B and v in Spanish. Pronunciation

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Detalles Categoría: Phonetics

As a Romance language, Spanish was formed from Latin and is close to Italian, French and Portuguese. There are also many Romance loanwords in English and Russian, due to which many Spanish words are understandable without translation.

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​on Earth. In addition to Spain itself, most of America speaks it (except for the USA, Canada, Brazil and some islands of the Caribbean archipelago).

There are quite a few dialects in Spanish, so native Spanish is called castellano - castellano, i.e. Castilian, after the name of one of the central provinces of Spain, and español (Espagnol) means all Hispanic dialects. Two dialects of Spain - Catalan (Barcelona) and Galician (La Coruña) are considered to be independent languages.

Spanish alphabet

The Spanish alphabet is similar to most Latin-based alphabets, differs from them (for example, from English) in the absence of letters K and W(very rare) and two special letters Ñ "ene" and LL- double L or "hey".

Vowel reading

Vowels in Spanish are read in the same way as they are written.



U is not read after Q

Quito - Quito (capital of Ecuador)

U is not read after G if it is followed by E, I, or Y.

Guitarra - guitarra

If it is necessary for U to be read, two dots ü are placed above it.

vergüenza - berguensa (shame, shame)


Y is mostly read like "y".

Playa - playa (beach)

Reading consonants

Consonants in Spanish are a little more complicated. They are generally read as they are written, but there are a number of important exceptions.


B and V read the same

At the beginning of a word or stressed syllable - like Russian "B"

Vamos a bailar - Bamos and baylar (let's dance)

In other cases - an indistinct sound, an average between the Russian "B" and "C"

¡Viva la Cuba! - In and in a la koo in ah! (Hello Cuba!)


WITH reads like Russian "s" if it is followed by E, I or Y,

Cigarra - cigar (cigar)

in other cases, C reads like the Russian "K".

Cuba - NS in a

The combination of letters CH reads like the Russian "CH".

Muchacha - Muchacha


G reads like Russian "x" if it is followed by E, I or Y,

Gitana - hit ana(Gypsy)

in other cases, G reads like Russian "g".

Gallina blanca - gayina blank (white chicken)

If it is necessary to read G as the Russian "G" before E, I or Y, then an unreadable U should be placed behind G:

Guerra - herra (war)


H is never readable

La Havana - La BUT b ana


J always reads like the Russian "x".

Julio - Julio


The double L is read as a very soft "l" and often. just like "th".

paella - paeya

Ñ ​​reads soft "n".

Español - espanel


X reads "ks",

texto - teksto


Z is always read as Russian "s" (Latin America) or interdental sound "th" in English (Spain).

Gonzalez - Gonzalez

Punctuation marks

Exclamation marks and question marks in Spanish are placed not only at the end, but also at the beginning of a sentence, and at the beginning of a sentence they are reversed:

¡No pasarán! - but pasaran!

¿Cómo te llamas? - como te yamas? (What's your name?)


If the word ends in a vowel or consonants N or S, then the stress falls on the penultimate syllable.

If a word ends in a consonant (except for N and S), then the stress falls on the last syllable.

If the stress falls on another syllable, then this is indicated by a special sign

revolu with ión - roaring yo

The accent mark is used for the vowels Á, É, Í, Ó, and Ú.

Audio examples

Spanish alphabet letterApproximate match
sound in Russian
Usage exampleRemarks
butbutgato [gato] = cat -
bbboca [boca] = mouthnot at the beginning of words and not after the sound [m], pronounced weakly with not completely closed lips.
c1. Before i and e - c
2. In other cases - to
cenar [senar] = to have supper
cantar [kantar] = to sing
In case 1 in northern Spain is pronounced th in English word thick.
chhmuchacho [muchácho] = boy -
dddato [dato] = date -
eNSmesa [mesa] = table -
fffumar [fumar] = to smoke -
g1. Before i and e - x
2. In other cases - g
1. gente [héнte] = people
2.gústo = taste
gue, guigee, geeguía [guía] = guide, guerra [gerírra] = war -
hnot readablehaber = to have -
iifinal [final] = final -
kbutkilo [kilo] = kilogram -
lehmal [mal = bad]the sound between l and l
llthllamar [yamar] = to call -
mmmedusa [medusa] = medusa -
nnnulo [ńlo] = zero -
ñ nyаño [а́но] = year -
oOrosa [рро́са] = rose -
pNSprofesor [profesor] ​​= teacher -
quToqueso [keso] = cheese -
r1. At the beginning of a word and after n, l, s - pp
2. In other cases - p
1. roca [рróka] = rock
2.cara [kara] = face
swithcasa [kasa] = house -
tTtema [тэ́ма] = theme -
uatluna [moon] = moon -
vbvaca [ба́ка] -cowthe rules of reading do not differ from the rules of reading b: not at the beginning of words and not after the sound [m] is pronounced weakly with not completely closed lips.
NS1. Between vowels - ks
2. Before the consonant - with
1.examen [examen] = exam
2. texto [testo] = text
ythyo [yo] = i, hay [ah] = availabledoes not differ from the combination ll
zwithpaz [pass] = peacedoes not differ from s. In northern Spain, pronounced th in English thick.


A diphthong (phonetic difnong) is a combination of two vowels pronounced in one syllable. In Spanish, the diphthong usually consists of a combination of the so-called "strong" vowels a, o, e and the "weak" vowels i and u. In this case, the "strong" vowel is syllabic, and the "weak" sounds like a short semi-vowel.

with a final i: ai [ah], ei [hey], oi [oh]: dais [dais], peine [peiné], sois [sois]

with a final u: au [aў], eu [eў], ou [oў]: fauna [faўўna], deuda [déўDa], COU [koў]

with an initial i: ia [ya], ie [ye], io [yo]: iu [yu]: piano [pyano], ciela [syela], adiós [adios], viuda [byúDa]

with initial u: ua [ўа], ue [ўэ], uo [ўо]: agua [а́Гўа], bueno [bўeno], cuota [кўо́та]

At the beginning and at the end of a word i is written as y: yo, soy

When combining two weak vowels the first of which it sounds briefly: iu [yu] and ui [ўi]: ciudad [syuDáD], ruido [РўíDo]. An exception is the word muy(very) pronounced like [muy]


Triftong is three vowels, read as one syllable.
There are 4 triftnogs in Spanish: [yai], [yai], [ўai], [ei]. The stressed syllable-forming vowels in them are strong vowels a and e: estudiáis [estudyais], limpiéis [limpyeis], situáis [sitўais], actuéis [actўeis]

Place of stress

1) If the word ends in a vowel sound, diphthong or consonants n, s and there is no stress sign anywhere in the word, then the stress falls on the penultimate syllable:

  • gato [gato] - cat
  • serio [сэ́ръо] - serious
  • flores [flores] - flowers
  • comen [komen] - (they) eat

2) If the word ends in a consonant sound (except -n and -s), then the stress falls on the last syllable:

  • cantar [kantar] - to sing;
  • animal [animáL] - animal;
  • universidad [unBersiDaD] - university;

3) Words that deviate from these rules are written with an emphasis:

  • Moscú [Moscow] - Moscow;
  • estudió [estuD'yó] - studied (as);
  • frencés [francés] - French;
  • estación [estasyon] - railway station;
  • cantará [kantará] - (he, she) will sing;
  • cámera [camera] - camera.

In Russian transcription using big letters and signs ӈ and ў, sounds that are absent in Russian are shown:

  • B - pronounced as b with incompletely closed lips. It is heard as a kind of intermediate sound between [c] and [b]. There is no sound [in] in Spanish;
  • L - the sound is average between l and l, pronounced when the tip of the tongue touches the upper alveoli (tubercles above the upper teeth);
  • Г - Ukrainian г, in Russian - г в "aha" and "for God's sake";
  • P - multi-impact vibrant, rolling p;
  • D - interdental slot ringing sound Looks like English the in this, but with a less protruding tip of the tongue. Sounds like a weak q, at the end of the word it weakens almost to the point of disappearance;
  • ў - short u, pronounced like English w in the word water;
  • H - middle lingual palatal occlusive. Similar to Russian n, but pronounced with pressing not the front of the tongue to the alveoli, but the middle of the tongue to the upper palate;
  • ӈ - soft palate nasal sonant, pronounced as ng in the English word sing;
LetterThe position of the letter and
designated by it
appropriate sounds
Examples with Russian
but[but]gato [gato]
b1. At the beginning of a word and after m and n - [b]
2. In other cases [B]
1. boca [boca], hombre [ómbre], un baso
2. nube [nü'Be], carbón [carbon]
c1. Before i and e - [c], in northern Spain pronounced as th in English thick.
2. In other cases - [k]
1. cenar [senar]
2. cása [casa], clase [class]
ch[h]muchacho [mu'acho]
d1. At the beginning of a word and after n and l [d]
2. In other cases - [D]
1.dato [dato], anda [anda], cáldo [kALdo]
2.todo [tóDo], madre [madre]
e[NS]mesa [mesa]
f[f]fumar [fumar]
g1. At the beginning of a word before a, o, u and field n - [g]
2. Between vowels and next to a consonant except n - "Г"
3. Before e, i - [x]
1.gallina [gayina], gota [gota], gusto [gusto], tengo
2.lago [La'Go], siglo [s'GLo], cargo [karGo]
3. gente [héнte], agitar [ахитар]
gue, gui1. At the beginning of the word and after n - [ge], [gi]
2. Between vowels and next to a consonant except n - [Ge], [Guy]
1. guerra [гэ́Ра], lengua [Лэ́ӈгўа]
2.águila [а́ГиЛа], pagué [пГэ́]
güe, güi1. At the beginning of a word and field n - [гўэ́], [гўи́]
2. Between vowels and next to a consonant except n - [Гэ́], [Гўи́]
1. güirero [gўirero], lingüística [Лгўи́стика]
2.agüero [аГўэро], vergüenza [берГўэ́нса]
hNot readablehaber [aBer]
i1. Before a, e, o, u and after a, e, o - [th]
2. In other cases - [and]
1. piano [pyano], cielo [syelo], acción [axiyon], ciudad [syudad], aire [aire], veinte [beinte], boina [boina]
2. instituto [institute]
j[NS]rojo [Ро́ho]
k[To]kiosko [kjosko]
l[L]sala [sala]
ll[th]calle [kaye]
m[m]música [music]
n1. Usually [n]
2.Before p, b, v, m - [m]
3. Before k, g, j - ӈ
1. nada [náDa], once [onse]
2. un poco [umpóko], un balcón [umbaLkon]
3.cinco [siӈko], lengua [Лэ́ӈгўа], un jardín [uӈhardin]
ñ [H]año [а́Но]
o[O]todo [tóDo]
p[NS]para [pair]
qu[To]queso [keso], aquí [aki]
r1.At the beginning of a word, after n, l and s - [P]
2. In other cases - [p]
1. rosa [Rosa], sonrísa [sonRisa], alrededor [аЛРэДэДо́р], desrizar [dezRisár]
2.comprender [comprender]
rrRtorre [torre]
s1. Before voiced consonants like [z]
2. In other cases [s]
1. desde [desde], los gatos [losGatos]
2. sala [sala], mesa [mesa]
t[T]teatro [teatro]
u1.before a, e, i, o and after a, e, o - [ў]
2. In other cases - [y]
1. agua [а́Гўа], bueno [бўэ́но], ruido [Рўі́do], cuota [кўо́та], fauna [фа́ўна], Europa [eўropa], COU [koў],
2.luna [moon]
vsame as bvaca [baka], lavar [LaBar]
x1. Between the vowels "ks"
2.before the consonants "s"
1.examen [examen]
2. texto [testo]
ythyerro [ye'Ro], voy [fight]
zSimilarly s. In northern Spain, pronounced th in English thick.voz [boss], zapatos [sapatos].

Phonetic structure Spanish differs in many respects from the phonetic structure of the Russian language.

In Spanish, the reduction (that is, the reduction and change of an unstressed vowel) is completely absent. phonetic structure Russian language. All vowel sounds, and there are five of them, are pronounced very clearly. This is especially true for the vowel O... All words with this sound are pronounced as pronounced [o] in the stressed syllable of Russian words grief O d, good O .

Vowel e pronounced like [eh]: secreto[sakre that], momento[mome nto], sistema[siste ma], documento[dokume nto], poeta[poet], efecto[efhe who].

Vowels a, e, o are considered strong, and vowels i, u- weak. The combination of strong and weak, as well as two weak vowels is called a diphthong. In a combination of strong + weak or weak + strong, always a strong vowel stands out, the weak, as it were, obeys the strong; in combination weak + weak, the second vowel always stands out. The combination of two strong vowels forms two syllables and does not produce a diphthong.

ai baile [ba yle]
au causa [ka usa]
oi boina [bo yna]
ei reino [re yino]
eu deuda [de ud]
ia pianista [get drunk a hundred]
io estadio [esta djo]
iu ciudad [syuda t]
ua agua [a gua]
uo antiguo [anti guo]
ue abuela [abue la]
ui juicio [huy cio]

If combined with a weak vowel i with strong vowels over i there is an emphasis, this means that the diphthong is not formed: María[Marie a], simpatía[sympathy], ironía[irony a], policía[policy a].

The combination of three vowels is called triphthongs. They are most often found in conjugation of verbs.

iai estudiáis [estudia ys]
iei cambiéis [kambie ys]
uai continuáis [continuity is]
uei continuéis [continue ys]

Semivowel y pronounced like [th], but more tense than combining [th] with the vowel [ ya], [yo] In russian language: yate[ya te], mayo[ma yo], soy[soy], estoy[estoy], voy[the fight]. As a connecting and opposing union in the meaning and, and more often pronounced like [and]: el film y la ópera[el film and la o pera], la prosa y la poesía[la pro sa and la poesi a].

Consonants f, m, n, p, s, t transmit sounds similar to similar sounds in Russian, but in Spanish they are pronounced with more intense articulation and do not soften before vowels e, i: Felipe[feli peh], foto[Photo], mamá[mom ], nulo[well], poema[po ma], clase[kla se], tipo[ty po], mesa[me sa].

Consonant h never pronounced or read. This is the so-called dumb sound: humor[umo r], hotel[hotel l], hay[ay], hospital[slept], Holanda[ola nda], humorista[kill a hundred].

In combination сh transmits sound [h]. It softens before a vowel e, and this combination reads like [che]: machete[mache te], noche[but what], poncho[by ncho], chocolate[chocola te], ancho[a ncho], fachada[facha yes].

Consonant with before vowels e, i pronounced as [s]: cine[si ne], cifra[si phra], ciclón[cyclone], cerámica[sir mick] circo[sy rko].

Before vowels a, oh, u and consonants - like [k]: curso[ku rso], canal[channel], compota[component], clásico[clasiko], crisis[cry sis].

Combination qu occurs only before vowels e, i and pronounced as [ke], [ki]; u never pronounced. Before a vowel e mitigation occurs: ataque[ata ke], conquista[horse tram of a hundred], monarquista[monarchs of a hundred], arquitecto[arkite who], etiqueta[to ethics].

Consonant k pronounced like [k]. Occurs only in words of foreign origin: kilo[ki lo], Kremlin[kre mlyn], Tokio[to kyo].

Consonant j pronounced like Russian [x]: jefe[hefe], pijama[piha ma], Don quijote[don kiho te], reportaje[rap heh], justicia[just this].

Consonant g before vowels e, i pronounced like [x]: agente[ahe nte], gigante[higa nte], ecología[ecolohi a], Argentina[arhenti na], régimen[re himen].

Before vowels [ but], [O], [u] and consonants - like [g]: congreso[kongre so], agua[a gua], antiguo[anti guo], magnate[magna te], Málaga[malaga].

In combination gui, gue [u] is not pronounced, it is, as it were, a partition, that is, syllable gui pronounced like [gi]: guitarra[guitar], burgués[burguet s], guerra[ge rra], Che guevara[Che Guevara], siguiente[sigye nte].

If in this combination [ u] should sound, two dots are put above it - [ ü ] lingüista[lingui hundred], antigüedad[antigueda t], cigüeña[sigue nya], pingüino[pingui no], nicaragüense[nicarague nse].

Consonant l softens at the end of a word and in the middle before consonants; before vowels [u], [e] l also softens a little: fatal[veil], útil[u til], alcázar[alka sar], lectura[lectu ra], letal[summer eh].

Consonant d pronounced like Russian [d]: indio[and ndyo], donde[before nde], padre[pa dre], soldado[sold to], toreador[toreado p]. At the end of the word, it is stunned and becomes similar to the Russian sound [t]: salud[salu t], usted[uste t], dificultad[differential t], nacionalidad[nasionalida t], comodidad[komodida t]. In the stream of speech, it can completely disappear.

Consonants b and v at the beginning of a word and after consonants m and n similar to Russian [b], but more tense: besar[basa r], vaso[ba co], enviar[embya r], símbolo[si mbolo], Brasil[brasi eh], Valencia[bale nsia], Bolívar[pain var].

In all other positions, both sounds are similar to Russian [v], although this is not an entirely correct comparison: in Spanish, these sounds are interdental: novela[nove la], universidad[universida t], aviador[aviyado r], mueble[mue vle], estabilidad[estavilida t].

Combination ll conveys the Russian sound [l]; often it sounds like a Russian sound [th]: calle[ka le] / [ka ye], pollo[by lio] / [by yo], llegar[lega p] / [yega p], Sevilla[sevi lya] / [sevi yya], Castilla[casti lya] / [casti ya].

Consonant ñ - this is a tense sound [ny], similar to the combination [nya] in the Russian word "nanny": español[espanio l], señor[senio r], niño[no nyo], doña[do nya], caña[ka nya].

Consonant r pronounced like Russian [p]: frase[phra se], fruta[fruit], frente[fr nte], metro[Metro], autor[auto p].

At the beginning of a word, pronounced like a rolling [pp]: ruso[rruso], rival[rriva l], río[rri o], reír[rai r], rutina[rush on].

Combination of consonants rr occurs only in the middle of a word and is pronounced like [pp]: perro[pe rro], terror[terro r], carro[karro], error[erro r], burro[boo rro].

Consonant x pronounced like [ks]: examen[exa man], exуtico[exo tico], experto[exp rto], texto[te ksto], experimento[expirime nto]. Exception: México [me hiko].

Consonant w occurs only in words of foreign origin and is pronounced as [in]: wat[wat], wiski[whiskey].

Consonant z pronounced like Russian [s]: paz[pass], azteca[aste ka], feliz[fella with], actriz[actress with], razón[rraso n].

Spanish reading rules are few and far between. Below is a table containing the Spanish alphabet, which describes the sounds corresponding to the letters of the alphabet.

Letter of the alphabetSoundHow to read
(analogue in Russian)
A abutbut
B bbesee item 1
Withcesee point 2
Сh сhcheh
D dded
E eeuh, e
F fefef
G ggesee point 3
H hhachenot readable
I iiand
J jjotaNS
K kkaTo
L lelel
Ll llellesee point 4
M memem
N nenen
Ñ ñ eñeny
O ooo
P ppeNS
Q qkusee clause 5
R rere / erreR
S sesec
T tteT
U uuat
V vuvesee item 1
W wuve doblesee clause 6
X xequissee clause 7
Y yI griegath
Z zzetawith

In addition, there are rules for reading some combinations.

  1. B, v- both letters are read as the Russian "b" at the beginning of the word and as a sound between the Russian "b" and "c" in the middle of the word. Although, this rule is not always strictly observed by native speakers.

    For example: vamos, bailar and la ave, el libro.

  2. Consonant c pronounced differently, depending on the vowel that follows: ce, ci read as "se" and "si" (or rather, "feta" instead of "s" in classical Castilian), in other cases with reads like Russian "k".
  3. If the consonant g should u, then the combinations gui and gue read as "gi" and "ge".

    For example: la guerra, el guía.

    • But if u marked with ü , to g reads like "g"

      For example: el pingüino.

    • If after a consonant g costs i or e, then g reads "x".

      For example: el gitano.

    • If after g costs o, u, a, then g reads like "g".

      For example: la gata, el gorro.

  4. Sound ll can be pronounced differently depending on the area. It was originally soft sound"L", but most native speakers pronounce ll like "th". And in some areas this sound is worn out harder and it can turn into a soft "j" or "d".
  5. Combinations qui, que read as "ki" and "ke".

    For example: poquito, querer.

  6. Sound w pronounced in the same way as a similar sound in English language... Used exclusively in words borrowed from the English language.

    For example: Windows.

  7. Sound x can be pronounced differently. It ranges from "ks" to "rs" and is pronounced "s" in some cases (usually in the middle of a word before a consonant).

    The exception to the rule is México, where NS reads like the Russian "x".


A very important feature of the Spanish language is the static nature of the stress. acento... In other words, the stressed syllable for plural(plural) remains the same as in the singular (singular).

If the word ends in a consonant, then the stressed syllable is the last syllable. And if the word ends in a vowel, then the stress falls on the penultimate syllable.

    For example:
  • la m o sca - fly
  • la manz a na - apple
  • el rel o j - hours
  • el pap e l - paper
  • la ciru e la - plum

But if the word ends in –S or –N, then the last but one syllable will be stressed again.

    For example:
  • C a rmen, v i ven, pint a mos, desc a nsas, and a mos, b a ilan.

If the stress setting in the word does not correspond to these rules, then the stressed syllable is marked with a graphic stress mark.

IN different parts In the Spanish-speaking world, the letter ll is pronounced in different ways, for example, the phrase me llamo can be pronounced as: me yamo, me jamo, me shamo, me zhamo, me llamo. But the most classic way is to pronounce ll as u-short (s).

For example: ella, caballo, llorar, castellano.

The pronunciation of this letter depends on the region of Spain and Latin America, as well as the individual speech of an individual. I advise you to memorize this as a normal [th], and then, if desired and as necessary, rebuild this sound, making it more poisonous. Try to get used to the pronunciation of this letter. There is not much left of the usual letter l.

ella, ellos, ellas, silla, bello, bella, pollo, millón, me llamo, ¿cómo te llamas? , caballero, castellano, lluvia, Castilla, pasillo, caballo, Sevilla, bocadillo, tortilla, amarillo, llave, gallina, calle, estrella, zapatillas, allí, bolsillo, llavero, sillón, maquillaje, chiquillo, mantequilla.

In some cases, this letter is pronounced as th or and, and in some cases it is similar to the letter ll when it comes before vowels:

1) Daniel y José [daniel and jose]
2) Ana y Elena
3) Estoy bien, ¿y tú? [Estoy bien, and that one?] - I'm fine, and you?
4) Yo me voy ya [yo me boy ya] - I'm already leaving

Listen and read the words behind the announcer, paying attention to the correct pronunciation.

1. [and] and [th]

chicos y chicas, señoras y señores, España y Rusia, Carlos y Ana.

2. [th] as letter ll

yo, ya, vaya, mayo, playa, proyecto, desayuno, yoga, yogur, yate.

Ñ ​​always expresses a soft sound like n in Russian Om-Nom-nom.

The only thing to consider is that after the letter ñ there should not be a soft sign or the sound y. That is, the word español does not need to be pronounced as espan oh eh or espan yo eh... By itself, the letter ñ is soft, but it does not change the sound of the vowels after it. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of each word presented.

For example: España, español, montaña, niño.

Listen and read the words behind the announcer, paying attention to the correct pronunciation.

ña, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu, mañana, niño, compañero, España, español, pequeño, año, baño, montaña, piña, engaño, sueño, leña, araña, otoño.

The letter r can be pronounced as a regular single [r] and as a rolling one.

1. Rolling

Rolling appears at the beginning of a word or after a pause, after the sounds l and n, and also when two letters r stand side by side.

For example: ruso, alrededor, en realidad, perro, color rojo.

Comments: 1) Word r uso starts with r, this letter is at the absolute beginning, so it will be pronounced rolling: rruso; 2) In the word a lr ededor the first r comes after the l: alrredodor; 3) Expression e n r ealidad consists of two words, where the first ends with n and the second begins with r. At the junction with the letter n, the letter r is pronounced rolling: enrrealid hell; 4) In the word pe rr o there is a double rr: parro; 5) Combined colo r r ojo at the junction of two letters r, a rolling rr will appear: colorroho.

2. Single sound [r]

In all other cases, a one-hit sound [r] is pronounced: in the middle of a word, in a stream of speech, and when there are no letters l, n, and one more r in front of it.

For example: pero, cara, parque.

Listen and read the words behind the announcer, paying attention to the correct pronunciation.

1. Rolling

radio, ropa, rico, pizarra, rotulador, Inglaterra, Marruecos, Rusia, ruso, rusa, perro, rojo, color rojo, Enrique, carro, arriba, guitarra, cerrar, rectangular, reloj, un reloj, marrón, un ruso, una mujer rusa, en el rincón, ferrocarril.

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