Download presentation Boldin Autumn. Boldinskaya autumn in the life and work of A.S.

Ignashina Natalia Ivanovna Lyceum Lyceum No. 554 Primorsky District Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Fate My Solved. I'm getting married ... "" What is the beauty of the local village ... "Petersburg, Moscow, Movie, the village of Our Cabinet" "Wonderful, inspired autumn" Evgeny Onegin "to the end of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin, published by A.P. Departure to Moscow Pushkin in Boldino in 1833 and 1834 by the Museum-Reserve A.S. Pushkin in Boldino Resources Conclusion "Boldinskaya Autumn" - so-called autumn 1830, conducted by the poet in the estate of Boldino Nizhny Novgorod province. Alexander Sergeevich went to the generic estate of Pushkin to arrange his property affairs before the wedding. The poet went there on September 1, 1830. "Pushkin's accommodation was" I ", now he will be" we ". Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's first trip in Boldino Nizhny Novgorod province is connected with a very happy sometimes of his life. In connection with the upcoming marriage at Natalia, Nikolaevna Goncharova Parents gave him a part of the generic estate of Boldino. "What is the beauty of the local village ..." in the fall of 1830, Pushkin went to the Boldino and the neighboring village of Kystenevo for the section of the estate, part of which the Father allocated him before marriage. The village of Boldino received worldwide fame, giving a name to one of the most remarkable periods in the work of Pushkin. "Petersburg Hallway, Moscow Maiden, the village is our office" "I am full of life full ..." "Autumn is suitable. This is my favorite time - my health will usually grow up - it is time for my works ... "from the letter A.S. Pushkin P.Pletnev. "The days of late autumn are wounded usually, but I am sweet, reader dear ..." "The wonderful inspirational autumn" in Boldin Pushkin began to write "how much" passionately, inspired, days and nights die ... these three months spent in Boldin, in the life of Pushkin There were nothing equal in the exceptional tension of creativity. Evgeny Onegin in the first Bolden autumn A.S. Pushkin wrote two heads of the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin." "Boldin autumn ... wonderful, inspirational autumn. The brightest and lyrical page of the poet's life. " A. Hessen "Tale of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin, published by A.P." In Boldino Pushkin joined the other tragedies another innovative cycle, but already in prose - "the story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" (1830). This is a very important movement of pharmalica and the author of the novel in verses to the drama and "humble prose", which allowed Pushkin to create more freely and objectively, to expand the circle of topics, deepen the development of characters, give a place to new heroes and the most real "prose of life". Departure to Moscow in November 1830, the news came to Boldino: the road to Moscow is open. On the last day of November, Pushkin left Boldin and, a few days of seeking quarantine on one of the Moscow region stations, on December 5th arrived in Moscow. Pushkin in Boldino in 1833 and 1834, the second visit to Boldino Pushkin was marked by writing the "Pugachev history", the poems "Copper Horseman" and fairy tales. In the Third Bolden Autumn Pushkin wrote a "a fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel." Museum-Reserve A.S. Pushkin in Boldino in 1949. In Boldin, the State Museum of Reserve A.S. Pushkin. A manor church was restored to the 200-year-old anniversary of the poet, built by the grandfather of the poet Lvov Alexandrovich in the second half of the XVIII century. All year round go and go to a meeting with Pushkin people from the near and distant cities of the whole land of Russian. Resources -1 / 6.htm / VV / Papers / Lo Tman / Pushkin / Chapt07.htm Conclusion "And with each fall I flourish again ..." A.S. Pushkin. "Autumn" thanks for your attention! E-mail: [Email Protected]

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And the poetry is awakened in me: the soul is hesitated by lyrical wave, trembles and sounds, and looking for how to strengthen, finally, free manifestation. And here the invisible swarm of guests is coming to me, the Russians are long, my dream fruit. And thoughts in the head worry in the courage, and the rhymes are easy to meet them run, and the fingers ask for Peru, the pen to the paper. Minute - and poems will flow freely. (A.S. Pushkin. "Autumn")

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1830 1833 1834 Boldino

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Pushkin in Boldino

Boldino as the estate was in the genus of Pushkin from 1585 in beginning of XVII Century it belonged to Ivan Fedorovich Pushkin. Fedor Fedorovich Pushkin was granted in 1619. Ivan Fedorovich Pushkin 1646 received an inheritance estate. Lev Alexandrovich Pushkin, grandfather of the poet, owned Boldino during the reign Peter III

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The first time Pushkin arrived in Boldino in September 1830 and assumed to stay there for no more than a month there, but he was detained by a cholera quarantine and lived almost all of autumn. Over these three months, the poet wrote more than 40 works. Among them: "Tale of Belkin", "Little Tragedies", the last chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin", fairy tales, poems, many critical articles and sketches.

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For autumn 1833 in Boldino Pushkin wrote " Copper rider"," Angelo "," a fairy tale about the dead princess, "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish", "peak lady", poem, finished the "Pugachev history".

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Last time The poet came to Boldino in the fall of 1834 on confusing activities of the estate and lived there a month. But this time he was so tired and insistered sincer, that in mid-October returned to St. Petersburg, writing only a "tale about the golden cockerel." Cover notebook with manuscript "Tale of the Golden Cockerel", 1834.Boldino

radi memorable places of Russia related to life and creativity A.S. Pushkin, especially noteworthy Boldino. This is a generic estate of Pushkin in the Nizhny Novgorod province, the poet visited three times: in 1830, 1833 and 1834. In total, Pushkin spent no more than five months in Boldino. But it was here that they created the most significant works. This amazing fruitful work of the poet borders the miracle, and this period in the work of Pushkin received the definition of Boldin Autumn. FROM

Boldino Pushkin wrote about four hundred poems, the 8th, 9th and 10th chapters "Evgenia Onegin", but the last burns, about 30 small poems, 5 stakes with a prost, several dramatic scenes. Work in Boldino closes a whole period of creativity A .S.Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin writes prose, writes many critical and journalistic articles. The main work in Boldino was in small tragedies related to the dramatic experiments of Pushkin. In

In the "Peters of Belkin" Pushkin sought to debunk sentimentally instructive stories and "terrible" romantic stories, show their life insolvency, definition.

Sad time! Ocho charming! I am nice to your farewell beauty - I love the magnificent nature of fading, in the bazhret and in gold dressed forests, in their seams wind noise and fresh breath, and the gulf wavy, and the ray sun ray, and the first frosts, and the removed gray winter threats. Excerpt from the poem "Autumn"

1830 The poet arrived in the Boldino estate (Nizhny Novgorod province), where hereditary things before marriage in Natalia Goncharova. Over these three months, the poet wrote more than 40 works. Among them: "Tale of Belkin", "Little Tragedies", the last chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin", fairy tales, poems, many critical articles and sketches.

1833 after a trip to the Urals, the poet again spent in Boldino. He wrote his wife: "I sleep and see to come to Boldino, and there is a shock:". Alexander Seregeevich wrote a "copper rider", "Angelo", "a fairy tale about the dead princess", "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish", "peak lady", several poems, graduated from "Pugachev's story".

1833 after a trip to the Urals, the poet again spent in Boldino. He wrote his wife: "I sleep and see to come to Boldino, and there is a shock:". Alexander Seregeevich wrote a "copper rider", "Angelo", "a fairy tale about the dead princess", "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish", "peak lady", several poems, graduated from "Pugachev's story".

Boldinsky autumn was the most amazing in the life of the poet. Silence and privacy full freedom, calm landscapes under a huge dome of the sky - everything helped the soul to tune in to creativity. "He stuck in his room and wrote in bed in the morning until late evening, dressed aside ... I went to three hours, Returning, I went to bed again and wrote to Petukhov. It lasted his week two, three, many months, and once a year, always in the fall. My friend assured me, that only then he knew true happiness "- read in an unfinished" passage ". Here, in Boldino, you realize that these rows Pushkin wrote about himself. The inspiration released to freedom resulted in an extraordinary diversity of those, ideas, filled his poems and prose with happiness, which became the true "miracle of the Boldinsky Autumn." And still lives here, Manya to himself ...

Bolden autumn was marked by an unusual tide of inspiration. As if he knew the poet that after marriage would not be such freedom, concentration. With the grateful tenderness of Pushkin says goodbye to women who knew and loved once who gave him moments of happiness and inspiration. He says goodbye to younning, with her dreams and hopes: what kind of feelings did not hide them in me, now there are no them: they went through Ile changed ... peace to you, the alarm of past years! Farewell to past

Vague Created Dychenko Vadim Grade 9

Eustafius History Mikhailovich Pushkin, Ambassador at the courtyard of Ivan Grozny, received a Boldino to the land ownership of land, giving nobles during service. Later, it became a primary (a generic estate that could inherit) Pushkin. Grandfather A. S. Pushkin belonged to pretty large land ownership around Boldin. After his death, the Earth was divided between numerous heirs, and as a result of a fragmentation began the ruin of an old genus. Boldino went to Uncle Pushkin, Vasily Lvovich, and Father, Sergey Lvovich. After the death of Vasily Lvovich, the north-western part of the village with the old Barskoy estate was sold. Father Pushkin belonged southeast Boldin (with a Baro house and other buildings) 140 peasant yards, more than 1000 shower, and the village of Kystenevo. Pushkin House. Boldino.

In Boldin, Pushkin held three autumn, including the famous Boldinskaya arriving in Boldino, he stayed here for all three autumn months due to the cholera epidemic. Communication with foreign world The poet was almost no (received no more than 14 letters). However, the forced pickup contributed to the fruitful work, which was surprised and Pushkin himself, who wrote P. A. Pletnev: "I will tell you (for the secret) that I wrote in Boldin, how long ago he no longer wrote. That's what I brought here: 2 Last chapters "Onegin", 8th and 9th, quite ready for printing. The story written by Octavami ... a few dramatic scenes, or small tragedies, it is: "Surround Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", "Pier during the plague", "Don Juan". Moreover, about 30 small poems wrote. Okay? Not all ... I wrote 5 stakes with a prokay ... "(and this is not the whole list). Gazebo fairy tales.

For the second time, Pushkin visited Boldino in October 1833, returning from the trip to the Urals, where the material was collected on the history of Pugachev uprising. In this period, he wrote about his life: "I wake up at seven hours, I drink a coffee and lying to three hours. Recently signed and already wrote the abyss. At three o'clock in the riding, five in the bath and then dining the potatoes and buckwheat. Before nine hours I read. Here is my day, and all on one person "(October 30, 1833). Desktop Poet.

It was during the second Boldin autumn Pushkin who wrote the poem "Autumn": "And I forget the world and in sweet silence I sweetly satisfied with my imaginum, and the poetry awakens me: the soul is shyful to lyrical wave, trembles and sounds, and looking for, as in a dream, strengthen Finally, a free manifestation and here the invisible swarm of guests is coming to me, the digesters old, the fruits of my dreams. And the thoughts in the head worry in the courage, and the rhymes are easy to meet them, and the fingers ask for Peru, the pen to paper, a minute and poems flow free ... ". Linden grove.

In addition to the many poems, Pushkin in this arrival wrote a "copper rider", "Angelo", "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" and other works. The last time Pushkin arrived in Boldino in a year, in 1834, in connection with the entry into account of the estate and spent about three weeks here. In this arrival, Pushkin had to make a lot of economic affairs, which, however, did not prevent him from writing a "a fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel" and prepare for the publication other fairy tales written here a year earlier. Humpback bridge.

Museum-Reserve since 1949 The State Museum-Reserve has been created in Boldin. Its center is a manor, where A. S. Pushkin lived during his arrival in Boldino. The Barsky House, repeatedly rebuilt, has kept the features characteristic of the residential buildings of the beginning of the 19th century. The facing of his corners and windows windows resembles a stone rust, the central entrance is decorated with a veranda with a low balustrade and a portico serving the base for the balcony; Major for Pushkinsky time and two-color oath-white coloring. The layout of the main premises has been preserved. The atmosphere of the Pushkin Cabinet is recreated on the basis of a drawing made by the Pushkin Autumn as a whole, the exposition of the House-Museum is dedicated to the topic "Pushkin in Boldin". Poet room.

During the last arrival, Pushkin stopped in the "primary office", at that time was, apparently, outside the estate (now in the manor park). In 1974, this room was renovated and a memorial-household museum is posted. In one of two rooms, the interior is restored by the office, in the second temporary office of Pushkin. Sherry bench.

The most valuable natural monument is the picturesque Boldin Park. His layout has developed in X. Here are still alive trees contemporaries of the poet: two hundred years old Iva and several oaks. Two ancient ponds preserved, a humpback bridge on the top pond and a gazebo on the shores of the lower, the so-called "gazebo of fairy tales." Conducted in the 1980s. archaeological excavations, as well as the preserved documents, plans and vintage photos allowed last years Implement large restoration work and fully recreate the manor complex. Restored: Barskaya Kitchen, Bath, Human, Stable, Barn. In these premises, the objects of local peasant life are exhibited. Old well

Located next to the estate, the Church of Assumption was built in e. grandfather of the poet, Lev Alexandrovich Pushkin. It is significant that the consecration of the temple occurred in the year of birth of the poet. Currently, almost destroyed in soviet time The church is restored. The Museum-Reserve also includes the reserve grove of Luchinnik, where, according to legend, he loved to walk the poet, and located 8 km from Boldin village Lvivka. Once it was quite large, but in recent decades it remains almost without residents. Here with X GG. The boric estate with a park and a small two-storey house has been preserved. Once she belonged to the eldest son of the poet Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin. In the coming years, restoration work will begin. Cherry Alley

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Boldinskaya autumn A.S. Pushkin

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radi memorable places of Russia related to life and creativity A.S. Pushkin, especially noteworthy Boldino. This is a generic estate of Pushkin in the Nizhny Novgorod province, the poet visited three times: in 1830, 1833 and 1834. In total, Pushkin spent no more than five months in Boldino. But it was here that they created the most significant works. This amazing fruitful work of the poet borders the miracle, and this period in the work of Pushkin received the definition of Boldin Autumn.

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Boldino Pushkin wrote about four hundred poems, the 8th, 9th and 10th chapters "Evgenia Onegin", but the last burns, about 30 small poems, 5 stakes with a prost, several dramatic scenes. Work in Boldino closes a whole period of creativity A . With.Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin writes prose, writes many critical and journalistic articles. The main work in Boldino was in small tragedies related to the dramatic experiments of Pushkin.

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Tale of Belkin
In the "Peters of Belkin" Pushkin sought to debunk sentimentally instructive stories and "terrible" romantic stories, show their life insolvency, definition.

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Sad time! Ocho charming! I am nice to your farewell beauty - I love the magnificent nature of fading, in the bazhret and in gold dressed forests, in their seams wind noise and fresh breath, and the gulf wavy, and the ray sun ray, and the first frosts, and the removed gray winter threats. Excerpt from the poem "Autumn"

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1830 The poet arrived in the Boldino estate (Nizhny Novgorod province), where hereditary things before marriage in Natalia Goncharova. Over these three months, the poet wrote more than 40 works. Among them: "Tale of Belkin", "Little Tragedies", the last chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin", fairy tales, poems, many critical articles and sketches.

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1833 after a trip to the Urals, the poet again spent in Boldino. He wrote his wife: "I sleep and see to come to Boldino, and there is a shock:". Alexander Seregeevich wrote a "copper rider", "Angelo", "a fairy tale about the dead princess", "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish", "peak lady", several poems, graduated from "Pugachev's story".

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Boldinsky autumn was the most amazing in the life of the poet. Silence and privacy, feeling of complete freedom, calm landscapes under a huge dome of the sky - everything helped the soul to tune in to creativity. "He stuck in his room and wrote in bed in the morning until late evening, dressed aside ... I went to three hours, Returning, I went to bed again and wrote to Petukhov. It lasted his week two, three, many months, and once a year, always in the fall. My friend assured me, that only then he knew true happiness "- read in an unfinished" passage ". Here, in Boldino, you realize that these rows Pushkin wrote about himself. The inspiration released to freedom resulted in an extraordinary diversity of those, ideas, filled his poems and prose with happiness, which became the true "miracle of the Boldinsky Autumn." And still lives here, Manya to himself ...

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