Concise summary of what invention. Ingenuity inventive

Ingenuity Is a person's ability to find non-standard solutions to problems and life tasks.
The ABC of Ingenuity |

When someone from the audience asked Jacques Maximin: "What is ingenuity?", The answer followed: "It means not to copy anyone."
Dmitry Voskoboinikov | Europe, Journal of the European Union |

  • Ingenuity is the ability to think deeply and non-trivially, drawing conclusions that are inaccessible to people with primitive thinking.
  • Ingenuity is the analyticity of the mind, the speed of thinking and the creativity of actions.
  • Ingenuity is the ability to find a way out even from desperate situations.
  • Ingenuity is a way of interacting with the world, in which a person is able to see the advantages in any situation and use them for good.
  • Ingenuity is self-confidence that allows you to independently solve emerging problems in any area of ​​life.

Benefits of ingenuity

  • Ingenuity pushes boundaries - making the impossible possible.
  • Ingenuity trains strength - the mind.
  • Ingenuity gives freedom - the flight of thought.
  • Ingenuity gives joy - from the process of creation.
  • Ingenuity provides opportunities - for creativity and self-realization.
  • Ingenuity frees - from laziness of body and soul.

Shows of creativity in everyday life

  • Advertising. The more ingenuity the advertisers show, the easier it is to remember and the better it works.
  • Technical innovations. At the heart of every technical innovation that offers something fundamentally new is an invention. Thus, any technological advance is a manifestation of human ingenuity.
  • Everyday situations. A person who knows how to find non-standard and at the same time useful use for ordinary household items is inventive.
  • Own business. The person who has created a successful company, large or small, is always resourceful.

How to get creative

  • Education. Knowledge is the basis of ingenuity. By acquiring knowledge and broadening one's horizons, a person creates the basis for the development of ingenuity.
  • Self improvement. Working to eradicate such shortcomings as self-doubt, inactivity, laziness helps a person to develop inventiveness.
  • Goal setting. A person who knows exactly what he wants often shows extraordinary ingenuity in achieving his goal. The ability to clearly set goals is one of necessary conditions to develop ingenuity.
  • Try it! Don't be afraid to learn new things for yourself - you will never be able to invent a new way of cycling until you master the one you already have.

Golden mean

Routineness, lack of creativity | complete lack of imagination


Manic Ingenuity | the desire to reinvent the wheel over and over again

Winged expressions about ingenuity

It is not enough to know, and it is necessary to apply. It is not enough to want, you have to do it. - Goethe - Without the gift of ingenuity, no field has ever had great people. - Nicollo Machiavelli - True love and ingenuity are sometimes not characteristic of those in whom we expect to find them. - Marguerite Valois - The true and legitimate goal of all sciences is to endow human life with new inventions and riches. - Francis Bacon - Stephen Strauss / The Big Idea, or How Business Inventors Turned Their Ideas into a Profitable Product. The book is dedicated to the history of those inventions that have become familiar elements. Everyday life, such as a copier, teflon dishes, microwave. All these inventions, in addition to the benefit of mankind, have brought wealth to inventors. I have an idea? Why don't you make it a reality too? James L. Adams / Unblock your mind. The technique of finding original solutions to complex problems and generating brilliant ideas The book teaches the skill of generating brilliant ideas. It will help remove blocks that prevent your mind from using its potential.

Studying literature at school is very exciting and informative. It is on this subject that we get acquainted with the work of great authors, with the masterpieces of Russian and foreign literature. But there are also difficulties in learning. Teachers require you to learn poems, write essays and others.Today we will analyze what a presentation is, learn how to write it correctly, and also consider some tricks that will make your work much easier.

We'll start with the very concept of what a presentation is. Let's give a real example of a fifth grader's work and analyze all the mistakes that should not be made. Let's try to write an ideal presentation, taking into account the teacher's amendments. We suggest starting immediately.

What is it?

So, what is one of the types of creative work on literature. Teachers very often use presentation to control the knowledge of students. To get a high mark for a quarter, you need to try pretty hard and bring the quality of your creative works to perfect condition.

What is the meaning of the presentation? You are reading, or a short text is read to you, usually from classical literature. Next, you need to analyze what you read or heard and write short retelling, preserving the main idea of ​​the work or its excerpt. There is also such a type of work as oral presentation. What is it used for? Presentation (oral and written) allows the formation of spelling and stylistics skills, which are very necessary for survival in our society. After leaving school, the student should be a formed personality who can express his thoughts beautifully and smoothly, has certain goals in life.

First, the teacher reads the text. The student's task is to record the necessary data (numbers, names, sequence of events, and so on). The teacher gives some time to write the draft, the student must leave empty spaces where it is necessary (forgot something, did not have time to write down). Then the text is read again. This is the last chance to add something to your presentation. The draft is supplemented, spelling, punctuation, and stylistics are checked. The next step is to write the final version.

This practice is often encountered: together with the presentation, it is necessary to complete a small creative task (headline the text, write a detailed conclusion, that is, your attitude to the problem, supplement an unfinished thought, and so on).


When the teacher reads the text for the first time, some sketches need to be made. It is very important at this stage to form an outline of the presentation. One part is a separate paragraph. It is necessary to listen carefully and divide the entire text into semantic parts. Write them down, and you get the plan. It allows you to write a beautiful and slender text, not to get confused in the sequence of events taking place in the text.


What is the presentation and why it is used, we figured it out, and now let's move on to quick memo to help you write quality work:

  • Listen carefully to the text, identify the main problem.
  • When you first read it, try to make small notes (outline, names, dates, vivid expressions that need to be included in the presentation).
  • Check with your teacher about the meaning of words that you do not understand.
  • When you read it again, make a detailed plan.
  • Next comes the work on the text, remove from the plan items that do not carry a semantic load.
  • Write a draft, check spelling, punctuation, and style.
  • Start writing a clean cut.


Let's give an example of the presentation of the 5th grade. Here we will also look at errors.

"They put a new good door in the hut, everyone praised it."

That's right: a new door was installed in the hut.

"She did not miss the winter cold and summer heat, they stopped talking about her, because there was nothing to reproach her with."

That's right: it closed and opened well, there was nothing to reproach her with.

"But everyone talked a lot about frames, and how could you not talk about them when they creaked, let the frost and swelled."

That's right: everyone was talking about frames because they were bad.

Writing principle condensed presentation even in this small passage is clear. It is necessary to exclude information that does not carry a semantic load, remove repetitions and descriptions.

Russian language lesson in grade 9 on the topic: "Preparation for a concise presentation of the text."
Teacher: Gismatullina S.M.

Lesson objectives:

- to teach to isolate the main thing in information, to shorten the text in different ways, to correctly, logically and concisely express your thoughts, to be able to find and appropriately, accurately use the linguistic means of generalized transfer of content.
- prepare students to write a concise, journalistic-style presentation;
- to continue the education of students' love for reading, for literature, for the book;

Equipment: didactic material(text of presentation - 1 copy for each student), reminders "How to write a condensed presentation", "How to check what has been written."

During the classes.
1. Repetition of the concept of condensed presentation.
In the lesson, we will prepare for writing a presentation. Concise presentation. Remember, what is the peculiarity of this type of presentation?
In a condensed presentation, we will retell individual fragments of the text briefly, leaving only the most important, essential.
Indeed, the task of detailed presentation is the most complete reproduction of the original text while preserving the author's style. A concise presentation requires the skills of selecting essential information, a brief transfer of the content of the text, provided that the main thoughts of the author, the sequence of events, characters actors transmitted without distortion.

2. Setting the goals of the lesson. Repetition lexical meaning terms that will be encountered throughout the lesson.

The purpose of our lesson is for each of you to learn to perceive and correctly interpret the content of the source text, isolate micro themes and reproduce the content of each micro theme of the source text in your own written work.
What is mytotema?
A micro theme is the theme of a piece of text, a part of it. The sum of micro themes conveys the main content of the text.

3. Acquaintance with the text.
You listen to the text, perceive the text as a whole, highlight the main and secondary in the content, master the storyline and ultimately get an emotional mood that will help you write a concise presentation.

What is the most significant invention in the history of mankind? Scientists from different countries unanimously decided that it was a book. Not a telephone, not an airplane, not a nuclear reactor, not a spaceship, but a book. Because the appearance of the plane and spaceship, the mastery of electrical and atomic energy and much and much more became possible thanks to the invention of the book.
And today, despite the emergence of a computer and the development of electronic means of communication, the book has not lost its paramount importance. She still remains the most reliable and stable carrier and custodian of information, which does not need any external energy. Therefore, the book is still the most durable accumulator of knowledge. She, as in ancient times, serves the main thing: from generation to generation enlightens people, that is, makes them brighter, leads to good.
Many people think that it is possible to study orally as well. Sure. Just saying the words without writing them down is like writing with a pitchfork on the water. So said one of the creators Slavic alphabet, educator Kirill. The heard word, not fixed on paper, very soon erases, leaves the memory, supplanted by other words and impressions. And can you rely on its reliability? The word heard, and then also read, is retained for a long time in the memory of a person.
People have always sought not only to preserve their observations and knowledge, but also to generalize them. And it is in the books that the experience of dozens of generations has accumulated - everything that we call wisdom. No wonder our ancestors said: "A mind without books is like a bird without wings." And this means one thing: as a bird cannot fly without wings, so the mind is limited and constrained without reading books.
(Based on materials from the encyclopedia) (248 words)

For this text, you must write a concise summary, and for this we will work on the content of the text.

4. Analysis of the text.

What are the signs of the text.
1. The proposals are united by one theme. Words of the same subject were used (book, enlightens, words, write down, Slavic alphabet, enlightener Kirill, on paper, read, accumulated experience, proverb about a book, without reading a book.)
2. The text has an idea.
The idea of ​​the text is that the book is an eternal source of knowledge in various spheres of human life.
3. The text can be titled.
The book is the most significant invention.
4. The text is divided into four paragraphs.
- For what purpose is this done?
Each paragraph contains a micro theme that reflects the main theme.
- We will define the micro theme of each paragraph and write it down in the form of a plan.
Teacher: Make a plan for the text.
Outline of the text.
1. Thanks to the book, many inventions became possible.
2. The book is the most reliable and durable accumulator of knowledge.
3. The read word remains in memory for a long time.
4. The mind is limited and constrained without reading books.
Determine the type of this text. Prove.
The type of this text is reasoning, because the author of the text reasons and proves that the book is the most significant invention in the entire history of mankind. Usually the text of the reasoning consists of three parts - thesis, proof and conclusion.
In this text, we clearly see:
thesis - Scientists from different countries have unanimously decided that the most significant invention is the book. Further on the text goes the evidence: 1. The book is still the most reliable and durable accumulator of knowledge. 2. The read word is stored in memory for a long time. 3. The mind is limited and constrained without reading books.
and the conclusion - it is in the books that the experience of tens of generations has accumulated - everything that we call wisdom, the mind is limited and constrained without reading books.

Teacher. It is very important to correctly determine the type, since the functional-semantic types of speech are built in different ways, the reasoning is built as follows:
1) the main position (thesis);
2) evidence using arguments;
3) conclusion.
When writing a presentation, care must be taken to ensure that the content of the original text is transmitted without distortion, important episodes are preserved, and heterogeneous facts are not generalized.
Determine the style of this text.
The style of the text is journalistic. It affects the reader and introduces certain information. It touches upon topical issues of our time that are of interest to society. The author of the text encourages people to read more.
Pay attention to the vocabulary of the journalistic style. Words are cumbersome, ponderous.

5. Work on compressing the text.
For this text, we must write a concise summary.
In what ways can we compress the text?
The first way is called an exception. With the exception, we omit details and unnecessary details from the point of view of the main idea of ​​the text.
The second way is generalization. When generalizing, at first single facts are isolated, then they are combined with special linguistic means.
You can replace the group homogeneous members in one word or phrase.
We will compress the text in a way of exclusion.
Remember what tricks we can use in this case?
The main language methods of text compression include the following.
1. Replacements:
replacement of homogeneous members with a generalized name;
replacing a fragment of a sentence with a synonymous expression;
replacement of a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun;
replacement of a sentence or part of it with a definitive or negative pronoun with a generalizing meaning;
replacing a complex sentence with a simple one;
replacement of direct speech with indirect.

2. Exceptions:
exclusion of individual members of the proposal, some homogeneous members;
elimination of repetitions;
exclusion of a fragment of a sentence that is of less significant importance;
exclusion of sentences containing descriptions or reasoning, submitted too broadly and completely.
3. Mergers:
education complex sentence by merging two simple ones, telling about the same subject of speech.
Teacher. Read the memo and try to follow its advice.
Cheat Sheet "How to Write a Condensed Statement"
1. Highlight important (essential, necessary) thoughts (micro themes) in the text.
2. Find among them main idea.
3. Break the text into parts, grouping it around the essential thoughts.
4. Make an outline by heading each micro-topic.
5. Think about what you can exclude in each part, from what details to refuse.
6. What facts (examples, cases) can be combined, summarized in adjacent parts of the text?
7. Consider the means of communication between the parts.
8. Translate the selected information into your own language.
Let's re-read the text paragraph by paragraph, think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse.
What is the most significant invention in the history of mankind? Scientists from different countries have unanimously decided that this is a book. Because the achievements of science and technology became possible thanks to the invention of the book.
And today, in the age of electronic means of communication, the book has not lost its paramount importance. She is still the most stable custodian of information. Therefore, the book is still the most durable accumulator of knowledge. From generation to generation she enlightens people, makes them brighter, leads to good.
Many people think that it is possible to study orally as well. Can. Just saying the words without writing them down is like writing with a pitchfork on the water. So said the creator of the Slavic alphabet, the educator Kirill. The heard word, not fixed on paper, goes out of memory. And can you rely on its reliability? The word heard, and then also read, is retained for a long time in the memory of a person.
People have always tried to summarize their observations and knowledge. And it is in the books that the experience of dozens of generations has been accumulated. No wonder our ancestors said: "A mind without books is like a bird without wings." And this means one thing: as a bird cannot fly without wings, so the mind is limited without reading books.

1. replacement of homogeneous members with a generalized name;
2.replacing a fragment of a sentence with a synonymous expression
4. exclusion of sentences containing descriptions or reasoning, submitted too broadly and completely.

Second text compression.
What invention has become significant in the history of mankind? Scientists unanimously decided that this is a book. Because the achievements were made possible thanks to the book.
And today the book has not lost its paramount importance. She remains a stable custodian of information. Therefore, the book is the most durable accumulator of knowledge. She enlightens people from generation to generation.
Many people think that it is possible to study orally as well. Can. But this is the same as writing with a pitchfork on the water. This is what the enlightener Kirill said. The heard word, not fixed on paper, goes out of memory. The word heard and then read is stored in memory for a long time.
People tried to generalize their observations and knowledge. And the books have accumulated the experience of dozens of generations. Our ancestors said: "A mind without books is like a bird without wings." This means: just as a bird cannot fly without wings, so the mind is limited without reading books.

What methods of compressing the text have you used?
1. the formation of a complex sentence by merging two simple ones, telling about the same subject of speech.
2. exclusion of repetitions;
3. exclusion of a fragment of the proposal that is of less significant significance;
Do the third compression yourself, I want to warn you and remind you of logical errors.
Logical errors

1. Rapprochement of relatively distant thoughts in one sentence.
2. Lack of consistency in thoughts; incoherence and violation of the order of sentences.
3. The use of sentences of different types in terms of structure, leading to difficulty in understanding the meaning, incoherence.
4. Unsuccessful ending (duplicate output).
6. Independent work.

Third text compression.
What invention has become significant in the history of mankind? Scientists thought it was a book. Because the achievements were made possible thanks to the book.
Today the book has not lost its significance. She remains the custodian of information. Therefore, a book is an accumulator of knowledge. She educates people.
Many people think that it is possible to study orally. Can. But the word heard, not fixed on paper, leaves the memory, and the read is stored in the memory.
People tried to generalize knowledge. The books have accumulated the experience of generations. Our ancestors said: "A mind without books is like a wingless bird." This means: a bird without wings cannot fly, and the mind is limited without reading books. 90 words

7. Summing up.
Check what you wrote using the cheat sheet and grading criteria.

How to check what is written
1.After writing the text for a draft, read it at least 3 times.
2. Read the first time to check the content.
Answer the questions:
Has the main content of the original text been transmitted?
Is there a repetition of thought or the omission of important information?
Can the written text be called summary original?
Are all micro themes of the source text reflected in the presentation?
3. Read the second time in order to correct the text.
Answer the questions:
* Can the text be called coherent?
* Are the paragraphs highlighted correctly?
* Are there any grammatical errors?
* No speech errors?
* Is the speech expressive?
4.Read for the third time to check spelling and punctuation. Use a dictionary!
5.After rewriting the text on the clean copy, also check the clean version.

IKZ Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation
The examinee's work is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation:
- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not violated;
-in the work there are no violations of the paragraph division of the text. 2
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,
but 1 logical error was made,
and / or there is 1 violation of the paragraph division of the text in the work. 1
In the work of the examinee, a communicative intention is visible,
but more than 1 logical error was made,
and / or there are 2 cases of violation of the articulation of the text 0
The maximum number of points for a succinct presentation according to the criteria of SG1-SG3 7

List of sources used

1. Russian language: Express tutor to prepare for the GIA: "Concise presentation: 9th grade" / E.V. Korchagina, E.S. Simakova.-M.: AST: Astrel: Polygraph-Publishing House, 2010
2. A new form of final attestation in grade 9: recommendations and experience.-Kazan: RIC "School", 2009
3. Russian language. 9th grade. Preparation for GIA -2011: teaching aid / ed. ON. Seninoy.-Rostov n / a: Legion-M., 2010

The full text of the material Lesson of the Russian language in the 9th grade on the topic "Preparation for a concise presentation of the text", see the downloadable file.
The page shows a snippet.

Ingenuity as a personality trait - the ability to create new things, find new, non-standard, useful solutions to problems and life's difficulties, show invention, resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Somewhere in the endless forests of Finland, there is one small forest road. Remarkably, there is a hatch in the middle of this road. The most ordinary hatch. Who built it is not clear. A Russian driver was driving along this road in his own car. He saw the hatch, and a thought ripened in his inventive mind. Opening the hatch, he drove into it on purpose. Naturally, one of the car's wheels broke off. The owner of the car filed a lawsuit against the road service of Finland for material and moral damage, and after a while sued a large sum. Returning home, he told his friend about the forest road, and the friend also decided to enrich himself a little at the expense of the Finnish taxpayers. Which happened after a while. Soon all relatives, friends and relatives of the aforementioned driver and his comrade knew about the hatch on the forest road. The road service of Finland, having already paid a considerable sum to the Russians through the courts, decided to take extreme measures: to weld this damn hatch to hell. About a month later, the service management received a summons from the court: a Russian motorist on a forest road again drove into an open hatch and damaged his car. It turned out that this unfortunate Russian, seeing the welded hatch, went home for a gas burner, cut off the hatch cover and drove into it. Stupefied from litigation the road service agreed with the local traffic police on the allocation of a guard to guard the ill-fated hatch. A booth was built next to the hatch, electricity, sewerage, and the Internet were installed there for the convenience of the guard. There were no accidents for about six months. Once, five hundred meters from the guard, two Russian cars collided. The accident was not serious, but the law enforcement officer had to record everything. Having spent about ten minutes about these two cars, the Finn returned to his seat and was stunned: the hatch is open, and next to it there is a Russian nine, one of the wheels of which lies calmly in the hatch.

Ingenuity is an ability from negative situation make "candy". This character trait directly depends on the resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance and perseverance of the individual. From any seemingly hopeless situation, she will squeeze out "all the juices" of usefulness and suitability. It is not for nothing that the people say: "The need for invention is cunning." Where an insecure person gives in and raises his hands, ingenuity is looking for new, useful solutions with its inquiring mind.

Ingenuity as a personality trait is most clearly manifested in unusual, emergency situations, when there is strong motivation, and a necessary, original solution does not occur to anyone. The prisoners are not ready to go to anything in order to escape, hide a mobile phone or a weapon. The police detained a Mexican woman who, during a regular visit, tried to drag her husband out of prison in a suitcase. Florida prison staff discovered an incredible find. Examining the prisoner's rectum, they found - 17 oxycodone tablets, 1 cigarette, 6 matches, 1 syringe with a needle, 1 silicon lighter, 1 condom, 1 prescription and 1 container for lip gloss. The 230-kilogram prisoner managed to smuggle a 9-mm pistol past the guards, using his weight. He hid it among his folds of fat. Three inmates, along with their lovers, tried to smuggle drugs in a New Jersey prison. They tried to sell the drug subozon, previously dissolved in water and applied to children's coloring books.

Ingenuity presupposes quick thinking, an analytical mindset, a penchant for creative activity, the ability to think deeply and non-trivially. A bold plus of ingenuity is the ability to see new opportunities in any problem and use them with benefit. The owner of this personality trait, as a rule, is self-confident, initiative, active and energetic. He clearly shows the quality of independence.

Products of ingenuity, sometimes shocking with their unpredictability, and, sometimes, just cause a smile. In Moscow, a man is standing at a busy intersection and handing out leaflets to all passers-by. Those who take it, hide it in their pockets and quickly disappear. On the way, they cautiously take them out of their pockets to read, but indignantly return back: - Why are you handing out empty sheets? Nothing is written here! - And what to write? And so everything is clear!

One guy communicated with a girl via the Internet and wanted to send flowers to her home, but could not find out the apartment number ... He only knew the number of the house in which she lives ... So, one night, he sent her a video he made, in which there is nothing was, except for the rapidly changing colors of the picture, and advised to look at the full screen. She did everything as he asked. Meanwhile, two of his friends stood on opposite sides of the house and watched in which window this "color music" would begin. He sent flowers. Now they are together.

It was late evening. The tired couple lay on the couch. I already wanted to sleep and had no strength left for anything. Before that, the wife had time to go to the shower, but the husband did not. She began to reprimand him how to go to a clean bed with dirty feet. He still refused to take a shower, but ... he took large bags with handles, put them on his feet, tied them up, and with the words “now I will not rub my dirty feet on the sheet,” climbed under the covers. All night long the wife heard the rustling of his "shoes", and in the morning they were awakened by the call of his mother. Jumping out from under the blanket, he spanked his shoe covers around the apartment for some time. Then they laughed together for a long time !!!

When it comes to classic inventions, Thomas Edison was the undisputed king of ingenuity. The outstanding physicist, engineer, inventor Nikola Tesla spoke about this man as follows: “If Edison had to find a needle in a haystack, he would not waste time trying to determine its most probable location. On the contrary, he would immediately, with the feverish diligence of a bee, begin to examine straw after straw until he found what he was looking for. " This world-famous American inventor is the official inventor of 1,093 inventions confirmed by the US Patent Office (which is an absolute record in the history of science). He received about three thousand more patents for his inventions in other countries of the world. Thomas Edison had an amazing capacity for work and determination; he perceived every failure in his experiments and research solely as a step closer to success. In such cases, he liked to say: “I found 2,000 wrong ways, there is only one left to find, the right way", Or" I was not defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. "

Ingenuity is an amazing personality trait. It can manifest itself in the most unexpected areas of life and under a variety of circumstances. Russian students rented a house in New Jersey. The owner of the house was terribly tight-fisted, in winter in the cold he did not want to expose the temperature more than +18, showed them the corresponding legislative act from some shaggy 1920, that he was not obliged to do this by law. And it was specifically cold for them. And so that we ourselves would not bother with the heater, I locked it in such a plastic box with holes through which air passed (so that the temperature was fixed), but not fingers (so that they could not change the settings). Russian students turned on ingenuity. On top of this box, they simply put a glass of ice. The sensor naturally thought that it was terribly cold in the house, and the heater worked all winter from a "pure heart". After each electricity bill received, the owner called in to them with wide eyes, and they made innocent faces and said: Yes, we have +18, look - the sensor has not been touched, everything is in order, but why such bills come - we do not know.

And here is another example of household ingenuity. A young, single neighbor, walked in, among broad daylight to the same young, single neighbor. Having asked how he was doing, he immediately got down to business, in an excited and exciting voice, he began: - Irinka, this happened to me, you have no idea, I'll tell you now, you will be stunned! - Yes, what happened to you in the end? - Listen, do you have potatoes, bacon, cucumbers? - There are potatoes, lard, but there are no cucumbers? What for? - Yes, I have a bottle, but nothing to eat. So, give me a bottle, a snack from you, collect your belongings and go out to the common table in the courtyard, and grab the glasses. Irinka collected a basket with a snack, instead of missing cucumbers, put eggs and tomatoes in the basket. I went out into the courtyard, a neighbor, Volodka, was sitting at a common table, he smiled and looked around. Irinka began to lay the table, the bottle was neither on the table, nor in his hands. Volodka asked: - Did you take the glasses to drink? - Oh, no, I forgot. I will bring it now. Irinka brought a few more disposable glasses to the table and noticed her neighbor Lena walking in the direction of the table, holding a bottle of vodka in her hands. She immediately asked: - And you are here, what? - Yes, Vovik invited me. - He invited me, comes and says: “Lenka, you have a bottle, otherwise I have such potatoes, such bacon. So, three neighbors drank the first glass to the inventive neighbor Vovik, who collected them.

Petr Kovalev

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