Assassins hired killers. Who are Assassins? Hired killers or victims of the totalitarian sect? Is there an assassin sect today

Far in Persia - between the Iranian Highlands and the coast of the Caspian Sea - towers inaccessible mountain. It costs the fortress of the alamut. There lives an elder who serves hundreds of warriors - ideal killers, ruthless and increhensible performers of their owner ... Not people - Live weapons! And therefore everything is in the east - right up to Emirov and Caliphs - tremble before the old man ...

So they spoke in the XI century, who returned from the Holy Land. It could seem like an "eastern fairy tale" - but the elder (as well as his warriors, referred to as the assassins) existed in fact ... True, at the beginning of his career he was only 30 years old - and at first, he was named "old man" because of the age, And from the revelation ... why did he start his own?

"If you want to get rich, you need to establish a new religion" - this principle was known long before L. Ron Hubbard. In any case, Hassan Ibn Sabbach (this is the real name of the elder of the mountain) went this way: he created what they would now be called totalitarian sect. As in modern sects, the "creed" was very simple: "Only I know the truth, I obey it unquestioned - and get to paradise." People Middle Ages. They came across such a "fishing rod" as easily as our contemporaries - especially since the elder allowed his adherents to visit the "paradise" during his lifetime. "The key of paradise" was Gasish - because of his adherents and called Gashishinov (Europeans pronounced this word as "Assassins").

In other words, the assassins were a drug addicts. And the addict is, as you know, for the "dose" is ready for everything ... Once, a certain Emir stayed by the elder of the mountain - and wanted to make sure that he was obedient to his warriors, how about it? The old man immediately ordered the hour standing on the tower, rushing in the abyss - and he rushed without hesitation ... Apparently, he was not so scary to die, how to stay without another "dose" (and what to fear death - after all, a person was sure that he would fall straight to the paradise, which he already "saw"!).

But to rush from the tower is so, a demonstration ... But in general, the old man found more useful applications to his people. He began with the fact that he captured in 1090 this very fortress of Alamut, and already from there - the valley, over which she dominated, and there are neighboring lands. And he acted not only and not even as much as the conqueror, but also as the leader of the mafia clan: we recognize my power - you use my defense and patronage, do not recognize ... You understand what will happen. And the locals supported him: one old man is still better than a whole army of sales officials (which, by the way, will not protect from his murderers, if you don't obey) ... This is a kind of gangster state.

No need to think that no one tried to fight as Asasans - so, in 1092, Emir Arslan-Tasha's troops tried to take the alamut storm ... failed. Another opponents of Ibn-Sabbach was Vesir Nizam al-Mulk - and in 1092 he was killed as Assassin. She planned to attack Assassin Sultan Malik-Shah - and unexpectedly died on the eve of the campaign (no one doubted that it was poisoning) ...

Yes, Terror was the favorite Tactic of Ibn-Sabbach, and his Fidai (as if they said - killers) did not know themselves - the elder even made a good money on this, "I donating my killers", and such "services" used both Christians ( So, after the death of an elder Asadines, Conrad Montferrat was killed - shortly after the decision was made to transfer to him the crown of the Jerusalem kingdom) ...

Daggers were used for the murders, less often - poison, and most importantly - murders were organized very well: in every city Ibn Sabbach had their agents who provided shelters and necessary information Fiday arrived from Alamut, bribed the servants and bodyguards of the victim. And if the assassins decided to kill someone (in the interests of their leader or commissioned) - it was possible not to doubt: they will do it! So, once the killer two years (!) Lived like Christians, on the Sundays, where the man was going, who had to kill - until they stopped paying attention to them ... So Ibn-Sabbach didn't just love the tactics of terror - he brought her to perfection!

And it was this tactic that he tried to use for the capture of power: his people in the capital began to kill prominent citizens, provoking panic ...

The plans of the elder rides the case: a bench, passing by the house on the outskirts of the city, heard screams and moans and called the guards. In the house immediately conducted a search - and found a basement where torture and murders took place. After that, the plaidists begin in which residents of the city, hate assassins, willingly participate.

Thus, to become a caliph, the old Mountain did not succeed - he lived to a deep old age in the fortress of Alamut. He was executed by his sons: he was reported to one to one that he prepares a conspiracy against his father (and when after execution it turned out that it was a slander - she causing the supons and their relatives to the seventh knee), and the second in the room was found - contrary to the ascetic requirements of the sect - Jug ...

But, despite the fact that the elder did not have blood heirs, the terrorist "power" did not cease to exist with his death in 1124. And existed for another 100 years, until she fell under the blows of Mongolian conquerors.

Special camps for the preparation of suicide terrorists - the invention is not the Palestinians of the 20th century or the Taliban. Many centuries ago began gloomy glory religious organization of hired killers - Assassins.

Assassins (Translated from the Arab "Consuming Hashish") - this is an aggressive sect of Ismailith. Sheikh Hasan I Ibn-Sabbach (1051-1124) became the founder, which in the mountainous regions of Persia, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon created the state of the Alamut, which existed almost two centuries from 1090 to 1256. The capital of the state was the fortress, erected on a high rock alamut, which means "Eagle's nest".

First victim

Thirty-four years Hasan Ibn-Sabbach, whom the Crusaders called the mountain elder, lived in Alamut. He installed there is a harsh lifestyle there absolutely for everyone without exception. Sheikh himself led a very modest life, although he was married and had children. And from the subjects demanded absolute obedience.

He ordered to execute one of his sons, putting him on to drink wine. Another son sentenced to death, only suspecting that he was involved in the murder of a certain preacher. Hassan was strict and fair to heartlessness. It attracted supporters to him, and soon under his power
There are already about 60 thousand people.

It is said that on the idea of \u200b\u200bturning his subjects in the murderers-killers of a mountainous elder, the story acted, when in the city of Savva, by order of Nizam El Mulk, the main Vizier of the Saljuk Sultan, executed the leader of local Ismailith.

Having learned about it, the mountain elder rose to the tower in Alamut and proclaimed:

Murder of this Shaitana El Mulle anticipate paradise bliss!

While he descended from the tower, her foot had a crowd of fanatics, ready to kill Vizier. Loud-louder than everyone shouted in it. SU Tahir Arranhi, who expressed his readiness to pay life for revenge of the visitor. His Ibn Sabbach chose a killer.

During the holiday of Ramadan on October 10, 1092 in the city of Savva (South Tehran), Buahir Arranrani managed to get closer to El Mulle's excavation when he was taken out of the tent. The murderer looked into his dagger's breasts in his chest and immediately gave himself with a smile in his mouth for an imminent violence into the hands of the guards.

Murder Nizam al-Mulle. Miniature XIV century

Hasan ordered to post in Alamut a memorable table and engrave the name of the dead, nearby - the name of the Holy Creator of Revenge. Over the next years of Hasan's life, another 49 names of people killed by Assassins appeared on this "board of honor": Sultans, Princes, Tsari, Governors, Priests, Graders, Scientists, Writers ...

Excursion to that light

After the first political murder, the mountain elder was convinced that ready to sacrifice fanatics - a terrible force. From young men, among which the preference was given to the orphans, he selected the Fida-Wi or Fidaine fighting squad, which means "sacrificing faith", which may have become the first terrorist organization on Earth. Hassan inspired his Fidavi that after death they would certainly fall into paradise. And a skillful trick gave to feel the candidates for the killer, what is he, this paradise.

In one of the hard-to-reach valleys between the mountains, in the place known only by a bunch of the closest assistants of Hassan, an amazing garden with beautiful flowers and fruit trees was broken, in the center of which there was a palace, decorated with gold. From the springs near the walls of the palace, wine flowed wine, milk and honey.

The palace and the garden were full of beautiful women who knew how to play musical instruments, sing and dance. Everything corresponded to how Mohammed described the paradise. He inspired by his followers that he, too, the prophet and during his lifetime could transfer a man to heaven, Hassan, from time to time, worked this "miracle."

Multiple young men who were preparing to become Fidavi, foured hashish, caught drinking and transferred to that secret garden. Having come to Himself, seeing around the indescribable beauty and charming Guri, who filed wine, delayed their hearing with music and singing, have improved guests with skillful love affairs, the young men were in complete confidence that they were in real paradise. After several days of the paradise life, the guys sucked again and transferred back to the fortress.

There Hasan asked where they were, and those answered: "In Paradise, thanks to your mercy, Mr!", - and told about the details of the paradise life. Having gathered around the rest of young people envied the lucky ones, and all together sincerely wanted to pay their lives for the great matter of the mountain earther to get to the paradise, which became quite real for them.

Prepared fidaines on conscience. He was taught to own all types of weapons, to understand poisons and tolerate adversity. Forced motionless to stand at the fortress wall in a heat and strule, honing their patience. They were explained that the real assassin should be able to wait a moment for years to apply a deadly strike by the enemy.

The talent of reincarnation in Assassins was not less than the fighting skills. They could be changed to be unrecognizable. Having granted itself behind the stray circus troupe, the monks of a medieval Christian order, drugs, debris, oriental merchants or local warriors, assassins made their way to the most lair of the enemy to kill his sacrifice there. And with the most terrible torture and executions that Assassins were subjected to, they tried to smile.

The sect had a strict hierarchical construction. At the very bottom there were ordinary members - "Fidaines", performers of death sentences. If they managed to survive for several years, they rose until the next title - the older ordinary or "Rafa".

Bloody account

The most active assassins acted during the reign of Hassan Ibn Sabbach. With it, they have spread their influence on many areas of the Muslim world by creating a chain of fortified mountain fortresses in Northern Iran and Syria and conducting the policies of secret murders of enemies.

Judging by the "Honor Chalkboard" in Alamut, 73 people were killed by one hundred eighteen Fidinami, and 49 of them had to be killed during the reign of the elder of the mountain. Probably, the "decline in performance" occurred due to the fact that the Eastern rulers began to buy the loyalty of Assassins. But at the same time they began to pay for the elimination of unwanted noble Europeans.

In 1145, Assassins received a "order" on the son of Tripolitan Graph Rammond II Toulouse. They attacked his little detachment at the gate of Antioch and pursued through the streets of the city. When the heir to Tripoli was hidden in the church, the assassins broke there and stabbed him right on the altar.

In response, Raymond II detachment, together with the detachment of the Templars, drove the assassins to the mountains and took the alame into a dense ring. Mountain Older and the Grand Master of Templars Robert De Konon agreed that the assassins would pay the crusaders "symbolic" tribute in the amount of 2 thousand gold coins.

Assassins attack on Saladina, 1175

For some time, assassins and crusaders lived peacefully, especially since Europeans often had demand for hired killers, and the assassins had an offer. However, after some time, there was a conflict between them, and the friendship was upset.

Since then, the kings in the very center of Europe have shuddered at the mention of Assassins. One careless word about the older mountain and his subjects could bring death as it happened to the Graph Bohamund, killed in broad daylight in a thick crowd at the gate of Antioch.

In 1192, Fidaine overtook the applicant for the Crown of Jerusalem Konrad Montferratsky at the gate of Tira and finished off. The assassins killed three caliphs, six viziers, several dozen governors of the areas and rulers of cities, many of the major spiritual persons and the great Iranian scientist Abul-Mahasina Ibn Tagry Berdy.

But nevertheless, the power of Assassin was broken in 1256 by Mongolian hordes led by Khan Hulag. They destroyed the nest of hired killers, comparable to the fortress of the alamut with the ground, and they themselves were killed.

  • Middle, Humanoid, any worldview besides good
  • Armor class: 15 (Cleaned Leather)
  • Hits: 78 (12 d8 + 24)
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Resistance damage: Poison
  • Safety: Fishing +6 , Int. +4
  • Skills: Acrobatics +6 , Attentiveness +3 , Deception +3 Secrecy +9
  • Feelings: Passive attentiveness 13
  • Languages: All, thieves jargon
  • Danger: 8 - 3900 OP.
  • A source: « Monster Manual»
  • Abilities

    Languages. The hired killer knows up to two any languages \u200b\u200bbesides the thievesky jargon.

    Murder. In her first go, the hired killer makes the advantage of attacks on beings, which have not yet made the move. All the false killer on the captured surprise creatures are critical ingress.

    Lucky. If the hired killer is exposed to the effect of the effect, allowing to make a dexterity savings to get only half of the damage, the hired killer instead does not get damage if he succeeds in the savings, and will receive only half of the damage if the savings fails.

    Hidden Attack (1 / move). The hired killer causes additional damage 14 (4d6), if the target is attacked by a weapon, committed with an advantage of attack throw, or if the target is within 5 ft. From the capable ally of the fallen killer, and the hired killer committed an attack without interference.

  • Actions

    Multiataka. The hired killer commits two attacks with a short sword.

    Short sword. Hand-to-hand attack weapon: +6 to getting, reaching 5 ft., One goal. Hitage: Bringing damage 6 (1D6 + 3), and the goal should make a spout of the physique with SER 15, obtaining damage to poison 24 (7d6) during failure, or half of this damage in success.

    Light crossbow. Long-blood attack weapon: +6 to getting, distance 80/320 ft., One goal. Hitage: Chopping damage 7 (1D8 + 3), and the goal should make a spout of the physique with SER 15, receiving damage to poison 24 (7d6) during failure, or half of this damage in success.

  • Description

    Come to use poisons hired killers ruthlessly work on the nobility, heads of guilds, rulers, and however, all who can pay for their services.

    • The material is taken from the PDF version of the translation "MONSTER MANUAL" From the studio "

Assassins (Hashishins, Hashashin, Gashishina, Gashashina) - a fairly popular topic in modern world. This promotes not only the identification of a member of the Order with the word Assassin (killer (eng.)), But also the relevance of the plot of Arab killers in the field of show business. For so long ago, the light saw the Assassin's Creed computer game, the second one was produced, the second Part of the same developer. Also, the topic of assassins is affected in the film "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" (Disney 2010). This is quite naturally opened the interest of many viewers and gamers to an ambiguous historical phenomenon - the existence of the Order of Assassins. "Well, let them teach a story" Do you say?

Alas, everything is not so simple: the superficial knowledge of most fans give birth to a mass of dogmas and prejudice, which spread like cockroaches in the kitchen of a cheap Chinese restaurant. The most striking example is likely to be a common mistake that the word "Assassin" comes from the word "Hashishin", in turn, which occurred from the name of the drug: Gasisha. The error lies in the fact that the Arab word "Hashishin" means "herbal, man feeding with plants." It was just a hint of the poverty of the members of the Order, and it does not have any attitude towards narcotic drugs. In addition, in the Order of Assassins for rituals used opium poppy, and not hashish. In the desire to avoid possible errors of pseudo-historical neologisms, I will try to reveal the topic of the history of the Order.

Start with the fact that Mukhamed was dead. Doubt this was not necessary.

After the death of the legendary prophet, the Islamic world split into Sunnis and Shiites. Without going into details, the authorities captured the Sunnis and in fact, shiites were outlawed in the Islamic world. Their communities were so fascinated by the conspiracy that they completely forgot about the support of connections among themselves. The result was the formation of a whole cascade of sects - sometimes funny and ridiculous, and sometimes bloody and scary. One of these religious sects from the current of Ismailith was headed by Hasan Ibn Sabbach. Without a fight, taking the fortress of Alamut (this fortress is mentioned in the film "Prince of Persia: Sands of time" as sacred), Novator Hasan Ibn Sabbach founded the theocratic state.

By canceling all previous taxes and, in fact, banning luxury, he understood that he could not contain a big army in the mountain fortress. Following calling reason, Hassan Ibn Sabbach is looking for new ways to solve political and military issues. As the legend says, it was random to the decision to create an orders of the murderers. In 1092, in the city of Sava, located on the territory of the Seldzhukid state, Khashashinov's preachers killed Muzzin, fearing that he would give them to local authorities. In retaliation for this act, by order of Nizam al-Mulk, the main Vizier of Seljucid Sultan, the leader of local Ismailitis grabbed and betrayed slow painful death. After that, Hasan Ibn Sabbach climbed to the tower and shouted: "The murder of this chaitana anticipate the paradise bliss!".

And while he descended, the foot of the walls had already gathered a crowd from which a group of fanatics led by a person named Boo Tahir Arranhi, who, with his knees, said that he was ready to fulfill the will of the ruler, even if it had to pay life. Omitting the details, Bukhir Arranrani executed his task, and Vizier died surrounded by his bodyguards. Nearby lay the body of that very much Tahir Arranran. This is the history of the first assassin, from which the concept of the Order is originated: the Sovereign's will equates to the sacred law, you can only get to the paradise for the sacred business. Yes, unambiguously, it sounds very loud, but let's deal with why Hassan Ibn Sabbach surrounded the crowd of fanatics, at first glance, insane, ready for any victims.

The secret lies not only in the careful selection of the members of the Order, but also in the psychology of that time and region. It is worth noting that religious wars then conducted from religious motives, in other words, people actually believed that they go into battle for the sacred business (unlike European crusadeswearing a clearly robber). As for the preparation, this is a separate topic.

Well, another one? .. Drug addicts about trainings of Assassins.

There are enough different dogmas in conversations about the training of assassins. First of all, they are associated with drug use: there is an opinion that Assassins are killers who go to death under the action of psychotropic substances. This delusion, in fact, the case was different.

Initially, wishing to join the Order gathered at the gates of the fortress, waiting for the permission to enter the courtyard. Sometimes their wait lasted to a few weeks, but nobody held young men, at any time they could leave home. On the same conditions in the yard, they expected the permission to enter the house. Of those who have not removed the ravisians, they chose the most persistent (one of the legends it says that this system Hasan Ibn Sabbach adopted in Chinese monasteries - the similarity is obvious). Supported by orphans, because the future Assassin had to devote all his life to the Order.

The dedication rite was extremely simple and geniant: the recruit was restored by opium, after he lost consciousness, transferred to a special " garden of Eden"Where his exquisite food, luxury and a lot expected him beautiful women. A few hours later, he was again given a drug, and transferred back, saying after that he could return to heaven, just to give his life for the sacred business. It is worth understanding that before that, the young man lived in the poor, for the wealth and luxury were banned by law, but women were the biggest luxury, because not every Yurte could afford a bride.

Here and the mistake of most "experts" of the history of the History of Assassins is lied, since in the subsequent life, the killer will no longer be capable of alcohol, nor to drugs or women. So, on the contrast, reinforced with opium breakdown, a member of the Order seated to cruel training. He was taught not only by the possession of weapons and acrobatics, in the smallest of the Assassin was to possess acting skills and the art of disguise. All this did from the student almost the perfect killer, for which it was not necessary to think through the evacuation plan.

But at the preparation of the killers, the inventive Hassan Ibn Sabbach did not stop. He understood that for the effective action of Assassins, a developed network of informants and intelligence officers was needed. He created a special "agency", the duties of which, in addition to intelligence, it was also a new product of information extraction - bribery. So, along with a huge number of preachers who have reported on general events and sentiments in cities, he also had his people in the palaces and fortresses of influential people of the East. After a series of murders, the entire political tip realized that neither the army nor the bodyguards would help them in the fight against the assassins. It was this "old man of the mountain", as the ruler called the members of the Order, achieved the absolute immunity of mountain alamut.

Hasan Ibn Sabbach himself was a very curious person. Besides the fact that he collects knowledge from all over the world, kidnapped scientists doctors And alchemists throughout Europe and Asia, he was as an avid mystifier. In pursuit of loyalty of subjects and international prestige, he was very fond of of different types representations and focus. For example, the popular long time trick with a severed head, he came up with legend. With the help of the makeup, the correct placement of the background and the mirror system, he created a very talented representation from the predestal paradise to all the dead Assessins "chopped" head. The difference from the modern focus was only one thing - the ending. The actor cut off her head and hung for several days to the main area of \u200b\u200bthe fortress. Realism for the sake of. The trick with self-immolation was also popular. His essence was no less cruel - really burned man, Double Hasan Ibn Sabbach. Demonstrating the loyalty of their subjects before the ambassador, the alamut ruler puts the hand to the guards on the walls to rush into the abyss.

In conclusion, it is possible to reveal another myth - the opinion that all the killers died when performing a task. It was often an order to return, as this task is only preparation for the transition to paradise. It was dictated by the fact that even a hierarchy was needed in the commune. After all, someone had to arrange the students "Paradise", play a chopped head, and teach students.

Paid killers

Another erroneous view is that Assassins are hired killers working to order. Most likely, it received a start with the history of the Union of Crusaders and Assassins. Such an union had a place to be after the death of Hassan Ibn Sabbach. New Alamut rulers were not so ascetic in their desires - the sharp need was felt in finance, and Lords generously paid Jerusalem gold for the services of Assassins, directed against Salah Ad-Din. But, it is impossible to call the Order of Hashishnov by the society of hired killers, since the fee was taken for work not ordinary performers, but their owners. In addition, the killings of these figures can be considered as loyalty to the prisoner of the Union.

But, it was the money that led to the fact that the Order had lost its influence. Seeing the strong bundle of society inside the fortress wishing to die for the dubious sacred business became less and less. This put the need to reorganize inside the system, which has actually led to everything that Drew Hasan Ibn Sabbach, when the state was built. The commune turned into a monarchist system with its nobles and aware. All this made a light prey from the Alamut state for the Mongols invaded to Persia.

On the origin of the myths

In conclusion, I will try to explain some myths about the Order of Assassins. These legends were born already after events in Alamut. The "first" wave legends about the assassins in the 14th century became Venetian Marco Polo, who in his writings about the country of Mileil, where the old man of the mountain, sending young people to death, resting them with narcotic drugs. The new, stronger wave of myths took place in the middle of the 19th century in France. Hashish at that time became a very fashionable drug, along with the use of Tuion from the Egyptian wormwood. Probably, therefore, the novelist writers were confident that the assassins used Hasiš as a means to open the gate to paradise.

And some people believe that the Order of Assassins also exists to today, and its members are removing disagreeable people. Such thoughts are quite understandable, because very many I want to see the world more complicated than it really is. Many see secrets, riddles, mysticism ... Are they right? Who knows?..

Many mistakenly believe that it is the modern Taliban and Palestinians who created the first specialized camp of suicide terrorists, but it is not. Gloomy events related to the death of people began a lot of centuries ago. At that time, the owners of other people were Assassins - a religious organization of hired killers, which consisted of Ismailith.

Its founder was Sheikh Hassan I Ibn Sabbach, known from historical pages, as the creator of the state called "Alamut". It consisted of the mining territory of Persia (Sovr. Iran), Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The center of the power was a fortress built at the peak of the rocks of the alamut ("Orlinic nest").

How did the power of Assassins begins?

For thirty-four years, sheikh rules on the territory of its possessions. He was a fairly rigid and merciless ruler, attacked fear of his subjects. At that time, under his care, people lived in harsh conditions. However, despite his rigor, he himself lived very modestly, he had a wife and children.

For the ruler, the unquesting obedience of all and everyone was important. He did not even gem his children if they guessed. He was executed for the fact that he drank wine, and his second heir killed for the fact that he had a suspicion for the sacrament in the murder of a preacher.

Hassan I Ibn-Sabbach for everyone was the heartless and strict ruler, but it was these features that attracted more and more supporters to him. Soon, at its disposal there were more than 60,000 faithful servants, who later became hired killers. It is said that the mountain elder, so Sheikh called the people, decided to create a sect after the leader of Savai Ismailitis sentenced to the execution of the Sultansky Vizier of the Low El Mulle.

Sheikh believed that an innocent man was deprived of life. After execution, he climbed to the tower and began to express dissatisfaction with the behavior of the Vizier and received the massive support of observers, which very quickly turned into real fanatics wishing to kill the nizima el-mulk.

The most active among the crowd was a man named Boo Tahir Arranran, who became the first killer appointed by Sheikh. In fact, the foundation date of the Assessin sect is considered to be 1092, when during the celebration of the religious holiday Ramadan Sultansky Vizier was killed by a hired killer. Bukhir Arranrani stuck his dagger into his chest and expected his inevitable fate with a satisfied smile.

Naturally, he was executed, and Hassan I Ibn-Sabbach ordered to post a commemorative board with the name of the first assassin, who became the holy Creator of Revenge. Over time, they began to enter the names of those killed by mercenaries by the representatives of the princely, royal and sultan blood, high-ranking employees, scientific figures, writers, etc. for a rather short period of time, in just a couple of years, there were already forty-nine names in the list.

Ticket to the light

Feeling a pleasant "taste" of the authorities after the death of Vizier, Sheikh realized what an incredible force he possesses, because his fanatics surrounding combat PotsReady at any time to rush to the sacrifice and destroy it. However, in the ranks of the hired killers, he did not recruit all, he gave a special preference for the orphans. The detachment created by them was called "Fidaine", which means "sacrificing faith".

He was an excellent manipulator and speaker. He promised paradise after death, and to reinforce their desire to serve, Sheikh gave them this paradise, but only on earth. For this, his order was created an incredibly beautiful garden with fruit trees and fragrant colors. In his center, the majestic palace was toured, decorated with the best gold.

Rodnikov beat near Palace walls, of which milk flowed, wine and honey. In the garden and in the palace there were true beauties who played various musical instruments, pleased their eyes with their plastic during dances, and also possessed incredible vocal data. In fact, Sheikh created a terrestrial paradise, well, at least about such Eden, he told his followers, and himself, to all of the time, called the Prophet, capable of every time of everyone who wishes to send to the paradise. And he periodically did it.

The young men were sleeping, and then transferred that in Eden, leaving for several days, then back to the fortress. When young people woke up, they were ready to kiss their legs to their Mother and do everything he ordered. Naturally, the news about "Rai" flew very quickly and wishing to get into the sect became more and more.

Preparation of assassin

Preparation of hired killers was carried out extremely carefully. Each assassin was supposed to own absolutely all kinds of weapons existing at that time, to understand in poisons, as well as possess maximum resistance and exposure. For this, young men were forced for several hours to stand motionless of the walls of the fortress, regardless of the weather conditions.

Patience is one of the main qualities characteristic of mercenaries, as they have to enter the place of revenge so much time as they need, no matter the hours, days or years will pass, and patiently wait for the most suitable moment to apply a mortal blow.

Also, every supporter of the sect was to be able to reincarnate, and they possessed this talent on the highest level. Distinctive and at the same time, a unique feature of the assassins can be considered a smile on his face during torture and execution - they, in this way, as if they mocked those representatives of the highest society, who live, believing in impunity and their unquestioning power.

The sect was created strictly on the hierarchy:

  • "Fidaines" is the lowest plank, which performed death sentences, that is, registered murders.
  • "Rafiki" - senior ordinary.
  • "Dai Al-Kirbali" - the generals who submitted to the Mountain Starta, who was all the time of the shadows from prying eyes. That is why only the chosen was known about him, and his people did not even suspect that their ruler is the founder of the religious sect of Assassins.

Peak development and prosperity sect

Assassins quickly caught fire for the entire Muslim world, creating many mountain fortified fortresses in Syria and Iran. At their account every year more and more secret political deaths became. However, over time, the performance of orders began to fall - it is likely that the reason for this was a bribery of mercenaries from the eastern rulers, which gave a new task - the elimination of European officials.

In 1145, the sect received an order for the murder of the son of Tripolitan Count Raymond II Toulouse. He was killed in the church, where he tried to find his salvation. Naturally, the Count was not going to leave the Assassin act with impunity and gathered the army of the Templars, but the leader of the sect could agree with him and literally bought his forgiveness for 2,000 gold coins. But still peaceful calm lasted for a long time and there was a disagreement between them.

Since that time, European kings were in fear of power and agility of assassins. Only flattering, and those who allowed themselves in his direction were responded about the Mountain Starta, and those who allowed themselves in his direction were mysteriously killed. An excellent example was the case of a bou-emund graph, which was killed in broad daylight in the crowd of people. The same fate waited for Conrad by Monferratsky, who was a challenged to the Jerusalem Crown.

At the expense of the sect were killing four caliphs, forty-eight urban rulers and regional governors, seventeen representatives spiritual world, as well as the great scientist Iran - Abu-L-Mahasina Ibn Tagry Berdy - and this is not the entire list. However, despite the impunity and the strength of the Assessin, in 1256 their mistake came to the end thanks to the Hordes of the Mongols, which headed Khan Hulagu. They destroyed the center of hired killers - the fortress of Alamut and killed representatives of the religious sect of a mountainous elder.

Is there an assassin sect today?

There is an opinion that after the Mongols attack, a small part of mercenaries was able to escape into India. Such an assumption has the right to exist, because in the XIII century, the Syrian lands were close to this country. In addition, irrefutable proof is that it is during this period that the Fansigarov and Tags sects that exist at that time rapidly increased its influence on Indian lands.

Consequently, it is likely that the Syrian hired killers became their part. Also, if we take into account the fact that the main fortress of the sect was located on the lands of Iran, which is near Iraq and Afghanistan, it is likely that Osama Ben Laden and Saddam Hussein may be associated with assassins or even be their leaders.

Osama bin Laden

Saddam Hussein

After all, no one is secret that these people were accused of organizing large number terrorist acts. In addition, Shahid, like Assassins, are sacred, they will certainly fall into paradise after their "heroic" death.

However, making their actions today, they are in the trance, the cause of which is narcotic intoxication. Shahids just like Assasins, believe that the depriving life of people, they know the truth and fulfill their destination. A little similarity? But despite the presence of some answers, it becomes even more questions.

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