Parasites of society. Religions and philosophical teachings

Many people ask themselves the question: "Why in a modern civilized society, about the technical and cultural achievements of which today does not speak only lazy, life is so heavy, what turns into a war for survival, which is conducted by very dirty ways?" This question is quite natural. And the people who themselves ask him cannot see any rational nucleus at the civo society, nor the ultimate goals of its existence and development. I wonder why?

Because neither one or the other there NOT.

There is another sharp question: "Does humanity really develop and progresses over time? Do we live better than your ancestors or not? "

Any average "civilized and enlightened citizen" will answer you: "Of course, yes! Our ancestors were savages, lived in caves, long and tediously mined fire, hunted wild animals and were like animals. The modern man is released from all this - for him everything makes the cars, which he came up with himself, thanks to his non-light intelligence. Now he is the king of nature, life has been much eased, and all his urgen needs to satisfy the simplest. Isn't that happiness? "

But the reality of the Surov, and no matter how much you wanted to believe in a beautiful fairy tale, you understand that such answers - FALSE. Cynical and baking. The easiest way to make sure about it - go to any online search engine, to score in the search bar "takes place in the world" and read what he will give you. Whatever beautiful (good, not bad, tolerant is needed to emphasize) you seemed to your current life - pink glasses fly instantly, and smashing. Forever and ever. And then new questions begin to drop one by one:

Who and for what created this technocratic civilization on the planet Earth?

To whom it needs, with her wars, terrorism, religious obscuration, ignorance and irrationalism; Greed, egoism, exploding the brain by bureaucracy, bribery, vicious habits, consumer attitude towards nature and surrounding, physical and moral mud, dressed everywhere with muddy threads?

Why the vast majority of people do not see what lies on the surface? The fact that such a living place has no future or the nearest nor remote?

Who prevents people to see it, and why does he need it?

Why do we inspire that without a villa on Canar, limousine, a tv-zomboyer, stuffed with beer and fast food of the refrigerator and money with a greenish tinge, are we nobody, cattle? Or maybe the opposite?

Who is responsible for all this?

And who are these? - you ask.

If you make a verbal sketch with large strokes, the situation is like this:

Life in the universe - phenomenon NOT Unique. Only egoist or ignorance can come to mind that such a huge world with trillion galaxies, stars, and planets exists exclusively in order to only one small planet Earth on the backyards of the Galaxy Milky Way There was life. The universe is full of life in its most diverse forms, from viruses and single-cell bacteria to complex sensible creatures and highly developed intergalactic civilizations. Moreover, there are many invisible forms of matter that are not available to modern physical instruments, but are an integral part of the universe. Do not recognize their existence - it is like not to recognize the existence of radio waves, motivating that they are not visible and not heard. These matter form the ether, astral, mental and many other worlds that coexist with the dense world that we see with our own eyes, and affect it. And these worlds are also full of life in all its forms.

All developed reasonable creatures are divided into light and dark. Their meaning is the way to obtain life resources for development and reproduction. Bright create them themselves, going through hard labor, studies and self-improvement. Dark, as a result of their inability or unwillingness, do it, steal from bright and each other. And the object of theft or robbery can be anything: natural resources, minerals, scientific knowledge, technical achievements (especially in military sphere), etc. But the special value is life force (It is possible to call it "energy of the soul"), which can produce light for themselves, due to the presence of a highly developed sampling spirit in each of them, and dark - no.

  • V. Istarhov "Bunch of Russian gods"
  • N. Levashov - ""
  • "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"
  • D. Bid, E. Lyubimova - "Biblical pictures"
  • A.N. Trush - "Ases of initial knowledge"
  • V. Dyubin - "From Ariii to Rusych", "From Rusich to Russians"
  • D. Kolohan - "Committee 300"
  • S.A. Nilus - "Protocols of the Zion Wise men"
  • L. Broeer - "Pharmaceutical and Food Mafia"
  • A. Korelin - " Secret meaning Slots of the Russian Language "

Those who have no opportunity or time to travel for a long time in the Internet, I recommend moving on this link. At this address is an archive with books, brochures and articles collected by me about 5 years. spiritual development. File size - just under 230 megabytes. There are all 10 of the above books and even a huge mass of others, no less cognitive printed materials.

2012: the end of the world or the beginning of a new life?

It is now very popular to talk about 2012, as a turning point for which a completely different life will be, or it will not be at all. This is connected with a lot of different peoples, in particular, with a certain calendar of Maya Indians, who ends with this the thing, and there is nothing further. Many call this year the date of the end of the world. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the fall of the asteroid, the World Flood - the predictors twist each other. But is it all terribly really? And for whom is scary?

There are objective space laws for which the Universe lives and develops. And one of them is that in each area of \u200b\u200bspace there is a certain balance of invisible matter different types, and depending on the prevalence of certain matters in this area of \u200b\u200bouter space, there are best or worst conditions for the emergence, development and improvement of life. This condition is not stationary and subject to slow cyclic oscillations - periods of well-being and prosperity of life are replaced by periods of decline. Each such period lasts thousands or tens of thousands of years. Our ancestors are ancient Slavs - they knew about it, and called the favorable periods of the "Women's Days", and unfavorable when the activity of the dark forces - "Nights of Svary" prevails. detailed information There is a phenomenon in the book Nikolai Levashov "Russia in curves of mirrors".

  1. Knowledge of the universe surrounding the world, the laws of its existence and development
  2. History and Factology
  3. Religions and philosophical teachings
  4. and art
  5. Nerd state structures and organizations
  6. Authorities, laws and politics
  7. Education and education
  8. Funds mass media (MEDIA)
  9. Economic Relations, Money, Property
  10. Everyday life and interaction with the surrounding world
  11. Entertainment and Leisure
  12. Medicine and healthcare
  13. Emergency Action Weapons (Genocide Tools)
  14. Direct weapon

It is clear that for detailed description Each of these areas will not be enough for any book. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 9 are described in more detail, the rest - in the form of abstracts with reference to those books, articles and Internet resources, where one or another problem is well described in detail. Many of these sites cover a large amount of information, so I will bring links to them immediately:

Http:// http: //www.rus-net..peshera .org

The knowledge of oneself and the surrounding world is a paramount task for any reasonable being, and a person is not an exception. In the process of such knowledge, a person develops his will, his abilities and becomes more powerful. In the end, passing a certain mass of life tests and a series of reincarnations, a person who came out of all these tests with the winner, can become a light hierarch (God). The word "God" is a relative word "rich", and their meaning is very close. Rich - one who owns material benefits. God is the one who owns any power, opportunities, abilities, which allows it to be able to operate in a certain extent to matter and space.

The current science is connected by hand and legs with dogma and postulates. And its main brake is the presumption of positive evidence. Translated to this means: "For now, I will not prove that any item or some phenomenon exist, I will not recognize its existence." At the same time, the evidence methods are reduced to such manipulations, how to touch, hear, see with their own eyes or with devices. Naturally, with this approach, scientific representations of a person will be limited to a dense physical world - what are the gods, perfume and subtle matter here! By the way, another stone in the garden of "evidence-based science" - the genius who made revolutionary, always adhered to the opposite opinion - "Perhaps everything, even what seems impossible in principle."

But no matter how people relate to invisible forms of life, they exist, and significantly affect our world. Our ancestors who went into the world other and reached high level spiritual development, are the main assistants in life. And there is a mechanism through which they interact with our consciousness. It is called conscience. Everyone knows this word, but not everyone is thinking about his origin and sense. Although everything is rather obvious: the word "conscience" is almost equal to the word "meeting".

But despite the spiritual assistance of the ancestors, the development of a person, first of all, depends on him. Therefore, read yourself, think, analyze, enlighten. There are many interesting books about the world order, which are worth reading everyone. You can find them in the above-mentioned archive on the Internet. Especially recommended books by Nikolai Levashov ...

People who have never had a rod or broken people in their lives keep evil on those who go against the whole crowd, and did not go against themselves. A person when he ceases to be a man, turns into a slave with animal instincts, and at the same time he hates everyone.

Philosophers, religions of all nations have not been able to give a clear explanation to the concepts: good and evil. Good - is the nature of light forces, and evil - dark. These concepts are relative to individual human personalities there are no clear concepts in philosophyAlthough we all know that good is a possible evolutionary development mankind, and evil - destroys all this, self-sustaining humanity. And if you look at the result, in relation to people, these two concepts are absolute.

Making an act, each of us can characterize it himself, good, or bad, thereby predicting his actions. But it is only at first glance, because A good perfect deed may not be good for everyone. And therefore, a person always thinks that there is a small gray middle of the predicted sensible consciousness between good and evil.

The highest observers were delivered by a blocking generator, after the disaster that happened due to the nonsense of white rogues and the desire of the dark forces, blocking the ability to operate with reality in people, until the person is fully aware of all responsibility and understand the consequences of their acts. The reason was the presence of several bodies, and at the entrance to physical body Mixing genetics and the level of essence development occurred. This is an opportunity to operate reality, the factor is very dangerous who could lead people who did not receive enlightenment by knowledge, but manage reality to the next catastrophes. To do this, at the entrance to the physical body, all bodies were deactivated. Need to pass a development staircase to have ability to operate reality.

To get rid of the generator, a person must earn six material bodies of the essence of evolutionary, provided that its development goes well and harmoniously.

The generator was delivered to avoid a catastrophe after the second planetary catastrophe of light hierarchs, blocking the manifestation of the human genetic abilities before he drops six material bodies and completes its development cycle. At the same time, it was possible to complete the cycle only a harmonious and spiritually developed person who knows and aware of the whole degree of responsibility for all his decisions and actions.

Many people ask themselves the question: "Why in a modern civilized society, about the technical and cultural achievements of which today does not speak only lazy, life is so heavy, what turns into a war for survival, which is conducted by very dirty ways?" This question is quite natural. And the people who themselves ask him cannot see any rational nucleus at the civo society, nor the ultimate goals of its existence and development. I wonder why?

Because neither one or the other there NOT.

There is another sharp question: "Does humanity really develop and progresses over time? Do we live better than your ancestors or not? "

Any average "civilized and enlightened citizen" will answer you: "Of course, yes! Our ancestors were savages, lived in caves, long and tediously mined fire, hunted wild animals and were like animals. The modern man is released from all this - for him everything makes the cars, which he came up with himself, thanks to his non-light intelligence. Now he is the king of nature, life has been much eased, and all his urgen needs to satisfy the simplest. Isn't that happiness? "

But the reality of the Surov, and no matter how much you wanted to believe in a beautiful fairy tale, you understand that such answers - FALSE. Cynical and baking. The easiest way to make sure about it - go to any online search engine, dial in the search string "Russia takes place in the world" and read what he will give you. Whatever beautiful (good, not bad, tolerant is needed to emphasize) you seemed to your current life - pink glasses fly instantly, and smashing. Forever and ever. And then new questions begin to drop one by one:

Who and for what created this technocratic civilization on the planet Earth?

To whom it needs, with her wars, terrorism, religious obscuration, ignorance and irrationalism; Greed, egoism, exploding the brain by bureaucracy, bribery, vicious habits, consumer attitude towards nature and surrounding, physical and moral mud, dressed everywhere with muddy threads?

Why the vast majority of people do not see what lies on the surface? The fact that such a living place has no future or the nearest nor remote?

Who prevents people to see it, and why does he need it?

Why do we inspire that without a villa on Canar, limousine, a tv-zomboyer, stuffed with beer and fast food of the refrigerator and money with a greenish tinge, are we nobody, cattle? Or maybe the opposite?

Who is responsible for all this?

And who are these? - you ask.

If you make a verbal sketch with large strokes, the situation is like this:

Life in the universe - phenomenon NOT Unique. Only egoist or ignorance may come to mind that such a huge world with trillion galaxies, stars, solar systems And the planets exists exclusively for the time that only one small planet Earth on the backyards of the Galaxy Milky Way was life. The universe is full of life in its most diverse forms, from viruses and single-cell bacteria to complex sensible creatures and highly developed intergalactic civilizations. Moreover, there are many invisible forms of matter that are not available to modern physical instruments, but are an integral part of the universe. Do not recognize their existence - it is like not to recognize the existence of radio waves, motivating that they are not visible and not heard. These matter form the ether, astral, mental and many other worlds that coexist with the dense world that we see with our own eyes, and affect it. And these worlds are also full of life in all its forms.

All developed reasonable creatures are divided into light and dark. Their meaning is the way to obtain life resources for development and reproduction. Bright create them themselves, going through hard labor, studies and self-improvement. Dark, as a result of their inability or unwillingness, do it, steal from bright and each other. And, the object of theft or robbery can be anything: natural resources, minerals, scientific knowledge, technical achievements (especially in the military field), etc. But the special value is life force (It is possible to call it "energy of the soul"), which can produce light for themselves, due to the presence of a highly developed sampling spirit in each of them, and dark - no.

  • V. Istarhov "Bunch of Russian gods"
  • N. Levashov - "Russia in curves of mirrors"
  • "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"
  • D. Bid, E. Lyubimova - "Biblical pictures"
  • A.N. Trush - "Ases of initial knowledge"
  • V. Dyubin - "From Ariii to Rusych", "From Rusich to Russians"
  • D. Kolohan - "Committee 300"
  • S.A. Nilus - "Protocols of the Zion Wise men"
  • L. Broeer - "Pharmaceutical and Food Mafia"
  • A. Korelin - "The Secret Meaning of the Slots of the Russian Language"

Those who have no opportunity or time to travel for a long time in the Internet, I recommend moving on this link. At this address is an archive with books, brochures and articles collected by me about 5 years of spiritual development. File size - just under 230 megabytes. There are all 10 of the above books and still a huge mass of others, no less informative print materials ...

Today is the best day, today the battle with fools.

Group "Time Machine"

In order to understand why people experience difficulties with transrefing, we must figure out how our society is arranged. Let's start with not very nice questions. Not often, but sometimes letters come from people, apparently, something offended, the expectations of which transfing did not justify something.

Vervarily go! Rubita loot while your name is in fashion and hearing.

So, short and clear. It is in this format that I propose writing letters to me such a content, because if from the very beginning the message gives out itself as a hostile configured, and if it is longer than two or three lines, it remains to be decentered and immediately sent to the place where he is the place - in Basket. And it turns out that all your work is going to go scam. And so, if it is concise and essentially, then your arrow reaches the goal, and I immediately fall, drove in the fluff and dust.

Actually, I would not really like to touch this topic. Provocations of individual puppets of pendulum can be ignored, but if there is a phenomenon, it will not be so easy to dismiss it. And there is a phenomenon, and one of his manifestations is as follows: letters come from people who are sincerely convinced that my work should not be paid. For example:

Well, first, I did not do free distribution His books. Although if someone needs text, I send. Secondly, if you have such convictions that you need to work for free - go and work for free. That's so simple, not weak? Or will we smash and remune?

So the worm and behaves - he will come out of his mink, turns his head, shook himself - IS, they divorced commerce here! The cook feeds him, the musician entertains, but he does not like - that if all the task was given, then it would be okay and rightly, as it should. And, in the meantime, the sausage in his store will be laid out, and try it - asking him! And it was compared, - my concrete sausage with your creative crap.

I am deliberately descending to the prison, to explain things, it would seem obvious. The fact of the matter is that there are people who do not understand simple things.

Those huge amounts that allegedly enhance the famous author, as it is drawn in the imagination of worms, does not really exist - everything is much more modest. At the same time, the ratio of the complexity of writing work and material return is absolutely disproportionate. Who did not try to do this case, it is impossible and imagined.

If there is nothing wrong with the commerce itself - there is a business business. And everyone belongs to business very tremble and gently when it comes to your own business. But on someone else's business is always ready to penetrate the labels of pegs, deception, dishonest game. And then, what kind of commerce here you can generally speak at all, if I raise such uncomfortable themes as nutrition of living plant food? Is this a popular topic? Yes, God is with you. Another thing is meat!

If I had lost confidence in somewhere I read before, I would have turned cool and left, and would never come around and did not touch what he was doing. And you (I appeal to the authors of such letters) is still going here? What for? Sick out! After all, I always said that I do not invite anyone with me.

Now, in fact, most of my work is not paid. Work with mail readers who appeal to me with requests to help in a specific life situation, takes a lot of my time and strength. Here I am really free helping those who are able to help, as it is possible, as far as I have enough. But let's not get anything at all from my books? Then I will have to go earn, do something else, and then the time for what I do, will not remain at all. And on this end and we will disappear.

Sounds wild and absurd, is not it? Do not the worm claims sound not wild? But these are also people who among us and whom society recognized quite sane. Why is such a phenomenon?

After royal regimeIn which the bureaucratic system developed to the degree of pathology, the Bolsheviks hoped: "Before the foundation we destroy, and then ..." and destroyed, but nothing came out - immediately after this bureaucracy flourished even the former, in all its monstrous magnificence.

Lenin, watching what began to work after the revolution, in despair enough for his head, not knowing what to do. Most of all, it was disturbed not the crisis and devastation, not the resistance of the "unfaded conference", and not even fools and the roads, and the rapid growth of the bureaucratic system, which developed by itself, for some of their own laws, and with which no directives could have done .

But even taking into account historical heredity, it remains unclear for me and surprisingly, as modern educated people can absolutely sincerely believe that someone shouldWhile they themselves do something in return at all are not obliged. In short, "how old Taiga go - do not understand" (© Dersua littered).


The system begins its development from the formation of a bureaucratic apparatus.

Dear reader!

As you know, books about transfing lie in the "allegedly free" network access. However, nothing for nothing passes and is not given. You either get a cheap fake, as in the flea market, or please the interests of random people. Must warn you: if you download electronic texts of books from illegal resources, I can not guarantee that this is entirely my texts. There you can insert anything, and it is already done. Read originals from the publisher, or pick up "used copies" that are lying on the network - the question of your choice and your responsibility. If you need text, please email me, and I'll send it. I do not refuse anyone if I ask me. I do not need your compensation, perceive it as a gift. It takes me only one thing - so that you do not get fake under the brand of transfing.

Social restrictions being members of a certain society, we are subject to a variety of mutually agreed filters, the most significant of which is the native language. And more concretened our language and the more differences we are able to notice, the richer

From the book the way to wealth. How to become both rich and happy Author Sinelnikov Valery

Social subsidies this sector uses pensioners, disabled people and some types of "beneficiaries." I do not consider this sector very important in terms of receipt of income, as there is direct dependence on the state and the government in particular. But do not need it at all

From the book a biographical essay Author Shivananda Swami.

From the book Divine nectar Author Shivananda Swami.

Social proverbs # See good; Listen to good; Speak good; and do good. Learn - it means to serve. Male actions are creating great things. There are more precious than money. Do not multiply the number of friends. Good manners are the best recommendation letter..

From the book awareness in action. Enneagram, Coaching and Development emotional intelligence The author of Sikora Mario

From the book Liberation [System of skills of further energy information development. I step] author
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