What is feudalism and feudal staircase. Feudals and feudalism - Hypermarket Knowledge

Feudals and feudalism.


1. What is the difference between the plot from''romana about Kisse'''''d from the famous Baszy I. A. Krylova''Vorone and Lisitsa''''''''Voron?

2. Your assumptions about the general roots of the scene from''romana about Lisa''''''''' and the Krylovskaya Basni?

3. What kind of'social group'''a is the author of Lisa and Crow? What do you think, why?

4. Is it possible to assume what class belonged to the poet, who processed the plot of the fox and stolen to his poem?

Who are the feudalles?

The peasants worked on their owners who could be secular señoras, the church (individual monasteries, parish churches, bishops) and the king himself. All these large land owners living ultimately thanks to the work of dependent peasants, historians unite in one concept - feudal. Conditionally speaking, in the population of medieval Europe until the city has been strengthened, you can divide into two very unequal parts. The huge majority were the peasants, and from 2 to 5% will be at all feudalists. It is already clear to us that the feudals were not in the layer, only the last juices sucking from the peasants. And those and others were necessary to medieval society.

Feudals occupied the dominant position in the medieval society, in connection with this, and the entire life of the pore is often called feudalism. Accordingly, they talk about feudal states, feudal culture, feudal Europe ...

The Word's Word itself, as if suggests that in addition to the clergy, its most important part was the warriors who received land ownership with addicted peasants for their service, that is, the faeus known us. It is about this main part of the dominant layer of medieval Europe and will be a further story.

As you know, in the church there was a strict hierarchy, that is, as if the pyramid of posts. At the very bottom of such a pyramid - dozens and hundreds of thousands of parish priests and monks, and at the verthine -e. - Roman dad. Similar hierarchy existed among the secular feudalists. At the very top stood the king. He was considered the highest owner of the Earth in the state. The king received his power from God himself through the union and coronation rite. The king could award her companions of the faithful possessions. But this is not a gift. The feud received from King became his vassal. The main duty of any Vassala is faithfully, the case and advice to serve its tinsel, or senor ('Starshu''''''''''''''). Getting from Señora Feed, Vassal brought him an oath of loyalty. In some countries, Vassal was obliged to be before the sense of his knees, put his hands in his palm, expressing her devotion to him, and then to get some subject from him, for example, a banner, a rod or glove, in the acquisition of the feud.

The king is handing vassal banner in the sign of the transfer of large land possessions. Miniature (XIII century)

Each of the King's vassals also passed a part of possessions to his people rank down. ʜᴎʜᴎ became vassals towards him, and he was their senory. The step below was repeated again. ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the semblance of a ladder was obtained, where almost everyone could be both a vassal and a senior at the same time. Senor of Songs was the king, but he was considered a vassal of God. (It happened that some kings recognized themselves by the Vassals of the Roman Pope.) Light vassals of the king more often were the duke, Vassals of the Dukes - Marquis, Vassals of Marquis - Graphs. The counts were seenors of the barons, and in those as the ordinary knights served as vassals. The knights more often in the campaign accompanied the squires - young men from the families of the knights, but they themselves still did not receive the knightly rank.

The picture became more complicated, if any graph received an extra feud straight from the king or from the bishop, or from the SOS. It's sometimes so confused that it was difficult to understand who whose Wassal.

''Vasal my Vassal - my vassal''''''''?

In some countries, for example, Germany, it was believed that all those who stand on the steps of this''Pheodal staircase'' 'are obliged to obey the king. In other countries, before in France, the rule was operating: the vassal of my Vassal was not my vassal. This meant that some graph would not fulfill the will of his Supreme Señora - the king, if it contradicts the desire of the immediate senor of the graph - Marquis, or the duke. So in this case, the king could deal directly only with the Dukes. But if the graph once received the land and from the king, he had to choose whom of two (or several) his suzenoins to support him.

It was worth starting war, like Vassals on the call of Señora began to gather under his banner. Collecting Vassalov, the senor went to his senor to fulfill his orders. ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the feudal army consisted, as a rule, from individual detachments of large feudalists. There was no solid uniqueness - at best, important decisions were taken at the military council in the presence of the king and the entire main senirs. At worst - each detachment acted on his own fear and risk, listening to only the leaders''svoi'''i count or Duke.

Dental between the senor and vassal. Miniature (XII century)

The same thing in peaceful affairs. Some vassals were the cooler of their own seniors, incl. and king. They treated him with respect, but no more. No oath of loyalty prevented the proud graphs and Dukes even raise the rebellion against their king, if suddenly they felt the threat to their rights. Take away from the wrong Vassal, his feud was not so simple. Ultimately, all solved the ratio of forces. In case the seven was mighty, then vassals were trembling in front of him. In the event that the Senor was weak, the troubles reigned in his possessions: Vassala attacked each other, on Soshy, on the possessions of their señora, robbed foreign peasants, it happened, ruined and churches. Endless rebellion, inter-workers were common in the times of feudal fragmentation. From the sorry of the Lord among themselves, naturally, the peasants suffered more than all. They did not have fortified castles, where they could hide when attacking ...

Feudalism as a regular stage in the development of human society occupies an important place in history. The system appeared at sunset of antiquity and existed in some countries until the nineteenth century.

New production method

So, the feudal system that came to replace the slave-owned system was by definition progressive. The most dynamic part of the medieval society - warriors and princes - captured fertile free lands, turning them into their property. Its base was a large land ownership, which was divided into two parts: the Lord with the estate and settlements with dependent peasants. Part of the ownership belonged to the owner was called the "domain." At the same time, a special domain of the ruler of the country, which he was free to dispose of at his discretion. Here, in addition to arable land, also included forests, meadows, reservoirs.

Large sizes of estates allowed to make everything necessary for life, so this economic system was closed, and in history was the name "Natural Economy". Those goods that were missing in the farm could be obtained as a result of exchange with another feudal estate. The peasants living in Him were personally incomplete and are obliged to carry a certain list of duties in favor of Mr..

Hierarchy of medieval society

So there was a feudal staircase, that is, such a situation of social groups that demonstrated their status in society. This is a kind of pyramid, at the top of which the Supreme Ruler was located, the first feudal of the country - the prince or the king (depending on the state).

So what are the differences in the feudal staircase? They are just explained. The monarch had loyal assistants who had a service fee. If on early stages I allowed them to collect taxes from the population and leave them part of themselves as a fee, then the system was later improved. Now the ruler from his domain gave his servants - Vassalam - Land Puting, populated by dependent categories of the population.

Land ownership was hereditary, however, the supreme right belonged to Sisseneu, so in the event of a betrayal of Vassal, he could take the estate. Large cores also had the servants that needed to contain. Feudals from their own estates gave them land With a certain number of fortress peasants. The dimensions of these incidents depended on the importance of this person for suzerena.

Finally, there were simple knights on the lower stage of the feudal class, which were no longer able to endow the land servants. And at the base of the pyramid there was a "engine" of the whole system - the serfs of the peasants. Thus, those who entered the feudal staircase were the main estates of a medieval society.

Principles of world order of Europe

The feudal staircase, or (differently) hierarchy, was a rigid structure. It practically absent any mobility. Born the fortress, the man and died, the ability to change his was minimal. This attached to a medieval society a certain stability bordering a stagnation.

The development of feudalism is almost identical in all countries. An extensive state was originally created, which was a conglomerate of various tribal and tribal associations. Then these territories, within the framework of single sovereignty, received certain assistance, grew, were strengthened, which subsequently led to their reluctance to obey the Supreme Ruler. Former large powers turned into a "patchwork blanket", woven from different in size and development of counties, principalities and other feudal units.

So the period of decay of a single once state begins. Large epochs of feudalism and their advantages. So, the owner was unprofitable to ruin his own peasants, he supported them different ways. But it also had the opposite effect - the consolidation of the population intensified.

The relationship of immunity assumed the right of complete suserunet, which meant for peasants at the same time and protection and submission. And if at the beginning of personal freedom remained for them to fully, then gradually they were lost in return for a stable existence.

Ethnic Differences Systems

The medieval feudal staircase had its own national nuances. Interpretation was different, let's say, in France and England. Their development in the British Peninsula went to a slower pace than in continental Europe. Therefore, a full feudal staircase in England has been completely for the middle of the twelfth century.

Conducting comparative characteristic These two mills can be allocated general and special. In particular, in France, the "Vassal of My Vassal - not my vassal" was operating, which meant the exclusion of interconnection in the feudal hierarchy. This attached a certain stability to society. But at the same time, many landowners understood this right too literally that sometimes led to a conflict with the royal power.

In England, the diametrically opposite rule was operated. It was as a result of late feudal development here "Vassal of My Vassal - My Vassal" operated here. In reality, this meant that the entire population of the country should obey the monarch, regardless of the senorial affiliation. But in general, the feudal staircase in all countries looked approximately the same.

Interrelation of socio-economic processes

In general, classical feudalism was replaced by a period in which Europe was immersed from the tenth century. Until the thirteenth century, there was a process of gradual centralization and the creation of national states on the basis of new conditions. The feudal relations were modified, however, they were maintained in Europe until 16-17 centuries, and if we take into account Russia, then almost until the 19th century.

The centralization process, started in Russia, also in the 13th century, was interrupted by the invasion of Mongolian conquerors, which caused such a long existence of feudal remnants in our country. Only after in 1861, Russia rose to the capitalist path of development with two legs.

In mediating from the times of F. Engels, France consolidated the country of classical feudalism, which emphasizes the completion and severity of its forms. But this definition justly only for the northern and central parts of the country in which the most full development Got a symbiosis of Roman and barbaric began. The same territories possessed the most favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, mainly grain.

Earth in the pools of the River and Loire rivers, in areas adjacent to Paris and Orleans, were distinguished by favorable geographical conditionsHere there were fertile lands, a developed network of roads was inherited from the Roman Empire, navigable rivers, the population density was relatively high.

Formation of feudal class

Note 1.

At the end of the XI century. There is an increase in the number of layer of feudal and its decay to several groups. From major seniors, which, as a rule, conducted their pedigree from Carolings, were separated by numerous side branches, of which a significant group of medium-sized feudal groups were formed.

In the quantitative plan there was a prevailing category of small feudalists, immigrants from vassals and servants of the king and secular magnates. Another important source of replenishment of the lower layers of the feudal staircase is a rural community, or rather, free members of the community that became warriors-professionals.

By the XI century The estate of the feudalists in general was already separated from other classes, becoming a closed privileged group, which is determined by birth. For the time, almost all ownership of the land was monopolized by the feud and almost all of the property was reflected in the society of the legal norm "No land without a senory".

Allods of free communities became an exception even in the southern regions, where their number was more than in the north. Senior and community land, the use of which for the peasants was now accompanied by the payment of certain duties were also accompanied.

Gradually, the banalitative rights of senors, monopolizing the rights to the furnace, the mill and the grape press, which were previously the collective property of the community.

Feudal staircase

The completion of the process of registration of the feudal class says that there is a consistent hierarchy in its environment (feudal staircase):

  1. the lowest stage was represented by a group of "uninox" knights who did not have vassals;
  2. after 3-4 intermediate steps, on which more wealthy feudals were located, there were higher layers of hierarchies - rulers of significant territories:

    • duke of Brittany, Normandy, Burgundy, Aquitaine,
    • champagne graphs.

Specificity of feudal relations in France

For the hierarchy of the French feudal, the norm was characterized: "My Vassal's vassal was not my vassal", which retained the privileges of major feudal from the encroachment of the central government, but at the same time providing the internal cohesion of this class.

The implementation of the monopoly on the Earth allowed the feudals in France to acquire a significant political power. The main political prerogative was the right of proceedings, the court fines of which were a significant source of income of the seniors. Large faeodals also had the right of higher justice.

The process of forming a dominant class in France passed faster than in most countries Western Europe, and differed more finished. The folding of the feudal-dependent peasantry was a slower process, which also ended in the XI century as a whole.

Note 2.

Feudals and feudalism.


1. What is the difference between the plot from the "Roman about Kisa" from the famous Basni I. A. Krylova "Crow and Fox"?

2. Your assumptions about the general roots of the scene from the "Roman about the Fox" and the Krylovskaya Basni?

4. Is it possible to assume what class belonged to the poet, who treated the plot about the fox and styles for his poem?

Who are the feudalles?

The peasants worked on their owners who could be secular señoras, the church (individual monasteries, parish churches, bishops) and the king himself. All these large land owners living ultimately thanks to the work of dependent peasants, historians unite in one concept - feudal. Conditionally speaking, the entire population of medieval Europe until the city has been strengthened, can be divided into two very unequal parts. The huge majority were the peasants, and from 2 to 5% will have to be on all feudalists. We are already clear that the feudals were not at all a layer, only the last juices sucking from the peasants. And those and others were necessary to medieval society.

Feedals occupied a dominant position in the medieval society, therefore, the entire system of life of the pore is often called feudalism. Accordingly, they talk about feudal states, feudal culture, feudal Europe ...

The word "feudal" as it suggests that in addition to the clergy, its most important part was the warriors who received land ownership with dependent peasants for their service, that is, the faees already known to us. It is about this main part of the dominant layer of medieval Europe and will be a further story.

As you know, in the church there was a strict hierarchy, that is, as if the pyramid of posts. At the very bottom of such a pyramid - dozens and hundreds of thousands of parish priests and monks, and at the top - Roman dad. Similar hierarchy existed among the secular feudalists. At the very top stood the king. He was considered the supreme owner of the whole land in the state. The king received his power from God himself through the union and coronation rite. The king could award her companions of the faithful possessions. But this is not a gift. The feud received from King became his vassal. The main responsibility of any Vassala is faithfully, the case and advice to serve its suzeraine, or senor ("senior"). Getting from Señora Feed, Vassal brought him an oath of loyalty. In some countries, Vassal was obliged to be before the sense of his knees, put his hands in his palm, expressing her loyalty, and then to get some subject from him, for example, a banner, a rod or glove, as a sign of the feud.

The king is handing vassal banner in the sign of the transfer of large land possessions. Miniature (XIII century)

Each of the King's vassals also passed a part of possessions to his people rank down. They became vassals towards him, and he was their senory. The step below everything was repeated again. Thus, the semblance of a staircase, where almost everyone could be both a vassal and a senor at the same time. Senor was all the king, but he was considered a vassal of God. (It happened that some kings recognized themselves by the Vassals of the Roman Pope.) The direct vassals of the king were most often the dukes, Vassals of the Dukes - Marquis, Vassals of Marquis - Counts. The counts were seenors of the barons, and in those as the ordinary knights served as vassals. Knights most often hiking was accompanied by mannaporships - young men from the families of the knights, but they themselves did not receive the knightly rank.

The picture became more complicated if any graph received an extra feud straight from the king or from the bishop, or from the neighboring graph. It's sometimes so confused that it was difficult to understand who whose Wassal.

"Vassal of my vassal - my vassal"?

In some countries, for example, Germany, it was believed that everyone who stands on the steps of this "feudal staircase" must obey the king. In other countries, first of all in France, the rule was operating: the vassal of my Vassal was not my vassal. This meant that some graph would not fulfill the will of his Supreme Señora - the king, if it contradicts the desire of the immediate senor of the graph - Marquis, or the duke. So in this case the king could deal directly only with the dukes. But if the graph once received the land and from the king, he had to choose whom of two (or several) his suzenoins to support him.

It was worth starting war, like Vassals on the call of Señora began to gather under his banner. Collecting Vassalov, the senor went to his senor to fulfill his orders. Thus, the feudal army consisted, as a rule, from individual detachments of large feudalists. Solid unityless was not - at best, important decisions were taken on the military council in the presence of the king and all the main senirs. At worst, each detachment acted on their own risk, listening to only the commandments of the "his" graph or the duke.

Dental between the senor and vassal. Miniature (XII century)

The same thing in peaceful affairs. Some vassals were the cooler of their own seniors, including the king. They treated him with respect, but no more. No oath of loyalty prevented the proud graphs and Dukes even raise the rebellion against his king, if suddenly they felt the threat to their rights. Reloing the wrong Vassal, his feud was not so simple. Ultimately, everything solved the ratio of forces. If the senor was mighty, then vassals trembled before him. If the seven was weak, the troubles reigned in his possessions: Vassala attacked each other, at the neighbors, on the possessions of His señora, robbed foreign peasants, it happened, ruined and churches. Endless rebellion, inter-workers were common in the times of feudal fragmentation. From the sorry, the Lord among themselves, of course, the peasants suffered most of all. They did not have fortified castles, where they could hide when attacking ...

The answer was left the guest

The society broke up into two antagonistic class: the class of landowner feudal and the class of feudal dependent peasants. In the most difficult position, fortress peasants were held everywhere. It was somewhat easier was the position of personally free peasants. With its work, the dependent peasants contained the dominant class.
Relations between separate representatives The feudal classes were built on the principle of the so-called feudal hierarchy ("feudal staircase"). At its top there was a king, who was considered the Supreme Senior of all the feudalists, their "suzeren" - the head of the feudal hierarchy. Below it was the largest secular and spiritual feudals, who kept their lands - often whole large areas - directly from the king. It was titled to know: Dukes, graphs, archbishops, bishops and abbries of the largest monasteries. Formally, they all obeyed the king as his vassals, but were actually almost independent of him: they had the right to lead wars, minor coins, sometimes exercise the highest jurisdiction in their possessions. Their vassals are usually also very large landowners, who often called the name of the "barons", were the rank below, but they also enjoyed actual independence in their possessions. Below the barons were smaller faeodals - knights, lower representatives of the dominant class, usually no longer had vassals. In submission they had only peasants-holders who were not part of the feudal hierarchy. Every feudal feudal was the senor to the subordinate feudal, "if he kept the land from him, and the vassal of the higher feudal was the holder of which he himself was.
Feudals, stood on the lower steps of the feudal staircase, did not obey the feudalists, whose vassals were their immediate seniors. In all countries of Western Europe (except England), the relations inside the feudal hierarchy were regulated by the rules of "Vassal of My Vassal not my vassal".
Feudal hierarchy and peasantry
The basis and provision of vassal relations was the feudal land ownership - feud, or in German "Len", which Vassal kept from his senory. Feed presented further development benefice. The feud was also given to the fulfillment of military service (it was a conditional holding), he was hereditary land ownership. Thus, the conditional and hierarchical structure of feudal land ownership. But it was drawn up in the form of personal contractual relations of patronage and loyalty between the Senor and Vassal.
Due to the confusion of vassal relations and frequent non-compliance with vassal commitments, conflicts on this soil were in the IX-XI centuries. ordinary phenomenon. The war was considered a legitimate way to solve all disputes between feudal. From the internecine wars, the peasants were most suffering most of all, the fields of which were pulled out, the villages were burned and devastated at each other collision of their senory with its numerous enemies.
The peasantry was outside the feudal and hierarchical ladder, which gave him all the severity of his many steps.
The hierarchical organization, despite the frequent conflicts within the dominant class, tied and united all its members into a preferred layer, strengthened his class domination, paid it against the exploited peasantry.
In the conditions of political fragmentation of the IX-XI centuries. And the lack of a strong central state apparatus only the feudal hierarchy could provide individual feudals the possibility of enhanced exploitation of the peasantry and the suppression of peasant performances. In the face of the last feudal, the feudals were invariably acted unanimously, forgetting his distribution. Thus, the "hierarchical structure of land tenure and the associated system of armed commanders gave the nobility of power over the serfs."

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