Didactic games with mathematical ships. Mathematical boat

Didactic tutorials The spectrum kit is applied in the lessons of mathematics and the surrounding world, as well as in extracurricular time.


"Mathematical beads" I use when working with 1 class children. Included demonstration and individual beads. For convenience, they are painted in two colors (blue and red), five pieces. This equipment helps in learning the following:

The score of the items within 10.

Summary and counting one.

The composition of numbers within 10.

Addition and subtraction within 10.

Reduce ... enlarge on ...

Move the property of addition.

Addition and subtraction of "round" dozens.

Solution of simple tasks at the level of symbols.

Types of tasks when working with this equipment I came up with myself. They are approximately such a content:

    Put aspid so much beads how many cubs. (More or less than we will do.)

    Put down 4 beads. Add to them more 2. How many beads have become? Write down this numerical expression.

    Post off 5 beads. Reduce their number by 2. How many beads remain? Write down this numerical expression.

    Make a task illustration. On the branch sat 3 sparrows. Two birds flew away. Then they flew 4 blinds. How many birds became?

    Let's find the value of a long numeric expression:


From experience: "Beads" can be used by physical investigators, in lessons, literacy learning to calculate the number of words in the sentence, the number of sounds and letters in the Word.

Performance of work with this equipment compared to control class You can see on this diagram:

Accounting material"Mathematical boats" are a valuable means in the education of the mental activity of children. Equipment activates mental processes, causes students a living interest in the process of knowledge. Benefits help to do any educational material Fascinating, it causes deep satisfaction with students, creates a joyful working mood, facilitates the process of learning knowledge, brings up independence and creativity. In the course of work, children detect subject patterns and rules. I use individual and group activities.

The equipment affects the development of various sides of thinking:

    Vividly effective



This type of equipment helps:

Easy to move from the number of items to their designation.

To form spatial representations

Establish relationships\u003e<, =

Promotes the assimilation of the number of numbers from 1 to 20 and from 20 to1.


Facilitates the learning process for solving problems.

The kit includes boats, a demonstration magnetic poster, penalties.

At the initial stage of training, you can only use chips without boats. They are two colors, which allows you to create patterns, play educational games. For example, the games "What color?", "What number?", "How many numbers?", "Last Chip", etc.

With the help of "mathematical ships" I form a spatial representation in students, the ability to determine the position of the items towards yourself and its position in relation to different objects.


1. Follow the same pattern.

2. How many chips on the right (left, from above, below) from the blue chips?

3. There are two more blue chips from above. How many chips became top? When using a magnetic poster completelytasks there may be such a content:

1. Position the two blue chips on the right upper deck.

1. Position three red chips on the left lower deck, etc.

With the help of "mathematical ships", children assimilate the methods of practical comparison of elements. Set the relationship "more", "less", "equal", transform inequality into equality.


1. Position as many chips as on the sample.

2. Point chips less than on the sample.

3. Hold your chips more than on the sample.

4. How many chips need to put on the right, so that how much and how much and left?

With the help of "mathematical ships", the children of my class easily transfers from the number of items to their designation - a digit. Children distinguish the quantitative and sequence value of the number.


1. Clear the number 1 (2, 3, 4, etc., as learned).

2. Start as many chips as the number is shown.

The equipment clearly indicates that each next number is formed by adding a unit to the previous number, and each previous one is obtained by subtracting the unit from the subsequent. "Mathematical boats" contribute to the absorption of the number of numbers from 1 to 20, from 20 to 1, as well as the resulting attachment and counting on 2.

Equipment "Mathematical boats" can be used as a numeric ray to solve and compose numerical expressions, for example:


When studying the topic "Composition of the number", you can use various games that make it easy to learn this topic, with clarity. And also when adding and subtracting numbers with a transition after a dozen.


Put in a cup of 7 chips. Shake him and turn it over. How many red chips? How much blue? What numbers is the number 7? Let's write numeric expressions. (1 + 6 \u003d 7, 2 + 5 \u003d 7, 3 + 4 \u003d 7)

Here you can apply the prolonged property of the addition.

Note from work experience:

If the chip falls on the edge, then you can get a number 7 by adding three terms. (4 + 2 + 1 \u003d 7)

With the help of "mathematical ships" I easily teach children to solve problems, make an accessible to students for learning the learning material at a lower time of time and with greater efficiency. In order to solve the task of the student proceeds from the text (verbal model of the problem) to the presentation of the situation (mental model), and from it to the recording of the solution with the help of mathematical symbols (to the iconic-symbolic model). The main rule of constructing the model is that it should reflect only the essential properties of the object and the structure of its relations and relations. "Mathematical boats" allow you to move from subjectual analytical clarity to more abstract options (chips).

From experience.

"Mathematical boats" I use when studying the topic

"Double-digit numbers" for assimilation of children of discharges of dozens and units. "Mathematical boats" we turn over the vertically (the column of the left of the tens, the column on the right is the discharge of units).


    Show a number in which 2 dozen and 4 units. Write down this number. Increase this number by 3 units. Write down this number.

    Increase this number per 5 dozen. Write down this number.

    Reduce this number for 6 units. Write down this number.

"Mathematical boats" I apply for the development of logical thinking. The ability to arrange, position, place items, draw up patterns, move, move the chips develops combinational abilities.


1. Collapse 7 circles in 6 rows of 3 in each row.

2. Wire 3 blue mug and 6 red circles in such a way that it turned out 3 rows of 4 mug, with something in each row the number of blue and red circles should be equally.

3. Scatter 4 mug on 6 segments so that on each segment there are 2 mug.


1. 2. 3.

Equipment can be used not only when studying a new material, but in consolidation lessons and testing.

The effectiveness of our control class with "mathematical boats" compared to the control class when studying the above, it can be seen on this chart:


Helps to disclose the meaning of multiplication.

Helps when learning table multiplication and appropriate cases of divisions.

Types of tasks:

    What numbers are divided into 4?

    What are the numbers to 8 and 6 at the same time?

    The product of what numbers \u003d 36, 24, 12, 48, etc.

    Write the value of the work in ascending order (descending) if expressions are given.

I use the table even when we study extraobal multiplication and division. For example, to increase (decrease) each of the closed number in 2 (3) times.

We make tasks.

They brought 24 maple and 12 lind. All trees landed in a park of 6 seedlings in a row. How many rows did it work?

Children are appropriately explainedII. Method of solving the problem.

I apply this type of equipment to compile the tasks of the inverse of this.

The results of the study of the multiplication table are:

Sets of equipment"Arithmetic up to 100" and

"Arithmetic up to 1000"

help consolidate account patterns,

allow you to see the steps of various arithmetic action,

help to navigate in the numerical space and form ideas about the number.

The "Arithmetic up to 100" kit includes a table (magnetic poster), pencil pencils and student sets. It is used when studying the topic: "Addition and subtraction within 100".

Types of tasks:

    Placing closed numbers in ascending order. Continue a number series by rule.

    Find the amount (difference) of closed numbers.

    Find two other numbers, the sum of which is equal to the sum of closed numbers, etc.

Comparative analysis of the degree of studies on this topic:

The arithmetic kit up to 1000 is used traditionally when studying:

"Three digits"

"Comparison of three digits"

"The discharge composition of three digits"

"Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers"

"Multiplication and division for an unambiguous number"

I expanded the framework of the application of this equipment and I successfully use it when studying:

"Multivalued numbers. Classes and discharges »

"Addition and subtraction of multivalued numbers"

"Distribution Property"

"Finding a number for a share and shares by the number"

Comparative analysis of the degree of student training according to these topics in two classes:

Designer Lego in mathematics lessons



Account subject

Account subject. The concept of "as much".

Ordinal numbers.

Location of items in space (for, between, after, before).

Addition and subtraction within 10.

The composition of the number is within 10.

Large working panel.

40 pieces of bricks (4 colors of 10 pieces of bricks (red blue, yellow, green).

Addition and subtraction within 20.

The concept of the perimeter.

Solution of composite tasks.

Right angle. Rectangle. Properties of rectangle.

The meaning of the multiplication action.

The meaning of the action of division.

The composition of numbers up to 20.

Solving tasks for multiplication and division.

Individual panels for each student.

Large working panel.

40 pieces of bricks (2 colors of 20 pieces of bricks: red, blue)

Addition and subtraction.

Division on equal parts.

The perimeter of the rectangle.

Figure area.

Decision with the residue.

Individual panels for each student.

Large working panel.

60 pieces of bricks

(2 colors of 30 pieces of bricks: red, blue)

Account within 1000.

Discharge terms.

The concept of a share.

Individual panels for each student.

Large working panel.

40 pieces of bricks

(4 colors of 10 pieces: red, blue, yellow, green)

Counting material "Mathematical boats"

This educational product belongs to the category of didactic handouts and is intended to equip educational books in elementary school of general education institutions.

Technical Description of Accounts

This tutorial is auxiliary equipment for learning the account of younger students. Accounting material made of high-quality hypoallergenic plastic. In the packaged form, the manual has dimensions in 14x21x2.5 cm with a mass of not more than 180 grams.

Includes are presented:

  • Gorge plates (ships) with numbered seats for chips. The numbering is through, on each shoe there are 5 places to accommodate chips. The nests for chips are located on one side of the boats, the nest numbers to another.
  • Multicolored chips are red and blue, in the amount of 20 and 10 pieces, respectively.
  • User's manual.

The package includes a plastic box with a lid for storing ships and chips.

Accountable material is characterized by:

  • High quality performance. Modern durable plastic has a long operational resource and is hypoallergenic.
  • Ergonomic. The proposed set is simple and easy to operate and storage. Bright colors and thoughtful design are attractive for younger students.
  • Compliance with the basic principles of learning. The inclusion of a set in the educational process provides the necessary level of visibility, the availability of theoretical educational material to understand the younger schoolchildren.

The kit refers to certified training manuals and is recommended for use in educational activities.

Use of countable material

This training manual is intended for use in elementary school in mathematics lessons. With this kit are possible:

  • Organization of various forms of cool-time work, including surveys, performing creative tasks, the use of game and projective learning techniques.
  • Effective development of students in mathematics educational program.
  • Formation of cognitive skills.

The inclusion of a set of counting material into the educational process contributes to the fulfillment of the requirements of GEF.

Accurate material Mathematical boats Buy with free shipping you can in our store site.

Accident material Mathematical boats is delivered to anywhere in the Russian Federation, for schools delivery is free.

For the goods countable material Mathematical boats, the price is relevant and indicated on the site and in the price list.

Relevance Photo Accounting Material Mathematical Ships should be clarified by a consultant for a complimentary phone 8-800-775-05-47, a call is free from any phone, from the Russian Federation.

Preparation of documents for schools in accordance with the state. Requirements, provision of monitoring, certificates and other necessary documents. Matching GEF.

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Counting material "Mathematical boats" is conveniently used together with a demonstration magnetic poster and an album of tasks for individual and group work, as well as complete with mathematical beads. Working with mathematical boats helps to explore a numeric row within 20, learn and consolidate the composition of numbers up to 20, learn how to perform the action of addition and subtraction within 20. This allowance contributes to a smooth transition of students from using specific effective thinking to abstract, allows you to develop ability to develop See regularities, solve a number of logical tasks.

I offer several tasks and games using mathematical boats.

1. The game on the fixing of the number of numbers.

a) how many chips?

Download 8 chips of different colors in the boats. (Teacher on a demonstration magnetic poster. Blue chips closes the sheet.)

I have 5 red chips. Guess how many blue chips in my boat? (3 blue.)

How did they reason? (8 is 5 and more 3.)

The work continues in the group. Similarly, students make their own options for classmates.

b) how many chips were closed?

Teacher on a demonstration poster lay out 4 chips:

How many chips were closed if there are only 9 chips in the boat, and we only see 4?

How many chips are closed if there are 8 chips in the boat?

To ....... to with with

Guess what color chips that were closed. (Pupils are inspected on their boats.)

b) Put in cells 5 chips. How much should you add chips to become 7 chips? (Pupils record equality in a notebook based on the subject model.)

2. Games for the formation of the skills of attachment and counting one by one.

Put chips from cells (each takes out chips from your boat) and put next to the boat.

Turn the ship.

Option 1: Call numbers in order of increasing and close the number of blue chip.

2nd option: Call numbers in descending order and close the number of blue in blue. (Each student closes the numbers on his boat.)

3. The game to fix the sequence of a number of numbers.

"Ships" follow one after another and loaded with chips with a blue side up. All numbers are closed with chips. Under the dictation of the teacher, children gradually turn the chips with a red face up.

Indicate a red chip number that:

follows number 6;

it should be in front of the number 3;

stands between numbers 5 and 7;

more than 2 numbers, but less than 4;

the largest unambiguous number;

preceded by number 2;

follows number 4;

it should be in front of the number 5.

What number is closed with a blue chicken?

(As a result of actions, the number 8 remains under the blue chuck. This shows that the student has fulfilled the work correctly.)

Counting beads are a magnificent material with which you can explore a numerical series, perform the actions of addition and subtraction, use when studying the number of numbers, solve problems.

You can offer the following tasks for the formation of computing skills:

Sweep 2, 3.

Post off 4 beads. How many beads need to be added to be 9?

Find the value of expressions and check your answers to mathematical beads.

In addition, during front work with "mathematical beads", you can use tasks for "ships".

The developing and teaching game "Palette" is a universal allowance for independent work of students with subsequent self-test. The "palette" is a wooden basis with the deepening on which a card with tasks is constructed. The student takes a chip, appropriate task, looking for a suitable answer and puts the chip into the recess next to this answer. When checking the card, the card is turned over, they are put on the palette again and then check whether the color and form of chips are coincided with the edges of the tasks. A set of cards is systematized on topics and different levels. The game can be used individually and in groups, in the lesson and on extracurricular activities, as a separate task, and even at the Phazkultminthka stage.

Mathematical mosaic "Pyramid" is a set in the form of equilateral triangles for training exercises passing in a game form individually or in groups. The series "From 1 to 10" includes two pyramids for training addition and subtraction within 10. To collect all the cards in the "pyramid", you need to solve about 30 examples of adding (subtraction) within the first ten. The problem of motivation has already been solved - after all, the child plays, and hence he is not bored! The assembly is determined as follows: each side of the triangle has one color, circles of one color are formed inside a large triangle.

One of the types of ICT is the use of computer technologies, such as a computer presentation. The inclusion of the presentation in the lesson structure makes the process of studying a new material more visual and accessible to students, creates a situation of emotional lifting, contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards the subject.

Lessons using ICT are especially relevant in elementary school. Pupils 1-4 classes have visual-shaped thinking, so it is very important to build their training, applying as much as possible illustrative material as possible, in the process of perception of new not only vision, but also rumor, emotions, imagination. Here, as it is impossible, by the way, the brightness and entertainment of computer slides, animation.

The organization of the educational process in elementary school must first contribute to the intensification of the cognitive sphere of students, the successful learning of the educational material and promote mental. Therefore, ICT should perform a certain educational function, to help the child to figure out the flow of information, perceive it, remember, and, in no case, do not undermine health. ICT should act as an auxiliary element of the educational process, and not the main one.

Given the psychological features of the younger schoolboy, work using ICT should be clearly thought out and dosed. Thus, the use of ITC in the lessons should be relaxing. Planning a lesson (work) in elementary school, the teacher must carefully consider the goal, place and method of using ICT

In elementary school it is impossible to spend a lesson without attracting funds of clarity, problems often arise. Where to find the desired material and how best to demonstrate it? Computer came to the rescue.

The most effective means of including a child in the process of creativity in the lesson are:

game activity;

creating positive emotional situations;

work in pairs;

problem learning.

When working on tasks I use computer animation slides. Their advantage is that at any time I can return to the beginning of the task, to stay on some of his fragments, talk with students, listen to various opinions. But not only electronic discs with ready-to-work material I use in work. On all training items, I use test tasks. The main thing: when performing test tasks, eye, brain, and hands of students are involved, and the game elements are important in the development of interest in their work performed, and, consequently, to maintain the required level of intensity of the learning process.

In addition to tests, using crosswords, schemes, tables with which students work directly on the computer, independently studying the material of the lesson and in turn working on a computer on a specific algorithm.

As the great teacher wrote: "If you enter the class, from which it is difficult to achieve a word, start showing pictures, and the class will speak, and most importantly, speak free ...".

Since the time of the Ushinsky picture, it was clearly changed, but the meaning of this expression does not age.

Yes, and we can say that a lesson involving the slides of the presentation, the electronic encyclopedia data causes an emotional response in children, including the most infantile or defects. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve in front of the class.

One of the most successful forms of preparation and presentation of educational material to the lessons in elementary school can be called the creation of multimedia presentations. "Presentation" - translated from English as a "performance".

The English proverb says: "I heard - and forgot, I saw - and I remembered." According to scientists, a person remembers 20% of the heard and 30% seen, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, facilitating the process of perception and memorizing information using bright images is the basis of any modern presentation.

Special place in my work is assigned. The project activity of students contributes to the development of independent research skills, creative process, and introduces schoolchildren to solving specific vital problems, contributes to improving the quality of education.

Psychological and pedagogical studies in the class showed that the use of ICT capabilities in elementary school contributes to:

Increased motivation to teaching,

Increase the effectiveness of the educational process due to the high degree of visibility,

Activation, increase quality schoolchildren,

Development of visual-figurative, information thinking,

The development of self-education skills and self-control of younger students,

Enhance the activity and initiative of the younger schoolchildren in the lesson,

Increase the level of training.

In accordance with the requirements of the FGOS, the purpose of school education is the development of the ability of the student to independently set themselves educational goals and objectives, to design ways of their implementation, to monitor and evaluate their achievements, that is, to form a learning ability to learn from the student. The student himself must become an active participant in the educational process. Achieving this goal is possible due to the formation of a system of universal training actions (Wood). Mastering them gives students the opportunity to independently and successfully absorb new knowledge and skills based on the formation of the ability to learn. This feature is ensured by the fact that UUD is generalized actions that generate motivation to learning and allow students to navigate in various subject areas of knowledge. Universal training actions are the skills and skills that must be put in elementary school at all lessons. It is important to stimulate the creative activity of children, maintain and develop their interest in knowledge.

For the initial stage of teaching mathematics, a mathematical kit, consisting of wooden countable material "Mathematical boats", demonstration magnetic poster and assignment album for individual and group work. The same kit includes demonstration beads and beads for the student. The kit is not associated with a specific textbook, you can work with it when learning calculations within 20 for any variant of the Program for Primary School.

"Mathematical boats" I use when studying the following topics:

3. Compound numbers;

7. The presence of the terms;

8. Tasks.

3. Solution of examples with the transition through a category. For example, 6 + 5. Children are invited to lay out 6 blue chips in 1 and in the 2nd boat, in 3rd - 5 red. Then the children complement the 2nd boat to 10 red chips and see that one chip remained in the 3rd boat. Relying on your knowledge: add 1, it means to name the following with the score number, that is, 11 or 10 and 1, it will turn out to be 11 (the opening of a new knowledge is discussed, the establishment of patterns, the use of existing knowledge);

4.Name of an unknown terms, unknown subtracted and decreasing. Children solve examples of the form: 4 + ... \u003d 7, 6- ... \u003d 3, ... -4 \u003d 2. Illustrate the solution with the help of chips: 4 + ... \u003d 7, 7 red chips are exhibited, of which they turn 4, 3 red chips are the second component. (joint search solution, the ability to defend its point of view);

At the fixation stage and testing of computing skills, I use the "album of tasks". The album consists of cards, on each card there is a sample of task execution. (Working with cards contributes to the development of self-and-steam work skills)

The use of beads in grade 1 is similar to "ships". Counting beads are a magnificent material, with which you can send 2, P3, P4, etc. You can solve examples in several actions and check the correctness of the calculations by attaching and counting: 2 + 3-2 + 1-4 \u003d 0. Beads can be used in 2 - when studying such as "hundred" and "thousand".

Also in mathematics lessons you can use the developmental allowance "Palette". This allowance is applied at the fixation stage to test the account skills within 20 on the topic "Addition and subtraction". It serves as a good tool for the development of children of self-control and testing of their knowledge. You can use in pair and group work. A set of cards in the "palette" is systematized on topics and different levels of complexity. (Children have the right to choose: choose a task forces, a strong student can help weak)

Working with these mathematical manuals, we develop such important learning skills in children as: the ability to hear, listen and understand the partner, plan and coordinated to carry out joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express your thoughts In speech, respect in the communication and cooperation of the partner and himself.

First-graders master such important skills as the ability to cooperate both with the teacher and with peers, the ability and willingness to conduct a dialogue, search for decisions, to support each other. Children learn to coordinate their position with a partner's position when developing a general solution in joint activities. Guys, working together, acquire such important qualities as responsibility and mutual execution.

the teacher at the lesson in elementary school requires a creative approach, the ability to interest children, make the learning process entertaining and as a result of successful. An important factor in creating such conditions was the emergence of the didactic developing material of the spectrum.

Pleasant texture of real wood, bright coloring benefits immediately attract attention not only to children, but also adults. Everyone wants to consider, to get acquainted closer, play with the material. It became clear that the data of the benefits would help diversify the activities of students in the lessons, will make the process of forming universal educational actions alive, fascinating. A creative atmosphere is created around the child, which helps to create the inner motivation of the success and continuous movement forward, to achieve such personal results as cognitive interest in science (motifs). The benefits make it easy to master the material, without much voltage, fatigue. This is very important for first-graders, as they are quickly tired, it is difficult for them to concentrate their attention, mastering the educational material. Didactic benefits "Spectrum" help develop tactile centers, have a beneficial effect on vision, as they are large and colorful. Working with benefits allows children to move more often at the lesson, and the teacher allows you to build a lesson so that it is dynamic and interesting, which in turn has a beneficial effect on children's health. It is important for the first class in the educational process to use the spectrum benefits, as they help to implement the possibilities:

Increase the efficiency of schoolchildren's learning activities;

Increase the intensity of the lesson and enter the game item;

Organize a dynamic pause;

Develop thinking, speech, creative abilities;

Widely use the activity method of learning, when each child receives knowledge independently;

Work in your pace every child needed to form educational actions.

Lumen learning

Twenty beads on the rope: ten beads of red and blue.

Concepts are introduced: "Beads", "Beads", "Rope", "Ends - Yellow Beads", the color of beads, beads for students and demonstration beads.

The teacher negotiates with children that only red and blue beads will be used in the work.

The use of bead helps to determine the number of consonants and vowels in the word. Shifting the beads of the corresponding color to the middle (blue - consonants, red - vowels).

For example: We defined the number of vowel sounds in the word "goat" determined the number of consonants in the word "car".

2. Ship

Wooden base with two rows of chips: on one side of red, and on the other blue. On the back of the wooden foundation there are numbers. Concepts are introduced: "Mathematical boats", "Ship", "Fishka", color, number of numbers (from the wrong side), "Box-penny" in which the "ships" are stored.

Types of tasks:

what kind of sounds are part of the word;

how many sounds in the word;

what is the sequence of sounds in the word (which sound is the first, second, fourth, etc.);

what is the place of each sound in the word in relation to other sounds of this word; For example: What kind of sound is heard between the first and third in the word lamp? What sound in the word flour is heard before the second sound?

determining the number of vowels and consonant sounds in the Word.

Each child puts 2 boat in front of him. We denote

blue trick consonant sounds, red - vowels. The teacher calls the word, and the students lay it out the scheme.

For example: umbrella, eyes, sunset, caress, braid, paste, goat, rose, pine, mask.

Working with a manual allows you to achieve the following subject results: find, compare, classify, characterize such language units, like sound, letter (in the volume of the material studied).

2. Ship

Mathematical boats can be used when forming:

the concept of the number and development of computational skills;

direct and reverse score skills within 20;

knowledge of numerical sequence and sequence account;

knowledge about the composition of the numbers of the first and second dozen;

relations "more on ...", "less on ...";

on the properties of addition and finding unknown components;

the ability to solve text tasks with an arithmetic method with a support for the model.

To 1 red chip add 1 blue chip, another 1, etc.;

Familiarity with a number and number: to 3rd chips Add 1. How many chips have become? What is the digit to indicate? What is this number? (4);

Determine the composition of the number. Show the composition of the number 2 (3, 4 .... 10);

In 2 ships standing in a row, lay out 10 red chips. Show 6th chip on the left, changing her color, 7th chip on the right, 3rd after the 4th chips, etc.;

Show 2 red chips, and blue for one more;

Put 3 blue chips, as many red;

Solution of examples with the transition through a category;

For example, 7 + 4. Children are invited to lay out 7 red chips (in two boats), in 3rd - 4 blue. Then the children complement the 2nd boat (up to 10) with blue chips and see that one chip remained in the 3rd boat. Based on your knowledge: add 1, then it means to name the following with the number, that is, 11 or 10 and 1, it turns out 11.

The capabilities of ships are not limited to mathematical exercises, they can be used to develop attention and logic.

Various exercises and games are presented in guidelines for ships.

Attention exercises:

On a magnetic poster, set chips, for example, 3 red and 1 blue. To children to show for 30 seconds, then close and ask, lay out the same chips in individual boats and in the same order.

On a magnetic poster, chips are exhibited with numbers. The order of numbers is broken. Restore the order of numbers.

On a magnetic poster, several chips with numbers are missing or covered with an invalid side. Determine what number is lost?

Orientation exercises in space:

On a notebook sheet, put a blue chip into the upper left corner, in the right - red, in the lower right corner - red, in the center - blue, on the right red, etc.;

Stay out of the chips triangle, quadrangle. How many chips needed?;

We issue a notebook sheet and boats, arrange the boats in the corners. What figure turned out? Then dictate the algorithm, in order to verify the abstract thinking: to stop the chips so that the triangle is turned out (all options offered by children are visible);

Take a boat and put into the upper left corner, etc.;

Shake out 5 chips in hand and throw on a sheet - how many red, blue?;

Also, children ask tasks to each other.

Before the lesson, you must set the necessary number of ships on the desk to each student. This is determined by the tasks of the lesson. For example, it is first enough to give 2 boat to each student, then the drawer is exhibited to each child. Of course, it requires a separate time in preparation for the lesson.

Working with the "Spectrum" equipment makes it possible to diversify the types of tasks, approach the process of forming universal educational actions in children. The equipment "Spectrum" can be used as for the individual work of the child and when working in pairs and groups. This allows, in turn, to form communicative learning activities. With the help of students, students are formed such regulatory training actions as control, evaluation, self-regulation.

Org. Moment

Good afternoon, dear colleagues. We are glad to see you and hope that our teamwork will be useful for you.

Actualization of knowledge.

From this year, all grades of primary school work on GEF. Let's remember what the basis of GEF is? (system and activity approach)

Try to formulate the definition that such a system is an approach. (Working with a card)

Read. Compare.

Self-determination to activities.

"I hear - I forget,

i see - I remember

i do - I absorb "

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb, as applied to learning?

The children of younger school age are best understood and remember what "discovered" themselves in the game, they felt their own hands. Training abilities are developing faster if children work independently, with their own actions come to new results, new skills acquire.

What allows in a modern school to carry out a SDP?

But it is impossible so narrowly understand the meaning of the word ICT. "Information and Communicative Technologies (ICT) is all sorts of ways and methods for the exchange of knowledge, facts, rules, and not just computer technologies. Any pedagogical technology is, as the basis of the learning process is obtaining and converting information "

Try to formulate the topic and tasks of our MO.

Consider the use of ICT in mathematics lessons in grade 1. We use a kit of the didactic "spectrum": mathematical boats, dispensing beads, magnetic poster "Numerical straight", "palette" and mosaic "Pyramid", as well as computer technologies

At the beginning of the learning of mathematics, it is necessary to create an image of a number from the student. Not all children perceive the visual and sound images well. Some of them in memory are best fixed tactile images. Such children are pleasant to the touch smooth beads and chips will have invaluable help in mastering mathematics.

Work on the topic.

Work in groups. Before you a manual, which is called Mat Ship. We suggest you think in what class, for what topic, at what stage of the lesson you can use this manual. Develop a fragment of the lesson. Speech.

"Mathematical boats" are used when learning the following topics:

1. The number of numbers within 20 (the introduction of the concept of the number, direct and countdown, the study of the numerical sequence and the sequence account);

2. "More on ...", "less on ...";

3. Compound numbers;

4. The application and subtraction within 10;

5. The application and subtraction with the transition through the category;

6. Nutrition of the components of the addition and subtraction actions, as well as finding an unknown component;

7. The presence of the terms;

8. Tasks.

Think on what other lessons you can use this manual, which types of works can offer.

I will introduce you to some tasks and work forms:

1. Bare and countdown. Recalculation of chips. If the ships flip over, then on the reverse side there will be numbers from 1 to 20 .. (children distribute roles in a pair: one leads direct account, and the other-reverse);

2. Familiarity with a number and number. For example, with a number 6: add 1 red chips to 5 red chips. How much did the chips become? What is the digit to indicate? (make a conclusion: add to the number 1, it means to name the number that follows it with the account);

3. Meeting with the composition of the number 6: Children exhibit 6 red chips in two boats, then turn over one chip (1 + 5) first, then second (2 + 4), then the third (3 + 3), etc. ( The ability to listen to each other, draw conclusions, the ability to arrange, who will be in front of the class to present their work);

3. Solving expressions with the transition through a category. For example, 6 + 5. Children are invited to lay out 6 blue chips in 1 and in the 2nd boat, in 3rd - 5 red. Then the children complement the 2nd boat to 10 red chips and see that one chip remained in the 3rd boat. Relying on your knowledge: add 1, it means to name the following with the score number, that is, 11 or 10 and 1, it will turn out to be 11 (the opening of a new knowledge is discussed, the establishment of patterns, the use of existing knowledge);

4.Name of an unknown terms, unknown subtracted and decreasing. Children solve the expressions of the form: 4 + ... \u003d 7, 6- ... \u003d 3, ... -4 \u003d 2. Illustrate the solution with the help of chips: 4 + ... \u003d 7, 7 red chips are exhibited, of which they turn 4, 3 red chips are the second component. (joint search solution, the ability to defend its point of view);

5. Made Mathematical Rules (Conducting the Conditions). Detty exhibit on the 1st boat of 5 red chips and 5 blue chips on the second how many chips? (10), changing boat places. How many of the chips? (10) What noticed? (the ability to operate with mathematical terms, draw conclusions);

6. The game "How many chips are closed?"

Teacher on a magnetic canvase exhibits 9 chips in a certain order: red, blue, red, blue, etc. Question 1: How many chips were closed if there are 9 chips in the boat, and we only see 4? Question 2: What color will be the 6th chip? 8th? (the concentration of attention develops, the ability to control each other's actions);

7.The comprehension of numbers. They put 2 boat side by side, on one shoe 6 red chips, and on another 4 red chips. Where is chips more? Where is less? (the ability to establish mutually unambiguous compliance, keep a dialogue in a pair, draw conclusions);

8. Tasks. With the help of chips, we demonstrate the solution of the problem: from Kolya 3Marks, and Sasha on 2 brands more. How many brands of Sasha? Children exhibit as many chips how many brands from Kolya-3.What means: Sasha on 2 brands more? This means that he has as many brands as if, yes, yes, even 2, that is, 3 + 2 \u003d 5. 5 chips.

These visual benefits are used in 1-2 classes. Now introduce you to the didactic benefit for 3-4 classes. You will agree with us that the most difficult topic for the perception of children "Studying a Rectangle Square". And here we will help the didactic material of the spectrum.

Each group we suggest calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe figure. What did you do? Why did you get different answers? (Because different measurements used) people agreed to use a single measure of 1 kW.

Think, when studying what topic, you can use this visual allowance? (one thousand)

The set of "Spectrum" benefits is an effective tool by which the teacher introduces new topics, identifies together with students arising problems in understanding the material and together with children is looking for their decisions. As a result of the use of new didactic benefits, favorable conditions are created for the development of the identity of each student, which aims us a new educational standard.

i wrote: "... Do not bring avalanche of knowledge to the child ... - Inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under the avalanche of knowledge. You will die to open something in front of the child something one thing, but open so that a piece of life has played before children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always always, something underwent, so that the child wanted to return to what he learned again. "


Determine your place on this stairs.

What new didactic benefits did you meet today?

Sections: Primary School


  • consider examples of the form +2, -2;
  • repeat the bill and reverse order;
  • fasten the skill of finding a response in different ways;
  • improve the skill of the letter of numbers;
  • develop the ability to analyze the records and choose the corresponding sign;
  • cause interest in learning mathematics.

Developing: develop the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions;

Educational: to bring up a feeling of kindness, mutual arms.

Type of lesson: lesson - explanation of the new material.

Equipment used: Multimedia projector, interactive Mimio Prefix, Equipment Spectra "Mathematical Ships", Workbooks: "Mathematics" Grade 1 E.E. Kocharyova, "I study count" E.E. Kocharyova, Tutorial V.N. Rudnitskaya "Mathematics" 1 part, 1 class.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

We came here to learn
Do not be lazy, but to work.
We work diligently,
We listen carefully.

Let today in the lesson there will be a warm, friendly atmosphere. Give each other smile. Look at the board - you smiles at sunshine! (1 slide)

II. Verbal counting.

1. The score in the direct and reverse directions, starting from any number.

- Continue the score, calling the number with a whisper through one (1, 2 (whisper),3(4) ,5 …)

- Continue the series, calling the numbers from 10 through one (10, 8, 6, etc.)

2. Arithmetic dictation.

- What number at the score follows number 8?

- call the previous number of numbers 5; Name the subsequent number of numbers 3.

- Show the neighbors of the number 9; 3; 7.

- Increase 6 to 1 and once again by 1.

- Reduce 7 to 1.

Reduce 9 to 1 and once again at 1.

3. Task for cutting.

It is in the field of oak. On the oak three branches. On each branch of 3 apples. How many apples? (None.)

4. Tasks in verse.

Two mouse gnawed crusts,
Two - routines dragged in mink.
How many of them are in the apartment?
Two plus two - just .... (4)

Vaska - a deft fisherman -
Catches fish on the hook.
Three caught on dawn,
Three caught in the evening.
Three plus three, any answer
That fish ... with us. (6)

Cat in cubes played,
Cube's cat lost
Head is spinning…
It was - three, left - .... (2)

III. Message Topics lesson

Working with the interactive prefix MIMIO.

Exercise 1.

Find an "excess" figure in each line.

(Excess figure:

  • in the first line - a large triangle;
  • in the second - the painted triangle;
  • in the third - 1) square; 2) Square green).

Task 2 (work in the notebook).

- Consider the drawings (on the board compiled an entry from the pictures).

- Draw the answer.

- What did you do?

- Compare your decision with the recording on the board

Task 3.

- Consider drawings on the board.

Compare the number of figures on each figure (on 1 figure - the same amount and; 2 - 2 less; by 3 - 2 less).

Today in the lesson we consider cases of increasing and decreasing the number by 2.

IV. Studying a new material. Work on the textbook.

Task 1 (p. 58) using SPECTRA equipment "Mathematical boats".

How much in the picture of repro? (3) Carrot? (6) radishes? (2) Cabbage Villas? (four)

Consider the table in the textbook. Tell us how it is built. Lay out chips in the table.

- What does the expression "more on 2" mean? (As many more 2)

- What does the expression "less on 2" mean? (As much, but without 2)

Task 2 (p. 58)

- Read the entry: 3+2 (Add to three to add two.)

Children offer their own options:

- Read the entry: 7-2 (Out of 7 subtract 2)

- Get the answer in different ways using the ruler.

Task 3. Modeling a situation of increasing (decreasing) of a number by 2 using "mathematical boats".

- Put in front of ourselves "mathematical boats" (on the board a demonstration magnetic poster).

- Take 6 chips, reduce to 2.

- How much did it work out?

- Take 8 chips, increase by 2

- Take 5 chips, increase by 2

- Take 3 chips, reduce to 2

- Take 4 chips, reduce 2

Task 4 (p. 59) (Visiting Squirrel and Hedgehog)

- What kind of task prepared a squirrel? (Each number it is necessary to increase by 2)

- What kind of task did the hedgehog prepared? (Each number must be reduced by 2)

Students perform calculations using "mathematical boats".


You worked fine, time to relax now.
And charging to you is familiar to the lesson comes to the class.
In the morning, the butterfly woke up, smiled, reached out!
Since the dewy she washed, two - elegantly concerned,
Three - bent and sat down, four flew away.

Task 5. (p. 59)

- Consider the drawing. Come up with questions. Make a record.


a) there were 8 peppers in the basket, one green pepper took. How much is left? (8-1 \u003d 7)

b) there were 8 peppers on the plate, 4 red peppers took. How much is left? (8-4 \u003d 4)

c) how much more yellow peppers than green? (3-1 \u003d 2)

Task 6 (p. 59)

- How many cards? (3) What are they similar? What is the difference?

- What card all numbers are recorded on? (On a blue card)

- What figures are missed on the green card? (3.6)

- What are the numbers are missing on a yellow card? (Digit 0)

V. Work in the printed notebook.

- Modeling (draw chips) situation of increasing (decrease) of a number by 2.

- addition and subtraction of the number 2 (drafting the model and the use of the line).

- letter of numbers.

- Supplement of the model of the number 9 (drawing chips).

Vi. The outcome of the lesson.

- What's new learned about the lesson?

- What does "increase by 2" mean? (As many more 2)

- What does it mean to "reduce 2"? (As much, but without 2)

- What tasks liked more?

- Draw the sun - mood (cheerful, gloomy, sad), appreciating your work in the lesson.

Ekaterina Bryukhovsky

Didactic benefit

Mathematical boat.

Bhukhovsky E. S.

Educator Madou "Kindergarten № 28" Upper Pyshma

This developing game is made in the form of a bright ship With multicolored sail flags that can be easily put on wooden rei. Based ship Figures from 1 to 10 are applied. Game for children from 2 to 6 years. purpose didactic game: Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Using the game « Mathematical boat» child nok.:

1. Develops mental processes (thinking, attention, memory);

2. Learn to determine colors;

3. It will learn to relate the number and number of items;

4. Wildlings "lot", "few", "equally", quantitative and serial account, the composition of the number in the range of 10;

5. Traves fine motility.

Task number 1. "Sort by color, quantitative account".

Disassemble flags in colors. What color flags are the most, what is smaller? How many flags are red, blue, yellow ....

Uncheck flags in a definite order: First, the flags of the blue color, then yellow, greens, etc.

In count: First one flag from each mast, two flags with the highest.

Task number 2. "Conditional measurement, correlation of numbers and quantity".

Measure the height of the mast flags. How many flags are placed on 7 mast? How much is on the lowest? How many flags are placed on the mast, which is between 7 and 5? What is her serial number?

Task number 3. "Spatial relationship".

Plane flags are the same horizontal (vertical, diagonal).

Task number 4. "Logical tasks".

Arbitrarose check boxes on masts.

The wind disrupts with the ninth mast not yellow flags. What kind? Then breaks with the first and second mast of the flag of the same color. What kind?

Task number 5. Solving tasks. The composition of the number.

Remove with the fifth mast checkboxes and fill them in the second and third mach. What color will be flags and how many of them on each of the mast? What numbers is the number 5?

Task number 6. "Lacing"

With the help of a lace, you can collect beads in a certain sequence (for example, yellow, blue, etc., according to the sample, according to your own design. In the way, you can in the sample, both through the flag itself and through the round hole in it.

Perform a lacing in different options:

Secure the cord in two top checkup on each mast.

Come up with your options.

Task number 7. "Come to the pattern"

Make your own pattern from flags on masts. Specify, according to which principle the pattern was drawn up (in color, quantity, spatial location).

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