Simple dialogs in English. How to conduct welcome dialogues in english

Everyone knows that it is possible to learn English with different goals. Someone needs to master the business correspondence, someone wants to read books written in English, in the original, someone wants to understand the well-known songs of favorite groups on the rumor, sometimes the skills of translating special literature are required. In all these cases, the skill of direct communication may not be needed. But a huge number of people teach English precisely to communicate with friends, partners or people in tourist trips abroad. In this case, the most important means for the formation of communication skills are a variety of dialogs on english language.

As one respectable English teacher said at the university, forcing his students to repeat the same phrases again and again: "Unprepared speech is a good prepared speech." This paradoxical at first glance, the phrase actually has a certain practical meaning. If you are not a carrier of the language, in any situation of spontaneous communication for you it is important to have a set of well-learned clichés on different topics. In this case, you will not think about the preparation of each sentence, and all your attention will focus on what you are talking about. That is why, when working out communicative skills, the teacher gives the task not to just read and translate the dialogues to different topics, but also to memorize them by heart.

Examples of different topics

As a rule, dialogues are drawn up on certain topics. Usually, the dialogues in English for beginners are a dialogue-acquaintance, a conversation about the weather (universal tool to support the conversation), a conversation in a cafe, a dialogue in the store, talk about plans for the weekend, etc.

In any case, it is important to remember that the dialogue is not just a set of phrases according to the type "Question - Answer", but a reaction to the information of the interlocutor, and the emotional component of one degree or another. Therefore, when learning in English dialogues, audio support plays a very important role. Listening to the dialogues, you not only remember phrases, but also copy an intonational pattern that has especially great importance It is in dialogical speech.

Today we will present to your attention the dialogues in English with the translation, the full versions of which you can see. In this case, the dialogues will be accompanied by exercises, detailed dictionary and grammatical explanations.

Dialogue on the topic "Acquaintance"

So, any communication begins with the princip.

Hello, how are you?

Fine, Thanks. And you?

Great! My Name is Lima.

I am Emily. IT's Nice To Meet You.

IT's Nice To Meet You, Too.

Are you from new york?

YES, I am. Where are you your?

I am from here, from bedford.


Hi, how are you?

Well thank you! And you have?

Wonderful! My name is Lima.

I - Emily. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Are you from New York?

Yes. Where are you from?

I am from here, from Badford.

ABOUT! Perfectly. Can we be friends?


Dialogue about the weather

As you know, if you need to start a conversation with an unfamiliar person, the weather topic will be a win-win option. This topic is international, politically correcting and universal for any circle. This topic is especially popular with the inhabitants of Great Britain. And this is not surprising, because this country is known for the change of weather. Therefore, several phrases about the weather, which are being transferred when meeting familiar, are often just a form of greeting, and in no way to get some information.

Hello, Martin, Lovely Day, ISN "T IT?

Absolutely Wonderful - Warm and Clear. What "Sue Weather Forecast for Tomorrow? Do You Know?

Yes, IT Says It Will Be a Bit Cloudy in the Morning. But The Day Will Be Bright and Sunny.

How nice. A Perfect Day for an Outing. I Promised My Family A Barbecue, You Know.

Great! I Hope You'll Enjoy IT.

Hi Tom

Hi, Martin, a wonderful day, right?

Absolutely wonderful - warm and clear. What is the forecast for tomorrow? You do not know?

Yes, I know, they say, it will be a little cloudy in the morning. But the day will be clear and sunny.

How good. Excellent day for a country walk. I promised my family barbecue, you know.

Healthy! I hope you will enjoy.

Dialogue in a restaurant

Dialogues in a cafe or restaurant are often used in educational materials and phrasebooks. Having learned the main phrases from such a dialogue, you can apply these knowledge in a foreign trip. In addition, some structures and, so-called phrases of politeness will be useful to you in other speech situations.

Jerry: Let's Go for a Walk.

Lima: Have you Got Any Ideas Where WE CAN GO?

Jerry: Yes, I Have. Let's Go to the Restaurant.

Lima: OK. Let "S GO.

Waiter: Good evering. What can i do for you? What Would You Like to Order?

Jerry: Have You Got Mashed Potatoes?

Waiter: Yes, We Have.

Jerry: Have You Got Any Juice?

Waiter: Apple Juice, Tomato Juice and Orange Juice.

Jerry: Give US Orange Juice, Please. Have You Got Any Ice-Cream?

Waiter: Yes, We Have Vanilla Ice-Cream, Chocolate Ice-Cream and Ice-Cream WITH TOPPING.

Jerry: Give us One Vanilla Ice-Cream and One Chocolate Ice-Cream.

W: Anything ELSE?

Jerry: That's all. Thank you.

Jerry: Let's go walk.

Do you have any ideas where we can go?

Jerry: Yes. Let's go to the restaurant.

Lima: OK. Let's go to.

Waiter: Good evening. What can I do for you? What would you like to order?

Jerry: Do you have a potato mashed potatoes?

Waiter: Yes.

Jerry: Do you have any juice?

Waiter: Apple Juice, Tomato Juice and Orange Juice.

Jerry: Give us orange juice, please. Do you have any ice cream?

Waiter: Yes. We have vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream and ice cream with topping.

Jerry: Give us one vanilla ice cream and one chocolate ice cream.

Waiter: something else?

Jerry: That's all. Thank you.

Dialogue in the store

Another popular topic for dialogues is the dialogues in the store in English:

Emily: Hey, Lima. Let's Go Shopping.

Lima: Hi, Em. Let's Go!

SalesGirl: Good Morning! CAN I HELP YOU?

Emily: Good Morning! What is the Price Of This Dress?

SalesGirl: It Costs One Thousand Dollars.

Emily: Oh, It's a Very Expensive Dress.

Lima: Let's Go to Another Store.

Lima: Look At These Jeans. I Like Them.

Salesman: CAN I HELP You?

Lima: Can You Tell Me What The Price Of Those Jeans Is?

Salesman: Yes. The Jeans Cost Three Hundred Dollars.

Lima: Ok, I'll Take Those Jeans and This T-Shirt.

How About A Nice Dress for My Friend?

Salesman: This Dress Is Very Popular This Season.

Emily: OK, I'll Take IT. Thank You Very Much.

Salesman: You are Welcome.

Emilia: Hi, Lima. Let's go shopping.

Lima: Hi, Em. Let's go to!

Saleswoman: Good morning! Can I help you?

Emilia Good morning! What is the price of this dress?

Saleswoman: It costs one thousand dollars.

Emilia: Oh, this is a very expensive dress.

Lima: Let's go to another store.

Lima: look at these jeans. I like them.

Seller: Can I help you?

Lima: Can you tell me what price for those jeans?

Seller: Yes. Jeans are three hundred dollars.

Lima: Well, I will take those jeans and this T-shirt.

What about a beautiful dress for my girlfriend?

Seller: This dress is very popular this season.

Emilia: Well, I'll take it. Thank you very much.

Seller: please.

Dialogue of friends

Dialogue of friends in English is a very frequent guest in all tutorials. You can discuss a wide variety of topics - school cases, family relationships, plans for the future. Such dialogues are large space for fantasy. After all, taking as the basis of some finished audio dialogue in English, it can always be "fit" under him. And when you talk about your own experience and emotions, the material is remembered much easier.

Lima: So, Have You Decided Where Would You Like to Go on Next Holiday?

Emily: I Think That I Will Go to My Grandparents AS Usual. I Will Help Them ABOUT THE HOUSE.

And what about you?

Lima: I Think That I Will Go to the Seaside with My Friends. Will You Go with US?

Emily: What Will You do there?

Lima: If The Weather Is Fine, We Will Swim All The Time. And I Think We Will Go to An Aqua Park and Maybe We Will Visit Some Excursions.

Emily: Oh, Great. I Think That I Will Join You.

Lima: OK, I Will Call You.

Lima: Well, you decided where would you like to go to the next holidays?

Emilia: I think I will go to my grandparents, as always. I will help them around the house. What about you?

Lima: I think I will go to the sea with my friends. Will you go with us?

Emilia: What will you do there?

Lima: If the weather is good, we will swim all the time. And I think we will go to the water park and can visit some excursions.

Emilia: Oh, great. I think I will join you.

Lima: Well, I'll call you.

Dialogue in the hotel

We offer you a couple of colloquial phrases on one of the most common topics "in the hotel".

I Need The Cheapest Room In This Hotel. How Much Is IT?

We Have 2 Number. The Price Is 10 Dollars Pro Night.

It`s not cheap. Sorry.

I need the cheapest room at this hotel. How much does it cost?

We have two such numbers. The price is 10 dollars.

It is not cheap. Sorry.

Business dialogue

The topics of the business stood out in English into a separate subtear. Today there are many courses of this profile, on online platforms, special reference materials and entire intensives for this profile. We offer a short conversation about the business in English:

Good Morning! May I Talk to Mr. Johns?

Good Morning! Mr. Johns Is Busy At The Moment. Do You Mind Leaving The Message For Him, Please?

No, i don "t. IT is Mr.Saimon. I" M Calling to Confirm Our Meeting.

YES, Mr. Johns Asked Me to Confirm!

Thank You Very Much for Information!

Good morning! Can I hear Mr. Jones?

Good morning! Mr. Jones is busy at the moment. Maybe you will leave him a message?

No thanks. This is Mr. Simon. I call confirm our meeting.

Yes, Mr. Jones asked me to confirm!

Thank you very much for the information!

Effective ways to memorize dialogs

As previously noted earlier, learning the dialogues is the key to successful communication in English. The more speech cliché you will learn, the easier it will be for you to form my thought in a spontaneous conversation. If you have a interlocutor or do you learn English in a group, learn and tell the dialogue does not represent problems. Moreover, teachers are usually made to the task of a creative component - on the basis of dialogue in tutorial Make up, learn and tell your version. However, if you learn English yourself, the lack of a partner for a conversation to some extent complicates the task. But, as you know, there are no hopeless situations. Listening English Dialogues Online is the most effective method of memorization. As a rule, repeated listening helps to learn all the necessary phrases, and at the same time reproduce them with proper intonation.

An online tutorial just can become a kind of chopstick in such a situation. Texts and dialogues (dialogues in english) on the site are voiced by professional speakers. You can choose for yourself the most comfortable manual way - based only on the sound option, or with a support for the English or Russian version of texts.

Communication of people in life occurs through dialogs. So, dialogues in Englishwill help you consider various models of answers to certain questions, learn about the manner of communicating in English.

In everyday life, the most frequent communication takes place between two people, so you know how best to respond in a particular situation, know the main turns of the English language will be very useful. Thus, for beginners of benefit from dialogues in English with translation in Russian, it will be quite large.

Since the main goal of learning English is a communication with English-speaking people, it is the dialogues in English with a translation into a native language - Russian, will become one of the main materials, thank you by bringing your task - to speak English fluently and keep a conversation with one Man or group of people, correctly state his thoughts.

Over time, you will learn to bypass without translation, but is the beginning of the path, and, it means you need to know what we are talking about, in particular, in the dialogue in English.

What gives the study of dialogue in English with translation

Learning on dialogues primarily gives the ability to grammatically correctly build suggestions, to react to certain household situations, understand the person speaking in English. In addition, your vocabulary Once at once, with each new dialogue, is replenished with new words. Once at once you will meet more and more familiar words and reactions to the situation. Reiteration different situations And the use of previously learned words will allow you to learn English faster and achieve goal.

Dialogues in English with translation

Dialogue in English:

Kelly: Hi, Jessica, You're Late.
Jessica: Yeah. Each Time We Switch to Daylight Savings Time, I Always Forget to Put The Clock Forward An Hour.
Kelly: Well, Then Later This Year WHEN WE Switch Back to Normal Time, Don't Forget to Set The Clock Back One Hour.
Jessica: I Just CAN't Win! Each Time We Switch Back to Normal Time, I Always Forget to Put The Clock Back An Hour, SO I Always Come to Work An Hour Early.
Kelly: SO, JUST REMEMBER. Spring Forward, Fall Back.
Jessica: So, that'll make it even.

Dialogue in Russian:

Kelly: Hi, Jessica, you're late
Jessica: Yes, every time we translate time, I always forget to translate time ahead.
Kelly: Well, then this year when we translate the clock at normal time, do not forget to translate the clock at an hour ago.
Jessica: I just can not! Every time we translate the clock back to normal time, I always forget to translate the clock at an hour ago, so I always come to work an hour earlier.
Kelly: If so, just remember. In the spring forward, then back.
Jessica: Well, worth a try

The first dialogue

- Hello. MY NAME'S PETE. What's yours? - Hi what's your name?

- Ann. - Anya.

- Nice Name. I Like It Very Much. - Good name. I really like.

- Thank you. You Name's Good, Tooo. - Thank you. Your name is good too.

- IT WAS Nice Meeting You. - It was nice to meet you

- Thanks. IT Was Nice Meeting You. - Thank you. It was nice to meet you.

Dialogue second

- Are Lessons Over? - Lessons ended?

- YES, THEY ARE. - Yes

- Where're you going? HOME? - Where are you going? Home?

- No, to the Park. My Friend's Waiting for Me There. - No, in the park. My friend is waiting for me there.

- GOOD LUCK, THEN. Good bye. - Good luck then. Bye.

- Well, I'm OFF. See You Later. - Well, I'm all. See you later

Dialogue Third

- Oh, Dear, Hurry Up! - Oh, dear, hurry!

- I'm trying to. - I am doing my best.

- WELL, COME ON. IT's Your First Day at School. - Come on. This is your first day at school.

- Do You Want To Be Late? - Do you want to be late?

- I'm ready now. - Now I am ready.

- OK WE GO! - Good, went!

Fourth dialogue

- What Do You Think The Best Sort Of Job IS? - What do you think, what work is best?

- Engineering, I Think. - Engineer, I think.

- I Like Medicine. - I love medicine.

- To My Mind The Best One Is The One You Like The MOST. - In my opinion, the best is what you like more.

Fifth dialogue

- Please Give Me That Book. - Please give me this book.

- What for? - For what?

- To Have a Look AT IT. - Look at her.

- Here you are. - You are welcome.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- NOT AT ALL. - It's my pleasure.

Dialogue Sixth

- You're Far Too Lazy. Look At Your English. Is this the best you can do? - You are too lazy. Look at your English. This is the best, what are you capable of?

- You know i'm no good at russian. - You know, I'm not so good in English.

- AND WHAT ABOUT PHYSICS? - What about physics?

- I'm ashamed of myself. - I am ashamed of myself.

- You Could Easily Come Top Of The Class. - You can easily be a class leader.

- I'll Work Harder, I Promise. - I will work enhanced, I promise.

Dialog Seventh

- School's Almost Over. - Study at school is almost completed.

- Yes, I Know. - Yes I know.

- How Many More Days? - How many days?

- SIX. - Six.

- WHEN DO THE HOLIDAYS START? - When will holidays begin?

- NEXT WEEK. - Next week.

Dialogue eighth

- Look Hera, This Has Got to Stop. You've Come Bottom in Nearly Every Subject. - Listen, it must be stopped. You get to see in almost every subject.

- EXCEPT GEGRAPHY. - In addition to geography.

- Yes, indeed. You Came Second to Bottom in That. - Yes, actively. This is the second, what you are not successful.

- IT Wasn't Really My Fault. I WAS ILL FOR SOME TIME, WASN'T I? - This is not a validity of my fault. I sick for some time, right?

- THAT'S NO EXCUSE. - This is not an excuse.

- I'll Improve. - I will improve.

- I Doubt IT. - I doubt it.

Dialogue ninth

- Good Morning. Glad to See You. - Good morning. I'm glad to see you.

- Good Morning. SO Am I. - Good morning. And me too.

- WON'T YOU COME AND SIT DOWN? - Do you want to enter and sit down?

- I'm sorry, But i can't. - Sorry, but I do not want.

- Why not, I Wonder Why? - Why not, I'm wondering why?

- I'm Short Of Time, You Know. - I have time in the edge.

- Well, then. What's Up? - Well then. What's the matter?

- I'D Like to See Your Sister. IS SHE IN? - I would like to see your sister. Do you have it?

- OH, NO. She's Still AT School. - Oh no. She is still at school.

Dialogue tenth

- I beg your pardon. Is This The Right Way to Hyde Park? - I apologize. Is this the right way to Heid Park?

- I'm sorry, I CAN't Tell You. - Sorry, I can't tell you.

- Oh, What a Nuisance! Why not? - Oh, what an annoyance! Why not?

- You see, I'm Stranger in These Parts MySelf. - You see, I'm someone else's in these parts.

- What Shall I Do, Then? - What should I do then?

- Well, Ask Somebody Else Or, Even Better, Ask a Policeman. - Well, ask someone, or best, ask a policeman.

- Thank you. Much Obliged. - Thank you. Very obliged.

There is also video and audio material, where the roles are voiced and played by professional speakers - so you can pull up your pronunciation. Therefore, the study of English is effectively by video recordings.

The skill of free speaking speech at the beginning of the study of any language seems unless unattainable, then exactly requiring a lot of effort, which often scares novice polyglotov, who are not accustomed to hear their voice talking in another language. However, it is necessary to speak English, with the very beginning of study, and this section will help you take a light start. Video files with textual and audio tracks will help not only remember how individual phrases are built, but and how they are pronounced.

Dialogues in English are represented in different thematic aspects: in this section there are both elementary questions that students respond at the very beginning of language learning and individual situations that will be useful in cases where you study the language exclusively for traveling. You can play the presented situations both alone and in pairs.

Simple dialogs for dating

Everyone who visited the lessons of English in school know where to study his studies: just with acquaintance. This is done not only because the teacher needs to get acquainted with the students as soon as possible, but also because information about themselves rarely affects lexical blocks, unknown beginners. Of course, the need for a complete presentation in the event of communication with the carrier may not appear, however, you will already be able to briefly tell about yourself, listened to the most important points of your biography.

For those who study English independently, will be very useful, for example, a dialogue? - The interlocutors are found for the first time, ask each other's names. Of course, speech slowed down and made as clear as possible (in conversational English, it will probably be more difficult), but a beginner can already listen to, as needed to meet, and repeat the video participants.

Another important question -? - Mandatory part of any dating, especially abroad. Of course, until you can go into a detailed description of the cultural aspects and traditions of your country, but you can learn how to clarify the nationality of your interlocutor and even the homeland of his accent!

Well, of course, how without compliance with the rules of courtesy - the question, in the life of your interlocutor and his loved ones? Examine these dialogs, and you will not notice how your confidence in your own knowledge of a foreign language will be quite will increase!

Dialogues for individual situations

Going outside the classroom (and comfort zones), you can imagine yourself in a more problematic environment, rather than acquaintance with one person for subsequent communication. Even if you are still at the beginning level, you can get into the situation in which you need to ask questions, for example: or about the building you need (you can put anything to the place: station, shopping center, hotel). By the way, these dialogues can be modified by adding pretexts of places and directions in them: their regular use will help to remember them faster!

Perhaps the most common question for tourists abroad, which are desperately looking for someone who could ask the Council, this: when this question is asked, it will be possible to say that communication began, as the speakers have established the language of the conversation.

Of course, when you find a situation that requires language proficiency at a sufficient level to exchange information (as a rule, it concerns those moments when you come abroad to a restaurant or even a simple store), you have to use not only passive use of the language through speech patterns, But active - you will have to listen to the interlocutor and understand his answer. However, there are two very important points here:

  • pre-worked dialogues in English allow us to suggest at least in the theory that you can answer, and you will be afraid to be less if you can at least simply represent how to behave;
  • start the conversation is much easier, having several phrases in stock, let them even explored, but it is absolutely correct and in grammatical, and in the lexical sense.

There are good news: if your interlocutor sees that you have problems with the language, it can start monitoring myself and use more simple vocabulary, or even gesture language. In a word, communication will still take place, even if you cannot understand what you were answered.

Of course, to secure the material, you need to repeat it more than once, but a few, but it's not necessary to sit endlessly on one dialogue. Over time, you can even think about the compilation of your own dialogues - let the form remain the same, and the content changes somewhat. It will help you to consolidate the studied grammatical designs and stand on the track for independent compilation of spoken phrases in a foreign language.

Greeting is what every dialogue begins with any person, regardless of whether you communicate in Russian, in English or in any other language. Therefore, for novice English lovers, it is especially important to know which greetings to use in communication with certain people. This will help initially designate the framework and the tone of the further conversation. How to conduct welcome dialogues in english

Building welcome dialogues

Dependence of the dialogue from the situation

Further, the dialogue should develop depending on the situation. There may be a lot of variations in continuation of the conversation: it will be the so-called middle parts of the dialogs. Therefore, we first imagine several possible farewell formulations in English - saying Goodbye.:

  • Good-bye! - All the best! (Bye!)
  • BYE-BYE! Or just bye! - Until!
  • SO LONG! - Until! (See you!)
  • See You Later. - See you later. (Let's later meet)
  • See You (Soon). - See you soon. or to the soon.
  • Have a good (Nice, Fine) Day! - I wish you a pleasant (successful, good) day!

Now, after studying the basic formulations of greetings and farewells in English, we can simulate any welcoming dialogues. They will include simple phrases, understandable even for beginners. Consider several examples of the English dialogue.

An example of friendly respectful English dialogue

An example of friendly-respectful English dialogue Suppose our english student Jack Higgins came out in the morning of the house for a walk. He met a neighbor, Mrs. Dawson.

Jack: Good Morning, Mrs Dawson!
Good morning, Mrs. Dawson!
Mrs Dawson.: Oh, Jack! Good Morning! Haven't Seen You for Age!
Oh, Jack! Good morning! Have not seen you for a long time!
Jack: I am Studying in Russia Now and Just Came Home for a vacation.
I am now studying in Russia and just came home to vacation.
Mrs Dawson.: I See. I am Really Pleased to Meet You!
Understand. I am very glad to meet you!
Jack: I'm Also Glad to Meet You. How Are Feeling Today?
I am quite glad to meet you. How do you feel?
Mrs Dawson.: Never Better, My Young Friend! Are IS A Wonderful Weather for a Stroll Today, Isn't IT?
Good, how never before, my young friend! Today is beautiful weather for a walk, isn't it?
Jack: Yes, It's a Beautiful Sunny Day Today. I Think You Will Enjoy IT.
Yes, today a beautiful sunny day. I think you will like it.
Mrs Dawson.: Thank you! See you, jack!
Thank you! See you again, Jack!
Jack: Good Luck, Mrs Dawson!
Good luck, Mrs. Dawson!

An example of a friendly slang English dialogue

An example of a friendly slang English dialogue

Eric: Hi, man! What Brought You Here?
Hi guy (dude)! What fate?
Jack: Hi, Eric! Just Came Home To Visit My Parents.
Hi, Eric! Just arrived to see the parents!
Eric: It is awesome that i met ya * ! IT REMINDED ME OUR CHILDHOOD.
Cool that I met you! It reminded me of our childhood.
Jack: ME TOO! We Haven't Met Since School Times ... What's New?
Me too! We have not seen from school times ... What's new?
Eric: Nothing Changed, I Study and Now Lookin "For a Job Work. Have you got one?
Nothing has changed, I'm learning and looking for a part-time job. Do you have? (Work)
I am still not very friendly with the Russian language, so I have little chance of finding a job.
Eric: Oh, You're a Brainy Felow, You'll Find Something!
Oh, after all, you are a Bashkovy Patzan, you will find something!
Jack: Hope So!
Eric: Lots of Luck!
Good luck!
Wish the same to you! See you!
Eric: BYE!

Note: * ya \u003d youabbreviated slang

Jack continued his walk. A little later, he met his school teacher Mr. Newman. Consider the third version of the English conversation:

Official conversational dialogue

Official conversational dialogue Jack: Good Morning Mr. NEWMAN!
Good morning, Mr. Newman!
Mr. NEWMAN.: Oh, Jack Higgins! GOOD MORNING, YOUNG MAN! I Gusson You Should Not Be Here.
Oh, Jack Higgins! Good morning, young man! I thought you were not here.
Jack: I Am Also Surprised! NEVERTHELESS, I am Happy to Meet My Best-Loved Teacher!
I am also surprised! Nevertheless, I am glad to meet my favorite teacher!
Mr. NEWMAN.: Oh, Thank You! You are Highly Polite, as usual!
Oh thanks! You, as always, are very polite!
Jack: You Taught Me To, Did NOT You?
You taught me this, right?
Mr. NEWMAN.: I Did, and I Taught Many Children, But You Stand Alone ... It Was a Rare Pleasure to Have Such An Eager Disciple.
That's right, and I taught many children, but no one compares with you ... for me it was a rare pleasure to have such a diligent student.
Jack: I Hope i Deserve Your Compliment.
I hope I deserve your praise.
Mr. NEWMAN.: Sure You Do! Are You Studying Anywhere Now?
Sure! Are you learning somewhere now?
Jack: I Study Engineering At A Wonderful University In Moscow.
I study engineering at an excellent university in Moscow.
Mr. NEWMAN.: I Guess That You Will Become An A1 Specialist.
I am sure you will become a high-class specialist.
Jack: Thank you! Good-bye!
Thank you! Bye!
Mr. NEWMAN.: All The Best To You!
All the best to you!

Any communication comes down to the dialogue. In English, dialogues play the same role as in Russian.

They are considered much easier, compared with ordinary texts, new words are remembered faster, and they are also easier to learn by heart.

For example, you can consider several different dialogs. These will be the dialogues of friends in English.

1. Friend: Hi, Mike.

Mike: Hi.

D: How are you?

M.: Excellent, how are you?

D.: Just. What are you doing today?

ME TOO. What Are You Doing Today?

M.: Yes, so I think what to do.

Well, I'm Thinking What To Do.

D.: Maybe we go to a new car exhibition?

What about Going to the New Car Exhibition?

M.: Well, when the discovery?



D.: Good.

2. - Welcome, ket, will you let me at my party today?


Hi, in honor of what party?

Hello, on What Occasion Is The Party?

In honor of my arrival from Spain!

On The Occasion of My Arrival From Spain.

Oh God, I completely forgot, I'm sorry, of course, I will!

Oh, My God, I Complety Forgot, Sorry, Of Course, I'll Be There!

And who else is invited?

And who else is invited?

Lily, Mary, Jenny - You know them, and a few cute guys!

Lily, Marry, Jenny - You know them, and a coupe of good-looking guys!

Oh, it will be fun! What to take with you?

Oh, IT 'LL BE FUN! What Shall I Bring With Me?

Please capture, several cans of cola and some kind of snacks: chips, for example.


Well, that I can bring it. When can I come?

OK, I'LL Bring What I can. WHEN CAN I COME?

From seven begin to gather. Waiting for you!

We begin to Gather At Seven O'Clock. WAITING FOR YOU!

3. Party. Party.

Hi glad to see you.

Hello, I'm Glad to See You.

Hi, come in.

I brought what you asked.

I brought what you asked for.

Thank you. Come on, drinks with food on the left side, dancing in the hall.

Thank you. Come in, Drinks and Meals Are On The Left, We Are Dancing In The Hall.

I understood. Oh, Lily, Mary and Jenny, how I am glad to see you!

I understood. Oh, Lily, Marry and Jenny, I'm so pleassed to See You!

And we you. Go, dance together?

And We Are Pleased to See You Too. Let's Go and Dance Together?

We go! Oh, how many people here.

Let's Go! Oh, So Many People Here!

Wow, and how many cute guys!

Oh, And How Many Handsome Guys. -

Yes, do you see this? Do you know him?

Yes, Do You See That Boy? Do You Know HIM?

I know it's new!

Yes, I Know Him, He Is Newcomer.

Make me with him, please!

Introduce Me to Him, Please!

Well, but you yourself can do it!

OK, But You can do it yourself.

Okay, wish me good luck!

OK, Wish Me Luck!

Good luck!

4. And one more example of a conventional everyday dialogue.

Family for dinner.

A Family Has Dinner.

Dinner is cooked, sit down all at the table.

The Dinner Is Ready, Sit At The Table, Everybody.

And what about dinner?

And What do we have for supper?

All like you love, and still dessert - surprise.

Everything That You Like, And A Dessert, IT IS A SURPRISE.

I can not wait to try it.

I CAN't Wait to Taste It.

He must like it!

You'll Love IT!

No doubt!

These were examples of simple proposals that are often found in domestic communication. They are easy to remember and learn.

Useful dialogs:

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