Destructive earthquakes over the past 10 years. Strongest earthquakes in the world

Danger than this natural phenomenonLike an earthquake is estimated by most seismologists in points. There are several scales for which the force of seismic jokes is estimated. The scale adopted in Russia, Europe and the CIS countries was developed in 1964. According to the data from the 12-point scale, the greatest destructive force is characteristic of an earthquake in 12 points, and such strong shocks are qualified as a "strong catastrophe". There are also other methods for measuring the strength of the poles that take into account the fundamentally different moments - the area on which the shocks took place, the time "shaking" and other factors. However, no matter how Meril did not measure the power of underground jolts, there are natural catastrophes that are among the most terrible.

Earthquake power: And was it at least 12 points?

Since it was accepted for the Camotic Scale, and this made it possible to evaluate natural disasters that have not yet disappeared into dust of ages, at least 3 earthquakes by force in 12 points.

  1. Tragedy in Chile, 1960.
  2. Destruction in Mongolia, 1957.
  3. Shone in the Himalayas, 1950.

In the first place of the rating, in which the strongest earthquakes in the world are collected, the cataclysm of 1960, known as the "Great Chilean Earthquake". The scale of the destruction is estimated into the most known 12 points, with the Earth's oscillations magnitude exceeded 9.5 points. The strongest earthquake in history occurred in May 1960 in Chile, near several cities. The epicenter became Valdivia, where the fluctuations reached the maximum, but the population was notified of the threatened danger, because during the day before the shock was felt in the nearby provinces of Chile. 10 thousand people were considered dead in this terrible catastrophe, the mass of the people took the beginning of the tsunami, but the experts say that without the prior notification of the victims could be more than more. By the way, many people were saved due to the fact that the mass of the people went to the church for Sunday services. At the time of the start of the shaking, people were in the temples that resisted.

The most destructive earthquakes of the world include a Gob-Altai disaster, hung on Mongolia on December 4, 1957. As a result of the tragedy, the Earth was literally turned inside out: fesomas that demonstrate such geological processes, which are not visible under normal circumstances. High mountains in the mountain ranges ceased to exist, the peaks collapsed, the usual drawing of the mountains broke.

Shone in the populated areas walked along the growing and continued for quite a long time, until 11-12 points reached. People managed to leave at home in seconds to complete destruction. Dust, flying from the mountains, covered the cities of the southern part of Mongolia for 48 hours, visibility did not exceed several tens of meters.

Another creepy cataclysm, estimated by seismologists in 11-12 points, happened in the Himalayas, in the highlands of Tibet, in 1950. The terrible trail of the earthquake in the form of a ladle and landslides changed the relief of the mountains beyond recognition. With a terrible roar of the mountains, both paper, and dust clouds spread from the epicenter for radius up to 2000 km.

Shone from the depths of the centuries: What do we know about earthquakes of antiquity?

The largest earthquakes that occurred in the newest time, discussed and well covered in the media.

Thus, they are still on hearing, the memory of them, about the victims and destruction of still fresh. But how to be with earthquakes that have occurred a long time - one hundred, two hundred or three hundred years ago? Traces of destruction have long been eliminated, and witnesses either experienced an incident or died. Nevertheless, historical literature contains traces of the worst earthquakes in the world that have occurred for a long time. So, in the chronicles that fix the most ambitious earthquakes in the world, it is written that in ancient times the shocks happened much more often than now, and were much stronger. According to one such source, in 365 BC, there were shocks, affected the entire Mediterranean territory, as a result of which the seabed was found in the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Death earthquake for one of the wonders of the world

One of the most famous ancient earthquakes is the destruction of 244 years before our era. In those days, as scientists believe, the shocks happened much more often, but it was this earthquake that it was famous especially: as a result, the statue of the legendary colossus Rhododsky collapsed. This statue, as ancient sources reported, was one of the eight wonders of the world. She was a gigantic lighthouse in the form of a statue of a man with a torch in her hand. The statue was so huge that fleets could float between her placed legs. The dimensions played with a colossose. Joke: the legs were too fragile in order to withstand seismological activity, and Colossus collapsed.

Iranian earthquake 856

The death of hundreds of thousands of people as a result of not very strong earthquakes was the usual phenomenon: there were neither seismicactivity prediction systems, no alert, nor evacuation. So, in 856, more than 200 thousand people became victims of the jokes in the north of Iran, the city of Damkhan was erased from the face of the earth. By the way, a record number of victims for one thing this earthquake is comparable to the number of earthquake victims in Iran in everything else, until today.

The bloody earthquake of the world

The Chinese earthquake of 1565, destroyed Gansu and Shaanxi province, took the lives of more than 830 thousand people. This is an absolute record in the number of human victims, not yet exceeded. In history, it remained as the "Great Earthquake Jiajin" (by the name of the emperor who was then in the authorities). Historians estimate its capacity of 7.9 - 8 points, as evidenced by geological surveys.

This is how this phenomenon described in the chronicles:
"In the winter of 1556, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in Shaanxi and provinces around her. Our County Hua suffered numerous troubles and misfortunes. Mountains and rivers change their location, the roads were destroyed. In some places, the Earth unexpectedly climbed, and new hills appeared, or vice versa, part of the former hills went underground, walked and became new plains. In other places, the village streams were constantly gone, or the Earth was rocked, and new ravines appeared. Private houses, public buildings, temples and walls of cities collapsed lightning and completely.

Cataclysm for the day of all saints in Portugal

Scary tragedywho saved the lives of more than 80 thousand Portuguese, occurred in Lisbon on November 1, 1755. In the most powerful earthquakes of the world, this cataclysm was not inscribed by nor the number of victims, nor for seismicactivity. But stunning the terrible irony of fate, with which this phenomenon broke out: the shock began exactly when people went to celebrate the holiday in the church. The temples of Lisbon could not stand and collapsed, burying a huge variety of unfortunate, and then the city covered a 6-meter wave of Tsunami, who killed the rest of people who were on the streets.

The largest earthquakes in the history of the twentieth century

Ten catastrophe of the 20th century, which claimed the largest number of lives and brought the most terrible destruction, reflected in the pivot table:


A place


Seismoactivity in ballats

Dead (people)

22 km from Port-O-Prince

Tangshan / Hebei Province


90 km from Tokyo

Turkmen SSR



25 km from Chimbote


The Chinese events of 1976 are captured in Feng Syogan Ribe "Catastrophe". Despite the relative weakness of the magnitude, the disaster took a large number of lives, the very first push provoked the destruction of 90% of residential buildings in Tanção. The hospital's building disappeared without a trace, the land exposed literally absorbed the passenger train.

Sumatra-2004, the largest in the geographical sense

The Sumatran earthquake 2004 touched upon several countries: India, Thailand, South Africa, Sri Lanka. The exact number of the victims cannot be calculated, since the main destroying force - the tsunami - tens of thousands of people in the ocean took place. This is the biggest earthquake in terms of geography, since its premises have become the movement of plates in Indian Ocean With subsequent shocks at a distance of up to 1600 km. The ocean bottom raised as a result of the collision of the Indian and Burmese slabs, the waves of Tsunami ran from the slab in all directions, which rolled thousands of kilometers and reached the shores.

Haiti 2010, our time

In 2010, the first large earthquake after almost a 260-year-old clutter happened in 2010. The National Fund republics received the greatest damage: the entire center of the capital with his rich cultural HeritageAll administrative and government buildings were damaged. More than 232 thousand people died, many of which were carried by the tsunami waves. The consequences of the disaster was a surge of incidence of intestinal diseases and the increase in crime: the impulses were destroyed by prison buildings, which prisoners immediately took advantage.

The most powerful earthquakes in Russia

In Russia, there are also dangerous seismic regions in which an earthquake can happen. However, most of these Russian territories are removed from densely populated areas, which eliminates the possibility of large destruction and victims.

The most ambitious earthquakes in Russia, however, are also inscribed in the tragic history of the struggle of the elements and humans.

Among the worst earthquakes in Russia:

  • North-Curl destruction of 1952.
  • Neftegore destruction of 1995.


North Kurilsk was completely destroyed as a result of jolts and tsunami on November 4, 1952. Unrest in the ocean, 100 km from the coast, bring to the city of waves of a 20-meter height, an hour for an hour washing the coast and flushed coastal settlements to the ocean. The terrible flow demolished all the buildings and killed more than 2 thousand people.


On March 27, 1995, the elements took only 17 seconds to erase the working settlement of Neftegorsk in the Sakhalin region from the face of the Earth. More than 2,000 residents of the village were killed, which was 80% of the inhabitants. Large-scale destruction was not allowed to restore the village, so the settlement became a ghost: it was installed a memorable slab, telling about the victims of the tragedy, and the inhabitants themselves were evacuated.

Dangerous area in Russia in terms of seismicactivity is any region at the junction of tectonic plates:

  • Kamchatka and Sakhalin,
  • Caucasian republics
  • Altai region.

In any of these regions, the likelihood of the occurrence of a natural earthquake remains, since the mechanism of the nucleation of underground jokes has not yet been studied.

This list presents the strongest earthquakes (on the Richter - magnitude scale) in the history of observations.

Assam, Tibet

1950, magnitude 8.6, epicenter Tibet

The earthquake caused very strong landslides that blocked entire rivers. Then, only in the eastern part of Tibet and the state of Assam in India, approximately 1,500 people died.

North Sumatra, Indonesia

As a result of the earthquake, more than 100 people died and hundreds received injuries of varying degree of gravity, mainly on the island of Nias, in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. This is the second earthquake, which happened on the island. A couple of months before, there was one more, ranked third in the list of strongest earthquakes in the world.

Wormy Islands, Alaska

1965, magnitude 8.7

The powerful earthquake caused a tsunami that achieved a height of 10 meters. But despite his strength, the earthquake did not bring terrible consequences, mainly due to the remoteness of the islands and due to the fact that these islands are uninhabited. Tsunami was recorded in Hawaii and even Japan.

coast of Ecuador, Colombia

1906, magnitude 8.8

The earthquake caused a giant tsunami, which took the lives of approximately 1,500 people. Tsunami reached the shores of Central America, San Francisco and Japan.

Region Maule, Chile

More than 500 people were victims of the earthquake and the tsunami that followed him, 800,000 people were left without a roof above their heads. In total, more than 1.8 million people suffered from the earthquake, and the damage exceeded $ 30 billion. The earthquake focus occurred on the border between tectonic plates Naska I. South America At a depth of 35 km.

Kamchatka, Russia (USSR)

The first scientifically registered earthquake with the colossal 9 points on the Richter scale was recorded on the east coast of Kamchatka, in the Pacific Ocean at about 5 am. As a result of the earthquake, a tsunami was formed (a height of 15-18 meters), which destroyed the city of North-Kurilsk. Then 2,336 people died.

eastern coast of Japan

in 2011, magnitude 9

March 11, 2011 Sad Date for Japan. As a result of the earthquake that occurred in the western part of the Pacific, 130 km east of the city of Sendai formed by Tsunami, who took the life of 29,000 people and damaged several nuclear reactors.

west Coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia

The third most strong earthquake occurred under water in the Indian Ocean. It caused a gigantic tsunami, which is considered the most deadly natural disaster in modern history. Tsunami reached 14 countries, mainly in South-East Asia and East Africa. Then, by different estimates, 225 to 300 thousand people died (the exact figure is unknown as many people took water into the ocean), another 1,700,000 were left without a roof.

Great Alaskan earthquake, USA

The earthquake and the tsunami followed by him, about 130 people took life. And economic losses amounted to approximately $ 311 million. This terrible event had to be for good Friday.

The earthquake was the strongest in the history of observation was a magnitude of 9.5 points, forming a destructive tsunami, the waves achieved 10-meter heights. Then 5,700 people were killed in Chile, 61 people in Hawaii and 130 in Japan. Damage during the prices of 1960, amounted to approximately half a billion dollars.

On April 25, 2015, one of the most powerful earthquakes in history took place in Nepal, who abandoned thousands of lives and destroyed a large number of historical monuments.

In the 21st century, this is the seventh large-scale earthquake. We will try to remember them all.

Iranian earthquake in Bama 2003

December 26, 2003 ancient city Bam in the province of Kerman, Iran, survived the destructive earthquake (6.3 points), in which more than 35 thousand people died and were injured more than 22 thousand (from 200 thousand people). About 90% of clay buildings of the historic city were destroyed.

The consequences of the earthquake were so large-scale due to the fact that many houses were clay and did not meet the local standards of 1989.

Earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004

By U.S. No Photo by photographer's Mate 2nd Class Philip A. McDaniel, Via Wikimedia Commons

The underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which occurred exactly one year after Iranian, December 26, 2004, caused a tsunami recognized as the most deadly natural disaster in modern history. The earthquake magnitude was, according to various estimates, from 9.1 to 9.3. This is the third earthquake for the entire observation history.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Indian Ocean, north of the island of Symalue, located near the North-West shore of Sumatra Island (Indonesia). Tsunami reached the coast of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South of India, Thailand and other countries. The wave height exceeded 15 meters. Tsunami led to tremendous destruction and a huge number dead peopleEven in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 6900 km from the epicenter.

Died, according to different estimates, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people. The true number of dead is unlikely to ever become known, since many people were taken by water in the sea.

Sichuan earthquake 2008

By 人神 之间 (Own Work (Original Text: Self-Made 自己 制作)) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], Via Wikimedia Commons

Sichuan earthquake - a destructive earthquake that occurred on May 12, 2008 in the province of Sichuan, China. The earthquake magnitude was 8 MW according to the Chinese seismological bureau. The epicenter is recorded 75 km from the capital of Sichuan Province of Chengdu. The earthquake was felt in Beijing (removal of 1500 km) and Shanghai (1,700 km), where office buildings were shaking and evacuation began. He was felt in neighboring countries: India, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mongolia and Russia.

The earthquake occurred in the seismically active fault of Longmenshhan, who passes through the western edge of the Sichuan Basin, separating it from the Sino-Tibetan mountains.

Official sources claim that on August 4, 2008, about 70 thousand people died, there were no order of 18 thousand people, almost 300 thousand - suffered.

Earthquake in Haiti 2010

By Logan Abassi / Undp Global [CC BY 2.0], undefined

On January 12, 2010, a major earthquake occurred on Haiti Island. The epicenter was 22 km south-west of the capital of the Republic of Haiti Port-O-Prince.

The earthquake on Haiti became the result of movement earth crust In the contact zone of Caribbean and North American lithospheric plates. Last time The earthquake of such destructive strength occurred at Haiti in 1751.

According to official data on March 18, 2010, the number of dead amounted to more than 200 thousand people who were injured - more than 300 thousand people, and the missing - 869 people. Material damage is estimated at 5.6 billion euros.

Earthquake in Chile 2010

By Atilio Leandro (Originally Posted to Flickr AS San Antonio / Chile) [CC BY-SA 2.0], undefined

Earthquake in Chile - powerful earthquakewhich occurred on February 27, 2010 off the coast of Chile, which caused human sacrifices, destruction and formation of tsunami. One of the largest earthquakes for the last half a century. The epicenter of the earthquake of magnitude 8.8 was 90 kilometers from the capital of the Bio Bio Concepcion region, the second agglomeration of the country in magnitude after Santiago. Less than a thousand people became victims of the elements.

The earthquake caused the tsunami, which collapsed on the 11 islands and the coast of Maule, but the number of victims caused by the tsunami is minimal: most of the coast inhabitants managed to hide from tsunami in the mountains.

Earthquake in Japan 2011

By U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Lance CPL. ETHAN JOHNSON [CC BY 2.0], Via Wikimedia Commons

The earthquake of the East Coast of Honshu Island in Japan, also known as the Great Eastern Japanese Earthquake, occurred on March 11, 2011. His magnitude was up to 9.1. This is the strongest earthquake in famous history Japan.

The earthquake caused a strong tsunami, which made massive destruction on the northern islands of the Japanese archipelago. The maximum wave height was about 40 meters. Tsunami spread throughout Pacific Ocean.; In many coastal countries, including throughout the Pacific coast of North and South America from Alaska to Chile, a warning was announced and evacuation was conducted.

As a result natural disaster An accident occurred at Fukushima NPP. Three reactors were in varying degrees Damaged and became a source of strong radioactive emissions.

As of September 5, 2012, the official number of those who died as a result of the earthquake and the tsunami amounted to more than 15 thousand people, about 3 thousand are listed missing, more than 6 thousand were injured.

Earthquake in Nepal 2015

By Krish Dulal (Own Work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], Via Wikimedia Commons

Earthquakes in Nepal 2015 - a number of earthquakes with magnitude from 4,2mW to 7.8mW, which occurred on April 25 and 26, 2015. Pulls felt in the capital of Nepal Kathmandu. The jackets were also observed on Everest, provoking the gathering of snow avalanches, as a result of which more than 80 climbers died.

The Government of Nepal confirmed the death of more than 4 thousand people, about 7 thousand people were injured. According to media reports, about 100 people died in neighboring countries (India, Bangladesh, China), about 100 people died.

According to preliminary data, thousands of houses were completely destroyed in the country, the damage is estimated at 5 billion dollars.

FROMamoe famous strong earthquake In the history of mankind, the greatest number of lives happened in Shaanxi and Henan in China. According to estimates, February 2, 1556 killed 830 thousand people. In history 20th and 21st centurya colossal number of oscillations of the earth's crust of tremendous strength, which resulted in numerous human sacrifices. According to experts, the number large earthquakesevery year it grows. Also annually fixed almost 150 earthquakessmall magnitude. Observers bind it with the approach of the mysterious planet Nibiru.

We bring to your attention the most strong and large earthquakesWhat happened on our planet in the 20th and 21st centuryEach of which led to a huge number of dead, piles of destroyed buildings and residential buildings, a record number of people left without bed. Position in the ranking of the described earthquakesextremely conditional.

† By the number of victims is considered one of the most large 20th and 21st centurytien Shanskoye earthquake July 28, 1976 magnitude 7.9. The death toll has reached 750,000 people.

† In 1950, the state of Assam (India) occurred so much Strong earthquakethat all seismographs shook. His magnitude amounted to 9 points on the Richter scale.

† February 4, 1976 due to the appearance of a crack in the fault of Motagua in Guatemala over 1 million inhabitants It remains uncomfortable in an instant.

† Made strong earthquake in the 20th centuryon the scale of the Japanese seismologist Kanamori was observed on May 22, 1960 in Chile. Then died at least 10 thousand people. Were destroyed big cities - Concepcion, existed over 400 years, Valdivia, Puerto Mont, Osorno and others. The Pacific coast has suffered from the rampant of the element for more than 1000 km. Coastal strip area of \u200b\u200b10 thousand square meters. km fell below the ocean level and turned out to be blocked by a two-meter layer of water. Woke up 14 volcanoes. The series of subsequent jokes claimed the life of 5,700 and left 100,000 no longer. The amount of damage was estimated at $ 400 million, 20% of the country's industrial complex was destroyed. For 7 days (May 21-30), almost all the rural areas of Chile turned into ruins. The monstrous destruction on the coast completed the giant tsunami. In particular, the port of Ankund was washed away - the capital of Chiloe Island. And on the island of Easter, a 10-meter wave squeezed, like grains, multi-torque (up to 80 tons) stones of an ancient ritual structure - Ahu Tongariki.

† The trouble came to the city faithful (today Alma-Ata) on the eve of the new 1911. The region of complete destruction (9-11 points) covered the territory 15 thousand square meters. km. Mountain ridges and valleys were dissected by faults with a length of up to 200 km. The strip of the greatest violations ground surface (500 m wide and 100 km long) is recorded on the southern shore of Issyk-kul. Millions of tons of soil shifted.

† The greatest seismic catastrophe 20th centuryan occurred on August 15, 1950 in the highland part of Tibet. Energy roughly corresponded to the force of the explosion 100 thousand atomic bombs . The total weight of the moving rocks amounted to about 2 billion tons. The stories of eyewitnesses were horrified. From the earthly depths, a deafening roar was taught. In Calcutta, at a distance of more than 1000 km, underground oscillations caused seizures of seaside diseases. The cars were thrown at 800 m, the region of the railway canvas with a length of 300 m is lowered by almost 5 m, and the road is completely destroyed.

Strong11-12-point earthquake It broke out on December 4, 1957 in the south of Mongolia. It began around noon a strong push. Residents managed to run out of the premises, and when the subsequent main blow erased from the face of the building of the building, there was almost no one in them. Above the mountains rose huge dark clouds of dust, hiding first tops. Dust quickly spread, closing the entire mining chain with a length of 230 km. Visibility did not exceed 100 m. The air was cleared only in two days. Soil fluctuations were observed in an area of \u200b\u200b5 million square meters. km.

† August 31, 2012 in the central part of the Philippine Archipelago occurred large earthquakemagnid 7.6 points, which led to significant destruction of roads and bridges. Residents of the Island of Samar hurried to hide on the sublime terrain, afraid of the possible occurrence of the tsunami. The epicenter of the earthquake was 146 km from the island. The focus of underground jolts lit up at a depth of 32 km. Fortunately, strong earthquake did not provoke the tsunami.

† March 11, 2011 more than 20 in the country of the rising sun occur large earthquakes of the 21st centuryThe strongest magnitude to 8.9 points on the Richter scale. In Tokyo, the buildings swore, a large highway collapsed. Tsunami tsunami 10 m reached the island of Honshu, and the six-meter struck the island of Hokkaido. In the Miyagi Prefecture, not only boats, houses and cars, but also tanks from the military plant were cleaned. He stopped his work NPP. The authorities decided to close the Narita International Airport in Tokyo. The cataclysm led to the displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth by almost ten centimeters ... The official number of dead in 12 prefectures of Japan is 15,870 people, 2846 people are listed missing in 6 prefectures, 6110 injured in 20 prefectures. 3400 houses were completely or partially destroyed. Virtually completely plunged into the water of the city of Rikudzentakata, located in the northeastern Ivate Prefecture. Strong explosion There was a Cosmo Oil petroleum company in the city of Likihara, in the suburbs of Tokyo. Explosions Fukushima nuclear power plants led to the leakage of radiation ... the ghost was again issued over the world nuclear death, and the suburb of Tokyo could well become one of nuclear explosion zones on world map .

† At the end of August 2012, the series earthquakes Having deprived the rest of the inhabitants of a small town of Brolya in California. Here 400 days occurred in 4 days Weak and moderate underground shocks. Nature reminded that it is necessary to be ready for everything, because it is a seismic area.

We talked about the most terrible cataclysms of nature 20th and 21st century - earthquakes, the strength and consequences of which could well lead to the unprecedented Penne of the Global Catastrophe of the Earth. The threat of world disaster is real. The same elements that we created our fragile planet can destroy it. Earth is not ready for strong, large earthquakesmagnid 10 and more points.

Earthquake - The terrible element, a poor person. It can not be prevented or stopped. With frightening periodicity in different parts of the planet, earthquakes of different magnitude occur - from small jogging, which many may not notice, to strong, leading to destruction, losses and large numbers of human victims.

Top 5 most powerful earthquakes

Below will be given five strongest earthquakes that have occurred in the world.

Chilean earthquake

1. The largest earthquakeWhat happened on earth was the Chilean earthquake. In some sources, it is called Valdiv, as it happened in the Chilean city of Valdivia in 1960, May 22. The destruction that it brought, became the most significant in new story. The force of this earthquake was up to 9.5. The victims of him were 5-6 thousand people. The waves of the Grand Tsunami, which arose from the underground jolts of the earthquake, were touched upon not only Chile, but also the territories of Japan, the Philippines, Hawaii.

Alaskan earthquake

2. The strongest seismic activity in the entire history of the United States, the second time of the impetus in the world. Happened in March 1964. The center was the college fjord. The strength of the oscillations of the Alaskan earthquake was estimated at 9.1-9.2. In the course of his 131 people died. Huge destruction has undergone the city in Alaska, the outlines of the island's banks were very changed.

Earthquake in the Indian Ocean

3. 26.12. 2004 an earthquake in the Indian Ocean occurred. The third on the factor of the magnitude, however, the most terrible on human losses. Its strength was from 9.1 to 9.3. The epicenter was the island of Sumwra, located in Indonesia. Tsunami caused by an earthquake, named the most deadly and terrifying in modern history. This tragedy ruined around 300 thousand lives. The exact number of victims are not defined, a lot of people resting at the time at Sumatra, during the tsunami was carried out in the open ocean.

Earthquake At Honshu Island

4. On March 11, 2011, an earthquake broke out from the coast of the Japanese archipelago, more precisely from the island Honshu. The epicenter of him became the city of Sendai. The strength of underground jesters - from 9.0 to 9.1 points. About 16 thousand people died of Sendai earthquake, 6 thousand were injured, about 3 thousand missions were missing.

Earthquake in North Kurilsk

5. Not bypassed an earthquake and Russia. The largest happened in the small town of North-Kurilsk, on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in November 1952. The magnitude was from 8.2 to 9.0. Grand jams were caused by the strongest tsunami. Its multi-meter waves was completely washed away the city of North-Kurilsk. According to the official version, 2336 people died. It was after this incident in the country that it was decided to create a tsunami warning system.

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