River over the river Magdeburg bridge. Where is the Magdeurian Water Bridge What is it interesting? Magdeburg Water Most


Magdeburg Water Bridge - the largest bridge in Europe

In October 2003, a unique water bridge appeared or a better channel walking in the air, in short, two in one with the official title. Magdeburg Water Most. Magnificent building is just a miracle of technology! According to the short path, crossing the Elbe, it connects two already existing channels in the country of the Materianmansky and Elba Hafel from the valley of the roar. The bridge is 10 km north of the center of Magdeburg. On the right bank of the Elbe at the bridge there is a settlement of Hoenvart.

The length of an unusual bridge is almost a kilometer with 230 meters from them above the water. The dimensions are also impressive - the width of the channel of the whole 34 meters, and the depth of more than 4 meters.

For the first time, the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of a water bridge arose in the minds of German engineers at the beginning of the twentieth century and even undertaken some steps to its implementation. But the highest providence intervened into their plans, and maybe not in vain. First, world wars were prevented by the construction of the world and the second. And as a result of the last of them, Germany was generally divided, here as it were, not to such ideas. And only with the reunification of the country it became possible to re-apply to the launched. The construction of a Magdeburg bridge started in 1997 lasted as many as 6 years and cost the country over half a billion euros. But now the Berlin Inner Port is connected to all existing river ports in the country.

it the largest water structure in Europe With double gateways and shippers, in addition, there are extensive paths for pedestrians and cyclists, parking for cars and a small museum dedicated to the history of its construction. In general, this is a very solid, strong and good building.

An interesting fact, it turns out that the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding such structures is far from Nova, there are similar channels and water bridges for a long time. The first to think about creating the shortest path from the Mediterranean Sea to Atlantic Ocean. By going around the Spanish Pirates, the King of France Francis I. Prepare the same project of the canal, he instructed the famous Leonardo da Vinci in 1516. And although its construction began only in 1666, but since the opening of the canal du Midi in 1681 ( Languedoc Canal or Southern Channel) 240 kilometers long, it still continues to function for 340 years.

In the Principality of Wales in there is shipping very high and long water aqueduct PanthasillteFor which a small walking boat is moving now. Construction of hollow wedge-shaped supports 38 meters high in 1795. The drain depth of a little more than one and a half meters has a width of 3.5 meters. It seems that you are on the very edge of the cliff, such a trip is not for nervous tourists. What opened in 1805, Walter Scott expressed as a magnificent creation of art.

Every year there are many people who want to see these inimitable engineering facilities and of course ride on them on the vessel, to forever save unique impressions.

Tourists in Europe may surprise not only ancient castles and fortresses, but also modern engineering architecture, such as, for example, Magdeburg Bridge in Germany. It is a water crossing over the ELBA river about 900 meters long, 34 width and a depth of about 4 meters, operating since 2003. She connects two shipping channels - Elba Hafer and Meditergomer, which are held in the direction of the densely populated and overloaded industry of the valley of the Rura.

From the history of the creation ...

The combination of channels conceived long before these plans were embodied into reality. For the first time, the proposal for the construction of the crossing was expressed in 1877, and the construction of the node was launched to raise ships only in 1919, when it was necessary to restore the national economy of the country, undermined by the First World War.

Almost 20 years continued preparatory workAnd in 1938, when the construction of the Rotenzee ferrifier and powerful bulls was already ends, which should have supported the chute, the construction stopped. At that moment, the World War II joined the Second World War.

IN post-war years Magdeburg was in the territory of the GDR, and the government of the republic did not waste it expensive and labor-intensive construction. Work on the construction of the Magdeburg water bridge continued only seven years after the union of Germany, since 1997, and lasted six years - until October 2003.

It was the pleasure of the Germans about 500 million euros, 24,000 tons of steel structures and 68 thousand cubic meters of concrete spent on it. Such expenses are justified by the reduction of the path of cargo and passenger ships from Berlin to Hannover and other Rhine ports by 12 km, which previously did a hook through the Elbe and two gateways. After all, before in the summer, when the level of Elbe was significantly reduced, the barges could not pass along it. Now this problem is solved.

Most of the construction is laid above the land (690m), and over the water is only 228m. During the year, about 1,300 tons of various goods can pass through it, which is 50% more than before the recharge.

Why should you visit the Magdeburg water bridge?

Isn't it interesting to walk or swim in the biggest European water crossing? A cargo and walking vessels, barges and yachts are constantly moving along the channel, and tourists walk through the pedestrian part, enjoying wonderful views.

Pedestrians and cyclists can get to the bridge at any time. Nearby there is a car parking lot and a museum, where you can get acquainted with the history of the construction of this huge water intersection, which are no more analogues in any country.

How to get:

For an hour-half of a fast walking here, you can get from the central part of Magdeburg. But much more pleasant to make this journey on renting a bike, which will reduce and make it easier for the road. For fans of water envelopes, routes from Magdeburg are organized and back through the crossing and shipping.

We continue the series of articles about the most unusual bridges in the world. This time we will tell you about the largest water bridge in Europe - Magdeburg. This is a real technical masterpiece, a huge bridge in a kilometer long connecting the two largest German shipping channels.

As always, we turn to the history of the water bridge. Such large-scale projects are notorious due to the fact that most of them are built much longer than planned. Not an exception - and our project connecting the channels of Elba Hafel and the Meditergomer Canal, leading to the Industrial District - the valley of the roar. The Magdeburg Water Bridge was in planning for 80 years.

Engineers dreamed of connecting these waterways since 1919. The construction actually began in the 1930s, but was stopped during World War II in 1942. After cold War Salted Germany, the project was postponed indefinitely, again revived in 1990.

The German government has proven that there is nothing impossible, completing a shipping bridge over 6 years and spending approximately 500 million euros. The massive structure connected the inner harbor of Berlin with ports along the Rhine River. The longest water bridge in Europe, 918 meters long, created from 24,000 tons of steel and 68,000 cubic meters concrete. Without a doubt, this is one of the most outstanding aqueducts in the world.

The water bridge allowed river barges to avoid a long and dangerous pass along the elba. Earlier, shipping and loading barges often stopped when the level of Elba fell, now this problem is solved once and for all.

Capitans Barge can now carry cargo to 1,350 metric tons of software and 4.25-meter deep-sea bridge 34 meters wide. Previously, ships could only be loaded with 800 metric tons.

The Magdeburg Water Bridge is open to visitors and tourists, there is a parking lot, cycling and pedestrian walkways, as well as a small museum telling about building construction.

If you are interested in the topic of unusual structures and bridges, I recommend also read about the longest bridge in the world

Magdeburg Magdeburg (Kanalbrücke Magdeburg) is the longest shipping bridge of Europe. This unique engineering structure for the movement of cargo ships is also called a water intersection. Its large-scale project was planned for almost 80 years, and only in 2003 there was a solemn opening of a river path important for all of Germany.

In Europe, the aqueduct (water bridges) provided the city with water for many centuries. With the advent of the channels in the XVII century, they also began to be used for shipping. Now the aqueducts are built over rivers, railways And even tracks. Ferries, ships, boats walk on them, thereby significantly reducing their path.

Before the construction of the Magdeburg waterway, the channel on the Loire River in France was considered the longest aqueduct of the world (Pont Canal de Briare, 1896, 662 meters long.).

The idea to build a bridge, which today connects the two largest waterways - Elba Hafel (Elbe-Havel-Kanal) and the MittellandKanal) appeared closer to 1919. But after only 19 years, the temporary dressing of Rotenzee and the support part of the structure was ready.

Second world WarAnd then the next division of Germany on the GDR and Germany served as the cause of the deferment of the construction of this important design for an indefinite period. Only after fall Berlin Wall And the formation of the main water transport routes on the territory of Germany, the construction of a water intersection was the primary task and resumed in 1997.

The implementation of such a unique engineering idea cost the Government of 500 million euros. Today in the Magdeburg Water Bridge over the Elba River regularly walks from the inner port of Berlin in the ports along the Rhine River.

The main parameters of the water bridge in Magdeburg

The length of the structure is 918 meters, of which 690 meters are laid on land, and the remaining 228 - above the water.

24,000 tons of steel were spent on construction, 68,000 cubic meters of concrete.

Due to the fact that the depth of the channel is 4.25 meters, river ships can pass here, barges with a length of 85 meters and precipitate up to 2 meters.

The width of the channel, according to which the ships go, almost 34 meters. This makes it possible to download barges to 1350 metric tons.

The length of the spans comes up to 106 meters.


Next to the hydrotechnical structure in Magdeburg is a shipway (a mechanism by which it is carried out and the descent of ships from one water level to another) and the gateway (structure, with which the transition of ships from one water basin to another with a different water level).

In Elbe, the water level is lower than in the channels of Elba Hafel and the Meditergomer, so for the shutter of the Channel Elba Hafel in 2003, a double gateway Hohenvart was built on the east side of the bridge.

For the descent of vessels in the middle-grand canal is used by the Rotenzee ship in the western part of the bridge. From this side there is also a gateway that has begun to exploit since 2001.

To date, this one of the most unusual aqueducts in the world has an important practical value For the shipping of all Germany. According to the analysis in 2010, the throughput capacity of the waterway between the two channels has doubled. This clearly increases the growth of the entire cargo stream within the country and, accordingly, has a positive effect on the economy.

What is also important: with the help of Magdeburg water intersection, a message is provided with an industrial area of \u200b\u200bGermany called the Rura Valley, which really needed to create such an economical and convenient and convenient crossing.

Before the construction of the Madeburg shipping bridge, river vessels, following the Meshrhman Canal to Elba Hafel, were forced to overcome 12 kilometers along the Elba River across the Rotensee ferrifier and Nigripp gateways.

In addition, the shipment and loading of the barge often stopped when the water level fell, since ships with a load of over 800 metric tons could not overcome such a distance. In this case, the cargo from overloaded vessels partially turned to an additional barge in the port of Magdeburg, and then I was transferred to the Elba Hafel Channel to his ship.

The solution to connect two channels to the aqueduct allowed the problem of additional cargo transshipment, and ships stopped their long and sometimes dangerous passage along the elba. In addition, the waterway has become another interesting attraction of Germany.

Useful information for tourists

A unique structure that looks like a river over the river, will be interesting for tourists. After all, only here you can ride on the world's only ships in the world for small pleasure ships. And by visiting a small museum near the attraction, you can find out all historical facts Construction of this unusual structure.

Address: Schiffshebework 8A, 39126 Magdeburg, Germany.

How to get to the water bridge

The aqueduched is located just north (at 13 kilometers) of Magdeburg and originates in a quiet and cozy Hohenwarta village on the right bank of the Elbe. From the center of Magdeburg can be reached by car or rented bike approximately per hour.

The cheapest, but rather complicated way is to make a walk, which will take at least one and a half hours.

You can still go to the tram number 10 from the Allee-Center stop, which is located near the station in Magdeburg, before stopping Barleber See. Next will have to walk about 6 km. Long way Compensate types of gateways and the opportunity to visit the free observation site.

For cars near the attraction, a large free parking is provided, since the movement along the bridge is provided for pedestrians and water vehicles. The parking lot is a cafe that offers very tasty desserts for tourists.

How and when it is better to visit the water bridge in Magdeburg

Visit the famous water intersection you can at any time of the day. Even at night, you can come and make photos against the background of water stroit, which is extremely beautiful at the moonlight. But to watch how large cargo and luxury passenger ships swim, more convenient during the daytime.

For cycling and hiking, special tracks along the bridge are provided, which is very convenient for tourists.

For lovers of river walks, special excursion routes are organized - you can visit the crossing and shipments. It begins such a walk right in the center of Magdeburg and after a few hours ends there. Water excursions on the canal are held daily, so you can estimate the beauty of the structure not only with sushi, but also from water.


If you want to see the water canal, literally soaring in the air above the elb, then be sure to go to Germany. To see the most interesting thing - how the ships are transferred between the two channels along the long aqueduct of Europe - you can, climbing the bridge, during self-walking or bicycle rugs or together with the group during a water excursion.

Magdeburg Water Bridge - Wasserstraßenkreuz Magdeburg: Video

The world has many unusual, but so necessary structures and one of them is in Germany. Unique Magdeburg Water Most Located north of the city of Magdeburg and crosses the Elba River. With this structure, a water communication with the industrial region of Germany is carried out - Rura.

The system of unusual water facilities includes a rotensee shipment with a gateway commissioned in 2001, and allows to descend to river vessels in the middle-grand canal in the western part Magdeburg aqueous bridge, and a double Hohenvart gateway for communication with the Elba Hafel, built in 2003 - in the east of the facilities.

scheme of Magdeburg Water Construction

Before opening Magdeburg aqueous bridge In October 2003, the following from the Materian Canal in Elba Hafel were forced to plan their twelve-taller path along the Elba River, passing the Rotenzee and Nigripp gateways.

Such a water report delivered the captains a number of hassle associated with different water levels between the middle-member channel, where they can walk with a sediment to 2 meters, and the Elba River - with a precipitate to 1.5 meters. Of course, the decision was found - part of the cargo from the overloaded river vessels in the port of Magdeburg turned over an extra barge, and then reincounded onto its ship in the Elba Hafel Channel. But this problem was completely excluded with the advent of the Magdeburg water bridge. The unique water bridge made it possible to solve the problem of river shipping without additional cargo handling and without destroying the ELBA river ecosystem.

For the first time, the need to create a waterway was spoken up in the distant XX century. In 1905, the construction of the Middle German Canal began, which was completed in 1938 by a ferrifier in Rotenzee. Then they started the construction of an aqueous bridge and gateways in Hohenvart. But built several supports and spans over the channel remained a "frozen construction" with the onset of World War II. After the war, the Water Bridge project was also not continued due to the political separation of Germany on the eastern and western part. And only 60 years later, in 1997, the supports of the water bridge, towering on both sides of the river, were connected, which marked the imminent completion of the construction of this project.

Magdeburg Water Bridge Photo

In 2003 by Magdeburg Water Bridge The first vessels, following the internal port of Berlin in the ports on the Rhine. I would like to note that this water structure allows you to freely undergo river ships with a length of 85 meters and precipitate up to 2 meters.

The construction of the Magdeburg water bridge is a total length of 918 meters, the width of the bed of 34 m, and a depth of 4.25 m was required by 68,000 cubic meters. M concrete and 24,000 tons of steel. From the budget of the country to create unique facilities About 500 million euros were allocated. And all this is not in vain. After analyzing in 2010, the throughput capacity of the waterway between the Middle German Canal and Elba Hafel increased twice, which contributes to the regular increase in cargo traffic within the country. Moreover Magdeburg Water Most Became another attraction of Germany. Every year, hundreds of tourists attend this country, and lovers

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