Fortune telling without cards. Only the main moments of fate are predetermined, otherwise we have complete freedom of will and goals

The symbol indicates the need for communication with other people and symbolizes the time of mutually beneficial exchange. This hexagram is directly related to everything related to discussion and organs of speech.

The current depressed mood will soon pass, happiness is already close and on its way to you.

Refrain from criticism, do not speak ill of others, even if there is a reason for this. It is better to listen to friendly advice.

The present time is extremely favorable for trading and singing. Here you can show all your eloquence.

There is something in your life that you cannot change. Don't be nervous or upset about this.

Joy and luck are on the way. Keep calm, wait for good changes, and you will be happy.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 58 Joy

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Dui - Joy.

The hieroglyph depicts something of a speaking person.

Interaction, contact area, open surface, mutual penetration. Encourage to express, persuade. Joy, pleasure, fun. Responsive, free. Exchange, change, collect, trade. Speech; coming out of the mouth; spoken words; fog over water.

Semantic connections of hexagram 58. Dui

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing time for pleasure, communication with people and mutually beneficial exchange. Please and amuse people, boldly express your personality. Bargain, buy, exchange information. This is the period when you can openly show yourself and see people.

The time is favorable for meetings with friends and joint activities with people. Convince and inspire them, make them happy. People will forget how hard work is if you explain the need for it before they get to work. They will endure any adversity if you express and explain the reasons for what is happening to them. Such is the power of speech and inspiring words, such is the joy of open communication.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-eighth hexagram.

[Accomplishment. Favorable persistence]

I. At the beginning of the nine.

Joy comes from consent.

- Happiness!

II. The nine is the second.

Happiness! Remorse will disappear.

III. Six third.

Joy comes from the arrival.

- Misfortune!

IV. The nine is the fourth.

Joy comes from agreement. But there is still no equality.

If the parties are in a hurry, then there will be fun.

V. Nine fifth.

If you justify the destroyers, then [it] will be terrible!

Vi. There is a six at the top.

Enticing joy!

Dui (Joy): open surface, contact area, interaction, mutual penetration; express, persuade, induce; fun, joy, pleasure; free, responsive; collect, change, exchange, trade; words coming out of the mouth; fog over water. The hieroglyph depicts a speaking person.

Resilience is favorable.

This is a time for communication, pleasure and mutually beneficial exchange. Express your personality openly. Make people happy and happy. Purchase, bargain, exchange information. This is the time for people to see and show themselves. Meet friends for socializing and joint activities. Inspire them. Remember, if you explain what's what, before people get to work, they will forget how hard the work is. If you explain the reasons for what is happening, then they will be ready to endure any adversity. Such is the power of inspiring words and joyful, open communication.

If penetration leads to the achievement of a certain goal, then a person finds great satisfaction in achieving the goal. This satisfaction leads him to an experience of joy. On the one hand, in joy, an expression of self-satisfaction is achieved, on the other hand, in joy, dispersion can easily occur. Therefore, this hexagram considers the process that arises in the experience of a person after he has achieved something, and this process of joy begins. The most important thing is that such joy should only be the property of the person himself, but also extend to his environment, for otherwise, if he remained only closed in himself, this would only lead him to abuse the joy that would be it was achieved at the previous stage. Here you need to achieve the development of joy, its expansion. But this is possible only if a person does not give himself up entirely to joy, is not captured by it with his whole being, but consciously monitors the correctness of his actions and gives his joy to the environment.

External and Inner worlds: Pond (Fog) and Pond (Fog)

Joy spreads everywhere, inspiring people and clarifying the essence of things.

Gentle penetration into the situation contains the hidden possibility of turning conflict into creative contradiction.


Penetration precedes inspiration. Inspiration creates joy.


Joy implies open interaction.


The fogs are connecting. Joy.
A noble person turns to friends and family to give his explanations.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

Joy comes from consent. Happiness.

The opportunity for harmonious development opens up before you. The path is open.

In the first step, joy comes directly from achievement. In achievement, a great deal of agreement can be found between what is done and the result of the action. Thus, here we can talk about harmony. It is precisely this harmony that leads a person to experience joy.

Line 2

Second nine

The joy of being right. Happiness.
Remorse will disappear.

Connecting with the spirit world allows you to tap into its energy and favor. The path is open. Your sorrows and doubts will disappear.

Internally, joy is a great truth. It is complete in itself.

Line 3

Six third

Joy comes from the arrival. Misfortune.

It seems like you are presented with a good opportunity, but in fact there is nothing in it. The path is closed. You need to look elsewhere.

We have already seen more than once that the movement in the hexagram is assumed from the lower line to the upper one. It is a movement outward, a withdrawal, as the “Book of Changes” calls it. On the other hand, the reverse movement from top to bottom - the transition from external to internal - is called arrival. In essence of this hexagram, which we saw in the introductory remark, joy should here spread to other people. Any closure in himself of the one who experiences joy tears him away from environment and leads to unsuccessful actions. Therefore, the joy that arises and is immersed in itself all the time when, on the contrary, one should go out with his joy to people, cannot lead to anything other than an unsuccessful outcome.

Line 4

Nine fourth

Joy comes from agreement, but there is still no equality.
If the parties are in a hurry, then there will be fun.

After the crisis comes harmony. You negotiate with people, even if there is no complete equality between the parties. The sooner such reconciliation is realized, the more joyful it will be.

After the state of crisis has been experienced, in the fourth position it is already possible to reach a certain harmony. This harmony, as we saw above, is characteristic feature joy. But here, after the crisis, it must be restored again. Let the fourth position, on the one hand, have a dangerous third position, on the other hand, in front of the most revealing this fifth position, there is still no equality between these parties, and, nevertheless, if it is possible to achieve reconciliation of both sides, then it is possible and a favorable outcome of this position.

Line 5

Nine fifth

If you justify the destroyers, it will be terrible.

You are promiscuous. By spreading good intentions to bad people, you change your position for the worse. It's time to fix this situation.

When a person is faced with the task of giving his joy to the people around him with complete positiveness, then with the maximum revealing of his joy, he may not distinguish between positive and negative types of people. He can give it to everyone. With such an aspiration of one's joy outward, without taking into account the quality of the people around and precisely because this joy is transmitted even negative people, the situation may seem terrible to a person. Nevertheless, this stage must be experienced, and only later can there come something that harmonizes it and determines the place of this or that person in the environment. The fifth position, by its nature, is predisposed to ensure that the action emanating from it is not limited to the needs and interests of the person himself. Here you can create a lot in your environment. And as we will see further, this situation as a whole prepares that individualization, as a result of which there is not one, but many separate individuals. Therefore, here, in spite of the danger, which is nevertheless mentioned in the “Book of Changes,” an action is required that characterizes this position.

Line 6

Upstairs six

Enticing joy.

Express your thoughts and ideals. If you withdraw into yourself, then even joy will not bring satisfaction. Encourage people, carry them along.

The stage of creativity for the sake of others, the spread of joy to others has already been completely eliminated at the previous stage. Therefore, in the sixth position, we can only talk about the personal experience of one's own joy. A person closes in himself with his joy. Of course, in the general course of this situation, this does not correspond to the tasks that are set for a person by his environment. Nevertheless, since everything that had to be given has already been given, the person himself remains with his experience of joy, and this does not lead him to unhappiness.

Golden book fortune telling Judina Natalia

Hexagram number 58 Joy (Pond)

B. Kh. Happiness is already on its way to you, it will dispel the current depressed mood. This hexagram is related to everything connected with the organs of speech. Do not neglect good advice friend and beware of speaking ill of others. A very favorable period for everything related to singing and trading. Don't be nervous about things that you can't change anyway. Keep calm: happiness, luck is on its way.

G. S. Luck and favored. You'd better avoid conflicts and useless quarrels. Business misunderstandings will dissipate and you will reach a common agreement. Bring joy to people, and your business will go better.

From the Book of Thoth by Crowley Aleister

Continuous hexagram Days of the week Continuous hexagram. It was argued that it was impossible to draw a hexagram, or a six-pointed star, without lifting the pen from the paper; nevertheless, it is done. These lines, however, are strictly Euclidean; they have no thickness. Days of the week. Perimeter

From the book The Golden Book of Divination the author Judyna Natalia

Hexagram No. 24 Return (Return) B. Kh. It seems to you that you are completely confused in the environment, and you are very nervous about this. However, interference is of little consequence, and you can deal with it very soon if you work diligently and conscientiously. A certain

From the book The Wiccan Encyclopedia of Magical Ingredients by Rosean Lexa

Hexagram No. 27 Nutrition (Feeding) B. H. You talk too much and eat too much. Do not gossip about others, as you harm not only them, but also yourself. The wish will come true, but in a slightly different way than you wanted. Stop complaining about fate. It would be useful for you

From book The big Book secret knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Fortune telling author Schwartz Theodor

Hexagram No. 31 Interaction (Connection) B. Kh. The state of mind in which you are, is usually accompanied by luck and success. You are in a good mood. Several unexpected and very beneficial events are approaching for you, almost every step you take will bring good luck.

From the book Safe Communication [Magical Practices to Protect Against Energy Attacks] the author Penzak Christopher

Hexagram № 35 Rising (Advancement) B. Kh. Luck is on the way. Respect and recognition await you, which you rightly expected. In the future, the remuneration will be even higher. Rely on your lucky star and boldly step forward, while at the same time, do not be saddened that desire

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 37 Household (Family) B. Kh. Your place is where your heart pulls, where you will find well-being. Hopes will come true with outside help. Perhaps you think to yourself that the grass is greener somewhere, but believe me: if you leave your land now, very soon make sure that

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 38 Discord (Separation) B. Kh. This hexagram means that this period of your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that everyone around you is picking on you, in a malicious mood. Even the smallest little things piss you off. Calm down, don't be nervous:

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 39 Obstacle (Difficulty) B. Kh. One of the most unfavorable hexagrams. The more effort you put in, the further you find yourself pushed back. It is difficult to say why exactly, but at the moment, fortune is not interested in your fate. Best now

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 40 Resolution (Liberation) B. Kh. You have experienced a long period of anxiety and troubles. This period has come to an end. There will be success in work again. Take action immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve great results. Some

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 41 Decrease (Decrease) B. Kh. What you give to others today, tomorrow fate will return to you with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful, giving too much to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be generous

From the author's book

Hexagram № 42 Increase (Increase) B. Kh. Time is favorable for outstanding personalities, but it is fruitful for others as well. The plans will come true, the work done will be paid for. You can help others. Some business that your bosses entrust you will turn around

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 43 Exit (Determination) B. H. At the present period you are lucky, but it can easily happen that, because of your own stubbornness, you will make a mistake and alienate those who used to help you. Go to meet them yourself and be more tolerant in your relationship with

From the author's book

Hexagram number 56 Wandering (Journey) B. Kh. There are all the prerequisites for success in business. An overseas scientific trip, if any is planned, will also be successful. You are very ambitious, be careful not to spoil your relationships with friends and work colleagues.

From the author's book

Hexagram Ruler: Solomon. Type: six-pointed star. Magic form: metal or paper talisman. The two intersecting triangles that make up this star

From the author's book

Hexagram, or Shield of David The Hexagram, or six-pointed star, is a geometric image of the Six. This is the number of perfection, and the corresponding figure is also perfect and proportional. Containing two triangles, the hexagram symbolizes the absolute

From the author's book

Hexagram A six-pointed star is called a hexagram; it is often found in various esoteric systems. In Judaism, it is called the Star of David. Its symbolism has many interpretations: four elements, four cardinal points, top and bottom. Hexagram may

Communication, self-expression; pleasure, joy, interaction; bargain, exchange; market.


Dui (Joy): open surface, contact area, interaction, mutual penetration; express, persuade, induce; fun, joy, pleasure; free, responsive; collect, change, exchange, trade; words coming out of the mouth; fog over water. The hieroglyph depicts a speaking person.

Figurative row

Resilience is favorable.

This is a time for communication, pleasure and mutually beneficial exchange. Express your personality openly. Make people happy and happy. Purchase, bargain, exchange information. This is the time for people to see and show themselves. Meet friends for socializing and joint activities. Inspire them. Remember, if you explain what's what, before people get to work, they will forget how hard the work is. If you explain the reasons for what is happening, then they will be ready to endure any adversity. Such is the power of inspiring words and joyful, open communication.

Outer and Inner worlds: Pond (Fog) and Pond (Fog)

Joy spreads everywhere, inspiring people and clarifying the essence of things.

Hidden opportunity:

Gentle penetration into the situation contains the hidden possibility of turning conflict into creative contradiction.


Penetration precedes inspiration. Inspiration creates joy.


Joy implies open interaction.


The fogs are connecting. Joy.
A noble person turns to friends and family to give his explanations.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Joy comes from consent. Happiness.

The opportunity for harmonious development opens up before you. The path is open.

Second nine

The joy of being right. Happiness.
Remorse will disappear.

Connecting with the spirit world allows you to tap into its energy and favor. The path is open. Your sorrows and doubts will disappear.

Six third

Joy comes from coming. Misfortune.

It seems like you are presented with a good opportunity, but in fact there is nothing in it. The path is closed. You need to look elsewhere.

Nine fourth

Joy comes from agreement, but there is still no equality.
If the parties are in a hurry, then there will be fun.

After the crisis comes harmony. You negotiate with people, even if there is no complete equality between the parties. The sooner such reconciliation is realized, the more joyful it will be.

Nine fifth

If you justify the destroyers, it will be terrible.

You are promiscuous. By spreading good intentions to bad people, you change your position for the worse. It's time to fix this situation.

The situation symbolized by the Hexagram Dui is not so much a prediction of the future as advice on how to make it more positive than it can be. And first of all, this applies to love relationships, in which there are small, but rarefying moments. You should work on your bad habits, because no matter how insignificant they are, but sooner or later, they can become those sparks from which big scandals and quarrels flare up, capable of ruining even the best love relationships.

Also, the hexagram Dui reminds that in a love relationship it is very important to communicate with the one you love and are not afraid to ask him for advice.

Also, the appearance of the Hexagram Dui in the love story indicates that your system is now being tested for strength to adequately assess yourself. If you are a slave to pride, and you think that you know everything, that you can cope with everything yourself, then your fate is not enviable, since very soon you will find yourself in a hopeless situation, the way out of which will be very traumatic for your psyche. To avoid this, hurry up to seek help from reputable people, to those who are distinguished by wisdom and a sober outlook on life. Anyone who holds a perimeter defense always loses. Look for allies among thinking and kind people and then success will not take long.

During this period, it is also important not to spread gossip, not to show aggressive actions, even in words) towards those who can have a negative impact on your destiny. The more you remain silent, the less likely you are to get screwed up. This does not mean that you need to turn into a beech and not talk at all. No, we are only talking about the fact that now words for the sake of words are very dangerous, because you may not notice how you blurt out too much and thereby significantly complicate your future.

One of the symbolic names of the hexagram Dui sounds like "Joy", which indicates the importance of this concept in the current life situation... How capable you are of enjoying what you have speaks to how positive the near future will be, since it depends entirely on your interpretation of the facts. In a word, now the most important thing is that you trust your love and know how to rejoice in it.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

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