sang songs, who could not hear from familiar and relatives, in Bengali, although no one spoke at home in this language. Here is indicative and the fact that the girl could not hear these songs on the radio or somewhere to see these dances: under 8 years old she did not have a cinema, and in her family house there was no phonograph, nor radio.

The story with Bengali songs and the most complex dancing, which, without changing anything, the girl repeated from 4 years old, makes the case of welders in some way outstanding. The fact is that the baby, remembering his life as a Bii pathhak, said more than once that she remembers both she was not a baby, but a girl named Kamchesh. Apparently, these are memories of the intermediate between the biya and the weld of incarnation, the researchers concluded. However, the welded remembered the life of the Kamchesh very fragmentary. The most vivid memories was just the ability to dance in the style of Santinectan, and the fragmentary knowledge of the Bengali language - the words of songs on the poems of the Bengal poet, laureate Nobel Prize 1913 R. Tagora (nowhere for the girl, as mentioned above, could not hear these songs).

And after 2 years, she recognized one of his father's colleagues, Professor Agniotri (Mr. Mishra held a place of an assistant school inspector), a long-time friend, recalling her, as being at a wedding in the village of Tilora, they both - Biya and Mrs. Agniotri - With difficulty found the bathroom. It must be said that the spouse of the professor was from Kratny.

Parapsychologists became interested in her memories from the previous life. Specialist from University in Jaipur, Professor H. Bankerji was the head of the expert group who was investigating the case of Misher's welders. Professor Bankerji met both families, and the memories of the welders were confirmed in detail, although families were not familiar with each other and did not even hear each other before. Only from Professor Bankers, relatives of real Bii heard about her wonderful resurrection and came to the Weldlast family, which at that time lived in Chatharpre. They also joined the husband and son of the Bii, who lived at the time in May Ayhare.

The girl who has already been 10 years old, gladly saw familiar from the past life of the face: she rushed on the neck to his beloved older brother, whom Bia called Baba as a child, learned her husband and son. And although, checking her memories, adults tried to confuse the girl, she reminded them such details that no one, except for real bii and her loved ones, could not know. For example, the husband's husband told that Biya gave him a rather large amount of money before death - 120 rupees.

She remembered in detail and described, in which casket they lay. Also, the girl remembered that Bii on the front teeth had golden crowns. She told it in response to an attempt of one of the brothers to confuse her: he argued that Bii, his sister, did not have the front teeth. And he himself, nor other brothers Bii could not remember whether the rights are swordlated, speaking of crowns. This information was confirmed by other witnesses - their wives.

When the jar was brought to the house of her parents at Knatney, where Biya was born, and in May Aura, where she moved, having married, gave birth to children and died, the girl recognized something, and some things that appeared after the death of Bii did not remember; So it was, for example, with a tree planted in front of the house after she died. Gathered native, neighbors and acquaintances, and many - 20 people! - The girl really learned, although from the moment of leaving the life of the incarnation has passed for about 20 years. Moreover, to check whether the width does not come up with the circumstances of its former life, relatives of the Bii specially suited her various trials. They gathered a group that included a different number of people, and among those who were not familiar with whom they were familiar, her previous friends were, familiar, familiar, neighbors. Many, for example, an adult son of Bii Morley, who did not believe in reincarnation (the family of Bii was sufficiently a Europeanized and did not adhere to strictly religious traditions of India), until the latter argued that the weld was playing them all. However, the girl was able to convince this skeptic: she recognized all the Bii brothers, calling them children's home names (and, as you know, you never endure at home), confidently determined the order of their birth.

She was able to recognize not only his sons and her husband, but also his cousin; I remembered the maid, an obstetric that took childbirth, even a shepherd, although she was tried for a long time to convince that this man had already died. With her husband, the Bii welded behaved like the Indian wife, and seeing the married couple of close friends of his former family, she noted that her husband was now wearing glasses that did not need before.

She recalled the details that could not be naughty. Thus, among the statements of the welders, there was also the fact that the father of her former when her was called Bay, wearing a constantly turban (it was really so, although it was not atypically for the area where the pathhak family lived); She demanded to bring her a bar, a delicacy that Biya loved very much, and he never prepared him in the family of welders.

Between all three families, warm related relationships, and the welded, even graduating from the university, supported the relationship with his previous embodiment.

The case of Bisseman Chanda is no less interesting. This young man was born in 1921 (in Bareli, India). Even before performing 2 years, the name "Filibhit" was called for the first time in his speech. Later, the boy had an obsessive desire to visit this city, although in the family no one had neither friends or acquaintances there. However, the relatives did not meet him. But when the boy was five years old, real problems began. He began to tell the details of his previous life, in which the son of the landowner was born.

According to Bisch, his father was very rich, lived in a huge house, where the boy had his own room, as well as a beautiful homely chapel. In a separate half, women were placed. Beat said that in the house of his father often parties were held, on which beautiful girls were visited specifically for entertainment. The boy remembered the names. So, he said that he was named the name Lakshmi Naire, and the man living next door was called Sander Lalom.

The boy who remembered his former joyful life, to put it mildly, laughed. He did not want to have something that was served on the table in his poor family, demanding delicacies. But since the father of Bischema was a conventional official and the family had to exist on a very modest complaint of a civil servant, the boy went to the neighbors to get the desired. Bisse did not want to wear a regular cotton fabric dress, constantly demanded money for pocket expenses and often cried, because he did not receive all this. Once he seriously advised the father to take his mistress, because he he himself, besides his wife, was another woman. The tone of the boy in conversations with relatives was becoming more and more arrogant.

Next, the memories of the child acquired the features of a detective story. Beat said that he drank a lot in his former life (his older sister saw how the boy drank brandy and alcohol) and killed a man who left the room where he lived, Lakshmi, a lover-prostitute named Padma. For details, the prosecutor of the city became interested in the story of Bisch. He suggested that he wrote down the boy's "testimony" in detail, to go along with him to Filibhit, who, by the way, was located just 50 miles from Bareli. My father Bisch and his elder brother went with them, and that's what they learned in Filibhit.

Filbchit is a small town, and many here have not forgotten Lakshmi Naran, the deceased 8 years ago, at the age of 32 years old. Lakshmi, the son of a very rich and honorable person, was distinguished by a bad temper and depraved behavior. A prostitute whose name remembered Bisch, still lived in Film. Considering the Padma with something like a personal property, Lakshmi jealous of it to all insanely and really killed the lover Padma shot from the revolver. True, thanks to the money and connections of the Father, the criminal case was able to stop.

The boy, striking in the filsthet for the first time in life, nevertheless learned a lot here. He remembered the class at school, where he studied Lakshmi, correctly described the teacher who was no longer worked, he learned in a crowd of a curious classmate. Next to the housing of Naraynov, a house "with green gates", where Sander Lal lived. Bischama immediately established an excellent relationship with Mother Lakshmi Naran, and he talked with her for a long time, responding to various questions. Including a woman asked the boy to tell about the servant of her son Lakshmi, who followed him everywhere. Beat gave absolutely accurate answers, even called Castow, to which he belonged to.

The last evidence that Bisch is the incarnation of Lakshmi Naran, the following was. In the family of Narainov, it was known that the old man, Father Lakshmi, hid the money somewhere in the house. But even before his death, he did not tell anyone about the place of the cache, although his relatives suspected that, perhaps, Lakshmi knew. Behind the location of the cache and asked Bisch, and he, without thinking, went to one of the rooms of the old big house, where the whole family lived (a lot of funds spent on the fact that the police closed the police, and the family went raised shortly after the death of Lakshmi Naran ). It was here here and found a cache with gold coins.

In this case, it is of particular interest in this case that for the first time information about Bysche Chande appeared in the "Leader" newspaper; The author of the article was the prosecutor of the town of Bareli Sakhai, who attracted the attention of scientists to the case of Bisch. The case was listed by Ya. Stevenson in the number of evidence, since he managed to interview many witnesses.

The story that occurred also in India with Shanti Devi (born in 1926 in Delhi, India), also applies to proven and confirmed. As in other cases, the girl at 3 years old began to remember the bright episodes of the former life. She told about her husband Kendarnarth, about the birth of two children. She died at childbirth (third child) just a year before re-rebirth in the body of Shanti.

Interestingly, everyone remembered excellently reproduces the details related to their former housing (so it was in the case of Bischya Chanda, and in other). And Shanti described in detail the house in which she, when her name was Luji, lived with her husband and children in Muttra.

The girl as if looked at his fantasies, and her parents were very worried about her mental state, when one of the relatives suggested checking the truthfulness of the words of Shanti. This was not difficult, because if they take the words of the girl for the truth, then from the moment of death of its previous incarnation passed only a few years. A letter was sent to Muttra (the address called Shanti herself).

At the specified address, the widower lived, who was named Kendarnart; His wife Luji died, burning the third baby, in 1925 he thought that someone decided to play him, and asked her cousin from Delhi to deal with fraudsters. Kendarnard's cousin knew Luzhi perfectly and could easily recognize deception, trying to falsify. Mr. Lal went to the house of Devi, and the doors opened nine-year-old Shanti, rushing to a person who had first saw on her neck. She dragged the amazed lala in the house, shouting that her husband's cousin arrived to visit them. So the stories Shanti found their real confirmation in the image of a person who stepped on the threshold of the Devi's house from the past life of their daughter. It was decided that Kendarnart with children should also come to Delhi to make sure he himself: his wife returned to life again, though in the body of a little girl.

Shanti Luji learned her husband, and her son, who managed to come along with his father. She constantly appealing to them, calling her house affiliate names, treated with various goodies. In a conversation with Kendarnart, she used the words, mentioned episodes, known only by two Kendarnart and Luji. From that moment on, Shanti was recognized as its former family as an embodiment of the dead Luji. News on the next case of incarnation appeared in the press, they were interested in scientists.

Additional proof of reality reincarnation gave a trip to Shanti to Muttra. Here she, from the window of the train, saw and recognized the relatives of Kendarnart - his brother and mother. They came to meet the returned lojie to the train. In the case of Shanti, there was a phenomenon of xenoglossee: in a conversation with her husband's husband, a girl used a dialect distributed in Muttra. Born and all his life lived in Delhi, a girl knows him without anywhere. In the dwelling of Kendarnart Shanti behaved like returned to his home. She knew all the catches in it, all the rooms, all the caches (after all, there are caches in every house). For example, she said that before death burned in the courtyard at home the pot with rings, and accurately pointed the place. About what happened, only two people knew - Luzhi itself and her husband. The stranded treasure was found precisely in the place that the girl showed.

Boy-divica Gopal Gupta did not speak until 2 years of age, but in 1958, when the parents of the gopal took a few people away, the baby gave rise to the surprise to everyone - and the parents and guests. In response to the usual request to help clashes from the table, Gopal was heavily angry, scattered them and shouted: "Let the servants do it! I, such a rich man, I will not wear dirty glasses, like an insignificant cleaner! ". The story somehow was hushed up, but the boy did not think to stop in his, as his parents, fantasies first thought. He told all new and new details, called his name and names of the brothers, and also remembered the name of the city - Mathur, where the whole family of Sharma lived. According to the stories, Gopal was out that the Sharma brothers were co-owners of chemical production, but quarreled among themselves, and the youngest of them killed him with a shot of a pistol. My father's father thought that such details and details would certainly be confirmed. After all, the Sharma brothers are the inconsistency in the city, and on the fact of the death of one of them were a criminal investigation. True, for fees and verification took several years. But the chemical company whose name recalled the boy, - "Sun San Charak" - really existed in Mathura, near Delhi. The father of Gopala managed to meet with the manager of the company K. Pataka and told him about the memoirs of the Son. The information was interested in Mr. Pataka, and he handed the address of an unfamiliar man who came specifically from Delhi, widow one of the charm brothers.

Subkhard Davy Sharma went to Delhi to talk to Gopal, in which he recognized the new embodiment of his killed her husband Shaktipal Charma; After all, the details that the little boy told, nobody, besides her late spouse, could not know. Soon a retaliatory visit took place. Gopal came to Mathaur with his father, he himself found the path to the house of Shaktipal Sharma, found out the photographs of the people with whom he was familiar in the previous embodiment. In the office of the company, the boy showed the place from which he shot in the older brother Brazradapal.

From the previous lives, not only memories remained again revived, but also the skills that the baby cannot have simply by age. Above it was about the girl who suddenly fell in Bengalis and began to dance Bengal dances. Dr. Stevenson described the case when the Indian boy named Parmod Sharma (born on October 11, 1944), which was a little over 2 years old, argued that he was the owner of several enterprises, including confectionery, in which Soda water was sold Brothers Mohan. When he turned 3 years old, Parmod, by the way the son of the Sanskrit teacher in college, played in solely loneliness, making cakes from the sand, like a real pastry, and served them with his relatives to tea. Another favorite class of the kid was the construction of buildings models (he said that his store looks like in Moradabad, which is located 90 miles north of the town of Bisauli) and the equipment of their electric wiring! In 5 years, the boy was taken to Moradabad to check the reality of his memories, and here was led to a complex machine producing soda water. From him for the sake of the experiment, the hose was disconnected. Parmode immediately said why the machine does not work, and told how to "fix it." True, the boy could not turn on the device independently, but I gave the technique detailed instructions. Mehry's family recognized his relative and owner of this enterprise in Parmoda.

Obviously, most cases related to the phenomenon of reincarnation is observed and studied in countries South-East Asia, in particular India, Burma, on Sri Lanka. It is also an explanation for this: after all, in these countries where the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation is the cornerstone of religious, philosophical, moral and ethical views of the population, adults do not disappear from infant stories about past lives, and sometimes they are even trying to independently find it confirmation or refute the fantasies of their chad. Not that in Europe and America, where there is simply no problem on the turn of new embodiments on religious reasons. However, (and this, perhaps one of the most weighty confirmations of the reality of the resettlement of souls) cases confirming the reincarnation were recorded in these skeptical - until a certain time - countries.

On Alaska there was a man named Victor Vincent; He was born back at the end of the XIX century, and in 1945, when he was already in 60 years, he, he felt that he would soon die, went to his young neighbor by the name Chatkin and told a fantastic story. The old man said that in the next life he would be reborn in the body of her son. So that the young woman could check if it was, the old man Vincent showed her signs on his body, which should appear on the body of the future son. He had traces of surgical operations on the back and scars from superimposed seams on the nose. Victor Vincent died after a short time, and in a woman after two years, in December 1947, a son was born, which on the body had signs shown by Vincent, in the form of depigmented spots on the skin, reminiscent of postoperative scars on the form and configuration. Dr. Stevenson recorded this case in 1962 and explored him, talking to eyewitnesses and witnesses. The son of Mrs. Chatkin, whom Coles called, argued that he was in the past embodiment was Viktor Vincent, fisherman. And from his childhood, according to the stories of neighbors, the abilities of Victor, who was known for his ability to understand any boat engines were noted. Yes, and the information about the life of V. Vincent had a very accurate adolescent. So, eyewitnesses were told that one day Corons was with his mother in the city of Sitka, he met a woman there, who turned out to be the adopted daughter of deceased Vincent. The boy called her, shouted, then hugged and did not let go, calling by the name, which the woman was given before the adventure of her tribe. Korles's mother knew nothing about it. And Koroles often recognized people from the past life when Viktor Vincent.

But another case that occurred in North America. Samuella Chalker, born in Sacramento (California, USA), was also not previously and years, when, according to the stories of the mother, she spoke in a strange language, it was not reminding the usual infant bastard. A little later, when the girl has grown up, the whole family of Chalkers went on holiday in Oklahoma, where they visited the southwest of the state, in the Indian reservation of the team. Samuell ran to the old days of the Indians and began to publish the same strange sounds. Surprisely surrounding old men answered the girl with the same sounds, and later they explained that the baby turned to them in the ancient team of the team, which at that time was known only 2 dozen people (according to statistical data, for 1992 there were only about 6 thousand teams. , Of which most of the ancestors have no longer owned)!

But the girl did not just talk to the teams: she, as the words of Samuella translated the words, learned that it became with her husband Nokon, the head of the team, and his son. In the archives of Oklahoma, the information was preserved that in 1836 the white girl who worn the name Jessica Blaine was aged the Indians from the Team's Tribe. Teams brought her in the traditions of the tribe (such cases were and confirmed by documents), married, gave birth three times. It was discovered by representatives of the US authorities, who attempted to return Jessica Blaine to her tribesmen and relatives, but she, longing for children and her husband, soon died (in 1864), refusing to eat and drink.

And in Lebanon, the inhabitants of which do not belong to Buddhists, adherents of the idea of \u200b\u200bkarma and the eternal wheel of rebirths, there were also cases of new incarnations. Ya. Stevenson himself discovered here Imad Elvara, who told and demonstrated strange things. The baby has not yet been able to really walk and say, but already mentioned in his speech the names of people unknown in his family, names of other places of Lebanon. Once, walking with peers on the street, Imad firmly hugged a stranger, calling him by name. He was surprised at least others, but Imad said that she once lived with him next door. The parents of Imad invited a stranger and asked:; It turned out that his village is located behind the mountains, ten kilometers from the village, where the family of Elawar lived. The parents of Imad turned to scientists. Jan Stevenson, then already known, came at the head of the expert group. IMADE was already 5 years old, and the scientist took him with him in that village in the mountains - Cribus, where, as Imad said, he had no time. A long time spent a researcher in conversations with the residents of Crit and found out that Imad tells the details from the life of the lungs of Ibrahim Bumazi.

From the stories of the baby, Dr. Stevenson became a variety of details relating to the fate of the deceased, and they were confirmed when examining the "scene of the incident" (so, the boy often described that ordinary sheds served in his past house, and the car was very small, bright yellow) . Nothing other than reincarnation, to explain the case with Imad Elvar is impossible: Stevenson collected the data according to which the boy could not get the information known to him from the life of Ibrahim Bumazi otherwise than from his own memories. The possibility of a hoax, deception from the inhabitants of Crib or the Imaad family was excluded.

In the average American family, Henry and Eilein Rogers occurred in the press an entertaining case. It all started tragically: under the wheels of a heavy truck, swinging on the roadway, the son of Rogers, Tarens, who was only 12 years old. Only in 2 years later the family came to themselves after the death of the only son, and soon Eileen, who was already 38 years old, gave birth to the second son. He was called Frank. In a short period of infancy, no one paid attention to the fact that Frank does everything in the same way as sometime Treins. About this Rogers remembered later when strange incidents began to happen to 2-year-old Frank. Frank spoke suddenly the voice of his deceased brother, discovered his habits in his behavior, for example, hugging her legs, when she sat in a chair and needle her arguite. Frank once expressed a desire to see the favorite movie of the Treins, who have not been shown on TV for a long time. To the father, the baby began to turn in the same way as Treins did, although after the death of the eldest son in the house they avoided mentioning this: it was too painful to reminiscent of the deception of the Son. Then, Frank asked her father, where was their red "Pontiac", on which they were all traveled together on the west coast (it is necessary to say that this happened a few years before the birth of the youngest son, when the late Treinsu was ten); And then asked the Father to repair the bike finally. This is a three-wheeled bike that belonged to Tencens, dust in the far corner of the garage, and the baby Frank could not know about his existence. The boy so reminded the parents of his older brother that they, zealous Catholics, suspected the intervention of the otherworldly forces and turned to the priest. But he advised to talk to a psychiatrist, reading the works of Dr. Stevenson. He decided to conduct an experiment: showed Frank various photos, which were captured by the faces of classmates, friends, Tears Teachers, distant relatives, whom Frank had not yet seen. The baby learned everyone and called named, recalled various traits of the character inherent in some, described the fun cases that occurred with them during the Tencens.

The case of Frank Rogers became known for a wide range of scientists, and psychologists from Harvard University came close to studying it. There are no other explanations, except that the spirit of the deceased Tresen instilled in the body of Frank, no one could offer. And according to the old rule, called the "Razor of Okkama", if you cut everything really impossible explanations, the last answer to the question will be the latter possible, even if it seems unreal.

In West Berlin, a similar case of reincarnation was also registered. Girl in the girl Helena Marcard fell as a result of an accident in the hospital. 12-year-old Helena was in very serious condition, and the doctors did not hoped to save her. But the girl survived and when finally came to himself, he turned to the doctors in Italian (before, before the catastrophe, she did not speak in this language). Helena remembered that her name is Castelian's rosette and she comes from the town of the news, which is located near Padua, in Northern Italy. She remembered her birthday - August 9, 1887 - and the year of their own death - 1917. Later, Helena told about the sons of Bruno and France, asked to go home, to his children, saying that they were waiting for her from the trip.

Doctors explained the case with H. Marcard with serious brain damage, as a result of which the patient had nonsense. However, the girls' fantasies were so detailed that they decided to call a specialist, Doctor of Psychology of Radedder. He conducted his own investigation and found that in the state near Padua, the Ginoobaldi rosettes and her marriage with Gino Casteliani were preserved in the church-parish books, which took place in October 1908. The doctor found the address of the house where the rosette lived with his family and died. Helena, who went to the expedition "On the waves of his memory" with the Radedder, to find out the story of the news, immediately rehearsed needed Home. The door of the group opened France, the daughter of rosettes. Helena immediately recognized her, calling by name and saying to Dr. "This is my daughter ...".

These books about the methodology for achieving the remnants of the soul, related to her life outside the human body. Dedicated to all practicing hypnotherapeutors who communicate with patient souls using a spiritual return technique, and those who are looking for answers to questions about their spiritual being.

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Quantum book of life, dying, reincarnation andimmortality.The famous physicist and thinker, Dr. Amit Goswami in the book "Physics of the Soul", offers a detailed argued model of how the theory of reincarnation (reincarnation of the soul) can function. It is based on many aspects based on quantum physics laws. According to the hypothesis of Dr. Goswami, the consciousness capable of moving from one body to another is a quantum monad - a structure consisting of the possibilities of the possibilities that implement themselves in the next embodiment. The book is intended for anyone who is interested in the posthumous fate of the human consciousness and the spiritual evolution of the human type.
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Jan Stevenson

Reincarnation. Study of European cases pointing to reincarnation

European Cases of The Reincarnation Type

© Ian Stevenson, 2003

© I. Lapshin, translation, 2017

© Edition in Russian, Registration of Ltd. "Ganga", 2018


First of all, I must express my gratitude to the direct participants of these events and their witnesses for the fact that they openly shared with me what they knew, and allowed me to publish their stories on the pages of the book.

In addition to them, I am also grateful to those who wrote to me about such cases. I would especially like to mention the recently deceased Zoya Alatsovich, Rita Castre, Francisco Coelho, Dr. Erlandur Haraldsson, District Dr. Karl Müller and also who left Dr. Winfred Rasforth.

Dr. Nicholas McCline Rice held the first polls for three cases. Dr. Erlandur Haraldsson in Iceland, Rita Castre in Finland and Bernadet Martins in Portugal helped me as translators.

Several historians shared with me their opinions and considerations regarding individual nuances of Edward Raalla. For this help, I am grateful to Patricia Krut, Robert Danning, Peter Earlu, John Faulza, Derek Sharroce and U. M. Wigfield.

In the case of John Ista, Dr. Alan Gold, the deceased Guy Lambert and Colonel U. L. Veil helped me.

For the same help in my work with the case of Trade, the background Hutten I want to thank Dr. Gunter Shtyina and Dr. Heinrich Venndata.

Edith Turner provided me with useful information for Gideon Hheech. In addition to her for help in this my work, I thank the publishing house Edward Fankhouse, for his permission to quote excerpts from the book EINWEIHUNG. authorship Elizabeth Heich.

Angelica Nydhart allowed us to quote excerpts from her father's notebook, George Nahidhart, in which he described his experience. I also thank her for permission to publish a drawing of the castle, who played his role in what happened to her father.

Colonel I. K. Taylor sent me a detailed description of the soldiers of both armies in the battle at Callodena, which was important in the case of Jenny Maklood.

Employees of the Austrian Military Archive, the Department of the National Archive in Vienna, kindly answered my questions about the work of Helmut Krausa.

Don Hunt showed an extraordinary knowledge of the case, finding a number of poorly studied sources in libraries, and often taking off the paper to the house. In addition, she helped identify some of the features of European cases.

Employees of many libraries had huge help. Especially I am grateful to the staff of the British Library, the library of the University of Cambridge, the Library named after Alderman Virgin University, the Bavarian State Library in Munich, Municipal Library Hadley in Essex and Libraries Bodzano de Boni in Bologna. I did not have the opportunity to visit the latter of the mentioned libraries, so I am prevented than grateful for the help of Silvio Ravaldini and Orphopho Fioches for the material sent by them.

Dr. Mario Varvoglyce, Director of the International Institute of Consciousness (Institut Métapsychique International), gave permission to transfer a message about the case that was first published in Revue Metapsychique.

I thank Erlandur Haraldsson, Daniela Meissner, International Print Agency Mirror. And the National Museums of Scotland for permission to publish photographs made by them or their own possess.

Dr. Jean-Pierre Sixler and Madeleine Rose helped me in search of sources of information about faith in reincarnation from modern Europeans.

James Matlock and Dr. Emily Williams Kelly diligently passed the entire book and made a lot of valuable comments. Patricia Estes contributed and contributed, which also improved the book, introducing numerous changes to it.


Working on this book, I pursued three goals. First, I wanted to show that in Europe there are cases forcing me to think about reincarnation. Posting reports of a number of much earlier cases (I myself did not investigate them), I also got the opportunity to show that such cases arose in the first half of the XX century. Almost all the cases I studied and illuminated in previous publications, took place in Asia, West Africa and in the north-western part of North American tribes; Almost all residents of these places believe in reincarnation. And only a few Europeans believe in the possibility of reincarnation. And although I can show that such cases are found in Europe, they are nevertheless prereparable than cases in other above regions, where I discovered them in abundance immediately as soon as I started research work. In fact, we do not know, these cases occur in Europe less often than in Asia, or in Europe they are simply reported about them; Both of these options are not excluded.

Secondly, in my opinion, some of the cases given here discover similarities with those cases that I have previously studied in Asia. Most often it is: the first testimony of a small child about his previous life; Erasing these memories of the child when it becomes older; The high prevalence of violent death in those lives that are supposed to be remembered; Frequent presence in human testimony Description of how it died. In addition, European studies often demonstrate the behavior, unusual in their families, which once again confirms their stories about their previous life.

Thirdly, I believe that at least some cases described in my work prove the existence of supernatural phenomena. Thus, I want to say that we cannot explain some of the assertions of the studied or their strange behavior by the usual means of communication. For this reason, reincarnation becomes a plausible explanation, although (what I do not cease to speak) and not the only one.

Dates in recordings about some of these cases show that I worked on this book, with breaks, about thirty years. Over the years, I neglected such cases in Europe, directing all my strength to believe in the truth as much as possible as possible, focusing mainly in Asia, where the studied has characteristic rims and congenital defects. At present, I, together with my assistants, is again actively accepting the search for European cases of reincarnation type, which, as I hope, will contribute to the publication of this book.

Notice to readers

Personal names mentioned in this book are a mixture of genuine and fictional names. In some cases, I changed the names of places to ensure the preservation of the confidentiality of the mentioned persons.

In many places, I did not write clarifying words - for example, " claimed "," obvious "," apparent " - in front of such nouns like " memories", describing the features of cases. I did it for the convenience of reading, and not in order to set the main question of these cases already solved: whether their characteristic features indicate the supernaturality of these phenomena. Speaking about their supernaturalness, I mean their inexplicability through generally accepted knowledge about sensual experience.

In order for readers to be even easier, in some cases I called the studied (studied) only by name. This measure helps me support friendly relations with the studied and members of their families. With some families, I really became friends, but not in all cases when I used such a familiar style.

I want to show when it can, similarities between characteristic features Cases in Europe and other parts of the world, so sometimes I mention the similar features of the cases outside Europe.


Since ancient times, man was interested in the history of the universe and an idea of \u200b\u200bherself and the surrounding world. There were different opinions on this that, however, it was always supposed that a person had not only the body, but was endowed with a soul. People thought about what the soul was from where she was taken on how she was in the body that she was. Also interested in their connection to the soul with the body and what happens to the soul after the death of a person. The sacrament of birth and death attracted the minds of many thinkers. Each people had their own answers to these questions, which were reflected in mythology, culture, religion.

The concept of the soul in many religions has differences. However, in most of them, you can trace a person's faith in the fact that his soul is immortal, and therefore a new life is possible. It is difficult for a person to accept the statements of materialism that after death it will cease to exist. In the fact that every person has a soul, no religion is doubted, and it is very interesting to know what is happening with her after the death of the body. All of them give this a different explanation. In Christianity, it is believed that the souls of the dead fall into paradise or hell, in Hinduism - the souls are in the cycle of birth and death and only those who have reached high consciousness are exempt from it; Islamists believe that reincarnation is possible and evil souls can be revived in animals.

The topic of the existence of the soul and its reincarnation makes think about why people are endowed with nature with different capabilities (alone talented, and other stupas); why some are born healthy, and other patients; Why are some living happily, and others suffer throughout life? If God created each of us, then why is he so, at first glance, unfairly cost some? This can be explained by the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation. The fate of a person depends on himself, from who he was and what he did in past lives. All the thoughts and acts of a person will affect his future life, regardless of what form it will pass. In Christianity, a person is given for his life (thoughts and actions) in paradise or hell, in Hinduism and other religions - on this land, but in another body. However, acquiring new experience, correcting their mistakes and the redemption of sins, people can affect their subsequent life. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation makes people more responsibly treat themselves and respond to their lives.

Religious teachings on reincarnation are supported by some facts that can be considered scientifically proven. There are many unusual cases of incarnation of the soul in a new body, which are proven by careful studies.

The possibility of reincarnation is confirmed by some people having paranormal abilities (clairvoyant, mediums, etc.). The presence of these abilities in some famous people, for example, E. Casey, is confirmed by scientific experiments.

You can ask a question: why no one remembers the past life? However, this is not quite true. Children often say about his past life, which is perceived by adults as a fantasy or children's fiction. There are people, including among famous personalities who are confident that they have already lived on this earth and know who they were before. Some of them retain fragmentary memories of their past life. Many of us had to face the phenomenon of the Deja vu - the perception of a new one as a familiar earlier. With a careful investigation, it often finds out that the recognition of something or anyone was not accidental, there is a connection.

The questions of the soul and life attracted people always. Despite religious interpretations, some tried to find their explanation. From here there were new directions in religions, all sorts of sects, etc.

Currently, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation is more interesting to society. They write books about it, films take off. The press appears many articles on the cases of showing the soul. Some of them are impossible to refute even with a thorough investigation. The faith of people of different religious beliefs after life is still preserved and strengthened by scientific confirmations.

Reincarnation - rebirth of the soul

The concept of reincarnation

Throughout the history of the existence of humanity, people have always been interested in the issues of life and death. What happens to man after death? How do the soul and body relate? In different epochs, people gave various answers to these questions. The main thing was and remains the question whether the soul will continue its way and will be reborn again in the guise of a person. One of the answers gives the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation, that is, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation, resettlement of the soul. In the past times, and in our time there are many adherents of this doctrine. Many people are convinced that human life is not limited to earthly existence and continues after the death of the body. The soul is embodied again and again among people. Some adhere to the opinions that the soul can move not only in man, but also in the animal. The idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation is also an attempt to find an explanation why a person cannot live as good as he would like. In each new life, he increases his spiritual level, accumulates the experience and in the future life can achieve more.

First mention

For the first time about the reincarnation of the soul, it is mentioned in Brikhadaranyak (III, 2, 13; IV, 4, 5). In Indoariev, the teaching about it arose before the appearance of the early Upanishad (XIV-XV centuries to R. H.) - Ancient Indian religious and philosophical treatises. Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200bthe resettlement of the soul was borrowed from the Darary Indian people who believed in it since the time of primitive communal system. Partially confirms this fact that in primitive cults faith in the resettlement of the soul is much more common than those known throughout the history of religions. In a brighter form, the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation after the death of the body is manifested by Australians. Perhaps the prerequisite for the appearance of faith in the resettlement of the soul was the fact that the amazing similarity is often found between relatives of the first and third generation. The birth of a child having an external similarity with a grandfather or grandmother, brought the ancient people to thoughts about the relocation of the soul.

In primitive times, people are spiritualized by nature, attached importance to the peculiarities of the psyche of animals. However, they practically did not distinguish the spirit of man and the psyche of the animal. The latter they also endowed the soul. It strengthened their faith in the fact that the soul of a person can be revived in a new body, including animal. Thus, totemism and animism can be considered prerequisites for the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation.

How many times do we live

Steve Jobs, American Engineer, Entrepreneur and Founder of the Apple Computer Corporation, was a Buddhist. He believed in the existence of reincarnation and shortly before his death said that death is the best invention of life, as it causes changes.

The ideas of reincarnation exist in many religions of the world. However, the question is, how many times and someone can reincarnate the soul. According to Agni Yoga, a person can be incarnated only in man. Theosophy (headset) argues that a person must know all aspects of life and to visit both a man and a woman.

After death (immediately or after some time), the soul moves to a new body. Thus, she lives one life after another in different bodies. They may be better or worse than the previous ones, depending on what the soul made in the past.

Serial reincarnations have a specific goal. On the way to this purpose, the soul passes in gradual development - evolution. In each subsequent life, a person begins his way from the level that his soul reached in a past life. The faster the mental development of man happens, the shorter the transition from one life to another. Reincarnation allows the soul with a new embodiment to correct the previous errors and increase the level of development. Thus, the soul is constantly improving and can get out of the scorch of earthly life and, becoming sinless, to achieve liberation (Moksha).

With this approach to the category of birth and death of God, it is impossible to blame for the fact that he sends severe people to people. Reincarnation is represented as a compassionate attitude of God to the whole living on Earth.

Hinduism claims that the soul moves in the eternal cycle of birth and death. She strives for a pleasure that is possible only in the material world, so it needs a bodily shell. However, although earthly pleasures are not sin, they do not bring complete satisfaction. After multiple rebirths, the soul is no longer satisfied with the pleasures that a man may experience in the earthly life. It makes the soul to go to the new stage of its development and look for higher forms of pleasure. They can only be obtained with the help of spiritual experience.

Having passed a long-term spiritual practice, a person understands the spirituality of its nature. He begins to realize his me and relate it not to the body, but with the soul. When his material needs disappear, the soul will cease to reborn in the struck body and will be released from the cride of earthly existence.

The soul can exist in two bodies: one is coarse, the other is thin. After the death of the coarse body, his soul leaves him. At this time it is in a thin body and continues to stay in it until the next birth. The soul in a subtle body has all the thoughts and desires inherent in a living being. It is from them that depends on what the coarse body of the soul will be embodied in the next life. According to the law of Karma, the soul will acquire the body that will correspond to it. Depending on the level of its development at the time of the death of a person, the soul penetrates with the seed of the father in the womb of a certain mother. Next, it contributes to the development of that body, which was given to her mother. It may be the body not only a person, but also an animal. Thus, the process of reincarnation of the soul occurs.

The soul can choose 8400,000 forms of life or tel. To fulfill its desires, she can stay in any of them. Any body is able to provide certain pleasures to a living being.

Spiritual evolution leads to the fact that without once embodied in the animal body, the soul settles in the human body. After that, she can no longer return to the animal form of life.

Reincarnation and karma are similar to the laws of nature. They are presented to each person certain lessons and contribute to his spiritual development.

Buddhism is believed to achieve a conscious state, many thousands of years needed. One life is not enough for this. Therefore, the soul is constantly being revived, but taking into account the past experience. Everything that happened to a person in the past life, as well as his surroundings, have an impact on his birth. However, he himself will be the will and is responsible for his actions, it is able to make reasonable decisions. And only a person himself can get out of the composure of suffering.

Death - the beginning of another life?

After the death of a person, some part of his part continues to live. This part is the soul. This is the main postulate of the Christian religion - the human soul is immortal. The body may die, but the soul continues eternal life. For many, the question of interest is: in what form does this life continue? From numerous stories of eyewitnesses who have undergone clinical death (being reversible), it turns out that the soul is perceived by as a cloud. At your request, it can move in space, penetrate through any obstacles. She perceives information from external world - Everything sees, hears and feels.

Many people at the time of clinical death were moving around the Dark Tunnel, at the end of which the light was visible. It turns out that death can not be called the end of life. Death is a transitional stage and after it life continues, but in another world and in another body. Most of the people who have undergone clinical death did not immediately understand that they were going on with them, they died. Most often this thought came to them after they saw their lifeless body. Sometimes they noticed that they were soaring in the air and look at her body from the side.

From these stories, we can conclude that at the time of death, the memory is preserved. Also with the death of the body is not lost the ability to clearly think and race, perceive the world. The soul at this time is in a real-toed state. All her knowledge and past experience are fully preserved and go to another life. It can be argued that these knowledge is of great importance in life after death. So, in this world, people are also no wonder of their arrival. Life in this world is given to them not only for the benefit of various pleasures. Apparently, this is the true meaning of life. However, this is aware of this only those who, after the clinical death, managed to return to life or learn in advance about the imminent onset of his death. Such people tend to be greater importance to attach to the spiritual side of life. Sometimes it happens that only in the last moments of his life a person understands how to live, but it is too late.

Taking into account the stories of many people who have undergone clinical death, it can be argued that life is there after death. However, the data are available only about the first moments of this life. What will be further - no one knows exactly, but there are different opinions on this.

From the point of view of modern science, it is possible to explain the similarity of the stories of people who have undergone clinical death. There were similar pathophysiological processes with their organism, therefore, they were similar to the manifestations of clinical death. The vision of the tunnel with light in the late science explains that the blood circulation of the visual cortex of the brain is disturbed. A sense of flight or a passion arises in connection with the violation of the function of the vestibular apparatus and the person does not realize its spatial position. Some people talk about the vision of the afterlime world at the time of clinical death, however, and this can be explained by typical hallucinations that are associated with a circulatory impairment of the frontal cerebral cortex. The content of hallucinations has differences that are associated with the person and beliefs of a sick person.

In different religions and philosophical exercises there are their ideas about the afterlife. Most often, the afterlife seems to be:

✓ Resurrection of the dead;

✓ posthumous reward - the resettlement of the soul to hell or paradise, depending on the human earthly life;

✓ Reincarnation.

Reincarnation of the soul. Communication with karma

The questions of fate and its inevitability worried people at all times. This can be argued even by folk proverbs and sayings, for example: "From fate not to leave." In the time of antiquity, Rock attached a lot of power than the main of the Gods of Olympus Zeus. Many people and today they adhere to the opinions that every person will happen that "it is written". Answers to questions about fate, about what it is and is it possible to change it, you can find in the Vedic works.

In accordance with the Vedic Knowledge, the basis of our soul. She is eternal and lives many lives. Actions of people in previous lives are reflected on their real life and will manifest in the life of the future. In each life there are two processes in parallel. This is reproducing past events and actions and new actions. As a result, in the same life, a person worries his karma - pays for the past and at the same time forms a new karma, and what it will be - depends on his actions. Thus, each person creates his fate, or karma. Avoiding the influence of the past for its real life is not possible. However, a person has the will and freedom of choice. He can consciously correct his past mistakes and strive for a better life by blessing.

IN Sikhism, one of the religions of India, the tenth guru freed Sikhs from reincarnation. It is believed that Sikhi is free from their family, various rituals, faith and their lives are not predetermined.

But many people do not suit this provision. With antiquity philosophers and wise men tried to answer the question of whether it is possible to get rid of heavy cargo Past, can I fix the sinful karma? Many ancient Scriptures give a positive response to this question, but only with the will of the Most High. It is worth considering that a person gets the best fate only if sincerely devotes to God. Only saints can be completely free from karma. However, the desire to serve God already leads to changes in fate. The admission to spiritual life helps a person get rid of many misfortunes in the future.

The soul exists in four-dimensional space. It exists simultaneously in the past, present and future. At the physical level, it manifests itself in a bodily shell of men and women. Only therefore our consciousness perceives the one-sided direction of time. In fact, in the four-dimensional space there is a direct and reverse time stream.

All errors and adverse acts of past life are manifested with subsequent reincarnation. If a person can remember his mistakes and fix them, he is worthy of the best fate. Negative information about it is eliminated from the information field.

Causes of Karma's causal relationships are implemented only through awareness and repentance or illness and death. At the same time, no one except the person himself cannot fix it with fate, or karma.

Reincarnation of the soul occurs in accordance with Karma. The latter is inherent in such a characteristic as cyclicality. Depending on the karma, the souls are divided into several groups. For each of the groups, a certain number of cycles is characterized:

✓ The first group is 1-3 cycles;

✓ Second group - 4-6 cycles;

✓ Third group - 7-9 cycles.

The first group includes souls that pass short karmic cycles. They receive effective lessons, mainly relating to relationships with other people. In their past there is experience of ill-treatment - they themselves suffered or caused suffering to others. The souls of this group inhabit people who have problems in relations with relatives, friends. These people mostly lead the patriarchal lifestyle, are engaged in disastrous labor. They, as a rule, are not ambitious and work for them is a way to receive means for life.

The second group includes souls that inhabit people prone to violence. They need to realize and correct errors not only in relationships with people, but also fix heavier sins - violence over another person. Perhaps this way they sought to show power and manage other people. This group is the most numerous. People belonging to her seek career and professional growth.

People with the soul of the third group have the most severe karma on Earth. Among them are often the leaders. They often die from accidents (drown, burned, fall) or are subject to violent death (murder). The lesson made by him karma makes them overcome the fear that they experienced in the past. These people are impassable, psychic disorders are often happening to them.

Their desire for power is connected with an unconscious desire to overcome their fear. This karma is characterized by the longest cycles. With each subsequent embodiment, the soul of such people karma strengthens and the drama of life increases.

In nature, there is a cyclicality, which is explained by the law of reincarnation. As a day constantly replaces at night, both the seasons of the year and the life of a person occurs cyclically. Death, as the end of one life cycle, becomes the beginning of another cycle - a new life. In nature, everything has a certain meaning, and birth, and death is also necessary and appropriate.

The law of reincarnation is one of the most significant laws of the universe. With the help of it, evolution takes place. Without him, life in any form could not develop.

If the life of a person was given once and there would be no reincarnation, it would violate the harmony of space, in which everything works cyclically, wisely and appropriate. Such life would be chaotic. The laws of reincarnation and karma for a person are of great importance and are interconnected. They can be represented as a wheel that consists of rim and spice. If the rim rotates, the needles rotate. This wheel is in eternal movement.

American writer-mystic, studying various religious philosophical directions, Mainie Hall said that "Karma is a law, and reincarnation is tool to implement it."

It is useful for a person to know that after the death of his body, life will continue. After some time, he will turn out again on Earth. Therefore, it is important to know that all actions, feelings, aspirations and thoughts of this life will affect the future life. With such knowledge, the meaning of the real life becomes clear. It is a preparatory stage to another form of existence, to subsequent life.

Once, each person begins to reflect on why the fate of people are so different, why there are inequality among people. For example, one person is distinguished by a great mind, and the other cannot remember simple school rules. One person is characterized by physical strength and health, and the other is born sick. One person is distinguished by talent, and the other is capable of something else. All these differences between people can be explained by the law of reincarnation. These are the consequences of all those performed by people in previous lives, as well as the result of the level of development of the consciousness that every person reached.

If one of two people is successful in this life, it means that in the past he worked a lot and worked on himself. There are many examples in life when children born in one family who received the same upbringing, grow completely dissimilar in nature. They are distinguished by different looks for life, have various life goals and priorities. This is also explained by the law of reincarnation. None of her parents could not raise two completely identical in the nature of children. This is not limited to him. Everyone knows that even the twins have mental differences among themselves. This is due to the fact that the soul of a person is individual. It has accumulated certain experience in the past century and with a series of multiple transformations acquired certain features. According to the law of Karma, everything that a person does in this life will affect his further life. This will affect the peculiarities of his physical body, nervous systemHealth. According to the law of Karma, a person is given a certain place and time for birth. Everything that will surround it in real life is not by chance.

Throughout life, people meet those who cause sympathy or antipathy. This is also no longer enough, but subordinates the law of reincarnation. It means that these people had already been a meeting in one of the past lives.

There are cases when a dysfunctional child is born in good and decent people, when genius appears in uneducated people. These are all the consequences of past lives. In the first case, parents fell punishment, and in the second - award. Such relationships between parents and children are not accidental, they are a consequence of the events of the past life.

Thus, it turns out that everything that a person has (family, health, tendency, ability, etc.), as a result of karma accumulated in the past experience. It is difficult to cope with problems and troubles, not knowing their causes and not remembering the past life. However, this affects further life.

Opponents of the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation often lead such arguments that a person does not remember previous lives. However, in nature, everything is arranged wisely. According to the law of expediency, this information is hidden from people by nature. Russian religious philosopher E. I. Roerich spoke about this that premature knowledge could prevent the further spiritual development of a person who could be in despair, having learned about past sins and crimes, or, on the contrary, to be built because of good deeds.

Only the soul of man is reincarnated. This subtle invisible entity acquires a new body only in order to acquire a new experience and know life. The memory of a person is associated with the activities of the brain. However, he dies along with the body. The soul that contains in itself all the information, the whole experience of past life, after some time will again be repaired in a new body with another brain. And a person will not be able to remember what happened earlier.

However, throughout the history of mankind there are people who remember about their reincarnations. Usually in their memory, information about the last life is saved. Most often, such memories are found in children and less often in adults.

In the Christian religion there is faith in the vacation of sins. With such faith, people do not think that all their atrocities will be drawn by a string for them and will affect future life.

This leads to irresponsibility. According to E. I. Roerich, while people do not understand their place and appointment in space, they will not accept the laws of reincarnation and karma, they will not be responsible for them, until they are freedom and happiness.

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