The largest sorting station in the world. Sorting stations of Western Europe

There are stations that can not remember. Not one rating of beautiful stations of the world and beautiful train stations of Russia was drawn up. Among Moscow railway stations are the biggest and oldest.

The largest station of Moscow

Through Moscow stations, like through the gate, a huge number of visitors fall into the capital. The largest in the capital is the Kursk railway station. This is a gigantic complex built of concrete and glass. Moreover, today the building has impressive dimensions, first after construction he was one of the smallest in the city. In 1866, the Kursk railway station was called Nizhny Novgorod and was located outside the city. It was beneficial from the point of view of lower taxes. The station was a log building of a small size. Only in 1894, when the construction of the Moscow-Kursk Railway began, built a new luxurious building of the Kursk railway station on the Garden Ring. Stations of New Kursk and Nizhny Novgorod were combined in 1896. The modern building of the Kursk railway station, which daily takes about eleven thousand passengers, built in 1972.

Large and beautiful stations in the world

The beauty and size of the railway stations of the world is made up, it included some stations that allocated luxury, beauty and size. In the tenth place, the largest station of cable transport. His architect is Caakhi Hadid. This station is built for a cable car in Austrian Innsbruck. The roof of the station is similar to a moving wave, which gives him a unique appearance.

In the eighth place unique in the Australian architecture train Station "South Cross". His uniqueness is in a corrugated roof. Seventh place behind the Malaysian Railway Station Kuala Lumpur. A retro architecture gives a wonderful look - this is a combination of an old Western style with cultural and historical appearance.

Grant looks like Canadzawa Station in Japan. The height of the gate created in the traditional Japanese style is equal to fourteen meters. Western and eastern part of the station covers a glass dome of three thousand sheets of glass.

On the fifth position is a church resembling architectural form, Antwerp Central Station. The building was built in the 1905th year. In the West Beijing not so long ago a Western Railway Station was built. The construction was carried out for three years and ended in 1996. This railway station is the largest in Asia.

Berlin Central Station in third place ranking. It is the largest in Europe and can boast a unique architecture. The discovery took place in 2006. Today it serves about three hundred and fifty thousand passengers and about one thousand eight hundred trains.

In second place is one of the largest stations of India - it is Chhattati Shivaji Station in Mumbai. His architect is Frederick William Stevens.

Older station in Moscow

The oldest station of Moscow is the Leningrad Station. It was built in 1844-1849 to instruct the king Nicholas I in order to connect two capitals. The architects of Steel R. A. Zzlizayevich and K. A. Ton. The station in Moscow and the station in St. Petersburg are "Gemini", as they were built on a single project.

In 1855, the station was renamed Nikolaevsky, and in 1923 to Oktyabrsky. A year later, after St. Petersburg became known as Leningrad, the station was also renamed and began to wear the name of Leningrad.

Reconstructions were held more than once, the latter went from 2009 to 2013. The building of the Leningrad Station is a monument of architecture protected by the state.

The most beautiful station in Russia

Among the Russian stations, it is impossible to call some one's most beautiful, since beautiful stations applying for this title are quite a lot. One of them is the station in Samara, built in 2001. He is not only one of the most beautiful, but also the highest in Europe. His highest point is at the height of one hundred meters, and at an altitude of ninety five meters built viewpoint. From most Russian stations, this building is distinguished by its modernity. The building can be called futuristic.

In the unquestous style with some elements of Baroque, the station building in Krasnoyarsk was built. His architect is Sergey Soloviev. The station began work in 1895. Since then, several reconstructions have been conducted, while the bizarrious appearance of the building was not changed. It is unusually beautiful and the attachment area where a fountain is installed and several sculptural compositions.

Railway station in Sochi, as well as his "twin" in Simferopol, resembles a palace of some Padishah. His design and luxurious look surprises all passersby and tourists. The station is one of the attractions of the city.

By the way, the very dear expensive Not rail, and automotive. For example, the construction of one of the highways in Switzerland cost 42 million dollars per kilometer. But there are ways even more expensive. Editorial board managed to learn all about the most expensive roads in the world.
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30-12-2013, 16:39
Your attention is a small overview of the largest railway station railway stations in the number of passenger platforms.

Jakarta Cat (Indonesia)

In the capital of Indonesia, there is the largest railway station in Southeast Asia. The station was built in 1870. In 1926, the building and access roads of the station were reconstructed. In particular, the number of landing platforms here was increased to 12.

Jakarta Cota in 1993 was officially recognized as the object of cultural heritage of the country and turned into an important historical landmark.

Jakarta Cat serves passenger routes on Java Island.

Central Station Berlin (Germany)

The current building of the Central Station Berlin appeared on the site of destroyed during World War II. In 2006, the station became the largest transport hub in Europe. It is noteworthy that a multi-level layout of platforms is provided. Six platforms are located on top, and eight - on the lower tier. Ways like a web intersect with each other due to the constructed tunnels and bridges.

The main building station is built of glass and steel. More than forty thousand square meters The station square is highlighted here under the commercial zone. Mostly on this huge territory there are shops, restaurants, small shopping shops. Daily train station serves up to 300 thousand passengers.

Station Chatrapati Shivaji (India)

It is said that this station, located in Mumbai, is one of the most beautiful in the world. Built the station was in the Epoch of British Colonialism in 1888. At first he wore the name of Queen Victoria. In 1996, the station was renamed and began to wear a name national Hero India Chhatatrapati Shivaji.

According to architectural style, the structure of the station resembles a kind of mosaic, in which Victorian Neoetics, Indo-Sracinsky motives are present. Here is the mass of the arches, turrets, the domes are originally decorated. The inner halls of the station skillfully decorated with a carving on a tree. There is iron, mostly copper.

In 2004, this historic building was rightly listed by UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Chhatatrapati Shivaji station has a landing platform today, which provides him as an eighth place in the overall rating of the largest stations of the world.

Leipzig Central Station (Germany)

Leipzig Railway Station is considered the largest in Europe for such an indicator as covered area. It, by the way, is 83460 square meters. The length of the facade of the station is 300 meters.

The first stone in the construction of the station was laid back in 1915. During World War II, the station building suffered greatly from bombing and was overharaled in 1950. After forty years of operation, a new reconstruction of the station followed. After it, the number of landing platforms at the facility reached 24.

Leipzig railway station is considered multi-level. Every day he serves up to 120 thousand passengers.

Central Station Zurich (Switzerland)

Zurich Central Station was commissioned in 1847. During its existence, he was rebuilt several times and reconstructed. Now this railway point of the country serves to half a million passengers daily!

The station has 16 platforms for long-distance trains. There are also 10 platforms for EUROCITY, Cisalpino, TGV, Intercity-Express and CityNightLine.

In addition, it is noted that Zurich Station has the largest pionery trading platform, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 55 thousand square meters.

Termini (Italy)

The Termini railway transportation unit was opened in 1862. The station occupies second place in the area, I give up the championship only the train station in Leipzig.

At Termini Station 29 landing platforms, from which trains depart in Paris, Vienna, Munich, Geneva, Basel, as well as on suburban reports.

Passenger traffic of the Italian station exceeds 400 thousand passengers per day.

Munich main station (Germany)

The Munich Railway Station is the fourth in the world and the second in Europe by the number of platforms - here from there are 32!

Initially, the station building was rebuilt in 1839. However, the war and the transport node was destroyed. The station was practically rebuilt anew in 1960. Then this transportation Germany was able to take several hundred thousand passengers daily. By the way, today the daily bandwidth of the station has been brought to 450 thousand passengers.

Shinjukuka (Japan)

One of the oldest stations of Japan. Shinjuku was built in 1885. Today it is a real record holder in terms of passenger traffic.

The transport hub passes through itself every day over three with half million people. Thanks to this indicator, the station hit the Guinness Book of Records. It was in 2007 and today, most likely, the number of passengers has increased.

The station is provided with more than 200 inputs and outputs, in order to serve such a huge number of people. It should be noted that most of the 36 passenger platforms occupy internal followers acting in the role of public transport.

Northern Station (France)

At the North Station of Paris 44 platforms! This is an absolute European record holder!

The station was built in 1846. Despite his age, the station remains one of the most beautiful buildings of the French capital.

Inside the northern station, the public catering and trade infrastructure is quite well developed. Here are dozens of small cafes and restaurants, a lot of boutiques and just small shopping shops.

It is said that today there are projects to expand this railway station with bringing the number of passenger platforms to 77.

Central Station of New York (USA)

World leadership on the number of passenger platforms is occupied by the Central Railway Station of New York - Grand Central Terminal.

The station was built in 1871. Here are 44 landing platforms that occupy the area of \u200b\u200b200 thousand square meters are located underground. There, in these underground tunnels, shops, restaurants are equipped, there is even a museum!

There is also a government secret railway branch. It is located on the underground level M42. However, no one knows exact location. This is understandable! This state secret is reliably protected since the Second World War.

It should be noted that the station is a favorite place of numerous tourists. Every year this object collects more than 21 million tourists from all over the world!

In November, went north, in Ust-Luga, where one of the largest railway stations of our country is located (they are told here that the largest) and Europe. This station serves the Ust-Luga port. The station consists of three parks (in perspective five) and one, the most modern, sorting slide, where the scene and the dissolution of the compositions occurs in automatic mode.

1. The sorting station is needed for servicing goods that enter the port or from it. Initially, a huge potential for the development of the station was laid, and it was gradually completed to gigantic sizes. Now the subgrade park contains 44 ways, which makes it the largest in the territory of the former USSR.

2. We still have to touch the history of the port and the station itself, since without it it is difficult to assess the scale of construction. For the first time, talk about a new port went at the beginning of the dashing 90s. Russia lost the four largest ports in the north who got small, but very proud and independent countries. Initially, the development of the port went very mediocre, but in 2008, the global crisis suddenly attacked and ... In the port and infrastructure, investments in tens of billions rubles went. As a result, our country received its own modern port, a huge train station and an associated infrastructure. And all this with an almost unlimited prospect of development. In the picture the state of the area in 2005. The port is in the infancy.

3. 2009. Star hour of the port has already broken and continues. Development began seven-mile steps. A noticeable flow of traffic from the Baltic ports and transit money began to remain in our country.

4. 2013. Until the second year for another year. In 2014, the sanctions, "Krymnash" and the Ukrainian crisis - Ust-Luga became the main hook of Kaliningrad, providing a steady cargo connection with the Russian Anclav in Baltic ( and for defense needs), and, despite the overall Recession of the economy, cargo turnover continues to grow rapidly.

5. Contemporary snapshot from space.

Increased lifestyle in port. The colossal leap in 2010, which continues.
2003 - 0.44 million tons.
2005 - 0.71 million tons.
2008 - 6.76 million tons.
2011 - 22.7 million tons.
2013 - 62.6 million tons.
2015 - 84 million tons.
2016 - 93.4 million tons.

6. Scheme of the location of the parking parks. It, of course, gives only an approximate understanding of the scale.

7. The total building area of \u200b\u200bthe Ust-Luzhsky railway station is 930 hectares, of which 270 hectares is the sorting system of the station Luzhskaya. The total length of ways to Ust-Luzhsky railway node on full development Will be more than 300 km. Today, the Ust-Luzhsky railway station is a single railway station Luzhskaya, three parks were built at its borders to serve freight terminals: Luzhskaya-North, Luzhskaya-South and Luzhskaya-Oil.

8. - Park Luzhskaya-Northern serves a complex of coal overload, a universal overload complex, as well as an overload complex
technical sulfur.
- Park Luzhskaya-South serves the South-2 transshipment complex, a road-rail ferry complex, container terminal.
- Park Luzhskaya-Petroleum serves a complex of oil cargo.

For servicing promising cargo terminals: Metallurgical, and mineral fertilizers, construction of the Park Luzhskaya-General, in addition, in the northern part of the port of Ust-Luga, the construction of the park is the construction of the Park Luzhskaya-East.

9. And, of course, the grandiose Luzhskaya sorting.

10. I will put this scheme here, taken from and - there are marked borders of the zone where Siemens equipment is used. We will talk more about this below, I simply have questions in Instagram, they say how many foreign equipment there. In the total station, it takes 20%.

11. Let's go to the dispatching and see how it is all managed. Post management post on a hill. The screen shows the statuses of paths, retarders and other equipment. It is this workplace that is integrated with Siemens equipment.

12. Other jobs (posts on duty officers at the reception park, transit park, the park of departure and duty at the station) are equipped according to standard Russian Railways technologies and are in the depths of the hall. All control is only from the screen.

13. Martyr Park. And the composition is fed to the slide for further sorting.

14. The duty officer of the station Luzhskaya - Ainur Aliyev.

15. Now let's look at the work of the roller. After the dissolution of the wagons, under the action of gravity, the wagons start sliding down. By the way, this hill allows you to make a dissolution to two compositions at the same time! Next, the car runs through special moderators that set the interval of cars, slow them down and provide the desired speed on the sorting paths.

16. The second (average) braking position, except the intervals, provides a joint regulation of the feeding rate of the father's rolling, the third braking position carries out the sighting of the father's tracker, depending on the employment of the subgrade path.

17. The most important difference between this slide from all others that work in our country is that she is silent. In contrast to the pneumatic drives of the retarders, hydraulic is used here.

18. Wagons are already rolling on their way.

19. Wheel steam counter.

20. SETTER MODE. Everything is heated with electricity.

21. Work slide is fully automated. The system knows the weight of the car, the state of weather, rails, the strength of the wind and its direction. All this management system takes into account and sets the power of braking at all deceleration areas.

22. In front of the park's paths is the third stage of slowdown and, on some paths, additional retarder compensators.

23. They serve for the dissolution of dangerous goods II category (Piston Retarger - in English terminology). Yes, a slide can, for the first time in Russia, sort oil-oil and other dangerous goods of the second category

24. Radar to determine the speed of wagons on the dissolution.

25. Third braking stage and additional retarder compensators.

26. Another innovation is this mini locomotive on the cable thrust. It serves to pushing the wagons to his place. They replace maneuver locomotives in the subgroup and reduce the time of the composition of the composition two or three times.

27. These mustache with rollers trolley and pushes the wagons of the wagons. It operates throughout the park in 106 wagons.

28. And the station lives his life - here traveling equipment is rifted.

29. And it's time for me to get acquainted with the automatic operating mode of the locomotive. Now he is in manual control goes after me in the subgrothair.

30. Denis Mundinger Denis Machinist explains how control is automatic.

31. In 2015, for the first time in Russia at the station, the Luzhskaya Oktyabrskaya Railway introduced the technology of the slope and the dissolution of the compositions of the boarding locomotive without the participation of the driver (in fully automatic mode). In September 2017, the proportion of work in this mode was 97.6%.

32. Under the automatic control, the composition of the coil from the slide occurs. Change of the path and tracing to a new composition for sorting. In the photo we climb into a hill. After the pass of the MG2 traffic light, the driver translated the locomotive into an automatic mode and then he drove himself.

33. The diesel locomotive went to the top of the paths, waited until the route collected, made a coupling with the composition, put on a slide and dissolution of wagons.

34. According to the rules, the driver is obliged in the cockpit. But, may leave his workplace. Although it usually sits and observes the process. Now that technology is debugged, intervention is required very rarely.

35. While work is underway, the second diesel locomotive passed by us. He goes to help electric locomotive, which was bored on a lift with a heavy makeup. The rails are wet, the electric locomotive is lightweight, the composition is heavy, on the rise drove with a small speed. The result was predictable. But, nothing terrible, the diesel locomotive is now pulling everyone.

36. Dr. Denis Mundinger follows the dissolution.

37. It is very unusual to see how the diesel locomotive rides himself. Specifies speed, inhibits pneumatics, regulates turns and so on.

38. When leaving full power Port of Ust-Luga, unloading at the station Luzhskaya will be more than 3,500 wagons per day.

39. Management Center. By the way, in many photos you could see the contact network. October 18, 2017 a start of industrial exploitation of an electrified section Weimarne - Luzhskaya in the framework of Polygon Kuzbass - North-West.

40. Cutter. Here it is necessary to automate the work until there is an auto-3 auto accept.

41. On the scoreboard, he highlighted the number of cars that need to be pulled off. He produces a long kocher, and the cars rolled themselves from the slides.

42. A new composition for sorting arrived on the slide.

43. Podgorka Park. The colossal amount of work done in a short time, where nothing was.

44. And our locomotive went after the next composition.

45. General form For sorting early autumn. From the Earth, this scale is not visible at all.

Thank you thanks to the press service of the Russian Railways and the October railway for the organization of shooting.

On the railways UK In the 1960s Large work on the reconstruction and construction of nine major sorting stations, including two new bilateral stations, was performed. Since then, due to the development of automotive and container transport, several stations were closed, and the remaining reduced, all sorting slides were closed.

At new one-sided stations in the reception parks (at that time), 12-14 ways were laid, in the parks of departure - 8-12, and in sorting - 40-50 ways. The capacity of the paths was 60-80 wagons. The processing capacity of one-sided stations ranged from 3,000 to 4500 wagons per day.

Bilateral Carlisle Station (see Fig. 21.3), which replaced 9 low-power sorting stations, had in an odd system of 10 ways in receiving and departure parks and 37 paths in the sorting park. In the even system, the reception park included 8 paths, sorting - 48 and the departure fleet of 10 paths. Another two-sided TIS station, replacing 6 existing stations, had in the parks of reception of 12 paths, in sorting - by 40, and in the departure parks - 12 and 8 ways. The first high-speed slope at these stations had a steepness of 62.5 %about.

The one-sided automated sorting station of Tinsley was built on a combined diagram. For the selection of local wagons, which followed mainly in the industrial area, consistently with the extreme paths of the main sorting park of 53 paths were placed a local sorting park of 25 paths with a slide. This station was first used a new system for regulating the speed of movement of sorted wagons based on the use of hydraulic accelerators of the Daeti system, which allowed to automate the sorting process and, in addition, reduce the calculated slide height from 6.3 to 3.3 m.

Many sorting slides on new and reconstructed stations have been equipped with braking automation systems that provide the speed of exit from the second braking position depending on the weight and movement properties of the dish, as well as on the degree of filling of the subgrade paths.

Railways France Also implement the concept of concentration of sorting work on a smaller number of well-equipped new and reconstructed stations. In this case, the desire to reduce the number of sorting stations was to not only reduce operating costs, but also reduce the capital costs of the contact network and elongation of ways to 800-900 m.

By the beginning of the 1980s. Many sorting stations were built and reconstructed, including 12 large (Vuppi, Zherway, Siblen, Urcad, etc.). The Bourge Station during the reconstruction was

Fig. 21.3. The scheme of the Sorting station Carlisle (United Kingdom) is converted from bilateral to one-sided. At major one-sided stations, the number of ways in the reception parks took 13-14, in the sorting parks - from 32 to 48, in the parks of departure - from 8 to 20. The useful length of the paths in reception and departure parks is 700-800 m, and in sorting - 800-900 m.

Many large sorting stations of France have overpass junctions of the reception routes and departure of trains and intransment intersections. One such station is a one-sided sorting station Zherway (see Fig. 21.4), built according to the classic scheme with a consistent location of parks and having 14 ways in receiving and departure parks and 59 paths in the sorting park. For receiving trains from Lyond to disbanding, two overpass junctions were built: when crossing the main ways of Dijon Lyon line and to receive trains to the inlet neck of the Petlevo Path Park.

Characteristic feature Organization of sorting work on the railways of France is the presence of separate sorting devices for accelerated freight trains, which food cargoes in Paris and others are delivered at night big cities countries. For this purpose, individual stations are intended in some cases, Bordeaux Saint-Jean, etc.), in other cases at the stations, one sorting system serves for ordinary, and the other - for accelerated trains (Stations of Svatil, Trapp, and DR .).

On the sorting stations of the French railways As in other countries, in addition to the main mechanized slides in the tailing sorts of sorting parks or in additional parks with short-ways, the slides of low power are arranged to facilitate the selection of formulated compositions in groups.

For most sorting stations railways FRGit is characterized by a large capacity of reception parks, sorting and sending and grouping. Since the beginning of the 1950s, several sorting stations (Braunschweig, Bebra, Gemberg, Mangayim, etc.) were reconstructed, and some bilateral stations (Braunschweig, Honey) were renovated in one-sided. At the bilateral station, Mannheim was reconstructed a sorting system operating from the east to west, with an increase in the number of sorting paths to 42 per

Fig. 21.4. The scheme of the Zherway Sorting Station (France) an account used at the station auxiliary sorting system. In the Hamburg assembly in 1979, in return for the five previously existing low-power stations, a new bilateral sorting station Mashen was built - the most powerful sorting station of Europe (see Fig. 21.5). The number of subgrade paths on the main slides of this station is 48 in each system. Part of the subgrade paths is sorting and sending, and part of the sorting, consistent with which auxiliary hill is located and a grouping park for a more detailed sorting of wagons. The length of the station routes of Mashen station is 300 km. It contains about 1000 shooting transfers, installed 2100 signals, 325 beam retarders, 112 devices for plating wagons, built 2 posts of hurry centralization, 2 posts for reporting trains, carriage and locomotive depot, as well as 47 overpass, 54 buildings and 11 km of intraestional roads. Sorting slides at the stations are automated using the system of regulating the speed of rolling cars developed by Siemens and promoting them along the paths of the sorting fleet with special cable heaters.

On the railways of Europe there are sorting stations on which the system of sequentially located reception parks - sorting-departures is fully or partially located on a slope that ensures the movement of wagons in the direction of sorting under the action of gravity without the participation of maneuverable locomotives (Nuremberg and Duisburg-Hochweld in Germany, Muttenz II in Switzerland, Rshovice in the Czech Republic, etc.)

In the reception park to hold the compositions in place before the start of the dissolution at the output part of the paths there are retaining moderators, and in front of the plot with a high-speed slope - an adjusting carriage retarder. Further, on the path of the posts, there are braking positions for hold in case of the need for groups of wagons or to control the speed of their rolling.

An example of a profile and a sorting station scheme on a solid slope adopted in Germany is shown in Fig. 21.6. The plan and profile of the sorting system is conditionally divided into 7 zones designated by numbers (see Fig. 21.6). Reception Park Profile (Zone 1) has a convex parabolic shape with slopes from 5 to 14 %about

Fig. 21.5.

Fig. 21.6.

/ - reception park; 2 - Succession; 3 - collective zone; 4 - sorting park; 5 - access to the grouping park; 6 - Grouping parks; 7 - Parks of departure; 8 - Speeders

(medium bias 7 %about). When the retaining retarder is tightened, the wagons standing on a large bias begin to move, fascinating the rest of the composition on smaller slopes. Before the high-speed slope is a moderator, regulating the receipt of wagons on the decking part. The trigger (zone 2) has a concave profile with decreasing slopes from 50 to 2.5 %about, A similar profile of the triggered part of the slide. The arrow zone of the head of the sorting park is located a collective zone 3 of about 150 m and a bias of 10 %about,where cars are combined into groups before collecting retarders regulating the speed of the carriage approach to each other and their stop. Next, the groups are skipped into the sorting park (zone 4) and stop before leaving it up to the accumulation of the composition. From the upper part of the sorting park paths, you can send the composition to the departure park or by submitting a train locomotive, send a train to the main path. The lower part of the sorting park, consisting of two sections, has access to the departure park 7 through grouping parks 6 to form multipurpose trains. The tail of this part of the sorting park has a bias 25 %aboutand forms the roof of the slide of low power. The bias of the grouping parks is 7 %about, Gorlowin between them and the Park of Departure - 17 %about, inlet neck of this park 7 %about,ways - 5. %about.

New stations on a solid bias have not been built in full swing. There is only a case of placement on the beam of the reception park during the construction at the Muttenz station in Switzerland of the second sorting system, called the Muttenz II station. This was caused by the peculfur features of the terrain - a significant difference in land marks in the areas of the entrance part of the reception park and the sorting park. The longitudinal profile of the reception park also has a parabolic shape with an average slope of 7.2 %about.Three braking positions are provided on the supply part of the slide: retaining the reception park, auxiliary immediately after the outlet of the Park's throat and the heartset by a 14% o'clock in front of the flooding. On the triggered part of the slide and at the beginning of the submarines were first used electromagnetic moderators, and the sorting paths for 300 m are equipped with accelerators of the heaps for promoting bad runners in the middle of the park.

It should be noted that the sorting stations on a solid slope were built on those roads where low weight trains and length are addressed. Some of them, for example, in French railways, was rebuilt subsequently into the hurry. These stations give savings on maneuver locomotives, but have significant disadvantages: below the level of safety of trains and maneuver work; high costs of equipment tracks by moderators and their operation; The difficulty of sending cars from the station to the direction opposite to the sorting, due to the high difference in the beginning and end of the sorting system (about 25 m); Slow sorting of wagons, the impossibility of applying a variable rate of dissolution and as a result of a smaller processing capacity compared to high power floors.

Nevertheless, under favorable conditions, the relief should not be excluded to develop options for the location of the prestigest parks at regional sorting stations, as well as the port or industrial area, which will allow to sort the wagons with less wagon funds or without the participation of locomotives.

Amazing and exciting travels are usually beginning at the station. They are diverse in architectural styles and comfort, but everyone has one functional purpose - to receive and send trains, as well as provide a comfortable stay of passengers.

Trains have become quite practical and a rapid kind of transport, so we will go to the train stations, and find out what the largest station in the world.

Let's start by S. Russian Federation And imagine the largest station in Moscow. But when he was discovered, it was the smallest station of the Russian city.
Today after several reconstructions and implementation modern technologies Kursk railway station in the Russian Federation. Every day he serves about 12 thousand passengers.

And once the station in Russia wore a completely different name and was called Nizhny Novgorod, and was even difficult to imagine outside the city trait.

Jakarta Kota

The south-eastern region in terms of demographics exceeds the rest of the planet, and the influx of tourists here in recent decades has increased significantly.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the railway station in the capital of Indonesia is the largest in South-East Asia. It was built back in the XIX century, and he was repeatedly subjected to reconstructions.

Now 12 access roads are operating at Jakarta Cat, and the building itself is recognized in 1993 by the object of cultural heritage and historical landmark.

The old building of the Lerrt Station was practically destroyed during the Second World War, and in his place was erected new. In 2006 it was completely reconstructed.

Berlin's two-level station is the largest in Europe, and hundreds of thousands of passengers serves every day. For the operation of 14 driveways, a complex system of tunnels and bridges has been created, and in the comfortable halls of the transport hub, everything is thought out for the convenience of passengers and meet.

The station in the Indian city of Mumbai is not only the most beautiful in the world, but also one of the largest in Asia. When building, various architectural styles were mixed here, and the building represents a kind of mosaic.

Initially, he was named after Queen Victoria, and then renamed the National Hero of India. Daily 18 railway platforms serve thousands of passengers, and the building itself is entered in cultural heritage Planets.

According to the occupied area, Leipzig Central bypassed all its European fellow. Opened in 1915 for today it has 24 railway platforms, two of which are laid underground for safety.

A multi-level transport node serves 120 thousand passengers daily, and the building itself has impressive sizes. Only the facade spread out 298 meters.
The Leipzig railway station hit the movies twice, and in 2011 he was awarded the "Station of the Year" award.

One of the oldest transport hubs of Italy and Europe began to function in 1862. On the area, it is inferior only to Leipziga, and due to the gigantic sizes, he received the nickname "Dinosaur".

He was subjected to a big restructuring during the reign of Mussolini, and now the main building, as well as much in Europe, is made in the architectural style of Modern.
From its platforms, and there are only 29 of them, you can go to any point in Europe, as well as use suburban trains. Daily services of Termini enjoys over 400 thousand people.

Munich main station

Another transport giant in Germany has 34 platforms and serves 360 thousand passengers daily.

Like all German transport hubs, he suffered during the war years and was almost rebuilt in the 60s of the last century. Then its bandwidth did not exceed 100 thousand.

The Munich railway station, in addition to interstate lines, serves suburban routes, and is also associated with two subway lines.

The oldest railway station of Japan began to send trains in the distant 1885. But the time does not stand still and Shinjuku became a high-tech transport complex associated with and terrestrial urban transport.

The Japanese giant owns a record for daily passenger traffic, passing through its terminals, boys and platforms 3 and a half million people.
Of the 36 platforms, most of them serve the suburban train trains and the metropolitan.

In 2012, piano was installed at all France stations. Did it affect the quality of service unknown, but the mood rises.

North Station in Paris with its 44 ways an absolute record holder in Europe. The history of transportation from a small station began in 1842, which makes the northern one of the oldest in the world.

Recently, a project was adopted to increase access roads to 77, which will significantly reduce the load on the main lines.

Undoubtedly, the largest railway station in the number of access platforms and areas of the area. New York-central began to function in 1871, and is now connected by three metro stations.

The building itself has a luxurious view with large arched floors, large stained glass windows, and on the facade there are sculptural compositions.

In the project to expand the area of \u200b\u200bpaths and increase them from 67 to 75, and accommodate additional platforms underground.


As you can see, today railway stations are huge buildings and high-tech platforms. And everything began with small one-storey buildings, with a maximum of two driveways in both directions. Interestingly, the first film shot by the lutera brothers was on railway themes, predicted in the future, the most popular popularity of this type of transport.

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