Simplest. Sponge

Sponges are the most primitive multicellular. The primitiveness is expressed in the fact that cell elements do not form real tissues and separate organs. The body of sponges consists of two cellular layers - an outdoor formed by compassioned epithelialcells and internal consisting of collar cells - homeocytes. Between them is a journalist substance - Mesoglya with cellular elements of various kinds.

. A piece of sponge cut to show internal structure - Channel system. The arrows show the direction of water currents:

1 - holes, 2-spopcel, 3-osculums

The sponges have no muscle and, apparently, real nervous cells (in the literature it is reported to the cell sponges, externally similar to nervous.). In this regard, the sponges are animals fixed, almost not reacting to external irritation. They drive through the channel system that permeate their body, water. Water movement is made by collar cells - homeocytes. Together with water in the body of sponges, food particles and oxygen fall; With leaving water from their body, exchange products are output.

Mesogle has various cellular elements: cells that form skeletons - scleroblasts, mobile selfocytes, playing a role in the digestion of sponges, sex cells and some others.

Amemobocytes, known as archeocites, are undifferentiated cells, due to which all cellular elements of sponges may occur.

1 - Body Cage, 2 - Flashing, 3 - Plasma Collar

The sponges are very characteristic of the presence of a skeleton, it has a huge majority of them. In most of the sponges, the skeleton consists of separate small elements - a spikula, varied in the form formed fromlime or silica. Some sponges skeleton consists of organic - Spongugin.

Sizes of sponges range from a few millimeters to 1.5 m.

Very peculiar processes occur in the development of sponges. From the fertilized egg, usually free-laying larvae is formed. Double-layer larvae; With further metamorphosis, the cells of the inner layer are outward and converted into the skin, and the cells of the outer layer - respectively in the homeocytes. In connection with this process, the question of what to consider the sponges for Etoderma and what an entoderma is unclear, and sponges often even oppose all other multicellular entities called EnantiOzoa, i.e. feeding animals.

One of the first marine animals, which people used not as food, but for economic purposes, were sponges. They are mentioned in verses famous poet Antiquity - Homer. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is still in IV. BC. Described sponges in his famous Labor "History of Animals". The scientist rightly placed them among animals, not plants.
In Mediterranean countries ancient Mira Toilet lips used the greatest fame. The Greeks called them Spongos, and since then the word Spongia began to denote all the sponges at all.
Strictly speaking, called the "toilet sponge" is understood not a specific appearance of the sponge, but several Mediterranean silknogging species. All these sponges are like rounded pads incorrect form Brownish or yellowish color. Their outer surface is chosen by a variety of recesses and pores. The sponges from the water will soon dry out and become crumpled, light and hard. But it is worth omitting such a sponge into the water, as it is drinking moisture, straightens and, most importantly, soften.
At first, people used toilet sponge only for washing. As you know, during washing people carry out two processes. First, from the skin is removed excess fat substances secreted by saline glands. For this purpose, various fat-rooting substances are used - soap, shampoos. Along with fat, harmful microorganisms and all sorts of dirt attached to the skin are removed.
And secondly, when washing, the skin is cleared from the upper layers of dead cells. It is best that this happens with the help of a washcloths, which were probably one of the first hygiene items. Residents of countries remote from the sea made up of plants from fibers, such as pumpkins core fibers. Especially known in this respect is a pumpkin-lobe with fruits similar to cucumbers.
As for the population of the Mediterranean, the sea sponges were considered the best washcloth from time immemorial to them. For this reason, they were nicknamed toilet. Silicon needles in the body of the sponge during washing perform the role of a peculiar scrub and perfectly cleaned the skin. Sponges were sold in all markets of Mediterranean countries. The most expensive cost soft and tender grades of sponges. They should not contain anything annoying skin - neither fragments of shells or corals, no seaside sand, no other foreign objects.
Over time, the softness of the sponges caused their use not only in the baths. The sponge was put inside the wooden shoes, it was attached as lining under helmets and severe armor of warriors. The ability of the sponge to absorb and pass through itself the liquid was used to make filters for water from it, to collect water from any surfaces, for the manufacture of brushes, etc. Ancient Romans in the campaigns used sponges as peculiar vessels.
The diving behind the sponges was one of the oldest and at the same time dangerous professions. Sponge catchers were beautiful divers. They also mined sponges, and corals, and mollusks, and pearls. Even today, the fishery of sponges continues in many seas off the coast of Europe, Africa, India, Australia, Latin America.
Sponges have excellent regeneration, i.e. The ability to restore your body even from small pieces. Using this property, specialists learned to multiply sponges and create their artificial settlements in shallow water.

Class: Ordinary sponges Squad: Dictyoceratida. Family: Spongiidae. Rod: Spongia. View: Spongia officinalis Latin name Spongia officinalis Linnaeus, 1759.

Skeleton which has the character of elastic porous felt, is used as a "sponge" for washing, medical and technical purposes. The most valuable T. G. G birthd by Euspongia and Hippospongia. The fishery is developed in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, at the coast of Madagascar, Australia, Philippines, Japan, in Mexican Gulf And in the Caribbean.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia . 1969-1978 .

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    Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    A group of types of horny sponges. For up to 20 cm and more. Skeleton, T. G. consists of a thick porous network of branched and anastomosing fibers from spongugin elastic substance. Used for toilet, honey. and tech. goals. Fishing T. G. ... ...

    Large (usually up to 20 50 cm) sponges made of silknogging squad. The skeleton consists of a thick porous network of elastic fibers. Object of fishing in the Mediterranean, Red, Caribbean and other seas. Used for hygienic, medical and technical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Large (usually up to 20 50 cm) sponges from OTR. Creamwall. The skeleton consists of a thick porous network of elastic fibers. Object of fishing in the Mediterranean, Red, Caribbean, etc. Seas. Used for hygienic., Honey. and tech goals ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Type of predominantly sea invertebrates. There are skeletal formations in the form of limestone, silica needles (spikula) or spongugin protein fibers. Bearing, form colonies. Single sponges height from a few millimeters to 3 cm, colony to ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Porifera, or Spongia), the type of invertebrates. It is probably taking place from the colonial musculoval flagelon, forming a blind branch at the base of phylogenetic. Tree of multicellular. There were in the Precambrian, the greatest heyday was reached in the Mesozoy. ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Porifera) type of invertebrate animals. Includes the only class of Spongia, represented by 4 detachments: lime sponges, six-grade lips (or glass), four-glands and silkinogovogovaya sponges (Fig. 1). The most primitive ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The most numerous group of sponges. These are predominantly soft elastic forms. The skeleton is formed by uniaxial needles. There is always in one or another number of spongin, with which the needles are glued together in bundles or fibers ... Biological encyclopedia

    Class of invertebrate animals like sponges. Two detachments: four-relevant and silkinogovogoy sponges. * * * Ordinary sponges Ordinary sponges, invertebrates class (see invertebrates) animal type of sponges (see sponges). The skeleton is represented by silicon ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Keratosa), a group of silkinogovogovoy sponges, the skeleton to ryy is formed by spongy fibers. High. Colonies up to 1 m. OK. 40 childbirth, let it. On shallow water tropic. and subtropical. seas; all in. and far-earth. Seas of the USSR 5 species. To R. G. are toilet lips ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Toilet lips, large (length up to 20 cm and more) horn sponges whose skeleton having the character of elastic porous felt is used as a "sponge" for washing, medical and technical purposes. The most valuable T. G. G birthd by Euspongia and Hippospongia. The fishery is developed in the Mediterranean and Red Seas, at the coast of Madagascar, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea.

Toilet sponge of wintering (Euspongia Zimocca).

Big Soviet Encyclopedia M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978

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