Investigation "KP": The results of the USE were faked by all the city. How to buy a service for the delivery of the ege? Is it possible to put the results of the exam

In the Ministry of Education and Science, they argue that the leaks of answers and tasks for the exam was not since 2013. However, in the first days of examinations in 2017, the department transferred a list of more than 200 sites and groups in social networks in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in social networks, where fraudsters sold tasks from the test.

How much are the answers to 100 points, what will happen if the student will come for a schoolchildren, and for which the group money receives, free answers? "Paper" I learned who and how he earns at the desire of students to successfully pass exams.

Ready answers. Up to 10 thousand rubles

In groups in VKontakte, more than 11 thousand communities with the words "replies of the EGE" in the title. In five of them there are more than 100 thousand people.

Most often, the Administration of the Group offers to translate money on bank card details and electronic wallets, there are also proposals to pay by Bitcoins. Then schoolchildren should send a password to access the site, where, according to the administration, place the answers.

Prices in various groups change depending on the exam and the desired number of points. So, the answers to 60 points can cost up to 3 thousand rubles, and 100-point - up to 10 thousand.

In the largest group with the answers for the exam in VKontakte now consists of 300 thousand people. In groups with similar coverage, the answers are often placed free of charge. Administrators explain This is the fact that every schoolboy after the exam can voluntarily transfer money to the community wallet.

At the same time, such groups often place advertising. As a specialist in advertising is one of them, the cost of one advertising placement - 1-2 thousand rubles. On average on the day, the community hosts two or three advertisements.

Most of these groups are positioning themselves as "assistants when delivering unfair exams." In many groups, there is even a "black list of scammers": they have already blocked communities, which also offered solutions to the exam tests.

Of 15 respondents "Paper" Graduates who consist in such groups, the answers bought only one. The young man anonymously told that he spent 2.5 thousand rubles on the literature tasks to check if they really were true.

Of course, they turned out to be linden. But there were tasks, sharpened for new requirements of the 2017 exam, and not 2016. It helped me a little, but I still lost money.

According to the graduate, he is not known whether someone else has bought answers to the exam in his school, but he believes that there are no such.

On request "Paper" Only one group replied. The head of the 20th thousand community agreed to give a comment if the editors pay it 15 thousand rubles.

Microathers and a crib watch. Up to 15 thousand rubles

Some online stores offer "hidden wireless communication with your assistant on exams, negotiations, interview and on a date." So, one of the similar stores in St. Petersburg with 18 thousand subscribers writes: "You do not have time for diligent exam preparation? There is a way out - buy micro-handpie for exams! ".

The price of a micro-handler with a Bluetooth headset varies from 2 to 15 thousand rubles. Some online shopping offer the rental of the microeushnik for 500 rubles a day.

You can also buy a crib, on the screen of which text files are played. Their cost - from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles, rental - 600 rubles per day.

On the sites of most such shops, there are also instructions for using the micro-handfish on the exam.

We do not do anything illegal. People want to use micro-handflaps, and they buy them. This is just a question of demand and suggestions, - anonymously explains the head of the group "Vkontakte" "Micronassic St. Petersburg".

He stressed that in front of the exam, several parents themselves ordered microchones for their children. At the same time, he, like other respondents "Paper" Entrepreneurs, specific figures refused to call.

Microns and clock-cribs are not separately regulated by law. But their use, like any other cribs on the exam, falls under the article on the "non-compliance with state final certification", which provides a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Still man for delivery. From 10 thousand rubles

In the Tor browser, which opens access to the Dark Web (anonymous and not indexed by conventional search engines of the Internet), a number of sites offer to schoolchildren to come to the exam for them.

Judging by the information from one of the sites, unknown, fake documents, can pass the exam for a student. To do this, you must pay at least 10 thousand rubles and transfer a copy of the documents without specifying the series and the numbers into the built-in site chat.

How exactly the student will take the exam, it is not specified. It is noted that the result is from 80 to 100 points. What kind of exams can pass for the student, also not specified.

On the question "Paper" The site has not answered in the chat. None of the respondents "Paper" Graduates did not use such services. They all claim to hear about such a service for the first time.

Passage state exam Other person falls under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "fake official documents". So, in 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod For this for 10 months condemned the tutor, trying to pass the exam for his student. He wanted to go through a schoolboy's passport, in which his photo was pasted.

Fake certificate of delivery. Up to 45 thousand rubles

Fake EGE certificates are from 10 to 45 thousand rubles, depending on the exam results and the year of delivery. Their selling is often accompanied by the sale of diplomas about higher education.

Large sites draw up an order using embedded online services. On the site, customers promise to execute the request within two business days and provide courier delivery and payment upon receipt.

None of the certificates selling with "Paper" It did not agree to talk. As buyers told the correspondent, now sell only EGE certificates until 2013 (since 2014, all the results of the EE are stored in the electronic basis - approx. "Paper").

Representatives of the service explained that for the buyer it is "absolutely safe", and instructions are attached to the ordered document on how to use it without trouble. "

On the other site "Paper" They said that they produce certificates of the exam and modern sample, that is, after 2013, but do not correct the results of the exam in the e-database.

Many sites selling certificates in St. Petersburg celebrate that they work from 2000-2005. At the same time, the sites do not hide that the purchase of a certificate is illegal. Some of them even describe the punishment threatening for its purchase: a fine up to 80 thousand rubles, correctional work for a period of one year or imprisonment to three months. The use of such a diploma is also regarded as a crime.

On the eve of the examination 2016, the exam information becomes the most relevant. Consider the most frequently asked questions.

Will there be answers to the exam? Seeing (a) many groups of VKontakte.

Indeed when trying to find answers to the exam, Kimov Ege 2016 options can be found specialized groups in social network "VKontakte", in which the alleged answers are laid out. Often, groups may be called, quite different from the topic, thus creating the effect of "disguise" information.
However, any possibility of posting answers to the EE is excluded - the database of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is indispensable, which completely prevents the leakage of any information.
What then are VK groups? In most cases, these are fraudsters that are created for subsequent resale. Reviews that can make information believe is usually written by bots, and the accuracy of the data is not confirmed by anything, therefore the risks of using the proposed answers to the exam is too large.

If there are no answers to the exam, then why caucasians who do not know Russian give the exam for 99 points?

If you remove the subjectivism with which they are usually asked by a similar question, then you can see that the situation with the results of the EGE is not exactly as many people think.
According to local educational bodies of Russian regions in 2015 middle score EGE amounted to: in the Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories - 65 points, in Kirov region - 70, in the Perm region - 71 points, and in Tatarstan - 69. At the same time, the average score of the exam in the Russian language in the Republic of Dagestan, for example, amounted to 46 points. And 100 points on the basic object scored only 8 graduates.
In other words, graduates of the Caucasian republics pass the exam is not better and no worse than Russian graduates from other regions. And suspicions are more likely to be written off at the exam 100-bullfits from the Chechen Republic, rather than from Moscow - the result of the established unjustified stereotypes.

Is it possible to write off on the exam?

Many still ask the question "How to write off on the exam?" At the moment, it is not possible to do it in any way.

First, a video surveillance of the audience is established at each exam in the exam. These entries from all regions online come to a single special center, where observation is carried out by specially accredited Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation by observers.
. Secondly, at the entrance to the examination item, metal detectors are installed to detect any telephone resources, audio and video techniques, which eliminates the possibility of carrying gadgets to the audience.

In addition, during the exam - 2016, it is planned to increase the number of technical means for suppressing a mobile signal signal, which makes it impossible to use telephones or microns even those who could carry the device in any way.

Are the EGE options in Moscow and Vladivostok?

Not. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to exclude leakage risks materials EGE Since the beginning of the exams on Far East made a number of changes to the exam procedure. Including different time zones introduced different esmer optionsSo that schoolchildren, let's say, from Vladivostok, after the start of the exam, could not send the tasks to Moscow schoolchildren.

My acquaintances say that they bought the exam. Can I believe them?

Definitely system EGE - Young and developing. This format of the exam was introduced on the territory of all Russia in 2008 and, of course, there were cases of leakage of tasks and buying answers, when someone from graduates could take away. For example, in 2011, a large leakage of data on the exam in the social network "VKontakte" took place.

However, at the moment the system has reached such a level on which the purchase of EGE 2016 responses is completely excluded.

Thus, the holding of EGE 2016 implies objectivity and unprincipled procedure. And in some way to buy the answers to the USE, buy real Kim Eger Or write off - it is impossible.

Parents do not understand how this year their children get out of school. You need to pass at least three times, the time to prepare is left at least 3 months. Is it possible to buy the results of the exam?

"Did you hand over the exams in the traffic police for money?Well, remember how it was, "said my buddy in response to the question of what to do the son with the surrender of these minimum of three EGE." Well, I sat in front of this machine, where it was necessary to press the buttons, next to the instructor and put the instructor near With me fingers - one finger, two or three. I quickly pressed the buttons. "So we passed this exam. I am sure that I could pass it myself, but a well-trained instructor at the time of passing exams so thoroughly inspired me that I could not pass it that I could not give it to him. 300 dollars. And then the buddy held an analogy with the exam.

"So will not be worried, the most restless will pay money for such an instructor, "the friend said. Familiar parents of a graduate were already offered such a service - if you worry about your child, he, for example, humanitarian, and take the eme on mathematics for him, you can pay 1, 5 thousand dollars and get an assistant tip, which guarantees the tip of the correct answers on the exam. I hear the indignant disclaimers of teachers - it is not possible!

But in the traffic police is also a difficult situationBut the system has been debugged, it is also debited on the exam. I remember, I was terribly interested, at what point the passage of the test in the traffic police I will receive my paid service. When a few minutes remained to surrender, the examiners got together and left the room. At that moment everything happened. The cost of the service of the prompt is called 1.5 thousand dollars. But no one will take this money now, they can take them before the same exam and will give instructions, how to behave what to do on points and so on. The desired result is guaranteed. This is one way.

There is one more.He was told about Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, who asked him to not quote. "Buy a certificate, it is impossible that you! ...- Teacher tells, is in France - public policySo that youth learn, and we have no one to work ... one way is to go to small cities, and pass there. There are less control there, the teachers decide the hated exam together with the students, everyone is sitting in the same boat and therefore applicants from the province show much better EGE's results than schoolchildren of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The entire Caucasus has almost 100 points in the Russian language! ... Thus, our universities are filled with non-resident students. "

Turn into a small townin last year Learning is scary, but perhaps. And there are already students who have found such schools are not much far from St. Petersburg, but not in the Leningrad Region, which last year has become the object of investigation of the scandal with the purchase of the results of the EGE. And then, a well-deserved teacher was defeated that even a responsible official of the Ministry of Education was able to solve only 60% of the Mathematics ege. "If before a person who comes to the philfak was not necessary to know the memory of 40 formulas on trigonometry, now it is necessary."

Forecasts of teachers are disappointing- This year, only half of applicants will receive in universities. To the question why this is all, the teachers are confident: yes, this is a state order, children should not be studied, someone needs to work in order not to bring migrant workers, to serve in the army, to master the working professions in vocational school ... At first glance, universities moved away from the feeders .

But on paid departmentsthose who have smaller points, which have a sufficient amount for free, and universities will earn their money. I also want to remind the following. Graduates of 2009 were born in 1992 - few declining to give birth at the difficult time. The products were on cards, those that were not on the cards, were raised at times during the day, and in line for bread stood for several hours. And this particular children are the first to make the way to the future, while participating in a dubious experiment.

Alisa Lubbago

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