New Light Definition in geography. Old Light is what? Why America received its name by Amerigo Vespucci, and not opening her Christopher Columbus

Although it sounds a few paradoxical, the opening of the new light marked the appearance of the old one. Since then, five centuries have passed, but the old light is the concept that operates to this day. What value was invested in it before? What does it mean today?

Definition of the term

Old Light is the part of the land, which was known to Europeans in until the opening of the American continent. The division was conditional and relied on the position of the lands relative to the sea. The merchants and travelers believed that there are three parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa. In the north, europe spread out, in the south - Africa, and in East Asia. Subsequently, when data on the geographical separation of continents became more accurate and complete, found out that only Africa is a separate continent. However, the rooted glances turned out to be defeated not so easily, and all 3 continued to traditionally mention separately.

Sometimes it uses the name of Afro-erability to determine the territorial array of old light. In fact, this is the largest mainland array - supercontinent. It lives approximately 85 percent of the entire population of the planet.

A period of time

Speaking about the old world, they often have in mind not just a certain geographic location. These words carry information about a particular historical period, culture and perfect discoveries. We are talking about the era of the Renaissance, when ideas of natural philosophy and experimental science come to replace medieval asceticism and theocentrism.

The attitude of a person to the surrounding world is changing. Gradually, from the toy of a whole host of the gods that have the power to dispose of human life in their whims and whims, a person begins to feel the owner of his earthly house. He seeks new knowledge, which leads to a number of discoveries. Attempts are made to explaining the device of the surrounding world with the help of mechanics. Measuring instruments are improved, including navigation. You can already follow the origin of such natural Scienceslike physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy, which come to replace alchemy and astrology.

The changes that happened then gradually prepared the ground to expand the boundaries famous world. They served as the opening of new lands. Brave travelers went to the uncharted edges, and their stories were inspired by even more audacious and risky enterprises.

Historical journey of Christopher Columbus

In August 1492, three well-known vehicles under the command of Christopher Columbus sailed from Palos Harbor to India. It was a year, but the famous discoverer himself never learned that the continent did not know the previously known Europeans. He was sincerely sure that all his four expeditions made it in India.

Traveling from the old light to new lands took three months. Unfortunately, it was neither cloudless, nor romantic nor disinterested. Admiral with difficulty kept in the first swimming subordinate sailors from the rebellion, and the main driving power To open new territories was the greed, thirst for power and vanity. These ancient vices delivered from the Old World subsequently brought the inhabitants of the American continent and nearby islands a lot of suffering and grief.

He also did not get the desired. Going to the first swimming, he prudently tried to protect himself and ensure his future. He insisted at the conclusion of an official agreement, according to which the noble title was received, the title of admiral and the vice-king of newly open lands, as well as the percentage of income received from the above lands. And although the year of the opening of America was supposed to become a ticket to a secured future for the discoverer, after some time the Columbus fell into disfavor and died in poverty, without receiving the promised.

A new light appears

Meanwhile, the relationship between Europe and the new light was built. Trade was established, the development of land lying in the depths of the mainland began, the claims of various countries were formed on these lands, the era of colonization was established. And with the appearance of the concept of "new light" in the terminology began to use the steady expression "Old Light". After all, before the discovery of America, the need for it simply did not arise.

Interestingly, traditional division on the old and new light has been preserved unchanged. At the same time, unknown at the time of the Middle Ages Oceania and Antarctic are not taken into account today.

Not one decade, the new light was associated with a new and best life. The American continent was in which thousands of immigrants were sought. But in memory they retained their native places. Old Light is traditions, origins and roots. Prestigious education, fascinating cultural travel, historical monuments - this is also associated with European countries, with the countries of the Old World.

Wine cards replace geographical

If in the field of geography terminology, including the separation of continents to the new and old light is an already relatively rare phenomenon, then among winemakers such definitions are still in great honor. There are sustainable expressions: "Wines of the Old World" and "Wines of the New World". The difference between these drinks is not only at the place of grapes and the location of the winery plant. They are rooted in the same differences that are characteristic of both continents.

So, the wines of the old world, for more extent produced in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria, are distinguished by the traditional taste and a thin elegant bouquet. And the wines of the new light, which are famous for Chile, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand, brighter, with obvious fruit notes, but somewhat losing in refinement.

Old light in modern understanding

Today, the term "old light" is mainly applied to states located in Europe. In the overwhelming majority of cases, neither Asia nevertheless Africa is no longer taken into account. So, depending on the context, the expression "old light" may include either three parts of the world or only European states.

If you are a guise of good wine, read articles about winemaking or visited, then surely heard such a thing as "the wines of old and new light" and their taste differences. But how important are these differences? Take about it and talk.

New World. This concept unites Chile, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, USA, Australia.

What is the difference between new and old light wines?

For wines of new light characteristic feature It is a small level of acidity, in comparison with opponents. One more distinctive feature It is considered the "fruitness" of taste and bouquet.

Among the wines of the old world, elegant and elegant drinks are dominated, the taste of which is shrilled and the bell. While to describe the taste qualities of alcohol from the new light, the epithets "Lush" and "powerful" are suitable.

But all these "fundamental" differences are sufficiently conditional: the style of some wines from South Africa or Argentina is very similar to French (high acidity, discreet and elegant taste)

One of the truly undisputed differences are "Exposure" and "Cost".

Among the "discovers", wines with a long shelf life and the ability to improve their taste already in the bottle are much more common. Novosvetsky wines are an order of magnitude cheaper than the staples (similar varieties and level of maturity), although in the category of taste not always losing.

To date, there are a great many different wines on both sides of the barricades. Do not limit yourself with conditional labels, each of the parties have its advantages, try and find their "favorites" regardless of the geography of production.

And where did the new new light come from?

In fact, everything is very simple. These concepts first appeared due to the different geographical position of wine regions and different time periods of winemaking in the world. But now in these concepts invest more than just geography and history. Today these are different styles of production, different taste styles of wine, different climatic, technological and legislative conditions.

Initially Old light Classical Europe was considered. Here the winemaking was engaged in the days of the Romans and the Greeks, and who is the founder of winemaking and who will give a "vine of the championship" - they still argue about it. Aristocratic France, and emotional Italy, and bright Spain, and fragrant Germany, and other countries are included in the Old Light.

To new light Believe the territory where the winemaking began to develop much later, but over the past century the production technology took off almost to heaven. These include countries northern and South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Most of these regions were colonies, and European travelers brought wine here.

And here "New new light" - This is an absolute surprise for many. Most and does not suspect that grapes are growing here. Among such modern enthusiasts-winemakers - Japan, Israel, China, India, and, by the way, Russia. Most likely, we will hear about them many more interesting in the coming decades.

As for taste differences of wine, then there are certain subtleties. Of course, the taste is characterized not only by bipolarity, but also has its deviations and exceptions, although in general it is possible to compile a certain image.

Many critics say in Europe the best wines It was obtained in areas with difficult conditions - in places where the vine is opposed to cold climate, poor soils and literally fights for survival. It gives a smaller number of berries, but at the same time makes them more delicious and concentrated. Wines of old light Usually less alcoholic and less dense, but at the same time more acidic. The aroma and taste of the starre-light wines are more refined and less fruit. Here everything seems to be on the halftons.

Novosvetsky Wines - On the contrary, more alcoholic and "full-scale". Due to the hot climate and a small amount of precipitation, the vine here is in practically greenhouse conditions. The aroma and taste of such wines sometimes may be "fruit bomb." In this case, the taste is simple and understandable. Novosvetsky wines are worth drinking young - they are less exposed to exposure than Starosvetsky.

Today in the world there is a fashion for bright and fruit wines, so many manufacturers "customize" their production for the taste of buyers. At the same time, it is impossible to say what taste is correct, and which is not. Here each is already guided by its preferences, mood, weather or event.

So just experiment!

Ekaterina Smychek

In the wine world, such concepts as old and new light are often used. The first includes countries where the tradition of manufacture of wine is calculated by millennia: Europe and the territory of the Mediterranean basin. The new lights are classified from the regions that have become relatively recently active with active winemaking - 200-300 years ago: Australia, New Zealand, North and Young countries, as well as South Africa.

The difference of old and new light

For the centuries-old history for the countries of the Old World, the production of wine has become an integral element of culture with numerous traditions, which are strictly observed and are guarded. An important role in the Winemaking of the Old World plays the concept of "terror" is a kind of metric of wine, which speaks of its place of origin, climate, soil. The recognition of the concept of terrorar is back to the ancient Greeks, which noted that the wines made from one grape variety grown in
different regions, have different properties and taste characteristics. Long period Experiments on the vineyards of the Old World made it possible to find the varieties of grapes and techniques of work that best suited for this area. This experience was laid in the name of the place of origin of the goods.

Drinks of each wine region of the old light have their own style and features that are almost impossible to repeat. The new light makes a bet on innovation and technology, here are constantly experimenting and looking for something new. Also in these countries, irrigation (artificial irrigation of anhydrous lands) is widely used, which for the most part is prohibited by Europe's winemakers. Irrigation and hot climate of the new light allow you to get a ripe harvest with a high content of sugar, and the wines of the new light contain a greater degree of alcohol, a more concentrated structure and a lot of fruit shades. It is believed that the wines of the old light have a smaller fortress and more acidic.

Wines and at cost, often beverages of old light are sold at a higher price, firstly, since they are used more manual labor, and secondly, due to the difference in labor legislation; In many european countries The duration of the working day is less than in South American.

The most active manufacturers of wine from the countries of the New World became Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and USA. It is about these wine-made regions that our further conversation will go.

California wines

The United States is the fourth country in terms of wine production in the world, yielding only to famous France, Italy and Spain. Of the 50 states, the production of wine is 36, but 90% of the total amount of wine from California.

The present breakthrough in the history of California wines was 1976, when 11 wine experts from all over the world were gathered at the Paris Tasting, in which the best wines were determined, and the winners from California were preceded in many nominations. After that, the events of drinks published region began to be included in the menu of many restaurants in the world.

California produced dining rooms (about 80% of all production), sparkling and fastened wines. White make up 65%, red - 20%, pink - 15%. Here they produce both simple ordinary wines for mass segments and exclusive and more expensive drinks. Today in California, about a hundred different grape varieties are cultivated, "Chardonna", Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sovignon, Zinfandel, "Merlot" and "Pinot Noir" are most popular. Zinfandel became a symbol of the region, according to many specialists, is the local California grape variety. Zinfandel can be attributed to one of the most multifaceted grape varieties in the world, from it produce a variety of drinks in their style - from light white wines to rich full-time red.

In the US, there is no strict wine classification, everything is quite simple and democratic. The only standard appeared in 1983, in which American region of viticulture (AVA) were presented. If the label indicates the designation AVA, then 85% of the grapes used in the production of this drink should be grown in this area.

If only the state is specified on the label, then all 100% of grapes occur from this area. If only America is indicated on the fault, then the drink can be a grape mixture of several states.

Chilean Wines

Unique geographical position Chile made it possible to cultivate many famous grape varieties and produce various types of wine in this country. These grape varieties like "Cabernet Sauvignon", "Merlot", "Chardonne" and "Sauvignon Blanc" are most common here. In addition, Chile managed to preserve the interesting French grape variety - "Carmera", which was almost completely exterminated in Europe due to the phillox epidemic. Now this variety is erected into the rank of national heritage, and the wines produced from it became the country's business card.

Chilean wines are divided into three categories:
Vinos de Mesa - table wines, on the label of which it is prohibited to mention grape varieties, yield and the name of the region.

Vinos Sin Denomination de Origen - wines with an uncontrolled place of origin. The label indicates only information about the manufacturer and grapes, as well as the year of harvest.

VINOS CON DENOMINATION DE ORIGEN - Wines with a controlled place of origin. The label should be marked by the place of origin of wine, grape variety, yield collection, enterprise, where wine bottling (bottling) was carried out. There are some additional regulations, for example, varietal wines must contain at least 85% of the grape variety label.

In terms of shutter speed, Chilean wines are classified:
Corriente - Wines aged one year.
Special - two- and three-year wines.
RESERVA - four- and five-year wines.
Gran Reserve - Wines of six years and older.

Argentine wines

For several decades thanks large quantity Migrants from Europe in Argentina created its own wine industry with a unique variety of varieties. The best varieties are grown here. different countries: French "Cabernet Sauvignon", "Merlot", "Sira", Italian "Sanjovese" and "Bonard", German "Riesling". But the symbols of the Argentine winemaking became red wines based on the Malbek variety and white from the Torronts grapes.

Usually, the labels of Argentine Wine indicates information about the place of its origin, the name of the winery, as well as the yield year. The name of wine is either denoted by the grape variety, from which it is made, or by whom and where it is manufactured, the name version consisting of both components is also possible.

In 1999, a system for classifying local wines was created in Argentina, according to which all wines in quality and the place of origin of grapes are divided into three categories:
Indication De Procedencia (IP) - Wines indicating the general place of origin.
La Indication Geografica (IG) - Wines indicating a specific geographic region.
La Denomination de Origen Controlada (Doc) - Wines controlled by origin. This is the highest category of Argentine wines.

As in Chile, in Argentina, the wine is classified by exposure time

Vino de Mesa is a simple table wine without excerpt.
Vino Fino - Wine with a small exposure.
RESERVA - wine with four- and five-year exposure.

South African Wines (Wines South Africa)

Today, South Africa takes the 8th place in the world in the production of wine, the main share of products produced is on white wines. About 30% of Schrennikov Vinnovnikov Schrennikov is occupied by Shenin Blanc, followed by "Sauvignon Blanc" and "Chardonna". The most popular red varieties are Kaberne Sauvignon, "Merlot", "Shiraz" and "Pinot Noir". In addition to such popular international varieties, South Africa has a unique red variety, which is no longer found anywhere in the world. - "Pin". He was led in 1926 by crossing two French varieties - Pinot Noir and Senso.
From "Pinatoza" make both light drinks and full-length red wines.
In South Africa, fastened wines are made - light and dry analogues of Jerez, as well as drinks in the style of Portver.

In 1973, a complex system of wines was introduced in South Africa (Wine de Origin, Wo). Get Wo Wine status can only after serious quality tests. On labels of such wines, the manufacturer indicates its logo (the absence of a logo immediately says that the wine is lower quality), grape variety, year of production, as well as the region of origin.

Australian Wines

Wine in Australia is mainly produced by large companies - about 80% of all products comes from the four largest corporations. Most Australian wines are produced by blending - a mixture of wines obtained from vintage of different regions. It is a blending that allows the Australian wine so stable in quality.

Like every wine-making country, Australia has its own business card - Red wines from Sira's variety ("Shiraz"). This variety allows you to get wines of a variety of styles, depending on the wine production region from this variety can be both light and fruit and quite dense.

In Australia, there are no special laws for winemaking and wine name. Nevertheless, Australian winemakers are placed on the label the maximum number of drinks information: grape varieties (the first is the dominant variety, further - descending), the year of harvesting, the method of obtaining wine and even tips on its serving.

New Zealand Wines

Over the past 15 years, the export of wines from New Zealand has increased by 753% in monetary terms. Due to the relatively small territory of the country, the volume of wine production in New Zealand is small. So, in neighboring Australia produced 10 times more wine. Today in New Zealand there are about 300 small wineries.

New Zealand is considered the country of white wines, drinks were particularly famous from the Sauvignon Blanc variety - about 80% of the wines produced here are made from this grapes. Also on the islands are grown by "Chardonna", "Riesling" and "Gevurztraminer". Of the red varieties - Cabernet Sovignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir.

So far, there is no strict classification system in New Zealand at the legislative level. However, wines with confirmed geographic origin can be indicated by the sign of guaranteed origin of Certified Origin (CO). In the title of wines from New Zealand there is a grape variety and the region of origin.

The traditional region of production of classic wines is old-Europe, and more precisely - France, Italy, Spain, a little less - Portugal and Germany. The term "new light wine" mainly refers to the products of Africa, Australia, South and North America: This category includes Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa, USA and Canada. Unlike the "Old World", there are no centuries for the developing traditions of winemaking, so local brands are exotic, bright and very original. Only so young, ambitious producers can win a part of the market at eminent competitors.

Features. The popularity of new light wines contributes to several factors at once:

  • rich soils and sunny climate of producer countries;
  • affordable prices (due to the cheap labor and the lack of European limitations for yield);
  • exotic tastes at the expense of local grape varieties and a unique geographical location.

The area and a variety of "new light" incomparably more "old", but Europe is still won due to more developed wine-making traditions and established positions in the world market

Historical reference. Until the XV century - the era of the Great geographic discoveries - Winemaking was not very common in the territory of modern Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia. Local residents skillfully made low alcohol spirits from corn, movies, shine and even strawberries, but remained completely indifferent to the grapes. Everything has changed with the arrival of the Spaniards: the conquerors were not going to abandon the usual gastronomic traditions, and we could not export wine from the homeland - the wine could not stand long Path And Skisalo.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, a number of American countries could already boast of blooming and yields, in particular: Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina. Some of them achieved such a success that the Spanish government, fearing the competition, forbidden to break down new grape gardens in the colonies. However, unsuccessfully: the process was no longer stopped.

True, the local products lacked: the European colonizer wine was required not only in the gastronomic, but also in religious purposes, and the Indians themselves were made with a greater hunt for the Pisco - local grape vodka - and the weather conditions did not always allow to collect a rich harvest. Therefore, the Spaniards gradually discovered new territories, and XVIII century Started to import South African wines.

In Australia, winemaking was established by 1820, and in 1873, on blind testing in Vienna, the judges even confused the brands of "antipodes" with French samples.

Wines of the new light is not always worse than European quality, much depends on the manufacturer

Characteristics. In the countries of the new light, the climate is predominantly hotter than in Europe, respectively, local wines are made of more mature and juicy grapes, which is obtained in a rich taste. In addition, the wines of the new light usually for a couple of degrees stronger "Starosvetsky".

As for the names, then initially American, Australian and African manufacturers used established names, such as "Burgundy", "Champagne", "Sherry", etc. (Moreover, wines were made from grape varieties exported from the respective regions). This caused confusion and indignation of European winemakers.

Since the 1960s, the wines of the new light are manufactured under alternative "local" labels, even if the composition of the drink is fully consistent, say, the classical Chardonon. However, there were completely original blends, for example - Sira with Cabernet Sauvignon or Semilon with Sauvignon Blanc.


Argentina is considered the fifth largest wine-making region in the world. Initially, the style of Argentine wines was dictated by Spanish colonialists, but then Italian and German immigrants were strongly influenced by local products.

One of the brightest representatives of this category is the white fragrant wine Torronts, and the red varieties of Malbek, Barber, Bonard are also popular with popularity.

Roofers: Mendoza Province, San Juan, Rioja, Salta, Catamarca, Rio Negro, Buenos Aires.


Excellent wines, not inferior to European taste. Broken in late XIX. The century epidemic of Filloxes did not affect the Southavralia regions, so local vineyards were not injured and at the moment are considered among the oldest in the world. In 2000, the exports of Australian canteens in the UK exceeded the volume of French supplies. Despite the fact that wines from the Kangaroo Country are often criticized for excessive sweetness of taste, at the moment this alcohol is considered one of the most complex and sophisticated.

Wine-made areas: Barosa Wall (Sirah variety), Kunavar (Cabernet Sauvignon variety), Eden Vellee (Riesling variety), Hunter Wall (grade Semilon).


In Canada, as in the eastern states of the United States, the European variety Vinis Vinifera has failed to cultivate and cultivate, which led to the export of Vitis Labrusca and Vitis Riparia varieties with a characteristic "fox" with aroma due to the skin of spheres of specific essential oils. "Ice wines" from Riesling, Vidal Blanc and Cabernet Fran enjoy the greatest commercial success in Canada.


The tenth largest manufacturer of wine in the world, local varieties treated Merlot for a long time, although, as it turned out, in fact belong to the Carmenier family. Traditionally, in this country, the number is valued above the quality, so Chilean wines reached the "Higher League" only after the 1990s.

Roofers: Llade Bell, Bio Bio Velley.


In Colombia, in contrast to other South American countries, wine production functioned the advantage in religious purposes, while the state did not take European emigrants, as a result of which the winemaking here developed originally and independently.

Colombian wines are excellent quality, but they almost do not go to export, so you can get acquainted with drinks only in the country.

Wine regions: Villa de Live, Valle del Kauca.


In 2013, almost 90% of all Mexican wine was produced in the state of Lower California. This is one of the oldest wine regions not only in Mexico, but also in all new lights.

New Zealand

The onset of winemaking in this country was put by immigrants from Croatia, who arrived in New Zealand at the end of the XIX century, but about a hundred years of age, the industry was in its infancy. New Zealand winemakers experimented with different varieties and eventually stopped at Sovinon Blanc, adding it later Chardonnone and Pinot Noir.

Today in the "country of Bird Kiwi" love fragrant wines: Gevurztraminer, Riesling, Auslese.

One fishing does not interfere with another ...


In 2008, in Peru, there were approximately 14 thousand hectares of grape plantations, which produced more than 610 thousand hectoliters of wine per year.

Roof areas: Pisco and ICA cities.

South Africa

The most popular African variety is a pinage (a mixture of Pinot Noir and Senso), however, South Africa winemakers use and more familiar varieties - a variety of Cabernet, Shiraz, Merlot, Chardonon.

Despite the fact that the first portion of African wine was made just over 300 years ago, today the fragrant and full-scale wines of the Cape Town are considered a real pearl of the new light.


More than 90% of American wine is produced in California, the remaining 10% falls on Washington, New York and Oregon. In the northern states, wine from autochthon varieties of grapes are produced, but their specific "fox" aroma is not all to taste.

"Lesies smell" is found in the wines of the United States and Canada, due to the presence in some varieties of grapes of specific essential oils

A huge impact on the development of winemaking in the United States (or rather, his stagnation) was provided by a dry law, as a result of which noble dry wines gave way to a sweet fastened alcohol of low quality. In the North-Western states today we are manufactured by good Pino Noir and Riesling, and Vitis Labusca variety and its hybrids are popular in popularity, and California is famous for Zinfandel.

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