What is the electronics fairy tale adventure about. "Adventure Electronics

Probably, few of the generation of forty or thirty years old did not watch in childhood a fascinating film about the adventures of a robot boy Electronics. It was when the majority settlements broadcast at best four channels, all the kids the former USSR I was looking forward to the next episode of the famous film. And it was a real feat for the kids of that time - to wait for the next show. All three episodes of the famous musical science fiction film based on the work written by Veltistov - "The Adventures of Electronics" ( summary remember many of us), look, as they say, in one breath.

All heroes are good

Heroes dear to the heart, even negative ones, still sometimes excite the imagination of former pioneers. How did the Veltistov achieve this? "The Adventures of Electronics", the main characters of which are not only the slob Seryozha Syroezhkin and the robot El, but also the gloomy strongman Makar Gusev, the sneak Zoya Kukushkina, and the clever men Maxim Korolkov and Vitya Smirnov, convey all the purity and naivety, but at the same time kindness and the sincerity of adolescents. We must pay tribute to the filmmakers - all these images were written out by the scriptwriters and directors of amazing quality.

Feature films are not made on a whim. As a rule, each of them is based on a book plot. The movie about a robot boy is no exception. It is based on fantastic story Veltistov's "Adventures of Electronics". Back in 1964 Soviet writer created for teenagers his first work from the trilogy "Suitcase Boy". What is this novel about?

The first self-learning robot

So, a certain professor Gromov makes a serious discovery. He invents, expressing himself modern language, a self-learning android robot. All his preliminary calculations turn out to be correct, and as a result scientific research manages to make the first prototype of such an android. He was made very similar to a real Soviet schoolboy - Sergei Syroezhkin, whose portrait the professor saw on the cover children's magazine... The robot was made so well that the professor, without hesitation, called it an almost human name - Al (shortened from Electronic).

E. Veltistov ("The Adventures of Electronics" is a science fiction story) approached the issue of creating and training a robot very seriously. He described in detail the work in progress in the laboratory. Gromov and his assistant Masha tested the intellectual abilities of the android. The results were impressive. The biorobot's brain was working at amazing speed.

Escape Electronics

However, Gromov did not stop experimenting. After some time, it becomes clear that the resources of the laboratory have been exhausted. Robot Electronics felt cramped in a narrow information space which the professor and his assistant could provide.

What did Veltistov come up with? The adventures of Electronics, a brief summary of which cannot be conveyed in three words, continue at large, because the thirst for the accumulation of knowledge and the desire to escape from the confined space of the laboratory prompted the robot to flee. Once in a huge, hitherto unexplored world, at first he does not know what to do. However, a completely human feeling - curiosity - pushes Electronics to study everything that happens around.

Meeting a doppelganger

The appearance of the robot did not distinguish it from other people in any way (it was on this feature of the android that Evgeny Veltistov built the adventures of Electronics). Therefore, Professor Gromov, who, of course, missed the loss, immediately lost him from sight. The frustrated scientist could not understand why his brainchild decided to leave the laboratory. However, after a while, he decided that Electronics just got bored. He wanted new knowledge and impressions.

How could he do without meeting the prototype and the Veltist robot? "The Adventures of Electronics", a summary of which can be expressed in the words "communication of an ordinary seventh-grader Sergei Syroezhkin with a robot", was written precisely for the sake of this meeting. And all the adventures just begin with a collision of live and electronic boys. We already know why outwardly they are very similar to each other. Sergey is simply glad to have another friend, and for a robot such a meeting is an opportunity to quickly adapt to a new world for him.

Electronics reveals himself to Syroezhkin, telling that he is a robot. Syroezhkin is shocked, but not surprised for long. He has read many science fiction stories and knows about the concept of robotics. Testing the knowledge and strength of Electronics, Sergei is once again convinced that he is dealing with a real android.


E. Veltistov "The Adventures of Electronics" wrote about ordinary teenagers. In the process of communication between the boys, it turns out that Sergei is not all right with his studies. This creates real problems for him both at school and at home. Syroezhkin has a cunning plan: to replace himself with a robot. Fortunately, they are practically the same person.

Under the pretext of developing communication skills, he invites Electronics to go to school instead of him. So he expects to solve several problems at once. First, to significantly improve their affairs in terms of school performance. Second, build relationships with parents who have been shaken as a result of poor schooling. And, thirdly, to finally find personal freedom. Just the latter, according to Syroezhkin, he clearly lacks.

The electronics engineer, created to help people, agrees without hesitation. Serezha's request just fits into his concept of cognition of society.

From C grade to honors

This is how the adventures of Electronics began (the content of his adventures occupies almost all three stories). Dressed like Syroezhkin, he goes to school. There El quickly adapts thanks to Sergey's companionable status. The kind and sympathetic slob is quite popular in the school environment.

However, soon the classmates saw the dramatic changes that had occurred with the C grade student Syroezhkin. In math class, he brilliantly wrote the test, which shocked the teacher. He showed deep knowledge in literature, and in the drawing lesson he made an almost artistic portrait of the teacher he liked. Well, the new Syroezhkin completely conquered both his classmates and the teacher with his crazy strength, which he demonstrated in physical education lesson.

Electronics and Syroezhkin's parents

The whole school never ceased to be amazed at such a transformation of yesterday's slob and truant into an exemplary schoolboy. At the same time, his closest friends began to notice some strange behavior in him. The relationship of the pseudo-Syroezhkin with his mother is also improving. Mom never ceases to rejoice at her son, who finally took up his mind and began to study diligently.

But the relationship with his father began to develop strange and unpredictable. Apparently, the image of the real Syroezhkin was more to the liking of a not very stern parent. The guy who spends all the time reading books to the detriment of communication with his father, began to worry him. This is how the Veltists' need for human communication is shown.

"The Adventures of Electronics", a brief summary of which we are interested in today, tells how the genuine Sergei Syroezhkin enjoyed freedom. He spent whole days in the old garage, riding a moped and taking a break from school.

Wrong freedom

Over time, when the first delight passed, Seryozha began to feel uneasy. He watched from afar as the robot communicated with his schoolmates. I noticed how tenderly and lovingly his mother looked at Electronics. Gradually, the guy came to the conclusion that the replacement idea was not very successful.

How does the Veltist plot unfold? "The Adventures of Electronics", the main characters of which are entangled in their emotions, continues with a rather frank conversation for a children's book. Longing, Sergei expresses the painful Electronics at the next meeting. He, too, quite seriously got used to the role. The robot likes to communicate in the school team and with Syroezhkin's parents. The self-learning program makes him more and more like a person. He is already almost emotionally, and his desire to become a human is increasing every day.

Man - it sounds proud

An internal conflict leads to the fact that the robot again runs away from people, and Syroezhkin has to literally win back his name. All the guys help him with his studies, and independently earned excellent grades once again confirm that the main thing is desire and willpower. This is probably what Veltistov wanted to emphasize.

"The Adventures of Electronics", reviews of which are only rave, also tells that even a robot, once in difficult situation, managed not to be led by a gang of thieves, but acted "humanly", preventing the impending crime.

The most interesting thing is that books about Electronics make you think. A lot of questions arise - from the feasibility of creating robots like Al to the possibility of complete replacement of a person with a machine. And if so, what should people do? E. Veltistov, "New Adventures of Electronics" - a book written 20 years later. She continues to develop this theme. And, perhaps, the most important conclusion that everyone should come to is that human emotions and actions should only serve good and honest deeds.

The main characters of the work of E. Veltistov and Earring Syroezhkin are trained in different ways. The principles of cognition for an ordinary student are understandable and explainable.

Syroezhkin attends the school of young cybernetics, where the most important and most interesting thing is calculating machines in laboratories. Each student has a choice whether to become an installer or a programmer.

The first ones invent and assemble electronic organisms with their own hands. Programmers, on the other hand, attack the most complex tasks and create programs for electronic machines. Both that and another attracted Seryozha, in his dreams he imagined himself as an inventor and a cybernetic scientist: “ I will design a robot».

The electronics engineer gained most of his knowledge thanks to the program embedded in him. At first, like a man, he learned to walk and stumbled upon all objects until he got used to space.

He is trained by a special machine - " mom"Electronics, but the whole process is directed and controlled by every step of the robot by a person, its creator is Professor Gromov. He becomes a mentor for Syroezhkin.

Throughout the story, Gromov helps the guys in their plans, but in addition to scientific guidance, on behalf of the author of the book, he raises important tasks that are relevant for all of humanity.

The professor talks a lot about environmental situation on Earth and about the role of man in improving it, about the behavior of a scientist, about the need for elementary ethics for people of science. This should become the moral basis of behavior for Seryozha Syroezhkin, Elektronik and other heroes of the work.

1.5. Who is he - Electronic?

The electronics in Veltistov's book has qualities uncharacteristic of a robot. First of all, it is the ability to experience emotions. Humanoid Electronics is close to the teenage reader.

Thanks to the ingenious program embedded in him, he is able to process speech information, turning concepts-words into manifestations of feelings. Such a property is, of course, a fantastic invention of the author.

But in modern science fiction - in literature, in films, in computer games, humanoid robots are endowed with positive or negative qualities inherent in humans. These robots are either evil or good, they are warriors, invaders or rescuers. Most of all, the image of Electronics resembles cyborgs.

Cyborg, cybernetic organism (from English cybernetik organism) is a biological organism that contains mechanical and electronic components, that is, it is a machine-human hybrid.

That is why the scientific disputes between cybernetics and physiologists waged around Electronics. A classic cyborg looks like a person on the outside, but not on the inside. For example, cyber people from " Doctors Who”Have removed all biological parts from themselves except the brain and are completely devoid of emotions.

Our Elektronik, on the other hand, is not just a smart machine, but a machine ready to learn the world with the help of feelings and emotions. Perhaps the author believed that the robot can be programmed to show good or evil, but Electronic feels real emotions. He knows how to be friends and appreciate friendship, he designs a robot-dog for himself, helps Elechka, etc.

From all that has been said we can conclude that Electronic is the writer's dream of robots who can be helpers, rescuers, friends of man in the conquest of space, the ocean, in the constant striving of people to learn and make discoveries.

Series: Book 4 - The Adventures of Electronics and His Friends

Year of the book release: 1986

The book "The Adventures of Electronics" often means the entire series of books by Evgeny Veltistov about the robot Electronics. But the series consists of five books, and only the first two stories were filmed. The book "The Adventures of Electronics" was published in 1983 and in 1988 it was rewritten into the novel "The New Adventures of Electronics". It is the fourth book in the series.

Brief description of the book "Adventures of Electronics"

Those who read or watched "The Adventures of Electronics" probably know the main plot of the book. It develops around a new robot created by Professor Gromov. In a modern way, it is a cyborg. He has a human face and a highly developed mind. It was created in the image and likeness of one boy, whose photograph the professor saw on the cover of the magazine. Gromov calls his robot Electronic.

By chance, Electronics manages to escape from the professor, and he embarks on a search for his prototype - Syroezhkin. Seryozha Syroezhkin is an ordinary schoolboy who is used to living for his own pleasure, without straining. He does not study very well and she does not really strive for this. Therefore, when Elektronik offers to replace him at school, he agrees with pleasure. But he soon realizes that everyone loves Electronics more than him and he comes out of the "underground". In the future, Elektronik and Syroezhkin become supposedly twin brothers, and you can read their many adventures in the "Adventures of Electronics" series.

For today's generation of young people, the Adventures of Electronics series may seem a little unrealistic. At the same time, as well as the works of other Soviet authors of that time, such as "" from this book blows good. This is what modern children lack so much. Therefore, it is not surprising that the books "The Adventures of Electronics" are strongly advised not only by parents to read to their children, but also by the school curriculum.

The book "Adventures of Electronics" on the site Top books

Despite the rather long period of time that has passed since Veltistov's "Adventures of Electronics" was written, they read the book quite actively. This allowed the work to take a relatively high place in our rating. And if we take into account that the interest in the work has been growing lately, we can expect the book's positions to strengthen in our ratings.

Evgeny Veltistov became famous for his tetralogy about Electronics. It includes the books "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase" (1964), "Russie - an elusive friend" (1971), "Winner of the Impossible" (1975), "New Adventures of Electronics" (1989).

The heroes of the book are seventh graders, and then eighth graders of the seventies, who meet with a wonderful cybernetic boy created by Professor Gromov. Accidentally seeing a photo of Sergei Syroezhkin in a magazine, Gromov decides to present this mischievous boy to his creation.

It so happened that Sergei and Elektronik met. The plot of the book is based on this. Syroezhkin's dream has come true. The cybernetic double began to go to school for him, amazing the teachers with his extraordinary abilities. Elektronik made many friends, the girl Maya began to like him, and Syroezhkin realized how sad it is when your place is taken. He finds the courage to tell the truth.

The friendship between Elektronika and Syroezhkin gave the heroes what they did not have: Syroezhkin understood how important it is to achieve everything on his own, and Elektronik gained the ability to experience emotions.

In the story "Rassie is an elusive friend" Electronic creates a cybernetic dog, which becomes an assistant in the fight against the negative hero von Krug, who destroys, making thieves out of them. Syroezhkin is again confused with Elektronik. He is kidnapped by von Circle's assistant Mick Urry so that, like Professor Gromov, he can create a robot endowed with human emotions. But friends with the help of Russie punish the villain.

In the third part, which is "The Winner of the Impossible", the heroes who have become eighth graders make discoveries that are beyond the power of scientists. They quarrel, reconcile, like ordinary children, but science fascinates them most of all.

In the fourth part "New Adventures of Electronics" Gromov creates a girl - a robot named Elechka. The events of the story unfold in a pioneer camp, where Elechka, communicating with children, becomes like a person. She is worried about questions that are important for adolescents. She asks Electronics what love is and is looking for an answer to this difficult question.

Elektronik and Elechka at the end of the book become people.

The fate of Veltistov's tetralogy

After the success of the book, Evgeny Veltistov created the script for the film "The Adventures of Electronics", which modern children enjoy watching. They know electronics from the film, not from the book.

An electronic is a mechanical copy of a living boy who dreams of becoming a human being. The robot, which appeared in the laboratory of the brilliant professor Gromov, independently comprehended the basics of life in a team, having managed to find a soul and the ability to express emotions.

History of creation

In the 1960s, the electronic era was experiencing a romantic period. Topics related to the development of technical progress were at the height of fashion. In every Soviet kitchen, new scientific advances and opportunities were discussed. In such an atmosphere, the miracle robot was born, invented by journalist, science fiction writer Yevgeny Veltistov.

The first story about the adventures of an unusual teenager, created in the laboratory of Professor Gromov, was published in 1964. The story "Electronic - a boy from a suitcase" was followed by three more works: "Russie - an elusive friend", "Winner of the Impossible" and "New Adventures of Electronics".

The idea to write about the young robot came to the author on a trip to the sea, as told by the children's poet and writer, friend of Veltistov, Vladimir Prikhodko, in the preface to the first book. The boy really appeared "out of the suitcase." Evgeny Serafimovich once went on vacation to warm lands. Carrying luggage to the train, I was surprised at its severity, because the fins and clothes could not weigh so much.

On the way, the fantasy was played out in earnest: the science fiction writer suddenly thought about the fact that, perhaps, in the suitcase there is an electronic boy who can talk. Unfortunately, instead of a living creature, there was only a pile of books - the vacationer confused his own suitcase with someone else's.

The incident would have remained just a curiosity, but the fictional Elektronik firmly established itself in the imagination of Evgeny Veltistov, and the writer began to create an amazing story of a young robot. During his work, he often visited a school with a mathematical bias in order to more realistically embody the idea.

Here the science fiction writer met the brilliant teacher Isaac Tanatar, who became the prototype of the book teacher of mathematics Taratar, who borrowed the nickname from his prototype. Later, the teacher had the honor to act as a critic of the first story, and he thought that the reader would certainly like the book.

The honored mathematician was right: the adventures of the robot boy won the hearts of little and even adult book readers. The author was inundated with letters. Inspired by the success of the Veltistov, he sat down to continue the story, inventing new characters. The last part"Electronics", released from printing presses, the author received, lying in the hospital with fatal disease.

The main characters turned out to be so distinctive and original that they were eager to see the screen. The director's incarnation of the books created an even greater sensation - queues for the writer's stories appeared in bookstores, and the children united in clubs under the name of their favorite character, where they sculpted their own robots.

The works of Evgeny Veltistov were also evaluated by the luminaries of science. For example, a physicist-mathematician, a professor saw features in Electronics, calling fantastic stories a projection of a fairy tale into the electronic age: a man-made boy acquires the features of a living person, and behind the positive heroes are people “with soul”, for whom freedom is in the first place.

Adventure Electronics

Events unfold at the end of the 70s in the capital of Russia. A talented professor, a cybernetic engineer Gromov proved that the possibilities of technological progress are endless by creating Electronics. A model for embodiment appearance served as a photograph of a 6th grade student Sergei Syroezhkin, which the genius saw on the cover Soviet magazine.

An amazing robot, although it does not differ from an ordinary teenager, has super-abilities - it demonstrates miracles physical strength and endurance, runs at high speed, assimilates any information on the fly. Moreover, a soulless being begins to turn into a person, dreaming of becoming a real person.

Stump, the leader of a foreign group of art robbers, found out about the appearance of an unusual machine and sent his assistant named Urri to get it. But then the plot spun in an unexpected way.

Offended by the creator, Elektronik escapes from Gromov's house. Acquaintance with his own double, Seryozha Syroezhkin, a fool and a bummer, gives a chance to “become a man”. A cunning student convinces a new friend that the goal is achievable if he goes to school instead of him. The naive robot, of course, trusts the friend.

This is how Syroezhkin's heavenly life begins - the boy is lazy while Elektronik is studying for him, demonstrating incredible talents in the sciences. Gradually, the robot completely takes the place of Sergei, and he, feeling that he was out of work, returns to school and reveals to his peers the secret of his transformation. At the same time, Electronics is recognized - the answer to the question of how to become a human being is unknown to him.

Frustrated Electronic wanders around the city until he finds the meaning of existence in helping people. The boy repairs mechanisms and devices, for which one day he receives as gratitude a toy in the form of a dog, from which he creates a loyal robot friend named Rassi. The triumphant return to school happens at the request of the girl Maya: Syroezhkin urgently needs help to enroll in the hockey team. And Electronic agrees to help.

Meanwhile, Gromov guesses where his mechanical creation is, and after analyzing the thread of recent events, he realizes that the robot managed to get closer to the dream, because he was able to join the team and not arouse suspicions about his origin.

Proof that Electronic nevertheless turned into a living person was a mess with a hockey match, when the robot failed to understand the essence of the game, and Syroezhkin, for the first time in his life, won at least something. The boy created in the laboratory, who had shown no emotion yesterday, suddenly began to cry.

Electronics' further adventures are even more exciting. The robot is captured by Urri and is abroad, where he helps gangsters to get into the museum. But when the boy finds out about the true goals of the thief, he decides to return the stolen paintings to their place. In this, Syroezhkin helps the main character through a medallion-transmitter.

Screen adaptation

In the summer of 1980, Soviet children sang the song "We are little children" performed by Syroezhkin (sang behind the scenes) in the three-part film "The Adventures of Electronics". For the basis of the film directed by Konstantin Bromberg, the scriptwriters took two stories by Veltistov - "Electronic - a boy from a suitcase" and "Russie - an elusive friend".

The director's assistants scoured the Land of Soviets far and wide in search of suitable types. But most importantly, young applicants for the role were required to be able to play the guitar, sing and ride a moped. The brothers Volodya and Yura Torsuevs, who were sent to audition by the head teacher of their native Moscow school, possessed these skills.

The twins managed to argue before the distribution of roles - everyone wanted to appear in the image of the positive hero Electronics. As a result, Vladimir Torsuev lost to his brother, but during the filming, the director changed places.

The picture starred such bright stars Soviet cinema, like (Urry), (Stump), (Professor Gromov), (mathematics teacher Taratar).

Fantastic books about Electronics immediately after the premiere became a huge success. A year later, the film was also appreciated by representatives of the cinematography - at the All-Union TV Festival, the director received a prize for the best film for children. And over time, "The Adventures of Electronics" has become a cult picture.


“Electronics is a brilliant invention. But what are you going to do with him now? "
“Gromov: - You were created for other purposes.
Electronic: - To play chess? No I do not want. I want to be like everyone else, like the boys on TV. "
“They gave me a bicycle and said: press. Well, I overtook. The bike was a bit in the way. Otherwise I would have come earlier. "
"You see, I want to become a human being."
“I can pretend to eat or sleep. And most of all I do not like to drink water - it then gurgles! "
"Every person has a button: vanity, greed, ambition ... Especially for a robot."
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