Replacing the apparent part of the complex proposal for a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover. Replace the definition applied proposals with separate definitions. Replacing the definition of appointments.

"Lesson is separate definitions" - can we say that common agreed definitions are always isolated? Card No. 1. The bending of the wind and the rain grass went to the ground. - The grass, flexible by the blows of the wind and the rain, lay on the ground. Consistent I. uncoordinated definitions The semantic segment is common and single definitions are separate and the unique definitions of excretory punctuation marks.

"The lesson is separate suggestions" - Skin creaked and sang, squeal under the clamns. Relate the conditions for the separation of members of the sentence with examples. Theory + practice. Attails .. with the gray horses covered with the horses. Comprehensive work S. art text: The fields were impossible, and only far on the horizon dark the strip of the forest. Snow creaked and sang sangs under the clamns.

"Separate members" - 6. Among the proposals 19-23, find a sentence with a separate definition, expressed involved in turnover. 1. Among the proposals 1-5, find an offer with a separate distribution definition. 7. Among the proposals 19-23, find an offer with separate single definitions. 5. Among the proposals 13-19, specify a proposal with a separate circumstance.

"Separate definitions" - what does the separation of definitions depend on? Check yourself! What tasks should we solve? Huge sun, dim and orange, descends into a rapidly growing cloud. Check yourself? What conclusions can be done? Definition answers questions: What? whose? which the? What goals face us? Separate agreed definitions.

"SPP with PUT" - consistent parallel homogeneous. The main thing. What? SNP with two apparent 1) time 2) reasons with parallel subordination. For what? When? Spariate the offer, arrange s. p., Determine the type of submission, the values \u200b\u200bof the apparent. It was thought that the sky would hit that she would flee from somewhere.

"Separate members" - remaining one, Alyosha with attention began to consider the hall (A.Pogorelsky). A. Pursuit. There is a church, not similar to any of the former (S. Borodin). 1. The application relates to personal pronoun. Set the cause of the appointment of the application. 2. The application is distributed, refers to the name of its own and stands after the word determined.

Russian lesson in the 11th grade "Separate definitions"

Type of lesson: Combined

Objectives lesson:


    generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic: "Separation of common and non-proliferated definitions"

    acquaintance with the rules for replacing the apparent part of the NGN involved in the turnover

    formation of skills:
    1) allocate intonationally separable members;
    2) Conduct synonymic substitution separate members;
    3) to put the punctuation marks with separate members;
    4) replace the pressing part correctly complex sentence a separate definition expressed by the involvement

    control and evaluation of the ZUN on this topic

    expansion of the horizons of students when performing tasks


    activation of independent activities

    development cognitive activity

    development of skills logically and competently express their thoughts

    formation of the need to express your own opinion


    education of communicativeness

    purification of the culture of communication

    education of interest in the subject

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. The word teacher

Good afternoon guys. In this lesson, we will have to repeat the conditions for the separation of definitions. In addition, we will get acquainted with the rules for replacing the apparent part of the complex proposal with a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the trafficking and working out skills on this topic.

III . Repetition of the previously studied material

1)Group work (at the board and on the ground). Separate and optional definitions.

The task:Graphically explain the conditions for choosing orfograms and practicing.

Dark (Sin ..) The tops of the mountains are exhausted by M..Rechnoshn p..shelny layer .. threes of the rice .. there was a pale sky .. the clone ...

Pr .. I leave .. (n, nn) \u200b\u200bLight butterfly, pr .. villages and circled near the lantern.

(Dark blue (complex adjective, indicates color, writes through a hyphen) vershins Mountains, Fig ovshred (drawn; suffix -ov-)on pale sky aboutslope e.. (connecting vowel; -e - ending; pp, 2 SKL.)

(Prefix at-, obscure meaning, you need to remember; after hissing under the stress in the suffix, the communion is written by E)|, butterflyflew ( prefix at-, approximation value) And circled around the lantern.

What other cases are separated by definitions? Give examples with optional definitions.

2. Drawing up proposals for schemes.

The task: Specify the appearance of the appropriate complex proposals: the definition, thantening, circumstances.

    [... SUB.], (Which ...).

    [... ch.], (Union that ...).

    […decree. sl. There], (Union. Word where ...).

1) Puttingular definition 2) Putting-free exemplary 3) Putting

What questions answer the apparent definitions? What word do you treat?

3 . Synonymmic replacement of separate members with apparent determinants (orally)

The task: Replace common definitions (involvement) by pressing definitions, connected with the main sentences to the union word which the.

The dark-blue tops of the mountains that are exposed to wrinkles are covered with snow layers, drawn on the pale sky.

Butterflies that were brought by light, flew and circled around the lantern.

IV. Message new material

1. Teacher's word

In the kima in part A (A 28) there is a task to synonymous replacement for the apparent part of the complex proposal of a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the trap.

This replacement is suitable for compressions, speech conciseness, to give the statement of book style painting, to avoid repeating words that and to eliminate ambiguity in sentences in some cases.

2. Acquaintance with the theory

Can be replaced by the involvement

It is impossible to replace the involvement

1.If pronouns which theis subject to, can be replaced by a valid or persistent communion (Choir of bird votes,which came in From the forest, struck my rumor. - Choir of bird votes, who came from the forest, struck my hearing).

2. If pronoun which theis a secondary sentence of a sentence, can be replaced, provided that before the word which the There is no pretext, but a transient verb is pronounced in the apparent part. (She gave me a shard from a vase, whichfound in the garden. - (She gave me a shard from a vase found in the garden).

3. It is possible to replace if the verbal part is pronounced in the subordinate part in the form of the past time. (Employees whocopened With the work earlier than the deadline, will be boned. - Employees coping with the work before the established period will be boned.)

1. Do not be replaced if the fault in the apparent part is expressed in the form of a future time. (Employees whocathed With the work before the deadline, will be boned.)

2. Cannot be replaced if the attacient in the apparent part is expressed by the adjective or nouns. (The boys were afraid of the janitor who was veryedge .)

3. Cannot be replaced when the apparent part is an impersonal sentence. (There are people around us that we should protect.)

4. It is impossible to replace the pressing part of the involvement of the turnover if the pretext is worth the allied word. (The road on which was carried by the wounded was very bumpy.)

5. Cannot be replaced by the pressing part of the involvement, if the particle is faced would be(Communion is not used with a particle - he does not have an inclination like a verb ). (We have no right to submit a project for an examination, which causedobjections.)

6. It is impossible to replace the pressing part by the involvement of the turnover if the appropriate part is joined by the index pronouction contained in the main part. (Egor Petrovich was an impersonationthose Empty people who argue about politics and prices for sugar).

V. Fixing the studied material

1) group work (at the board and on the ground).

The task: Explaingraftorphograms and points . In which sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition, pronounced by the involvement of a certain definition? What is it possible? Why?

1. The river, (c) the Dol which we walked, (c) the lifestyle .. I did a lot of bends, then it turned cool that (c) left, then (c) right.

along (derived preposition)

did (where? What?) during the end (ending-and souche in pp, s)

left (adverb, root-av-, writhe pits)

to the right (adverb, root - right-, writhe pits)

(The apparent part of the complex proposal cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the involvement - before the union word there is a pretext along).

2. Trees, near which we are racing .. Hedo, lonely in..Ili among the open field, which was sowing ..o rye..y and buckwheat.

Explanation of spellings and practicing:

Dispenser l.about j.elus - written the letter about Before consonant j.

inz. amended - on the end of the console s as it is before the deaf consonant

seed in. about - a brief communion

rozh byu - dividing soft sign before yu

(1 subpandering part of the complex proposal can not be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover - before the union word there is a pretext near, The 2nd dressing part of the complex proposal is possible.)

Why in the Word Saved Two Letters N?(Complete suffering communion)

2. Development of skills and skills in determining the possibility / impossibility of replacement The apparent part of the complex proposal is a separate definition, pronounced by the involvement. (The work is performed orally along the chain; printed task with examples is issued by students).

The task: In which sentences, the apparent part of the complex proposal cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover? Which one can you? Why?

3. Independent work

In which sentence, the apparent part of the complex proposal can not be replaced by the involvement?

    [He had tOT mind], (who likes to women).

    [I know the edge], ( in which all the abundance breathes).

    [We rolled onto the road], (which led to the river).

    [The children approached the pine], it was difficult not to notice Among the firings).

    [Take a book], (which lies on the top shelf).

    [Locker, ( inwhich accidentally had to occur), was in a quarter mile from Ghanau].

    [Pictures, which you can stick Instead of wallpaper on the walls), stacks put on the table].

    [She dreamed about], (What will happen interesting life After marriage).

    [For my whole life, I never met a person], would say), (What does not like the sea).

    [In the forest, (which darkened in the distance), only pines grew].

Answers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

Vi. Total lesson:

    What did you expect from the lesson and what happened? Compare your preliminary goals and actually achieved results.

    What feelings and feelings arose during your work in the lesson?

    What is the main result of the classes, thanks to which it will be achieved?

    What difficulties met, and how did you overcome them?

VII. Homework:Perform details Data in cards. (Cards are distributed to each student).

Replacing the apparent part of the complex proposal for a separate definition expressed by the involvement

The wording components:

  • Complex sentence Consists of several parts. It is important to understand the border between them. From the main to the apparent one can put the question. Since the assignment of A6 uses the apparent-determination, then most often they are joined by the word which the In one of the forms. It is important to understand what this word applies to.

  • Separate definition. The definition is that you emphasize the wavy line (you want a more scientific explanation - see the textbook yourself). Separate - it means allocated by commas.

  • ^ Participial - This is a communion with dependent words: "Lowly flying over brush".
Task Mechanism:

With each proposal you need to do exactly what they ask in the task. How? Very simple.

1) Determine the boundaries of parts of a complex offer.

2) find the Allied Word (usually "which the") At the beginning of the pressing part and determine what it belongs to and whether it is in the role of subject.

3) try to replace the apparent turnover: the allied word needs to be discarded, and the verb should be replaced by communion and agree with it all dependent words.

Place an example

1) 1 French words and expressions, 2 which penetrate Russian 1 Call gallicism.

The main thing is broken into two parts. 2nd part - Pressure: "Which penetrate into Russian". Word "Which" refers to the object in the main part ( "French words and expressions"). Therefore, the transformation is possible. The modified offer sounds like this: "French words and expressionspenetrating in Russian , called gallicism ". In this sentence, only one part. Fragment "penetrating Russian" - This is a separate definition that answers the question "What?".

2) 1 Environment wednesday, 2 wherein There are living organisms, 1 constantly changing.

Again, the appropriate-determined inserted inside the main one. Here the replacement is impossible! Why? See "Tip # 1", he is the key to the task. In the second part of its object ( "Organisms") - not the one in the main sentence ( "Environment"). How not to do, nothing will work. "Environmentexisting ... " Does not work. After all, "exists" is not a medium, but organisms. This is the option that you need to write in response (you are crying in the form a second cell).

^ You can not remake:

  • If a fault in the apparent pronounced verb in the future. Cause: There can be no common time. Example: "Broker, which is the firstselow Change Trend ... "

  • If the apparent part contains impersonal design. Example: "Here is the rules thatit must be remembered ".

  • If a the Allied Word stands in V. Padege with a pretext or in R., D., T., P. Padege (with or without a pretext). Example: "Picture,for which The police hunted, finally surfaced in the black market. "(Cannot say: painting, fucking police, ...) It should be borne in mind that if the union word is used in the R.PP with a verb with a denial, then the replacement is possible! However, such proposals are found in modern language rarely. Example: "Treasurewow (R.P.) So andnot Found pirates, quietly lay under a wave sequoia "\u003e" treasure, and not found by pirates ... "

  • If in the main part there is an index pronoun (eg, "that", "those", etc.) + noun, associated with the union word ("which"): "He saw on the tabletOT mostthe envelope which was delivered on the eve "(stylistically incorrect to say "The same envelope delivered on the eve").

  • If a after the executive part of the supplied part follows the particlewould be . Example: "There was not a single one among the sailorsagreed Go to the sea again in such weather. "
Spinit, replacing the refreshing attachments with separate definitions. (Do not forget to put, where you need, punctuation marks,)

1. Grebs, who used to work energetically with elevals, seemed to have doubled forces.
2. And all vessels that met our boat, gave three welcome beeps.
3. Loads were sent to Vologda, which became the headquarters of the northern army.

Find complex proposals with locomotive-definitive departies. Tell the discharge of pronouncements of speakers as

indicative words. Remove the allied words and unions in the apparent offers.

1. Each who was in the summer in the north will remember white nights forever. 2. With whom those hearts with which life lit? Where are those friends who you helped? 3. But the sky is high and full of those who are hard live. 4. And the fact that I lived was not in vain and did not in vain took the battle after me going perfectly prove with my own destiny. 5.Good man is the one near which it is easier for me to breathe. 6. And who saw her for the first time felt amazement.
There must be several sentences

1. Find a separate definition and a defined word in this sentence:

Already late at night, tired, excited, put me a mother in the deep grandmother's perina.

2. Find the application:
Many of them, spring puddles, large and small, small and delayed.

3. Find separate definitions:
For them, the strong spirit, brave and bold, the sea was the native home.

Place the punctuation marks, determine the type of departing offers.

I do not know where the border between comrade and the other.
Here is a Polyanka wherever between two streams I recently collected white mushrooms.
I wanted to go there where you can safely go to my thoughts.
I do not know when it will be.
We will learn friends and close in an hour when it faces trouble.
People cease to think when they stop reading.
When the twilight came to return home.
Pushkin writes that Tatyana "In the family, his native seemed to be a small girl."
The boat who approached the shore was noticed by border guards.
The offensive was as provided for in the headquarters.
The sailing ship was far from the coast and went there where the sea and the sky merged into blue infinity.
Check the + or - these approval (if we agree with the statement - plus, if not, then put minus
No. approval +.
1. The complex proposal consists of two simple proposals
2. The complex proposal includes the main proposal and one or more apparent.
3. Simple sentences As part of the complex is always equal.
4. Puttingle proposal with the mainly connected with writing or supervisory bond.
5. Supporting unions or allied words are in the role of communications in a complex proposal.
6. Union words answer questions and perform a syntactic role.
7. Podeshades in a complex proposal depending on the value are divided into anonymous, determinant, circumstances.
8. The appendage of the departure proposal is determined by the Union or Union Word.
9. The appendage of the appendage proposal is determined on the issue set from the main offer.
10. The main proposal from the pressing on the letter is usually separated by the comma, and oral speech Pause.
11. In complex proposals with several additives, there may be such types of subordination: a homogeneous, parallel and consistent.
12. In complex proposals with several additives, there may be such types of subordination: writing, supervisory and non-union.

Type of lesson: Combined

Objectives lesson:


  • generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic: "Separation of common and non-proliferated definitions"
  • acquaintance with the rules for replacing the apparent part of the NGN involved in the turnover
  • formation of skills:
    1) allocate intonationally separable members;
    2) conduct a synonymic substitution of separate members;
    3) to put the punctuation marks with separate members;
    4) Correctly replace the apparent part of the complex proposal to a separate definition, pronounced by the involvement
  • control and evaluation of the ZUN on this topic
  • expansion of the horizons of students when performing tasks


  • activation of independent activities
  • development of cognitive activity
  • development of skills logically and competently express their thoughts
  • formation of the need to express your own opinion


  • education of communicativeness
  • purification of the culture of communication
  • education of interest in the subject

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. The word teacher

Good afternoon guys. In this lesson, we will have to repeat the conditions for the separation of definitions. In addition, we will get acquainted with the rules for replacing the apparent part of the complex proposal with a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the trafficking and working out skills on this topic.

III . Repetition of the previously studied material

1) group work (at the board and on the ground). Separate and optional definitions.

The task:Graphically explain the conditions for choosing orfograms and practicing.

Dark (Sin ..) The tops of the mountains are exhausted by M..Rechnoshn p..shelny layer .. threes of the rice .. there was a pale sky .. the clone ...

Pr .. I leave .. (n, nn) \u200b\u200bLight butterfly, pr .. villages and circled near the lantern.

(Dark blue (complex adjective, indicates color, writes through a hyphen) vershins Mountains, Fig ovshred (drawn; suffix -ov-)on pale sky aboutslope e.. (connecting vowel; -e - ending; pp, 2 SKL.)

(Prefix at-, obscure meaning, you need to remember; after hissing under the stress in the suffix, the communion is written by E)|, butterflyflew ( prefix at-, approximation value) And circled near the lantern.

What other cases are separated by definitions? Give examples with optional definitions.

2. Drawing up proposals for schemes.

The task: Specify the appearance of the appropriate complex proposals: the definition, thantening, circumstances.

  1. [... SUB.], (Which ...).
  2. [... ch.], (Union that ...).
  3. […decree. sl. There], (Union. Word where ...).

1) Puttingular definition 2) Putting-free exemplary 3) Putting

What questions answer the apparent definitions? What word do you treat?

3 . Synonymmic replacement of separate members with apparent determinants (orally)

The task: Replace common definitions (involvement) by pressing definitions, connected with the main sentences to the union word which the.

The dark-blue tops of the mountains that are exposed to wrinkles are covered with snow layers, drawn on the pale sky.

Butterflies that were brought by light, flew and circled around the lantern.

IV. Message new material

1. Teacher's word

In the kima in part A (A 28) there is a task to synonymous replacement for the apparent part of the complex proposal of a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the trap.

This replacement is suitable for compressions, speech conciseness, to give the statement of book style painting, to avoid repeating words that and to eliminate ambiguity in sentences in some cases.

2. Acquaintance with the theory (Attachment 1)

Can be replaced by the involvement

It is impossible to replace the involvement

1.If pronouns which theis subject to, can be replaced by a valid or persistent communion (Choir of bird votes, which came in From the forest, struck my rumor. - Choir of bird votes, who came from the forest, struck my hearing).

2. If pronoun which theis a secondary sentence of a sentence, can be replaced, provided that before the word which the There is no pretext, but a transient verb is pronounced in the apparent part. (She gave me a shard from a vase, which found in the garden. - (She gave me a shard from a vase found in the garden).

3. It is possible to replace if the verbal part is pronounced in the subordinate part in the form of the past time. (Employees who copened With the work earlier than the deadline, will be boned. - Employees coping with the work before the established period will be boned.)

1. Do not be replaced if the fault in the apparent part is expressed in the form of a future time. (Employees who cathed With the work before the deadline, will be boned.)

2. Cannot be replaced if the attacient in the apparent part is expressed by the adjective or nouns. (The boys were afraid of the janitor who was very edge.)

3. Cannot be replaced when the apparent part is an impersonal sentence. (There are people around us that we should protect.)

4. It is impossible to replace the pressing part of the involvement of the turnover if the pretext is worth the allied word. (The road on which was carried by the wounded was very bumpy.)

5. Cannot be replaced by the pressing part of the involvement, if the particle is faced would be (Communion is not used with a particle - he does not have an inclination like a verb). (We have no right to submit a project for an examination, which causedobjections.)

6. It is impossible to replace the pressing part by the involvement of the turnover if the appropriate part is joined by the index pronouction contained in the main part. (Egor Petrovich was an impersonation those Empty people who argue about politics and prices for sugar).

V. Fixing the studied material

1) group work (at the board and on the ground).

The task: Explaingraftorphograms and points . In which sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition, pronounced by the involvement of a certain definition? What is it possible? Why?

1. The river, (c) the Dol which we walked, (c) the lifestyle .. I did a lot of bends, then it turned cool that (c) left, then (c) right.

along (derived preposition)

did (where? What?) during the end (ending-and souche in pp, s)

left (adverb, root-av-, writhe pits)

to the right (adverb, root - right-, writhe pits)

(The apparent part of the complex proposal cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the involvement - before the union word there is a pretext along).

2. Trees, near which we are racing .. Hedo, lonely in..Ili among the open field, which was sowing ..o rye..y and buckwheat.

Explanation of spellings and practicing:

Dispenser l. aboutj.elus - written the letter about Before consonant j.

in z. amended - on the end of the console z., as it is before the deaf consonant

seed i n. about - a brief communion

rozh byu - dividing soft sign before yu

(1 subpandering part of the complex proposal can not be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover - before the union word there is a pretext near, The 2nd dressing part of the complex proposal is possible.)

Why in the Word Saved Two Letters N? (Complete suffering communion)

2. Development of skills and skills in determining the possibility / impossibility of replacement The apparent part of the complex proposal is a separate definition, pronounced by the involvement. (The work is performed orally along the chain; printed task with examples is issued by students). Appendix 2.

The task: In which sentences, the apparent part of the complex proposal cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover? Which one can you? Why?

3. Independent workAppendix 3.

Examples of test tasks

In which sentence, the apparent part of the complex proposal can not be replaced by the involvement?

Answers: 2, 3, 4,5, 8, 9, 10.

Option 2.

  1. [He had tOT mind], (who likes to women).
  2. [I know the edge], ( in which all the abundance breathes).
  3. [We rolled onto the road], (which led to the river).
  4. [The children approached the pine], it was difficult not to notice Among the firings).
  5. [Take a book], (which lies on the top shelf).
  6. [Locker, ( inwhich accidentally had to occur), was in a quarter mile from Ghanau].
  7. [Pictures, which you can stick Instead of wallpaper on the walls), stacks put on the table].
  8. [She dreamed about], (What an interesting life will be after marriage).
  9. [For my whole life, I never met a person], would say), (What does not like the sea).
  10. [In the forest, (which darkened in the distance), only pines grew].

Answers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

Vi. Total lesson:

  1. What did you expect from the lesson and what happened? Compare your preliminary goals and actually achieved results.
  2. What feelings and feelings arose during your work in the lesson?
  3. What is the main result of the classes, thanks to which it will be achieved?
  4. What difficulties met, and how did you overcome them?

VII. Homework:§ 52, UPR. 368.

1. Books read by you, return to the library. 2. From the aircraft, the city shrouded in gray smoke was not quite clear. 3. The well-known traveler, famous for his discoveries who interested many, read a number of public lectures. 4. Village through which we passed, seemed familiar to us. 5. Poems of the young poet, recently published in several magazines and published as a separate publication, testify to the undoubted talent of their author. 6. I told me one unusual historywhich will remain in my memory for a long time. 7. The rapid growth of the population of cities, observed lately, caused accelerated housing construction. 8. Tuchi, gathered in the West, hid the sun, clone already to the horizon. 9. It was difficult to find a specialist who would have agreed into such a short time to recycle this complex project. 10. The boy imagined himself as an astronomer who will open new star. 11. Pupils visited one of the workshops of the recently reconstructed plant. 12. The problem was devoted to this study, did not lose its relevance today.


  1. Russian language: textbook for 9 cl. general education. institutions / S.G. Barhudarov, S.E.Kruchkov, L.Yu. Maximov et al. - 27th ed. - M.: Enlightenment - Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 206 p.
  2. Russian language: textbook for 9 cl. general education. institutions / [L.A.TROSTENTSYOVA, T.A. Malezhenskaya, A.D. Didakina, O.M. Alksandrov; Sciential. N.M.Shansky]. - 3rd ed., M.: Enlightenment - Moscow Tutorials OJSC, 2006. - 204 p.
  3. Russian language. 10-11 cl.: Tutorial For general education. studies. establishments. - M.: Drop, 1995. - 352 p.
  4. EGE-2008. Russian language without tutor. We rent without problems! / I.Bolub. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 368 p.
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