Do not be afraid to enter the vital stream. Marilyn Atkinsonjul in Stream: Coaching

A person is afraid of change. At the time when the soul with fearlessness dives into new experiments, in order to enrich himself and become wiser, to explore the boundaries of their capabilities and, in the end, return to unity with God ... Man. Fears. Change.

My teacher is always my world, which, with attentive consideration, can tell a lot. Watching our baby, I noticed that he gladly touches the toys that he knows and looking at new ones, does not take them into hand, but first considers from afar.

Of course, I began to reflect and ask my questions:

Do I feel joy from new experiments? How much interest in me in life? I'm afraid of new experiments?

Being honest with you, I suddenly realized that I had always been afraid of something new and joy from new experiences. I walked in an unknown, waiting for painful experiences and pain rather than joy.

Resistance to the new one, which I often saw our loved ones since childhood, I could not recognize in myself and I clearly showed our kid.

Read also:. God created all this universe for you. With each new life You grow and develop, turn into a comprehensive intelligence.

The soul has an incredible courage: knowing all the events of life, it fearlessly dives into the space of the Earth, plunging into the dense energy of the body, knowing in advance that she can get confused and plunged into the darkness, forgetting completely, who is actually.

The personality of a person relies on past numerous experiences and remembers the pain he lived in the process of numerous lives on Earth.

The natural passion for the knowledge of the new is overlapping with fear before pain and sometimes death, since the new one sometimes meant death ...

There is no difference for the soul, it does not appreciate and does not determine where bad, and where is a good experience

The soul chooses to explore itself through poverty or wealth, through body weakness, through powerlessness or excessive force, through resentment or forgiveness, through the choice of being the parent of the incurable child or be a parent of adoptive children.

The soul is eager for a new experience. Personality resists, not wanting to develop, fearing as painful experiments and joyful. And, of course, life in the body will not be long, because youth is a constant interest in the new, research yourself in new experiments.

Read also:: "I look after you. I will send you new lessons and new companions ... You are not alone. We are one whole. Will live".

Reflecting on fears before new experience, before research, I came pictures, images, memories from my life, which confirmed everything I thought about this moment.

In a cafe or restaurant, I usually ordered familiar and your favorite dishes and very rarely I had a desire to try something new.

I could not get out of the painful relationship, they could have been traumatic, but clear ...

I remembered my brother, who in childhood was alive and insanely curious, he "explored" everything that came across his arm. Adults considered him a very spoiled child. And, of course, he was getting. He was constantly scolded, beat ... they did not take it and, as I thought then, did not love ...

Men's energy in us is the energy of research, curiosity to life, desire to know the new

Perhaps it was at that time that I decided to explore and receive new experiments - unsafe (now it doesn't matter now).

Some men, being adults, are glad to play in various games And in general, in life are fun and easy, as children (what are annoying terribly women?).

Women most often belong too seriously to life and do not allow themselves to relax (and drinking husband or father is angry insane precisely because it allows himself that the woman forbid himself).

Read also:!? Wonder what was "alcohol" initially? Wine is grape juice with sugar. Vodka is a wheat drink, etc.

"Be as children" - phrase from the Bible, which I could not feel for a long time

I understood her mind, but did not feel like it was to be a child?! To be a child for me now - it is with interest and fearlessly to learn from a new one, to know the world, explore the capabilities of the body and mind.

Evaluating everything on Earth as good and bad we close from many excellent opportunities.

No good or bad experiments:

  • For the soul, the experience of leaving your child in the maternity hospital is nothing worse than the experience of the adoption of the child.
  • For the soul, the experience of being a mom of a sick child is no worse than the experience of being a mom of a healthy baby.
  • For the soul, the experience of poverty is not worse than the experience of wealth.
  • The experience of loneliness is worse than the experience of being in a pair.

Soul, embodying, chooses which experience she wants to live. Through what experience to explore your capabilities.

Read also : "Good," said the little soul. - That's what I want to be. I want to be forgiven. I want to experience myself as goodbye. "

Than more man Resists the choice of the soul, the longer the earthly time he is experiencing what he resists.

The soul wants to know different experiences in human tele through the adoption of these experiments, and permission. The adoption and love for your creation experience, and, it means, humility allows you to complete this experience and choose another.

The more a person does not agree, the more he fights, the longer the "unpleasant experience" lasts

From which you can get out only to accept. The man humbles often when he tried everything and fully exhausted. It was then that his ego gives out completely: "Lord, I tried everything, I give up, let it be, I will have no strength to fight, do something!" - Discard yourself?

And at such moments when the ego completely capitulated and the soul voice is better, the soul shows a man's way, opens the treasures using which a person easily comes out of the situation unbearable for him.

Read also:: If we live on inner inspiration and make only what brings joy, a natural and true order is created in life.

The soul wants fully conscious existence in the body. The soul wants to receive new and new experiences, accumulating wisdom. The soul wants to be awakened, living in the body.

If a person is afraid of new experiments, if he stopped in his knowledge of himself and the world, the soul there is nothing to do in the body of such a person and she decides to leave the body to continue his life research already in another body.

"Be as children" - Jesus said ...

The child is wonderful and he is fearless in his knowledge of the world.

Adult relies on the experience that lived himself and who lived his relatives. Adult remembers a lot and it stops him from researching life. It stops the stream of energy that seeks to explore life through it.

In the body, the energy moves less, the exchange processes slow down, toxins are accumulated, the body agrees and dies.

If for a minute to present that you are a fearless creature, you no longer rely on the experience of the past and are not afraid of new experiments, you will gladly immerse yourself in them, with the interest of the child exploring yourself and your capabilities.

Read also:. We feel fearless, infinite creatures capable of everything.

You fully live in the harmony of the soul and body, mind and heart, trusting yourself, and, it means, do not fight with your soul, but we cooperate with her ...

Such a person will live as long as the fire will keep in itself, interest in life, new horizons and opportunities.

We always have tests forces

"God always gives us a test forces by our" - you heard more than once. What is this phrase actually?

Our soul wants to get different experiences and realize how much love in these experiments, live these experiments in love and from the state of love, but not fear, as many times.

Read also: It suggests that the adoption and allowing everything to be as it is is the main task with which we come. The first purpose of a person in the world is to learn to love and take herself unconditionally.

Our earthly personality resists the experience that chose a shower. The "larger" experience, the more flowing through human life.

God is the current vital energy flow through you

A man without taking the experience that came to his life, not understanding that he had this experience, resisting this experience, creates a traffic police, which gives him, as power and love, to help to transform pain in love, to exit Duality.

A colossal amount of vital energy is spent on the resistance and the person seems to have forces to withstand the "test". The energy tap in the body causes very often discomfort and physical pain, which will lead to a person from permission with the love of this experience.

How to get into the stream, six steps.

You probably heard a musician loses myself in music, or as an artist becomes one with his paintings. Time stops, only complete concentration remains on certain activities.

This is a "stream", this experience is just as needed as by itself is awarding, and perhaps it is the most pleasant and valuable experience that you can have.

Understanding how you can enter the "stream", you get the potential for immediate improvement in the quality of your life.

Father "Flow".

Father "Flood" is a Hungarian psychologist Michal Xizentmikhali. Even in early childhood, during the war in Europe, it began to attend thoughts about happiness.

His acutely interested in the question: why, despite all the amenities, comfort and opportunities for the new time, so many unfortunate people? And why do they "spend their lives in vain - instead of filing themselves with the feeling of happiness, they spend their years in anxiety and boredom"?

He decided to receive an answer, and spent twenty-five years, interviewing literally hundreds of people around the world from all spheres of life - from artists to chess players, from janitors to homeless. He asked each of them to recall the happiest moments of his life to describe the cause of these happy moments.

He discovered an amazing monotony in their answers. "The best moments" - he writes in his bestseller stream: the psychology of optimal experience - "as a rule, occur when the body of a person or his mind is at the limit of its capabilities, in voluntary efforts, creating something difficult and worthy."

"This experience is not necessarily pleasant at the time of its occurrence," he continues. "The muscles of the swimmer can hurt during the most memorable race, in the lungs, perhaps the explosions are felt, and the swimmer himself may experience dizziness from fatigue - and, despite this, he calls this experience the very best moment of his life."

Flow status characteristics.

Xizentmichal describes the experience of staying in the stream: "This is a state of complete involvement in the activity, for your own good. It disappears. Time flies. Each action, the movement of thought is the inevitable continuation of the previous one, like jazz. Everything your friend is involved, and you use all your skills completely. "

He determined that the flow arises when we completely absorb any activity that is neither too easy or too difficult for us. If the activity is too easy, we are overcome by boredom, and if it is too hard, we begin to worry.

This is the activity in which we turn out to be in a state of flow, like children in the game.

How the stream activates the power of the brain.

Xizentmikhali found that the flow in the stream actually increases your scientific potential, and the longer you are "in the stream", the more difficult your mind becomes.

The easiest way to understand how the flow increases the potential of your brain, is as follows: When you perform a task that is too easy, your mind leaves for work, the mental concentration is weakened. When the task is too difficult, we are visiting concern and disappointment.

Neither boredom nor anxiety is not responsible for a good mental concentration.

Most often we enter the stream, and leave the stream, without realizing it. Any stimulating activity that fully fills your conscious attention, keeps you there. But as soon as you feel anxiety, boredom or the lack of security you come out of the stream.

Here is the reliable method of achieving and maintaining high condition Flow in your life:

* Step 1 . Take a look at your task as a game. Like any other serious game, you need to accept the challenge and win. Take the goal of the selected task for the actual goal, recognize the problems that you have to overcome and decide on any rules and awards.

* Step 2. Determine and focus on purpose. Playing in your game, you need to constantly remind yourself of the main goal that leads you. If you go beyond your goal, it's time to remind yourself about it.

* Step 3. Practice the concentration of attention. Realize your thoughts. If you have found yourself for busting unnecessary thoughts or feel alarming, you go beyond. Focus on the task, and also set up to difficulties until you are fully "dissolved" in details of this task.

* Step 4. Return to the process. This is perhaps the greatest secret of the flow process. When you practice Step 3, you start enjoying the process, simply focusing on the task, without much tension and practically without effort. When you do it, you start testing periods of timeless.

* Step 5. Hugging "Ecstasy". The most interesting part of this process is the natural result of the previous four stages. You cale the feeling of delight. You will learn it. When this happens, you are firmly in a stream.

* Step 6. Peak performance. The state of ecstasy is really a holistic phenomenon in which one-frequency fluctuations occur throughout the crust of your brain. You have a feeling of creating without thoughts, and performance reaches unheard of heights.

"Flow" and "Zone".

The state of the flow has a connection with the state of the being athletes, called the "zone", as well as the required ending state of Zen-Buddhism. But this experience is equally related to any undertaking, no matter how simple or difficult it is. Think about the complexity of the Japanese tea ceremony, and how intense the concentration of attention necessary for the correct ceremony should be.

If you want to immediately eradicate boredom and anxiety in your life, select the task and learn how to enter the stream. But remember, this is a game and you must be rewarded, and not criticized or convicted by anyone, including you.

Increase the likelihood of entering the stream.

An excellent way to increase the likelihood of entering the flow is to prepare your brain to remove stress - just so you can achieve the desired focus.

Prepared with the help of the article by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

format.doc, 146 pp., with illustrations, archive size - 370 kb

Being in a state of flow means completely immersed in a favorite thing, focusing as much as possible and not distracted by anything. This is how it is possible to achieve maximum results in any activity. In his new book, the author of the unique system personal Development Marilyn Atkinson will teach you to enter the stream state, fix it, shoot any barriers to personal growth and self-improvement.

Learn to experience sincere gratitude, love, satisfaction, desire for creativity - and you fill the meaning every day of your life! The task of this book is to help not only professionals in the field of coaching, but also to all those who are interested in internal change, achieve internal consistency and self-realization.

"The quality of the inclusive state of the stream is determined by the inner abilities, a sense of deep connection of your actions with its own values \u200b\u200band the transforming link between you and the part you create external world. Feeling and realizing the flow, you feel that the powerful and free to choose, but you do it spontaneously and sincerely. You are fully involved in this process, and it deserves confidence. Thus, the stream of value experienced naturally opens the path to self-sensing and the ability to appreciate itself. We relax and enjoy the moment that it happens.

If you want to become a coach to yourself, use this book to study your stream experience in different areas. Develop the ability to achieve internal consistency and harmony. You will see that the feeling of stream is easy to experience in an in-depth and extended coaching position. The stream state is natural and you can easily experience it when internally relaxing and focus on the most important thing in your life, on your current purposes and on the qualities that will be needed to achieve them ... "

about the author

Marilyn Atkinson - the author of the trilogy "Transformational coaching: science and art." She created a number of concepts, processes and tools with whom you will meet in books. Marilyn is recognized worldwide coaching and coaching technician developer, consultant for many organizations, a master-coach of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and a psychologist.

Marilyn lives in Vancouver (Canada). She is known as the author and as a person with progressive glances. Marilyn Atkinson is the founder and president of the International Erikson University (, which conducts certified ICF coaching programs. Since 1985

Marilyn participated in the opening of 14 educational Erickson centers located around the world, where he taught a coaching-oriented coaching and conducted consultations on four continents. Her presence charges people with energy and allows you to open powerful personal development resources, she is an innovator who knows how to influence others.

More than 30 NLP institutions in many countries use its exercises and techniques. Practical system coaching skills and strategies developed by Marilyn were called the golden coaching standard.

Infinitely you can look at three things: how the fire burns, how flowing water and how a person is engaged in his favorite thing, plunging into the stream state. Life in the stream - This is the only way to achieve maximum results in any sphere. This condition opens the doors to the world of gratitude, love and fullness of every day of life.

It's time to shed light on the third book from the trilogy "Transformational coaching: science and art" - " Life in the stream»Beautiful and many beloved author Marilyn Atkinson. Detailed study Each book of the trilogy, creates a feeling of "immersion into the multi-faceted world of the true" I "", - deep into the territory for which I still did not go on the leg. " Book " Life in the stream"It turned out the most deep, so I recommend to study it only after the first two, thereby preparing the" soil "for the third.

Each of us has a choice: to be a small boat and swim in the flow or become a river and choose the direction of movement. The only way to embody your dream into reality without stress is to move towards the goal, which is closely consistent with the internal values \u200b\u200bthat form our deep "I". Only such an approach will provide an opportunity to maintain motivation on high level and enjoy fun.

Special thanks to Marilyn Atkinson I would like to say for clarifying the themes: "How to conclude contracts with you, and which of them work and why." It is a pity that this book did not get into my hands in January 2014, when I signed with myself, which was almost "stuck in the bulk sand of the depression." Now I realized what I did wrong. Good all that is well ends.

If you still feel the fear of regular changes (I want to say: "This is the signal that you are alive 🙂"), I recommend paying attention to the chapter "As if you could." Truly a magic technique that helps freeze the brain and not give him the opportunity to plunge into the bunch of fear. With this technique, you will create a vision of your future in such a way that the brain does not want to return to its original state. Moreover, the maximum amount of resources will use the virtual future to make a reality.

Life in the stream - This is life, according to your values. Keyword "yours". In most cases, our deep "I" is absorbed by the desire to achieve what someone has already has. As a result, a person lives someone else's life, and, even having achieved the desired result, cannot feel happy.

It does not matter what others do, it is important to understand what you want !!!

Book " Life in the stream"It turned out to be highly screwed creation and affects such" notes of the soul ", about which in pursuit of material purposes, we often forget. The reading of this masterpiece is in question and fills the vital energy ... the one that cannot be obtained from food and water.

So, if you want:

  1. Get an inexhaustible source of inspiration and feel the stream condition;
  2. Learn to set goals, according to the values \u200b\u200bof the deep "I";
  3. Master the skill "give yourself the right promises and fulfill them";
  4. Attract the future to the present and defeat the inner fear of changes;
  5. Learn to control emotions;
  6. Increase the level of spirituality and fullness;
  7. Learn how to create a vision of the earthly mission, according to logical levels;
  8. Go beyond the "Comfort Zone" and enjoy your stay beyond;
  9. Improve the skill to achieve goals;
  10. Feel the thread of self-realization,

in this case, the book " Life in the stream" For you!!! She perfectly completed my library of success and helped look at a lot of happening in the life of other eyes. I would like to sincerely wish it and you !!! Be spiritually rich and happy !!!

Thank you for your priceless time spent in my company !!!
Let the increase in sales give you pleasure ...
Sincerely, Andrei Zhulay.

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