5 Complexed proposals with dividing unions. What is a complex proposal: examples

Complex sentences - These are sentences consisting of several simple.

The main means of communication of ordinary proposals in complex are intonation, unions (writing and subordinates) and allied words ( relative pronouns And primegal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication complex sentences are divided into allied and nessuzny. Union offers are divided by complexed and complexed.

Complexed Offers (SSP) are complex proposals in which simple proposals are associated with each other intonation and winning unions.

Types of complex proposals for the nature of the Union and the meaning

Type of SP. Unions Examples
1. connecting unions (Connecting relationships). AND; Yes (in meaning and); no no; Yes, and; also; also; not only but.

Opened the door, and the air from the yard rolled into the kitchen (POUST).
Her face pale, slightly opened lips, too pale (Turgenev).
Not only there was no fish, but the rod did not even have a fishing line (Sadovsky).
He didn't love jokes, and her with him leave alone (Turgenev).

2. Complex proposals from interconnected unions (Compact relationship). BUT; but; Yes (in meaning but); but (in meaning but); but; but; And that; not that; and not that; Same particle (in the meaning of the Union but); particle only (in the meaning of the Union but).

Ivan Petrovich gone, and I stayed (Leskov).
Convictions suggest the theory, behavior is formed by an example (Herzen).
I did not eat anything, but I did not feel hunger (Tenryakov).
In the morning it was raining, but now we shone a clean sky (POUST).
You are today must talk with father and then he will worry About your departure (Pisemen).
Boats immediately disappear in the darkness, just long heard bursts lumbers and voices of fishermen (Oaks).

3. Certain offers S. separate alliances (dividing relationship). Or; or; not that ..., not that; then ..., then; Either ..., either.

Either fish eat either stranded (proverb).
Not he was jealous of Natalia, it was not that he regret her (Turgenev).
Whether silence and loneliness affected him, whether he just suddenly looked after the eyes of the time to become familiar (Simonov).


1) Writing alliances can associate not only parts of a complex proposal, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for the alignment of punctuation marks. Therefore, when analyzing, be sure to highlight the grammatical foundations to determine the type of sentence (simple homogeneous members or a complex proposal).

Wed: From the smoke hole, a man and a lot of large sturgeon walked (Sands) - a simple sentence with homogeneous faithful; Money ladies on the road and the helicopter can cause (Sands) - a complex proposal.

2) Writing unions usually occupy a place at the beginning of the second part (the second simple sentence).

In some way Danube serves as a border, but he serves and dear People to each other (Sands).

The exclusion is the unions, too, also, union particles, only. They necessarily occupy or can take a seat in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I cried, mother also cried (Aksakov); Comrades treated him disliked, the soldiers loved truly (Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing, such complex offers are often confused with non-union complex suggestions.

3) Double Union is not only ..., but also expresses gradation relations and in school textbooks are attributed to the connecting unions. Very often, when analyzing, only his second part is taken into account ( but also) And mistakenly refer to the oppositional unions. In order not to make a mistake, try replacing this double union union and.

Wed: Language should be not only clear or simple, but also language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language must be understandable or common, and language must be good.

4) By meaning, complex offers are very diverse. Quite often they are close in value to complex proposals.

Wed: You will leave - and it will become dark (Shefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I did not eat anything, but I did not feel hunger (Tenryakov). - Although I did not eat anything, I did not feel hunger.

However, when parsing is not taken into account, this is not the specific value, and the value due to the type of writing union (connecting, interpreting, separation).

Notes. In some textbooks and manuals, complex suggestions include complex suggestions with explanatory unions. that is, namely, eg: The Board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he emphasized himself to this (Kurpros); Bird flights produced as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives birds ability to avoid Unfavorable conditions for winter (Sands). Other researchers relate them to complex proposals or allocate in an independent type of complex proposals. Part of the proposals with particles only, refer to non-union proposals.

Basic groups of complex suggestions.

By alliances that bind parts of a complex proposal, complex proposals are divided into three main groups:

1) Complex proposals with C O E D and N and T E L H S M and Unions (and, yes, no, too, also, 2) Complexed suggestions with r and z d e l and t e l b n and unions (or, either, then something, not that - not that); 3) Difficult proposals with PR O T and B and T E L R H S M and alliances ( but, a, yes, but, however, but it is not that ).

Different unions express various relationships between simple suggestions that are part of the complex, for example: 1) Union and May express simultaneity of phenomena: Transparent forest one black and Spruce Through Friends Green, and River under the ice shines (P.); 2) Soyuz but expresses "opposition: I called you, but You did not look back. (Block.)

Various semantic relations between proposals in their composition are expressed not only by alliances, but often the ratio of verb forms, as well as lexical means, in particular by the prisoners, included in the second sentence.

1) The sun is just that village, and scarlet slim light lying On green vines, on high stamens, on dry ground. (T.) Soyuz and expresses a sequence of phenomena. Baked in the first sentence (village) expressed by the verb of the perfect species, and in the second sentence - the verb of an imperfect species (lying). These verb shapes make it possible to indicate that after a non-block action, a long-term action occurred.

2) and that's why I did not wait for dinner and go to bed. (ARS.) In this example, the second proposal in meaning is a consequence of the first; This value is supported by the prisoner nash because.(Wed: On this day I was unpleasant a little, and I did not wait for dinner and lean to sleep.)

3) Marianne not It was a child, but she looked like a child and simplicity of feeling. (T.) The counterpart value is supported in this example by a negative particle. not With the first sentence.

Complex proposals with connecting unions.

1. Soyuz and ambiguous: it may indicate the simultaneous action (sat and silent) on their sequence (jumped and ran), for the conditionality of one action to another (He cried in a dream and woke up, i.e. I woke up from a screaming), etc. Therefore, in a complex sentence, it can connect the parts in which the simultaneous events are referred to, or about them after each other, or on the conditionality of one event to others. Consider examples: 1) The yield bends the spikes, and Wheat is stunned, and Girlfriends Silver voice sings our voice song. (L. K.) (This complex proposal consists of three parts; in a complex proposal, the simultaneity of phenomena is established; the simultaneity is expressed by the enumerable intonation, the union and the same type of verb forms: in all three parts, the verbs of the imperfect view of the present time are considered.) 2) The yamper whistled, and Horses picked up. (P.) (In this complex sentence, a sequence of phenomena is transmitted; the sequence is expressed by the Union and, lexical values \u200b\u200bof verb forms; The faugables are expressed by verbs of the perfect species of the past time.) 3) Lightning flashed , and after that I heard a sharp blow thunder. (In this sentence, the sequence of phenomena is transmitted; the sequence is expressed primarily by combination following the, but Also the Soyuz and.) 4) Potomki Meanwhile, and more condensed, and The items lost their contours. (C.) (The second part of the proposal is the meaning of the investigation.) 5) I do not know you, Daria Mikhailovna, and Because you can't like you. (T.) (In this example, the presence of a prisoner adverb because In the second part, the meaning of the investigation is emphasized.) In the scientific prose, the temporary sequence is very often combined with the value of the investigation, for example: The Earth gradually cooled, gave his heat into a cold interplanetary space. Finally, its temperature approached 100 °, and then The atmospheric water vapor began to thicken and in the form of rain rushed to the hot deserted surface of the earth. (Oparin) in the second complex suggestion a simple proposal attached by the Union and which is combined with the word then includes subsequent events that are consequence. In scientific and business speeches, there are also complex proposals with a conditionally investigative value, for example: change the type of metabolism of the living body, and you change heredity. (First part with the fae insecurity It has the importance of the condition, and the second - with the fault in the form of a future time - is the meaning of the investigation.)

2. Significantly consistently used in the literary language yes. It is found primarily in artistic speech, for example: Hungry wolf in the forest wilderness piercingly moaning, Yes The wind beat and roared, playing on the river. (N.) It has an additional collaborative household or folklore shade.

3. Unions also and also The meaning is approaching the union and, But they are not between parts of the sentence, and inside the second part, with them there may be an extension and .

PRI MERS. one) Tears dried in my eyes, sister also stopped crying. (BUT.) 2) A strange old man spoke very long, the sound of his voice also I am up with me. (T.)

4. Soyuz n. - n. (In modern literary language, only repeating) combines two meanings: connecting union and and an amplifier particle neither which is consumed in negative proposals, therefore the union no no Used to communicate negative proposals.

Example. N. Sun is not visible to the light, n. For the roots of my protrusion there is no. (Cr.) (Wed: And the sun is not visible to me, and For the roots of my donor there.)

Complex proposals with separation unions.

1. Soyuz or Indicates the presence or possibility of something one of two or from a number of phenomena, as well as on the alternation of phenomena, referred to in proposals. Examples . 1) Only occasionally the deer is muttony through the desert runs or Horse tabun playful silence of dollars outrage. (L.) 2) Il. The plague will picker me Il. Moroz opasenit, Il.in my forehead, the barrier will shift a non-disabled person. (P.)

2. Soyuz something - (repeating only) indicates an alternation of phenomena.

PRI MERS That will crept the door that Quietly turns the wicket, that The sloping figure wives from home to the houses around the gardens.


3. Soyuz not that - not that (only repeated) Indicates difficulty to allocate one of two or from a number of phenomena due to the uncertainty of impressions from each

Example. Not that to whom the horses filed, not that Who arrived new. (Danilevsky.)

Unions or, something Stylistically neutral, suggestions

they can be used in any style of speech. Unions il, not that - not that have a shade of speaking, designs with them are more characteristic for everyday life

Complex proposals with interpretation unions.

1. Soyuz but Indicates that the second phenomenon is opposed to the first or something different from it.

PRI MERS. one) They woke up but We are going to sleep. (T.) 2) I met a male and woman in the swamp. He walked with oblique but She is with rakes. (Etc.)

2. Unions but yes, but, however Indicate that the second phenomenon is opposed to the first. Soyuz yes, Like a connecting union yes, It has an additional collaborative or folklore tint.

PRI MERS. one) Sun village but The forest is still light. (T.)

2) I lay as it were in forgetting, but The dream did not wash my eyes. (Cost.) 3) The hot face was looking for wind, Yes There was no wind. (T.) 4) It is visible on the sides of your shoulder whip not one strip, but On the courtyards of the innings, you attempted to vitous oats. (N.)

3. Soyuz same Combines two meanings: a configuration union and an amplifier particle; Therefore, it is not worth the parts of the proposals, but after the first word in the second part of the proposals (especially highlighting this word); It is used, as a rule, to communicate proposals, not individual words.

PRI MERS Merry and louder than everyone laughed the student himself, healso, they still stopped. (M. G.)

4. Unions and then not that comply with the meaning of the words otherwise, otherwise; Suggestions with them are usually used in colloquial speech.

PRI MERS. one) You, quiet, come, come, And that Mama will be sculpting again. (Acr.). 2) truth say not that You will get.

The joining meaning of writing alliances.

Some writing unions (and, yes, or, and but, but) Used in the attachment. In this case, they attach additional thoughts, which are: a) consequence of the conclusion; b) a passing remark; c) Something unexpected, suddenly came to mind. Some unions, for example yes, and have only awareness. Before alliances with an attachment value, a voice is lowered and a pause is made.

PRI MERS. one) Climbed another mountain, the last one and Immediately in front of them lit up a bunch of lights a big, fun city. (Soyuz and Joins the investigation.) 2) So continues, until everyone gets together, finally He himself. (Rock.) (Soyuz and in conjunction with the word finally Joins the conclusion in the time sequence.) 3) Kurban gymnasium Vyacheslav Semashko came to the owner, yes sometimes came the young lady. (M. G.) (Soyuz yes Joins the thought in a consistent statement, but arose as it were after the first.) 4) Poor Nadya is no longer enough to hear those words yes And no one to pronounce them. (C.) (Special Connecting Union yes and Attachs the additive note of the storyteller, splingning Nadya and sympathizing with her.) 5) I got up before the eyes of the hungry hungry, and in the hungry hungry mother still lies. (Neurors.) (Union but , in a logical value approaching the union and , joins the additional thought caused in the creation of a stagnant in front of the eyes.) 6) IN house on the Field Street Street lived no more than a year , but also During this time, the house acquired noisy glory. (M. g,) (Soyuz but in combination with the union and Joins the opposite of what follows from the content of the first sentence.)

Very often, unions with an attachment joine not part of a complex proposal, but a new offer, for example: 1) On all corners there are lights and are burning with a complete potassium. AND The windows are lit. (K.S.)(Soyuz and Joins a new offer; The connecting link allows you to highlight something very surprising and very important at the moment for the narrator, which has not seen the illuminated windows. Wed: On all corners there are lanterns, they burn with a complete potassium, windows are lit.) 2) It's time, my child, get up! .. Yes, you're beautiful, ready? (P.) (Soyuz yes Begins a new question offer caused by something unexpected; here yes approaches the meaning to question particles is it really.)

Explanatory offers.

A special group, close to proposals connected by writing unions, make up a n o n s n i t el o n and me with unions that is, namely. In these proposals, talking explains, it specifies the thought expressed in the first part, for example:

1) Our garden dies, they have been shopping in it already, i.ethere is something that was so afraid of a poor father. (C.) 2) Thunderstorm has a beneficial effect on nature, namely: It cleans and cools the air.

Signs of punctuation in a complex proposal with writing unions.

Between the parts of the proposal associated with writerous unions, it is set.

PRI MERS. one) The sea is deeply ropatal, and the waves beat on the shore mad and angry. (M. G.) 2) Nevozhana slept, and Marianna sat under the window and looked into the garden. (T.) 3) We work a lot of you, but there is no benefit. (Cr.) 4) The sun went down the mountains, but it was still light. (L.) 5) There was a strong explosion, but the guys were not confused. If a word but It is in the middle of the sentence, then it is allocated as a writing word, for example: There was a strong explosion, guys, however, were not confused.

If the parts are connected are significantly common, they already have a comma inside, then between them is toned between them; A semicolon is placed before such a proposal, which is not very common, but has an extension, less related to the previous one. In these cases, the voice decreases between offers and there is a pause.

PRI MERS. one) Almost every evening they left somewhere outside the city, in Oreand or the waterfall; And the walk was lucky, the impressions were invariably every time were beautiful, great. (Ch.) 2) I had only blue paint; But despite this, I started drawing a hunt. (L. T.) 3) Irina again looked at him right in the face; But this time she smiled. (T.)

PRI MERS. one) The arrow comes out of the quiver, the Cossack swayed, and falls. (P.) 2) I. i moved into the second hut - and in the second hut neither soul. (T.) 3) I. i hurry there well - and there is already all

city. (P.)

NOTE. The comma does not become connected and divided unions if the proposals connectable to them have a total secondary member or a general subordinate clauseWhat causes the close semantic unity of these proposals, for example:

1) On the streets We moved heavy trucks and raced cars. 2) Stars have already begun pale and sky Seremo, When the stroller arrived at the house porch in Vasilyevsky. (T.)

Exercise 115. Spinit, inserting missed letters. Specify alliances connecting parts of a complex proposal, and relationships between these parts; Explain the alignment of punctuation marks.

1. The air is breathing ... t Spring AR ... Mate, and all nature revolves ... Sia. (L.) 2) The aisle is ... t, and Theodore has grown up on their own side. (P.) 3) and batteries were silent, and the drums were care. (L.) 4) Here's the drop ... Shattered drums - and retreated bassurmen. (L.) 5) Only in some places ... M ... Rtsali, stretching ... were and immediately ... Cesali on the running jets trembling stars, but sometimes the playful wave rushed ashore and fled to us. (Cor.) 6) Nightingale doped his latest songs, and other singing birds all stopped singing. (A.) 7) For a second, he was silent, the mother looked at him too silently. (M. G.) 8) It was dark, but I still kind of ... l and trees, and water, and people. (C.) 9) Brica rushed straight, and for some reason the mill began to go to the left .... (C.)10) He joked, and I hurt. (P.) 11) Pugachev gave a sign, and immediately let me go and left. (P.) 12) Father please ... Lalled me a good way, and my daughter spent to cart. (P.) 13) the buddies advised him the porn ... smiling; But the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat ... Xia. (P.) 14) Hall ... t dog house, Ile Breet Zash ... Festives in sheets of darkening Dubrov, Ile Bird will fly timidly. (Yaz.) 15) then the truth is breathing ... t everything in it, then everything is pretended in it and false. Understand H ... Perhaps her, but n ... Love H ... Perhaps. (L.) 16) She was a boost ... And in an old one, that is, surrounded by Mamules, nyanyushki, girlfriends and hanged girls, sewed gold and ... knew the diplomas. (P.) 17) Fog quickly gets fog with meadows and silver in the sun beam, and the bushes are raised behind him. (M. G.)18) All of her (Lizaveta Ivanovna) knew, and N ... who n ... noticed. (P.)

116 . Read and encourage text, specify complex offers with alliances and importance of these proposals; Spish, arranging the missing punctuation signs.

The weather was at the beginning there was a good quiet. They shouted the drosets and next door to the swamp something alive complaints about the buzzo accurately blowed into an empty bottle. I handed one Waldshnepe and the shot on it sounded in the spring air rolling and fun. But when he was dark in the forest, in the afternoon from the east, the cold penetrating wind is all smalcot. Ice needles stretched along the puddles and it became uncomfortable in the forest uncomfortable and dislike. Filed in winter.

(A. P. Ch e x about in.)

117. Specify complex suggestions and their value; Spish, exposing the missed punctuation signs. After that, explain the spelling of the particles not and neither.

I. 1) I was waving lazy and quick-tempered but sensitive and ambitious and news from me could be achieved. Unfortunately intervened in my upbringing and no one knew how to take me. (P.) 2) the greenery of herbs climb a sleeping pond and the pond smokes and get alongside the fields over the fields. In the alley, I enter the bushes through the bushes, the evening beam and yellow sheets are noisy under timid steps. (L.) 3) Ostap has already engaged in his work and has long moved to Kurenim Andriy himself not knowing why he felt some kind of heart. (G.) 4) The table and the bed stood in the previous places, but there were no colors on the windows and the dilapidation and negligence showed everything around. (P.) 5) The days of late autumn are sold usually, but she is a dear reader. (P.) 6) Empties the air of the birds is not audible, but far even to the first winter storms and pour clean and light azure on the resting field. (Tyutch) 7) Sometimes again, I will share the harmony over the fictional tears and can be on my sunset sad shine love smile farewell. (P.) 8) A rumor about me will pass throughout Russia Great and call me any language in it. (P.)

II. 1) Spring went. The sun was harder. On the southern slopes of the Bugrov snowdowed the snow and reddish from last year's grass Earth at noon was already covered with a transparent lilac chimney of evaporation. On the drums on the mounds from under the first bright green sharp gems of Medickery in the loams of native stones. Strongly exposed. With abandoned winter roads Gracis moved to the gum on the flooded weighing water. In the logs and beams, the snow lay a blue to the top of a naked moisture; From there, there was still harshly on the cold, but already thin and singers rang in the yars under the snow, the hanging streams are not visible to the eye and very spring, slightly noticeably and gently seized in the armor of the trunks of the poplars. (Shol.) 2) Soon, a huge tour reached out from the farm on the mountain. The women who went for a run for a long time was walking with the drivers and then a membrane rose in the steppes and behind the snow boiling haired was not visible, neither of the Cossacks who were walking near them. (Shol.)

118. Read, specify complex suggestions and their value; Then specify separate members offers. Spish, exposing the missed punctuation signs. After that, explain the spelling of the suffixes of adjectives and communities.

1) Under the clouds, fueling the air with silver sounds trembling the larks. And over the green fathers and chinno waving the wings were rushed. (C.) 2) The foliage did not move on the trees shouting cicadas and the monotonous deaf noise of the sea came from the bottom was talking about peace. (C.) 3) Dahl was visible as a day, but her gentle lilapid color was already fascinated by evening Magnoy disappeared and the whole steppe hid in the Mol. (C.) 4) Due to the ridges of sandy bugrov to the left of them there was a moon pouring the sea with silver glitter. Large meekly she slowly floated up deep in the sky. Bright stars shine paled and melted in her smooth dreamy light. (M. G.)5) Visl fell into the waves and Barkas rushed forward into a wide plain of illuminated water. (M. G.) 6) Upon nights over the sea, the soft noise of his sleepy breathing is smoothly worn, this immense sound pours calmness into the soul and gentlely tamping her evil gusts will give birth to mighty dreams. (M. G.)

119. Read and encourage text; Indicate where writing alliances connect homogeneous members, where simple sentences and where - jellucious; Then specify the value of complex proposals; Spish, arranging missed commas. Insert the missing letters and explain the spelling.

The black cloud completely shook and became visible no longer s ... Rniya and zipper arms ... Roaring all the courtyard and a destroying house with broken porchs and thunder heard over her head. All the birds of ... quietly but also ... Lestels leaves and the wind ended up to the porch on which with ... do not want to move his hair. One drop was flown. Another bannerbanilo on the burdocks of the roof glare and brightly flashed all air; Everything calmed down and did not have time for non-good hair ... Tat three, how terriblely cracked something over the head and Ra ... she rolled across the sky.

(L. N. T O L S T O.)

120. Spinit, opening brackets. Stress the writing unions.

1) His [Saburov] had the most people for (that) He had to go straight through the whole area. (K.S.) 2) for twilight we (before) should (before) watershed. People hung hard, horses, then (same) needed rest. (ARS.) 3) ahead, on a dusty field, then (same) Turned carts, and those (same)seveled yellow sheaves, and so (same) The sounds of the cart, voices and songs came from published. (L. T.) 4) Not (that) These were outbreaks of distant explosions, not (that) Sparkling the zarry. 5) That slapped where (that) then he was suddenly howl, then as if who (that) passed along the corridor. (S.-S.) 6) after a few minutes everything has already fallen on the village, one month is so (same) Brilliantly and wonderfully sailed in the immense deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky. So (same)solemnly breathe in the embroidery ... (g.)


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In Russian, it is customary to divide proposals for simple, which includes one grammatical basis, and complex, including several subject and faraway, which are not homogeneous members. In grade 9, the program implies the study of various types of complex proposals. These include complex suggestions (examples of which will be given later), as well as complex and non-union. At the beginning of the course, it is described in detail what SSP is in Russian (a complex proposal).

SSP classification

As follows from the name of the term, a complex proposal is a complex proposal with writing connectionswhich can be expressed with writing unions or some particles. Unlike phrases, where the verification relationship is applied and one part of the proposal is dependent (that is, it cannot be used separately from the main one), in the SSP, both part are equal. Below is a table with examples of complex and complex proposals from works.

Writing communication in the proposal may take the following values:

  1. Connecting relationships are used in cases where you need to show the sequence of two actions or emphasize their simultaneity: The clock was shown midnight, and Silence finally came in the house. Communication is issued using alliances and, yes, also, also and some particles: no no.
  2. The relationship between parts of the sentence can be divided when it is necessary to specify the change of events, their alternation or comparison: Not that He rushed to him not that And in fact, something bright flashed in the sky. In this case, uses the Union oras well as various repetitive particles: either ... either, not that ... not that other.
  3. Comparative relations are used to pay attention to the identity of two parts of the SSP with namely or i.e: I am very afraid of the height, namely They scare me the roofs of multi-storey buildings and infinitely long staircases.
  4. An explanatory relationship includes various kinds of concretization, clarifications expressed by words but, but, So, as well as etc.: In the country house everything was fine, but The roof flowed slightly.
  5. Gradual call such relations in the SSP, which suggest further development: If not It turns out until the end of the week finish the construction, then at least You will already be half work. Unions are used for communication not only ... also, not only but, not say ... but other.

In addition, comparative relationships are sometimes divided into another 3 small categories, which includes properly comparable (here include phrases with alliances a, yes), opposing (to express inconsistencies with a, N.) and seeding (using only).

Types of writing unions

For communication between grammatical bases, service part of speech - alliances and in some cases particles are used. Unions in SP. it is customary to divide into three categories:

  • connecting: and, and, too;
  • divided: either, not that ... not that or;
  • promotive: however, but, but but.

In addition, complex unions differ in their composition. Most of them consist of one or two words ( yes, also, but, or, but) and is used only in one part of the SSP:

We would not cope with the sunset, yes Comrades came to the rescue.

However, dual unions are also isolated, which are used in both parts of the phrase ( not only ... But, or ... either, or ... or):

Or Tomorrow is hitting a thunderstorm with a torrential rain, or It will be all day to stand the heat.

Unions in SSP are usually located at the beginning of the second part of the sentence (or at the beginning of both parts, if we are talking about a double union). Exceptions are too, also and particle samewhich can be located in the middle of the phrase:

January turned out to be rarely warm, February also In no hurry to please the guys with snow.

The location of the Union in the phrase and the type to which he belongs must be known to correctly arrange the punctuation marks (if necessary).

Basic rules of punctuation

As in all other types of a complex proposal, most often in the SSP, it is necessary to separate one part of the other with a communion before the writing union or a particle.

We could come today today, but unexpected circumstances prevented our plans.

Either Paul did not receive her message, or problems again arose on the line.

However, it is important to remember that writing unions can connect not only of parts of a complex offer, but also homogeneous members. In such cases, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical foundations and understand whether they are subject to both homogeneous, as in the next simple sentence:

The bees or wasps in the summer often fly to the apartment and can stole anyone.

In addition, punctuation in the SSP is not limited to commas. Some phrases use punctuation marks, rather infectious non-union bonds.


In some cases, instead of a comma, other punctuation marks should be used. If the offer is strongly distributed (there are involved in it or temployees, introductory words, a large number of Uniform members) and inside there are already commas, one part of the phrase should be separated from another with a semicolon:

The guys went on a pond, despite the beginning of the rain, the neighbor was guessed, passed through an abandoned forest path; But only in the evening they were allowed to go home.

In situations, when one part of the SSP is sharply opposed to another or when the second part is a consequence of the first, it is necessary to put a dash between them:

Hit - and he fell.

In addition, punctuation errors in phrases with writing bonds occur not only when determining the correct punctuation mark. Sometimes there are difficult proposals in which there are no commas, and dash.

When punctuation signs are not put

It should be remembered for some cases when the comma is not required. For example, if two simple proposals in the composition of complex are connected by single alliances and, yes, or, orand have any common element, the punctuation mark between them is not needed. As general Element can perform:

  1. General secondary member (usually - addition or circumstance): His parents on the farm live cows and grown pears.
  2. General podep part (In the event that submission is used in a proposal on a par with an essay): While Brother Walked, Mom went to the store and sister began the cake oven.
  3. The general part of the proposal bound by the infantoy bond (only when both parts of the SSP disclose the phrase content in more detail): The girl embraced despair: the last tram went down and drove away the last bus.
  4. General Introductory Word: As you know, our planet has the shape of a ball and the moon revolves around her.

In addition to these cases, the comma does not become connected and divided unions if the intonation is combined:

How much time remains to exams and when should it be prepared for them? - Questionally intonation.

Let it end old year And the new one will begin! - Intelligent proposal.

As a charmingly playing an experienced musician and how surprisingly it is thin, his hearing! - both parts are combined with an exclamation.

The punctuation mark is not required in the call proposals (not having a fag) if the Union is not double:

Amazing beauty and completely inexplicable spectacle.

However, this rule does not apply to the names of books, films, etc.:

Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!

The comma is not needed in uncertain-personal proposals, but only when the actor's action is meant:

Patients brought lunch and then took the dirty dishes.

Remember all listed rules and private cases are not easy. The easiest way to master the information obtained by performing several tasks to secure the skill.

Exercise examples

Task 1. To draw up schemes for complex proposals from fiction (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin). Explain the alignment of punctuation marks.

For a long time they wandered around the island without any success, but finally, the sharp smell of meaky bread and acidic sheepskin brought them to the trail.

First you need to determine the subjects to be both: they roamed and the smell ardor. Thus, in a sentence of 2 grammatical foundations, and they are connected to the union but.

To compile the SSP scheme, each part is indicated by square brackets, between which the compounding union is indicated: [...], but [...].

Punctuation marks are explained as follows: comma in front of the union butdivides 2 parts of the SSP; finally Obtained on both sides, as it is an introductory word.

They watched the generals on these men's efforts, and they have fun playing hearts.

It is necessary to allocate grammatical foundations: watched generals and hearts played. Communication between parts of the proposal is provided with the help of a connecting union and. The SSP scheme has the form: [...], and [...].

The only comma shares the two simple parts of a challenging offer.

I wanted to give a straight from them, but they were so crying, clutching into it.

The first sentence in the composition of complex is incomplete: it is omitted in it to be considered - wanted to give. The second offer is ordinary, twisted; his grammatical basis - they are short. Communication is performed using a confiring union but. The scheme looks like this: [...], but [...].

The comma in front of the union shares a complex proposal into two parts; The second comma indicates a height turnover.

She scored a man's wild cannabis, smoked in the water, hacked, remembered - and by the evening the rope was ready.

In the first part there are homogeneous fadies - scored, smoked, hated, remembered,related to the subject men.The second part is not complicated: rope was ready.The scheme has the form: [...] - and [...].

The commas are put, since there are several homogeneous members. A dash is necessary, since the second part of the phrase is the result of the first.

Task 2. Determine which of the proposals are complex.

(1) The sixth graders of the friendly crowd came out of the school building and, looking at a carefree sunny sky, suggested to the stop. (2) There was already a spacious bus, which was supposed to take them to the Vyborg. (3) The guys were already fully prepared for the journey, but the teacher did not come. (4) Either her trolleybus was delayed, or a naughty daughter did not want to let her go to another city for a whole day.

(5) From the bus, the elderly driver came out and looked thoughtfully on a slightly confused schoolchildren. (6) Not only the guys looked forward to excursions, but he himself dreamed of finally escape from a closemost stuffy city.

To find the SSP, it is necessary to determine which phrases contain 2 or more grammatical foundations. Under this condition, 2, 3, 4 and 6 offers are suitable. Phrases under the numbers 1 and 5 are simple with homogeneous faithful.

SSP and SPP ( complexed proposals) Disturbed by communication methods: writing unions are used in SSP, in SPP - subordinate unions and allied words. We define, with what funds are connected between simple parts. With the exception of 2 sentences, where the Allied Word was used which the,all other phrases are associated with double ( either ... either, not only ... but also) and single writing unions ( but). Consequently, the SSP includes 3, 4 and 6 phrases.

Task 3. Perform a syntax analysis:

Began summer vacationAnd we, of course, left resting the countryside.

The syntactic analysis is made in stages. In some cases, some steps are lowered (for example, the definition of the type of union), below shows the most complete analysis option:

  • Characterize it for the purpose of saying and emotional color: narrative (does not contain encouraging to action or question) and unkonsectant.
  • Determine the number of grammatical foundations: began holidays and we left rest. Consequently, the proposal is complex.
  • Communication between the base is provided with the help of writing connecting union and.This means that the proposal is complex.
  • Perform a separate analysis of the first simple sentence. Since it has both to be, and leakable, it is twisted. The presence of a secondary member (definition summer) Speaks about prevalence. The offer is not complicated. Substracted by a noun, led by the verb, definition is adjective.
  • The second part is also twisted. It is common with circumstances out of town. As a complication protrudes the introductory word sure. Subject to pronounced pronoun composite legend - Two verbs, one of which is in the form of an infinitive, the circumstance is the name of the noun.
  • The scheme has the form: [...], and [...].

Similarly, the syntactic analysis of any other sentence is performed, in which there is a writing.

Complexedcalled complex sentences in which simple proposals are equal in meaning and are associated writing unions . Parts of the complex proposal do not depend on each other and make up one meaning integer.

Depending on the type of writing union which binds parts of the sentence, all complex offers (SSP) are divided into three main discharges:

1) SSP with connecting unions(and; yes in the meaning and; neither ..., nor; too; also; not only ..., but also; both ... and);

2) SSP with dividing unions (then ..., then; not that ..., not that; or; or; then ..., then);

3) SSP with interpretation unions (and, but, yes, but, however, but, but but, only).

The meaningful relationship of ordinary proposals united in difficult, different. They can transmit:

Phenomena taking place at the same time.

For example: And far in the south was a fight, and the land from bombing strikes, clearly approaching at night (in such suggestions, the change in the sequence of the proposal does not change meaning);

Phenomena taking place consistently.

For example: Dunya sat down into a kibitka near the hussar, the servant jumped on the iris, the yamper whistled, and the horses were picked up (In this case, the permutation of proposals is impossible).

1. SSP with connecting unions (and, yes / \u003d and /, none, both - and not only - but also, too, also, and).

In complex suggestions with connecting unions can be expressed:

- temporary relationship.

For example: Morning came, and our ship approached Astrakhan (Compare: When the morning came, our steamer went to Astrakhan);

Unions and, yes It can be both solitary and repeated:

For example: Transparent Forest One Blacktails, And Spruce Through Roels Green, And the River Blums (A.S. Pushkin) - the described phenomena occur simultaneously, which is emphasized by using in each part of the repetitive unions.

I shouted, and I answered echo - The second phenomenon follows the first.

- action and its result.

For example: Pugachev gave a sign, and immediately let me go and left.

- causal relations.

For example: A somewhat particularly powerful overlapped dugouts remained completely intake, and the hives, exhausted by the fight, fed from the fatigue and the desire to sleep, they stretched all their forces there;
I was unpleasant, and therefore I did not wait for dinner
- The second phenomenon is a consequence of the first, caused by it, which specifies the specifier - adverb because.

Neither the sun is not visible to the light, nor for the roots of my protrusion (I. A. Krylov).

The narrator froze the half-word, I also heard a strange sound - Unions also and also Have a feature that they are not at the beginning of the part.

Unions also and also contribute to the offer the value of the likelihood. For example: And now I lived with my grandmother, she, too, before bedtime told me fairy tales. Unions alsoand also Always stand inside the second part of a complex proposal. Soyuz also is usually used in conversational speech, union also - in the book.

Conversational character also has the Union yes in meaning and .

For example: It was useless to hide the truth, and Serpilin and did not consider himself to do it.

2. SSP with interpretation unions (but, yes / \u003d but /, however, and, but).

IN complex proposals With the opponent unions, one phenomenon is opposed to another.

For example: The thunderstorm was there, behind them, above the forest, and then the sun shone.

Using the Union, however, a reservation to previously said. For example: She could barely force himself to smile and hide his celebration, but she managed to prevent quite indifferent and even a strict look.

The proposals of this group are always consisting of two parts and, having a common prompt value, can express the following values:

She was about thirty, but it seemed a very young girl - The second phenomenon is opposed to the first.

Some helped in the kitchen, and others covered on tables - the second phenomenon is not opposed to the first, but compared with him (replacement of the Union but on the but impossible).

Unions but , but Indicate reimbursement of what was mentioned in the first sentence.

For example: Elk left, but the sound was heard, published by some alive and probably a weak creature; A lot of work is to him, but it will relax in the winter.

In the meaning of opposing unions, particles are used same , only .

For example: The head was still sick, the consciousness was clear, distinct; War did not cancel anything, only all the feelings became acute in the war.

Soyuz same like unions also and also , It is always worth not at the beginning of the second part of the sentence, but directly for the word that is opposed to the word of the first part.

For example: All trees released adhesive leaves, the oak still stands without leaves.

3. SSP with dividing unions (or / il /, or, not that - not that, then, whether, then).

In complex proposals with separation unions, it is indicated for such phenomena that cannot occur simultaneously: they or alternate, or one excludes another.

For example: In the stuffy air, the tricks of the clauses about the stone were heard, then they sang the wheelbarrows; Then drizzled rain, then larger snow flakes fell - Soyuz that- that Indicates an alternation of phenomena.

On the sleeper, not something burned, did not go to the moon - Soyuz not that - not that Indicates mutual phenomena.

Only sometimes the birch flare or a gloomy shadow will fall before you spruce - Soyuz or Indicates mutual phenomena.

Whether the gate creaks, whether the flooring crackle - Soyuz then - then Indicates mutual phenomena.

Separate unions or and or May be single and repeated.

With more detailed description Types of SP. allocate three more types of SSP: SSP with connecting, explanatory and gradual unions.

The connections are unions yes, and, too, also Posted in our classification into a group of connecting unions.

Explanatory are unions that is, namely :

For example: He was expelled from the gymnasium, that is, the most unpleasant for him happened.

Graduation Unions - not only ... but, not that ... but .

For example: Not that he did not trust his partner, but some doubts have remained at his expense.

Complex offer One should distinguish simple sentence with homogeneous members associated with writer unions.

Complex proposals Simple sentences with homogeneous sentences

A whisen whisper spread among themselves the centenary of pines, and the dry frost with a soft rustic was watered with disturbed branches.

And suddenly another beetle dropped from the Roy from dancing in the air and, leaving behind him a big, lush tail, swept straight to the glade.

The stars were still sparkling sharply and cold, but the sky in the East had already become brightened.

Who obeying this mighty feeling, he jumped on his feet, but immediately, I groaned, sat down on a bear carcass.

The forest is noisy, the face is hot, and a spiny cold is pierced from the back.

In good weather, the forest was smoking with the caps of pine vertices, and in Necotka, twisted with a gray fog, reminded the linked water surface.

For a variety, a white cobblestone flashes in Byriana, or a gray stone woman will grow up for a moment, or the Suslik road will move, and again run by the eyes of Byrian, hills, rags.

I had to stand, closing my eyes, leaning back to the trunk of the tree, or sit down on a snowdrift and relax, feeling the beat of the pulse in the veins.

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