When pronouns are used, speech errors may occur. Practicum on the course Russian language and culture of speech The father called his son to him

1. Put emphasis. More beautiful, youth, masterfully, medication, intention, facilitate, in part, at the same time, parterre, appeal, acquisition, developed, convocation, means, aggravate, phenomenon, masters. 2. Explain the meaning of each of the paronyms, make up phrases. Explosive - explosive, entertaining - entertaining, slow - slow, guaranteed - guaranteed. Find and correct lexical errors. A) The size of the monument amazed us with its grandeur. B) There was an oil painting on the wall. C) The positive joys of life seemed to him with difficulty. 4. Explain the meaning of phraseological units. At night, looking, hold a stone in your bosom, roll up your sleeves, keep your ears open, heavy on the rise, small fry, get into a rut, stroke against the grain, without a king in your head, make porridge, knock you astray. 5. Find mistakes in the use of pronouns and correct them: a) The patient asked his sister to bring him some water. B) There were bookcases in the library. There were only eight of them. C) The father called his son to him. D) I miss you so much. E) All the young people came to this holiday. They had fun until morning. F) There was a mirror in the hallway, and a picture hung in front of it. G) Friends helped me with my work, and thanks to them I made it to the deadline. H) In this film, any actors played well. I) He collected on the street every junk.k) We watched the performance in the new theater, and it seemed to us very unusual. Guidelines to home test work in the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" 1. When performing task number 1, it is proposed to independently place the stress, and to check, use any of the specified dictionaries: explanatory, spelling or spelling. Mark if the word has stress variants - double stress (main and additional, for example: cottage cheese). 2. The use of one paronym in the text instead of another is a mistake, which is usually called mixing of paronyms. Such errors can lead to a distortion of meaning or to a violation of lexical compatibility. In case of doubt about the choice of the meaning of words, use the "Dictionary of paronyms". Explain the meaning of each of the paronyms and make phrases with them. 3. When choosing words, you need to pay attention to their meanings, stylistic coloring, correct use, compatibility with other words. In task number 3, find and eliminate lexical errors. 4. Phraseologisms - connected, integral, stable expressions that have a special meaning that does not add up to meaning individual words included in these expressions. Explain the meaning of phraseological units independently or with the help of a phraseological dictionary. 5. In morphology, the features of the formation of forms of various parts of speech and the related norms of the use of these forms, which are called morphological norms... To complete task number 5, remember (or repeat) morphological signs the part of speech specified in the assignment.

Topic 13, 14. Grammar norms. Practical lesson № 12, 13

Target: master the grammatical norms that cause difficulties for Russian speakers.


  1. Give a definition of what the main members of the sentence are, the minor members of the sentence, punctuation, syntax, phrase.

  2. Fill in the cells of the crossword puzzle:
Horizontally: 3. The main member of the sentence, denoting the action of the object. 5. Secondary member of the proposal, which answers the questions what? which? which? whose? And it denotes a sign of an object. 6. Conversation of two or more persons. 7. A minor member of the sentence, which designates the place, time, mode of action. 8. Section of the science of language, which is studied correct setting punctuation marks. 9. The section of the science of language, in which phrases and sentences are studied. 10. What is placed between the subject and the predicate if both main members are expressed by the noun in the nominative case?

Vertically: 1. The main member of the proposal. 2. A word (or a combination of words) that names the person to whom the speech is being addressed. 4. Two or more words related in meaning and grammar.

  1. Tell about the gender category of a noun:
a) non-declining nouns foreign language origin;

b) the genus of Russian non-declining nouns;

c) designation of persons by profession, position, academic or military rank.

Explain the gender category of the noun.

  1. Decline, where possible, first and last names.
Erich-Maria Remarque, Boris Pasternak, Yasunari Kawabata, Mireille Mathieu, Taras Shevchenko, Elizabeth Taylor.

  1. Compose the text (story) by adding singular adjectives to the proposed nouns.
Moscow State University, borjomi, avenue, coffee, kohlrabi, ivasi, menu, lobby, lady, taxi, bet.

  1. Open the brackets and write down the phrases with the given words.
Sample: To admire, admire, wonder (his courage) - admire his courage, bow before his courage, be surprised at his courage.

  1. Learn, master (language). 2. Pay attention, pay attention ( physical education). 3. Base, base, base (new research). 4. Maintain confidence, maintain faith (successful outcome of the operation). 5. Obstruct, prevent (obtaining illegal income).

  1. For the following words, form, where applicable, the corresponding feminine nouns:
Teacher, cashier, hairdresser, doctor, doctor, director, accountant, professor, associate professor, engineer.

  1. In the following sentences, find mistakes in the use of noun forms and correct them:
a) I washed my hair with a good shampoo.

b) The windows were covered with thin tulle.

c) He dropped his pince-nez.

d) She expressed her displeasure to me.

f) The editor corrected the text.

g) She had no stockings or socks.

h) Today I have absolutely no time.

i) We saw an extraordinary chimpanzee in the zoo.

j) The window was closed with a beautiful louver.

k) We saw a small hummingbird.

l) There were many gypsies in the camp.

m) There were several towels on the hanger.

o) Grandma baked a lot of pancakes for breakfast.

o) There were six cups and six saucers on the table.

9. Determine the gender of the following nouns:

Royal, cocoa, hospital, swan, corn, shampoo, child, namesake, potatoes, bully, fidget, bully, kangaroo, Baku, media, blinds, Sochi, penalty, alibi, tulle, jam, veil, lobby.

10. Select the option that matches syntactic norm(agreement):

1. Manager of a fashion salon Irina Vasilievna ... on the radio. \ a) spoke, b) spoke.

2. Our company employs ... programmer Olga Subbotina. \ a) good, b) good.

3. President of the film festival Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina ... for the Grand Prix artists. \ a) handed over, b) handed over.

4. Moscow ... US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. \ a) handed over, b) handed over.

6. This year ... the museum-apartment of academician Dmitry Likhachev. \ a) opened, b) opened. 7. Students were invited to ... an evening meeting with war veterans. \ a) solemn, b) solemn. 8. Newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" ... on the rise in the ruble exchange rate. \ a) reported, b) reported. 9.… Sochi attracts all tourists. \ a) solar, b) solar, c) solar.

11. Edit these sentences, removing the stringing of cases that make it difficult to understand.

1. The author did not agree with the assessment of the criticism of his novel. 2. In order to further improve the qualifications of school teachers, seminars are regularly held. 3. The film received rave reviews from the press. 4. It was impossible to be limited by the decisions made. 5. The story is the result of a difficult search by the author of his creative manner. 6. In connection with the issue of the need to increase the productivity of this enterprise, special measures were planned. 7. It is about understanding the author's systems of democracy and its dogmatization of politicians.
12. Decline the following whole numbers (following the example):

5 to 20 and 30

50 to 80

500 to 900







I. p.


R. p.


D. p.


V. p.




P. p.

(oh) five

13. What are the characteristics of a numeral name? What are the categories of numbers by meaning and composition.

14. Declare the following phrases:

One and a half apples, one and a half pears, one and a half kilometers, both friends, both girlfriends, five guys, two-fifths, 567 kilometers, 2340 kilograms, 20.7 seconds.

15. Expand the brackets, write down in words the numeral names indicated by numbers, put them in the required form:

a) They walked towards us (2 boys, 3 girls).

b) The museum has (1050 paintings).

c) We worked on the project (22 days).

d) (32 students) came to the class.

e) He ran the distance in (15.7 seconds).

f) We broke down at the same time (both sledges).

g) We have about (1.5 weeks) to rest.

h) We celebrated the (800th anniversary) of Moscow.

i) The plane arrived with (345 passengers) on board.

j) They are waiting for you in (room 320).

16. Find mistakes in the use of forms of numbers and correct them.

a) We invited both friends to visit.

b) Three girls played ball.

c) Four cars were parked under the windows.

d) Trucks were parked at both gates.

e) I need two scissors.

f) Both students were given fives.

g) About two hundred people study at the institute.

h) The lesson will be in the three hundred and fifteenth auditorium.

i) The train came in 20.5 seconds.

j) He ran a two-meter distance.

17. What are the characteristics of a pronoun as a part of speech? Name the categories of pronouns and describe each of them (table).

18. Find mistakes in the use of pronouns and correct them.

a) The patient asked his sister to bring him some water.

b) The library housed bookcases. There were only eight of them.

c) The father called his son to him.

d) I miss you so much.

e) All young people came to this holiday. They enjoyed themselves until the morning.

f) There was a mirror in the hallway, and a picture hung in front of it.

g) Friends helped me with my work, and thanks to them I made it to the deadline.

h) In this film, any actors played well.

i) He collected every trash on the street.

j) We watched the performance at the new theater, and it seemed to us very unusual.

k) Their team won first place.

m) This guy, he behaves defiantly.

m) I have taken this course without any benefit to myself.

n) Everyone was of the opinion that this business was not worth starting.

o) A letter arrived on the ship, and soon it weighed anchor.

REMEMBER: I miss you, miss us, miss you.

Topic 15, 16. Stylistic norms. Practical lesson number 14, 15.

Target: to teach how to define the stylistic coloring of words, the stylistic coloring of texts, to be able to make stylistic editing of the text.


  1. What is language style?

  2. What is there under the stylistic coloration?

  3. Find in the preface of any explanatory dictionary and analyze the labels with the help of which the stylistic (emotional, evaluative and functional) characteristics of the vocabulary in the explanatory dictionary are created.

  4. Give examples of words in the meanings of which an additional stylistic component is highlighted. Check the dictionary if you have chosen the right words.

  5. Using any explanatory dictionary of modern literary language, select one example for each stylistic label accepted in this dictionary.

  6. Using any explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian literary language, select one example for each emotional-evaluative label adopted in this dictionary.

  7. Determine which litter is in modern explanatory dictionaries characterizes the following words.
Ragged, gnawed, big, feisty, tall, porridge (confusion, mess), cow (about a fat, clumsy woman), whine (complain).

  1. Determine the stylistic coloring of the given words and choose stylistic synonyms for them.
Illness, fight, plodding, applause, doing nothing, warrior, bursting in, expelled, afraid, lazy, persistent, uneducated, local.

  1. Find synonyms for loan words. Determine if there are differences in the use of these words?
Allegory, amnesty, apathy, barter, devaluation, demonstrate, image, laconic, local, modernize, optimal, optimistic.

  1. Determine the meaning of the given jargon. Is it possible to establish their origin? Which of them do you think have already become part of colloquial speech?
Glitch, nonsense, chaos, zamorochka, buzz, strained, otpad, darken, outfit, layout, disassembly, scoop, machine, party.

  1. Determine the stylistic coloring of the texts.

  1. Environmental protection problems are traditionally related to the field of ecology. However, the biological origin of ecology as a science leaves a certain imprint on the perception of this term by various specialists. In particular, the general public and non-medical professionals include in the field environmental issues and issues of human health protection. And doctors, speaking about ecology, first of all mean the influence of anthropogenic activity on wildlife, separating it from the medical problems of environmental protection: these problems in the domestic medical science traditionally allocated in a special section called hygiene, which deals with the human environment, that is, the conditions of his work, life and rest.

  2. Allergy is called a disease of civilization. In countries with high level industrial development allergic diseases are social problem, affecting up to a quarter or more of the population. V environment there are various factors that can cause this disease. Allergens can be as simple substances in the form of separate chemical elements(iodine, chlorine, chromium, nickel, cobalt), and complex protein complexes in conjunction with chemicals... Viruses, microbes, fungi and their metabolic products, plant pollen, mites, saliva, animal hair, dust, medicinal and other allergens can actively affect the human body. A link has been established between allergies and disorders of the immune system.

  3. The author has the right: to publish, reproduce and distribute his work in all ways permitted by law under his own name, under a conventional name (pseudonym) or without designating a name (anonymously); inviolability of the work: to receive remuneration for the use of the work by other persons, except for the cases specified in the law. Copyright rates are established by law.

  1. Pick up fragments of texts using dialectisms, jargon, colloquial vocabulary.

  2. Pick up fragments of texts using colloquial vocabulary.

  3. Pick up fragments of nonfiction texts.

  4. Pick up fragments of official business texts.

  5. Pick up fragments of scientific texts.

  6. Read the following examples from newspapers. Find colloquial and slang words and expressions in them. Make stylistic editing of the texts.

  1. The speakers "ran over" to the church. Apparently, the businessmen were eliminating competitors, or the "roofs" were sorting out the relationship with each other. This time the redistribution is in the security business, or, as it is also called, in the "roofing market". According to our sources, the next "bear showdown" is due to the upcoming elections to the Legislative Assembly. Companions tried to "transfer the arrows" to Alexei Malikov, nicknamed Medic. 2. Why in the West the police do not take on their paws en masse? 3. Partisan detachment without a single shot wanders obediently into the cattle corral. 4. For many decades, propaganda has hammered into heads that November 7 is the country's main holiday. 5. Half of the president’s orders were muted in the cabinet of the government. 6. There was a man on a white horse, reputable businessmen handled with him, the oil magnates asked for an appointment, and now they were driven into a rat hole. 7. The people sighed sadly and began to plan where to leave St. Petersburg for the duration of the anniversary decade.

  1. To write beautifully, even too beautifully, brightly, even too brightly - only the lazy cannot do this now. It can be done". What cannot be faked is the conscience of words.
A very bad symptom is what is being done with the Russian language, and, moreover, just against the background of a well-known rise in literary culture. Deafness to the language often appears in the vicinity of linguistic sophistication. In Russian they write as if it were dead language whose host died centuries or millennia ago.

S. Averintsev. Hopes and worries.

What features of journalistic style are found in the text? What words and expressions reflect the author's position? Write an essay in the genre of a review, where you can illustrate the idea of ​​this text by analyzing any fact of neglect of the language.

REMINDER! Review- (Latin recensio - consideration) - review, analysis of the work, genre literary criticism and newspaper and magazine journalism. The review usually gives a bibliographic description, short info on the content, subject matter, style of the work, critical assessment of the work

More often, errors appear as a result of a violation of the correlation of a pronoun with a person or an object expressed by a noun, as a result of which an ambiguity of the statement may arise.

Pronoun mistakes are often made their, replacing it with the vernacular theirs: Do not take theirs things.

There are also colloquial variants of some pronouns: everyone - everyone, nobody'sout-of-the-box, what kind of etc.

Errors can occur when choosing the form of the 3rd person pronouns in cases when "n" is added to the personal pronoun of the 3rd person in indirect cases and when not.

In modern Russian, "n" is added if the pronoun comes after any preposition (without, in, before, for, behind, from, to, on, over, o, on, under, before, at, about, through, with, at) or after adverbial prepositions requiring genitive (near, around, in front, by, opposite, around, after, in the middle, in the middle). For example: without him, around him.

"N" is not added to pronouns after prepositions of adverbial and verb origin governing the dative case. For example: in spite of him, thanks to him.

In prepositional combinations, consisting of a simple preposition and a noun, "n" is not put after it. For example: from his side, with his help.

"N" is not added when the pronoun is after comparative adjective or adverb. For example: past them, but not past them, behind him, but not behind him. Phrases within them - within them are equal in use.

Pronouns this one in Russian are considered obsolete, but can be used to create irony: Well, what does this mean?

In a sentence, pronouns usually indicate a noun used in the text before this, standing in the same gender, number and case. This should not create ambiguity in understanding. For example: Donkeys have long ears and can carry people. It turns out that the pronoun they replaces the noun "ears" and that "ears can carry people." To correct this sentence, you need to abandon the use of the pronoun and repeat the noun again: Donkeys have long ears and can carry people.

Questions and tasks

What are the characteristics of a pronoun as a part of speech? What are the categories of pronouns and describe each of them.

2. What categories of pronouns are included in the groups:

a) pronouns-nouns;

b) adjective pronouns;

c) pronouns-numerals.

3. Inflect the following phrases:

a certain person, a certain actress, some students, so many cars, myself, himself.

Find mistakes in the use of pronouns and correct them.

a) The patient asked his sister to bring him some water.

b) The library housed bookcases. There were only eight of them.

c) The father called his son to him.

d) I miss you so much.

e) All young people came to this holiday. They enjoyed themselves until the morning.

f) There was a mirror in the hallway, and a picture hung in front of it.

g) Friends helped me with my work, and thanks to them I made it to the deadline.

h) In this film, any actors played well.

i) He collected every trash on the street.

j) We watched the performance at the new theater, and it seemed to us very unusual.

k) Their team won first place.

m) This guy, he behaves defiantly.

m) I have taken this course without any benefit to myself.

n) Everyone was of the opinion that this business was not worth starting.

o) A letter arrived on the ship, and soon it weighed anchor.


Verb- this is independent part speech, which is characterized by the following features.

1. Semantic feature: denotes the action of the subject and answers questions what to do? what to do?

From point of view lexical meaning a verb does not always mean an action. For example, the verbs lie down, sleep, laugh, be sad denote a physical or mental state that cannot be called an action, and there are a lot of such examples. It should be remembered that the action is only the grammatical meaning of the verb, which denotes a process that takes place in time.

2. Morphological features: constants - type, conjugation, transitivity - intransition, recurrence - irreversibility; fickle - mood, pledge, time, number, face.

3. Syntactic feature: in a sentence, the verb basically acts as a predicate.

Infinitive, or the indefinite form of the verb (from lat. infinitivus - "undefined"), - initial form a verb that denotes the action of an object, without indicating the time of its commission, face and mood, and answers questions what to do? what to do?

The infinitive has suffixes at the end -ty (to say), -ti (to lead), -to (to protect).

This is an unchangeable form of the verb, which has only constant morphological features: conjugation, type, recurrence - irreversibility, transitivity - intransitivity.

In a sentence, a verb in an indefinite form can be a predicate (You choose) subject (Fly is my dream) minor member (I went to the sanatorium for medical treatment).

There are two kinds of verbs: perfect and imperfect.

Perfective verbs denote an action completed, completed, indicate a result or limit, and answer a question what to do? (read, build, sing, shut up).

Imperfective verbs denote an action without indicating its result, limit, but have a connotation of duration or repeatability and answer the question what to do? (read, build, tap, shout).

Imperfective verbs have three tense forms: present, past and future complex (I read, I read, I will read).

Perfective verbs have only two tense forms: past and future simple (read, read).

Not all verbs have their own species pair, but each verb necessarily refers to some kind.

There are verbs that can be both perfect and imperfect; they are called two-species, their meaning can only be discerned in context (shorthand, give reasons). For example: He always argues his conclusions.(not sov.). Yesterday he fully argued his entire report(Sov.).

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Transitive verbs denote an action directed at an object, passing to it: read a book, watch a movie.

Such verbs can have a direct object in the accusative case without a preposition (answers the question whom? what?), which denotes an object being acted upon (drink tea, chop wood), or an object resulting from an action (build a house, sew a dress).

With a transitive verb, the addition can also stand in the genitive case, if the action does not go to the whole subject, but only to a part of it: drink milk(only part of the milk, not all milk in general), and if there is a negation: did not write the letter.

Intransitive verbs cannot carry a direct object in the accusative case without a preposition: run, stand, talk etc. (When using them, you cannot use a noun that answers questions whom? what? It cannot be said: run - who? what?)

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

Reflexes are verbs that have a postfix -sia, -s: laugh, trail. Such verbs denote an action directed at the agent himself (that is, the action, as it were, “returns” to its source: wash up, that is, wash yourself, since the postfix -sya by its origin a former reflexive pronoun denoting the same as the modern myself).

Non-reflexive verbs do not have a postfix -sya.

The verb has three moods: indicative, subjunctive and imperative.

Indicative verbs denote an action that the speaker considers quite real, actually taking place in a certain time (present, past, future). The forms of tense are simultaneously the forms of the indicative mood.

Subjunctive verb has two meanings: conditional and desirable.

Conditional value subjunctive mood shows that the action is not a fact, but only assumed, it could be performed under a certain condition: I would go for a walk if it stopped raining.

The desired meaning of the subjunctive mood indicates that the speaker wants the action to take place: "I would only look at you"(S. Yesenin).

The subjunctive mood is formed with the help of a particle, which can stand after the verb and in front of it.

Subjunctive verbs have gender and number forms: would read, read, read.

Imperative mood expresses a motivation for action to be taken by the interlocutor (2nd person). It is characterized by a special incentive intonation depending on the nature of the motivation: order, request, supplication, etc. (Text me please! Come here!)

The form imperative mood, as a rule, formed from the stem of the present or future simple tense by adding endings -i (lead - lead), - and (read - read), in plural adding an affix -te (read - read).

Some verbs imperative form not used or not formed at all: to want, to be able, to hear.

Verb tense- this is a grammatical category that shows when an action was performed in relation to the moment of speech.

Present time shows that the action is performed right at the moment of speech: I am now writing, reading, talking.

Past tense shows that the action took place before the beginning of the speech about him: I read, talked, played.

Future tense shows that the action will take place after the end of the speech about him: I will write, I will write.

Future tense forms can be simple or complex. Forms of a simple future tense consist of one word, they are formed from perfect verbs: I'll write and talk.

Forms of the future complex are formed from imperfective verbs with the help of an auxiliary verb will(future tense forms of the verb to be), variable by persons and numbers, and the infinitive: I will read... The action value is shown by the infinitive, and auxiliary indicates only mood, time, face and number ( I will write, talk).

The father in a dream will remind you to take someone's wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you disobey your father, you will face great difficulties.

If you dreamed that your father was dead, do business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.

A young woman who saw her deceased father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her beloved is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

D. Loff wrote about dreams in which we see a father: “Father is an interesting figure of dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As show psychological research, the perception of creatures largely depends on how you treat your father, how you perceive him higher order that you believe in.

As a result, dreams with the appearance of a father often refer to issues of strength, presence and love. As a rule, strength and authority are the concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. It happens that your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well equipped.

The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other characters in the dream. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved questions (What? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Dream interpretation - Father

Seeing him dying in a dream means that you will be ashamed of what you have done.

To see a deceased father is a sign of illness or inheritance. For lovers, such a dream portends the news of treason.

If your father is silent in a dream, then soon you will receive news of his illness. A dream in which you saw that your father is sick portends grief.

If you dream that you are talking with a father who died long ago, then you should remember him. Quarreling with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. To see him happy in a dream means receiving news from home.

Becoming a father in a dream is a sign of a happy ending of some business. Godfather in a dream is a symbol of protection.

After such a dream, you should listen to good advice and follow them. Sometimes such a dream reminds us of the responsibility that lies with us.

For a girl to see her mother and father together in a dream is a sign of an imminent marriage or great luck and happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from
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