Syria will fall at the feet of the victor. Prophecies about the future of Syria

I think that market volatility should increase by September 10th. In the event of a UWB strike in Syria before the G20 summit, most likely (especially if the Pindos crap) Obamka will not fly to St. Petersburg. This will be a huge mistake for the West, because there will be two newsmakers at this summit - Russia and China. It will be announced that agreements have been reached on the most important issues of interaction: military cooperation, energy cooperation (this will affect Gazprom, which will accelerate the growth of prices for its shares), geopolitical cooperation. It will be shown to everyone that Pindostan is no longer a monopoly on super important news and that everything can be solved without UWB. Everyone will see that there is no Obamka and ... nothing has changed (what is, what is not), that the Pindos, it seems, are not really needed to solve important issues world civilization. If there is no strike before the summit and Obama flies to Russia, we will still see that Russia and China will become the focus of attention. See above. Only journalists or someone else can start asking Obamka uncomfortable questions and do not forget that our president is a graduate of not only Leningrad University, but also high school The KGB of the USSR, and there people were taught to do very serious nasty things to their opponents. Therefore, I expect that during the summit there may be news waves not in favor of our American "friends". If Obamka does not succeed in putting pressure on Putin and he realizes (or he will be told directly) that the freebie is over and he will no longer look into his mouth and the ass will no longer be licked, then immediately after the summit, you can wait for the start of the bombing of Syrian air defenses. This is where the fun begins.
You can not believe the first statements of the Pindos and no matter how the bombing goes, they will still say that everything is buzzing and they destroyed the air defense of Syria. Therefore, on the first trading day after the impact, the dollar will rise, oil will rise, the American market will start to grow, the last cutoffs from our securities (Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, Lukoil) may come out, like, and then all of you, too, pizd.ts. But in a day or two, real information about the Syrian losses will go, or the Jews will try to probe the Syrian air defense or simply decide to bomb Damascus a little (maybe we will hit Assad too). And if the enemy's aviation begins to suffer losses, or even more, if suddenly the Syrians manage to get at least one Pondos or Jewish ship with Onyx or similar missile systems, then a backlash will begin. The dollar will start a long-term downtrend. And in general, for the UWB, this war can become the beginning of the end, as the empire of the West and the stronghold of all satanic Western forces (with all their GMOs, the wedding of homosexuals, juvenile justice, etc.). If the question on Syria settles down and it becomes clear that the Pindos with all sorts of Qatars, Saudis and Bahrains will not get anywhere, then you can safely buy our oil industry and Gazik. This will mean that no gas and oil pipelines from the aforementioned Wahhabis will be laid through Syria. At least for the next 15 years. This is my view of the upcoming events in the world, which are likely to become the main drivers of market movements. The strength of technical analysis and economic conditions in general will be much reduced in the next 3 weeks.

"Soon the most ancient teaching will come into the world. People ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! ”
- In 18 years there will be the end of the world (the interview, recall, was recorded in 1994, which means that the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy is 2012), the Earth will turn away from the Sun.
Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out.
People will fight for energy, but they have enough souls to stop.
And then time will go back.
- Russia will lose weight and take its place again, good will be inside, and experience will be outside.
Europe will not be able to get younger.

Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same.

Until now, no one knew anything about this interview with Vanga.
The clairvoyant made these prophecies on the eve of her death.
And she ordered them to be made public only in the new century.

Ukrainian businessman and traveler Anatoly Lubchenko often brought the AEN correspondent to interesting topics.
This time on my desk was an ordinary cassette tape. "Did you also listen to President Kuchma?" I asked.
"No. This is Vanga's last, dying interview."
It was hard to believe that an unpublished interview with the famous Bulgarian fortune teller existed.
The clairvoyant died in 1996 at the age of 84; unlike Nostradamus, she was engaged in predicting the fate of specific people and rarely gave interviews.

In the summer of 1923, 11-year-old Vanga fell into a tornado and became blind, after which she showed the gift of foresight and the ability to come into contact with the "souls of the dead."
I knew that since about the mid-1980s, hundreds of famous artists, scientists and politicians have visited the clairvoyant's village house, interested in her predictions for the future.
I also knew that Vanga did not leave behind almost any memoirs, and only occasionally, without any external reason, the soothsayer began to speak something quickly and indistinctly, and those around him rushed to write down. Moreover, we have known Anatoly for three years, and for all the time this healthy cynic has never mentioned Vanga's name.

I was with her in the summer of 1994-94, when I was first elected to the Rada, - said Mr. Lubchenko.
- I was just vacationing in Bulgaria, and for some reason I felt like going to see her house. I heard that she was ill, and did not even hope to see her, but when I arrived in Petrichi, a man came out of the crowd in front of the house and invited me inside. They looked at me as if I were a leper, and I myself got scared - who could wait for me? ..

She was lying on a large bed, all as dry as a blade of grass, it was very quiet, flies were circling under the whitewashed ceiling. I saw that she didn’t have much time left, a queue was languishing outside, and everyone wants to ask about the sore point, and here I’m from a bunch of flounders, and I still don’t know what to ask.
And then she turned:
"Where is your father?"
I replied that in Germany.
She was silent for a long time, and I realized that she knew about his cancer.
"Soon," he says, "they will defeat this ailment, put it in iron. But this will not help your father."
Then she paused and added:
"And everything will be fine with you, Kiev - a good city, I see…".

And then I remembered that I had a tape recorder with me, on which I had English lessons.
“Can I, - I ask, - record a conversation with you?”.
The man on the bench looked at me as if I were an enemy, and she laughed very young and said:
"You can. Just don't give it to anyone until the new century."

INTERVIEW with Ukrainian businessman and traveler Anatoly Lubchenko
The interview turned out to be quite small - less than half of the 90-minute cassette.

Anatoly himself helped in part to translate the answers from Bulgarian.
Some autobiographical questions could not have been asked, but since the amateur asked, the AEN correspondent decided to leave them.
“… How did you become clairvoyant?
- I often saw people who died long ago, and they told me what would happen to whom. And then a big stranger appeared. He said that the war would start tomorrow and I had to tell people who would stay alive and who would die and how to avoid death.
- Was it a living person?
- No, dead like the others.
- What did he look like?
- Large shadow, swaying like a reflection. They all look like that, and sometimes just a voice.
- How do you talk to them?
- I can feel when they appear. First in the tongue, then in the brain, and then I fail and hear everything. A voice from afar, like on the radio, now clear, sometimes bad ...
- How do you feel when ordinary people come to you?
- I still see them from afar, everyone, and have known them all their life, as if I watched a film. They are kind, evil, all kinds ... Everyone wants a miracle, and then they cry. But when it’s really bad, I’m silent, I don’t say anything. I can only give advice.
- Which?
- So that they do not live in evil, do not take revenge on anyone, do not hold grudges, do good deeds. To listen to your heart. Always only the heart, the head is more often mistaken. The heart is associated with space. But not everyone can distinguish the voice of the heart from the voice of the head.
- These dead people tell you only about the future or about the past too? - About everything.
- And if we are talking about distant people and events in other countries?
- Distance and languages ​​do not matter, everything goes through space.
- And you can tell what awaits us?
- Russia is in for good, Bulgaria and Macedonia are not very good.
Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times.
Science will say what is true in old books and what is not, they will find life in space and find out where it came from on Earth.
A large city will be excavated in the ground.
New people will fly from the sky, and there will be great miracles.
But you have to wait, you can't rush things, it won't be soon ...
- What will happen soon?
- In 9-9 years there will be the end of the world, the Earth will turn away from the Sun, where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they have enough souls to stop. And then time will go back.
- They say that the end of the world is a worldwide flood ...
- There will be a flood, too, in 33 to thirty or 40 to forty years. Big body will fly to Earth and hit the water. The waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will go out for three years.
- But people will survive?
- The good will survive, and the evil, who consider themselves smart, will perish. A lot will die. And then it will be very a good life and immortality will come.
- A golden age will come on Earth?
- It is already coming, but not everyone can see it.
In 7-7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 to twenty-one years, no one will be driving on the earth. Trains will fly on wires from the sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest.
In 40 to forty years, there will be no current diseases, but new ones will appear. They will be connected to the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then water will be found in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will get rid of bodies.
- What does "get rid of bodies" mean?
- You can live without a body, only a personality, only energy, like the dead. But it will not be soon.
- Can you predict anything in politics for the next five years?
- Russia will lose weight and will take its place again, good will be inside, and experience will be outside.
Europe will not be able to get younger.
America will accept a bearded man and understand that fear is worse than love.
Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same.
Aliens will not want to share knowledge with the strong.
Women's countries will retreat before men's, but will retain their designs.
The little man will rule you all your life ...
- Does God exist in the world?
- God cannot exist in the world, God is the light. There is no God in man, but man is in God.
- Is there heaven and hell?
- Heaven and hell are different sides of life without a body. If the deceased is needed alive, this is paradise.
- Will you help the living after death?
Baba Vanga did not answer this question. After a short pause, there was a click on the tape, as if someone had turned off the recorder, although Anatoly Lubchenko swears that he did not. According to him, the tired Wanga just fell asleep.


One of the most terrible predictions was made by the blind woman Vanga in 1980.
She then said the following: "At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn for it" ...

“Fear, fear! The American brothers will fall, pecked at by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river ”(1989).
Come true. In September 2001, after a terrorist air attack on the United States, the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center collapsed.
The collapsed skyscrapers were called "twins" or "brothers". They were hit by planes - "iron birds" - terrorists. But what does the bush have to do with it? And despite the fact that in English he sounds like Bush. That is, the trouble dates back to the time of his presidency.

“The world will go through many cataclysms, strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Times are going to be tough. People will be divided on the basis of faith ... ”(date unknown).
Come true. Hard times have come after all. And with the consciousness of people something is happening.
There are more than enough cataclysms - tsunamis alone, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, which are worth it. And what about the numerous terrorist attacks of recent times? Or religious riots?

“We are witnessing fateful events. The two biggest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But will pass yet a lot of time, a lot of water will drain, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet ”(January 1988).
Begins to come true. At least with regard to the "Eighth". By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia, Vanga had already hinted at the next one, although she did not mention the name: “This will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov and not Lebed. "
The "eighth" has already arrived: after all, Russia has joined the "big seven". It recently became the G8. It is now a matter of world peace.

“Russia will again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit” (date unknown).
Not yet come true. We are still far from a great empire. And with the spirit - rather weak. But the search for a national idea is underway.
This was one of the last prophecies of Wanga. While doing it, my grandmother outlined a large circle with her hands.

"Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... It will sweep everything out of its way and not only remain, but also become the ruler of the world" (1979).
Not yet come true. Although ... Russia has survived. And mind you, this was said during the Soviet era, when very few people pronounced the word "Russia".
It is not known what kind of Vladimir they were talking about. But certainly not about Zhirinovsky. There are only three real contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir: Prince Vladimir, Lenin and our current president - he is the "Eighth".

“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest ”(1960).
Begins to come true. By 2018, terrestrial scientists intend to organize the production of helium-3 on the Moon, such plans were announced just the other day.
Helium-3 is both a product of solar activity and fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, which, in fact, is itself a small sun. The reactor will give electricity "into the wires", and trains will fly.

"They will find life in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth."
Not yet come true. The mystery of the origin of life has not been solved. It was not possible to find it even on Mars. But the search continues. Especially when it comes to catching intelligent signals from aliens.
The coming Year of the Dragon, the great Bulgarian seer Vanga, considered the borderline of global changes that would take place on Earth.
In her prophecies there is a kind of temporary beacon, which precisely made it possible to establish the date of their beginning and place - Syria.
As you know, there are now riots taking place there, threatening a change of government. On the eve of Orthodox Christmas in Damascus, an explosion thundered, claiming many lives. President Bashar al-Assad has pledged to respond to terror with repression. The situation is heating up, in Damascus the interests of all world powers have crossed. Wanga predicted that Syria will be at the center of events that will bring a world crisis and global changes to humanity.


Here are the prophecies of Vanga that will occur in the year of the fall of the ruler of Syria.

She made them shortly before her death:
“Soon the most ancient teaching will come into the world. People ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same! "
How could Vanga so many years ago have foreseen a series of Arab revolutions, turmoil in Syria, which threatens to split the world on Earth? This can only be explained by her mystical gift of seeing the future. And the fate of the European Union, which during the life of Vanga was not yet in sight, the blind prophetess predicted harshly: "Europe will not be able to rejuvenate."


Regarding the fate of the successor to US President Barack Obama, Wang said:
"America will accept a bearded man and understand that fear is worse than love."


But Vanga's predictions about Russia are benevolent:
“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Russia. She will again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit. Russia will soar over the earth like an eagle ”.


Another prophecy reflects the changes that will occur in the souls of people when humanity enters a new era. It is this transition, according to Vanga, that will be the “end of the world”, which many prophets “appointed” for 2012:
“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will end, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes, whether we want it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed. "
On New Year's Eve 2012, astronomers reported that microorganisms were found that can live in space.
Wanga also predicted this discovery:
“Science will say what is true in old books and what is not, they will find life in the Cosmos and find out where ...

In 2011, NTV hosted the program "Vanga Returns", and in 2013 the video "If Wanga Tomorrow" appeared. The authors of the project claim that unknown predictions have surfaced in private archives. It seems that when Syria falls, the Third World War will begin, there will be an apocalypse, Europe will be empty, and Russia will be saved.

Nothing to say, an interesting video. Disturbing music, dynamically changing shots. Satanovsky, Ivashov, Korotchenko and other famous people flicker on the screen ... but they are not talking about Vanga. But the effect is good. And given the recent events in Syria and Europe, one can believe in the apocalypse.

Only first you need to find out what the soothsayer actually said. And this is more difficult, because the phrases are taken from different sources. If, for example, Vanga's predictions about the Donbass and Crimea are an obvious lime-tree, then there are doubts. Therefore, I will go over the quotes and, as always, try to find the primary sources:

“2011 will be special, people will change, the whole world will change”, “In the north, a chemical rain will fall from which all living things will die”, “Chemical weapons”, “2016, empty Europe”, “When Europe is empty, no one will live there will".

All this is clearly from here:

The list has been circulating on the Internet for many years, and, by the way, it appears in the NTV video. I will write separately that Vanga's predictions over the years are pure fake. She didn't say anything like that, and in general, this is Nostradamus. Then I'll tell you where the list came from, and since when they began to ascribe it to Vanga.

"Not soon, Syria has not yet fallen."

Allegedly, this is how Wanga answered the question when the Third World War would begin. In fact, this proposal was ripped out of a completely different context. The full phrase is in the book "The Truth About Vanga" (1997), which was written by her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, on page 162:

“As soon as Syria falls, wait great war between the West and the East "," In the spring a war will begin in the East, and there will be a Third World War "," A war in the East that destroyed the West. "

Vanga did not say this. And in general, the friends and relatives of the soothsayer have repeatedly argued that she never predicted the Third world war... Here is an excerpt from an interview from a Bulgarian website:

And here is a quote from the "Vanga's Encyclopedia" (1998-2002), it can be found in volume 2, on page 161. This is a fragment of an interview that Wanga gave to the Russian journalist Sergei Kostorny in 1995.

"Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same."

This phrase is in the book by Nadezhda Dimova “Vanga. The secret of the gift of the Bulgarian cassandra ”(2007). But the author refers to Anatoly Lubchenko, who allegedly has an audio recording of the last interview of the soothsayer. Whether to believe the Ukrainian businessman, decide for yourself. But this is the primary source. Here is the complete quote:

“The apocalypse will come”, “Evil will burst out of the ground and destroy everything”, “Only Russia will be saved, not everything”, “There will be water and peace in Russia”.

Wanga really said something like that, and this is confirmed by many sources, all of them cannot be listed here, and it is not necessary. For example, here is a fragment from the same NTV video:

And this is from another video. The Bulgarian artist and writer Petr Bakov, who knew Vanga well, says about the same. True, something about Europe also surfaced there, but a separate article needs to be prepared about this. For now, a small snippet:

“It will be bad for evil to live”, “Stop! Stop the race ... money, weapons "," Evil will return, trouble will be "," After the end of the world, only those will be saved who get rid of anger and envy, who can become different "," Nothing will save, neither escape to other countries, nor money ... only cleanliness from the inside. "

But you can't argue with that. It doesn't matter if Wang said something like that.

It turns out that Vanga practically did not say anything about Syria. The phrase "Syria has not yet fallen" can mean anything or nothing at all. The third world war is also canceled. The apocalypse, however, is in question, but it seems that it is still postponed.

As for Europe ... Yes, it will not be empty by 2016, there will be no chemical rains and no big war between the West and the East. It is clear that Wanga did not predict anything like that. But the situation there is difficult. It looks like some kind of problem awaits them.

Here are some possible scenarios

If the Yellowstone volcano begins to erupt, the explosion will provoke serious cataclysms, including in Europe. If the level of the oceans rises by several meters, many European capitals will be under water. But you never know what else. Crisis, refugees ... So Vanga said ... However, I will write about this separately.

Taking nothing for granted, the fact should be admitted: some of the predictions of well-known soothsayers (otherwise they would have remained in obscurity) came true, including more than two-thirds of Wang's.

In the book "The Truth About Vanga" by her niece Krasimira Stoyanova, published in 1997, there is an aunt's quote: “The most ancient teaching will come into the world. People often ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! "(p. 162). Krasimira points out that the statement was recorded by her in 1980.

Other authors date Wanga's first predictions about Syria in 1978. Later, in the book by Nadezhda Dimova “Vanga. The secret of the gift of the Bulgarian Cassandra "(2007) is the phrase of Vanga: "Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same." There was no war in Syria in 2007, 1997, or 1978, there was no one to win.

In addition, there is evidence that Wanga mentioned Syria as the magical territory of the first biblical crime - the murder of Abel by Cain, with which great world events will be associated in the future. Some eyewitnesses claim that Vanga also associated a world war with the fall of Syria, the result of which will be the victory of good over evil.

To believe or not to believe the predictions, especially their interpretations, is a voluntary matter. I propose not to take anything on faith, but one fact is indisputable - decades ago, Vanga associated certain events with Syria that would have global significance.

It would seem that that Syria was like in those days (as well as today)? A state average in size and population without globally significant reserves of the same hydrocarbons (either its eastern neighbors), without exceptional transit corridors (which are easily bypassed from all sides), and in general the country is without anything exceptional or globally significant in order to conflict with the nuclear powers because of it.

However, after Friday the thirteenth (April 2018) at about 4 o'clock in the morning, the nuclear Apocalypse could have started from here. The world was on the brink and again the Russian leader showed restraint and responsibility for the fate of the world. Qualities that are often imputed to him as "leaks". However, the danger of a global conflict in both Syria and Ukraine (which from pirate raids on Russian ships again goes over to massive shelling of the cities of free Novorossia while the OSCE is "sleeping") has not diminished so far. Ukraine as Russia's "Achilles' heel" is understandable. But why Syria? Vanga, perhaps, knew the answer, but we? I don’t know about you, I don’t.

I know something else: the West, breaking down the post-war system of international law, has finally moved into its information "matrix" - into a subjective, not objective reality. There is factual, it is an objective reality, or, more simply, - the truth does not matter, there is only a "picture" drawn by the global media that matters: CNN, ABC, BBC and other "sissy".

Global transition western world into "subjective reality" occurred gradually. At first, there were even some signs of "real", the globalists created plausible "evidence" by means of which they convinced new supporters, and not with massive daily volleys of fakecomets (as now), but with complex, sophisticated "inferences" and casuistic, but still "logic". Now everything has been simplified to "lawlessness", the Russian proverb is right again: "Simplicity is worse than theft"... Let's compare what was and what is in three examples (there are many more).

1969 year.

A movie is shown to the world: "The USA has landed." All the power of the American propaganda machine is aimed at imitating the "astronaut landing": from Hollywood filming by Stanley Kubrick to the real start of "dummies". When amers are “caught by the playful little hand” for decades, they either keep silent about the “military (later - state) secret”, or justify the staged shooting by the impossibility (corruption, illegibility, etc.) of the real ones. Here it is - the Western "pseudologic" (casuistry) in action: “Yes, the evidence is fake, but we flew, I give my teeth! You all have to believe us! And don't you dare check: the lunar landing sites have been declared American property! "

year 2001.

Blockbuster: "Muslim Terrorist Attack on the United States." To make it plausible, the globalists kill thousands of Americans, but admit clumsy punctures: the absence of traces of planes in the Pentagon, the Pennsylvania Forest and windows on the liners aimed at the New York towers, the third collapsed skyscraper, the metal of the supports made of an alloy stronger than the aircraft's melted with kerosene, "preserved" in the ruins of the WTC terrorist passports, some of which are still alive, etc. etc. However, the planet partly believes, partly is forced to believe in the fake of its masters: "evil is proud of its power and the fact that the majority has come to terms with it." The occupation and destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq (over the corpse of the latter was still shaken with a test tube for "credibility") take place with the approval (at least tacitly) of "all progressive humanity."

2018 year.

The ongoing series "Unipolar". In it, by this year, the West has completely ceased to care about the credibility and evidence in the accusations of its counterparts. They told them: "Assad is poisoning the people with chemical weapons" - ordered to believe everyone, declared: "Pro-Russian terrorists shot down a Malaysian Boeing" - ordered to believe everyone, thrown in: "Russian athletes use doping" - ordered to believe everyone, etc. etc. “Everyone, everyone, everyone! Believe, believe, believe! " No "wangs" dreamed of such "trust"! After all, they take their word for "gentlemen" so that the card goes on to them.

The subjective reality drawn by the globalists for the “zombierate” - we live in such a strange and terrible time.

Of course, not only the global media, but also the "international" structures controlled by the globalists (including courts - tribunals) will help the West. That is why, perhaps, we do not see mountains of vain lawsuits by Russian companies against sanctions imposed (contrary to WTO rules) or claims of Russian athletes against WADA. Swedish arbitration is the best confirmation of such "falsehood", it is a "classic" of savage "justice" in its pure form, not diluted with justice: " western countries and Ukraine is allowed not to buy contracted volumes of gas from Russia, and it is fined for not pumping these volumes. "

Western judges "shaman" in the same way as shamans in the tribes of cannibals - or rather, the last to learn from the first "wisdom" - cannibalism. So Russia is guilty before the globalists precisely because they want to eat it, and it resists. That is why for cannibals what value can any "proof" be, what kind of "logic", what questions: "why?" and "who benefits?" Yes, no!

The same OPCW stupidly ignores the conclusion of the Swiss laboratory. No excuses in front of the West - what a "dead poultice". But he invites others only to repent and pay off. Nothing personal - the cannibal business is like "either you eat or you."

But for the "adequate" in fact, in truth: why would Russia poison the Skripals with chemical weapons? Where is the evidence, not to mention the corpses? It doesn't matter to the cannibals - that's all! Why would Syria poison the population of the encircled and almost liberated city (about the planned provocation in which she and Russia warned for weeks)? Where is the evidence, not to mention the corpses? It doesn't matter to the cannibals - that's all! Trump tweeted that all the missiles hit their targets - trust everyone! Where is the evidence, not to mention the corpses? This is not important for the cannibals - a priori, those who are guilty of Syria and Russia are punished by the superpower of supermen! Hitler with his bloody provocations on the Polish-German border is hopelessly outdated in comparison with the new "supermen"!

And let Russian and Syrian officials appear at the UN, in other international structures, and prove not only the lack of involvement, but even the absence of the events of the "crimes." Let the Russian and Syrian military representatives arrange briefings, prove the destruction of more than two-thirds of the "smart" American missiles. Who in the West will hear them, let alone listen?

The same Israel, having killed dozens of Palestinians during a peaceful demonstration, attacks the Syrian airfield under the pretext "Animal poisoning by Assad of his own people." Cannibalistic casuistry of the highest standard! Not only the Western, but also the pro-Israeli Russian media, if they do not approve of this news, then suppress it or mention it in passing (in small print, in a half-whisper, in a sketch).

For the Western "zombierate", all the more there is only "subjective reality", limited only by their "sis". And in it, the American “defender of democracy” successfully punishes “wild Asian satraps” (in other words, “animals”).

Or is it hard for "sisy" to convince their "lohorat" that "the terrorists of Donbass, supported by terrorist Russia, grossly violate the Minsk agreements"? One spit (by the way, this is more than once!) Who read these agreements, who "needs it"? Or will the Western man in the street, processed by propaganda, not believe that "Russian terrorists" will blow up sewage treatment plants, a chemical plant in Donbass, or even a nuclear power plant in Ukraine (OSCE is a future "witness")? Who in the West thinks about international politics at all? Who will stop any whim of the globalists? What's in "real", what's in "virtual"? In the West, the “Sisi” have fooled the overwhelming majority of the population, they don’t fall on the heads of “Sarmatians” for the time being - both “good” and “like”, then it will be too late anyway. But then "later."

The West has finally become the “director of its own” of fake “chemical attacks for a zombie boy”, and the prosecutor, and the lawyer, and the executioner in one bottle with the “Iraqi” powder and the Skripal “newbie”.

Until the Russian Federation listens to the "katsev" and surrenders to the "mercy of the winners" it is for the "civilized world" - "Outcast from the goyim" subject to destruction, dismemberment, depopulation and plundering. The lot of Russian "goyim - outcasts": substitute "rear and cheeks" the strong of the world this.

Any concession to the world's rulers and calls for " international law"- are perceived by them only as a sign of the victim's weakness, and the" law "is the same:" the weak - finish and eat. " Here are the Western "gears": Russian "democrats" led by a Baku-based grandmaster in Lithuania openly discuss options for dividing Russia, while simultaneously promoting new "nations" according to the Ukrainian "recipe": Siberians, Cossacks, Pomors, Volgars, etc. However, some of the "democrats" give Siberia to China and argue with their comrades-in-arms - whether to give it the Urals, or to make it independent, or even temporarily leave the remnants (another casuistry) of European Russia.

Without her, the hated, unfortunately cannibalistic "democrats - human rights defenders - philanthropists" are still indispensable: they have not yet worked out the "final solution to the Russian question", although the tendency to answer is what will be done with the wrong people "subhuman = deceived cotton wool (according to Kasparov)" is excellent visible. Why would the West have "liberals" without Russia?

Anything and anywhere! For example, they can gather a Western get-together and "in accordance with the Minsk agreements approved by the UN" try to unilaterally (what is the other in a unipolar world?) - to declare "terrorists" (by the way, this is already).

Having mentioned the region that was once Ukraine, it may be worth remembering another soothsayer. Archimandrite Iona of Odessa predicted: “No one will attack Russia, no one will attack the United States. The war will start with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and into this funnel civil war a small country will be drawn into Russia, the United States, and many other countries. And this will be the beginning of the third world war ", - he declared before his death. On the date of this war, Jonah said: "When I die, it will begin in a year." He died in December 2012, and a year later the Euromaidan began in Ukraine ...

And yet, returning to Vanga, one of her predictions about Russia dates back to 1979 and was written by the writer Valentin Sidorov: “There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow and get stronger. Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world. " According to the testimony of the same author, the prophetess then made a long-term prediction: “Now Russia is called the Union. But will return old Russia and will be called the same as under St. Sergius. Everyone recognizes her spiritual superiority, and so does America. It will happen in 60 years. Before that, three countries will move closer together: China, India and Russia ... "

It turns out that Vanga predicted America's recognition of Russia's superiority in about 2040. But why should we wait so long, especially those who do not believe in the prophecies?

We already know: "The power is in the truth!", But the truth is on the side of Russia, because, as before: “Our cause is just! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

And no "sisi" of the next globalists - "supermen" will save)))

Syria will fall: Wanga's prophecy

Syria has always seemed to me since childhood magic land: damask blades, lightest silk scarves, flying carpets, Aladdin's lamp. And when - for a long time - I was in Bulgaria with Vanga's relatives and friends, I was told that for some reason she mentioned Syria in her prophecies and spoke about the war. Then everything was calm in Syria, it turned out that Wanga predicted the war in Syria and the changes that it would bring. I seem to understand why Wanga considered Syria the mystical key to all murder (war is an epidemic of murders), and wrote a note about it. She just came out in Life. I post it in my diary. The photo shows an ancient Byzantine mosaic that tells about the first murder on Earth, it just happened in Syria. Cain kills his brother Abel. Take care of your family, do not envy and do not fall into anger! And this is the text of my note:

"Vanga:" The fate of the world will be decided in Syria "

Before her death, Vanga left a prophecy that became a mystical key to understanding the consequences of the bloody events in Syria. She called the war in this country the starting point for global changes that will occur on Earth.
The blind Bulgarian seer turned out to be more perspicacious than the world politicians, to whom mankind has entrusted the fate of the world.
Back in the mid-nineties, Wanga said that it was Syria that would be at the center of events that would bring humanity a global crisis and a new war.
Torn by civil strife, Syria is now becoming the border that divided the superpowers.
The United States and other NATO members are feeding the rebels who are trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad with arms and money. Russia and China are supporting the Syrian government as they try to save the country from chaos.
The situation has escalated to the limit, supplies of modern weapons to the Syrian opposition are underway, not only militants from Islamic countries are being transferred there, but also professional military instructors from the United States.
Russia is moving from diplomacy to concrete affairs: the whole world is discussing the news that S-300 missile systems are being transferred to the conflict zone.

It will not be possible to crush Syria as easily as Libya; it can drag everyone into a global war. And from this bloody whirlwind, the world will come out different. Here are Vanga's prophecies about Syria - we published it in Life three years ago:
“Soon the most ancient teaching will come into the world. People ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same! "
These words of Vanga are not fiction, they were conveyed to me by the niece of the prophetess Karasimira when I was with her in Bulgaria:
- Aunt Vangelia called herself a "doctor". In Russian, this is not a liar, but a healer. People came to her with simple requests - to help cure an abscess on the body and soul, find the missing cow, return the escaped groom, and other similar cases. She helped, but bitterly said to those close to her:
"People care about their private affairs, but the fate of the world does not care at all!"
Very few were interested in Vanga's future of humanity. She spoke about the war in Syria back in the nineties, when this country was prosperous and peaceful.
Then, seventeen years ago, writing down the words of her aunt, Krasimira could not imagine that this prophecy would begin to come true already before the eyes of our generation - a series of Arab revolutions and unrest in Syria threaten to split the world on Earth.

Wanga survived two world wars, and each of them was a grief for her family.
Her younger brother was killed at the front, her husband was wounded. She herself was almost shot, accused of espionage.
But it was the war that gave impetus to the popularity of Vanga.
“Women came to my aunt to find out if their husbands, suitors and brothers would return home,” Krasimira told me. - Vanga took a piece of sugar from them and gave an answer. Refined sugar was a reward, people were accustomed to the fact that Vanga was guessing on sugar, and they wore it to her after the war. Naive - aunt knew the fate of everyone without sweets ...
In her predictions, Wanga was accurate, according to scientists, more than sixty percent came true. And the remaining forty can be attributed to the fact that the prophetess did not tell everyone about the future.
“Why grieve a person doomed to death? You can't change his fate! " - Wang said in such cases.
Prophecies about the future of the world during Vanga's life were not heard. She bitterly confessed to her relatives: “I am afraid of chaos in human souls. I am afraid that evil is making its way, while good is quietly retreating ...
More and more often you will meet people who have eyes but cannot see, have ears and cannot hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children. Everyone will look for a way to save themselves one by one. Some - a handful of them - will get rich, and the people will become impoverished, the further, the worse. Humanity is on the way to madness. "

Why, after the fall of Syria, global changes await humanity, Vanga did not say. But the answer to this question can be found if you look in the Bible.
Syria in ancient times already became a place that changed the fate of the world: here the first murder on Earth took place.
In Damascus, pilgrims are shown the place where Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel. It is called the "Cave of First Blood". Local theologians, both Muslim and Christian, provide evidence that the tragedy took place here:
- Firstly, the crevice resembles a mouth with a tongue and teeth open in a scream - the mountain screamed in horror when the atrocity was committed. Secondly, on the stone there is a palm print of the Archangel Gabriel, whom the Lord sent to hold the rock, which was going to crush the killer. God appointed the villain a different punishment - for forty years he carried his brother's body with him everywhere, seeking death, but neither man nor beast dared to touch him.
Abel is buried twenty kilometers from Damascus. And now there is blood flowing again. It turns out that the mystical circle of murders, which began in Syria back in biblical times, is now closed - here again brother against brother!

Many politicians are now saying that humanity is on the verge of a third world war and that the Syrian conflict may be the impetus for it. But the wise Vanga believed in the victory of good. Remember her words that after the fall of Syria, a new teaching will come to the world. Here is Vanga's prophecy about him:
“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the Earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will end, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes, whether we want it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed. "
God grant that the conflict in Syria will become last war on the ground!

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