Creative works on literature. What place in the life of Gregory Melekhova takes love? Gregory Melekhov and his women eternal choice

He recalled her figure, gait,

manera on rout hair,

M. Sholokhov. Silent Don.

In the fate of the main character of the novel "Quiet Don" there were two women - Aksigna and Natalia. Both of them are immensely love to Gregory and both were for him in their own way.

What different, at first glance, these women seem to us: each has their own character, his fate. But on-firmly connected their life and the name of the beloved person - so that the further, the closer they seem to each other.

Having fallen in love with Absinhu, who answered him with reciprocity, Grigory caused Peresa in the farm and quarrels in the family - it was a slosiest love for someone else's wife. Life was not easy to connect to Melekhov: the father was delighted at the sixd-to-to-shop, and after a year it was raised married to Stepan Astakhov, who loved to drink and walk, lazy and capable of raising his hand on a woman. Little joy was seen Axignha in a new family: the worn-up work, the ears of her husband, the death of a child. Those brighter scattered the love of this writer's beauty to the young, bold and affectionate Gregory.

Natalia grew up in a wealthy family, loving and impressing her. The girl was not angry in the choice of the groom, in this married she came out of love: "I love Mishka, and no one else will go!" And went - for a hot, "Turk", with sin by shoulders. In a new family, the daughter-in-law of Luu-beat and even pumped, but very soon Natalia realized that she was still her legitimate husband Grisha tied to the axi-nail: "I do not like you, Nataska, do not be angry." Here you are not angry, but you will not change anything. And Natalia, aob of course loving her husband, silently suffers, forgives him from exchange, always waiting for him to return. Patient, good-lad, responsive, she finds consolation in children.

Both of these women who gave Gregory their heart, their selfless love, in their own way to him, and both hurts Mountain, pain and suffering, not wanting to. The axi-nia falls on the title during a trip with Melekhov to the retreat, Natalia, not to withstand spiritual torments, is trying to commit suicide in union. Grigo-Riy involuntarily becomes guilty even in the death of lovers of women, but his life collapsing and loses its meaning with their death. Material from site.

And Axier, and Natalia Grigory Melekhov brought a lot of suffering, but he appeared and the light, guide star their lives. They themselves chose this path and selflessly walked to the end. These women were not afraid of difficult-sakes, for the sake of his beloved man were ready for sacrifices. After all, it's not for nothing, Natalia forgot the Gregory of his care to another, and Axier is more expensive than everyone after a beloved, nice Grisha had his children - they are in the blood of her blood, but relatively familiar features of her loved ones in their faces. I sincerely loves Melekhov kids and in difficult moment Replaces their mother.

Through the images of Axigny and Natalia, the ambiguous and restless personality of Grigory Melekhova appears not only brighter, but also discloses spiritual beauty, durability, high moral qualities of the Don Cossacks, their ability to disinterested and selfless love, which makes these images unforgettable for chi Dirty.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • sholokhov characteristic two love Grigory Melikhova
  • two love Grigory Melekhov in the novel of the quiet Don
  • writing on the novel Sholokhov Quiet Don Favorite women Gregory Lemekhova
  • lyubov Melekhova to family wife for children
  • the problem of love and treason in the novel by Silent Don Sholokhov

Two love Grigory Melekhova. Gregory Melekhov was in his entire life only two love - Natalia and Aksinya. At first glance, these are different identities, different characters and fate. As opposite shores of one river. "Rivers" named Gregory. At the very first view, Grigory is the only common thing that is between them. Is it so?

Natalia - daughter Miron Grigorievich, the owner of the first in Kureny farm, loving and understanding father. Axiny, sixteen years old, raped father, whom he was scared by his son for death to death.

Natalia married love, at his own request ("Easy to me Grishka, and no longer go for anyone!"). It was not beneficial to Mironu Grigorievich to give daughter for Melekhov, it was possible to still be richer than the groom, not a womanizer. But "Natalia is the eldest daughter - the father had a favorite, because he did not close it with a choice." Aksinhu "issued for Stepan at 17 years old. The family that remained without the owner did not really ask the girl's neckless girl, whether she wanted to marry. "

Melekhov immediately accepted Natalia: "Summary, inhabitants, my cha-dunkushka! What jumped up? .. Go sorrows, we will manage without you, "so gently Twitter Ilinichna. And Axinhu, the other day after Gulba woke her mother-in-law after the Gulba: "... We took you not to crush you and not to crawl ... The farm you take the hands of Take, you will be lying for you."

So in different ways the life of Natalia and Aksigni began. It would seem that there is nothing in common between them, but actually it happened that there is.

Grishka, this black gentle guy, turned out to be a spark, which lit the hearts of both women. This flame and "painted" them, such different, in one - fire - color. They burn the same and ardent Aksinya, and "on the crown of conceived" Natalia. We no longer notice the difference in the trifles, in how "proudly and highly carries their lucky, but the stenovny head" Aksinya and how sorry looks like! Natalia with a slightly prone naboka head. The first plan of you-i goes the big one that combined them.

Each of them devoted her life to one beloved.

For the sake of him, alone lived in someone else's family (after all, Melekhov without Grigory were strangers to Natalia) in the hope that he would return, legal. The other where he just did not live to be with him, did not have a family with a living husband. Both women flourish when Gregory is near, and when leaves, their shakes shake them. The most expensive, except Grigory itself, and for Axigny, and for Natalia are his children; Axier is still that children are not her, she sincerely loves them, seeing the grun in them, in a difficult moment I replace your mother.

Because of him, Grisks, suffer Axignha and Natalia not only spiritual suffering (Axigna suffers because he can't live with her beloved in human. Natalia received the first blows shortly after the wedding, when he heard: "I don't like you, Natasha, you Do not be angry ... "), but also physical: Aksinya got sick with a typhus when I went with Gregory to the retreat. Natalia tried to commit suicide.

And Aksinha, and Natalia remains the right one by the end of their days. And the death of both is connected with Gregory. Natalia, offended, blinded by bitterness, did not want to give birth from Gregory and died. Axigna dies from a crazy bullet on the way to Kuban, where she led her Grigory to start a new life.

It comes out, at Axigny with Natalia, despite the seeming differences, there is something in common that it fastens them. Axignha and Natalia - two sides of one triangle (the third - Grigory). Their destinies agreed because of love, no longer disperse. Moreover, we see that, having lost my wife, Grigory suddenly felt some kind of alienation to Aksinje. " After the death of Natalia, there was not much time as Axinha died. Everything ended for Melekhov.

Natalia and Aksinha - like two shores: one - gently, the other - steep. They are only washed by the waters of the same river, which raises on these shores, the same herbs equally caresses in good weather, the equally hurts the ice floes.

Love in the life of Gregory Melekhova

Each person practically daily has to overcome the tests of loyalty and betrayal, conscience and dishonor, justice, cowardice, friendship, responsibility. These tests, no doubt, make us make your moral choice. One of the highest measure of humanity, morality is, of course, testing love. IN artistic literature A lot of examples convincingly proving the idea that sincere, honest, real love is the main value in life. How not to remember Evgenia Bazarov from Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children", Evgenia Onegin and Tatyana Larina from Roman A.S. Pushkin, Favorite Heroes L.N. Tolstoy?! Mikhail Sholokhov, the author of the novel "Quiet Don", also experiences his main character with love - Grigory Melekhova.

Gregory Melekhov ... What does love mean for him? The greatest happiness or grave cross? What is his love - creating or destructive?

At the beginning of the novel, before us, we are young Grigory: "He is half the half of Peter, at least for six years younger, the same as Bati, the hanging pendant nose, in a slightly oblique slotted slopes of the almond hot eyes, sharp stoves cheered covered with brown ruddy skin. Gregory stunned as well, as well as his father, even in a smile, was both common, intruded. " The appearance of Gregory gives a hot, hot-tempered. Hotly, he truly loved his neighbor Aksinhu, the beautiful wife Stepan Astakhov. Inadvertent meetings from Don awakened deep feelings in his soul, so he chils from fear when it seemed to him that Aksinya was sinking, desperately rushes to save her from a cold, black depth. After the Trinity of Melekhov goes to the pc and take Axinhu with you. And here "Aksinya was relentless in his thoughts; A half-closer eye, mentally kissed her, said her from somewhere in the tongue of hot and affectionate words. " Aksinha, who married Stepan is not loved by love, could not surrender to his feelings. M.Sholokhov, resorting to a bright comparison, speaks about it like this: "Not a Ladyovo scarlet color, but a dog bileless, Dernopian roadside blooms Babia Love." The love of Gregory exists Axinhu, and nothing is afraid of her: neither the rehes of the farm women, nor thoughts of her husband. "For a whole life for a bitter one!" "He shouts in anger Pantel Prokofievich who came to shame her."

Aksinya disinterested, selfless in love, and Grigory begins to listen to the opinion of others, obeys the will of his father, he is to some extent indifferent to the fate of Aksigni, at certain points in it male egoism Top takes over love. Aksinya asks him about the future, about how Stepan will react to their connection, and in response - "I know how much", "I am afraid of him, you are a wife, you are afraid." Aksinya is ready to go for the beloved even on the edge of the world, calling him to leave the farm at the mine. But Gregory is too tied to the house, the farm, the earth and therefore the flatness refuses: "Well, where can I go from the farm? .. From the ground I will not come anywhere."

The first love in the life of Gregory became his great love for life, and he, still young, inexperienced, frivolous, did not realize his happiness first. Maybe, therefore, the hero with ease, without resisting, performs the will of his father, hopes to forget Axinho and marries Natalia Korshunova, who also captivated Cossack delete, working character, the external beauty of the grunger.

Devotion, soulfulness, the purity of Natalia does not find a response in the heart of Gregory. The marriage did not coordinate his feelings to Axier, he understands: nothing will make him forget Axinhu, break their shameless, criminal, according to those around others, in touch: "After three weeks with fear and crosses, I realized in the shower that it was not a bang in Axini, left Something like zanoz in the heart ... ".

The hero is not sickness, does not deceive, he is directly, openly confesses Natalia in that he does not like her. The conversation occurs at night in the steppe. The language of Nature M.Sholokhov transmits the spiritual flour of Natalia - a lonely, thanking suffering from indifference. We see the "inaccessible star undergraduate", "the shady ghostly covers floating ... clouds", herbs that smell "sadly, causing."

Gregory in search of happiness leaves the native home, leaves the farmers along with Axign. The relations of the heroes are very difficult. Having learned about Pregnancy Aksinyi, Grigory begins to doubt his fatherhood, and it closes in themselves, they are moving away from each other. Grigory soon goes to war. The coldness of Gregory, the death of his daughter was finally broken by Aksinhu, and she, trying to get rid of unbearable loneliness, spiritual pain, "non-chisen melancholy," decided to sinful with Evgeny Lyadotitsky. So mistrust and indifference again become a serious test of love Grigory and Aksigni. The hero returns to Natalia. She becomes the mother of his children, affectionate and selfless. The birth of the son and daughter, it would seem, binds Gregory to the house, awakens his father's feelings in it, but it takes out for a while, and he again goes to Axier.

Gregory's mental thumbnails emphasize its contradictory, passionate nature. Natalia sees that Grigory sincerely wants to snatch the feeling of Axier from his soul, but gradually makes sure that it is impossible. Aksinha is desperately fighting for the love of Gregory, and Natalia has to fight not just with this fatal love, but also with the fate itself. It is impossible to say that Natalia Gregory does not like. It is impossible not to love, because it is on such women as she, a house, family, the whole world holds. Natalia is very faithful, devotee, and Gregory is striking "some kind of pure inner beauty."

The fatal love triangle breaks the life itself. At the end of the novel, we see Axinhus, no longer a rival, not a mistress with the witchcraft authority of his beauty. The heroine prays for Gregory, caresses the orphaned children. But the war robs and Aksinhu, and the love itself: Gregory "Dead from Horror, realized that everything was over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life," already happened. " He will make her grave with her hands. The feeling of terrible loneliness and complete indifference to the world covers him "He said goodbye to her, firmly believing that they break up for a while ...", - writes M.Sholokhov.

Gregory's love is an elevated and earthly, bright and sad, joyful and tragic. For Axigny, Natalia and the hero of their feelings are the greatest happiness, and a grave cross, tragedy. The life of Gregory, sometimes indifferent and selfish, sometimes not able to forgive, understand, was illuminated by passionate, disinterested, selfless love of Axigny and pure, devoted love of Natalia. Who knows, maybe this love, he will be able to surround his son Mishatku: "It was all that he had in his life, which was still relating to him with the Earth and with all this huge, shining under the cold sun."

Ore Angelica, grade 11

In the fate of Grigory Melekhova, the main character " Quiet dona"Two women played a significant role, not counting the mother. These women are his beloved Axignha and Natalia's wife.

In the fate of the one and another quite a common one. Both of their lives devoted their life to the only beloved man - Gregory, both presented him with children, both sacrificed themselves suffered. Both are beautiful and household, kind and gentlemen, both are beautiful mothers.

It would seem, one of them should get out the winner in the struggle for his love and become happy. Of course, Gregory always chooses Axinhu and seeks only to her, but he loves Natalia in his own way. Therefore, neither Natalia cannot be happy, who knows the power of attaching her husband to a rival, nor Axigna, whose happiness will never be absolute, she is forced to steal him. She always knew that Grigory had a family that he would not leave.

None of the two women for any benefits in the world would agree to abandon their feelings. After all, how neither bitter is love, we always keep it very carefully. And no matter how much disappointments it brought us to us, we value more and better remember the rare moments of joy. So Natalia loved with Aksinyi, they said goodbye, gave themselves and her soul to love, not looking back, without sanging in advance, living with one point.

It is much more interesting than to talk about and so obvious feelings of two women, to figure out that Gregory himself feels. At first his love for Axier is only a reckless youthful passion. It does not stop such conditional barriers as Marriage Aksigni. He goes across, seeking his goal, but there is still no place in him a serious feeling. No wonder he so easily makes the decision to part with Aksigni, when the question of his marriage in Natalia is settled. Only after the wedding, he realizes how much the Axinha road is.

They will never be able to forget each other, will never be able to disperse forever, but their relationship will always be reminded by a rapid river. And Aksinha, and Grigory - Passionate Nature, Unrestrained. It helped them to overcome the PSE obstacles in the struggle for their love, but it often prevented. They changed each other, left one of the other, tried to fight them. But still two of these souls were in such harmony that they could not be separated. It was already one soul. Therefore, in the most difficult moments, the difficult life of Gregory comes to Axier. Therefore, he takes him with himself and when leaves the house, and when it serves in the army, and when it goes to retreat. Often he treats her dismissively, especially at the beginning of their relationship. Only this intake rudeness can not hide his tenderness to Axier. It is so clearly visible in the scene when she gives birth to a child. Gregory first shouts at her on what the light stands: "Damn bastard!". And right there: "Ashutka, my gallinka! .." She is so for his whole life and remained His "Gorylinka", "Iesbudiya". She always supported him, cared. No one else like Axigna became his mother after the death of Natalia. He took her with him when he came from Fomin's squad. Aksinyi's death suck him, because it was this woman that a rod that did not allow Gregory to break even in those days when he was deadly from the war.

The death of Natalia, oddly enough, also became a very heavy test for Gregory, and even his love for Axier. After all, it is<>the truth, indirectly, accelerated the death of Natalia. She went to the grandmother to get rid of the child after a conversation with Axign. By the way, and oblique himself, Natalia crippled after visited Aksinyi. At first glance, it seems that Axigna was the man who broke the life of Natalia. But, on the other hand, most of the guilt lies on Melekhov, forcibly married the Son, and in the Gregory itself.

Natalia, at the match, seemed attractive to him, but he did not feel any feelings for her. At the wedding and after it, they were as if aliens. Once Grigory honestly admitted to Natalia, which does not love her. Only children have served many years later, the bridge, who connected him with Natalia. Let him never loved her as Axinhus, let him never appreciate her devotion as the devotion of Axigni, but she was his mother's mother, he lived with her for many years. Not wanting, people, many years living side by side, become relatives. The death of Natalia could not break Gregory, like the death of Axigni, but it was the death of loved ones, very close man. Maybe Grigory himself did not expect to experience Natalia's care so hard. And he never to the end and did not realize how he was tied to Natalia. So I did not feel that the smooth light of her love was racing him for many years.

He loved the two of these women. One thing - as a beloved, the other - as the mother of his children. Although, if you look at the other side, after all, Aksigna gave birth to him, and Natalia was his beloved. Apparently, each of them could not give Gregory what a man is waiting for a woman. Together they made his life full, full-blooded. The fate of Gregory is inseparable from these two tragic fatedevoted to him.

The power of love for a woman is created

all beauty of life.

M. Gorky

IN modern world The name of Sholokhov is a reverently pronounced by everyone, to whom the roads are ideals of freedom and mind, justice and humanism. Sholokhov depicts life in the struggle of different principles, in the boil of feelings, in joy and suffering, in the hope and charts. The life of non-stained, and everything happening in it is just a link in the chain of the Eternal Movement of Being. Resistant Beauty and unshakable greatness natural world. But for the Humanist artist, the highest beauty has the values, which in the brutal tests of life stood up people: human dignity, generosity, freedom and patriotism, kindness and tenderness, love and trusting the attachment of the child ... The best peopleInhabiting the world of Sholokhov has a high gift of love, mental responsiveness and generosity. In love, the Heroes of Sholokhov receive the possibility of moral expressions, for the artist, this is an important criterion for evaluating a person. Real man It has the ability to feel deep, be selfless in love.

Love in the life of Gregory Melekhova occupies an important place. She is a source of joy and pleasure, sorrow and suffering. Everyone is intertwined in the fancy pattern, and the fate of a person is emerging out of it. The integrity of the character of the hero is clearly visible in the love of Gregory. Perseverance, which he stretches to Axier, constancy, with which he invariably returns to it, brighter than all reveal the "charm" of a person who says Sholokhov. Social estimation of the Cossack life, world War, the revolution, civil War - All this has an impact on family history of Melekhovsky Kureny. Axigny's love tragedy and Gregory develops somewhere near the social tragedy Grigory, intersects and intertwined with it. But she has its own, special content. In the history of Gregory and Aksinyi, we are close and expensive to us and expensive, since it is the universal one who brings the century to the similarity of feelings and suffering. (But every century contributes to the morals and customs, in feelings and passion, and in this movement, in this change of eternal and unchanged - the meaning of the development of mankind.)

Love entered the life of Grigory suddenly and violently. Beautiful neighbor, Wife Stepan Astakhov, forever broke the soul and the heart of Grigory. It was not yet between them intimacy and a little said words - two or three meetings from Don, the usual to the farm dental, - and Gregory is colder from fear, when it seemed that Axinya sinks, and rushes to help in cold black depth, just frightening his. The feeling of Aksier merges with the poetic perception of the world. At the abos of his eyes, he is looking for Aksinhu. She "was relentless in his thoughts; A half-closer eye, mentally kissed her, told her from somewhere the hot words in the tongue, gentle words, then discarded it ... ". Gregory tried to drive away from herself about Axier, knowing that a lead fist of Stepan could be collapsed at any moment. Sorry Ashinhu, forced to listen to the opinion of the farm. Looking at the family - on many reasons, Grigory resisted the feeling. But he saw that it was born in Axier. "At the dawn, waking up to milk cows, she smiled and, not yet recognized anything, recalled:" Today there is something joyful. What? Gregory. Grisha ... "Scarecrow This new, filling the whole feeling ..." He saw it. Therefore, Aksinya "Heart Chulp", that he will not retreat from her and, unfortunately not wishing closeness, went towards. Axigny love is disinterested. She is ready to go for the beloved even on the edge of the world, calling him to leave the farm at the mine. But Gregory, burdened by attachment to the house, the farm, land, flatly refuses: "Well, where can I go from the farm? .. From the Earth I will not go anywhere."

Performing the will of the Father, Grigory marries Natalia, hoping to forget Axinho. It was in this marriage and frivolity of youth, not aware of the prices of the first big love. There was a so-called male egoism. But the consciousness dominated "by law", cover the connection with a married woman. So there was a compromise, who brought the misfortune not only to Him and Axier, but also Natalia, and the love of the Gregory's love firmly entered the heart and even at the wedding, looking at Natalia, he does not feel love to her. And "Three more weeks with fear and critches, I realized in the shower that it was not broken with Axinhae, there was something like a zanoze in the heart ...".

The years of life reached out with the unloved Natalia and the desire to see Axinhu next to him. Grigory leaves many times from the family, trying to create the illusion of happiness with Aksinhay. But life powerly invaded his fate, and, leaving Natalia, he returned to her again.

Natalia saw that Gregory would sincerely want to snatch the feeling of Axier from his soul, but gradually convinced that it wins, and in bitter experiences anticipated the impending drama. She mourned her failed happiness because Gregory changed her, she cried because the unknown force had attracted him to Axier, and she could not do anything. When Gregory left the first time, she tried to reduce scores with life, but miraculously remained alive. The birth of children seemed to tied Grigory to the house, he awakened his father's feelings in it, but she passes for a while, and Grigory again goes to Aksini.

The fact that it was so difficult to understand Natalia in Relations Grigory and Aksigni was to be in their extraordinary spiritual intimacy. Aksinha understood Grigory without words. She took it as he was: hot-tempered, irwelling, gusty. Her feeling appears immediately and painted with tenderness and devotion to his beloved. Much was destined to experience them - passion, hatred, loneliness, treason, greedy searches of truth in life, longing for each other, - before the great feeling of Gregory was ripe and before he said, after several, after a few lay out, having met her Don: "Hello, Aksinya dear!" Did you resurrected these words in Aksini her many years of feeling: "He was not dear to her? Doesn't everyone remembered every day about him every day, it's hourly, in obsessive thoughts, everything went back to him? "

Passionate, disinterested, selfless love Aksinyi could not not turn the life and the life of Herborea. And the warmth and tenderness to the woman came to his heading heart, without regarding his fate. And when it was hard, he was supported by the devotees of Aksigni. She throws everything, leaving him to retreat, divides with him deprivation and hard, ready to meet everything with him that he carries fate. With deep psychological penetration into the spiritual world of his heroes showed a writer in the final of the novel, as, again leaving a farmer towards new grave trials, Gregory feels what it means for Axigni to be with him: "He saw her swollen from tears shining her eyes happiness, Pale in the predestinous twilight cheeks ... As if answering his thoughts, Aksinha said: "... I'll go everywhere for you, even at death!"

With exceptional force, the last episodes of the high tragedy of Axigna, affected by the crazy bullet, dies in the hands of Grigory. He dug her grave with her hands. The feeling of terrible loneliness and full indifference to the world covered it. "He said goodbye to her, firmly believing that they break up for a while ..."

Gregory's path in the novel is tragic, and the motive of compassion sounds more and more intensely, it becomes more accurate to become our desire for the prosperous outcome of his fate. In the final of Roman Grigory, returning home, sees a handsome son, takes him on his hands and enters the house. The future of the renewal of the hero is connected with his hopes and faith in the Son: "It was all that he left in his life, which was still relative to him with the Earth and with all this huge shining under the cold sun."

Through the entire novel Sholokhov, there was an elevated and earthly, bright and sad, joyful and tragic love Grigory and Aksinyi. The high passion of a simple person has never rises in literature to such vertices, to such power t. persuasiveness as in the novel Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

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