Psychological Comfort at school Help. Materials for pedsovet: "Psychological comfort in class"

1 Slide Psychological Comfort at School - Important Condition
Efficiency of training and education.
2 Slide
Tasks of the pedsovet:
1. Analyze the state of the psychological climate in the lessons and identify the conditions and factors stimulating the creation comfortable environment In the lesson and obstructing this (prior survey)
2. To form the motivation of the pedagogical team to create a comfortable environment in the lessons.
3. Develop a "commanding teachers" as the basis of the psychological and pedagogical supply of the lesson.
The form of a pedsove is a productive game.
"Sage lived, who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage knows not all. Close in the palms of the butterfly, he asked: "Tell me, a sage, what a butterfly in my hands: Dead or Live?" And he thinks: "Says live - I will kill it, say dead - I will release." Sage, thinking, replied: "All in your hands."
In our hands the opportunity to create in school such an atmosphere in which children will feel "as at home", the atmosphere of psychological comfort, the atmosphere of love and adoption of students.
Psychological Comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.
Entry into the topic (method "Association")
3 Slide
What associations do you have when you hear the word "Comfort?"
(Words should begin with the letters of this word.)
Slide 4 What is comfort?
Comfort - borrowed from of English languagewhere Comfort "Support, Strengthening" (" Etymological Dictionary", N. M. Shansky).
Comfort - living conditions, stay, furnishings, providing convenience, calm and comfort. (" Dictionary Russian Language, S. I. Ozhegov).
Psychological comfort - living conditions under which a person feels calmly, there is no need to defend themselves.
Slide 5 If we consider the factors forming human health, we will see that heredity determines 15-20%, health, medicine and ecology - 10-15%, and environment - 50-55%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). At school, children and teachers are from morning to evening. And most of the time is engaged in lessons. Therefore, it is very important how much the lesson as "environment" provides a comfortable child and teacher.
Slide 6.
Psychological safety educational process - This is the state of the security of a schoolboy from threats to his dignity, spiritual well-being, positive worldview and self-relation.
A favorable climate in the lesson depends on many and many factors.
Teacher is important to remember that psychological climate The lesson begins to be created outside the lesson. The relationship between the teacher with students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. As a teacher belongs to work, as she speaks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he is happy with the success of children and how he rejoices, as he expresses his emotional feelings, as he owns it - all this and much more has the impact of teacher N accounting and on their attitude to it.

Slide 7.
Slide 8 What prevents psychological comfort? Students - uncertainty in sephelvical fatigue rate of the pace of the activity-free need for the attention of the attention of the current motor activity in switching from one activity on other- physical and psychological tension is written evaluation by various people high level Responsibility of aggressive disposal from parents and students - various educational styles of teachers
Slide 9.
Via cool leaders Psychological comfort was monitored in our school. The survey was attended by 254 students of the middle and senior link. What is 47, 4% of the total number of students.
Let's consider the results of the survey in diagrams.
The first scale is a common psychological comfort at school.

Favorable level:
Permissible level:
Unfavorable level:
Slide 10. The second scale is a psychological climate when communicating with a dryer.

Favorable level:
Permissible level:
unfavorable level:
Slide 11. Causes of psychological discomfort:
Overload learning activities;
not developed relationships with peers;
a period of a teenage crisis;
excessive criticism;
inattention teachers and parents to the experiences of children;
One of the main reasons for psychological discomfort can be conflicts.
Slide 12. What is the conflict?
"The conflict is the fear of at least one hand, that its interests violates, infringes, ignores the other side." Ulyam Lincoln
"From love to hatred one step, from hatred to love - kilometers of steps."
"We have every case to pass five stages: noise, confusion, the search for the guilty, the punishment of innocent and awarding not involved." Idea Parkinson
Slide 13. Feelings that are experiencing a person during conflict:
Slide 14. Causes of conflicts.
1. Pupil Student: Fight for Authority
Cheating, gossip
hostility to favorite teacher students
Personal dislike
Sympathy without reciprocity
Fight for the girl (boy)
Slide 15.
2. Teacher's student:
lack of unity in teacher requirements
Excessive amounts of disciple
The impermanence of teacher's claims
Failure to comply with the requirements of the teacher
The student considers himself undervalued
The teacher cannot reconcile with the lack of student
Personal qualities of the teacher or student (irritability, helplessness, rudeness)
Slide 16.
Methods of exiting conflicts.
To exit conflict, you can:
Give out our feelings, warning about others;
Find a reputable third who will help to understand conflict;
Put yourself in place of another person;
Realize the right to exist another point of view;
To be solid, speaking about the problem, and soft with people.
Let's look at how you can improve the psychological climate in the classroom and school.
Organization of common collective work, joint experiences: collective congratulations, expression of sincere sympathy in the days of failure;
Joint trips, excursions.
The correct signal of your benevolence is a kind smile, a friend.
Take into account the individual characteristics of the schoolchildren, its condition is at the moment.
Hello to listen to the student, especially in minutes of intense, nervous state.
Do not exclude the possibility of what you may be wrong.
Slide 17.
The climate is called favorable if the atmosphere of benevolence reigns in the classroom, care for each, trust and demanding; If students are ready to work, creativity show and reach high quality, working without control and bear responsibility for business; If each is protected in the class, it feels the involvement of everything that happens and actively comes into communication. The head in this case is not a source of threat, the attitude towards it is established, as a member of the team, adopted the right to make significant solutions for the class.
Every child in a classroom with a favorable climate is confident because he feels accepted, knows his advantages, is free in expression own opinion. The prevailing mood can be determined by the Major Music.
In a clave with a favorable climate, attitudes are such that, having committed a mistake, the person does not cease to feel the adopted, meaningful for others. Pupils are not afraid to express themselves, they are not afraid to ask a question to the teacher, are not afraid to be ridiculous in case of an error, in such a team, a value attitude towards business, truth, man is formed.

Municipal general Education Inshinskaya Main Community School "Approve School Director __________ E.A. Susobanenova report on the topic: "Psychological Comfort in School is an important condition for the effectiveness of learning and education." Teacher from Vasilyeva Olga Sergeevna prepared

2015 Uch. The Topic of the Pedsovet: "Psychological Comfort in School is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and upbringing." Tasks of the pedsove (Slide 2) 1. Analyze the state of the psychological climate in school and identify the conditions and factors that stimulate the creation of a comfortable environment in school and prevent it. 2. To form the motivation of the pedagogical team to create a comfortable environment in the lessons. I want to start my report from the epigraph, the author of which is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, the founder of the humanistic educational system of modern mass school Vladimir Abramovich Karakovsky, (Slide 3) I read. . . Of all the indicators of the school assessment, the main one should consider the well-being in it. The school is good if there is a good one child and adult. V.A. Karkovsky "School - the second house", as often we hear these words. However, taking these words for Axiom, we sometimes do not think about how to build life in school so that it really becomes the second home for everyone who passed her threshold. (Slide 4) School ... For a teacher, this is the Temple of Knowledge. For a student - a house of communication with peers and adults. School place where it should always be interesting and exciting.    School - a very important period in the life of every person. After all, the school is not only a study, but the world of communication, joys, experiences, takeoffs; world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music; The world of fantasies, creativity.

To do school years Golden sometimes in the life of every child - the debt of every teacher. Most children come to school with an obvious desire to learn. All students are immediately curious, open, trusting. They are confident that the school will teach them everything, waiting for her new interesting life. But often the child quickly understands that study is hard work, and he does not always bring joy. And here the child's desire goes out, and sometimes disappears at all. And as important interest in the school, with whom children come, ignite into the restless fire of knowledge. We all inherent in the desire for comfort, to ensure that nothing oversrarously our life and work. I suggest thinking about how our children feel at school. The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the psyche of a schoolboy, his desire to learn, and in the end - for its performance. Comprehensive school Must form a holistic system of universal knowledge, skills, skills, as well as experience independent activities and personal responsibility of students, initiative, independence, tolerance, ability to successful socialization in society. Psychological climate - so you can define an important factor that distinguishes good school: Here it should be comfortable to everyone, such a school does not want to compare from any other, nor strive to quickly change the place of study (if we talk about students) or work. Psychological Comfort in School is the most important condition for the effectiveness of learning and education, self-development and self-realization of everyone who crosses the threshold of the educational institution. To create an atmosphere of cooperation, creativity in an educational institution, to build the foundations necessary for the Commonwealth of Adults and Children, is a difficult task, only a team of non-indifferent and creative teachers who know the laws of psychology and want to teach children to use them in their lives. From how comfortable the child feels in school, the success of his learning depends. In creating comfortable conditions, a significant role is owned by the personality of the teacher, the style of his relationship with students. This factor is especially significant at the initial stage of learning, when the state of the class depends, above all, from the teacher. How to create in educational institution The atmosphere of comfort and goodwill? How to teach live in Lada with me, while being a member of a big team? Why start a difficult work, whose goal is to create psychological comfort at school?

Without psychological comfort in the educational environment, a creative personality, capable of self-improvement, will not be able to form. I believe that the creation of a psychological climate is needed methods that reflect the respect of the human dignity of the child so that the student felt calm and confident. It is necessary in working with children the presence of a success situation that forms confidence in itself. (Slide 5) I read each parable makes sense. And this, which we read too. But, after reading it, think about it, and your life and your way they are in whose hands. In your or not? "Everything is in your hands ..." (Eastern Parable) Long-time in the old city there was a master, surrounded by students. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there any question to which our master could not give a response?" He went to the blooming meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between the palms. The butterfly clung to his paws for his hands, and the student was seekly. Smiling, he approached the master and asked: - Tell me, what butterfly I have in my hands: Live or dead? And he thinks: "Says live - I will kill it, say dead - I will release." He touched the butterfly firmly in closed palms and was ready for any moment to squeeze them for his truth. Without looking at the student's hands, the master replied: - Everything is in your hands. Parable "Everything in your hands ..." reveals a very deep meaning. The life of not only a small butterfly depends on each person, as well as its fate and the state of affairs in the universe. In our hands the opportunity to create in school such an atmosphere in which children will feel "as at home", the atmosphere of psychological comfort, the atmosphere of love and adoption of students. Our school teachers try to create a positive emotional tone, the atmosphere of goodwill, which allows you to shoot adversity, destroying the health of children - this approval, kind, gentle tone, praise). It is important to support the schoolboy on time, praise, encourage the desire to become better. I consider the praise of the leading form of stimulation of students' activity. But

it must be reasonable and not excessive. It is worth noting that one child frequent praise encourages further work, the other blinds. His emotions are so strong that attention dissolves, performance decreases. Such a student is better to praise at the end of the lesson, and in the lesson, create conditions for calm, smooth work. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to encourage each student: some of the fast, correct and clear work throughout the lesson, others for the fact that today worked better than yesterday, third for what a friend was helped, etc. At the initial stage of training, it is impossible to buy on praise, approval, support. And then, children will go to school with a desire, share their joys and grievances with the teacher and with friends, they will have a desire to help each other, they will learn to sympathize and empathize. And only thanks to a positive emotional climate, we will manage to form in children cognitive activity, help master the skills and skills in different activities. Coming to us to learn, children must feel happy. A happy baby is easier to teach and raise. It is important for the child to successfully learn, feel smart, guessful, intelligent. After all, success is a source of joy, inspiring for a new success. The key to a successful student should be a teacher who carries a life-affirming beginning, confidence, joy and happiness. Independent, attentive and susceptible to the interests of schoolchildren, open to the whole of the new teacher, is the key feature of the school of the future. Psychological comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of learning and education. (Slide 6) What associations do you have when you hear the word "Comfort?" Beauty Organic to about m Mom f about rt fantasy rest Joy warm What is comfort? Let us turn to sensible dictionaries.

(Slide7) I read comfort borrowed from English, where Comfort "Support, Strengthening" ("Etymological Dictionary", N. M. Shansky). Comfort Lifestyle, stay, furnishings, providing convenience, calm and comfort. ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", S. I. Ozhegov). Psychological Comfort Lifestyle, in which a person feels calm, no need to defend themselves. In developing training systems, the principle of psychological comfort at school is the leading. He implies removal (if possible) of all stress-forming factors educational process, creation at school and at the lesson such an atmosphere that opens children, and in which they feel "like at home." We all know that no success in school will benefit, if they are based on fear of adults, the suppression of the child's personality. The highest art of the teacher in collaboration with children is that with maximum demands to them do not suppress their activity, do not distort the emotional tone, to preserve self-esteem and self-esteem in them, to stimulate their creative activity. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote: (Slide 8) will not teach me something that pokes, Taldychit, cheeks ... However, psychological comfort is needed not only for the development of the child and assimilate their knowledge. The physical condition of children depends on this. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, the creation of a benevolence atmosphere allows you to relieve tensions and neuroses that destroy the health of children. (Slide 9) Health Factors

If we consider the factors forming human health, then we will see that heredity determines 1520%, health, medicine and ecology - 1015%, and the environment - 5055%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). At school, children and teachers are from morning to evening. And most of the time is engaged in lessons. Consequently, it is very important how much school as "environment" provides a comfortable child and teacher. Cannot be allowed in children of complexes, insecurity. The school should not be divided into "good" and "bad", "smart" and "stupid." Each child must feel the teacher's faith in his strength. The situation of success (I can!) Forms faith in his child, teaches to overcome difficulties, helps to realize his move forward. (Slide 10) Criteria Effective in terms of preservation of schoolchildren's health Lack of fatigue in children and teachers Positive emotional setting Satisfaction from the work done Desire to continue to create a situation of success as one of the factors of ensuring psychological comfort at school.      Teacher's task to organize a specific system for creating psychological comfort at school. Such a system of measures we will try today to develop. (Slide 11) Currently, I read scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, teachers of practice speak and write about the humanization of education, about the individual approach to the disciple in the process of learning and education, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort in school.

      This is declared in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the psyche of the schoolchildren, his desire to learn, and in the end - on its performance in Article 56.3 it is said "On the termination of an employment contract with a teacher in the case of use, including one-time, methods of education related to physical and (or) psychological violence over the person's student. " Article 32.3 "The educational institution is responsible for the quality of education of its graduates." The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the psyche of a schoolboy, his desire to learn, and in the end - for its performance. (Slide 12) I read in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 28.2 reads: "States Participants take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained with the help of methods reflecting the respect of the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention." In the concept of modernization russian education For the period up to 2010, paragraph 2.1 indicates: "The availability of high-quality education means state guarantees: training in conditions that guarantee the protection of the rights of the personality study in the educational process its psychological and physical safety." In addition, paragraph 2.2 is: "The school should form a holistic system of universal knowledge, skills, skills, as well as the experience of independent activities and personal responsibility of students," initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successful socialization in society. " Psychological safety of the educational process is a state of schoolboy's security from threats to his dignity, spiritual well-being, positive worldview and self-relation. Obviously, psychological safety is the most important condition for the full development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of its psychological health. Psychological health, in turn, the basis of the viability of the child, who in the process of childhood and adolescence, has to be addressed by the difficult tasks of his life: to master their own body and their own behavior, learn how to live, work, learn and be responsible for themselves and others,

to master the system of scientific knowledge and social skills, develop their abilities and build the image "I". It means that modern School It must be seriously and inert to become not only a place where children are taught, but also by the space of their full-fledged maturation, nutrient environment formation of successful, happy and healthy people. This is possible only in the atmosphere of spiritual comfort and a favorable social and phlegm climate in an educational institution. And for this, the school must be the territory of unconditional psychological safety. (Slide 13) I read psychological comfort is necessary for: the successful development of a successful learning of the knowledge of the favorable physical condition of a favorable emotional state (slide 14) psychological comfort. Naturally, exist various situationsMinding reading what prevents psychological comfort? Pupils (according to psychological diagnostics) such "interfering" factors are: uncertainty; increased fatigue; slowdiness of the pace of activity; Increased need for attention; increased motor activity; Difficulties in switching from one activity to another.

Teachers (according to statistics) the factors of discomfort are the factors of discomfort: physical and psychological labor tensions; constant estimation by various people; high level of responsibility; the tendency of an aggressive relationship from parents and students; Different styles of control of pedagogical frames. (Slide 15) Generally speaking, viewing potential "critical points", several groups of factors constituting the schoolchildren's environment can be distinguished. This is: groups of factors constituting a schoolchild environment: psychologicopedagical factors (the identity of the teacher, the complexity of the curriculum, the possibility of a child to learn this program); social (status in class, relationships with other disciples outside the class, etc.); physical (school space, including environment, illumination, day mode, nutritional quality, etc.) (slide 16) by contacting the works of modern psychologists and physiologists, we can allocate the so-called school factors Risk, remaining, in the opinion of researchers, sustainable and labor-free over many decades in all schools in the world: Risk factors ∙ Missing techniques and technologies to the age and individual possibilities of the child;

Stress tactics of pedagogical impacts; ∙ is the irrational organization of the educational process, especially the mode of movement, recreation, nutrition; ∙ The limit voltage of the child's mental strength in the lesson and in the process of performing homework; ∙ exhausting, pulling nervous system Children mental, emotional and physical overload; ∙ Pedagogical and parent "psychosis" of excellent marks; ∙ Formalism of software knowledge; ∙ The nervousness of the school situation in which heavenness reigns, voltage; ∙ Distrust of the child, to learn to his desire, to his individuality. According to a survey of students of many schools, they feel comfortable at school only 58%, 28% conflict with teachers. What is the situation in our school? A survey was conducted. According to the results of the survey of students of 5-9 CB. 100% of students noted that in our school they feel comfortable. And this is pleased. In pedagogical literature, the characteristic of the psychological climate is most fully given. Under the psychological climate of A.S. Makarenko understood: "style" and "tone", emphasizing the majority as the main feature of the normal tone of the class team. Concretioning a major tone, he highlighted his following signs:  Friendly unity in the teacher's system. In the internal relationship, you can criticize and punish the pupils, internships of these special forms of impact it is necessary to give tribute to each pupil, to defend it, not to hurt him, not to disappear;

    Manifestation of internal, confident calm, constant vigor, readiness for action. The presence of self-esteem for each student; The security of all members of the class team. No student should feel its withdrawal and defenselessness; Reasonable and useful activities of everyone in class; The ability to be restrained in movements, words. However, very often our tone of communication with children, the teaching manner causes schoolchildren neither confident calm and readiness for action, and a sense of anxiety. Studies have shown that the position of the teacher at school, the style of his behavior and communication seriously affect the favorable climate, the attitude of students to the teaching. The word of the teacher becomes of particular importance. More A.S. Makarenko spoke, contact teachers: "... You need to be able to say that they (students) in your Word felt your will, your culture, your personality." At the same time, he noted that this should be learn. Indeed, mastering the culture of the word an essential component of teacher training, its professional formation. (Slide 17) I read a favorable psychological climate in school serves as one of the successfulness of training and education: the charge of positive emotions received by schoolchildren and the teacher himself determines the positive impact of the school on health. A favorable climate in school depends on many and many factors. The teacher is important to remember that the psychological climate at school begins to be created outside the lesson. Teacher's relationship with students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere at school. As a teacher refers to work, as she speaks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he is happy with the success of children and how he rejoices, as he expresses his emotional feelings, as he owns it all this and much more has the impact of teacher students and their Attitude towards him. In order to ensure the comfort of learning, it is impossible to forget about an individually personal approach in the educational process. Those.

to seek to ensure that there is such a regime in school, when the child is given to the intellectual and physical exertion, when the pupil does not closes in itself, but seeks to communicate with peers, with him surrounding it. Based on the possibilities of the children's team, the content of training, curricula, programs, activities, methodological provision of lessons, reasonable alternation of educational activities and recreation, creating a system for the upbringing and development of children's creative abilities. Low psychological comfort of students in the lesson affects the learning quality index. Than students above the level of general educational skills, the easier it is to learn and teach them, the less negative emotions of students, and hence high degree comfort. After all, each of us seeks to improve their knowledge in the area that is interesting for him and is needed, based on his personal or professional needs. So schoolchildren, in the main mass, strive to master the item to master high quality, the significance of which they are well understood or to this subject the teacher formed sustainable interest. One of the important conditions affecting the success of the educational process is the pronounced motivation of obtaining knowledge on the subject. The study of this problem among high school students has shown that: 83% of students do not understand at all, for which some subjects are studying, because "They are not needed for future professionnor for practical life. " The leaders are here: chemistry - 35%, physics 20%. 55% of students believe that for future life only some of the items will be especially useful:  Physics - 4% allows you to realize creative needs, to invent;  English - 5% expands the possibilities of communication;  History of 7% allows you to know the history of my country, expands the horizons;  Geography - 3% allows you to recognize the world. On the 1st place in the degree of importance for his later life, graduates put Russian language 33%; On the 2nd place - biology - 18%; On the 3rd place - social studies 15%;  Russian language - 18% to build relationships;  Social Studies - 18% for the knowledge of their rights, economics, participation in the political life of the country;

All the items included in the curriculum graduates were distributed in the degree of importance for their further life. The following picture turned out: in the top five to the degree of importance of items that have the greatest importance for the further life of schoolchildren included: Russian language - 97% algebra - 78% Social Studies - 54%. English language - 45% History - 43% Secondary Significance Subjects: Geography - 57% Literature - 54% Informatics - 50% Geometry - 40% Biology 36% Technology - 33% Last place in the degree of importance of items Released: Obzh - 57% Chemistry - 54% of physics - 50% Physical education - 45% Thus, steady cognitive interest, as one of the criteria for comfortable educational environmentSchool graduates are formed only to some subjects. These are the subjects that most students called interesting and useful, namely: social studies and biology. The study showed that sustainable motivation in the polled to the study of most training items were not formed. Therefore, the school is worth the task of forming and developing a positive motivation for training activities in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, forming the success of schoolchildren, which means that the psychological comfort of students in the lesson. Thus, the modern teacher to improve the success of learning students need to be known: how the student feels in the lesson; how he perceives teachers; How he sees his attitude towards himself that he feels and what he thinks about. In this connection, the teacher is important to trace the dynamics of relations in the teacher's system, predict the behavior and development of the student's personality.

The problem "In the absence of a favorable psychological climate, the school will not be able to solve the tasks set." (Slide 18) What can be done in school conditions to preserve psychological comfort? Be sure to take into account the physiological emotional features of children; create situations of success in the lesson; Select the most appropriate style of communication. Pedagogypsihologists allocate a number of factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate: (Slide 19) Factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate:    Teacher must enter into a general educational institution with a good vigorous configure and be able to configure himself to cheerful with children parallel. The teacher should generally be inherent in the desire and desire to communicate with children, communicate in a friendly form. Any emotional state, including negative, can be expressed in a delicate form. The teacher should be well aware of the age psychological features of students, as well as develop pedagogical observation in order to flexibly and adequately respond to a particular situation at school.

There is a special communication technology, the techniques of which convincingly demonstrates the American scientist D. Carnegie. (Slide 20) I read a special communication technology 1. Smile! A smile enriches those who receive it, and does not impose those who give it! 2. Remember that for a person the sound of his behalf is the most important sound in human speech. As possible, please contact another person by name. 3. Let's clearly and sincerely admit good in others. 4. Be cordial in your approval and generous to praise, and people will go to your words, remember them throughout life. 5. The desire to understand the other person gives rise to cooperation.

Summing up the above, I would like to announce 12 commandments, the fulfillment of which will be favorable on the improvement of the comfort of the educational environment: (Slide 21) I read the commandments of the teacher - respect children! Protect them with love and truth. - Do no harm! Search in children is good. - Note and notic the slightest success of the student. From constant failures, children are angry. - Do not attribute the success of yourself, and guilt the student. - I was wrong - apologize, but scraping less often. Be generous, able to forgive. - At the lesson, create a situation of success. - Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances. - Hawpi in the presence of the team, and forgive alone. - Only approaching a child to himself can affect the development of his spiritual world. - Do not look for your parents for reprisals for your own helplessness in communicating with children. - Rate the act, not a person.

"Give the child to feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, a good opinion about him, despite his oversight. The teacher's profession does not tolerate the template, lagging against the requirements of time. A person who dedicated her life should have all the qualities that he wants to grow in his pupils. New person Maybe only a new person is brought up. A teacher in our society is a person from the future who came to the children in order to inspire their dream of the future, teach them to assert them in the present ideals of the future. Used Literature: 1. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", Ozhegov S.I. 2. Kuznetsova, L.V. Situation of success in class / L.V. Kuznetsova, // 3. Korenevskaya, V.A. Is everything comfortable in school? Methodical primary school. - 2003. - №4. benefit. / V.A. Korenevskaya, - Kemerovo: ed. oblast IU, 1999. - p.112. Solution: 1. At meetings of methodical associations, discuss the problem of multi-level learning, determine the possibility of ways and techniques of its implementation. (Responsible: Officers of SHUMO.) 2. CL. Dear. Suggest interviews, surveying, trainings with a group of students, weakly speaking and missing lessons. 3. Take as the basis of the behavior of the teacher and the relationship of it to the disciple the following commandments: - Respect the children! Protect them with love and truth. - Do no harm! Search in children is good. - Note and notic the slightest success of the student. From constant failures, children are angry. - Do not attribute the success of yourself, and guilt the student.

- I was wrong - apologize, but scraping less often. Be generous, able to forgive. - At the lesson, create a situation of success. - Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances. - Hawpi in the presence of the team, and forgive alone. - Only approaching a child to himself can affect the development of his spiritual world. - Do not look for your parents for reprisals for your own helplessness in communicating with children. - Rate the act, not a person. "Give the child to feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, a good opinion about him, despite his oversight. 5. In order to prevent conflict situations caused by the formulation of the teacher, each teacher comment on the marked mark, use the reception of self-assessment by students of their work, attract students to assess classmates. 6. At the beginning school year To acquaint students and their parents (at the Parent Meeting) with marking standards and knowledge control systems for each subject.

Psychological Comfort in School is an important condition

efficiency of training and education.

  1. Tasks of the pedsovet:

1. Analyze the state of the psychological climate in the lessons and identify the conditions and factors that stimulate the creation of a comfortable environment in the lesson and impede this (prior survey)

2. To form the motivation of the pedagogical team to create a comfortable environment in the lessons.

3. Develop a "commanding teachers" as the basis of the psychological and pedagogical supply of the lesson.

  1. The form of a pedsove is a productive game.

"Sage lived, who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage knows not all. Close in the palms of the butterfly, he asked: "Tell me, a sage, what a butterfly in my hands: Dead or Live?" And he thinks: "Says live - I will kill it, say dead - I will release." Sage, thinking, replied: "All in your hands."

In our hands the opportunity to create in school such an atmosphere in which children will feel "as at home", the atmosphere of psychological comfort, the atmosphere of love and adoption of students.

Psychological Comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.

  1. Entry into the topic (method "Association")

What associations do you have when you hear the word "Comfort?"

(Words should begin with the letters of this word.)

To beauty

About organic

M Mama

F fantasy

About rest

R Joy

T warm

What is comfort?

Comfort - borrowed from English, where Comfort "Support, Strengthening" ("Etymological Dictionary", N. M. Shansky).

Comfort - living conditions, stay, furnishings, providing convenience, calm and comfort. ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", S. I. Ozhegov).

Psychological comfort - living conditions under which a person feels calmly, there is no need to defend themselves.

In the developing training system L. V. Zankov, in other innovative educational systems, the principle of psychological comfort is the leading. He implies removal (if possible) of all stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating in school and at the lesson such an atmosphere that reveals children, and in which they feel "like at home."

No success in their studies will bring benefits if they are "involved" at fear of adults, suppress the identity of the child. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

Nothing will teach me

What pointed, Taldychit, beats ...

However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the development of the child and assimilate their knowledge. The physical condition of children depends on this. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, the creation of a benevolence atmosphere allows you to relieve tensions and neuroses that destroy the health of children.

If we consider the factors forming human health, then we will see that heredity determines 15-20%, health, medicine and ecology - 10-15%, and the environment - 50-55%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). At school, children and teachers are from morning to evening. And most of the time is engaged in lessons. Therefore, it is very important how much the lesson as "environment" provides a comfortable child and teacher.

Cannot be allowed in children of complexes, insecurity. The class should not be divisions on "good" and "bad", "smart" and "stupid." Each child must feel the teacher's faith in his strength. The situation of success (I can!) Forms faith in his child, teaches to overcome difficulties, helps to realize his move forward.

Teacher's task to organize a specific system of measures to create psychological comfort in the lesson. Such a system of measures we will try today to develop.

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practice teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about the individual approach to the student in the process of learning and education, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort in school.

This is declared in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the psyche of a schoolboy, his desire to learn, and in the end - for its performance.

In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 28. 2 reads: "States Parties take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained with the help of methods reflecting the respect of the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention."

Psychological safety of the educational process is a state of schoolboy's security from threats to his dignity, spiritual well-being, positive worldview and self-relation.

Obviously, psychological safety is the most important condition for the full development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of its psychological health. Psychological health, in turn, the basis of the viability of the child, who in the process of childhood and adolescence, has to be addressed by the difficult tasks of his life: to master their own body and their own behavior, to study live, work, learn and bear responsibility for themselves and others, master the system of scientific Knowledge and social skills, develop their abilities and build the image "I". This means that the modern school should seriously and truly becomes not only a place where children are taught, but also the space of their full-fledged mature, the nutrient medium of becoming successful, happy and healthy people. This is only possible in the atmosphere of spiritual comfort and a favorable social and psychological climate in an educational institution. And for this, the lesson is like educational spacemust be the territory of unconditional psychological safety.

Naturally, there are various situations that prevent psychological comfort. Students (according to psychological diagnostics conducted in September 2008) are such "interfering" factors: uncertainty in themselves, increased fatigue, slow motion, increased need for attention, increased motor activity, difficulties in switching from one activity to another. Teachers (according to statistics) the factors of discomfort are: physical and psychological labor tensions, permanent estimation by various people, a high level of responsibility, the trend of aggressive relationship from parents and students, various styles of pedagogical personnel management.

Generally speaking, sacrificing potential "critical points", several groups of factors constituting a schoolboy environment can be distinguished. It:

Psychological and pedagogical factors (teacher's personality, complexity curriculum, the child's ability to learn this program);

Social (status in class, relationships with other disciples outside the class, etc.);

Physical (school space, including environment, illumination, day mode, nutrition quality, etc.)

Turning to the works of modern psychologists and physiologists, we can allocate the so-called school factors of risk, the remaining, in the opinion of researchers, sustainable and labor-produced for many decades in all schools in the world:

· Missing methods and technologies to the age and individual possibilities of the child,

Stress tactics of pedagogical influences,

· Eranny organization of the educational process, especially mode of movement, recreation, food;

· The limit voltage of the child's mental strength in the lesson and in the process of performing homework;

· Izmatic, expanding the nervous system of children mental, emotional and physical overload;

· Pedagogical and parent "psychosis" of excellent marks;

· Formalism of software knowledge;

· The nervousness of the school situation in which heavenness reigns, tension,

· Distrust of the child, to learn to his desire, to his individuality.

It feels comfortable in school only 58% Uch-Xia, 28% - conflict with teachers.

The situation in our school is no exception. According to questionnaires of students 6 - 9 classes, a rating of comfort, as well as a table, in which the situation is presented by parallels.

Pupils noted the reasons why they feel comfortable (presentation of the results of work)

In the questionnaires, the teachers called with whom they had conflicts.

In pedagogical literature, the characteristic of the psychological climate is most fully given. Under the psychological climate of A.S. Makarenko understood: "style" and "tone", emphasizing the majority as the main feature of the normal tone of the class team. By specifying major tone, he highlighted his following signs:

  1. Friendly unity in the teacher-student system. In the internal relationship, you can criticize and punish the pupils, internships of these special forms of impact it is necessary to give tribute to each pupil, to defend it, not to hurt him, not to disappear;
  2. Manifestation of internal, confident tranquility, constant vigor, readiness for action. The presence of self-esteem for each student;
  3. The security of all members of the class team. No student should feel its withdrawal and defenselessness;
  4. Reasonable and useful activities of everyone in class;
  5. The ability to be restrained in movements, words.

However, very often our tone of communication with children, the teaching manner causes the schoolchildren to be neither confident calm and readiness for action, and the feeling of anxiety that they reflected in their questionnaires (demonstration of slides and reducing causes).

Great educational potential contains creative tasks, jobs for choosing, which enrich the structure of the lesson create favorable atmospheresuitable for personal development (slide).

Studies have shown that the position of the teacher in the lesson, the style of his behavior and communication seriously affect the climate of the lesson, the attitude of students to the teaching. The word of the teacher becomes of particular importance. More A.S. Makarenko spoke, contact teachers: "... You need to be able to say that they (students) in your Word felt your will, your culture, your personality." At the same time, he noted that this should be learn. Indeed, the mastering of the culture of the word is an integral component of teacher training, his professional formation. Our children were divided into opinion on the impact of the personality of the teacher to attract to study (slide)

A favorable climate in the lesson depends on many and many factors.

The teacher is important to remember that the psychological climate in the lesson begins to be created outside the lesson. The relationship between the teacher with students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. As a teacher refers to work, as she speaks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he is happy with the success of children and how he rejoices, as he expresses his emotional feelings, how he owns it - all this and much more influences the teacher's student and on their attitude towards him. We asked students to answer questions:

Which of the teachers makes attention to you, supports you? Results on the slide

In the answers to this question, class leaders and teachers of the Russian language and mathematics are dominated, which is very clearly visible in the table. Also in the responses are traced those objects that teaching graduation classes chose as exams on the final attestation.

Who of the teachers do you like to communicate and why? Results on the slide

In the responses to this and some other questions, the lucavism traced: the children asked several times who would see their questionnaires.

However, quite frankly schoolchildren called the items that they would like to stroll.

The reasons are largely echoing with the causes of anxiety in the lessons (studies).

Problem "In the absence of a favorable psychological climate, the school will not be able to solve the tasks set."

What can be done in conditions school lesson To preserve psychological comfort?

Be sure to take into account the physiological emotional and personal features of children, to create situations of success in the lesson, choose the most appropriate style of communication.

Consider the types of loads during the lesson.

1. Mental load (associated with energy costs for mental processes, when acquiring knowledge).

2. Static (associated with necessity for a long time Hold the forced position of the body during training sessions).

3. Dynamic (as a rule, insufficient, which leads to hypodynamics). So, the dynamic load can and need to be increased with the help of fizminuts.

Psychology teachers allocate a number of factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate:

  1. The teacher must enter the class with a good vigorous configure and be able to configure himself to a cheerful parallel with children. The teacher should generally be inherent in the desire and desire to communicate with children, communicate in a friendly form.
  2. Any emotional state, including negative, can be expressed in a delicate form.
  3. The teacher should know the age psychological peculiarities Pupils, as well as develop pedagogical observation in order to flexibly and adequately respond to one situation in the lesson.

One of the most "explosive" stages of the lesson is the regulation and correction of the behavior of students, assessing their knowledge.

  1. Unlimited encouragement or punishment cause harm. Approval, promotion will be perceived differently in different students. Psychologically, it is not important not to take a well-successful student with high self-esteem, it is important for the student itself, and for students of the class (A.V. Makarenko)
  2. Education and education should be built without punishment and okhricov (V.S.Sumlinsky.)
  3. Psychological discomfort at the teacher's lesson, and then for students, often comes from a sense of professional powerlessness pedagogical activitySo the teacher is important to improve their professional skills.
  4. Come to the office you need a little earlier than the call. Make sure everything is ready for the lesson. Strive for organized at the very beginning of the lesson.
  5. Start the lesson vigorously. Do not ask questions about who did not fulfill homework. Lesson is given so that every student from the beginning and to the end is busy business.
  6. Apply in the lesson specially designed didactic material, Use multi-level tasks that allow the student to choose the view and form of the material (verbal, graphical, conditionally symbolic).
  7. Make the student content of the material, control the tempo of the lesson, help "weak" to believe your strength. Keep in the field of view the whole class. Especially watching those who have no attention unstable. Prevent immediately attempt to disrupt the working rhythm. Refer more often with questions to those who can distract in the lesson.
  8. Motivate knowledge estimates: the disciple should be known, over what to work yet. This will teach the disciplined work. The student will be accustomed to the fact that instructions of the teacher must be fulfilled.
  9. Finish the lesson to the overall assessment of the work of the class and individual students. Let everyone experience sense of satisfaction from labor results in the lesson. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined guys, but do it not too often.
  10. Stop lesson with call. Remind the duty officer about his duties. Hold from unnecessary comments.
  11. Remember, the establishment of discipline may be the only area pedagogical practicewhere help does not benefit.
  12. Contact your disciples yourself. With violators, which class does not support easier to cope.
  13. Do not allow conflicts with a whole class, and if it originated, do not tighten it, look for reasonable ways to resolve it.
  14. Remember the words N.A. Dobrolyubova that a fair teacher is such a teacher, whose deeds are justified in the eyes of students.

Commandments of teachers

Do no harm! Search in children is good.


1. At meetings of methodical associations, discuss the problem of multi-level learning, determine the possibility of ways and techniques for its implementation. (Responsible: SMO leaders.)

2. Social teacher and a psychologist to conduct interviews, surveying, trainings with a group of the most conflict students, weakly speaking and missing lessons.

3. Take as the basis of the behavior of the teacher and the relationship of it to the student the following commandments:

- Respect the children! Protect them with love and truth.

- Do no harm! Search in children is good.

- Note and notic the slightest success of the student. From constant failures, children are angry.

- Do not attribute the success of yourself, and guilt the student.

- I was wrong - apologize, but scraping less often. Be generous, able to forgive.

- At the lesson, create a situation of success.

- Do not shout, do not insult the student under any circumstances.

- Hawpi in the presence of the team, and forgive alone.

- Only approaching a child to himself can affect the development of his spiritual world.

- Do not look for your parents for reprisals for your own helplessness in communicating with children.

- Rate the act, not a person.

"Give the child to feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, a good opinion about him, despite his oversight.

5. In order to prevent conflict situations caused by the formulation of the teacher, each teacher comment on the marked mark, use the reception of self-assessment by students of their work, attract students to assess classmates.

6. At the beginning of the school year, Introducing students and their parents (on parent Meeting) with marking standards and system for monitoring students' knowledge for each subject.

Speech at the Pedagogical Council.

Topic: Psychological Comfort in School is an important condition

efficiency of training and education.

Psychological Comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.

    Entry into the topic (method "Association")

What associations do you have when you hear the word "Comfort?"

(Words should begin with the letters of this word.)

To beauty

About organic

M Mama

F fantasy

About rest

R Joy

T warm

What is comfort?

Comfort - borrowed from English, where Comfort "Support, Strengthening" ("Etymological Dictionary", N. M. Shansky).

Comfort - living conditions, stay, furnishings, providing convenience, calm and comfort. ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", S. I. Ozhegov).

Psychological comfort - living conditions under which a person feels calmly, there is no need to defend themselves.

No success in their studies will bring benefits if they are "involved" at fear of adults, suppress the identity of the child. As the poet Boris Slutsky wrote:

Nothing will teach me

What pointed, Taldychit, beats ...

However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the development of the child and assimilate their knowledge. The physical condition of children depends on this. Adaptation to specific conditions, to a specific educational and social environment, the creation of a benevolence atmosphere allows you to relieve tensions and neuroses that destroy the health of children.

At school, children and teachers are from morning to evening. And most of the time is engaged in lessons. Therefore, it is very important how much the lesson as "environment" provides a comfortable child and teacher.

Cannot be allowed in children of complexes, insecurity. The class should not be divisions on "good" and "bad", "smart" and "stupid." Each child must feel the teacher's faith in his strength. The situation of success (I can!) Forms faith in his child, teaches to overcome difficulties, helps to realize his move forward.

Teacher's task to organize a specific system of measures to create psychological comfort in the lesson.

Currently, scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, practice teachers speak and write about the humanization of education, about the individual approach to the student in the process of learning and education, about attention to each child, about creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort in school.

This is declared in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". The presence or absence of psychological comfort affects the state of the psyche of a schoolboy, his desire to learn, and in the end - for its performance.

In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 28. 2 reads: "States Parties take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained with the help of methods reflecting the respect of the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention."

Psychological safety of the educational process is a state of schoolboy's security from threats to his dignity, spiritual well-being, positive worldview and self-relation.

Obviously, psychological safety is the most important condition for the full development of the child, the preservation and strengthening of its psychological health. Psychological health, in turn, the basis of the viability of the child, who in the process of childhood and adolescence, has to be addressed by the difficult tasks of his life: to master their own body and their own behavior, to study live, work, learn and bear responsibility for themselves and others, master the system of scientific Knowledge and social skills, develop their abilities and build the image "I". This means that the modern school should seriously and truly becomes not only a place where children are taught, but also the space of their full-fledged mature, the nutrient medium of becoming successful, happy and healthy people. This is only possible in the atmosphere of spiritual comfort and a favorable social and psychological climate in an educational institution. And for this, the lesson as an educational space should be the territory of unconditional psychological safety.

Naturally, there are various situations that prevent psychological comfort. Students with such "interfering" factors are: insecurity, increased fatigue, slow motion, increased need for attention, increased motor activity, difficulty switching from one activity to another. Teachers (according to statistics) the factors of discomfort are: physical and psychological labor tensions, permanent estimation by various people, a high level of responsibility, the trend of aggressive relationship from parents and students, various styles of pedagogical personnel management.

Generally speaking, sacrificing potential "critical points", several groups of factors constituting a schoolboy environment can be distinguished. It:

Psychological and pedagogical factors (the personality of the teacher, the complexity of the curriculum, the child's ability to learn this program);

- social (status in class, relationships with other students outside the class, etc.);

- physical (school space, including environment, illumination, day mode, nutrition quality, etc.)

Turning to the works of modern psychologists and physiologists, we can allocate the so-called school factors of risk, the remaining, in the opinion of researchers, sustainable and labor-produced for many decades in all schools in the world:

· Missing methods and technologies to the age and individual possibilities of the child,

. Stress tactics of pedagogical influences,

· Eranny organization of the educational process, especially mode of movement, recreation, food;

· The limit voltage of the child's mental strength in the lesson and in the process of performing homework;

· Izmatic, expanding the nervous system of children mental, emotional and physical overload;

· Pedagogical and parent "psychosis" of excellent marks;

· Formalism of software knowledge;

· The nervousness of the school situation in which heavenness reigns, tension,

· Distrust of the child, to learn to his desire, to his individuality.

In pedagogical literature, the characteristic of the psychological climate is most fully given. Under the psychological climate of A.S. Makarenko understood: "style" and "tone", emphasizing the majority as the main feature of the normal tone of the class team. By specifying major tone, he highlighted his following signs:

    Friendly unity in the teacher-student system. In the internal relationship, you can criticize and punish the pupils, internships of these special forms of impact it is necessary to give tribute to each pupil, to defend it, not to hurt him, not to disappear;

    Manifestation of internal, confident tranquility, constant vigor, readiness for action. The presence of self-esteem for each student;

    The security of all members of the class team. No student should feel its withdrawal and defenselessness;

    Reasonable and useful activities of everyone in class;

    The ability to be restrained in movements, words.

However, very often our tone of communication with children, the teaching manner causes the schoolchildren to be neither confident calm and readiness for action, and the feeling of anxiety that they reflected in their questionnaires (demonstration of slides and reducing causes).

A large educational potential contains creative tasks, tasks for choosing, which enrich the structure of the lesson, create a favorable environment suitable for personal development (slide).

Studies have shown that the position of the teacher in the lesson, the style of his behavior and communication seriously affect the climate of the lesson, the attitude of students to the teaching.

A favorable climate in the lesson depends on many and many factors.

The teacher is important to remember that the psychological climate in the lesson begins to be created outside the lesson. The relationship between the teacher with students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. As a teacher refers to work, as she speaks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he is happy with the success of children and how he rejoices, as he expresses his emotional feelings, how he owns it - all this and much more influences the teacher's student and on their attitude towards him. We asked students to answer questions:

- Which teachers make attention to you, supports you? Results on the slide

In the answers to this question, class leaders and teachers of the Russian language and mathematics are dominated, which is very clearly visible in the table. Also in the responses are traced those objects that teaching graduation classes chose as exams on the final attestation.

- Which teachers do you like to communicate and why? Results on the slide

In the responses to this and some other questions, the lucavism traced: the children asked several times who would see their questionnaires.

However, quite frankly schoolchildren called the items that they would like to stroll.

The reasons are largely echoing with the causes of anxiety in the lessons (studies).

What can be done in a school lesson for preserving psychological comfort?

Be sure to take into account the physiological emotional and personal features of children, to create situations of success in the lesson, choose the most appropriate style of communication.

Consider the types of loads during the lesson.

1. Mental load (associated with energy costs for mental processes, when acquiring knowledge).

2. Static (associated with the need for a long time to keep the forced position of the body during training sessions).

3. Dynamic (as a rule, insufficient, which leads to hypodynamics). So, the dynamic load can and need to be increased with the help of fizminuts.

Psychology teachers allocate a number of factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate:

    The teacher must enter the class with a good vigorous configure and be able to configure himself to a cheerful parallel with children. The teacher should generally be inherent in the desire and desire to communicate with children, communicate in a friendly form.

    Any emotional state, including negative, can be expressed in a delicate form.

    The teacher should be well known to the age psychological features of students, as well as develop pedagogical observation in order to flexibly and adequately respond to a particular situation in the lesson.

One of the most "explosive" stages of the lesson is the regulation and correction of the behavior of students, assessing their knowledge.

    Unlimited encouragement or punishment cause harm. Approval, promotion will be perceived differently in different students. Psychologically, it is not important not to take a well-successful student with high self-esteem, it is important for the student itself, and for students of the class (A.V. Makarenko)

    Education and education should be built without punishment and okhricov (V.S.Sumlinsky.)

    Psychological discomfort in the teacher's lesson, and then for students, often comes from a sense of professional powerlessness of pedagogical activities, so the teacher is important to improve their professional skills.

    Come to the office you need a little earlier than the call. Make sure everything is ready for the lesson. Strive for organized at the very beginning of the lesson.

    Start the lesson vigorously. Do not ask questions about who did not fulfill homework. Lesson is given so that every student from the beginning and to the end is busy business.

    Apply a specially developed didactic material in the lesson, use multi-level tasks that allow the student to choose the view and shape of the material (verbal, graphical, conditionally symbolic).

    Make the student content of the material, control the tempo of the lesson, help "weak" to believe your strength. Keep in the field of view the whole class. Especially watching those who have no attention unstable. Prevent immediately attempt to disrupt the working rhythm. Refer more often with questions to those who can distract in the lesson.

    Motivate knowledge estimates: the disciple should be known, over what to work yet. This will teach the disciplined work. The student will be accustomed to the fact that instructions of the teacher must be fulfilled.

    Finish the lesson to the overall assessment of the work of the class and individual students. Let everyone experience sense of satisfaction from labor results in the lesson. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined guys, but do it not too often.

    Stop lesson with call. Remind the duty officer about his duties. Hold from unnecessary comments.

    Remember, the establishment of discipline may be the only region of pedagogical practice, where help does not benefit.

    Contact your disciples yourself. With violators, which class does not support easier to cope.

    Do not allow conflicts with a whole class, and if it originated, do not tighten it, look for reasonable ways to resolve it.

    Remember the words N.A. Dobrolyubova that a fair teacher is such a teacher, whose deeds are justified in the eyes of students.

Commandments of teachers

Respect children! Protect them with love and truth.

Do no harm! Search in children is good.

Notes and notic the slightest success of the student. From constant failures, children are angry.

Do not attribute the success of yourself, and guilt the student.

I was wrong - apologize, but scraping less often. Be generous, able to forgive.

At the lesson, create a situation of success.

Do not shout, do not insult the student under no circumstances.

Hawk in the presence of the team, but for goodbye alone.

Only approaching a child to himself can influence the development of his spiritual world.

Do not look in the face of parents to reproduce your own helplessness in communicating with children.

Rate the act, not a person.

Give the child to feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, a good opinion about him, despite his oversight.

1 Slide Psychological Comfort at School - Important Condition

efficiency of training and education.

2 Slide

    Tasks of the pedsovet:

1. Analyze the state of the psychological climate in the lessons and identify the conditions and factors that stimulate the creation of a comfortable environment in the lesson and impede this (prior survey)

2. To form the motivation of the pedagogical team to create a comfortable environment in the lessons.

3. Develop a "commanding teachers" as the basis of the psychological and pedagogical supply of the lesson.

    The form of a pedsove is a productive game.

I lived a sage, who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage knows not all. Close in the palms of the butterfly, he asked: "Tell me, a sage, what a butterfly in my hands: Dead or Live?" And he thinks: "Says live - I will kill it, say dead - I will release." Sage, thinking, replied: "All in your hands."

In our hands the opportunity to create in school such an atmosphere in which children will feel "as at home", the atmosphere of psychological comfort, the atmosphere of love and adoption of students.

Psychological Comfort at school is an important condition for the effectiveness of training and education.

    Entry into the topic (method "Association")

3 Slide

What associations do you have when you hear the word "Comfort?"

(Words should begin with the letters of this word.)

To beauty

About organic

M Mama

F fantasy

About rest

R Joy

T warm

Slide 4. What is comfort?

Comfort - borrowed from English, where Comfort "Support, Strengthening" ("Etymological Dictionary", N. M. Shansky).

Comfort - living conditions, stay, furnishings, providing convenience, calm and comfort. ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", S. I. Ozhegov).

Psychological comfort - living conditions under which a person feels calmly, there is no need to defend themselves.

Slide 5. If we consider the factors forming human health, then we will see that heredity determines 15-20%, health, medicine and ecology - 10-15%, and the environment - 50-55%. What is included in the concept of "environment"? First of all, it is society (friends, school, etc.). At school, children and teachers are from morning to evening. And most of the time is engaged in lessons. Therefore, it is very important how much the lesson as "environment" provides a comfortable child and teacher.

Slide 6.

Psychological safety of the educational process is a state of schoolboy's security from threats to his dignity, spiritual well-being, positive worldview and self-relation.

A favorable climate in the lesson depends on many and many factors.

The teacher is important to remember that the psychological climate in the lesson begins to be created outside the lesson. The relationship between the teacher with students is the most important condition for the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. As a teacher belongs to work, as she speaks with children, with parents, other teachers, whether he is happy with the success of children and how he rejoices, as he expresses his emotional feelings, as he owns it - all this and much more has the impact of teacher N accounting and on their attitude to it.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

With the help of class managers, psychological comfort was monitored in our school. The survey was attended by 254 students of the middle and senior link. What is 47, 4% of the total number of students.

Let's consider the results of the survey in diagrams.

The first scale is a common psychological comfort at school.

Favorable level:

Permissible level:

Unfavorable level:

Slide 10. The second scale is a psychological climate when communicating with a dryer.

Favorable level:

permissible level:

unfavorable level:

Slide 11. . Causes of psychological discomfort:

    Overload learning activities;

    not developed relationships with peers;

    a period of a teenage crisis;

    excessive criticism;

    inattention teachers and parents to the experiences of children;


One of the main reasons for psychological discomfort can be conflicts.

Slide 12. What is conflict?

    "The conflict is the fear of at least one hand that its interests violates, infringes, ignores the other side."Ulyam Lincoln.

    "From love to hatred one step, from hatred to love - kilometers of steps."


    "We have every case to pass five stages: noise, confusion, the search for the guilty, the punishment of innocent and awarding not involved."

Idea Parkinson

Slide 13. Feelings that are experiencing a person during conflict:





Slide 14. Causes of conflicts.


    cheating, gossip



    hostility to favorite teacher students

    personal dislike

    sympathy without reciprocity

    fight for the girl (boy)

slide 15.

2. Teacher's student:

    lack of unity in teacher requirements

    excessive amounts of disciple

    the impermanence of teacher's claims

    failure to comply with the requirements of the teacher

    the student considers himself undervalued

    the teacher cannot reconcile with the lack of student

    personal qualities of the teacher or student (irritability, helplessness, rudeness)

slide 16.

Methods of exiting conflicts.

    To exit conflict, you can:

    Give out our feelings, warning about others;

    Put yourself in place of another person;

    Realize the right to exist another point of view;

    To be solid, speaking about the problem, and soft with people.

Let's look at how you can improve the psychological climate in the classroom and school.

    Organization of common collective work, joint experiences: collective congratulations, expression of sincere sympathy in the days of failure;

    Joint trips, excursions.

    The correct signal of your benevolence is a kind smile, a friend.

    Take into account the individual characteristics of the schoolchildren, its condition is at the moment.

    Hello to listen to the student, especially in minutes of intense, nervous state.

    Do not exclude the possibility of what you may be wrong.

Slide 17.

The climate is called favorable if the atmosphere of benevolence reigns in the classroom, care for each, trust and demanding; If students are ready to work, creativity show and reach high quality, working without control and bear responsibility for business; If each is protected in the class, it feels the involvement of everything that happens and actively comes into communication. The head in this case is not a source of threat, the attitude towards it is established, as a member of the team, adopted the right to make significant solutions for the class.

Each child in a class with a favorable climate is confident, because he feels accepted, knows his advantages, is free to express his own opinion. The prevailing mood can be determined by the Major Music.

In a clave with a favorable climate, attitudes are such that, having committed a mistake, the person does not cease to feel the adopted, meaningful to others. Pupils are not afraid to express themselves, they are not afraid to ask a question to the teacher, are not afraid to be ridiculous in case of an error, in such a team, a value attitude towards business, truth, man is formed.

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