Tabakov School Official Applicant. Moscow Theater School Oleg Tabakov

Oleg Tabakov Moscow School will not take students for the next year. For applicants and their parents, this is a serious blow - the children have already passed the first round of selection and prepared for exams. Parents argue that it is possible to get to school only after the ninth grade - and now their children will melted this chance. The abolition of the set was announced two weeks before the exams. "360" tells how the situation was explained by the head of the school Vladimir Mashkov and what the parents of applicants think about it.

No exams without Tabakov

Artistic Director of the Moscow Theater School Oleg Tabakova Vladimir Mashkov June 8 stated in "VKontakte" that the set of children for the future academic year suspended. The new Khudruka "Tabakcoque" explained that the need to "carefully understand everything that is happening in college", since after the death of Oleg Tabakov, the question arose about the revision of the principles of work educational institution.

Mashkov sympathized with those who could not do this year, and promised that the results of the last listening would be taken into account next time.

"Always in the final selection of children in the college personally gained Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. His decision was determining and last. But, unfortunately, the guys who began to take place in November, according to known sad reasons will not be able to get a part of my teacher.
I as a new artistic director of these guys also did not see. In this situation, to give someone preference, to solve someone's fate would be extremely irresponsible, "Mashkov explained.

Photo source: RIA "News" / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Under the appeal, Khudrug gathered a lot of negative comment from applicants and their parents. "Complete nonsense! Oleg Pavlovich trusted his teachers who were selected by children in all cities of Russia. But at the last introductory stage he already took part in the selection. Therefore, who prevents Vlivimir Lvovich as a new artistic leader to see the children who have passed preliminary tests, "Evgeny Urmanova wrote.

But there are users who are configured more radically. They do not offer alternative solutions, but talk about the situation in which children turned out to be for whom the road to school Tabakov was closed. "Children really talented from all over Russia now cry! You just lost your hands, a dream - and so ugly! At first they gave hope about the transfer of the exam, "left a comment by Alexander Soloviev.

The appeal Mashkova came the day after the news that the set was stopped. Under this post, a proposal appeared to write petition to the Ministry of Culture.

"360" failed to get comments by Vladimir Mashkova, Tabakcoque Theater and representatives of the Oleg Tabakov school.

One of the parents of the disciples left a complaint on the portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow with a request to understand the situation. Its text is at the disposal "360".

"In April of this year, my child passed qualifying tests that spent school teachers in Kazan. About 150 children aged 15-16 selected throughout the country, for further entrance examinations in the state budget professional educational institution MOSCOW Cities "Moskovsky Theater College under state budget institution Cultures of the city of Moscow "Moscow Theater under the leadership of O.Tabakov". 06/07/2018 The college website posted information about the abolition of the set of applicants this year. I want (like all the mothers of deceived children) understand the reason for such an ugly behavior of deserved and dear people. Really looking forward to the answer. Thank you in advance, "the appeal said.

Only chance

Source photo: "Inport"

Introductory tests at the Oleg Tabakov school consist of several stages. First, the Commission travels large cities And holds views. It takes a lot of time, so they do everything in advance. Therefore, some children could wait their trip to Moscow almost from the middle of the autumn. After ninety-graders hand over OGE, the main stage begins, which takes place in the college building on Chaplygin Street.

Listening are conducted in three stages, during which many people are sifted. The remaining allowed to check diction, plasticity, skill skills. After that, the final exam is carried out.

Parents of several applicants told the "360" about the situation in which they fell. "No educational institution cancels a set two weeks before exams. Without explanation! Guide, having a questionnaire, did not call parents! If "VKontakte" is the only place to accommodate the information - then sad, "shared the experiences of Alexander Solovyev.

She discovered the lists allowed to entrance exams Applicants were removed from the site, and not transferred to the archive. It would be more logical in the light of Mashkova's statement that the results of 2018 will be taken into account in the following.

Source photo: "Inport"

"Tabakcoque" has such a position that it can be done only after the ninth grade. Next year almost never take

Julia Turapinamother of applicant.

The mother of one of the applicants Julia Turapina told how the situation was looking like from her side. "See, 102 people selected to the" tobacker "so that they pass the competition. We are from Samara, and there are still from Perm from other northern cities. Tickets were bought in advance. Children were preparing. Well, now it is necessary for children to convey, "Julia explained.

The interlocutor "360" is confident: if Mashkov's promise about the opportunity to do the next year is really going to perform, you will have to redo the charter of the school, since the applicants have only one chance. Turapina emphasizes that while her daughter does not know about the abolition of a set, but for her it will be a big chagrin.

Now the main problem Children and their parents - to remake plans, based on the fact that the set in Oleg Tabakov's theater college will not be held. For those who live far from Moscow, there is another headache - you need to do something with tickets to the capital. At the moment, the children are submitted after the ninth class exams.


The artistic director of the Moscow Theater Oleg Tabakov Vladimir Mashkov explained the refusal to recruit applicants to theatrical school by the fact that it was not ready to personally hold selection. The statements of the actor is published on the site of the educational institution.

On the eve of the Theater College at the Moscow Theater Oleg Tabakov announced that there would be no set of applicants for the upcoming school year. This caused anxiety from applicants, which had already passed the preliminary selection and bought tickets to get to the final stage of testing in Moscow.

Tabakov Theater School: Mashkov brought apologized to the applicants and their parents

Candidates for admission to the "Moscow Theater School Oleg Tabakov" will be able to take part in the introductory tests only in a year, when a new head of the educational institution - actor and director Vladimir Mashkov - will go into the case. This is stated in the appeal of Mashkova itself for applicants on the institution site.

This information has already caused anxiety from applicants and their parents, since they had previously been invited to Moscow for testing at the end of June, and many have already bought tickets.

"Now I need to carefully understand everything that is happening in college. It is clear that now, without Oleg Pavlovich, changes and adaptation will be required. educational process. Now to gain a new course without a clear understanding of further prospects will be simple formalistic, "says Mashkova's contact.

Mashkov also reminded that the artistic director of "Tabakcoque" and MHT them. Chekhov Oleg Tabakov, who went out of life in March of this year, "always in the final selection of children in college gained personally."

According to him, he himself did not see applicants and in this situation could not give to someone preference.

Tabakov Theater School: School of Gifted Children

The Moscow Theater School is the only educational institution in Russia, which was engaged in searching for gifted children (a set of school - from 15 years old). The school teachers group traveled through the cities of Russia during the year, conducting creative selections. The creator of the school - Oleg Tabakov always emphasized that "was born in Saratov, and that the province is rich in talents." Such an approach is the search for the most talented, demanded special material costs, and the bulk of the money Oleg Tabakov highlighted from personal funds. All school students lived on the principle of the guesthouse - for free. In the first years of school work (created in 2000) Oleg Pavlovich himself controlled the power (by the way, five-volume), and household conditions. The content and training of students do not checked. State financing was not enough for the ideal work of the school. Pedagogues - from the Studio Studio MCAT and Tabakcoque worked almost disinterestedly. The college released four sets, and many graduates replenished the Tabakov Theater's troupe - "tobacker".

Vladimir Mashkovv The first day of his appointment to the artist of school openly declared the need for change in the educational process, in particular, on the introduction of new disciplines. Perhaps Vladimir Mashkov, with his experience in Hollywood, wants to supplement training program Items that will help graduates to play not only in Russia, but all over the world. He, a student Oleg Tabakov, knows that with good teachers you can conquer the most discerning public. To do this, you need to find the best teachers, equip the audience, which takes time.

Of course, you can remember the history of the MHAT Studio Studio. During the war in 1943, at the initiative of Nemirovich-Danchenko, a Studio School was created, very often told students Oleg Pavlovich. It would be possible to hold a parallel: "If during the war, we found resources to create a school studio, then spend a set and introduce new disciplines in a well-equipped school in peacetime, is not so difficult." But today - another time, and on heroic feats Not many are capable. Time of mind and miscalculation. It is no secret that today many young actors are unemployed, and replenish the army of unclaimed artists, is also incorrect. And so that all graduates of the Moscow Theater School claim to receive the best theaters in the troupes - it is necessary to be better than others.
Without a doubt, Vladimir Mashkov will continue the case of his teacher - Oleg Tabakov, and will complement the school by those innovations that will help young people to shine on stage.

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Those who wish to go to College with Tabakcoque Oleg Tabakov became involuntary victims of the death of the Matra, who so wanted to learn from acting skill. New Heruku and the head of the College Actor and director Vladimir Mashkov considers irresponsible to decide for his late mentor, so he canceled the set in 2018.

"Now I need to carefully understand everything that is happening in college. It is clear that now, without Oleg Pavlovich, the changes and adaptation of the educational process will be required. To recruit now a new course without a clear understanding of further prospects will be simple formalistic, " - turned Mashkov himself to applicants on the site of the educational institution.

This means that the Moscow Theater School of Oleg Tabakov actually closed the doors for new talents and will not open them until the new leader will enter the case. The unpleasant news found the rupties of young people from different regions of Russia who were going to come to entrance tests At the end of June. Many of them have already managed to buy tickets, and their parents are to take holidays to go to support gifted children.

With tobacco, the final selection has always been in his presence, reminded Mashkov.

"But, unfortunately, the guys who began to pass the selection in November, according to known sad reasons will not be able to get a parting of my teacher," - Posted by New Heruku.

The results of the guys who will not be able to undergo final tests will be taken into account when enrolling next year, but everyone who was once an applicant, understand what value has a year for those who want to enter young people.

According to the Telegram-channel "Zakovina", almost 100 people selected on regional tours were invited to Moscow.

Despite the assurances of Mashkova on transferring the set for the next year, doubts are gradually: the dismissal of not only teachers, but also cooks, technicians began in the educational institution.

"Probably, Mashkov's reforms could even" cause good "College. But ... Vladimir Lvovich Mashkova after an incendiary, bright youth on two continents there is one psychological peculiarity: He lights up very quickly, but also rapidly cools, " - writes "Zakovka".

Could not get through and get a comment by Mashkova himself, however, this is also an explanation, sources close to the theater said.

"The lack of information is explained by the poverty struggle within the Tabakcoque and College leadership. While it does not stop, there can be no speech about some certainty, that is why Mashkov so reluctantly gives forecasts. We must pay tribute to actors, none of them "reveals the cards" and carefully holds information about what is happening in the team after Tabakov's death. And there is a lot of " - told a source from theatrical circles.

The order for the appointment of Vladimir Mashkova to the post of Hudutka "Tabakcoque" was signed on April 6, then he was represented by the Department of Mosmera Moscow Leonid Protniknikov.

People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov died on March 12 at the 83rd year of life. In 1987, he opened the Tabakcoque Theater, and in June 2000 he became the artistic director of the MHT named after Chekhov, since 2004, Tabakov was parallel to the director of the theater.

From the first days of work at the new post, Mashkov showed itself actively, however, his activity seemed to be point and very selective: first of all. The actor would like to call the theater of his mentor "Theater Oleg Tabakov" instead of the usual and more laconic "tobacker".

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