April 9, what a day. Folk calendar, signs and folklore of Russia

On April 9, Finland celebrates Mikael Agricola's Day, and Vietnam celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Hung Kings. In Bahá'ís today you can have fun on the holiday of the Nineteenth day of the month of Jalal, and in Tunisia on the holiday - the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs.

Holidays April 9, 2019

Mikael Agricola Day (Finnish Language Day)

Every year on April 9 Finns and admirers Finnish all over the world celebrate Mikael Agricola Day or the Day of the Finnish Language, on this day they honor M. Agricola - the founder of Finnish written language... What a holiday today is known to all residents of Finland, although this day is not a day off in this country, but in honor of this holiday, the national flag is raised.

Hung Kings Remembrance Day in Vietnam

The Hung Kings Remembrance Day is a day off and at the same time a national holiday in Vietnam, which was established back in 2007. Celebration of this day began on the tenth day of the third lunar month and continued throughout the week. The festival was held in the northern province of Phu Tho in the complex of the Temples of the Hung kings. In Vietnam, the Hung Kings were considered the founders of the Vietnamese country - Wanlang, which existed about two thousand years BC in the Bronze Age.
The Hung kings were semi-mythological heroes in the country's history and held a sacred place. The Hung Festival begins with a solemn sacrifice ritual.

Feast of the Nineteenth day of the month Jalal

The month of Jalal, which means "Glory" in Arabic, began on April 9 according to the Gregorian calendar. On the first day of the month of the nineteen-month calendar called Jalal Bahá'ís, the important holiday of the Nineteenth day of the month Jalal was celebrated.

Martyrs Memorial Day in Tunisia

Today, April 9, Tunisia celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs. On this day, the bloody events that took place on April 9, 1938 are remembered. On this day, a public holiday and a day off were officially established in the country. On April 9, 1938, during a demonstration, many Tunisians sacrificed their lives to defend their rights to independence from colonial France for the good of their country. Only on March 20, 1956, France recognized the independence of Tunisia.

Unusual Holidays

What holiday on April 9 can be fun to celebrate? Today there are 2 unusual holidays: the Day of the Rising Sun in the cupboard country and the Day of the possible conception of the fetus.

Day of the Rising Sun in Closet Country

If you look into your mysterious wardrobe country today, you can discover many useful and interesting things that you managed to forget about during the winter. Fashion is quickly changeable, but you are a person with imagination, so you will always be able to adapt any of your out-of-fashion items to business. Let not a single object leave your keen gaze!

Day of possible conception of the fetus

Most important point in a woman's life - the appearance of a child. This means that taking care of him begins long before the first days of pregnancy. Every woman would like to know more precisely the day of the possible conception of her fetus, therefore she is waiting for it as the best holiday.

Church holiday according to the national calendar

Matryona Nastovitsa, Semi-reptile

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Matrona of Thessaloniki, who was a slave of the Jewish woman Pavtila and lived in Thessaloniki for 3-4 centuries. The mistress of Matrona forced her to apostasy from the Christian faith, but Matrona still went to church in secret from her mistress. When the mistress of Matrona found out about this, she ordered to beat her with sticks and left her to die in the house in one of the closets. By order of the mistress, the body of the holy martyr was thrown from the city wall. But the life of the hostess soon stopped after that - she herself stumbled and fell and broke on the same place on the wall.
In Russia, Matryona had nicknames: Nastovitsa and Polurepitsa.
She was called the nestnik because in the spring at this time the surface of the snow after large thaws was covered with a hard crust.
Mistresses at this time in last time went outside to bleach the canvases and lay them out on the snow crust. On this day, women asked Saint Matryona, the patroness of the hostesses, for blessings for work.
On this day, Matryona was asked to harvest the turnip. Therefore, this day was called the Half-Tape.
The peasants on this day noticed: the rivers rise to Matryona and the pike breaks the ice with its tail. They drew conclusions about the upcoming weather on lapwings - if a bird cries from the evening on that day, it will be clear, and if the bird flies low, then dry days will stand for a long time.
Birthday 9 April from Alexander, Ephraim, Ivan, Makar, Matrona (Matryona), Paul

April 9 in history

1966 - The Vatican abolishes the Forbidden Books Index, which has existed for more than four centuries.
1968 - The Czechoslovak Way to Socialism is published in Czechoslovakia. The Prague Spring did not last long, and in August the troops of the Warsaw Pact countries were brought into the country.
1968 - The premiere of A. Khachaturian's ballet "Spartacus" took place on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.
1970 - The Beatles break up as a group.
1972 - A treaty of friendship and cooperation was signed between the USSR and Iraq.
1974 - The first Soviet supertanker "Crimea" was launched in Kerch.
1989 - Tragic events in Tbilisi: clashes between separatist-minded demonstrators and regular troops.
1991 - The Parliament of the Republic of Georgia adopts the "Act on the Restoration of Georgia's Independence".
1998 At least 107 people are killed on the outskirts of Mecca in Saudi Arabia in a stampede as pilgrims performed a ritual of throwing stones at the devil.

Martyrs Memorial Day in Tunisia

On April 9, Tunisia celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs, timed to coincide with the bloody events that occurred on that day in 1938. The holiday is officially established by the authorities and is considered a day off. On April 9, 1938, during a bloody demonstration, thousands of Tunisians sacrificed themselves for the good of their homeland in order to protect their country from colonial France and gain independence. On March 20, 1956, Tunisia was recognized as a sovereign state. On special days, such as the Day of Remembrance of Martyrs, Tunisians consider it their sacred duty to honor the people who defended the honor of their native state and gave their future children independence with a minute of silence.

April 9 Day of Air Defense Forces (Day of Air Defense Forces) of Russia

By Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ", the Day of the Troops is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April air defense(Day of Air Defense Forces).

The establishment of the date of the holiday is due to the fact that in April the most important government decisions on the organization of the country's air defense were adopted, which became the basis for building an air defense system of our state, organizational structure air defense troops, their formation and further development... The history of air defense, as a special type of armed support in the defense of the state, goes back several decades. In December 1914, the first units equipped with machine guns and light cannons appeared to fight German and Austrian airplanes.

April 9 in the folk calendar

Matron Nastovitsa, Matron Semirepitsa

On April 9, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Matrona of Thessalonica. The saint lived at the turn of 3-4 centuries in Thessaloniki and was a Jewish slave.

Mistress Matrona - Pavtila - in every possible way forced the slave to renounce her faith in Christ, but the saint did not want to give up Orthodoxy and secretly attended the church from the mistress. Having found out about this, Pavtila ordered to beat Matrona with clubs, and then left to die in a dark and cold room. The body of the martyr was thrown from the city wall by order of the Jewess. However, Pavtila was no longer destined to live. The lending says that she, having stumbled, flew after Matrona and crashed to death.

In Russia, Saint Matrona was given two nicknames: Nastovitsa and Polurepitsa. The first is associated with the onset of the spring thaw, and, as a consequence, the surface of the remaining snow drifts was covered with a solid crust. And the second nickname Matrona received, because she was considered the patroness of the economy. On this day, as a rule, the saint was asked to give people a good harvest of turnip, since turnip was one of the main ingredients on the peasant table. The people looked at Matrona at the feathered brothers. If the birds are screaming and frolicking in the evening, then the weather will be clear the next day. But if they fly above the ground itself, the next week will be dry.

April 9 The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem for Western Christians (Palm Sunday)

The Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem (also often called Palm or Palm Sunday) is celebrated a week before Easter, on the sixth Sunday of Great Lent. The Jewish people, under the rule of the Roman Empire, expected the Messiah as a political liberator, and it seemed to many that the Wonderworker, who was able to raise the dead and feed five thousand people with several loaves of bread, was the one who would lead the Jews to political freedom... Therefore, Jesus was greeted as a king - with palm branches. Of those who were then on the streets of Jerusalem, only Christ alone knew what his Mission really was: that instead of the earthly kingdom, He brings the kingdom of heaven to man, instead of deliverance from earthly slavery, He frees man from slavery much worse - from the slavery of sin. He alone knew that the path now dotted with palm branches leads to execution on the cross.

Historical events on April 9

Over the entire history of the reign of Peter I, he published more than three thousand various documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the improvement of cities. Considering that the sanitary condition of Moscow at that time was very deplorable, literally on all the streets of the city dirt and debris ruled, the emperor issued a decree on the observance of cleanliness in the capital. The document obliged all residents of Moscow to maintain cleanliness in the city, to monitor residential areas, streets, bridges and lanes. Throwing out any garbage on the streets was punishable by law. A large fine was imposed on such people, and those who continued to pollute the capital were beaten with rods. The emperor watched the work of the janitors especially carefully. Also under Peter, they began to install sewers and waste bins in cities. And Muscovites, fearing the imperial wrath, began to litter much less.

In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called Index of Forbidden Books, which included obsolete and obsolete editions of early theologians, philosophers, scientists and other works of writers that, according to church leaders, did not correspond to the truth. The first edition of the Index came in 1559 by order of Pope Paul IV. And its last reprint took place in 1948. It consisted of four thousand titles of various scriptures. Among the banned were such authors as Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, Georges Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emile Zola, Dani Diderot and many others.

April 9, 1989- American D. Engelbart received a cash prize of half a million dollars for the invention of a computer mouse

The invention itself was "born" a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box that was moved across the tabletop using built-in wheels. When Engelbart was later asked why he gave such an unusual name to his invention, the American replied that the folded structure was already very much associated with a mouse. So this name took root for a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "box", he only gave the idea and developed the concept, and the device itself was designed by Bill English.

The team was later joined by Jeff Roelifson, who managed to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the project of developing a computer mouse. Currently, one of the American universities stores unique information documented on film, where Engelbart demonstrates his invention and shows its amazing possibilities for that time.

Born on April 9

Lev Kopelev(born in 1912) - a well-known human rights activist, philologist-Germanist. Kopelev argued that the main condition responsible for the preservation of life on the planet is tolerance. Since childhood, he spoke three languages ​​- Russian, German and Ukrainian, and was a sought-after translator at the front. In the spring of 1945 he was presented to the order Patriotic War first degree, but a month later he was arrested and sentenced to ten years in labor camps.

Ernst Unknown(born in 1925) - an outstanding sculptor and graphic artist, author of such famous compositions as "To the Miners of Kuzbass", "Tree of Life", "Mask of Sorrow" and "Monument to Sergei Diaghilev" (his last work). As a result of the conflict with Khrushchev, Ernst was expelled from the association of artists and deprived of the right to artistic activity. Leaving Soviet Union, the artist lived in Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and then in the USA. The unknown person periodically came to the USSR to visit his native places and sculptural works created by him. Ironically, one of the artist's monuments rests on the grave of his abuser N. Khrushchev. Ernst handed over most of his legendary works created outside of Russia to his homeland.

Jean-Paul Belmondo(born 1933) is a popular French film actor, the idol of millions of women. After Belmondo played the main role in the film "In his last breath", he was proclaimed a key figure in the new French cinema, the personification of the modern actor's image. He has starred in the classic films of Truffaut, Rene, de Broc and Melville, as well as in commercial adventure and comedy genres.

Birthday 9 April

Name days on April 9 will be celebrated by: Ivan, Matrona, Pavel, Theodosius, Makar, Maria, Alexander, Markel, Immanuel (Emmanuel).

Martyrs Memorial Day in Tunisia

On April 9, Tunisia celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs, timed to coincide with the bloody events that occurred on that day in 1938. The holiday is officially established by the authorities and is considered a day off. On April 9, 1938, during a bloody demonstration, thousands of Tunisians sacrificed themselves for the good of their homeland in order to protect their country from colonial France and gain independence. On March 20, 1956, Tunisia was recognized as a sovereign state. On special days, such as the Day of Remembrance of Martyrs, Tunisians consider it their sacred duty to honor the people who defended the honor of their native state and gave their future children independence with a minute of silence.

April 9 in the folk calendar

Matron Nastovitsa, Matron Semirepitsa

On April 9, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Matrona of Thessalonica. The saint lived at the turn of 3-4 centuries in Thessaloniki and was a Jewish slave.

Mistress Matrona - Pavtila - in every possible way forced the slave to renounce her faith in Christ, but the saint did not want to give up Orthodoxy and secretly attended the church from the mistress. Having found out about this, Pavtila ordered to beat Matrona with clubs, and then left to die in a dark and cold room. The body of the martyr was thrown from the city wall by order of the Jewess. However, Pavtila was no longer destined to live. The lending says that she, having stumbled, flew after Matrona and crashed to death.

In Russia, Saint Matrona was given two nicknames: Nastovitsa and Polurepitsa. The first is associated with the onset of the spring thaw, and, as a consequence, the surface of the remaining snow drifts was covered with a solid crust. And the second nickname Matrona received, because she was considered the patroness of the economy. On this day, as a rule, the saint was asked to give people a good harvest of turnip, since turnip was one of the main ingredients on the peasant table. The people looked at Matrona at the feathered brothers. If the birds are screaming and frolicking in the evening, then the weather will be clear the next day. But if they fly above the ground itself, the next week will be dry.

Historical events on April 9

Over the entire history of the reign of Peter I, he published more than three thousand various documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the improvement of cities. Considering that the sanitary condition of Moscow at that time was very deplorable, literally on all the streets of the city dirt and debris ruled, the emperor issued a decree on the observance of cleanliness in the capital. The document obliged all residents of Moscow to maintain cleanliness in the city, to monitor residential areas, streets, bridges and lanes. Throwing out any garbage on the streets was punishable by law. A large fine was imposed on such people, and those who continued to pollute the capital were beaten with rods. The emperor watched the work of the janitors especially carefully. Also under Peter, they began to install sewers and waste bins in cities. And Muscovites, fearing the imperial wrath, began to litter much less.

In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called Index of Forbidden Books, which included obsolete and obsolete editions of early theologians, philosophers, scientists and other works of writers that, according to church leaders, did not correspond to the truth. The first edition of the Index came in 1559 by order of Pope Paul IV. And its last reprint took place in 1948. It consisted of four thousand titles of various scriptures. Among the banned were such authors as Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, Georges Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emile Zola, Dani Diderot and many others.

April 9, 1989- American D. Engelbart received a cash prize of half a million dollars for the invention of a computer mouse

The invention itself was "born" a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box that was moved across the tabletop using built-in wheels. When Engelbart was later asked why he gave such an unusual name to his invention, the American replied that the folded structure was already very much associated with a mouse. So this name took root for a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "box", he only gave the idea and developed the concept, and the device itself was designed by Bill English.

The team was later joined by Jeff Roelifson, who managed to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the project of developing a computer mouse. Currently, one of the American universities stores unique information documented on film, where Engelbart demonstrates his invention and shows its amazing possibilities for that time.

Born on April 9

Lev Kopelev(born in 1912) - a well-known human rights activist, philologist-Germanist. Kopelev argued that the main condition responsible for the preservation of life on the planet is tolerance. Since childhood, he spoke three languages ​​- Russian, German and Ukrainian, and was a sought-after translator at the front. In the spring of 1945, he was presented to the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, but a month later he was arrested and sentenced to ten years in camps.

Ernst Unknown(born in 1925) - an outstanding sculptor and graphic artist, author of such famous compositions as "To the Miners of Kuzbass", "Tree of Life", "Mask of Sorrow" and "Monument to Sergei Diaghilev" (his last work). As a result of the conflict with Khrushchev, Ernst was expelled from the association of artists and deprived of the right to artistic activity. After leaving the Soviet Union, the artist lived in Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and then in the USA. The unknown person periodically came to the USSR to visit his native places and sculptural works created by him. Ironically, one of the artist's monuments rests on the grave of his abuser N. Khrushchev. Ernst handed over most of his legendary works created outside of Russia to his homeland.

Jean-Paul Belmondo(born 1933) is a popular French film actor, the idol of millions of women. After Belmondo played the main role in the film "In his last breath", he was proclaimed a key figure in the new French cinema, the personification of the modern actor's image. He has starred in the classic films of Truffaut, Rene, de Broc and Melville, as well as in commercial adventure and comedy genres.

Birthday 9 April

Name days on April 9 will be celebrated by: Ivan, Matrona, Pavel, Theodosius, Makar, Maria, Alexander, Markel, Immanuel (Emmanuel).

On this page you will learn about significant dates spring day on April 9, what famous people were born on this April day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them is remembered for something, and the spring day on April 9 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays. famous people as well as holidays and folk signs... You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and society development.

The day of April 9, left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the ninth spring day of April 9 April, what events and memorable dates he was noted and what was remembered for, who was born, the signs characterizing the day and much more, what you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on April 9 (ninth)

Rogvold Vasilievich Sukhoverko. Born on October 30, 1941 in Chistopol (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - died on April 9, 2015 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater, film and radio actor, master of dubbing. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002)

Vsevolod Dmitrievich Safonov. Born on April 9, 1926 in Moscow - died on July 6, 1992 in Moscow. Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974)

Hugh Marston Hefner. Born April 9, 1926 in Chicago. American publisher, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine and Playboy Enterprises. Nickname - Hef

Kristen Jaymes Stewart. Born April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles. American film actress

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (April 9, 1938, Chorny Otrog village, Gavrilovsky district, Orenburg region - November 3, 2010, Moscow), also known as PMC - Soviet and Russian statesman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation (1992-1993), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1993-1998), Ambassador of Russia to Ukraine (2001-2009). From June 11, 2009 until the end of his life - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on economic cooperation with the CIS member states

Ernst Iosifovich Unknown was born on April 9, 1925 in Sverdlovsk in the family of the doctor Joseph Moiseevich Unknown (1898-1979) and Bella Abramovna Dizhur (1903-2006), who wrote popular science books for children

Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (March 28 (April 9) 1883, Moscow - December 21, 1954, Zollikon) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist, supporter of the White movement and consistent critic of the communist government in Russia, ideologist of the Russian All-Military Union (ROVS)

Charles Pierre Baudelaire. April 9, 1821, Paris, France - August 31, 1867, ibid. French poet, critic, essayist and translator

Elias Lönnrot (09.04.1802 [Sammatti] - 13.03.1884 [Sammatti]) - the largest representative of Finnish culture, an outstanding researcher of the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala", linguist, doctor by education

Jacob V (04/09/1512 - 12/12/1542) - King of Scotland

in 1933, the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo was born, who played Jean Valjean in the film Les Miserables, Josselin Beaumont in the film The Professional and Philip Jordan in the film Outlaw

in 1954, actor Dennis Quaid was born in Houston, who played Tom Hamilton in the movie "Soul Surfer", Jack Hall in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" and Frank Sullivan in the movie "Radio Wave"

in 1958, actress Elena Kondulainen was born, who played Anna Suvorova in the film "Show for a Single Man", Likenion in the film "Daphnis and Chloe" and Judith Hunter in the film "St. John's Wort"

in 1965, actor Mark Pelegrino was born in Los Angeles, who played Bishop in the series "Being Human", Jeremy Baker in the series "Revolution" and Lucifer in the series "Supernatural"

in 1966, actress Cynthia Nixon was born in New York, who played Miranda Hobbs in the TV series and films "Sex and the City"

in 1979 in Volgograd was born singer Albina Dzhanabaeva, the former soloist of the group "VIA gra"

in 1982, actor Jay Baruchel was born in Ottawa, who played Tom Pope in the movie "Robocop", Francie Tobin in the movie Black Marks and Dave in the movie The Sorcerer's Apprentice

In 1986, actress Leighton Meester was born in Texas, who played Blair Weldorf in the TV series "Gossip Girl", Jamie in the movie "Daddy dosvidos" and Rebecca Evans in the movie "Roommate"

in 1990, actress Kristen Stewart was born in Los Angeles, who played Bella in the "Twilight" saga, Sophie in the movie "Anastasia" and Snow White in the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman"

In 1998, actress Elle Fanning was born in Georgia, who played Aurora in the movie "Maleficent", Alice Dynard in the movie "Super 8" and Mary Holm in the movie "Youth"

in 1999, the English actor Isaac Hempstead-Wright was born, who played Tom Hill in the film "Psychic" and Bran Stark in the TV series "Game of Thrones".

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration.Orthodox and Catholic Easter, as well as the Holy Trinity until 2035 ...

Dates April 9

In Tunisia - Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs

In the Philippines - Day of Valor

Finland celebrates Mikael Agricola Day

Denmark Remembers - Anniversary of the Occupation

In the USA - National Day of Prisoners of War

According to the folk calendar, this is Matryona Nastovitsa or Matryona Pulurepnitsa

Lapwings arrive on this day, and if they start screaming in the evening - by good weather

Low flight of lapwing - to warmth

On this day, turnip seeds are selected for planting

April 9 events happened - historical dates

in 1553 Francois Rabelais died, the writer who invented both Gargantua and Pantagruel

Francis Bacon died in 1625, English philosopher and Lord Chancellor of Parliament

in 1799, chemist Davy discovered that laughing gas, nitrous oxide, could have anesthetic properties

in 1945, Keningsberg was taken, and not just taken, but forever

in 1970, Paul had a fight with John and the Beatles broke up

Eduard Shevardnadze becomes President of Georgia in 2000

in 2003, American troops enter Baghdad and throw the statue of Saddam Hussein from the pedestal

in 2005, after a "half-century" friendship, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles got married.

April 9 events

Over the entire history of the reign of Peter I, he published more than three thousand various documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the improvement of cities. Considering that the sanitary condition of Moscow at that time was very deplorable, literally on all the streets of the city dirt and debris ruled, the emperor issued a decree on the observance of cleanliness in the capital.

The document obliged all residents of Moscow to maintain cleanliness in the city, to monitor residential areas, streets, bridges and lanes. Throwing out any garbage on the streets was punishable by law.

A large fine was imposed on such people, and those who continued to pollute the capital were beaten with rods. The emperor watched the work of the janitors especially carefully. Also under Peter the Great, they began to install sewers and rubbish bins in cities. And Muscovites, fearing the imperial wrath, began to litter much less.

In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called Index of Forbidden Books, which included obsolete and obsolete editions of early theologians, philosophers, scientists and other works of writers that, in the opinion of church leaders, did not correspond to the truth.

The first edition of the Index came in 1559 by order of Pope Paul IV. And its last reprint took place in 1948. It consisted of four thousand titles of various scriptures. Among the banned were such authors as Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, Georges Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emile Zola, Dani Diderot and many others.

April 9, 1989 - American D. Engelbart received a cash prize of half a million dollars for the invention of the computer mouse

The invention itself was "born" a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box that was moved across the tabletop using built-in wheels.

When Engelbart was later asked why he gave such an unusual name to his invention, the American replied that the folded structure was already very much associated with a mouse. So this name took root for a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "box", he only gave the idea and developed the concept, and the device itself was designed by Bill English.

The team was later joined by Jeff Roelifson, who managed to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the project of developing a computer mouse.

Currently, one of the American universities stores unique information documented on film, where Engelbart demonstrates his invention and shows its amazing possibilities for that time.

Signs April 9 - the day of St. Matryona, Half-roof, Mother Mother

Saint Matrona was considered the patroness of hostesses. Therefore, the women prayed that day and asked the saint to help them in their work. It was decided on April 9 to sort out stocks. This was especially true of turnips.

Everything was divided into two parts, and the spoiled food was either thrown away or tried to use their food, if possible.

If it was about seeds, then the selected seeds were subsequently planted. In general, April 9 is the day of putting things in order.

Often this day was called the day of the Matrona-mentor, since very often, after thaws and frosts, a crust formed at night. Strong enough frosts continued, and then the snow turned into ice, which melted again during the day.

Birds flew in from warm lands, and people understood that spring was already close.

They said on April 9 this way: "The pike breaks the ice with its tail" - this meant that it was already possible to go fishing. The ice gradually began to melt, and floods followed.

On April 9 we went to church to pray to Saint Matrona. It was also the last day when women could whitewash their canvases, take them outside, lay them on the snow and expose them to the sun.

We tried to watch on April 9 natural phenomena and forecast the weather for the near future. This was very important because there was no time to waste in the sowing work.

Folk omens on April 9

Folk omens on the day of St. Matryona, Matryona Polutrepitsa, Matryona Nastovnitsa

It was impossible to quarrel on this day, otherwise later it will not be possible to make peace

If lapwings scream in the evening, then the next day it will be clear. If they scream low, then there will be a drought in the summer

The third needles fell off - a sign that the river will go in two weeks (ice drift will begin)

Seagulls fly over the house - expect the ice to melt soon

Lapwing flies low - a sign that precipitation will not be long.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were you satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is useful to learn the history of events and dates, as well as those from famous people was born today, on the ninth April day of spring April 9, what a trace this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the reliability and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more that is necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop versatile!

What is interesting and significant in world history on April 9, science, sports, culture, politics?

April 9, what events in world history, science and culture is this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can you celebrate and celebrate on April 9?

What national, international and professional holidays celebrated annually on April 9? What religious holidays are celebrated on April 9? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the popular day of April 9 on the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of April 9? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on April 9?

What are the significant historical events April 9 and memorable dates of world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial day of which famous and great people on April 9?

Who of the great, famous and famous died on April 9?

April 9, Memorial Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

We offer the dates for the Great Easter of the Holy Orthodox Trinity for the next time period, perhaps you will be interested to learn about them, about the days of these important church holidays for every Christian believer, or just out of curiosity. You will find out in the link the day of Orthodox Easter of a particular year, also about Catholic Easter, the date of its holding for Christian Catholics ... holiday dates in links ...

Dates Orthodox

Easter until 2035

Bright Resurrection of Christ

Dates of the Holy Orthodox

Trinity until 2035


Events of the day 9 April 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2017, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2018, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2019, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2020, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2021, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day 9 April 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2022, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 9 April 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2023, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day 9 April 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2024, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2025, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2026, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2027, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 9 April 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2028, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2029, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2030, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2031, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2032, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 9 April 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2033, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2034, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 9 April 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 9, 2035, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the ninth April of the month of the thirtieth year.

The events and dates of April 9 - real, main and past ...

Surely many of you are interested in the history of the world and your country, the distant and recent past, past events, memorable dates, significant and significant development successes and all kinds of discoveries, as well as folk signs, as we are sure, everyone does not mind knowing which of the famous and successful people was born on April 9, in different years and eras.

Below you will find out how certain past and real events April 9 influenced the course of world history, or some particular country, than the date of this day was remembered, what kind of incident, something extraordinary was this day remembered in, and also what is remarkable about the date of this day, who was born and died of famous people and much more. In a word, we will help you understand all this in more detail and usefully to figure it out. You will find on this page all the interesting answers to these topics, we have tried to put together the maximum of materials for this day of the year.

Who was born on April 9

Rogvold Vasilievich Sukhoverko. Born on October 30, 1941 in Chistopol (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - died on April 9, 2015 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater, film and radio actor, master of dubbing. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002)

Vsevolod Dmitrievich Safonov. Born on April 9, 1926 in Moscow - died on July 6, 1992 in Moscow. Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974)

Hugh Marston Hefner. Born April 9, 1926 in Chicago. American publisher, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine and Playboy Enterprises. Nickname - Hef

Kristen Jaymes Stewart. Born April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles. American film actress

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (April 9, 1938, the village of Cherny Otrog, Gavrilovsky District, Orenburg Region - November 3, 2010, Moscow), also known as PMC - Soviet and Russian statesman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation (1992-1993), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1993-1998), Russian Ambassador to Ukraine (2001-2009). From June 11, 2009 until the end of his life - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on economic cooperation with the CIS member states

Ernst Iosifovich Unknown was born on April 9, 1925 in Sverdlovsk in the family of the doctor Joseph Moiseevich Unknown (1898-1979) and Bella Abramovna Dizhur (1903-2006), who wrote popular science books for children

Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (March 28 (April 9) 1883, Moscow - December 21, 1954, Zollikon) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist, supporter of the White movement and consistent critic of the communist government in Russia, ideologist of the Russian All-Military Union (ROVS)

Charles Pierre Baudelaire. April 9, 1821, Paris, France - August 31, 1867, ibid. French poet, critic, essayist and translator

Elias Lönnrot (09.04.1802 [Sammatti] - 13.03.1884 [Sammatti]) - the largest representative of Finnish culture, an outstanding researcher of the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala", linguist, doctor by education

Jacob V (04/09/1512 - 12/12/1542) - King of Scotland

in 1933, the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo was born, who played Jean Valjean in the film Les Miserables, Josselin Beaumont in the film The Professional and Philip Jordan in the film Outlaw

in 1954, actor Dennis Quaid was born in Houston, who played Tom Hamilton in the movie "Soul Surfer", Jack Hall in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" and Frank Sullivan in the movie "Radio Wave"

in 1958, actress Elena Kondulainen was born, who played Anna Suvorova in the film "Show for a Single Man", Likenion in the film "Daphnis and Chloe" and Judith Hunter in the film "St. John's Wort"

in 1965, actor Mark Pelegrino was born in Los Angeles, who played Bishop in the series "Being Human", Jeremy Baker in the series "Revolution" and Lucifer in the series "Supernatural"

in 1966, actress Cynthia Nixon was born in New York, who played Miranda Hobbs in the TV series and films "Sex and the City"

in 1979 in Volgograd was born singer Albina Dzhanabaeva, the former soloist of the group "VIA gra"

in 1982, actor Jay Baruchel was born in Ottawa, who played Tom Pope in the movie "Robocop", Francie Tobin in the movie Black Marks and Dave in the movie The Sorcerer's Apprentice

In 1986, actress Leighton Meester was born in Texas, who played Blair Weldorf in the TV series "Gossip Girl", Jamie in the movie "Daddy dosvidos" and Rebecca Evans in the movie "Roommate"

in 1990, actress Kristen Stewart was born in Los Angeles, who played Bella in the "Twilight" saga, Sophie in the movie "Anastasia" and Snow White in the movie "Snow White and the Huntsman"

In 1998, actress Elle Fanning was born in Georgia, who played Aurora in the movie "Maleficent", Alice Dynard in the movie "Super 8" and Mary Holm in the movie "Youth"

in 1999, the English actor Isaac Hempstead-Wright was born, who played Tom Hill in the film "Psychic" and Bran Stark in the TV series "Game of Thrones".

Dates April 9

In Tunisia - Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs

In the Philippines - Day of Valor

Finland celebrates Mikael Agricola Day

Denmark Remembers - Anniversary of the Occupation

In the USA - National Day of Prisoners of War

According to the folk calendar, this is Matryona Nastovitsa or Matryona Pulurepnitsa

Lapwings arrive on this day, and if they start screaming in the evening - by good weather

Low flight of lapwing - to warmth

On this day, turnip seeds are selected for planting

April 9 events happened - historical dates

in 1553 Francois Rabelais died, the writer who invented both Gargantua and Pantagruel

Francis Bacon, English philosopher and Lord Chancellor of Parliament, died in 1625

in 1799, chemist Davy discovered that laughing gas, nitrous oxide, could have anesthetic properties

in 1945, Keningsberg was taken, and not just taken, but forever

in 1970, Paul had a fight with John and the Beatles broke up

Eduard Shevardnadze becomes President of Georgia in 2000

in 2003, American troops enter Baghdad and throw the statue of Saddam Hussein from the pedestal

in 2005, after a "half-century" friendship, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles got married.

April 9 events

Over the entire history of the reign of Peter I, he published more than three thousand various documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the improvement of cities. Considering that the sanitary condition of Moscow at that time was very deplorable, literally on all the streets of the city dirt and debris ruled, the emperor issued a decree on the observance of cleanliness in the capital.

The document obliged all residents of Moscow to maintain cleanliness in the city, to monitor residential areas, streets, bridges and lanes. Throwing out any garbage on the streets was punishable by law.

A large fine was imposed on such people, and those who continued to pollute the capital were beaten with rods. The emperor watched the work of the janitors especially carefully. Also under Peter the Great, they began to install sewers and rubbish bins in cities. And Muscovites, fearing the imperial wrath, began to litter much less.

In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called Index of Forbidden Books, which included obsolete and obsolete editions of early theologians, philosophers, scientists and other works of writers that, in the opinion of church leaders, did not correspond to the truth.

The first edition of the Index came in 1559 by order of Pope Paul IV. And its last reprint took place in 1948. It consisted of four thousand titles of various scriptures. Among the banned were such authors as Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, Georges Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emile Zola, Dani Diderot and many others.

April 9, 1989 - American D. Engelbart received a cash prize of half a million dollars for the invention of the computer mouse

The invention itself was "born" a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box that was moved across the tabletop using built-in wheels.

When Engelbart was later asked why he gave such an unusual name to his invention, the American replied that the folded structure was already very much associated with a mouse. So this name took root for a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "box", he only gave the idea and developed the concept, and the device itself was designed by Bill English.

The team was later joined by Jeff Roelifson, who managed to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the project of developing a computer mouse.

Currently, one of the American universities stores unique information documented on film, where Engelbart demonstrates his invention and shows its amazing possibilities for that time.

Signs April 9 - the day of St. Matryona, Half-roof, Mother Mother

Saint Matrona was considered the patroness of hostesses. Therefore, the women prayed that day and asked the saint to help them in their work. It was decided on April 9 to sort out stocks. This was especially true of turnips.

Everything was divided into two parts, and the spoiled food was either thrown away or tried to use their food, if possible.

If it was about seeds, then the selected seeds were subsequently planted. In general, April 9 is the day of putting things in order.

Often this day was called the day of the Matrona-mentor, since very often, after thaws and frosts, a crust formed at night. Strong enough frosts continued, and then the snow turned into ice, which melted again during the day.

Birds flew in from warm lands, and people understood that spring was already close.

They said on April 9 this way: "The pike breaks the ice with its tail" - this meant that it was already possible to go fishing. The ice gradually began to melt, and floods followed.

On April 9 we went to church to pray to Saint Matrona. It was also the last day when women could whitewash their canvases, take them outside, lay them on the snow and expose them to the sun.

We tried on April 9 to observe natural phenomena and predict the weather for the near future. This was very important because there was no time to waste in the sowing work.

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