Who is Bartolomeo de Las Casas. Less about Las Casama

Las Casas became known thanks to the protection of the interests of indigenous Americans, whose culture, especially in Caribbean countries, describes in detail. In his descriptions of "Kasikov" (leaders or princes), "Bahikov" (shamans or clergymen), "Ni-Taine" (know) and "Nabuti" (ordinary people) clearly seen the structure of the feudal society. In his book "The shortest relationship about the destruction of India" (Sp. Brevísima Relación De La Destrucción de Las Indias), published in 1552, provides a bright description of the atrocities, creative conquisites in America - in particular, on the Caribbean, in Central America and in the territories that today belong to Mexico - among which there are many events whose witness he was, as well as some events that he reproduces from the words of eyewitnesses. In one of his recent Bookswritten before the death itself, de Thesauris In Peru, he passionately defends the right of indigenous inhabitants Peru against the appeal to the slavery of the indigenous population of the early Spanish conquest. The book also questioned the ownership of Spain to Treasures from the ransom paid for the liberation of Athaalp (ruler of the Incas), as well as on the values \u200b\u200bfound and taken in the boron areas of the indigenous population.

Presented by the King of Spain Philip II, Las Casas explained that he supported barbaric actions when for the first time he arrived in the new world, but soon made sure these terrible acts will lead to the collapse of Spain itself as a divine retribution. According to Las Casama, the duty of the Spaniards is not to kill the Indians, but their appeal to Christianity, and then they will become devotees of Spain. To save them from the burden of slavery, Las Casas offered instead to bring blacks from Africa to America, although later changed his mind when he saw the influence of slavery on blacks. Almost due to its efforts in 1542, new laws were adopted in defense of Indians in colonies.

Las Casas also wrote the monumental work "History of India" (Spanish Historia de Las Indias) and was the editor of the published ship magazine Christopher Columbus ". He played a significant role, during his repeated trips to Spain, in the temporary cancellation of Encomeda rules ( . Encomienda) who set the actual slave work in Spanish America. Las Casas returned to Spain and eventually he was able to raise a large dispute of 1550 in Valladolid between Las Casas and a supporter of colonizers, Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda. Although the Encomndant system was prevailed, protected by its fetas with the colonial classes of Spain, Las Casasa works were translated and reprinted throughout Europe. Its published reports are central documents in the "Black Book" ("Black Legend") of Spanish colonial atrocities. They had a significant impact on the views of Montutena to the new light.

Las Casas was born in Seville, perhaps in 1484, although he traditionally indicated 1474 years. With his father emigrated to the Caribbean Island of Espanyol in 1502. After eight years old became a priest and worked as a missionary in the tribe of Aravakov (Taino) in Cuba in 1512. An attempt to create a more equitable colonial society in Venezuela was undertaken in 1520-1521 in Venezuela, which were able to organize the uprising of the indigenous population against him. In 1522, he joined the Dominican Order.

According to some information, Las Casas comes from the facing family, that is, the families of the Jews addressed to Christianity. He died in Madrid in 1566.

Bartolome Las Casas is mentioned in the story of Borges "Bruthel liberator Lazarus Morel" from the collection "Worldwide History".

Born in Seville around 1474 Bartoloma de Las Casas, it must have been accustomed to white, black and red-friendly slaves, which were brought to Spain from Levant, from the Berber coast, from the Canary Islands and from West Africa. Later, when he lived among the West Indian colonists, he has repeatedly had to be on maniac plantations, pastures and gold peculiarities of the Antilian possessions of Spain, to communicate with Indians - servants and bathers, caribbeans and other natives facing slavery as a result of wars and robbers Spanish colonializers.

Restricted by the oppression of the Indians, Las Casas arose to their defense, which was largely promoted by the bold accusation preaching of the Missioner-Dominican market Antonio de Montisino, which sounded in 1511 on Espanyol. "Don't they do people? He exclaimed. - Does they do not apply to the commandments of mercy and justice? Are they not the owners on their lands? And did these people offended us? "

Las Casas opposed the appeal of the Indians into slavery, because he did not recognize the fair wars, which the Spaniards were against them; He did not recognize the legitimacy of the system of the so-called redemption, which forced Indian-slave to buy his freedom to consolidate another Indian, who occupied his place that it was alien to the natives, because they had no slavery and in the word "slave" they were invested quite different importance than Europeans.

In the work of Algunos Principios, Las Casas included in the collection of treatises, published in 1552 in Seville, he argued that each person should be considered free. All reasonable creatures are born free, so freedom is the natural law of a person.

In his fifth "Treatise" Las Casas states: "Not counting his life itself, the freedom of man is the most precious heritage, and therefore she first of all deserves protection, whose freedom would be questioned, the decision should be in favor of freedom." Therefore, as Las Casas believed, "His Majesty in the name of justice should be commanded to free all the Indians enslaved by the Spaniards. In this case, the main assistance should have a clergy; It is necessary to impose a penis on any Spaniard having Indians-slaves, not surveyed by the Royal Tribunal in accordance with new laws, and even better, if they succeed in avoiding the appeal to the audience and the possible casuisics of legal proceedings. "

As for the enslavement of Africans, here Las Casas initially adhered to other views. While in West Indies, he believed that the plight of the native population, which was on the verge of complete destruction, can be facilitated by using blacks taken from Africa.

In his book "LAS CASAS AS A BISHOP" (1980), Helen Rand Parish notes that back in 1543-1544. Las Casas offered to deliver two dozens of black slaves in the chiapas diocese to work on Manica plantations. Only later, perhaps in 1546, and most likely by 1552, as Parish noted, Las Casas realized all the injustices of the "black" slavery and bitterly repent of his delusion.

On June 30, 1560, Archbishop Mexico Alonso de Montugar wrote to the King of Spain: "We do not see the reasons for whom Blackmiths more than the Indians should be slaughters, because they willingly take baptism and do not attack Christians."

In the famous passage from "History" (Book II, Chapter 58), Las Casas himself explains that his proposal to import blacks to America was caused by the desire to alleviate the fate of the Indians, but what later, seeing how the Portuguese Pour the rights and dignity of Africans addressed to slavery, He repented of this thought and with those consider the enslavement of the blacks as an act of injustice and despotism, because "about them should argue in the same way as the Indians."

Speaking against the appeal to the slavery of Indians and Africans, Las Casas formulated two wonderful definitions: one of them reflects his concept of man, another reveals the incredit value of freedom.

In the "History of India" (Book II, Chapter I), he repeats his famous conclusion that "all the people of the world are the essence of people, and this is exactly what determines them once and for all. They are all endowed with understanding and will, everyone is able to experience the same feelings ... Everyone loves well and know how to rejoice, everyone rejects and hate evil and feel anxious and concern when they are faced with the fact that they are unpleasant or brings harm. "

Moreover, Las Casas believed that all natives are capable of perceiving civilization that they can contribute to the progress of mankind: the untreated land will not give birth to anything, except for the thistle and Byriana, and with the proper care of the properties inherent in it, it is able to give useful and desired fruits; In fact, neither people could not be in the world, no matter how children and inhuman, peoples, koi, having received due, the knowledge required by the nature, could not be able to become in most reasonable citizens.

The transition of Las Casama to the stove of slavery was long and painful, but he still came to fair conclusions that had a considerable impact on those who later continued his business.

When in 1808 under the influence of events related to napoleonic WarsIn South America, the struggle against the colonial domination of Spain, the personality and works of Las Casama began to be in the spotlight. His ideas helped the rebel to prove the harmfulness of Spanish dominion and the need to donate with him. Writing Las Casasa became a desk book for Servando Teresa de Miera in Mexico, Simon Bolivar in Caracas and on Jamaica, Gregorio Fühnes in Cordoba and Tucuman. He remembered him and Juan Antonio Lorenthe, Spanish liberal, who was in exile in France.

In the preface to released in 1965, Lewis Hanks, Lewis, noted that the ideas and principles that Las Casas defended in the XVI century, retain the relevance and today, when the world community seeks to find a worthy basis for lasting peace between nations.

The critical study of Las Kasasas complex problems of their time forced him to rebel against the use of force in order to subordinate other peoples, against slavery and oppression, inevitably accompanying colonial rule. However, Las Casas knew how to critically treat his own ideas. This is evidenced by the gradual awareness of them inequity of the subordination of the Indians of the spiritual and secular power of Spain without their own consent. It was equally self-critical who managed to treat his views on the problem of the slavery of Africans, coming as a result of the conviction that the doctrine of freedom, which he defended against Indians, applies to all nations.

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Bartolome de Las Casas (Span. Bartolomé de las Casas , In a number of sources indicates the date 1474, Template: Deposits - July 17, Template: Location) - Spanish priest -dominets, the first permanent Bishop of Chiapas and the historian of the New World. It is known for its struggle against atrocities against the indigenous population of America by the Spanish colonists.


Las Casas, who separated by the humanistic beliefs of Francisco de Vtoria, became famous for the protection of the interests of the indigenous Americans, whose culture, especially in Caribbean countries, he describes quite detail. In his descriptions of "Kasikov" (leaders or princes), "Bahikov" (shamans or clergymen), "Ni-Taine" (know) and "Nabuti" (ordinary people) clearly seen the structure of the feudal society.

In his book "The shortest relationship about the destruction of India" (Span. Brevísima Relación de la Destrucción de las Indias ) published in 1552, a bright description of the atrocities, creative by conquistadors in America - in particular, in the Antilles, in Central America and in the territories, which today belong to Mexico - among which there are many events, whose witness he was, as well as some The events that he reproduces from the words of eyewitnesses. ((#if:

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  • Las Casas B. de. The shortest message On the destruction of Indians.
  • Las Casas B. de. History of India. M.: Science, 1968. (Series: Literary monuments).
  • Las Casas B. de. Memorial to the Council on Indium Affairs // Catholicism and Freedomiff in Latin America In the XVI-XX centuries. (Documents and materials). - M., 1980.
  • Las Casas B. de. To the history of the conquest of America. - M., 1966.
  • Bartolomé De Las Casas, Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (Paperback). Translated by Nigel Griffin. Penguin Classics; 1st Ed Edition (September 8, 1999) ISBN 0-14-044562-5
  • Bartolomé De Las Casas, The Devastation of The Indies, A Brief Account. Translated by Herma Briffault. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1974. ISBN 0-8018-4430-4
  • David Orique, O.P. Thesis:
  • Bartolomé De Las Casas: ApoloGetic History
  • Bartolome Las Casas "Selected Works (in Spanish)


  • The name of the monk is called one of the municipalities (Span. FRAY BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS ) In the Department of Alta-Verapas (Guatemala).
  • In 1993, Mexican film director Sergio Olhovich removed the film "Brother Bartolome de la Casas" (Sp. FRAY BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS ).

see also


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((#if: | ((#if: Template: Wikidata-Link | ((#if: ||)) ((#if: | ((#if: ||)) ((#if: Las Casas, Bartolome de | ((#if: ||))

spanish priest, Dominican, the first permanent Bishop of Chiapas


Las Casas became known thanks to the protection of the interests of indigenous Americans, whose culture, especially in Caribbean countries, describes in detail. In his descriptions "Kasikov" (leaders or prince), "Bakhikov" (shamans or clergymen), "Ni-Tay? But" (know) and "Nabinia" (ordinary people) clearly visible the structure of the feudal society. In his book "The shortest relationship about the destruction of Indians" (Iz. Brev? Sima Relaci? N de la Destrucci? N de Las Indias), published in 1552, a bright description of the atrocities, creative conquisites in America - in particular, on the Antille Islands In Central America and in the territories, which today belong to Mexico - among which there are many events whose witness he was, as well as some events that he reproduces from the words of eyewitnesses. In one of his last books, written before the death itself, De Thesauris in Peru, he passionately defends the rights of the indigenous inhabitants of Peru against circulating into slavery of the indigenous population of the early Spanish conquest. The book also questioned the ownership of Spain to Treasures from the ransom paid for the liberation of Athaalp (ruler of the Incas), as well as on the values \u200b\u200bfound and taken in the boron areas of the indigenous population.

Presented by the King of Spain Philip II, Las Casas explained that he supported barbaric actions when for the first time arrived in New WorldBut soon made sure, these terrible acts with time will lead to the collapse of Spain itself as a divine retribution. According to Las Casama, the duty of the Spaniards is not to kill the Indians, but their appeal to Christianity, and then they will become devotees of Spain. To save them from the burden of slavery, Las Casas offered instead to bring blacks from Africa to America, although later changed his mind when he saw the influence of slavery on blacks. Almost due to its efforts in 1542, new laws were adopted in defense of Indians in colonies.

Las Casas also wrote the monumental work "History of India" (Spanish Historia de Las Indias) and was the editor of the published ship magazine Christopher Columbus. He played a significant role, during his repeated trips to Spain, in the temporary cancellation of Encomeda rules (Encomienda), which established the actual slave work in Spanish America. Las Casas returned to Spain and over time I could raise a large dispute of 1550 in Valladolid between Las Casas and a supporter of colonizers, Juan Gines de Sep? Lveda. Although the Encombend system was prevailed, protected by its fetas with the colonial classes of Spain, Las Casasa's works were translated and reprinted throughout Europe. Its published reports are central documents in " Black book"(" Black Legend ") of whiskers of Spanish colonialists. They had a significant impact on the views of Montutena to the new light.


Las Casas was born in Seville, perhaps in 1484, although he traditionally indicated 1474 years. Francisco emigrated to the Caribbean Island of Espanyol in 1502. After eight years old became a priest and worked as a missionary in the tribe of Aravakov (TAI? BUD) in Cuba in 1512. On November 30, 1511, he heard the preaching of Dominicans, accused of conquistadors in inhuman attitude to indigenous residents. This day became a swivel in the life of Bartolome - he starts the struggle for the rights of the Indians. An attempt to create a more equitable colonial society in Venezuela was undertaken in 1520-1521 in Venezuela, which were able to organize the uprising of the indigenous population against him. In 1522, he joined the Dominican Order.

According to some information, Las Casas comes from the facing family, that is, the families of Jews addressed to Christianity. He died in Madrid in 1566.

In 2000, the Catholic Church began the process for its tapping.

Bartolome Las Casas is mentioned in the story of Borges "Bruthel liberator Lazarus Morel" from the collection "Worldwide History".

- (Las Casas) (1474 1566), Spanish Humanist, Historian, Published. Bishop. In 1502 50 lived in Central countries, South America and Mexico. His works valuable source on the history of the opening of America and the capture of her Spain. * * * Las Casas Bartolome Las ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Las Casas Bartolome de - (Las Casas, Bartolomede) (1474 1566), Sp. Priest missionary, "Apostle India". He was a member of the Dominican Order and opposed the oppression and exploitation of the Indians in the Sp. Colonies in America. In 1502, settled on the Espan Le (about. Haiti) and ... ... The World History

Las Casas (Las Casas) Bartolome de (1474, Seville, ≈ 31.7.1566, Madrid), Spanish Humanist, Historian and Publicist. He graduated from Salamank University. From 1502 as a missionary lived on Haiti, Cuba, in Venezuela, Guatemala, in 1544-50 bishop in Mexico. IN… …

Las Casas (Las Casas) Bartolome (1474 1566) Spanish Humanist, Historian, Publicist. Bishop. In 1502 50 lived in the center of the center., South. America and Mexico. His works valuable source on the history of the opening of America and the capture of her Spain ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Las Casas, Bartolom DE) (1474 1566), Spanish historian, was born in Seville in 1474. After completing the laws and theology at the University of Salamanca, in 1502 went to Santo Domingo. Under the influence of the sermons of the Dominican monks, it became ... ... Encyclopedia Color

Las Casas Bartolome de - B. de Las Casas. Las Casas Bartoloma de (Las Casas) (1474 1566), Spanish Humanist, Published and historian. Born in Seville in the family of the impoverished Spanish merchant. He graduated from Salamank University. With 1502 missionary on the island of Espanyola (Haiti). ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "Latin America"

Las Casas Bartolome de - (1474 1566) isp. Historian, Humanist and church. figure. Participated in the conquests of the spell. Feudals in America, was a bishop in Mexico. Returning to Spain, in his writings, the colonizers reigned, rejected by the church of Religion by force. Attempt to L. K. ... ... Atheistic Dictionary

Las Casas, Bartoloma de Bartolome de Las Casas Bartoloma de Las Casas (Spanish Bartolomé De Las Casas), (1484 July 17, 1566) Spanish priest, Dominican ... Wikipedia

- (Las Casas) Bartolome de (1474, Seville, 31.7.1566, Madrid), Spanish Humanist, Historian and Publicist. He graduated from Salamank University. With 1502 as a missionary lived on Haiti, Cuba, in Venezuela, Guatemala, in 1544 50 bishop in Mexico. In 1551 ... ... Big soviet Encyclopedia

- (LAS CASAS), Bartolome de (1474 31.VII.1566). Humanist, historian and publicist. He graduated from Salamanksky Un t. With 1502 planter on about. Haiti. In 1511 14 Cabecloth of Velasquez detachments in Cuba, in 1519 21 missionary in Venezuela, in the 1530s. In Guatemala. IN… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

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