An article in the children's journal about the competition of readers. Newspaper "Rural New

MBOU SOSH№2 Rural settlement "Hurba village" Komsomol district of the Khabarovsk Territory

On March 18, 2016, a municipal tour of the international competition of young readers "Live Classic" took place. Hurbinskaya high school №2 not the first time takes active participation In this event. The school tour of the talented guys, reading expressively lyrical and prosaic works. This year the winners in our school and, therefore, participants municipal stage Steel Kosinov Alina (6b class), Mikryukov Ruslan (6A class), Gaev Alexander (grade 11), Laushakova Galina (9A class).

The regional tour of the competition took place in the museum Fine arts In the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in a solemn atmosphere with a competent jury, which included a teacher of cultural studies Technical University Slastnova Yu.A., Chebanyuk TA, Methodist of the Department of Education Nikolaev E.V., Jews of the Cathedral of the Kazan God's Mother of Mother Father Sergius.

Participants arrived from the eleven schools of the Komsomol district. This contest "Live Classic" united 45 talented participants, well-known Russian language and literature that submitted to the attention of the listeners to expressive reading of passages of classical Russian and world prose.

We assumed that rivals would be worthy, because our school constantly takes part in the presentation of their talented readers. Last year, Polina Ivanov, a student 7b class became the winner of the municipal tour and successfully performed in the edge of the tour in the city of Khabarovsk.

Given the previous experience of the contestants to our participants fell a difficult task: expressively present a classic work and penetrate

in the hearts of the listeners, make you think about those major truths that always carries the book.

Kosinova Alina, talented, charming girl happily responded to participate in this festival of literature. It must be said that Alina, despite his young age, has a special literary experience: she herself writes poems and fables, leads a reader's heading in the school newspaper "Vedi", has become the winner of the All-Russian online competition "Live Feather".

The task was complicated: which passage to choose among the wonderful works of domestic prose. In the lessons of literature, we met the work of our countryman, Far Eastern writer G.G.Hozhedera "On a date to my grandfather." This is the story of autobiographical. Brother of the writer, participant in BOG, died at the end of the war and was buried in Kiev at the famous bike cemetery. Twenty years later, the grave of his father was looking for a daughter. And found. She recalled how he accounted for dad to the front, as they sang "Katyusha" together ... in the last two days. The strings of the story in the performance of Alina became more concerned. The fulfillment of the famous military song was given to the performance and emotionality.

We are pleased that on the eve of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Komsomol district, our student has become the winner of the "Live Classic" contest with reading a passage of the Far Eastern Writer, Khodger. Finally, anxiety and excitement behind, and today we celebrate the winner Kosinov Alin, who demonstrated a deep understanding literary work, artistic taste and outstanding artistic skill.

In telegram to participants International Competition "Live Classic" President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that "the book brings the best in man, turns us to good, puts high mathematical qualities».

This unique holiday of young readers has become an important contribution to the popularization of reading, demonstrating prose masterpieces not only by world, Russian, but also of Far Eastern literature.

Article about the "Bocker Readings - 2011" contest

"To meet with the poet Viktor Side for the spiritual support"

Today, in our very difficult time, everyone needs a good interlocutor and a reliable spiritual support and therefore many residents of Sergiev Posad district have again become parties to the festival of poetry dedicated to the national poet of Russia - Viktor Side.

The poetic competition was held for the fourth time and every time he wider covers the settlements of the district - among the participants, new and new names appear. Participants in the competition this year were: students of schools, pupils of children's creativity, youth centers, technical school students, library readers from the district settlements. Many schools and studios are annual participants in the poetic contest and for this thanks to their mentors who believe that the children need to bring up to high poetics. And some schools for the first time filed applications for this contest.

All the competition was filed 72 applications.

In the competition, the readers sounded 54 poems V. Bokova.

Age framework participants from 6 years to 88 years.

The first were the readers who read the verses of V. Bokova. They started the younger, and it was the most numerous group. Kids read very emotionally and so pretty that the smallest participant Dubov Dmitry. I could not hold back my own tears, reading about the monument to an unknown soldier. It is very touched and spectators and jury. For younger your skill expressive reading introduced the senior group.

Then the audience listened Author's competitionAlso represented by two age groups. The original poets were performed on it, which were noted by talent and they were given to create. Victor Bokov always trembled to the work of the young, allocated them from large number People and then helped them in every way, supported. The purpose of our competition is also the identification and support of distinctive poets. Only, we will continue the tradition of the poet Viktor Bokova.

Of course, everyone struck the performance of a veteran of the Second World War from the city of Krasnozavodsk 88-year-oldChernova Vladimir Alistarovich. Basically in his verses sounded the topic of victory in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. And all sincere and kindly admired and memory and brave driving veteran. Long-year-old to him, Defender of the Fatherland, participant of the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. The program included demonstration performances of the laureates of previous CT competitions. They showed how to master the poems. For one who occupies prizes in such competitions may be called a master art reading. These readers confirmed their skills, repeating more than once in Moscow scenes. They had an applauded Hall of them. Tchaikovsky, hall of the central house of writers, the hall of the central home of art workers. Honor and praise them and their mentor N. -A. - the true admirer of the talent of Viktor Bokova.

The event organizers were pleased to listen to reviews about the contest itself and the impressions he left. "As if visited another planet.", - expressed an universal opinion jury Member, Writer Anichev A.S. Indeed, the immersion in the world of poetry was so complete that everyone forgot about their affairs and problems that left behind the walls of the school. The participation of boys amazed, they are becoming more and more on the competition of readers every year and how many of the ones were about their speeches.

Employees of the Victor Bokova Museum again celebrated and thanked everyone who helps the museum in organizing and conducting such events. School number 17 ( director Petrova Vera Sergeevna) Always welcoming his doors. Bogorodskaya library (Tikhonova Marina Sergeevna) Celebrately provides its premises for the jury and helps actively in the design of the hall. DC "Star" always assists in the technical and sound accompanies of events and in filling the pause with concert numbers. Becomes a good tradition cooperation with tourist firm "Cruise SV" (director Sazonova Svetlana Gennadievna), which a second time awards the winners of the competition with registered certificates for visiting performances in Moscow theaters.

Again and again affect parents and teachers who are active and consistent in common deed raising their children through an introduction to genuine art, which is the high poetics of our countryman, people's Poet Russia Viktor Bokova. Another meeting with which, really serves spiritual support in our difficult time.

Thanks to everyone and low bow!

Bulatova R.S. -l. ector House-museum of the poet V.F. Bokova.

Devyatkova Svetlana

Photo report from the tits competition"Little Poetry Lovers"

TO competition CHTERS In our kindergarten prepared everything: both children and parents, and educators. Children treated the event with all seriousness, they taught poems, they repeated them almost daily, arranged mini concerts in the group. Parents sewed costumes, prepared prizes.

Purpose the contest was the following

1. Attract the attention, teachers and parents to the declamation as one of the techniques for the development of speech.

3. To form in children aesthetic taste, interest in the poetic genre of fiction.


Creation of conditions for cognitive-speech and artistic and aesthetic development of children;

Formation of preschoolers of expressive reading skills, artistic skills;

Development of the feeling of rhythm and rhyme

IN competition Children took part from 3 to 5 years. Competition was held on the topic"Little Poetry Lovers", Parents and children independently chose a work close to them in spirit, mood. There were many poems B. Nodokh, A. Barto and others.

Before starting, the children were very worried.

First, the children of younger groups appeared.

Then children of medium groups.

The jury was kindly.

At the end, all children received prizes.

Publications on the topic:

Competition of CHTERS. Purpose: The development of children's speech in the expressive performance of poems. Objectives: speech development and familiarization with artistic literature.

In our kindergarten, it became a good tradition to spend this competition. Preschoolers willingly memorize poems but not always and not everyone has.

Competition of the Day of Victory Day 1 Presenter: There are such dates in our lives, over which time is not powerful, and, the farther years the years go to the past, the brighter their greatness becomes.

Competition of the Dayts "Summer" - Good morning, dear guys and dear guests! We are glad to see you in our hall! Today is an unusual day. Today we are holding a competition.

Competition Readers of the works of Barto Looking - Competition of the readers among the students of the Teremok Group of MCDOU "Lemeshkinsky kindergarten" Sunny ", dedicated to the 110th anniversary of A. L. Barto.

Competition of Readers "Victory Spring" MBDOU "Schulmsky kindergarten of the general mastering type of musical and literary competition of readers" Victory Spring "tasks of the competition: 1. Rail.

Titsov contests are one of the forms of the organization of creative activities of preschoolers. REQUIREMENTS OF GEOS DOP suggest: the construction of educational.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten" Chamomile "P. Kopilovo" Tomsk district


Organization and conduct of the competition of readers in preparatory group

Prepared educators

Shabalina Nina Alexandrovna

Speech development is one of the main directions in preschool education Child. In federal state standards It is presented in such educational areas, as speech development And the artistical and aesthetic, which involves the acquaintance and perception of fiction in the various genres. One of these genres is poetry that helps the child to create bright, figurative ideas about the world around, develops the ability to feel melodiousness and beauty native languageenriches vocabulary. Properly selected and expressively read poetic works cause children interest and emotional response. But, unfortunately, when the child is given a task to learn the poem, parents, often, the sense of memorization is reduced to the automatic reproduction of the text, justifying that they themselves do not know how to expressively tell the poems. Such unimotionic reproduction leaves not only the child himself indifferent to what he told about, it is not interesting and tedious to those who listen to him. An important problem is that in each group there are shye childrens, children who are afraid to speak in the public, many suffer from sound testing, and because of fear, the fact that the peers will laugh at them, they refuse to tell poems on holidays, time educational activities, acquiring a set of unnecessary complexes.

Therefore, we turned to this direction in the work when familiarizing with fiction, as an organization and holding of advicemen. The "Regulations on Competitions" was developed, the topics and objectives were identified:

Stimulate the desire to memorize poems, develop communicative skills, create a positive emotional attitude;

Raise the ability to listen to the poems that other children read;

We stopped on topics about the days of the year, about nature, what is available and understandable to children. Poems about nature - the concept of multifaceted, these are poems about animals, birds, trees, colors, about rain and snow, about the blizzard and the sun, in one word, the children were given a huge selection of poetic works. The main thing is that they are interesting, accessible in the understanding of the text, caused an emotional response in a child, as well as the parents. By the end of the year, we decided to add verses of D. Gamers to preserve a positive emotional mood.

With parents, we held consultations on how to choose a poem correctly. Parents should read the poem so that it liked it, caused a desire to repeat if the child does not argue any sounds, they must meet as small as possible in the text, so as not to make the memorization process, do not cause negative emotions and reluctance to teach text. The poem must correspond to age characteristics, should not be "faceless" so that you can create a certain picture in the imagination, the image and understanding of what he tells about. Be sure to explain incomprehensible words and expressions.

Initially, we picked up poems to children, taking into account their characters, opportunities, peculiarities of pronunciation, artistry. As parents acquired experience, they began to participate in this process on their own. As preschoolers have more developed spectacular perceptionFor each poem, we picked up the appropriate picture, they can now find a lot on the Internet, photos, paintings by artists. Compared, descriptive stories were isolated, epithets and comparisons were isolated, which were in the text of poems, drawing the attention of children to the wealth and expressiveness of the Russian language. In the future, they offered to choose the children themselves to choose the picture, which, in their opinion, is most suitable for the selected poem. With children who have particularly seriously remembered a poem, use the method of mnemonics, when a child with drawings reproduces text. On our advice, this method was actively used by some parents, making sure their experience in its effectiveness.

A wonderful means of upbringing an artistic taste in a child is music, it is able to influence the mood, create certain emotions, the atmosphere. To create a poetic atmosphere, we used the classic works of composers Tchaikovsky P.I. "Seasons", Beethoven, Vivaldi "Seasons", which transmit to their music and thunder-rolls, and the noise of rain, and the rustle of the leaves, and the birds trill, and the downward wind, and the flow of water. Music works about nature together with poetic and artistic creativity have a great influence on spiritual development Children's preschoolers contribute to more subtle perception of the surrounding nature and peace. Children begin to understand that it is possible to love nature, it is possible to admire it not only through poetry, but also through music, painting. We try to convey to them the idea that nature should be carefully treated.

The first of our spectators, of course, were parents. Becoming more confident, children spoke to employees kindergarten and children of other groups.

As in any competition, the jury was chosen, mainly from kindergarten employees who evaluated small artists on such parameters as artistry, expressiveness, emotionality five-point system. Once we suggested our parents themselves to appreciate the poetic creativity of their children, but the parent jury could not come to a common opinion, some of the parents believed that friendship had to defeat. Therefore, together with them abandoned such experiments. When holding competitions, it was very difficult to convince some parents in the fact that in the preparatory for school the group friendship no longer wins. The child, participating in the poetic competition, must show himself, show his skill, skill, effort. All these qualities will be very useful in school Life Children, as well as when participating in contests outside our DOU.

In order for children to be interested during poetic contests, attention has been preserved and they are not tired, not only poems, but also beautiful music, you can spend quizzes in which not only children are involved, but also parents, dance numbers, rolling games, riddles . Use all techniques that match the subject of the competition. For example, during the "Poems D. Gamers" contest, cheerful scenes were played, dance numbers were included.

After the contest, the jury determines the winners, it is necessary for each child a certificate, medal and sweet prizes. The jury emphasizes and notes that all the children were well done, everyone tried.

Organized and conducted advicemen showed positive results. Children who have never told poems, refused to perform, stopped the absenteeism, became more relaxed, emotional, confident, and some became wonderful readers and took part in municipal competition Readers, where they occupied a prize place, and also performed in the House of Culture, in concert programs. Vocabulary expanded, children learned to hear each other. It is also gratifying that parents saw these results and were convinced that the procedure for memorizing poems should be approached creatively and such concepts as expressiveness and emotionality should be attended by taking poems by heart.

The spacious reading room with difficulty accommodated all the participants in the competition. The library thanks the middle schools of the city, the house of children's creativity, rural libraries and houses of culture, who actively participate in the preparation of contestants. The jury determined the winners. IN age group From 14 to 17 years old, Maxim Schukin took first place (head of R. E.Smirnova, Librarian of the Ivakin Library) with a poem of his own essay of war.
From 5 to 10 points Members of the jury put up a group of students
No. 1 (head of T. G. Pogodina) for the scene "Dialogue with TV" Vladimir Vysotsky. The final 31 score allowed Lyudmila Klochkova and Alexander Kondratyev to take second place. In total, Alexander Urba scored less than one score with the poem of Konstantin Vanshkin "The boy", which represents the home of children's creativity (head of Yu. I. Chernova), she took 3rd place.
Special words of gratitude for bright, memorable numbers, thoughtful selection of texts, immersion in the image, artistry of execution I want to tell Denis Kozyrev (Head by T. V. Istomy, Director of the Ulyaninsky SDK), who read the poem Konstantin Simonov "Wait for me", Roman Busko (Head T . Gulueva, Teacher School No. 1) With the poem of Vladimir Vysotsky, "he did not return from the battle," Angelina Sudarya (School No. 2), who submitted to the "ring" of Yulia Drunk and Viktor Alekseev (Head by T. Alekseeva, Director of Tolstikovsky SDK ), who read the poem Sergey Yesenin "Goy You, Russia, my family ...".
In the age group, over 18 years old, the wisp was the hope of Ivanovna Krylova. Talented, enthusiastic man, she was so read the poem Vladimir Mayakovsky " An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the country ", which wanted to re-open the Tomik of the Great Proletarian poet and to feel his sparkling rhymes. Easy and easily seized the attention of Hall Alexander Ivanovich Lobashov, he read the poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter". The jury awarded him the second place. The third winner in this age group was Rimma Evgenievna Smirnov, the "poems of one woman" of Nicholas Dorizo \u200b\u200bwas reverent and mentally and mentally.
With the World Poetry Day I want to congratulate people who are passionate about writing. Thank you, V.S.Kislev, L.N. Barinova, A.N.Pronin, V.A. Gromova, N. Yu. Burylev and I. G. Sizova for good, penetrated, touching verses that sounded at the competition . We sincerely wish you inspiration, good luck and new poetic discoveries.
L. Boguk,
head of the reading room of the central library.

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