How to build railways. Transsib: How to build the main railway Eurasia (11 photos)


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Decide, the railway network of which length you want to build. The length of the network is not limited, but you need to approximate how many blocks it will take and how many rails will go.

  • Try to go from the intended start of the railway until its end. This will help you plan the route, and also find out what obstacles are on the way.

Remember the components of the railway. To build a railway network, you will need four main elements:

  • Trolley - means of movement on rails.
  • Rails - Ordinary rails for which the trolley moves.
  • Electric rails - Rails, which are activated by a red stone and accelerate the trolley (or do not give it to slow down). If the electric rails are not activated with a red stone, they will slow down (and ultimately stop) the trolley.
  • Red torches - Power supply for every 14 electric rails. Such torches are not needed for ordinary rails.
  • Collect the necessary resources. To create a railway network, you will need the following items:

    • Iron bars - Every 16 rails can be screaming out of six iron bars. The trolley is made of five iron bars. To get iron bars, overpow the iron ore in the furnace.
    • Sticks - For every 16 rails, one stick will take. Also need one stick to scream one lever and one red torch. To get four sticks, add two boards (one above the other) to the workbench.
    • Gold bars - Used to create electric rails. For every six such rails will leave six gold bars. To get one gold ingot, overcome the golden ore in the oven.
    • Red stone - Get the red stone with iron picka (or better).
    • Cobblestone - To create one lever, you will need one cobblestone.
  • Open the workbench. To do this, put it on the ground and right-click.

    Create a trolley. Add one by one iron ingot to the upper left, upper right, middle left, central and middle right workbench, and then drag the created trolley into your inventory.

  • Scratch the rails. Add one iron slope into all the slots of the left and right columns of the workbench, add one stick to the central slot, and then drag the rails to your inventory ..

    • It turns out 16 rails; If you need to create more rails, increase the ingredients for crafting accordingly.
    • On the console, go to the "Red Stone and Transport" tab, select the "Rails" option and click "A" or "X" until you create enough rails.
  • Scratch electric rails. Such rails need significantly fewer normal. Add one by one gold ingot in each slot of the left and right table of workbench, add one stick to the central slot, and then add one red stone into the lower middle slot. Now drag electrical rails to your inventory.

    • So you scratch 6 electrical rails; If you need to create more such railings, accordingly increase the ingredients for the crafting.
    • On the console, go to the "Red Stone and Transport" tab, select the "Rails" option, scroll down to the "Electric Rails" option and press "A" or "X" until the rails are enough.

  • On October 5, the Transsiberian Railway Railway Mainer was noted - the longest on the planet. Its length is 9288.2 km. The initial point of Trans-Siberian - the Yaroslavl station of Moscow, and the destination - Vladivostok station. It was built 25 years old, the road passes through 8 time zones, through Europe and Asia, 11 regions, 5 edges, two republics and one autonomous region, 88 cities, crosses 16 major rivers. In this review, the history of the Millennium Road.

    On March 30, 1891, the head of the Russian state was issued a decree on the start of construction of the path through the entire territory of Siberia. The State Committee created on its basis issued a resolution in which she approved such an important task and welcomed the use of domestic labor and material resources for the Great Business.

    The first stage of construction

    In May of the same year, a solemn laying of the first stone took place, in which the future Russian emperor Nicholas was directly involved. The creation of the Trans-Siberian Road began in very difficult conditions. On all over the way there was a century-old taiga, and near Baikal builders waited for rocks. To lay the sleepers, had to blow up and create a mound.

    The state of the sovereign to life was needed huge cash. The initial estimate was designed for 350 million rubles. If we take into account the difference in the weight of the modern Russian currency and the full-fledged Golden Ruble, the project will seem very expensive. For decreasing financial costs Darm working force attracted to construction: soldiers and religion. At the peak of construction in the works, 89 thousand people were involved.

    Unusual pace

    The railway line was laid with an unprecedented speed at the time. For 12 years, the builders managed to create 7.5 thousand kilometers of first-class paths, although in the past period they had to overcome many difficulties. These paces did not work in any country.

    For laying sleepers and rails used the most primitive mechanisms and tools: manual cars, shovels, axes and saws. Every year about 600 km of the road was laid. Workers worked not to twist the hands, sometimes until a complete decline of forces. The harsh conditions of Siberia negatively influenced health, and many builders graduated from life during operation.

    Engineering frames

    During construction, many famous engineers at the time participated in the project. Among them is very popular, Oesty Vyazemsky, who was worthy of a large plot in the Ussuri Taiga. The Vyazemskaya station was named precisely in his honor and today keeps the name of the great Russian specialist. The connection of the railway routes of Novosibirsk with Chelyabinsk was engaged in another construction specialist - Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky. It is more famous today for descendants in his literary works.

    His part of the road engineer finished in 1896. The plot between Irkutsk and Ory was built by Nikolai Messenino. Today he is known as the medium-grained road. The design and construction of the bridge across Ob was engaged in Nikolay Belelyubsky. He was an expert and expert in mechanics and creating engines. Work on the laying of the medium-grained line of the highway ended in 1899.

    Alexander Liverovsky was engaged in the Krugobyaikal region of the road. Construction took place in very difficult natural conditions. Ussuriysk city connected with Grodekovo railway rinsing in 1901. Due to the successful end of the Plot, Vladivostok received a constant convenient connection with the center of the country. European goods and passengers got a faster and convenient way to the Pacific Ocean.

    Expansion of the project

    Construction of a new way from the central regions of Russia on Far East Created economic prerequisites for further growth of the regional economy. The expensive project began to give and practical benefit. Some problems brought war with Japan. At this time, the cargo-passenger flux on the railway decreased many times due to restrictions on several sites.

    The highway could pass only 13 compositions per day, which was too small for the national economy and the army. The Council of Ministers on June 3, 1907 decided to expand the Trans-Siberian Highway. To do this, it was necessary to pave an extra rut. The construction of the construction was handed over to Alexander Liveurovsky. Already by the beginning of 1909, the road has doubled its bandwidth.

    The leadership of the country decided that one of the main negative factors that had an impact on the course and the result of the war with Japan was poor transport links between Vladivostok and the European part of the country. Among the particularly important tasks, the government allocated expansion of the railway network. After the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the creation of minusinsk-Achinsky and Amur sections of the highway began. The total length of the path amounted to almost 2 thousand km.

    Ending construction

    The project approached its completion in 1916. Railway track connected Chelyabinsk with the quiet ocean. At the same time ended the construction of the bridge across the Amur and the Amur highway. For ease of operation, all the way was divided into four sections. Rail transportations grew every year and reached the figures to 3.2 million passengers by 1912. Significantly increased and cargo transportation. The highway began to give a large income of the country.

    Restoration after destruction

    Huge damage caused highways first world War. Many kilometers of paths were destroyed, bridges and office structures were strongly injured. Even the famous bridge over Cupid became a victim of the revolution and was injured. The new power understood the whole importance of the railway communication and already in 1924-1925 engaged in the restoration of the highway. Passed reconstruction and railway bridge over Cupid. In 1925, Transsib became fully functional.

    Next year will be 110 years since the founding of rail transport in Kazakhstan. On the eve of this date, together with JSC "National Company Kazakstan Temir Zholy", we decided to tell you about how the construction of the Kazakhstan railway began. In no case we do not apply for the fact that it will be the chronicle of the history of the railway, for this historians still have to write sweaturated volumes. We will show you interesting photos and tell a few curious stories.

    1. In historical documents there are several versions about when and where the first rails of the TransCibirsk highway were laid. For one of them, the first railway in the Turkestan region was built in 1880-1881. She was called Custinian and tied the ports of the Caspian Sea with Kizyl-Arvat. On the other, the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding the railway for communicating Turkestan and Siberia originated in 1886. On October 15, 1896, the City Council of the city of the faithful decided to create a commission to determine the benefits from the construction of railway tracks. Apparently, all these versions do not exclude each other, but rather complement. Events deployed in one decade end XIX. century almost simultaneously in different directions of the Turkestan region.

    2. In the photo railway excavation, the beginning of the XX century.

    Officially, the framework of the founding of railway transport in Kazakhstan is considered to be 1904. It was then that the construction of the Railway Orenburg - Tashkent is 1668 km. Along the railway line grew the city and industrial centers: Aktyubinsk, Uralsk, Turkestan, Kzyl-Horde, Aralsk and others.

    9. In 1917, in the midst of the First World War, the Altai Railway was commissioned. Destination: Novo-Nikolaevsk - Semipalatinsk. On October 21, 1915, the Semirechensky railway was launched from Station Aryc to Alma-Ata. The events of the October Revolution stopped its construction. And only in 1921, the railway line came to the city of Auluty-Atu, to today's Taraz.

    In the archive of Berran Rubinstein, 33 with an excess year who headed the Kustanai Road Department, there is one photocopy of a unique picture. The bridge, on it five steam locomotives. And under the bridge there are people. This is how Bertrand Josephovych comments on this photo:

    - So then passed bridges into operation. Under the bridge there were builders and designers who were their own lives guaranteed the high reliability of the structure. As it turns out today, built on the century. What were the train then? Toy rail and five trailers.

    12. There is a copy of no less interesting documents in the Rubinstein archive, which testifies to those old times. For example, stations in Troitsk and Kustana should have had iconostasis, all other stations - icons. Oak sofas and chairs. Be sure to have boiling water for passengers.

    13. In August of this year, Berran Rubinstein turned 90 years. In the former building of the Almaty Railway, two friends of Berran Josefovich, labor veterans, deserved railway workers Baissen Shermakov and Caltai Sambetov, compose a congratulatory speech and telegram.

    14. - He has some memory, "says Caltai Sambetov. - Everything remembers the smallest details. And in general, it is a legend person and encyclopedia at the same time. We have long been friends with him, I'm going to him in Kostanay on the anniversary.

    Confirming his words about the memory of a friend, Caltai Sambetovich shows one of the articles of the Kustanai newspaper, in which Rubinstein shares another curious information.

    Three years before the October Revolution under the construction of the Troitsk Railway - Kostanay, a 4.5 percent bond-guaranteed bond loan for 29 million rubles were released for 29 million rubles. The construction of the Russian-Asian Bank, the Russian Commercial and Industrial Bank, as well as the London Banker's House "KRISP", was financed. Custanai merchants who have long dreamed of getting a railway exit to the Urals have been deposited its cash deposits.

    The newspaper "Kustanay Steppe" in April 1914 wrote: "With the railway line to the Kostan, our steppe market will inevitably be involved in the whirlpool of world trade, and its conditions will not change, but also the capacity will increase. 151 The top of the steel path was laid in just 8 months. Including the bridge over the Toguzak river. Moreover, builders strictly met in the estimate of 8843 thousand rubles. "

    15. The world's world war and revolution prevented involvement in the global trade whirlpool. New times came, and the Soviet government took up for the construction of the road. In the first years after the revolution in Kazakhstan, over 875 km of railway tracks were built, this is more than a third of the total length of the pre-revolutionary network. However, this was not enough. The development of the region required the construction of a large railway connecting Siberia with Central Asia. First of all, it was necessary to build a line from Semipalatinsk to Lugovoy - Turkestan-Siberian Railway.

    On December 3, 1926, the Soviet and Defense Council of the USSR decided to deploy the construction of Turksiba: "Of all the proposed capital works of the Union-Union Value are considered necessary in the current year (at that time, the business year began on October 1) to begin implementation in the five-year term of the construction of the Semirechen Railway Based on the need to connect the Pishpecus with the Siberian Master in Semipalatinsk. "

    16. Hairdresser at Moyun-Kum Station Turkestan-Siberian Road.

    In 1926, the construction of the railway began, which was supposed to connect Siberia and Central Asia. The construction of Turksiba met in the first five years.

    This is what Tourshika is talking about the founders of the Kazakhstan railway road Kudibergen Dussenovich Kobzhasarov:

    - I was born in 1928 in Aule №23 of the Zharmin district of the Semipalatinsk region. People constantly died of hunger, and if it were not for the construction of the railway, there would not be us. In Turxib, they gave bread and clothes, and it was the most important thing! At first there was a father, and then the rest of the relatives. Labor was heavy, exhausting, always wanted to eat. Ultimately, thanks to the railway, we not only survived, but also went to people.

    17. Laying paths at Toursxib, 1927.

    1,542 kilometers of rail rut. In the fall of 1927, the first links of the route from Semipalatinsk and meadow were laid.

    18. Builders at Turksib, 1928.

    In 1928, 17 caterpillar excavators purchased over the border of 17 caterpillar excavators first appeared at TURSIBE, narrow-skinned diesel locomotives, dump trucks, mobile compressors, perforators. Until this time, all the work was carried out practically manually.

    In modern dictionaries, such a word, like "Grabar", no longer exists. And once it was a profession. And people engaged in her, among the workers were considered a special casch. They arrived at the construction of Turksiba from the Urals with their own carts and horses. Manual Grabari prepared mounds, which then stacked the rails.

    21. Dugout on Chokpar after Buran, 1928.

    Alexander Ivanovich Lapshin arrived at the construction of Turksiba in 1928 from the Ural city of Nevyanovsk. This is what he recalls the construction of embankments and recesses between the stations of May-Tube and Aina-Bulak: "We worked a little south of the future station of Aina Bulak, in a hilly salt mackel-deserted steppe. Nowhere neither the tree, nor busta, even bladeing! Only rare knob. Above all yellow wavy sea to the horizon - nothing ... Laying was carried out. At the very end of the laid path, a traveling trailer was served with sweats. There were special ticks with long handles and sharp spikes instead of the "lips" on the swaps. The four pairs of stackers were taken into the hands of the ticks, each couple captured the sleeper for the ends, dragged her ahead and threw it one from the north end to the southern future link. After removing the latter two two sleepers, other workers rolled up the empty trailer back and drove two rails on it. The stackers at this time aligned the sleepers on the earth canvas and laid down the lining. Now the trailer has been served with a pair of rails and four Relsonos. Stackers, again in pairwise standing on the right and to the left of the trailer, took the ends of the Relsonos, captured by them the right rail, carried him (all of the eight - in the leg!) And put on the sleepers, returned and put the left rail. The trailer hijacked to the train behind the new portion of the sleeper, and the stackers after leveling the rails on the template - four sewed the rails crutches and four were put on the lining. After that, everything was repeated again. We looked amazeled on this rhythmic and exceptionally coherent, clear work. Especially everyone was struck that sleepers and rails carried a fast step (almost running) and in the leg, and back returned to run and also in the leg! On the entire cycle of work on laying 12.5 meters the path was spent less than 2.5 minutes. As long as our mouths are glanced from surprise, while they exchanged admired interjections, the stackers went further, and soon the train was arrived in their place by stacked material and platforms ... ". And such a method was laid a highway with a length of 1445 kilometers. Despite the fact that the laying was carried out manually, the speed was for that time fantastically high - 1.5 km per day, and on some days they were stacked 4 km ( newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", Article "How Tourxib was built").

    24. The Turksiba Bow occurred on April 21, 1930, 8 months earlier than the planned period. This is how the Gudok newspaper wrote about this: "On April 24, at 22 o'clock, the gym of the last farm of the bridge through Kschi-Vizh is finished. The work continued all night. Laying bridge bars began with dawn. After an hour, the bridge canvas was ready. The moment of the bow arrived. " On April 28, 1930, at noon, the first silver crutch was clogged at the location of the rails at the Aina Bulak station. The docking has accomplished 8 months earlier than the scheduled period.
    Turksib became the first line in the region around which industrial and agricultural enterprises arose. The length of the adjoins to the legendary highway three times exceeded its own length. If in 1922 in Kazakhstan, the railway network consisted of only 2.73 thousand km, already in 1982 the length of the public railways in the republic exceeded 14 thousand km.

    25. Delivery of German tanks on melting.

    During the Great Patriotic War The construction of railway highways continued, only now everything was subordinated to the connection with the front. Road Guriev - Kandaugh - Orsk (1936-1944) related Emba oil and the Urals. Akmolinsk - Kartaly line (1939-1943) provided an effective delivery of coal from Karaganda to the South Urals. Plots of Koksa - Tekeli - Taldykurgan and Atasu - Caulded were built. The length of Kazakhstani roads during this period reached 10 thousand km.

    26. In 1950 Trans-Siberian Magistral Connected from Turkestan-Siberian, and the first meridian line was formed, which passed through the entire territory of the republic, - the Transcazakhstan railway line (Petropavlovsk - Kokchetav - Akmolinsk - Karaganda - Chu). In the same period there was an intensive construction of railways in the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan. In 1955-1961, Esil - Arkalyk (224 km) was established, in 1959 - Kustanai - Tobol, in 1960 - Tobol - Jreaturgara. In the 1950s, the density of the railway network of Kazakhstan increased twice. In the 1960s, the plots of Makat - Mangyshlak and Mangyshlak are laid - Usensen (total length of almost 900 km). In 1964, the first part of the path in Kazakhstan was electrified (Colenograd - Karaganda). From this, the active electrification of Kazakhstan railways began.

    27. Solemn moment of opening of the Railway Most of Moints - Chu, 1953.

    For the first time in the practice of railway construction, the construction of the highway conducted on a predetermined plan. Works went at the same time from the north and the south to meet each other - from Semipalatinsk and from meadow. Tourxiba's highly conducted highlights carried out to significantly reduce both the length of the track and the cost of its construction. So, thanks to the surveys, the length of the track near Lake Balkhash decreased by 78 kilometers. 6.5 million rubles were saved on construction and operation. It was difficult to choose the direction through the ridges of the Zaeliy Alatau. Thus, during the design of Turksib, from the side of Kyrgyzstan, four options were originally considered. Two - chocarian with the adjoining of the route to the station Lugovaya and Kurdisy with the adjustment to the Pishpec station (Frunze) turned out to be the most competitive. Chok's option turned out to be the most advantageous. The cost of construction decreased by 23 million rubles.

    28. Bonding rails on friendship road.

    In 1954, the USSR and the PRC agreed to build Lanzhou Railway - Urumchi - Alma-Ata. The first trains began to go in 1959 on the Aktogai site - friendship. But it continued not for long, since relations with China worsened. And only on September 12, 1990, a docking of the USSR railways and the PRC on the border crossing friendship - Alashankou was held at the border crossing.

    29. The Kazakh railway was the largest in the Soviet Union - its length was more than 11 thousand km. Now "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" continues to actively develop. The length of the main railway tracks is already more than 14 thousand km, freight cars - more than 44,000 units, locomotives - more than 1,500 units. Cargo turnover last year amounted to 235.7 billion ton kilometers. So it can be said that what was dreaming about in the XIX century, was fully carried out!

    There were many interesting accomplishments in the history of the Kazakhstan railway. But we end up our report here this interesting fact: February 20, 1986, for the first time in the world in the world's railway from Ekibastuz to the Forokova station, the composition of 440 cars total weighing 43.4 thousand tons and 6.5 km long. It was a record worthy of Guinness.

    The report uses photos from the Album "Tourxib - 75 years old". The book uses materials provided by the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Central Railway Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    For the past six months, the Trans-Siberian Highway remains the longest railway line in the world. Moreover, the road is built so far. A tourist can do all the way from Moscow to Beijing, without leaving the train - and it will not be just a journey, but the story filled with amazing adventures and beautiful views.

    The Trans-Siberian Highway has become the first Eurasian transcontinental railway. Surprisingly, they finished it back in 1904: Transsib joined the Moscow and Vladivostok first, and then Russia, China and Korea. At the moment, the length of the entire road is 11,24 kilometers.


    During the board Alexandra III The Trans-Siberian Highway has become an economic dream into reality. The emperor, who gained access to the richest Siberian resources, was appointed a special group of ministers and engineers who tirelessly carried out strict control over the project.

    Graf Witte

    The head of the committee was appointed Count Witte. The first Minister of Finance and Transport in the country, he completed his career as Prime Minister. To finance the monumental project, Witte shortly decided to raise taxes, and then gave an order on the additional issue of state assignments. Another pebble in the foundation of the already designed church of the Russian revolution.

    Fighting nature

    Workers often had to fight back from the gangsters and wild animals - including tigers and bears. Despite the unbearable working conditions and constant danger to life, the incredible railway was built: she stretches over the whole Eurasia over the water.

    Construction of 1903

    About 90,000 workers and builders were brought to a construction site from all over Russia. Not all profits voluntarily: sometimes people simply have no choice. Most workers perfectly realized their dangerous position: cold, robbers, wild animals - chances to return from the Transsiba home were 50/50

    Check war

    During the Russian-Japanese war of 1905, Transsib was used as the main transport channel of the country. With such a load, the highway has become apparent. Many bridges in key places were built of wood, and not iron and steel - savings.

    First repair

    In 1860, the length of the future giant was just a half thousand kilometers; Already by 1920, it exceeded 72 thousand kilometers. At the same time, the first repair work began, during which the main problems of the Transsib were eliminated. The electrification of the highway began in 1929, and finished it only in 2002.

    From Russia to China

    Now the Trans-Siberian Highway connects hundreds of cities, towns and villages, crossing record seven time zones. Traveling from the edge to the region will take as much as 8 days - and forget such an adventure is unlikely to succeed until the end of life.

    Baikal line

    In 1991, the construction of the branch was completed Baikal Amur Highwayproviding easy access to the lake. This route is extremely popular among travelers - especially the surrounding nature in the summer.


    A century ago, Transsib's construction turned the spent Harbin in the economic leader of the region. This city and today remains the most northern largest metropolis of China. The flow of tourists does not attend all year round, and the locals are well earned even during the extremely harsh winter.

    First grade

    Trans-Siberian Trains Immediately won the recognition of representatives of the ruling elite Russian Empire. Special wagons of the highest class were equipped with marble bathrooms, music halls, libraries and even sports shells. Repeat the experience of the ancestors who know in a decent journey, can anyone can now: the luxurious "Golden Eagle" let all - there would be money.

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