Noisy ringing consonants are formed from. Basics of phonetics

In terms of noise (degree of its intensity), the consonants are divided into sonorous [M], [M '], [n], [n'], [l], [l '], [p], [j] and noisy [p ], [p '], [b], [b'], [φ], [f '], [t], [t'], [d], [d '], [c], [c' ], [s], [z '], [c], [ch'], [Ш], [w '], [z], [z'], [k], [k '], [g] , [g '], [x], [x'], etc.

Noise intensity U. noisy consonants are much higher than sonorno. It is explained by these differences in the strength of the speech organs and in the power of a air jet when pronouncing sonorous and noisy consonants.

Noisy consonants They are formed with greater than that of the sonorny, the tension of the muscles in the place of the oral cavity, where the an obstacle arises with an air force. Therefore, the strength of the air jet coming out of the oral cavity during speech, when they pronounce noisy consonants, much more than when pronouncing the sonornal.

Deaf and bellows The consonants are determined by the absence or presence of voice (tone) when they pronounce them. The voice arises as a result of the fact that vocal cords Rounded and tremble when the jet passes passing. So the angry consonants are formed: [p], [l], [m], [n], [j], [b], [in], [g], [d], [f], [z] and others . The difference between bell-sonorny and ringing noisies is that the ringing sonorny votes significantly dominates the noise, and the sounds of noisy noise prevails over the voice. Without a voice, with the help of one noise, the deaf consonants are formed: [K], [P], [C], [T], [F], [X], [C], [C], [W] and DR . With their pronouncement, the voice gap is disclosed, and the voice ligaments are relaxed.

According to deafness / bell, the consonants form a pair [P] - [B], [F] - [B], [D] - [T], [C] - [З], [Ш] - [F], etc. The sound [C] is deaf, but it has a pairwise ringing [DZ], which is pronounced in place [C] before ringing consonants: plant [DZ] Darm, Spit [DZ] Burgen, Kone [dZ ]of the year. The same pair makes a deaf [h '] and ringing [d'zh']. Before ringing noisy with vowels in place [h '] pronounced [D'Zh']: on [d'zh '] base me [d'zh ' ] scored before [d'zh '] spoke. The sound [γ] is a ringing couple [x] and pronounced, for example, in words dVI [y] year, MO [γ ] Green, and [γ] waited.

Sonorny's consonants also have voiced and deaf pairs and others. The deaf sonarians can act, in particular, at the end of the word after a deaf consonant: met. [R], vIKH [P '], meaning [l], cape[l '], dog[n '], kos [m]. Deaf - a couple calling sonorny [J] - it is possible at the end of the word, especially in emotional speech: Giving !; Repa !; SPO [J]!

Articulating characteristics and classification of consonant sounds at the place, according to the method of education, hardness and softness (whellization and palatalization)

Place of formationi agree depends on what active body makes the main work and with what passive body it is closed or comes closer. This is the place in the mouth, where the air jet meets the obstacle. If the active authority is the lower lip, then the consonants can be

- light-loving : [p], [p '], [b], [b'], [m], [m '] (passive organ - upper lip) and

- long-dental : [B], [in '], [f], [f'] (passive organ - upper teeth).

If the active body is a language, the characteristic of the consonant depends on which part of the language is anterior, medium or rear - participates in the creation of the barrier and with which passive body - the teeth, the front, moderate or rear of the nose - the language comes closer or closes.

Advanced consonantsthere are

- dental When the front of the tongue is sent to the teeth: [T], [T '], [d], [d'], [s], [s '], [s], [s'], [n], [ n '], [l], [l'], [c], and

- administrate when it is directed to the front of the nose: [p], [p '], [sh], [w'], [g], [z '], [h'].

Medium-speaking At the same time always I. middle: [J] ,.

Poveless or posterior: [K], [g], [x], [γ], [ҥ], or the middle: [K '], [g'] ,, [γ ']. The sound [ҥ] is the nasal posterior - rare in Russian. It is pronounced in place [n] before [K], [g], usually in cases where the consonant follows follows: pU [ҥ] KTYR, FRA [ҥ] Karsky, Ko [ҥ] Gress.

The method of education of consonants - This is the characteristic of the obstacle in the oral cavity on the way of air jet and the method of overcoming it. The obstacle is three clans:

Narrow gap between the connoissed speech bodies,

Full of their bow and

Cutting in the speech stream active organ.

Therefore, all consonants are divided into slotted, worm and trembling.

Slotted (or fricative, from lat. fricatio. - 'friction') are formed as a result of friction of the air jet about the edges of the nasty speech organs forming a narrow slot.

Slotted median Fold in the middle of the nasty speech bodies: [in], [in '], [φ], [f'], [s], [s'], [s], [s'], [Ш], [Ш '] , [F], [f '], [j], [x], [x'], [γ], [γ '].

In articulation slot side The air flows on the sides of the oral cavity, between the side parts of the tongue and the teeth: [l], [l '].

Flicted consonants Include the moment of complete cessation of the flow of the air jet through the oral cavity. Depending on the nature of overcoming the bow, the consonants are divided into nasal, explosive, affriage, implosive .

Nose The consonants are characterized by a complete closure of the oral cavity and the simultaneous lowering of the chicken curtain, as a result of which the air flows freely through the nasal cavity: [M], [M '], [n], [n'], [ҥ]. Other consonants nnane, mouths . With their pronunciation, the baby curtain is raised and pressed to the rear wall of the throat, so the air jet goes through the mouth.

In education explosive consonants First, a complete air jet delay and an increase in the intraper pressure, and then a sharp opening of the speech organs and the air jet breakthrough into the resulting passage with the characteristic noise: [p], [p '], [b], [b'], [ T], [T '], [d], [d'], [k], [k '], [g], [g'].

Education affricat (or broachish, mensure consonants ), as well as explosive, begins with a complete closure of speech bodies. But at the last phase, the bodies are not swollen sharply, but only open, forming a slot for air outlet. Such, for example, [C], [h ']. They are sometimes designated in transcription and otherwise: [C] as, [h '] as. This method of designation indicates the heterogeneity of the sound. However, it is not equal to [T + C] (as it is not [T '+ W']): - one fusion sound, and [T + C] - two sounds. Different combinations of target and from salt, about chain and own, about tip and smelling: In the first example of these pairs, the sound [C] (\u003d), in the second example, it corresponds to two sounds. The initial and final phases of the affrusties only resemble the sounds [t], [s], but do not match them completely.

Implosive (or closed) consonants It contains only the phase of the bow. They have no second phase, like explosive and affrust. Implosive performs on the site of explosive before the explosive and affriries of the same place of education and at the site of the affair in front of the same Affrey

Trembling consonants, or vibrantThe vibration is formed, the tip shake in the exit air jet. Typically, closing and opening with alveoli or the coalwolar part of the NEB: [p], [P ']. The trembling is characterized by a point contact of the language with a passive body and short-term boupes, in contrast to the furnace consonants, in which this bowstone is more dense and longer.

Solid and soft The consonants are characteristic of the articulation characteristic of each of these groups. In the formation of soft consonants, the language is concentrated in the front part, and in the formation of solid - in the rear of the oral cavity; Wed: [in '] Il - [in] yg, [p'] il - [p]; [l '] yog - [l] OG, [R '] poison - [p] hell.

This basic position of the language is accompanied by additional articulation. When forming soft consonants as a result of a shift of the language forward occurs palatalization - lifting towards the solid chickens of the middle part of the back of the language (from lat. Palatum - Hybo), as well as expansion and increase in the volume of the pharynx. Therefore, soft consonants, except [j], palatalized.

In [j], lifting to the middle part of the nose of the middle part of the back of the language is not additional, but the main articulation, therefore [j] - palatal consonant.

When the solid consonant is formed as a result of the shift of the language back, there is a narrowing of the pharynx and a decrease in its volume - fargrivalization (from Greek. pharinx - Throat). Therefore, solid consonants are pharyngalized.

In addition, in the formation of solid consonants can be observed veylirization - lifting towards the soft nyubo back of the back of the tongue (from Lat. velum Palat.i - 'Chicken Curtain'), such consonants - wellarized.

At the posteripal [k], [g], [x], [γ], the rise of the back of the back of the tongue to the soft nebu - the main articulation, without which the posterior pronouncement cannot be pronounced, the inquiry to the articulation is additional to the main focus of consonants. Therefore, the posteriorless not entrusted consonants, but intense.

The consonants form a pair of hardness / softness: [p] - [p '], [b] - [b'], [f] - [f '], [in] - [in'], [m] - [ m '], [t] - [t'], [d] - [d '], [s] - [s'], [s] - [z'], etc.

Sound [C] solid, and soft [C '] pronounced, for example, in place [t'] before [s']: pI [C '] smiling M. [C '] Seryoga. The sound [h '] soft, its solid steam - [h], which happens before [Ш], including in place [t], [d]: it is better (cf. lu [h ']) o [h] to shower, by [h] to joke. Solid sound [sh] soft pair [w]: [w '] tea, Moscow[w '] his![sh ':] uk. At the sound [F] a pair of [f '], which is almost always double, long: in [z':] and, Dro [z ':] and, vi [Ж':] Ат. So pronounce words lozhzhi, yeast, squeeze Many talking on literary language (Advanced and pronunciation [W:] On the site [Well ':]).

If, for example, compare the initial sounds of words garden and court, dame and dUM., pelvis and ace, then you can see the difference in their articulation. Before [A], consonants are pronounced without tension, and before [y] - with rounded and elongated lips. We just prepared to pronounce words court, DUM., aceAnd the lips have already taken this position. Such additional articulation is called labialization (from Lat. Labium - 'Luba'), and consonant sounds [C °], [d °], [t °], etc. - labialized (or clinked). These sounds differ from [s], [d], [t] articulation and on rumor. (This difference can be heard if you start pronounce garden and stay after the first consonant, then start pronounce courtBut only the first consonant will pronounce.) In Russian, the labialization of consonants is always associated with their position before [y] or [O], as well as before labialized consonants: [С ° T ° ul], [s ° T ° ol], but [became]. There is no exception, so it is usually not marked in transcription.

Specificity of functioning and sound incarnation

Only the sound [j] can not be a solid pair. In the rest of the soft consonant raising the middle part of the back of the tongue towards a solid nebu - articulation, additional to the main method of education of the consonant. In [j], raising the middle part of the back of the tongue to the middle part of the nose - the main articulation, without which no consonant sound arises at all.


Common Sounds: Classification Signs

When classifying the consonants, a number of features take into account:

1) noise and tone ratio (noise / sonar),

3) hardness / softness,

4) place of education

5) The method of education.

Particularly stipulates the properties of a pavement of deaf / bells and steam-hardness / softness.

Noisy and sonorous, deaf and ring consonants

Noisy and sonorous consonants vary by the ratio of noise and tone.

The sonorn in Russian includes nine sounds: [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [l], [p '], [j]. As in all consonants, in the articulation of the sonorn in the oral cavity, a barrier is created. However, the force of friction of the air jet about the frontal / closed speech bodies is minimal: the air jet finds a relatively free way out and noise is not formed. The air rushes either through the nose ([M], [M '], [n], [n']), or into the passage between the lateral edges of the tongue and the cheeks ([l], [l ']). The absence of noise may be due to the instantaneousness of the barrier ([p], [p ']) or with a fairly wide character of the slot itself ([J]). In any case, the noise is not created and the main source of sound is the tone (voice) created by fluctuating voice ligaments.

In the formation of noisy consonants ([b], [in], [g], [d], [g], [z], etc.), the main role is played, on the contrary, noise. It arises as a result of overcoming the interruption of the air jet. The sound component of the sound is unfounded and can either be absent (at the deaf consonants), or supplement the main (at ringing consonants).

Write and deaf consonants vary by participation / non-participation of tone (voices) in the formation of consonant sound.

Tone (voice) is characterized by pronunciation of calls, their articulation involves mandatory work Voice ligaments. Cleaner, therefore, are all sonorous: [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [l], [l '], [p], [p'], [j]. Among the noisy consonants, the following sounds include: [b], [b '], [in], [in'], [g], [g '], [d], [d'], [g], [ F: '], [s], [s'].

Deaf consonants are pronounced without a voice when voice ligaments remain relaxed. The sounds of the specified type include only noisy: [p], [p '], [φ], [f'], [t], [t '], [s], [s'], [sh], [sh : '], [K], [K'], [C], [h '], [x], [x'].

[B] - [P] [B '] - [P']

[B] - [F] [in '] - [f']

[d] - [t] [d '] - [t']

[s] - [s] [z '] - [s']

[F] - [sh] [w: '] - [W:']

[g] - [K] [g '] - [k']

The listed sounds are respectively either walking pairsOr deaf pairs. The remaining consonants are characterized as unpaired. TO ringing unparallery Take all the sonorn, to the deaf unpaired - sounds [C], [h '], [x], [x'].

Phonetic alternations of consonants according to deafness / bells. Designation of deafness / Waller consonants on the letter

The deafness / walle of consonants remains independent, does not depend on the sign in the following provisions:

1) before vowels: [su] d a trial - [memory] d it, [ta] m there - [yes] m dm;

2) in front of the sonorn: [slle] oh layer - [evil] oh angry, [TL '] I'm a wave - [for'] I am for;

3) Before [B], [in ']: [SV'] EPE KEAR - [ZV '] Beast.

In these provisions, there are also deaf, and ring consonants, and these sounds are used to distinguish words (morphem). Listed positions are called strong by deafness / bell.

In other cases, the appearance of deaf / ringing sound is predetermined by its position in the word or neighborhood of a particular sound. Such deafness / bell is disconnected, "forced." Positions in which this happens is considered weak on the specified sign.

In Russian, there is a law on which the noisy stuns at the end of the word, Wed: Dý [b] and oak - do [p] oak, má [z '] and ointment - ma [s'] ointment. In the above examples, a phonetic alternation of consonants according to deafness / bell is recorded: [b] // [p] and [z '] // [C'].

In addition, positional changes relate to situations when the deaf and ringing consonants are rendered. In this case, the subsequent sound affects the previous one. The ringing consonants before the deaf are necessarily amused by him by deafness, as a result there is a sequence of deaf sounds, Wed: Ló [d] Point of the boat - Ló [TC] A boat (i.e. [d] // [t] before deaf), Gotó [in '] IT is preparing - ready to prepare (i.e. [in'] // [f '] before deaf).

Deaf consonants facing ringworthy (except [in], [in ']), change to bell, occurs climbing on the bell, Wed: Molo [t '] y't throat - Molo [d'B] Á threshing ([t'] // [d '] before ringing), about [s'] or ask - pró [s' 'b] and please (i.e. [s'] // [z'] before ringing).

Articulating approaching the sounds of one nature, that is, two consonants (or two vowels) is called assimilation (from lat. Assimilatio 'like "). Thus, it was described above assimilation by deafness and assimilation by ringing.

The designation of the deafness / wallers of consonants in the letter is associated with the use of appropriate letters: T or D, P or B, etc. However, it is referred to on the letter only independent, not dependent deafness / beability. Sound signs that turn out to be "forced", positionably due to the letter are not designated. Thus, phonetically alternating sounds are recorded by one letter, the morphematical principle of spelling is operating: in the word remote control, the letter B is written, as in the test dý [b] and Du b a.

The exception will be the spelling of some borrowed words (transcri [P] transcri prince, if there is transcri [B '] to yield the transcri b) and consoles on C / s (and [C] to learn use if there is and [s] learn to learn ). The graphic appearance of such examples falls under the action of the phonetic principle of spelling. True, in the case of consoles, it acts not to the end, combining with the traditional: RA [W:] to eleverate \u003d Ra [sh] to move to stir.

The traditional principle of spelling is obeyed by the choice of the letter in wise words Type in [g] Railway Station, and [h] Best Asbestos. Their writing does not depend on any verification (it is impossible) nor from pronunciation.

Solid and soft consonant sounds

Solid and soft consonants vary by the position of the language.

When the pronunciation of soft consonants ([B '], [in'], [d '], [s'] and others), the whole body of the tongue is shifted forward, and the middle part of the back of the tongue is raised to a solid nebu. This movement of the language is called Palamatolization. Palamatiable is considered additional articulation: it is superimposed on the main associated obstacle.

In the pronunciation of solid consonants ([b], [in], [d], [s], etc.), the language is not shifted and its average part is not lifted.

The consonants form 15 pairs of opposed sounds / softness of sounds. They are all or solid pairs, or soft pair:

TO firm unparallery The consonants [C], [sh], [z], and to mild unpaired - consonants [h '], [sh:'], [w: '] and [j].

According to [W] and [W: '], [W] and [w:'] do not form pairs, as they differ at once with two signs: hardness / softness and brevity / longitude.

It should be noted that the sound [w: '] Rare. It is possible only in a limited circle of words: I go, the entrance, yeast, splashes, later and some others. At the same time [w: '] increasingly replaced by [W:].

A completely special position among soft consonants occupies the sound [J]. The rest of the soft consonants raising the middle part of the back of the tongue to a solid nebu is, as already noted above, additional articulation. In the consonant [j], the specified articulation is basic, because Other barriers during pronunciation [J] is not formed. Therefore, the sound [j] in principle is not able to have a steam hard.

Phonetic alternations of hardness / softness consonants. Designation of hardness / softness of consonants in the letter. Letters b and b

Hardness / Software consonant as an independent, and not arising due to positional changes. The sign is fixed in the following strong positions:

1) before vowels, including [e]: [Lou] to the bow - [l'] to the hatch, [but] with the nose - [n'o] with the nec, PAS [T E'] Pastel - Po [t 'E'] bed;

Paired soft consonants before [e] are pronounced in the original Russian words, steam solid - in borrowed. However, many of these borrowings have ceased to be recognized as rare: antenna, cafe, sausage, stress, puree, prosthesis, etc. As a result, in common words, it became possible both solid and soft pronunciation of the consonant before [e].

2) At the end of the word: Ko [H] Kon - Ko [H '] horse, Ms [p] Zhar - Zha [R'] Zhar;

3) in the sounds [l], [l '], regardless of their position: in [l] ná wave - in [l'] ná free;

4) in the consonants [c], [s'], [s], [s'], [t], [t '], [d], [d'], [n], [n '], [ P], [R '] (at the front-band)

- in position before [k], [k '], [g], [g'], [x], [x '] (in front of the posterior): Gó [p] Ka Hill - Gó [R'] Ko Gorko, BÁ [H] Ka Pan - Bá [n '] ka Banke;

- in position before [b], [b '], [p], [p'], [m], [m '] (in front of the lips): and [z] Bázba - Re [s'] Bá thread;

In other cases, the hardness or softness of the consonant will not be independent, but caused by the influence of sounds to each other.

Looking for hardness Observed, for example, in the case of a soft [n '] connection with a solid [s], Wed: Kód [n'] horse - kóc [ns] Kiya Konsky, Pod [N '] SPAY SPAY - PEP [ns] cue (t .: [n '] // [n] before solid). A couple of june [n '] June - Jun (N'S] Junsky does not obey the indicated pattern. But this exception is the only one.

Similar to softness It is inconsistent with respect to different groups of consonants and is not respected by all speakers. Not knowing the deviations only replacement [H] on [H '] before [h'] and [W: '], Wed: Barabá [N] Drum - Barabá [N'C'] IR Drum, Gó [n] OK Mr. - Gó [n 'Ш:'] IR Racer (i.e. [n] // [n '] before soft).

In accordance with the old standards, it was necessary to say: L I'[M'K '] and straps, [V'B'] ... [d'v '] eren door; [C'j] eat remove; [SN '] ENA Wall. IN modern pronunciation There is no mandatory mitigation of the first sound in these cases. Thus, the word la' [MK '] and straps (similarly shaping [PC'] and rags, Lá [FC '] and shop) pronounced with solid, the remaining sound combinations allow pronunciation variation.

The designation on the letter applies only to the cases of independent, and not positionally due to the hardness / softness of pairwise consonants. On the letter level, the soft sound quality [H '] in the words drum and the racer is not graphically fixed.

Unlike deafness / bell, independent softness of paired consonants is transmitted not by the letter corresponding to the consonant sound, but the letter following it:

letters and, E, Yu, I: L and K, L Ya D, L Yu K, L I zg;
IN modern language The letter E ceased to designate the softness of the previous consonant. Combination of letters ... those ... You can not read if you do not see what word it belongs - those hundred or those art.

2) At the end of the word, a letter of soft sign: Ko Ny, Zhr, Pya Pya;

3) In the middle of the word in front of the consonant letter, a soft sign: Ma, ve I, Ba Na.

Independent hardness of paired consonants is transmitted by such means:

letters s, o, y, a, e: lies, lo dka, lu k, la ska, Kara TE;

in the end of the word, the lack of a soft sign: Ko N_, Ms P_, Pok_ L;

in the middle of the word before the consonant lack of a soft sign:
t_ min, s_ Motrit, Ba N_ ka.

The hardness / softness of the unpaired consonants does not require. Writing and / s, it / o, y / y, i / a after letters sh, g, h, etc., corresponding to the unpaired, is dictated by the tradition: zhi zn, qi frar, tsy films, buried, about jo g, shu TUP, BRO NA RA, CHAPER. The same applies to the use / non-consumption of letters Soft sign in a number grammatical forms: Roy, Zamu g _, tee, small sh _, vessel, comers Ш_, be able, brick_.

Please note that the name of the letters L and Kommersant turns out to be cunning. The letter "solid sign" never denotes hardness, its use is associated with a separation function, i.e. With an indication of the presence of [J] before the next vowel sound: stoy, and [d'ju] Tant is adjutant.

The functions of the letter "soft sign" wider. First, it can also be used in separation function, but not after the prefixes: [injý] ha blizzard, bu [l'jó] n broth. In this case, the soft letter of the consonant letter does not indicate. Secondly, a soft sign can be written in a number of grammatical forms after letters corresponding to the unpaired consonants (see above). The softness of sounds with this use the letter b does not transmit. Finally, in a number of situations, the letter L refers to the softness of consonants on the letter. This function applies to examples with independent softness of paired consonants at the end of the word and in the middle of the word before consonant (see above).

Place and method of education of consonants

Place of education The consonant sound is a sign showing, in what place of the oral oily cavity is obstacle.

This characteristic is given with the obligatory indication of the active (moving) and passive (fixed) organs. So, consonants, the articulation of which is associated with the movement of the lower lip, are lip-lip ([p], [p '], [b], [b'], [m], [m ']) and lifting ([ F], [f '], [in], [in']). Consonants formed when active participation Language is divided into advanced tooth ([s], [s '], [s], [s'], [t], [t '], [d], [d'], [c], [l] , [l '], [n], [n']), front-speaking frontal ([sh], [w '], [z], [z'], [ch '], [p], [p']), medium-medium average ([J]) pandarized middle ([K '], [g'], [x ']) and posterior posterior ([K], [g], [x]). All listed groups of sounds are reflected in the consonant table (see below).

Considering the table (application to the hub), be sure to say the sounds given in it. The work of your own speech bodies will help you understand why each sound is placed in one or another cell.

The method of education of consonants - This is a characteristic, with the help of which simultaneously denotes the type of obstacle in the oral cavity and the method of its overcoming.

There are two main ways to form barriers - either a complete closure of speech organs, or their rapprochement before the slot distance. Thus, broken and slotted consonants differ.

In articulation of the slot jet of exhaled air, in the middle of the oral cavity, producing friction about the frontal speech organs: [F], [f '], [in], [in'], [s], [s'], [s], [ З '], [Ш], [Ш¯'], [Ж], [Марь], [j], [x], [x '].

The pronunciation of garbage consonants includes the moment of the full shutter of the speech organs when the output of the air jet outside is barrier. The method of overcoming the bow can be different, depending on which further division into classes is carried out.

Flicted explosive Ensure the elimination of the barriers with a strong and short joke of air, which quickly leaves outward: [p], [p '], [b], [b'], [t], [t '], [d], [d'], [K], [K '], [g], [g'].

W. flanged Affricat Tightly adjacent organs of speech do not swallow themselves sharply, but only open, forming a slot for air output: [C], [h '].

Fit nose at all do not require a broken bow. Due to the lowered curtain, the air does not rush to the place of the shutter, and freely comes out through the nasal cavity: [m], [m '], [n], [n'].

When forming flip side [l] and [l '], the air is also not in contact with the obstacle, bypassing it along its trajectory - between the lateral side of the tongue and the cheeks.

In some tutorials nasal and side sounds are described as fit-pass.

Flicch trembling Characterized by periodic closure and opening of speech organs, that is, their vibration: [p], [p '].

Sometimes trembling are not considered as a variety of garbage, but as a separate, third type of consonant along with washed and slotted.

Phonetic alternations of consonants in place and the method of education. Phonetic alternations of consonants with zero sound

The place and method of education of consonants may vary only as a result of the influence of sounds to each other.

In front of the overall noisy, the dentals are replaced with the front. Occurs positioning approach at the place of education: [C] game with the game - [Ш Ш] slaughter with a fur coat (i.e. [s] // [Ш] before the front), [s] playing with the game - [W: 'H'] empiont with the championship ( Those. [s] // [W: '] Before Administrative).

Explosive consonants before slotted and affriries alternate with affriage, i.e. With closest in the articulation plan sounds. It is used in the method of education: about [t] to recoup - about [CA] to felt squeeze (ie [T] // [C] before Sliskov).

In many cases positional change Some signs of consonants are subjected immediately. So, in the example above, with the championship, the likelihood touched not only a sign of the place of education, but also a sign of softness. And in the case of [d], the game under the game - according to [h 'sh:'] ekoy under the cheek ([d] // [h '] before the deaf, soft, one-headed, slotted [W:']) All four signs are deafness, softness, place and method of education.

In the examples Le [g] Ok Lok - Le [x'K '] they light, me'' [d] Ok soft - My' [x'K'] Soft, where [G] alternates with [x '], and Not with [K '] before [K'], there is a fracturing (dissymilation) of sounds according to the method of education. At the same time, the fracturing (dissimilation) on this basis is aligned with the likeness (assimilation) by deafness and softness.

In addition to the above phenomena in Russian speech, phonetic can be recorded alternation of consonants with zero sound.

It is usually not pronounced [T] / [T '] and [d] / [d'] between the dental, between [p] and [C], between [p] and [C], it also does not sound [l] before [ NC]. So, the fraction of consonant is presented in the following combinations:

chal: Wait [T '] ie, happiness is happy happy, i.e. [T '] //;

sTN: Méc [t] about the place - Mésensky local, i.e. [T] //;

zDN: Uéz [d] and county - uven uven, i.e. [d] //;

healthy: UZ [D] Á of the Uzda - under the concentrations' under the cozier, i.e. [D] //; Holly [D '] Ec Dutchman - Golly Dutch, i.e. [D '] //;

rDC: Ser [d '] Hechko Heart - Singer Heart, i.e. [D '] //;

rDCH: Serchko, Cherchko - Serchko - Cherchko, i.e. [D '] //;

lSTZ: from [l] Nishko Sunny Sun, i.e. [l] //.

Akin to the specified phenomenon and loss [J]. It occurs when the iota precedes vowel, and after [and] or [b]: Mo - [MAI] mine, i.e. [J] //.

Please note that no phonetic phenomenon associated with the likeness of consonants to the place / method of education or with the fact of their replacement by zero sound is not denoted by the letter. According to the morphematic (phonological) principle of Russian spelling, positionally alternating sounds are recorded by one letter according to the inspection. An example [W] a fur coat is written like a fur coat, because There is [s] game with the game. An uncomplicable consonant in the fairly happy graphically restores on the basis of the check-in [T '] of the following happiness, etc.

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What sounds call consultations?
What is the consonant sound?
What are the consonant sounds?
How many consonant letters and consonant sounds in the Russian alphabet?
What consonant sounds are always solid, and what are you always soft?
What letters indicate the softness of the consonant sound?

Sounds, when the pronunciation of which the air meets an obstacle in his mouth, is called consonant sounds. The consonant sound consists of noise and voices or only noise.

The consonants are divided into write and deaf. Calls consist of noise and voices, deaf - only from noise.

Only from noise are sounds: [K], [P], [C], [T], [F], [x], [C], [h], [sh], [sh]. These are deaf consonants.

Many consonant sounds form coupling pairsdeafness: [b] [P], [in] [F], [g] [K], [d] [T], [s] [s], [Well] [Sh].

To memorize ringing consonants, you can learn the phrase: " Lion and toad have a lot of friends».
See all phrases to memorize bell and deaf consonants.

Deaf consonants are easy to remember on the phrase: " Stump, do you want a helmet? Fu!».

The consonants are denoted by letters:

B., IN, G., D., J., Z., J., TO, L., M., N., P, R, FROM, T., F., H., C., C., Sh, Sh.

There are only Russian in Russian 21 consonant letter.

The consonants are also solid and soft.

Solid and soft sounds differ in the position of the language when pronouncing. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the language is raised to solid nebu.

Most of the consonant sounds form a lot of consistency pairs:

Do not form steam on hardness-softness the following solid and soft consonants:

Solid [F] [Ш] [C]
Soft [Ch❜] [SH❜] [y❜]

Table "The consonants: pair and unpaired, ringing and deaf, solid and soft" (1-4 classes)

Note: in primary school Hard consonant sounds are designated in blue, soft consonant sounds - green, vowels - red.

Hardness consonant sounds indicated by writing letters BUT , ABOUT , W. , S , E. .

Softness consonant sound is indicated by writing letters E, E, and, Yu, I, as well as the letter B (Soft sign).

Compare: nose [nose] - ness [N❜os], angle [Angle] - coal [Bright].

Unpaired ringing sounds [y❜], [l], [l❜], [m], [m❜] [n], [n❜] [p], [Р❜] sonornosthat translated from Latin means "sonorous".

Sounds [F], [sh], [Ch❜], [❜] called hissing. They received such a name, because their pronunciation looks like a hiss.

Sounds [F], [Ш] - these are unpaired solid hissing sounds.
Sounds [Ch❜] and [Sch❜] are unpaired soft hissing sounds.

Sounds [C], [s❜], [s], [z❜], [C] called whistling.

Consonant can not be shock or unstable.

In Russian sound sounds (36) more than consonant letters (21), since one letter can designate steam hard and soft sounds: for example, the letter l (el) denotes the sounds [l] and [l❜].

Attention! The consonant sound can form a syllable only with

  • Noisy consonants (also overs) are formed as a result of an obstacle to the airflow high blood pressure Air in the voice tract. In phonetics, articulation is divided into two large class of noisy and sonorn.

    The articulation of the oranges provides for the complete closure of the voice path, or partial, that is, stricture that causes friction. Both groups are associated with their noisy component.

    Noisy shall be divided into explosive consonants, affriage and fricative. Unlike Sonantov, noisy are often deaf consonants.

    A characteristic feature of noisy consonants is the noise from the rapprochement of the pronunciation bodies, which or is all the content of the sound, or prevails over the voice. Thus, the voice during the pronunciation of noisy consonants or is absent, or plays a minor role. In Russian to noisy consonants belong:

    * Deaf noisy consonants K, X, P, F, T, C, W, H, C and

    wake-up noisy consonants g, j, b, b, d, s, f.S. Associated in and j occupy an intermediate position between ringing noisy consonants and sonorny.

Connected concepts

The term "voice" and "voice" is used in phonetics and phonology for characteristics ringing sounds. In the phonetics, the term "the bellier (spinning)" typically describes the process of articulation of sounds, in which the vocabulary is oscillation. In phonology, the term "belling" can also be used to classify speech sounds by deafness / bell. At the same time, the consonants, denoted as "ringing", can be pronounced without fluctuating voice ligaments.

This article describes phonetics and phyology of literary ukrainian language. About phonetics of Ukrainian dialects See the article Ukrainian dialects. The article uses the transcription of MFA based on the Latin alphabet, but for all its signs in brackets, the correspondences used in the phonetic transcription based on Cyrillic are specified.

Mentioned in literature

Developing an acoustic theory on the material of the Russian language, R. I. Avanesov (1956) considers it possible to limit itself only by three degrees of the tempering: 1) noisy consonants 2) Sonanta 3) vowels.

Related concepts (continued)

Fargonalization (DR. Greek. Φάρυγξ "Gortan") is a coartive process, in which articulation when pronouncing sounds is accompanied by narrowing of the larynx. She gives consonant color of the vowel.

CEKANE is a pronunciation in accordance with a soft buty dental consonant / t '/ soft affringents (in another designation). Together with Dzecan (pronunciation in accordance with / d '/), CEKANE is part of a common phonetic phenomenon of adaptation of soft toothflowing consonants. Often, the use of soft / t '/ and / d' / unite under the same name of Dzhecka. This language feature is distributed in the Belarusian language and in a number of Russian dialects.

Gunted bow, a solid attack - a deaf guttural explosive consonant sound used in many languages \u200b\u200band obtained by closure of voice ligaments, which then under the pressure of the air are sharply blurred with explosive sound. At the same time, the oral cavity organs are alone or preparing to utter the next sound.

I am aspiration (aspiration, from lat. Aspiratio, "Exhaust") - an acoustic effect (noise) during the pronouncement of sound occurring if the ligaments begins to fluctuate through a considerable period of time (40-100 ms.) After the end of the consonant articulation.

Dorsal consonants are pronounced using the main part of the language. They contrast with coronal, produced front soft part of the tongue, and with root, extractable language of the tongue.

Clicking consonants (also clicks, clicks or clicks from English. Clicks) - complex afferrent-like sounds consisting of two bows: primary (the basis of clicking, eng. Influx) and secondary (outcome of clicking; English. Efflux, Accompaniment). The first is articulated by lips or front of the language, the second is the back of the tongue or abnormal. Using the language, the space between the bows is expanding (and the pressure decreases accordingly), and then the front bowl is revealed and it breaks into this space ("retracts ...

Palamatical consonants (medium-free, middle, solid) - consonants, formed between the middle part of the back of the tongue and solid nebu (Palatum).

Lugana-Zugvi is a language common in Central Botswana, around the Sentral Calahari Reserve. In the period from 1997 to 2002, people who lived on the territory of the reserve were evicted in neighboring areas, but in 2004, about 150 people returned (or remained at the original territory). Currently, the struggle for repatriation continues.

Solid consonants (also non-pay-payable consonants, inconsistent consonants; Hard (Non-Palatalized) Consonant, Fr. Consonne Dure, it. Harter Konsonant) - consonants, differing from soft (palatalized) lower challenges due to the lack of additional articulation that causes palatible.

Hissing consonants (eng. Hushing Sounds, Fr. Chuintantes, it. Zischlaute) - consonants, characterized by broadband noise with a more regular acoustic picture than whistling consonants are associated with a simpler form of a gap forming during hissing articulation, as opposed to cracking. Food formed during the articulation of whistling. The name was obtained by the characteristic acoustic impression produced by them.

Maori language phonology is typical for him language group. Maori phonetic inventory is one of the poorest in the world. The Maori preserves the Prapolynesian structure of the syllable (C) V (V (V)); There are no closed syllables.

Gloid (Glide Glide - "Slip") - in phonetics: brief, incomplete, uncertain in quality sound occurring as transition element In combination of sounds, various at the place of education. The reason for the occurrence of the state is that the voice gap remains open, while the organs of the speech apparatus seek to take a new position. Examples can serve Rus. The will, where the corresponding element is pronounced between and (U-shaped transition), and the thrust with the i-shaped transition between and.

Debukkalization is a phonetic process, a law or a phenomenon in which the consonant sound loses its original place of education and goes into a deaf glottal slotted, in a gentle bow or similar sounds. The pronunciation of the consonant is sometimes called aspiration, but aspiration is more correct to call the silence, accompanying explosive consonants.

Prosthesis (Dr. Greek. Πρόθεσις standing ahead, setting ahead) - the development of additional vowel or consonant sound at the beginning of the word, for example: Ukr. Vulice "Street", Belor. Will the "cloud", lat. Spērāre\u003e Fr. Espérer, Sp. Esperar "Hope". As a protethic consonant, they act as a protethic vowels - ,. The appearance of test sounds can be caused by the phonetic causes of a different nature, in particular, the prosthesis may arise to facilitate pronunciation.

(from lat. Palatum - middle palate) - mitigating consonants resulting from raising the middle part of the back of the language to solid nebu (sometimes the term non-transcendant mitigation is used), as well as changes in consonants under the influence of vowel front rows either affecting the main articulation (sometimes term is used; transitional softening). (units. Part of Affricat; Lat. Affrico "I Put") - the consonants, which are a combination of a flat consonant with fricative, usually the same place of education.

Labelization is cuddling, "protrusion" of lips ahead and / or giving them a rounded form in the articulation of any sound. This phenomenon is also called cute or rounding. In some linguistic schools Cleumbling is called a phonetic phenomenon that occurs during the articulation of vowels, and in the case of consonants, it is called labialization.

Slovak Phonology (Slovenská Fonológia) is one of the disciplines of the Slovakstikov, which studies the structural and functional patterns of the sound system of the Slovak language.

Where does the sound come from?

The formation of any sound that can pronounce a person begins in the breathing apparatus: the air falls into the lungs, and then comes out of them towards the larynx - this process is called initiation. From the light air falls into the larynx, where there are voice ligaments. Depending on whether there will be no bundles to fluctuate, there is a lantern process or does not occur. Bundles oscillate - the sound is called ringing (any vowel or ringing consonant), do not hesitate - the sound is deaf (deaf consonant).

From the larynx, the air falls into the oral cavity, in which the process determines all the other sound characteristics, except for deafness / bells, is articulation, i.e., the adoption by the speech bodies (language, lips, nose, teeth, a small tongue - taped) that is needed to produce a specific sound. So, for example, in order to pronounce the sound [n], we must close the lips tightly, and for the sound [to] you need the back of the tongue to touch the rear noise.

Vowels and consonant sounds

As in all other languages \u200b\u200bof the world, there are vowels and consonant sounds in Russian. Their total number of little exceeds forty and is medium (not large and not small) compared to other languages \u200b\u200bof the world. We agree with us six times more than vowels - the Russian language is a consonant (languages \u200b\u200bin which a set of vowels is more and more diverse called vocal).

All of us and you even in elementary school learned to distinguish vowels from consonants: vowels - those that can be escaping, consonants - those who can not pass. In fact, we can hiss for a long time [Ш], whistling [C], and if you are very trying, then I washed [m], pull [n], etc. How can this be explained? Are there any other ways to distinguish vowels and consonant sounds?

The main difference between the vowel sound from the consonant is their way of education, namely, in the presence or absence of obstacles in the speech path. The vowel sound is the one that we form due to the withdrawal of air from the lungs through the larynx and the oral cavity without fail speech apparatus No barriers, and simply changing the volume of the oral cavity. The consonant is the sound that to exit the outside should overcome some kind of obstacle (closed lips, touching the tongue of teeth or nose). But the quality of this barrier (or in a different narrowing) and the method of its overcoming can be different, so some consonant sounds can really "stretch", for example, as [Ш], [C], [M] or [N].

Classification of consonants

Place of education

Since it is necessary to form an obstacle to the form of consonant sound, in the field of speech path, where this narrowing occurs, there is a place for the form of consonant. It is usually called in two organs by forming: active and passive. The active authorities include:

· Language, or rather his front part, i.e., the tip (then the consonant front-band), middle part (medium-language), and rear, i.e. root (consonant posterior);

· Bald lip (consonant lip).

To passive:

· Nybo, namely: the front palate - Alveola (consonant front or alveolar), secondary - solid palate (average) and the rear - soft panel (rear);

· Top teeth (consonant dental), because the bottom is simply not involved in articulation;

· Upper lip (consonant lip). Of course, it is also moving during the articulation, but only with the bottom and significantly less. The lower lip can participate in the formation of sounds without the participation of the upper, for example, [in] or [F].

With a combination of some active and pastive articulating bodies, we obtain a classification of consonant sounds at the place of education:

· Light (bilabial), for example, [m], [p], [b];

· Lent-dental (labiodental), for example, [in], [f];

· Advanced tooth (dental), for example, [t], [d], [c], [n], [l];

· Advanced front (alveolar), for example, [Ш], [F], [p];

· Medium-language middle (palatal), for example, [j];

· Pandarized middle, for example, [K '], [g'], [x '];

· Pandarized posterior (intense), for example, [k], [g], [x].

Method of Education

We have already talked a little about the difference between the ways of forming vowels and consonant sounds. The vowels are formed without barriers in the speech path, and therefore with the complete absence of noise. For consonants, on the contrary, the obstacle is necessary. The types of this barrier (or narrowing) can be different, as well as ways to overcome it.

The closest to vowels in the form of education are according to approximant: The degree of narrowing is insignificant, and therefore the noise is formed only in the absence of voice (i.e., when the voice ligaments do not fluctuate). The approximates in Russian include such consonants, as [l], [l '] and [and ̯] ("and non-slant").

Essential, but not yet a complete narrowing, i.e. the gap is necessary for education skalval, or fricative, consonants. According to the shape of the slit, they are divided into planes (for example, [Ш], [Ж], [x], [j]) and circular (for example, [c] and [z]). Advanced planes we call hissing: [sh], [w '], [g], [z'], [h], [h '], and front-band-headed round-knit - whistles: [s], [s'], [s] ], [s '], [C], [C'].

The next level of narrowing is the complete bow, that is, the tight touch of the active articulating body to the passive, which leads to locking the air flow. The consonants formed in this way are called ground. Depending on how the way the sound overcomes the resulting bow, several types of broken consonants are distinguished:

· Explosive air rests on the bow, an overpressure is created, which leads to a sharp opening of the organs, i.e., to the so-called explosion (for example, [t], [b], [to], etc.);

Lyfhak! Explosive sounds are easy to distinguish from the rest of the consonants: this is the only type of consonant, which cannot be extended, wiggle, rinse, etc. Try long to pull, for example, the sound [b]: you will not succeed, even despite its bellier. You can only gradually pump pressure on the bow, pulling the moment of the explosion.

· Affricates - the air rests on the bow, which under pressure does not open sharply, but simply goes into the gap. Thus, the affriries, roughly speaking, consist of two sounds: a worm blast and slot (for example, [C] \u003d [T͡C] and [C] \u003d [T͡SH ']);

· Nasal - the bow is in the oral cavity, but the air does not close, but passes through the nasal cavity due to raising the small tongue - the devices (for example, [m], [n]);

Lyfhak! If it is very difficult to remember which sound is a nasal, you can put your hand to the nose when pronouncing it. It is felt by vibration - nasal, not felt - not nasal.

· Drinking - consist of several beans with vocal elements between them ([P]).

Sonorny and noisy consonants

Another classification applied to consonant sounds is dividing them to sonorno and noisy consonants. The following consonants include the following consonants: [M], [M '], [n], [r'], [l], [l '], [j], [and ]. All other consonant sounds are noisy. You can see, in the list of sonorous are those consonants that, as we used to count, always be ringing, i.e. do not have a deaf pair. Let's try to figure out how it happened.

The fact is that sonorous consonants are middle link between vowels and noisy consonants: despite the fact that during their pronunciation, the barrier is also formed, it does not interfere with the passage of air. So, with nasal consonants [m], [m '], [n] and [n'] air comes through the nasal cavity. When forming approximant [l] and [l '], the side edges of the tongue are lowered and the air passes on the sides of the oral cavity (so these sounds are called sideapproximants, and the opposite approximant [th] - middle). With trembling [p], the barrier is formed for too short time, so noise does not have time to arise.

By the way, it would be more correct to attribute to the sonorn and sounds [in] and [in '], because when contacting other consonants, they behave exactly as a sonorous, and not as noisy. For example, when the deaf noisy consonant in the word should be ringing noisy, the second influences the first and deaf spontaneous (for example, selection [Adbor]). If the subsequent consonant sonoro, this does not occur (for example, foundation [ATRAF]). Note that before ringing [in] and [in '] deaf noisy, too, do not speak: girth [Ap groan], answer [Atv'et]. Also, [in] and [in '] also sonornal.

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