The theme of friendship in the work is a white poodle. Analysis of the work of Kuprin white poodle

Kuprin " white poodle»

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Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870 - 1938) is known as the author of numerous works in which special attention is paid to the analysis of human relationships. The writer also showed great interest in young readers. He is the author of well-known stories for children and about children - “ Kindergarten”,“ In the bowels of the earth ”,“ Miraculous doctor"and others. His works are especially loved by young citizens.

The plot of the story "White Poodle" Kuprin almost copied from nature. Wandering artists came to the writer's dacha in the Crimea, whom Alexander Ivanovich sometimes invited to dine. Among the frequent guests were an old man with a hurdy-gurdy, an acrobat boy named Seryozha, and a white poodle. Seryozha and told the story of how a rich lady persistently asked to sell the dog. The poodle really liked her little son. But the old man and the boy refused to do so, for which they incurred the wrath of the rich lady.

This story was very interested in Kuprin. The writer saw two very important themes in a simple plot. Firstly, the theme of social inequality, and, secondly, selfless friendship and concern for "our smaller brothers." In 1903, Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" was published.

Alexander Ivanovich generally sympathized with children "from the bottom." He was bribed by the spiritual simplicity of these guys, their ability to perform noble deeds. Such is the wandering artist Seryozha in The White Poodle, brought up by the old organ-grinder Lodyzhkin. They are confronted by a completely different world, which is personified by a rich lady and her spoiled son Trilly.

The conflict of the story is built on the different attitudes of these people. For wealthy gentlemen, a dog is just a fun thing to buy and sell. For the old man and the boy, their Artoshka is more than a friend. For the sake of his salvation, Serezha even risks his life.

The characters in The White Poodle are drawn by Kuprin very clearly, and taking into account children's perception, even slightly deliberately. This circumstance makes it possible to clearly define the contrast between the children. Trilli perceives nature with complete indifference, while Seryozha with delight. The lady's son is tender and clumsy, while Seryozha is strong and dexterous. Trilly's speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give" ... The words of the young artist testify to his restraint, an adequate perception of reality.

Kuprin builds the composition of the story very competently and without fuss. Events take place within a short time, everything is subordinated to the main goal - using the example of the story with the poodle to show that loyalty and friendship are the main wealth in a person's life. At the same time, each part of the story (there are six in total) is a logically complete episode.

The "White Poodle" has a happy ending, although in real life it could have been different. But Kuprin subtly feels the child's soul, so he inspires optimism in the young reader. The child must believe that justice will prevail. So the writer formed the moral principle in children.

The main characters of the story "White Poodle" are street performers who roam the Crimea and give performances for summer residents. The old man Martyn Lodyzhkin plays the ancient hurdy-gurdy, the boy Seryozha shows various acrobatic tricks, and the white poodle named Arto performs no worse than a real circus dog. Artists earn little, many summer residents drive them away as soon as they see them, but the artists do not lose heart.

At one rich dacha they witnessed how whole family she fussed over a very capricious, spoiled baby, who either lay on the floor, kicking his legs, or shouted loudly at adults. At first, they wanted to drive the artists away, but the spoiled boy wanted to watch the performance.

To the mournful sounds of a hurdy-gurdy, Serezha demonstrated his art as a gymnast and a juggler, after which grandfather Martyn began to show the owners of the dacha the skills of the poodle Arto. The artists were already counting on a decent reward when the spoiled offspring of the dacha owners demanded to buy this wonderful dog for him.

Martyn Lodyzhkin refused to sell Artaud, even when they called him an absolutely fantastic amount. As a result, the artists left the dacha without receiving anything. But the story didn't end there. Grandfather Martyn and Seryozha decided to take a swim. On the seashore, a janitor from that dacha found them and again began to persuade them to sell the dog. The old organ grinder explained to the janitor that friends are not for sale, and the conversation ended there. But when the artists decided to rest in the shade of the forest and dozed off, the janitor tricked the white poodle away from them.

Serezha urged grandfather Martyn to go to the police, but he told him that he was living on someone else's passport, because he had lost his own long ago and for this reason he could not go to the police to return the dog.

Then Serezha decided to act independently. At night, he made his way to the dacha and managed to find the place where the poodle Arto was locked up. The dog managed to escape from confinement, but the janitor chased Seryozha and the poodle. Fortunately, they managed to break away from the chase, and soon the happy Arto joyfully greeted grandfather Martyn, licking his face.

Takovo summary story.

The main idea of ​​the story "White Poodle" is that friends who are in trouble must be rescued. The boy Seryozha, at the risk of being caught, made his way to the dacha where the dog was kept, and managed to free her from captivity.

The story "White Poodle" teaches not to measure life's happiness with money, but to appreciate true friendship and devotion. With the money that was offered to Martyn Lodyzhkin for a white poodle, the old organ grinder could well have acquired his own business and live comfortably, but he, without a moment's hesitation, refused to sell Artaud, who was considered a full-fledged artist in their small but friendly company.

In the story "White Poodle" I liked the boy Seryozha, who showed determination and the ability to act independently. He did not ask anyone and at night went alone to save his friend. And thanks to his desperation and natural dexterity, the boy achieved success.

What proverbs fit the story "White Poodle"?

Poor and honest.
Capricious in childhood, ugly in years.
Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.

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A. Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" is one of the stories focused on the formation of a moral principle. An optimistic plot and the rise of the concept of friendship - these are the concepts that have become key in the story.

Prototypes and description of real events in the story

It was then, in the summer, that Alexander Ivanovich visited with his family in the Crimea - in Miskhor. On one of these days, the Kuprins' house was visited by unexpected visitors - an old man, a young boy and a poodle dog. The guests turned out to be itinerant artists. The old man played the hurdy-gurdy, the boy was an acrobat, and the dog was trained and knew how to perform various tricks.

We invite readers to familiarize themselves with the heroes of the story "Garnet Bracelet" by A. Kuprin - in the table.

Soon these guests became regular visitors to the Kuprins - the owners always welcomed them cordially. As soon as the first sounds of the hurdy-gurdy were heard, people began to converge on the Kuprins' house - they were also working people - masons from the neighboring dacha, nannies with children and other people passing by.

After a short performance, the Kuprins always invited the artists to dine - visitors never sat down at the table, but they never refused food. It was at this time that Kuprin managed to communicate with the artists.

The old man did not differ in sociability and talkativeness, the boy was his opposite - he willingly talked about their wanderings and travels.

Once they happened to go to Odessa, and there Seryozha (that was the name of the young acrobat) visited a real circus. After this incident, the boy had a dream - to learn and become a real acrobat.

Once Seryozha told Kuprin interesting story about how one rich woman wanted to buy a dog from them, but, having been refused, she unleashed her anger on itinerant artists.

Why the story is called "White Poodle"

Alexander Ivanovich became interested in this story - and after a while he wrote a story about these events from the life of wandering artists. The story was called "White Poodle".

This choice of name can be explained in two ways. The first of the bottom lies in the concept, which later became winged: "friendship is more valuable than money."

The second is the essence of the conflict. As in real life, a trained poodle becomes a stumbling block and development of the conflict - the whole story is built on the situation of the possibility of buying a dog. Based on this position, the choice of name seems justified.

Plot Features

Alexander Ivanovich made some changes to Serezha's story - like the events of real life, acting characters of the story are the old organ grinder Martyn Lodyzhkin, his assistant - the boy Seryozha (whom the organ grinder borrowed from his friend, shortly before his death) and a trained poodle named Arto.

We invite thoughtful readers to analyze the story “Clean Monday” by A. Kuprin, and also to find out the meaning of its name.

These heroes do not have their own homes - they wander from city to city, from village to village, showing small performances in the hope that they will be given something as payment. Not everyone welcomes artists - many drive them away from their yards, but artists are no strangers. Only one lady gave them a dime, and even that turned out to be full of holes.

At the Druzhba dacha, the artists had a reason to distinguish themselves - a family with a child lived here - a capricious and fastidious boy named Trilly. The performers arrived at the house just in time for Trilly to take her medication. The child really did not want to do this and did not succumb to persuasion. The performance of the artists helped to correct the situation - the boy was delighted. Particularly impressed by his poodle Artaud. Accustomed to the fulfillment of all whims, the child demanded that a dog be bought for him. The artists refused, they said that it was impossible because Arto, first of all, was their friend. Unable to get a dog in an honest way, Arto steal, luring sausage. However, the story ends optimistically - Seryozha managed to free the dog and friends began to travel together again.

"White Poodle" - friendship is more valuable than money

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870 - 1938) is known as the author of numerous works in which special attention is paid to the analysis of human relationships. The writer also showed great interest in young readers. He is the author of well-known stories for children and about children - "Kindergarten", "In the bowels of the earth", "The Miraculous Doctor" and others. His works are especially loved by young citizens.

The plot of the story "White Poodle" Kuprin almost copied from life. Wandering artists came to the writer's dacha in the Crimea, whom Alexander Ivanovich sometimes invited to dine. Among the frequent guests were an old man with a hurdy-gurdy, an acrobat boy named Seryozha, and a white poodle. Seryozha and told the story of how a rich lady persistently asked to sell the dog. The poodle really liked her little son. But the old man and the boy refused to do so, for which they incurred the wrath of the rich lady.

This story was very interested in Kuprin. The writer saw two very important themes in a simple plot. Firstly, the theme of social inequality, and, secondly, selfless friendship and concern for "our smaller brothers." In 1903, Kuprin's story "The White Poodle" was published.

Alexander Ivanovich generally sympathized with children "from the bottom." He was bribed by the spiritual simplicity of these guys, their ability to perform noble deeds. Such is the wandering artist Seryozha in The White Poodle, brought up by the old organ-grinder Lodyzhkin. They are confronted by a completely different world, which is personified by a rich lady and her spoiled son Trilly.

The conflict of the story is built on the different attitudes of these people. For wealthy gentlemen, a dog is just a fun thing to buy and sell. For the old man and the boy, their Artoshka is more than a friend. For the sake of his salvation, Serezha even risks his life.

The characters in The White Poodle are drawn by Kuprin very clearly, and taking into account children's perception, even slightly deliberately. This circumstance makes it possible to clearly define the contrast between the children. Trilli perceives nature with complete indifference, while Seryozha with delight. The lady's son is tender and clumsy, while Seryozha is strong and dexterous. Trilly's speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give" ... The words of the young artist testify to his restraint, an adequate perception of reality.

Kuprin builds the composition of the story very competently and without fuss. Events take place in a short time, everything is subordinated to the main goal - using the example of the story with the poodle to show that loyalty and friendship are the main wealth in a person's life. At the same time, each part of the story (there are six in total) is a logically complete episode.

The "White Poodle" has a happy ending, although in real life it could be different. But Kuprin subtly feels the child's soul, so he inspires optimism in the young reader. The child must believe that justice will prevail. So the writer formed the moral principle in children.

In addition to the analysis of the "White Poodle", check out other essays on the works of Kuprin:

  • "Garnet Bracelet", analysis of the story

Lesson Objectives:

  • To form the ability of students to comprehend experiences literary hero, its internal state; enrich students' vocabulary regarding the "inner life" of the character.
  • The formation of students' skills to characterize characters based on the means of their image, to determine the author's attitude towards the heroes of the work.
  • To form the ability to establish a causal relationship of the events of the work. Introduction to storytelling.
  • Develop skills and abilities speech activity(reading, listening, speaking, writing) and speech culture.
  • By the power of the artistic word, to cultivate love for animals, to teach to be humane, kind, noble towards each other.

Equipment: A.I. Kuprin's story "White Poodle", multimedia installation, computer presentation ( Annex 1 )


I. Organizational moment

II. Updating knowledge SLIDE 1

- The scoreboard shows german word pudeln, which translates as - to splash, to swim like a dog. Guess this word.

Poodle is a breed of decorative dogs. Presumably this breed originated in the 16th century from the old long-haired shepherd and hunting "water dogs". Poodles gained immense popularity, but subsequently they were no longer used for hunting and they gradually turned into indoor decorative ones. Well trained, obedient and friendly. Poodles were loved by many famous people. Beethoven wrote elegy on the death of his favorite, G. Heine composed poem“The Virtuous Dog”, and A. I. Kuprin wrote the touching story “White Poodle”.

III. Lesson topic message

You read this story during the holidays. Did you like it?
- Try to say in one word what you liked about him.
- This is the topic of our lesson “Loyalty, fidelity, friendship, kindness in the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin “The White Poodle”. SLIDE 2.

IV. Analysis of the work

- How many parts does the story "White Poodle" consist of? (6 chapters)
- Label each section. Work in pairs. Advertising. SLIDE 3.

  • Traveling troupe of artists
  • Unlucky day
  • "Want! Dog-u-u!
  • “Not everything ... is sold, what is bought”
  • Arto is stolen.
  • dog rescue

V. Work in groups on cards with questions. Advertising

1 group. Questions for parts 1-2. 2 group. Questions for parts 3-4 3rd group. Questions for 5-6 parts
– Where are the events taking place?
- What did the troupe of itinerant artists look like?
- Why does the writer say about grandfather "weaving"?
- What made the old organ grinder and Seryozha wander along the "mountain paths from one summer cottage to another"?
- What attitude do they evoke?
- What did you know about the life of Seryozha and grandfather Lodyzhkin before they united in the "Little Wandering Troupe"?
- What kind of relationship developed between them? Why?
- What "unexpected and strange sight attracted their attention" at the dacha?
- What can you say about the behavior of the boy Trilly? Why is he behaving like this?
- Name the participants in this scene.
How did adults react to his behavior?
- How does Kuprin draw the inhabitants of the Druzhba dacha?
How did our heroes do?
- Is the “beautiful lady” right when she says that “there is no thing that would not be sold”?
- How does the tone of grandfather Lodyzhkin change during a conversation with the lady?
– Why did grandfather refuse to sell Artaud? Who was the dog for grandfather and Seryozha?
- Find in the third chapter a description of the appearance of the janitor. What impression does he make?
What qualities endowed the janitor Kuprin?
- Explain whether it is possible to consider the janitor only a forced executor of the will of the lady?
- What events made Serezha grow up?
Find the words that reveal the boy's feelings. What feelings are fighting in it?
– Why did Seryozha decide to steal Arto?
- How does Seryozha characterize his behavior that night?

VI. Compositional construction of the story

- Let's mark the main points (i.e. the main points of the plan) (The table will be filled in as you go.) What do they describe? SLIDES 4, 5
- We have built the composition of this story. SLIDE 6.

Traveling troupe of artists The action takes place on the Crimean coast, in holiday village The introductory part of a literary work containing motifs that develop further EXPOSURE COMPOSITION - structure, relationship and mutual arrangement parts novels, paintings, books
"Want! Dog-u-u! Trilly's appearance, his demand for a poodle The beginning of actions, events; Start literary work STRING
Arto stolen Seryozha rescues Arto Point of highest tension, rise, development CULMINATION
dog rescue A safe flight of friends. They are together again End, completion of events, situations; final part of a literary work. DENOUNCING

VII. conclusions

So what is this work about? What is its main idea? What did the author want to convey to you?
- Loyalty, fidelity, friendship - this is the most important thing in a person's life. Kuprin teaches readers to be humane, kind, noble towards each other and towards animals, condemns the callousness and heartlessness of people.

VIII. Reflection


  1. Subject.
  2. Two words that define (adjectives).
  3. Three words that express actions (verbs).
  4. Four words - the relationship that causes the subject.
  5. Synonym.

IX. Advertising

X. Lesson summary SLIDE 8

- I would like to end our conversation with a poem by Veronika Tushnova.
Let's read good books and hurry to do good.
– Thank you for your work! (Grading and answering questions).

XI. Homework SLIDE 9


1 option. Creative retelling

  • on behalf of Seryozha.
  • from grandfather.
  • from Arto.

Option 2. ZHZL (life of remarkable people). A story about A.I. Kuprin.

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