Chinese scientists are the first in the world teleported a particle from the ground into orbit. The Chinese were the first to demonstrate teleportation on the near-earth orbit that the Chinese teleported

In China and Canada successfully passed experiments on quantum teleportation

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In China and Canada, experiments were successfully held on quantum teleportation at a distance of more than eight kilometers. These experiments in the conditions of the city were conducted independently of the scientists of the two countries.

According to South China Morning POST, previously such experiments were performed only in laboratory conditions. Quantum teleportation is the transmission to the distance of the quantum state of the substance, which at the point of shipment is destroyed, and then recreated at the point of reception without the direct transmission of the particle itself.

A group of researchers from the University of Science and Technologies of China carried out teleportation of photons to a distance of 12.5 km in Hefei (East-China Anhui Province). For this, ordinary fiber optic networks were used.

Canadian scientists conducted a similar experiment in the city of Calgary (South-West Alberta Province) at a distance of 8.2 km.

Specialists of the two countries used different approaches. The Chinese on their channel teleported only two photons per hour, but with higher reliability. Canadians were able to transfer to 17 particles per minute, but their technology is less accuracy and the presence of a number of restrictions for use in practice.

Last year, American scientists managed to send a photon for a distance of more than 100 km, but only within the laboratory - the fiber-optic cable wounded there, passes

Moscow, 12 Jul - RIA Novosti. Physicists from Shanghai declared the successful holding of the first "space" quantum teleportation, crossing information about the state of the particle from the Satellite Satellite "Mo Tzu" to the Station of tracking on Earth, the article stated in the article posted in electronic library

"We declare the first quantum teleportation of single photons from the observatory on the ground to the satellite on the near-earth orbit, removed from it by 1400 kilometers. Successful implementation This task opens the road to a long-distance teleportation and is the first step towards creating a quantum Internet, "the Jian-Wei Pan is written (Jian-Wei Pan) from the University of Shanghai and his colleagues.

The quantum confusion phenomenon is the basis of modern quantum technologies. This phenomenon, in particular, plays an important role in the systems of protected quantum communication - such systems completely exclude the possibility of an inconspicuous "wiretap" due to the fact that the laws quantum mechanics Prohibited the "cloning" of the state of light particles. Currently, quantum communication systems are actively developed in Europe, China, in the United States.

Per last years Scientists from Russia and foreign countries Created dozens of quantum communication systems, whose nodes can exchange data on enough large distancesconstituting about 200-300 kilometers. All attempts to expand these networks to international and intercontinental levels have encountered insurmountable difficulties associated with how light fuses when moving through fiber.

For this reason, many teams of scientists thought about the transfer of quantum communication systems to the "cosmic" level, exchanging information through a satellite, allowing to restore or strengthen the "invisible communication" between confusing photons. The first spacecraft of this kind is already present in orbit - it is the Chinese satellite "Mo Tzu", bred in space in August 2016.

This week, Pan and his colleagues told about the first successful experiments on quantum teleportation conducted on board "Mo-Dzi" and at a link in the town of Ngari on Tibet, built at a height of four kilometers to exchange information with the first quantum satellite.

Quantum teleportation was first described on theoretical level in 1993 by a group of physicists under the leadership of Charles Benetta. In their idea, atoms or photons can exchange information at any distance in the event that they were "confused" on the quantum level.

To implement this process, a conventional communication channel is required, without which we cannot read the condition of confusing particles, which is why such a "teleportation" cannot be used to transmit data to astronomical distances. Despite such a limitation, quantum teleportation is extremely interesting to physicists and engineers for the reason that it can be used to transfer data in quantum computers and for data encryption.

Guided by this idea, scientists have confused two pairs of photons in the laboratory in Ngari, and passed one of the four "matted" particles on the side of the "Mo-DzI" with a laser. The satellite simultaneously measured the state and of this particle, and another photon, which at that moment was on board, with the result that information about the properties of the second particle instantly "teleported" to the ground, changing how "ground" photon, confused with the first Particle.

In total, as Chinese physicists tell, they managed to "confirm" and teleport over 900 photons, which confirmed the correctness of the work of "Mo-DzI" and proved that the bilateral "orbital" quantum teleportation is possible in principle. Similarly, as scientists noted, not only photons, but also qubits, cells of the memory of a quantum computer, and other objects of the quantum world can be transmitted.

Numerous blockbusters of recent years, most of its comic books, are firmly introduced into consciousness modern man The image of the superhero. Superhero is most often the usual way to a person who has supernatural abilities and is often forced because of this to conduct a secretive lifestyle. These films are so popular, colorful and numerous that for some people the concept of "superhero" becomes ordinary. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality of such heroes visits people increasingly - therefore, such plots appear and are very popular as teleportation in China.

Superman on the roadway

In the fall of 2012, a video was one of the main hits of the World Web, which was allegedly recorded not just the teleportation of a person, but a very dramatic teleportation of two people at once. A roller has a duration on a video flashth of Youtube and looks like shooting a street surveillance camera. Event time, judging by the timing in the upper left corner - immediately after midnight May 9, 2012. The place of events is one of China's urban or country crossings. Main acting persons three. First - truck driver with van white color, the second is a cyclist. The third is a mysterious stranger, whose faces are not visible due to a wide hood. According to the physique, this obviously young man can be both boys and a girl.

Events on video are unfolded as follows. After several cars driving in the background, a truck appears, gradually gaining speed. As it approaches the darkened area, a cyclist appears on the left side of the sideways. The trajectories and speed of the truck and the cyclist are such that the collision seems inevitable, and the consequences for the driver of a more light vehicle promise to be fatal. But here in the right darkened screen area there is some kind of movement: the rapid blurry silhouette is approaching the place of the encountered collision. At the last moment, the silhouette is delineating clearly and the viewer sees a man who grabs a cyclist almost under the most wheel wheels. After that, a stranger, a cyclist and bicycle literally disappear, and the truck begins to brake. The car has not yet completely stopped, as in the far right side of the screen, just on the illuminated part of the road, a group of two people and a bicycle appear. The stranger releases the saved, while his hands shine brightly. He pounces a hood on his head and hastily leaves the road. At this time, a clearly shocked cyclist sits down to the border, the driver of the truck was sent to him, who did not find anything on the carriageway.

Cheat easily those who are deceiving happy

The teleportation of a person in China, the more fixed on video and in addition at such cinematographic circumstances, very quickly became known and gained millions of views on video hosting. Reliable discussions began immediately on whether the video is real or this is a draw of some specialists in visual special effects. It is curious that supporters of the reality observed at the shooting of teleportation were quite a lot. There were even peculiar "fan fictions" - they began to come up with plots designed to create the history of the superhero girl (the female of the character appeared to most audiences more intriguing and impressive), to reveal the reasons that encourage her to hide their super supporting and the like.

But the critics and skeptics found a lot and they decomposed a video literally on the bones. A lot of rational arguments were given in favor of the fact that the plot is staged, explicit traces of the use of software for the transformation of the video material, and also has obvious logical flaws. First of all, the very occurrence of a potentially deadly accidental accident was alarmed: against the usual, a truck when approaching the intersection began not to reduce, but to gain the speed, as if creating conditions for the dramatic scene. Also suspiciously suspected a cyclist: he was surprisingly calmly rode right under the wheels, without changing the speed and not even turning the head when crossing the main roadwhere he must give up the priority of movement. Not everything is in order and with a truck driver - on frames it is clearly seen that the person who got out of the cockpit is dressed in a bright white t-shirt or shirt. But in a fairly well-lit cabin during braking, not only anything light is not visible, there is no driver there.

As for a mysterious person with the ability to teleport itself and teleporting others, he is also not so "clean." First, explicit traces of the video editing has its "energy trail" during a superfast jerk on the road. His silhouette at the time of the cyclist's grabbing is very clear, while the blurred silhouette of his movement is still preserved. Secondly, the choice of the end point of teleportation looks very strange. Laws of geometry, physics and simply logic says that the easiest and natural would be the movement of a saved cyclist along the movement of a stranger - that is, in the left side of the screen, away from the road. But teleportation It happens with a reverse vector, to the right - it turns out that a stranger during teleportation made a sort of loop, which does not have explanations. Secondly, there is a vague doubt that the appearance of teleport-carrying two people and a bicycle on the right side of the road is explained, so to speak, a scenic necessity. It is this part that is the most illuminated in the whole stage, so to achieve the greatest drama, to observe the shock state of the saved, luminous hands of the Savior and his removal in the darkness it is best suited. The combination of all these observations and reasoning leads to the conclusion that this teleportation is rather creative, but after all the hoax.

Alexander Babitsky

A video appeared on the Internet, allegedly shot by a camera outdoor surveillance on one of the city streets in China. A unusual incident is captured on the video, which, if judge by date on the video, occurred at midnight May 9, 2012.

The video is clearly seen how a truck is rapidly approaching the rebuilding road. It would seem that the collision is inevitable, but unexpectedly bike together with the cyclist miraculously disappear and appear on the other side of the street.

On a slow motion can be seen as on high speed A man runs up to the bike, grabs it and miraculously teleported to another end of the road. The driver of the truck in the meantime runs out of the car and looks under the truck, but notes that the bike along with his owner is standing on the safe side of the street. At the same time, "Teleport man" leaves the scene.

Roller scored about 1 million viewing on YouTube. Of course, most users are confident that video is a fake or viral advertising to the second part of the popular film "Teleport". However, there were those who consider this incident to real. Many of them suggested that "teleport man" or a new one, or a time traveler.

Moscow, 12 Jul - RIA Novosti. Physicists from Shanghai declared the successful holding of the first "space" quantum teleportation, crouching information on the state of the particle from the Mo Tzu quantum satellite to the land tracking station, the article stated in the electronic library

"We declare the first quantum teleportation of single photons from the Observatory on the Earth on the satellite on an near-earth orbit, removed from it by 1400 kilometers. The successful implementation of this task opens the road to a long-distance teleportation and is the first step towards creating a quantum Internet," Jianps write -Wey Pan (Jian-Wei Pan) from the University of Shanghai and his colleagues.

The phenomenon of quantum intricacy is the basis of modern quantum technologies. This phenomenon, in particular, plays an important role in protected quantum communication systems - such systems completely exclude the possibility of an inconspicuous "wiretapping" due to the fact that the laws of quantum mechanics prohibit the "cloning" of the state of light particles. Currently, quantum communication systems are actively developed in Europe, China, in the United States.

In recent years, scientists from Russia and foreign countries have created dozens of quantum communication systems, whose nodes can exchange data at sufficiently large distances constituting about 200-300 kilometers. All attempts to expand these networks to international and intercontinental levels have encountered insurmountable difficulties associated with how light fuses when moving through fiber.

For this reason, many teams of scientists thought about the transfer of quantum communication systems to the "cosmic" level, exchanging information through a satellite, allowing to restore or strengthen the "invisible communication" between confusing photons. The first spacecraft of this kind is already present in orbit - it is the Chinese satellite "Mo Tzu", bred in space in August 2016.

This week, Pan and his colleagues told about the first successful experiments on quantum teleportation conducted on board "Mo-Dzi" and at a link in the town of Ngari on Tibet, built at a height of four kilometers to exchange information with the first quantum satellite.

Quantum teleportation was first described on theoretical level in 1993 by a group of physicists under the leadership of Charles Benetta. In their idea, atoms or photons can exchange information at any distance in the event that they were "confused" on the quantum level.

To implement this process, a conventional communication channel is required, without which we cannot read the condition of confusing particles, which is why such a "teleportation" cannot be used to transmit data to astronomical distances. Despite such a limitation, quantum teleportation is extremely interesting to physicists and engineers for the reason that it can be used to transfer data in quantum computers and for data encryption.

Guided by this idea, scientists have confused two pairs of photons in the laboratory in Ngari, and passed one of the four "matted" particles on the side of the "Mo-DzI" with a laser. The satellite simultaneously measured the state and of this particle, and another photon, which at that moment was on board, with the result that information about the properties of the second particle instantly "teleported" to the ground, changing how "ground" photon, confused with the first Particle.

In total, as Chinese physicists tell, they managed to "confirm" and teleport over 900 photons, which confirmed the correctness of the work of "Mo-DzI" and proved that the bilateral "orbital" quantum teleportation is possible in principle. Similarly, as scientists noted, not only photons, but also qubits, cells of the memory of a quantum computer, and other objects of the quantum world can be transmitted.

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