Analysis of the poem Summer Garden (Akhmatova Anna). Analysis of the poem Summer Garden (Akhmatova Anna) I want to the roses in that only garden

I want to roses, at that only garden,
Where the best in the world is from the fence,

Where statues remember me young
And I remember them under the Neva.

In fragrant silence between royal lip
I am mast ship-free creak.

And swan, as before, floats through the century,
Having admiring the Red of his twin.

And the hundreds of thousands of steps are sleeping
Enemies and friends, friends and enemies.

And the procession of shadows is not visible
From the vase granite to the door of the palace.

There whisper white nights my
About whose high and secret love.

And all the mother of pearl and jasha is burning,
But the light source is mysteriously hidden.

Analysis of the poem "Summer Garden" Akhmatova

The work "Summer Garden" was created by A. Akhmatova in the late period of creativity (1959). It is imbued with sad reflections of poetess about the long-stayed youth, which will never return.

The lyrical heroine dreams of returning in the past when her feelings and sensations were still filled with youth and freshness. She remembers the "only garden" in which she spent the most better days. Located in that genuine the statue carefully keep memories of the young poetess. She would like to hear the imaginary "mast ship ... Skyrplay", see the Swan Floating.

Youth lyrical heroine Was the happiest time in her life. Return to the past would allow to lose an incredible heavy load Lavaled years, forget about all the joys and grievances of adult life. The poetess uses a very bright way to describe this long time: dead sleep "hundreds of thousands of enemies and friends."

In the work, the duality of images is clearly traced: "Statues are remembered" - "I ... I remember"; "Royal linden" - "Masts of ship"; "Swan" - reflected in the water "Double"; "Enemies and friends." This opposition emphasizes the distinction between the past and the present, the Old Petersburg and modern Leningrad.

Summer Garden is associated with Akhmatova with a paradise edem. This is a mysterious place where a creative person may feel real freedom. The garden no longer belongs to this world, so it is possible to find it only in the past. The lyric heroine makes a mental walk in her garden. By her, the endless string of shadows passes. Temporary boundaries are erased, but the spatial remains: "From the granite vase to the door of the palace." A magical atmosphere reigns in the mysterious garden: "White nights are whispering," "all the mother-in-law and yashma is burning."

In general, the work of the "Summer Garden" contains two semantic levels. At the first Akhmatova places memories of his spiritual homeland. Throughout the life of the poetess did not hide his admiration for the strict beauty of ancient St. Petersburg. At the second level, the memories are moving to another dimension. The real summer garden turns into a mysterious edem. In his youth, Ahmatov wrote that there were several Petersburg in her mind. One of them reliably kept the memory of the poetess. IN last years Life she dreamed of returning to this very expensive heart city.

The poem "Summer Garden" Anna Akhmatova was written in 1959. It refers to such literary directionlike akmeism. His representatives through certain items, phenomena, sounds pass the mood and feelings of the lyrical hero ("Match of ship creak", "hundreds of thousands of steps")

The theme of the poem - longing for youth and the beautiful city of St. Petersburg:

I want to roses, at that only garden,

Where the best in the world stands out of the fence ...

Anna Akhmatova wants to convey to the reader the thought of the tune time and the immortality of the Great. The youth of the lyrical heroine took place in St. Petersburg, and her whole life was connected with this city. The northern capital was before the heroine, and after her ("and swan, as before, floats through the century")

It is impossible to say that the mood of eight-stroke is sad or cheerful, it is rather calm and nostalgic.

Memories are not very bright, they are filled with vague images and quiet sounds: Sound steps, whisper, creak. And the city himself literally breathes the magnitude ("royal linden"), beauty and purity (swan - symbol of purity)

In the lyrical poem, the author uses many paths and stylistic figures. Epitts: "High love", "royal linden". Elimination: "Statues remember", "sleep hundreds of thousands of steps". Comparison: "Pearls and Yashma is burning." Alliteration, for example, in the string "in fragrant silence" hears the sound "sh", as if the wind pegs the trees. Inversion: "My nights", "mast ship creak", "light source".

Updated: 2017-05-16

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Summer Garden Anna Akhmatova

I want to roses, at that only garden,
Where the best in the world is from the fence,

Where statues remember me young
And I remember them under the Neva.

In fragrant silence between royal lip
I am mast ship-free creak.

And swan, as before, floats through the century,
Having admiring the Red of his twin.

And the hundreds of thousands of steps are sleeping
Enemies and friends, friends and enemies.

And the procession of shadows is not visible
From the vase granite to the door of the palace.

There whisper white nights my
About whose high and secret love.

And all the mother of pearl and jasha is burning,
But the light source is mysteriously hidden.

Analysis of the poem of Akhmatova "Summer Garden"

The garden image is often found in the Akhmatova lyrics. And we are talking about poems of different periods. This feature allowed Likhachev to name Anna Andreevna the last of the poets who took parks and gardens a crucial role in creativity. In his opinion, in artistic world Ahmatova Garden was associated with Eden, performed as a symbol of "present and happy being." The poem "Summer Garden", dated 1959, refers to the late poetry Anna Andreevna. It is clearly dominated by the personal intonation of the author. Before readers, memories of lyrical heroine appear. Through the choice of verbs and verbalies, they will see, they whisper, remember, admiring - Ahmatov demonstrates that the past in her soul is more likely to real. It is not forgotten, is still relevant.

Summer garden in the work is associated with the above-mentioned Eden. First, through the title image - roses. Here it is worth remembering the concept of paradise presented in " Divine Comedy.»Dante. In the final, the "Heavenly Rose" reveals in front of the poet, which is the location of blissful. Secondly, through the mention of the fence. Of course, the lattice of the summer garden is distinguished by artistic perfection, but she fell into the poem of Akhmatova not only because of beauty. Fence - feature Paradise gardens. It personifies the isolation from sin, salvation. With the help of it, it is possible to create the world a peaceful, calm, friendly person.

In the poem Anna Andreevna there are intersections not only with religious motifs, but also Russian poetry. "Summer Garden" is half alarms with the poem "Solovyan Garden" of the block. In both cases, a garden with a fence and roses is provided in the center of the text, and both details are endowed with symbolic supercount. However, conceptually works are different. At the block, the garden space is opposed to reality, it is completely incompatible with everyday life. Ahmatova offers readers another option. In her poem, spiritual reality is connected to the empirical. Anna Andreevna is drawn not only to the block. The image of the flooded statue refers to the poem Annensky "I'm on the bottom, I am a sad chip ...". Swan swimming through the century gives rise to associations with "Tsarskoyell" poetry (Gumilev, Derzhavin, Zhukovsky and so on).

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