Why images of Romeo and Juliet are eternal. Romeo and Juliet "Main characters


So tragic and so early died in the play of V. Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet for several centuries have been continuing to live in works of different types of arts - painting, sculptures, music, theater and movies. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that every day they again and again come to life in theatrical productions and ballet performances, in film and television screens, in the exhibition and concert halls. And with each such "revival", Shakespeare's heroes acquire new faces and voices, and with them - and new shades of their feelings. Increasing interest in the Shakespeare tragedy is explained not only to the fact that it shows the love of the rarest power (and many of such love are likely, many), but also in that they are captured by "eternal", independent of the time and space of value and truth .

Light shadows of two faithful lovers find a continuous embodiment in images of poetry and art. From the century, people try to guess which image most matches their beautiful and ardent souls. At different times, artists and sculptors depicted Veronian lovers in accordance with their own vision and tastes of society.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the characters of the "Romeo and Juliet" of William Shakespeare are measured in the pictures of the heroes of William Shakespeare through the centuries. Each director may interpret them in its own way. At different times, analyzing the work of painting or sculpture, we pay attention to different details. And also we find the difference between the vintage of the playwright, painter, sculptor and our. Through the angle of view on certain things becomes another.

Of course, this topic has been studied more than once. In this work, these images will be examined from the point of view of the future director, one of whose professional tasks is a detailed study of the material in a picture or sculpture. Acquaintance with the author of the work, studying the history of the work, the search for artistic images and psychology of characters, as well as from the standpoint of a creative person who can understand, imbued with the experiences of the characters of the picture to fully, to create a stage etude.

The purpose of this work is to study the works of painting and sculpture, find characteristic features of characters, and translate them into scenic etudes.

The tasks of work are:

Analysis of artworks;

Searches and systematization of visual material;

Study of special literature in the context of the topic supplied;

Drawing up a terminological dictionary;

The work consists of:


Three sections

List of used literature (9Positions)


Applications consist of a terminological dictionary (10 positions) and albums of illustrations (6 positions). The main work amount is 12 pages, 7 pages applications.

Section 1.

Images of Romeo and Juliet on Shakespeare's play.

"... no story stagnant in the world than a story about

Romeo and Juliet ... "

At the initial stage of working with painting works, producer Must fully explore the material. He must familiarize himself with the picture, find its reproductions, black and white, colored, small, big, to thoroughly know their picture.

In my case, I took several pictures written based on the play "Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare. Before studying the paintings, you need to get acquainted with the work and its heroes, through which they were written.

1.1 Jullette Capuletsi.

Juliet Kapuleti is the main heroine of the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", a young girl with the naivety child, which has changed in the name of love. Juliet belongs to the cabinet family, which has long been emanating with the family of montext. It appears at the beginning of the work and appears with a carefree girl, surrounded by the care of the parents, protected by a cousin Tibalt and his favorite feeder. She refers to Juliet, as his own daughter and ready for her for everything. The noble genus kapulents in Verona knows well and worship.

At the time of the events of Juliet's events for almost fourteen years. About marriage, she has not yet thought about, as well as about love. She is always submiring the will of the Father and Mother, but everything changes when she meets Romeo Montecca. In the shower, the girls awakens an unknown feeling, along with which the mind comes to life. She does not think about what family belongs to her beloved, that he is the heir of their deadly enemy. For her, he is just a man whom she loved with all his heart. During the tragedy, the image of Juliet gradually changing from a naive girl-child to a mature woman in love. It is she who acts as the initiator of a secret marriage with Romeo as evidence of love. After all, just as they can be together.

It does not have chemmers, promiscuity or intake virtue, she sincerely in her feelings that can not hide what Romeo is immediately recognized, but it is afraid, it is afraid that he may regard her impulse like frivolity. She is afraid to create an incorrect impression about himself.


"I'm lung, maybe I seem?

Of course, I am so deeply in love,

What a stupid should seem to you

But I am more honest than many notice,

Which are played by modests,

I would have to be restrained to be

But I did not know what they would hear me.

Sorry for the fervor and do not take

Direct speeches for ease and availability. "

Soon in the deadly fighting with Romeo, Tibalt dies, for which the parents of Juliet decide to take revenge, and also give the daughter to marry Paris.

In despair, the heroine decides to commit suicide, adopting poison. However, the Monk Lorenzo recommends her to drink another potion, which immerses in a dream, similar to death, for three days. When Romeo arrives at her tomb, they will be able to run out of the city together. However, the fate of cruel to these two in love. Upon learning of his beloved, Romeo returns from Mantua. In the Capulinte crypt, he drinks a deadly poison to rest next to Juliet. Waking up, the girl sees the dead body of his beloved and challenges himself a dagger. Over the bodies of the kids of the family, the family of montextures and cabins conclude the world, thus putting the end of the bloody enmity.

Romeo Montecca is one of the main characters of the immortal tragedy of the great playwright of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".

For the first time we get acquainted with Romeo in the episode, when his father tells about him. The concern of the chapter of a notable Veronian family causes the experience of the Son on unrequited love for cold beauty Rosaline. Father understands that these feelings are no more than a contrived game of the romantic and passionate nature of the Son.

Later, when the Romeo is getting acquainted with the beautiful 13-year-old Juliet, the true genuine feelings flashed between them. Young people from the first minute of the meeting continuously entails each other.

All-consuming love with the tragic final

Bright and piercing clean love overshadows everything around and it seems that there is no strength that can separated lovers. But between them, the abyss is an ancient enmity between the most notable families of Verona Montelli and Kapulenti.

Romeo is a very expressive image of a young representative of a notable kind, which is perfect formed and raised. It has a majestic posture of the aristocrat, but at the same time he is very trapped and judged.

He does not climb on the Rogger, trying not to exacerbate conflicts and avoid meaningless shedding blood. But circumstances, unfortunately, are not in his favor.

Love Romeo is strong and all-consuming. He does not think about himself and even life itself becomes meaningless without beloved.

Without thinking, he goes to violations of all the prohibitions, so that only to see his beloved. Having learned the terrible news of the death of Juliet, Romeo rushes to her through all the obstacles, so as not to say goodbye, but to die next to his beloved.

Kinuko Y. Craft.

"In two families equal to knowledge and glory,

In Verona lush broke out again

Emoxy coupled days discord bloody

Forcing the peaceful citizens of blood.

From Cresll hostile, under the star of the Zloschvennaya,

Lovers Chet occurred.

For the coming of their fate terrible

Fathers enmity with their death died. "

V. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

t. Shipkina-Cupernik

Light shadows of two faithful lovers find a continuous embodiment in images of poetry and art. It will not be an exaggeration to say that every day, somewhere in the world on theatrical scene, the Shakespeare Piece is set, there is a ballet or opera performance, or a film dedicated to the love of Romeo and Juliet is demonstrated. These heroes are given different faces, body, voices, gestures and temperaments. From the century, people try to guess which image most matches their beautiful and ardent souls.

In painting, each artist depicts lovers in accordance with her own vision, fashion and tastes of their time.


Charm of youth and cleanliness breathes a pencil portrait called "Juliet" of the English artist-portraity of the XIX century John Haitera. Juliet, apparently, stands on the balcony, slightly put the chin's hand and looks out the distance.

"Juliet", John Hater (John Hayter), 1820s

She is a child. New to her

And no other than fourteen years.

When b two years flew

She would be ripe for marriage.

J. Waterhouse. Juliet. 1898.

Two noble surnames, equal
Respectable, in Verona died,
But hate tormented them a long time, -
They always begone with each other.
Before the rebellion, their discord brought,
And their hands were painted with blood;
But they produced two hearts,
For evil enmity, starving love,
And sad two loving fate
Vintage discord stopped.
The names of those whitage struggle,
Lovers death, love of their passionate force, -
Here is what we will now show here,
Asking you for two hours of patience,
And if you miss, let's give
We are an action on the stage of explanation.

Prologue of Plays W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

Romeo and Juliet, William Powell Frith (William Powell Frith), 1862.

Juliet. Calderon.

In 1823, the famous Venetian artist Francesco Aez (Hajac, Hayes, 1791-1882), focus on Romeo and Juliet. Really referring to it from 1823 to 1834, Aenets creates ten versions of the image, of which not all paintings remain in the field of view.

Francesco Aez (1791 - 1882) Kiss.

This is a famous canvas "Last kiss Juliet and Romeo" 1823 (Tremezzo, Villa Carlotta) and less well-known, but more elegant, its option "Last Farewell Juliet and Romeo" 1833 (see image comparison);

Francesco Aez (1791 - 1882) Last Kiss Romeo and Juliet. 1823.

Francesco Aez (1791 - 1882) Kiss.1823.Phat Collection in Milan.

The image of a kiss in this picture contains even greater, compared with the previous plot, sensuality. This impression is achieved due to the position of the figures depicted in passionate arms, all the attention of the viewer focuses on the meeting of their lips.


Romeo and Juliet with Abbot Lorenzo.

F. Hayes.Romeo and Juliet with Abbot Lorenzo. 1823.

Are you also glad to see our date?
And if the soul fire is not going out,
Then this air sweetness of the breath
Fill and melodies of love
Merge hearts bless!

Beautiful does not require cloth.
Only the price will appoint a price.
My love in vain words is not looking -
She and so immensely rummaged.

Father Lorenzo
Went - and immediately, now!
No, it is impossible to leave the body with the body,
I have not marry my soul.

Francesco Hayez (1791-1882) The Marriage of Romeo and Juliet, 1830.

John Stanhope Juliet and Nanny.


Try the same, the cormal, and you.


Well, well, silently! Lord you store you.

You'd better than all the cubs

Which I focused. And Al.

To the wedding to live your, die

Very late me!

Juliet And The FRIAR, Thomas Francis Dicksee, 1851.

Domenico Scattola (1814-1876)Juliet takes sleeping pills.

HEINRICH VON ANGELI (1840-1925) Romeo and Juliet




At what time

Send me tomorrow for the answer?


At nine


. Before that, after all twenty years!

Wait to wait ... What I wanted to say?


I remember, I will stop standing.


. Wait, deposit I will forget again,


Remember and forget, as long as

I do not remember yourself, I will stand.


And how, tell me, to break up to me with you?

You like a manual poultry scorchers,

Tied with nito to hand.

She is given to take off on the whole suspension,

That drags down on the flod shoelace.

So we are with you.


. I would like so much

To be!

Jules Salles-Wagner (1814-1898) Romeo and Juliet

Alas, love, although she is blind,
Without an eye will find how ways to her
Get to us and rule over us.

Julius Kronberg (1850-1921) Romeo and Juliet On The Balcony

"When my hand is unworthy

I could insult your shrine

Let my lips, two pilgrims,

My sweet sin Lobzani atham. "


"But, Pilgrim, is small

your Hand: In it is visible;

Pilgrims are allowed to hand

With the prayer concerned the hands of the saints,

And they hise each other hand themselves,

Hand shake - their lobsa. "

Charles Edouard Edmond Delort (1841-1895) Romeo and Juliet.

Eugene Lami - Romeo and Juliet

Makovsky K.E. - Romeo and Juliet, 1890

Hugues Merle - Romeo and Juliet.

Hugues Merle (1823-1881) Romeo and Juliet

Thomas Francis Dicksee - Juliet

About the night of love, Rass your dark canopy,
So that they could
Thai to overheat and Romeo
I entered me bad and invisible.
After all, loving see everyone in the world
Awtitle of tanning faces.
Love and night live a little blind.
Prababka in black, sporn night,
Come and teach me fun
In which the loser in the lady
And the rate is the integrity of two creatures.
Squeez, how the shame and fear of blood is burning,
Shudding suddenly she does not dare
And it will not understand how purely everything in love.
Come, night! Come, come, Romeo,
My day, my snow, glowing in darkness,
Like an Onsha on the crow!
Come, holy, loving night!
Come and bring Romeo to me!
Give it to me. When he dies,
Write it to small stars,
And everyone is so falling in love with the night,
What will give up without attention the day and the sun.

Romeo and Juliet. Konstantin Makovsky.

Romeo and Juliet, Joseph Noel Paton (Joseph Noel Paton) 1847.

Romeo and Juliet, Ford Madox Brown (Ford Madox Brown) 1870.

In the window opened log, dawn,
And come out, life. There is no life in the separation.

Goodbye. Give a kiss - and go.
(Descends into the garden.)

Romeo and Juliet, Edward Corbould (Edward Henry Corbould) 1854.

Romeo and Juliet

Benjamin West, P.R.A. (1738 - 1820) Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet, Francis Bernard DiKsee (Francis Bernard Dicksee) 1884.

Francesco Hayez (1791-1882) The Marriage of Romeo and Juliet, 1830
So listen. I loved all my heart
The daughter of the old signora cabbage,
Yes, and she gave me a heart,
Everything is coordinated and only remains
You will complete our marriage union.
How, where when we met, fell in love
And swirls exchanged each other -
I will tell about it along the way;
Now I ask you about:
So that you would be hurt today.

Vrubel. Romeo and Juliet. 1895-1896.

J. Nortcot. "The crypt belonging to cabulents, dead romeo and paris; Juliet and brother Lorenzo. " 1789.j.

Oh, brother Montekki!
Give me a hand to me - then the widow part of the Juliet,
And I can't ask more.

But I can give more: I will erect
She is a statue of gold. As long as
Verona our city will call
There will be no other sculpture in it,
Which, according to its value,
Compared with the statue of Juliet.

No less rich and romeo
Resting with his wife will ... Oh,
Unhappy two victims of our malice!

Joseph Wright. Romeo and Juliet scene in the tomb. 1790.

The painter Pietro swari in 1860 creates the "death of Juliet and Romeo"


What is it? Flask dead hand

Beloved squeezed? poison - Vinovyu

Untimely his death? Yes!..

Oh, greedy, greedy! He drank everything! Not a bit

Saving me did not leave him

To go for him? Kiss

Your mouth I will ... maybe fortunately,

They still have poison

And I will die from this drink!

(Kisses Romeo).


(Grabs Dagger Romeo).

I sleep ... Oh, benefactor -

Dagger! .. here! Where are your sheath! (Challenges).

Russes here - and let me die you!


Frederic LEIGHTON (1830-1896) Reconciliation


Come on, talk about trouble!

One forgive will be, - the execution of others.

Stiffness does not breathe in the world

Think of Romeo and Juliet.

"Oh, open your eyes wider,

naparent attention and rumor -

this is the most wondrous in the world,

what your life believes around!

It is the first caress of dawn

In the dew ridked grass, -

The eternal dispute Romeo with Juliet

About the lark and nightingale. "

N. Aseev


Symbols of real sincere love "Romeo and Juliet", which came out from under the feather of the great playwright William Shakespeare conquered the hearts of many readers.

The main hero of Romeo is a montec clan that is notable in those times, which all its existence is entitled with an equally well-known clan cabinette. This centuries-old conflict, according to Romeo, is simply invented and not worth the slightest attention, so it tries to be aside from him. Romeo is inherent in humane qualities that cannot bear physical torture and violence even over the defeated enemy.

The main character has an excellent education and excellent education that made a real noble aristocrat from it having an impeccable posture. In his 16th, Romeo, telling up and tries to help everyone who needs help, why even some of the kind of cabins show respect for him.

Love for the hero is the object of frost, and the noble daughter of Capuli Juliet becomes the only one who was able to truly conquer his heart. She is real, sincere and, as well as Romeo despises hostility between their clans. At the first meeting, they both understand that everything they need, they already have. They do not need these empty quarrels and bullings of their birth, they have only they, and what else is needed for love.

In an attempt to penetrate Juliet on the Masquerade Ball into the house of Capuletsi, Romeo feels something bad, but does not dare to retreat from his way. Even the murder of Tibalt in the deadly fight does not make him get treasure and understand that destiny has changed forever. After death best friend, Romeo leaves in Verona, but rumors that his beloved Juliet drank poison from grief, forced him to return. From the hopelessness of his being, he also drinks poison, because everything, for whom he existed dead.

Shakespeare was detailed to describe the entire tragic way of life of the main character and how desperate love could be, who overshadowed everything in his path, even the murder of innocent Paris. Romeo appears before the reader is not an ideal hero, no matter how much. Rather, this is an image of a person whose heart is defeated by passion, and his romantic soul demonstrates how it is possible, and how to love.

Sample 2.

The enmity between the two families to which owned lovers is shown in the play, as a destructive and unnecessary occupation, which takes the strength and lives of members of both Verona clans and even their servants.

Romeo is depicted by the playwright as a person standing above the intersfamirous conflict that understands his definition and destructiveness. He is definitely a positive hero endowed by the author of many positive qualitiesThat should have probably, according to Shakespeare's thought, cause the sympathies of readers not only to in love, but also to its principles.

Of course, for the author, it was natural to make the main characters with young. If the playwright would have made Romeo and Juliet people aged, it would be difficult to explain why they are not married, as was customary at that time. And the love between married people would certainly reduce the images of heroes, deprived of their romantic halo.

At the same time, Romeo, despite his age, is shown a fairly reasonable person. In particular, he is not just rushing to a new adventure with the representative of the hostile clan favorite to him, but inferior to the feelings, going to risk, for the sake of sublime romance.

At the same time, the young man is endowed with aristocratic virtues. His noble is emphasized appearance and actions. Romeo is not afraid to enter into a duel with Paris - the bridegroom imposed Juliet, protecting his honor, and also goes to death risk for the sake of meetings with his beloved.

Despite their age, Romeo is depicted thinking person. In his mouth, Shakespeare invests thin and sound reasoning about the situation and premonition of the tragic finals.

The sad end of the play ending with lover suicide demonstrates great power their feelings to each other. Romeo, like Juliet, is depicted by the playwright by the personification of real love, which is stronger than the thirst for life.

Essay about Romeo

Two glorious noble family lived in Italy. In one grew beautiful daughter Juliet, in the other - son. Named Romeo. Families were bent among themselves. And as usual, destiny was pleased with children together.

At first, Romeo was fond of another girl, named Rosalind. It seems to him that he loves her. I came up with what is not. After all, Rosalind is cold, calculating the special. But Romeo seems to not see this. He tries to get reciprocity from the girl, although friends discourage him from this step. He is needed for self-affirmation rosalind. He naively thinks that if the love of an impregnable beauty bother, friends will respect him.

The experience of communication with Rosalinda leads him to the conclusion that the love is rough and the evil thing, besides, also striking, like a rosehip. After all, he did not know any other love. Its practically nothing interests in this world - neither enhance two families nor the victory over the enemy nor the murder of the enemy. His ardent and dreamest ones are looking for someone or something.

But everything changed a meeting with Juliet on a costumed ball. The girl struck him that she was not like others, and above all on Rosalind. She was like a white dove that needed to protect against raven.

And immediately like a lightning strike. Love at first sight, such a bright, dusty, which first Romeo did not know. And, as it is known, works wonders. Romeo without thinking about the consequences, sneaks through the fence into the garden of the sworn enemy of the family. He is ready to die, he can no longer live without Juliet. Well, how not to respond to such fervent feelings. Do not forget that there were fourteen years in loved. The most in love age.

Juliet knows that her family will be against marriage with Romeo. Moreover, the girl has already the groom of the county rank. But how many women run right from under the crown! And then the wedding day was not appointed.

Loves are decided to get married secretly. Ah, this hot Italian blood! Romeo is ready to go to death, just to connect with Juliet. He loves her fiery youth love. Perhaps, nobody loved Romeo as Juliet. He does not represent life without it.

Fate decided to experience young on strength. The black strip of mutual quarrels and offense between families begins. This ends with the fact that Romeo is forced to leave Verona.

And Juliet parents are still against her will issue for the unloved graph. Invented by the monk Lorenzo, a cunning plan works only half. Juliet fell asleep in a family crypt, but Romeo could not warn about it. He decides that the girl died and kills himself. Juliet, waking up, sees the dead Romeo and deprives himself.

(Watch the analysis of works in the notebook)

Romeo Montecca - One of the main characters of the tragedy. At the beginning of the play, this is a young man who absorbs a false passion for Rosalind, faded and impregnable beauty. About her love for her R. responds with bitterness and cynicism of the Junc: "What is love? Madness from Ugon, the game of fire leading to the fire. " However, R. stubbornly continues to achieve reciprocity from Rosalind, although all his friends do not approve of his choice. Everything says that Passion R. Artificial, that he invented himself a subject to worship. Why? Most likely, for the reason that he does not attract anything in the surrounding reality. It is indifferent to the hostility between the families of Montecci and Cappulets, he is alien to the thirst for victory over the enemy, he rushes his murder.

He is hot-tempered, in love, passionate, and at the same time a noble and fair young man, he is already almost twenty years old, and in his heart they are constantly boiling feelings. When he passionately loved Juliet, and gradually realized that everything that was happening between them - it is very serious and not easy, how many difficulties and obstacles are on their way, he turns out of a young loving in the sincere loving and always ready to absolutely on any feat for his beloved Youth. For Juliet Romeo is "the top of perfection," she loved him at first sight and forever.

At the beginning of the work of Romeo is very naive, in love with a certain Rosalind, which is very suffering from. We never meet this girl over the play

Around Romeo gathered the same guys as he (Mercutio, Benvolio). Romeo spends his time as it should be in these times: idling everywhere idle, not doing anything and languidly sighing. Juliet and from the very beginning appears in the form of a clean and neat girl, with the charm of flourishing youth. It stands out not only by this, you can also notice the nonsense depth of thinking and the tragic feeling of being.

Romeo, in the ears fell in love with Juliet, gradually realizes that everything that happens between them is very serious and not easy, how many difficulties and obstacles are on their way. He seems to grow to her, from a young slate turns into passionately loving and ready for everything for his love "not a boy, but a husband." Their love is becoming not only a violation of family feasures, but also by the challenge of the age-old tradition of hate, that hate, because of which numerous montextures and cabbage were died, on which there were almost state laws of Verona.

And hatred is painful and tenderness.

And hatred and tenderness - the same fervor

Blind, from nothing arising forces,

Empty gravity, heavy fun

Non-stroke collected slender forms,

Cold heat, deadly health,

Sleepless dream, which is deeper sleep.

That's what and worse than ice and stone

My love that is for me.

You do not laugh?

Juliet Kapuletsi. - One of the central characters of the tragedy. D. is shown at the time of the transition from the naive self-sufficiency of the child, which the unknown doubts are that the world around him can be different, to the maturity of a woman in love who can sacrifice all for the sake of her beloved. At the beginning of the play D. - obedient and loving daughter, parents for her - the highest authority, the embodiment of wisdom, good and justice. There is no place in her life and there can be no place for self-affirmation, which at the beginning of the play obsessed in love with Rosalind Romeo, for the subordinate position of a woman in the father's house eliminates any external activity.

The main character of the tragedy - Juliet Kapulenti, a fourteen-year-old carefree girl, whose, despite the young age, is inherent in the non-depth depth of thinking. She is rich in both the inner and external beauty, constantly manites and fascinates with its flourishing youth. The heroine is represented in the image of a clean, brought up and intelligent lady, which is constantly surrounded by the love of caring noble parents, a cousin, to which she is strongly tied and girlfriend - the cormalists, whom she trusts all her maiden secrets. Juliet lives in full, but not thinking about marriage, but in the depths of the soul dreams to meet his prince. She always conquers the will of his parents, and never dares to contradict them.

The relations of these two young hearts become not only a violation of family rules and norms, but also by the challenge of the entire age-old tradition of hatred, that hatred, because of which numerous people from kindergarten and Kapulends died, on which almost all state laws of Verona were held.

The history of this tragic story about love is old as the world, and at the same time, it will never cease to be relevant. The relevance of the story of "Romeo and Juliet" today, especially with all the events taking place, is unusually large. There are eternal themes of life - betrayal, love, happiness, respect, devotion, hatred, wrestling of good and evil, death, grief, sadness and joy, also discord, revenge and war. And the fact that the main characters chose to leave this unfair world in which everyone was against their love will forever remain in the hearts of billion people. Shakespeare Heroes are quite young, however, the depth of the struck their feelings makes them not by the years adults, but in actions. Romeo and Juliet have always been and will forever remain an example of devotion and eternal love for everyone, because these are two wonderful souls that are capable of sincere and strong feelings that cannot be implemented, they are honest in manifestation of their feelings before nature and most importantly - in front of each other. Yes, in the end, Love Romeo and Juliet survived their death and made it seemed impossible - reconciled two warring families among themselves, but what price! His death lovers, as if acquired the victory of life principles - the principles of peace, good, consent, justice, friendship and love. The loss of children forces the montexts of Ikapulti to understand that they destroyed the life of their children and themselves. Despite this, even perishing, two in love with hearts remained inseparable, and this is all the celebration of life and sincere human feelings.

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