Yesenin about Soviet power. "Bay Communists, Save Russia!" - Sergey Yesenin

Ideology soviet power Yesenin did not accept, like all satening people of that time.
Poems clearly reflect his contempt.

Empty fun, some conversations.
Well, what are you taken in return?
The same crooks came, the same thieves
And the law of the revolution of all was captured.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
People customs honor as science,
Yes, just what the meaning and the prog,
If many are blurred loudly in hand,
And others necessarily in the handkerchief.
I'm confused before the devil
And those and these.
I lost my balance ...
And I know myself -
Of course, I will hang me
Someday to heaven.
Well, so!
This is even better!
There you can bite the stars ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm not like that
What are me cooking me.
I'm all - blood,
Brain and anger I have all.
My banditness of a special brand.
He is awareness, not a profession.
Listen! I once believed
In feelings:
In love, heroism and joy,
But now I am asleep at least
I realized that all this
Solid messy.
I was lying on a hell of hellish,
Mocking fate to the liver wounded.
But ... you know ...
Wisdom to his Kabatskaya
Everything burns out alcohol with lamb ...
Now that convulsion
Soul criried
And face like a swelling lantern in the fog,
I do not build any stuffed.
I just left -
Birch and hooligan ...
Everyone who brains is the poores and less
Who under the wind of fate was not a pension and nag,
Leave to glorify cities and women
And I myself will praise
Criminals and vagrants.
Gang! Gang!
Wherever you look, wherever you go -
See how in space,
On horseback
And without horses,
I will jump and go hospitable bandits.
These are all the same
Filed as I ...
And once, sometime ...
Cheerful guy
Before the bones, the whole missing
Steppe grass
I came to this city with empty hands,
But with a full heart
And not empty head.
I believed ... I burned ...
I walked with a revolution
I thought the brotherhood was not a dream and not sleep,
That everything in the United Sea is somewhat
All the sights of peoples,
And races and tribes.
But for hell it all!
I am far from complaints.
Since started -
So let it begins ...

Portrait of Yesenin. Fig. A. Kuznetsov

The literature of that era Yesenin also gave an accurate assessment.
"It was not disgusting and a lot of time in literary lifeThe time in which we live. During these years, the state of the state in the international battle for its independence by random circumstances has put forward a revolutionary fellowship of Revolutionary Feldfelves who have merits to the proletariat, but in advance of art.

Having worked out the point of view of the general front, where every fog may seem to have for mynoeseed eyes for a dangerous army, these types have developed and strengthened Pubbuyevskaya morals in the literature ... It has long been an obvious fact, no matter how you praise and did not recommend Trotsky Different Unnamen, that the proletarian art is a penny ... "

It is true, and no literary swells "Pompolitov" before the descendants did not live. Although they used to impose as part of the school program.

Portrait of Yesenina. Fig. A. Treskin

Yesenin's toughly responded and about the works of the pet pet and a fighter with the religious obscuration of Demyan Poor (real name Efim Alekseevich Codvorov).

... when I read in the truth
Income about Christ of Ruddly Demyan.
I was ashamed so as if I got
In the blustery, the spent spirits ...
No, you, Demyan, did not insult Christ,
You did not hurt him with your feather a lot.
The robber was, Judas was.
You only lacked.
You are clots of blood at the cross
Digured the nostrils like fat bors.
You just grew into Christ
Efim Lakeevich Courtov.

It should be noted and "heroes", who have launched at the time of Esenin's literary injury. Of course, the faithful "fighters for the freedom of the people" (former criminals), editors of Moscow magazines: Lion Sosnovsky, one of the organizers of the execution royal family, and Boris Volin, the organizer of the mass executions of the peasants. They acted against Yesenin together, but at the same time they wrote a donos to each other in the Central Committee of the Party.
This is the typical face of the "heroes of the revolution".

Portrait of Yesenina. Fig. G. Smilin

Chief Nedug

Friends and acquaintances of the poet agree that the alcoholism of Yesenin and became the first cause of its premature care "in the country where you quiet and grace". The poet himself, answering on December 5, 1925 for questions when filling out an outpatient card, answered in the column "Alcohol": "Many, from 24 years old. In the same hand, the hand of the attending physician is ruthlessly derived: "White hot, (hallucinations)." At the beginning of her bohemian life, a young healthy organism of the Ryazan guy coped with compulsory partitions. Yesenin even managed to organize "unloading" days. In 1921 he gladly celebrates in a letter to his friend Anatoly Mariengofu: "So I will not drink so, and today, for example, I even completely refused to look at a drunken gruncher. My God, what is the nastiness, and I probably became even worse. " But there was not enough poet for a long time. IN last year Yesenin became his life, according to the expression of the same Mariengof, "no more than one hour per day. From the first, morning, glasses have already been temporary consciousness. "

In 1922, Sergey Alexandrovich complains in a letter to his poetic "mentor" Klyuev: "I am very tired, and my last winding disease absorbing me completely." Being in America with the wife of Aseedor Duncan, Yesenin was predened to epileptic seizures. In fairness I must say that not only on the amount of whiskey drunk, but also from its quality. At that time, America was shaking the "dry law", because in the morning I had to take moonshine surrogates on the chest. A. Duncan in the newspaper Herald Tribune wrote, trying at least somehow to harm her husband and explain the drunken Shabashi with a beating of mirrors in hotels: "The attacks of spiritual disorder that Enesenin suffers, occur not only from alcohol ... as well as blood poisoning from consumption" Forbidden "American whiskey, in what I have a certificate of one famous New York doctor who treated Yesenin with similar seizures in New York ...".

About relationships with power

The adepts of the violent death of the poet are asleep on the fatal conflicts of Yesenin with the authorities. Conflicts were, but only on the soil of the Kabatsky Boss of the poet. Yesenina was delivered to the police. But not to torture, but for "detection". I quote him together according to Peru V. Khodasevich, who closely knew Yesenin: "Regarding Esenin, an order for the police was given in 1924 - to deliver into a plot for extermination and let go, not giving the case of further move." Will quite touching the singer " The only poem, which, with a huge stretch, can be attributed to a critical in relation to the authorities is the "country of the villains". There, Yesenin has a hero on the name Labman with the pseudonym of Chekists. If someone does not know, the name of one of the leaders of the revolution of Trotsky-Bronstein - Liebe. Is this coincidence could have been fatally offended by Laba Davidovich? There are other "terrible" literacy that Makhno says (in the poem gangster nash): "Herd! Herd! ... Your equality is deception and lies. For fools - a good bait. Scounders - decent catch. " But the gangster and should say the horror stories, then he is a gangster. That's all the dissident. But how many perturbed rows Yesenin poured into the paper in favor of the Bolshevik affairs! And on the death of Lenin, the poet responded as only a big poet Lirik could respond: "And now he died ... who saved us, no more. And those whom he left, the country in the ravenment must be drained into concrete. "

Yesenin hostility to Bolsheviks is a myth. Of course, on a drunken bench, Sergey Alexandrovich began to Fordabach and, it happened, uttered all the dimensions, but the authorities were condescending to his kabatskom. If he had a danger to the authorities, he would easily be accused of some conspiracy and slapped, as, for example, the poet Nikolai Gumilyov. Yesenin was on a short foot with many security officers. In particular, she loved to carry on the parties of the famous Chekista-Mokrushnik Yakov Blumikin, who had chosen the German ambassador in the summer of 1918. Yesenin, according to Khodasevich, could offer an honest company to go look at the "Constra" shooting. "I'll arrange it to you through Blumikin one minute," the poet Lirik quite seriously declared.

Rogova Anastasia05/10/2019 at 23:40

He allowed himself to do not care about recognized authorities, bought in the adoration of secular beauties, lived with a good one and ... acutely for the cute village. This is all about Sergey Yesenin. Around the figure of the Great Poet still many mysteries and secrets. Including the terrible departure from life in the hotel "Angletter" ...

On October 3 (on the old style of September 21), 124 years old since the birth of the "last poet of the village", as Sergey Yesenin himself called himself. He really was already on the light of the poet, and the Ryazan village of Konstantinovo shaped the character, religious beliefs and views on the rest of his life. And in whatever cities, and for whatever great events Yesenin then did not shine (and he had a chance to read his poems and before the Empress Maria Fedorovna), the village in it remained the main beginning. The view of Sergey on life is a stubborn and alert, slightly mocking, in something limited, in something blurred wide view of the Russian peasant.

When young Yesenin - the talent was already recognized in his homeland, with the publications and the blessing of the teachers, arrived in Petersburg, then did not come to an empty place (as he flirtally told and wrote), but clearly understand how he needs to behave and what he was waiting for him Literary circles.

Nikolai Klyuev, the founder of his own mug of "Novokrestendian" poetry, immediately guessed in the talented Zlatovlas, a led from the province of talent, suitable for his program of speeches, and thoughtfully accepted the young man under the wing. Live Nikolai Klyuv today, he would be a stunning PR or Producer.

At the beginning of the 20th century, interest among the creative intelligentsia towards the village increased hundreds. And Klyuev, himself having peasant roots, perfectly understood that he would hit the public gathering in poetic evenings. He and Yesenin, in the peasant perfectly stylized shirts, spidered by the Kushaki (and sometimes in the naps), with the hair, invited lard, read poems from the scene about the village, about the Russian longing - with mandatory birch trees, horses, expanses and peasant hazards.

Klyuev himself reminded the sort of Mikul Selinianovich, and the young, with the gold curls of Yesenin - Shepherd Lelia. They both as if they came from Lubka, showing the Petersburg public exactly such a village that she wanted to see: picture, epic, fabulous. And the appearance and verses of Yesenin were the quintessence of this fictional village. Success was grand. About the "peasant" poets spoke everywhere. The ladies were crying from delight at the sight of Golden Kudrey Sergey, and masted poets flasherly clapped folk yields on the shoulder.

But the keys, in his free from speeches, sat in their luxury hotel apartments, reading in the original of foreign authors, and Yesenin mastered the nightlife of the northern capital. Nicholas always reflected disapprovingly to his young comrades, who, instead of reasoning about the purpose of Russia, preferred to have fun. It is not surprising that the creative duo soon collapsed, and the keys sharply condemned her former protégé.

With Anatoly Mariengoof and Vadim Shershenevich, Yesenin created a new direction in poetry - IMAZHINISM, based on the understanding of the main goal of creativity, as creating an image. But Esenin's poetry did not fit under any literary framework. The poet is rapidly cultivated, and his poems were also rapidly changed. Only one thing remained unchanged - bitter tenderness to the village. He missed her - by childhood, by hopes. Although, at that time, Sergey had already everything, which can only dream of a poet.

Glory, recognition, success in women, constant boots - all this gradually turned Yesenin from a peasant healthy guy in a hysterical and capricious lifestyle. Heavy praise and worship of the fans were forced to believe in their own genius. Yesenin considered himself not only last poet The villages ", but also the first poet of Russia. He did not love Mayakovsky - he was afraid that he would have he had listeners and recognition from him. I shouted when I saw newspaper articles about Mayakovsky:" I will die under the fence on which posters with the announcement of Mayakovsky will be disclosed ! ". Friendship with Mariengoof also ended with a complete gap.

Oddly enough, only the label and caustic Zinaida Hippiius, who did not love either Yesenin himself nor his poems, guessed a weak place of the poet - early glory. And she predined that it was the "copper pipes" and destroy this "Cherub". Yesenin on the warning "Hippiusihi" did not pay any attention. He generally treated representatives of symbolism, especially the eldest, without the slightest respect. Sergey was sure that he himself knew perfectly what was creativity, and how the real poet should live. Respired from representatives of the older generation Sergey Yesenin only block. Used, but slightly downward, condescending.

Yesenin in Russia after the death of Stalin, according to official data, was long debunked and exposed. In the textbooks of the 5th anniversary of the 50s, he was dedicated to him several lines, the purpose of which was to inspire Soviet schoolchildren that Yesenin had no need to read: he is a second "petty-bourgeois" poet, an indiscriminate era ...

Nor in print, nor on Radio the name Yesenin never mentioned. From the libraries of his books seized. In short, Officially, Yesenin was forgotten and went to the archive forever ...

And the popularity of Yesenin, meanwhile. His poems in the lists were diverged throughout the corners of Russia. They are memorable, they sob like songs. The circles of his fans called the "Bride of Yesenin" occurred in the 50s-60s. Once in the conditions of relative freedom, "displaced persons" (emigrants) reissued its poems. And these sloppy printed and expensive standing books Boyko diverged not only in camps, but also in the middle of the old emigrants.

Nowadays such a time appeared amazing fact: The sixteen-year-old Yesenin Bride, and the fifty-year-old, are concerned about the love of Yesenin. Two poles, between which there is nothing in common, converge on Yesenin - converge in Russian poetry ...

But Yesenin is long dead. And, merciless to alive, Bolshevism, was, extremely indulgent to the dead, especially famous. This is understandable: the attributes of the "Great October" at the present time will no longer meet. One mummy Lenin is not enough. This negligent and fill with success, the different glorified dead, different "Gorky Cities", "Mayakovsky Square", etc. There would be a square and for Yesenin, if the sins performed by him only during their lifetime were listed ... But Yesenin has an unforgivable sin in general, the sin of posthumous. Having received immortality, Yesenin does something that failed in a thirty years of anyone from living - unites people with the sound of a poetic song, where the consciousness of the general guilt and the common fraternity merge in hope and faith ...

That is why they tried the Bolsheviks to inspire that Yesenin was not for love. That is why he was declared a "indiscriminate era" ...

    © "I am a bodyguard" 1995 (special issue) George Ivanov

Sergey Yesenin: "Did not shoot the unfortunate dwarf ...". - Part 3.

In 1915, the young, progress, full of vitality Sergei Yesenin wrote the lines that became prophetic:

On the sand,
And me on the wind light
Love longing.
We will behave with the rope on the neck ...

It will take place for only seven years, and the prophecy of Sergey Alexandrovich's death will sound again, who has been said to his close friend, poet Nikolai Klyuev: "You are doomed to the camp ... Rejoice in your own way ..." He wrote in a letter to Yesenin. The poet himself premeditated the tragic death. "I will be a victim ...", "he said to his literary secretary of Benislavskaya, and a few days before death, V. Eirlih confessed:" I want to kill me! I, like a beast, I feel it! "The life of Sergey Alexandrovich, according to the latest research, broke off on December 27, 1925. In the hotel "Angletter". What happened then in this hotel, exactly how the earthly existence of the Great Poet ended - will show (let's hope) the near future. However, today it is possible to say with a lot of confidence that Yesenin, contrary to the official version, was killed, and then suspended. And here is immediately the question arises: "And for what, actually, could be killed by Yesenin?"

Not a villain, I did not robbed the forest,

I'm just street surfactant,
Did not shoot the unfortunate dwarf,

Smiling counterparts -

Posted about himself Sergey Yesenin. He wrote simply and sincerely, as well, about everything that he had to write about. "I have never been LSU in the heart," he said in one of the poems. No matter how paradoxically, but it was this position that the Bolshevik authorist did not suit that since the man lives in a revolutionary time, he must obey the laws of this time. Such a worldview clearly defined the proletarian poet E. Bagritsky, speaking of his age, he wrote:
"Solges" - solga,
But if he (century) will say:
"Kill" - kill ...
Sergey Yesenin, since childhood, brought up on Christian, Orthodox values, preached otherwise. In one of the youth letters, he wrote his sincere friend of Panfilov: "Grisha, currently I read the gospel and find a lot of new things for myself ... Christ is perfection for me," and in another letter: "Yes, Grisha, Love and regret people - both criminals, and scoundrels, and liars, and sufferers, and righteous: you could and can be any of them. Love and oppressors and not stigma shame, but detect people's life masters. "

These lines were written before the revolution 1917, directed against the so-called "oppressors". It would seem, after the revolution, Yesenin changed his views. After all, he welcomed her ("Long live a revolution, and on earth, and in heaven!") And even recorded himself in her creators:

Sky like a bell

My mother is homeland,
Month - language,

I am Bolshevik

And as a Bolshevik, he think, and should write accordingly. And, in fact, fell into a spiritual permanent (however, like most Russian people), Sergey Yesenin wrote blasphemous poems corresponding to the revolutionary, goggle-child time. So in one of them it says:
The same honey flows flesh
Thousands of years the same stars are famous
He taught me, Lord.
Not praying for you, and bang
For a penny with the devil Osin
For the seeds of your curly,
Reversible, robbery son.
I scream to you: "To the hell old!"
It would seem that he was aburred from the "old", in which life was built on the Christian mercy and love for her neighbor, it seemed that he should become a preacher of a new, revolutionary covenant: if necessary - solga, if necessary - kill ...

However, already in 1919, in the small poem "Kobyl ships", the poet, referring to the beasts, which, in his opinion, became better people, He speaks:

Will not go anywhere with people.

Than with your beloved raise the earth
Better to die together with you

In a crazy near stone.

In the same poem there are such lines:
You get into the country of the coming.
Oars of chopped hands
Yesenin began to understand that the revolution was built on the blood, began to inspire from "blinding of all freedom." But with his sensitive, poetic heart, he felt that this insight could be fatal. And again sprouted in his work prophetic words:

Only a heart under the dark clothes

"My friend, my friend, twisted
Whispers me to visit the Tver:

Closes death alone. "

In 1923, in a letter A. Kusikov, Sergey Alexandrovich wrote: "I stop understanding, to which revolution I belong. I see only one thing that neither of the February, nor by October ... "Why did he explain in the poem" Country of the Nogodyev ":
Some conversations
Empty fun
Well, we took in return?
Three Thieves
They came the same crooks,
All were captured.
And the law of revolution
Following ideological insight to Yesenin, spiritual insight came.

I shame me that I believed in God,

Gorky me that I do not believe now.

These dual lines in the meaning of the line are known to all the admirers of Creativity Sergei Alexandrovich. With a great definitude, he expressed Aseedore Duncan in 1922:

- Bolsheviks banned to consume the word "God" in print, do you know?

- But the Bolsheviks are right. No God. Old. Stupid.

- Eh, Isadora! After all, everything from God. Poetry and even your dances, "answered Sergey Alexandrovich, recalled the translator Duncan Lola Kinel.

However, the return of Yesenin to God was painfully difficult. Even in 1924, he had not yet separated from the characteristic intelligentsia of the time of Bravada in his verses. So in the work of "Letter to Mother", Sergey Yesenin writes:
There is no more return to the old return.
And I do not teach me to pray, do not.
But in a year, confessional lines were sprouted in his work:

You sorry i'm

I pray to him at night.
In God, I do not believe,
And you need to pray ...
So I need.
When in April-May 1925, in the whole ten rooms, the newspaper "True" was published by one of the most anti-Christian Ledean Poor, the poem "New Testament without Devyan's Evangelist", Yesenin openly arose to defend Orthodoxy by writing a poetic "Essay" Evangelist " Demyan. And although Sergey Alexandrovich again expresses a personal dual attitude towards religion (which, most likely, was a shirma for Bolshevik censorship), however, in general, he says that no one should pull the Orthodox faith of the Russian people.

In his message, the poet writes:

... when I read in the truth

I was ashamed so as if I got
Income about Christ of Ruddly Demyan.
No, you, Demyan, did not insult Christ,
In the blustery, the spent spirits ...
The robber was, Judas was.
You did not hurt him with your feather a lot.
You are clots of blood at the cross
You only lacked.
You just grew into Christ
Digured the nostrils like fat bors.

Efim Lakeevich Courtov.

(The real name of Demyan Poor was Efim Alekseevich Courtov.)

In May 1925, Yesenin conveyed "Message" to publish in the newspaper Baku Worker, the editor of which was his close friend P. Chagin. However, he did not dare to publish this work. And then it went through the people in the lists. They were read, he was rewritten from hand and passed to each other. Copies spread widely in Russia. For that time, the Esenin "Message" played a big role in strengthening the People's Spirit. For a long time, Yeseninovdy denied the authenticity of this "Messages", referring to the words of Catherine Esenina, published in 1926 in the same "truth". "It does not belong to my brother's poem." However, at the end of the 20th century, the original poem was found and the graphologistics specialists confirmed that it was written by Sergey Yesenin. In addition, there are memories of P. Chagin, who personally from Yesenin remembered this work.

In 1925, the Bolsheviks became finally clear that Yesenin "tame" did not succeed. He did not become a troubadrum of revolution. "God's twin" - said Sergey Yesenin about himself. Bolsheviks saw ideological and spiritual danger in it. He was installed surveillance, criminal cases began to grow into political affairs at any time (only thanks to worldwide fame did not decide to send the poet to the CHC dungeons). Thesenin anticipated the tragic junction, and this premonition was tormented by him. According to the memories of Catherine Yesenina, praying before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, he said: "Lord, you see how I suffer as hard to me ..."

On the twenty-seventh of December, Sergey Alexandrovich died tragically. The true reasons for his death were hidden, but many witnesses still did not believe that the poet had committed suicide. Ekaterina Yesenina's husband, Poet Vasily Naswkin One of the first to see the corpse in Angletter and immediately stated her: "It doesn't seem like suicide ... Brains led to the forehead ..."

IN Orthodox church Also originally found priests who did not believe in suicide. According to the researcher of the life and death of Yesenin N. Sidorina, the Panihides were held in three churches: in Moscow, in Leningrad and in the Ryazan land. In the Kazan Church of the village of Konstantinovo Sergey Alexandrovich in absentia spiritual mentor Archprises John Smirnov. At that time, for the funeral of suicides and paneirhides, they immediately deprived the priestly sanitary sane. So, there were rather convincing evidence of relatives that Yesenin did not commit suicide, but was killed.

But for almost eighty years, the suicide version has persistently introduced into consciousness soviet people. And only in 1997 in the newspaper Izvestia, director of a special archive A.S. Prokopenko said: "The researchers of the causes of Sergei Yesenin's death have long come to the conclusion about direct involvement in the death of the poet OGPU. And the documents about it are in the archives of the KGB, but for the past seven decades they do not give them to read them. The sake of only one removal of suicide soul with the soul of the Great Poet should be called wicked, who broke his life. "

Yesenin was killed by the Bolsheviks - internationalists for national identity, for preaching in his work of Orthodox values \u200b\u200b- love for neighbor and mercy, love for the Motherland and Russian people, for their poems great poet Anti-Duchopuity was opposed to the Soviet authorities, and thus supported the people of faith in the fact that Orthodox Russia did not go to nowhere, and therefore the time of her revival comes. For this, Sergey Yesenin was doomed to the camp.

Greasy research work In the investigation of the death of Sergey Yesenin - identify the reasons for the murder, customers and specific executors of the crime - the associate professor of the Department of Literature of the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture, a member of the Union of Writers Russian Federation Viktor Kuznetsov. In his work, "Mystery of the death of Yesenin", the author wrote: "In history with Yesenin, sadists acted alprint. Paradoxically, but the fact: there is not a single convincing evidence that suicide was committed by the poet. But the evidence of the murder is quite a lot. "

This is how Kuznetsov's incident describes: "The director of the" setting "of the suicide of Sergei Yesenin in the 5th issue of the Angletter hotel, was a film director" Sevzzcino "Pavel Petrovich Petrov (Makarevich), who, who trusting the rumble, dragging the body of the murdered Yesenin on the basement of the building Investigative prison GPU, located on Majorov Avenue, 8/23, did not check the 5th hotel number prepared for open review. "" As a result, there were a lot of questions: why the rope shook the throat of the unfortunate only one and a half times, and there was no loop; Like Yesenin, which expires blood, was able to build such a complex pyramid on the table with chopped palms and other wounds and climbed under the ceiling; what a terrible deserted trail over the nose (official version - burn); Finally, somewhere disappeared the jacket of the deceased. By the way, a member of the Leningrad Literary Group "Commonwealth" (1925-1929) I. Oxenov was recorded in the "diary": "... Larma was seen in the" diary ":" ... Along the foreheads, a bugger was seen (burn - from the hot tube of steam Heating, about which he hit his head), the mouth is semi-open, the hair developed by the scary nimbud around the head. " And further: "In the coffin, he was no longer so terrible. The burn was smeared, let down the eyebrows and lips. "For the Kuznetsov leads the testimony of the beginning of the baseer, the young verse of Pavel Lucnitsky:" Yesenin was little similar to himself. His face at the opening corrected, as they could, but still on the forehead there was a big red spot, in the upper corner of the right eye - a horse, on the nose - the leaf, and the left eye - flat: it is a bit "(" Meetings with Anna Akhmatova ". T . 1. 1924-1925. Paris: YMCA-Press, 1991).

Photographic materials - proof of the murder version of Sergey Yesenin: All photos - originals are stored in the Museum S.A. Yesenin. There are also photos of the poet's posthumous masks stored both in museums and in private collections.

Photographic materials indicate not only that Sergey Yesenin did not commit a self-effect, but also that he before his death had a strong resistance to the executioners who had fallen to him deadly wounds.

All photos are accompanied by questions, due to the inconsistency of images of the official version, approving the suicide of the poet.

What means for Russia recognition of the official version of Sergey Yesenin's death

The emigrant, historian and literatrite Mikhail Koryakov in 1950, manifesiatingly stated: "To gem Yesenin - it means to germinate Russia and the Russian people." For example, the people of Russia were deceived, why did the Sergey Yesenin suicide? Why banned his poems? What was so afraid of the Soviet power and the emerging communist system?

Let people read the poems of Yesenin - for the communist system meant to allow people to believe in God, which is why to lose faith in the Communist Party, and, in the end, for the Communist Party it meant - to lose their power over the people. Therefore, the young genius Sergey Yesenin was slander and appeared to the people as a rowdy, a scandalist, a drunkard and a womanizer, besides, a mentally ill.

But this was not enough for the ruling communist regime, it was necessary to make a great Russian poet even a sinner - therefore, this monstrous crime was made not only about the physical destruction of the poet, but also the destruction of the conscience of the Russian people. The people believed in this lie became accomplices of this crime. In essence, the murder of Sergei Yesenin is a crime against humanity.

Later, Esenin's poetry was prohibited, for reading poems of the poet of people attracted the 58th article (article in the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which entered into force on February 25, 1927 to counteract counter-revolutionary activities). The campaign of the fight against Yeseninshina lasted several decades.

The return of the net, decent and proud name of the Great Russian poet Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin is the return of the conscience of the people of Russia.

From the very beginning of its history of the killings, the Communist system has always applied the same gangster tactics: she began with the fact that he created negative rumors in society about who was going to persecute. If a person was broken spiritually, he did not imagine more threats to the communist system, but if a person remained faithful to some ideals, he was supposed to destroy, as they did with Sergey Yesenin, whom the Soviet government put "out of law".

"Whoever there was a person supplied outside the law, he turns around, whatever their merit in the past. So, you do not have to talk about any doubts about any doubts: this person does not turn into an outcast, and in a living corpse, whose death was only a matter of time ... "," said Lieutenant-General Justice A.F. Katosyev.

Winds, winds, about snow winds,
Notice my past life.
I want to be a light pace
Ile flower with meadow mix.

I want a fat man
Die for yourself for everyone.
Star bells in the ears
Fucking evening snow.

Good rapid trill him
When he dries pain in Purga.
I would like to stand like a tree,
On the road on one leg.

I would like under horse snores
Hug a lug with a bush.
Make you, lunar paws,
My sadness in heaven a bucket.
(S.Senin. 1919).

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