Giant star cluster Omega Centaurus. In the star cluster of Omega Centaurus, a massive black hole of Omega Centauro was found

According to observations on the Space Telescope "Hubble" and the ground telescope "Gemini", serious instructions were obtained that in the star cluster of Omega Centaurion there is a black hole with a mass of about 30,000-50,000 saves. This, first, confirms that Omega Centaurus is not the usual ball accumulation of our galaxy, and the remainder of the dwarf galaxy captured by ours. Secondly, the mass of an open black hole is perfectly placed in a known dependence of this value from the mass of the spherical component in galaxies, allowing you to extend this correlation into the area of \u200b\u200bsmall (for galactic standards) of the masses. Previously, so small masses were not reached.

Omega Centauri (Ω Centauri), or NGC 5139, - giant star cluster with a mass of about 5 million solar. In shape it looks like a ball, but a detailed analysis of its properties has long ago forced scientists to doubt that we are simply dealing with the biggest ball accumulation of our galaxy. Omega Centauri is believed to be a small galaxy captured by our about 10 billion years ago and "heated", that is, we see only a dense core, and the external star shells of the dwarf galaxy were destroyed by tidal forces and the stars of them were part of our galaxy.

This origin indicates many properties of Omega Centaurus, for example, a varied star composition, which requires several episodes of star formation (the ball clusters have about the same age and chemical compositionAlthough quite recently, ordinary "Sharoviks" began to detect some variety of star populations).

Omega Centauro is not the only cluster for which it is assumed that in the past it was an independent galaxy. In addition, now we see the process of absorption of the dwarf galaxy in the constellation of Sagittarius (the ball cluster M54 may be the core of this galaxy). Nevertheless, Omega Centauro is the largest of these clusters, and its study is of particular interest.

If this cluster was once an independent galaxy, then it is quite possible to suspect that there is a massive black hole in its center, since modern data tells us that every galaxy with a massive baljem (spherical component; from english Bulge "bulge, bloating") has a black hole. The more massive Balja, the more massive black hole.

The authors of the article conducted a detailed study of the distribution of stellar density in the cluster, as well as the speeds of stars. The fact is that the presence of a large central mass leads to a small peak - Kaspu (from english cusp "Peak, protrusion") - in the distribution of stars, and besides, the massive object will force the stars to rotate faster - that is, the speed dispersion will increase in the central region of the cluster (unfortunately, measuring the speed of individual stars in a cluster is difficult because of their high Spatial density, therefore, determine the dispersion).

In fig. 1 At the beginning of the article shows two density distributions in the cluster. The lower curve corresponds to the distribution of stars - the luminous substance (roughly speaking, the number of stars per unit volume were calculated and thus rated the mass). The upper curve reflects the contribution of the dark (invisible) component of the mass. This curve was obtained by the results of studying the distribution of stars in the central part of the cluster. After all, the speed of the stars does not depend on whether their substance attracting them is glowing or not. The dispersion of the speeds of stars is determined by the spectrum. Spectral lines are investigated, which are shifted due to the Doppler effect. Measuring the dispersion of stars speeds at different distances from the center of the cluster, you can construct a mass distribution profile in it.

A significant difference between two curves suggests that in the center of the cluster there is an invisible mass. The dark component dominates only in the center, which indicates that its mass is small compared to a complete stellar mass of clusters, as well as that the invisible substance is strongly concentrated in the central part.

So, it can be seen from the drawing that something dark "sits" in the central part of the cluster. What could it be? Of course, it can be one massive black hole. But maybe there are any alternatives? For example, it may be a cluster of 10,000 stellar residues (neutron stars or black holes). Analysis of such an opportunity with the help of numerical models shows that such a structure could not form in Omega Centaurus. So we are dealing with one black hole.

Let me remind you that there are two types of black holes: star masses and supermassive. The first are formed after the collapse of massive stars. Accordingly, the masses of such black holes lie within the units to several tens of the mass of the Sun. The second are in the centers of the set of galaxies (see Review). Supermassive black holes are gaining their mass due to the accretion of gas and dark matter, as well as due to mergers with other central black holes when the merger of galaxies occurs. If the galaxy is sufficiently massive, then the black hole can grow to a few billion masses of the Sun. However, in solving the issue of the growth of the mass of supermassive black holes, many more ambiguities (see, for example, Articles 0705.2269 and Astro-PH / 0506040). In addition, astrophysics also speak about black holes of intermediate masses. First, it is about this in the discussion of the so-called. Secondly, the black holes of the intermediate masses are suspected of two ball clusters. In the case of Omega Centaurus, we most likely deal with the relative of supermassive black holes. That is, the mechanism of formation of a black hole was the same as her "relatives" in the centers of galaxies. Such a mechanism should not work for conventional ballcases, since the history of their formation and life is different.

In fig. 3 shows the known relationship between the masses of black holes and the speed dispersions.

The dispersion is determined from spectral observations. There are several ways to determine the masses of black holes, which give sufficiently good estimates (uncertainties are shown by the "Usami" at the points). For example, a reverb mapping method or an interesting way associated with detailed study The properties of the disk around the black hole according to the data on linzing. But the conversation about all methods for determining the masses of supermassive black holes would lead away to us far away.

In addition to the galaxies on the schedule, points are also applied for two ball clusters and for omega centaution. It can be seen that the points for black holes in the clusters and in galaxies lie approximately on one straight line. That is, the "family portrait" of black holes confirms their "kinship".

It would be interesting to see some activity of the black hole, for example in X-ray or infrared bands. Our black hole, being a very calm monster, nevertheless gives out itself with its activity. True, the mass of the black hole in the omege of Centaurus is a hundred times smaller than the mass of the black hole in the center of our galaxy, and, in addition, in this cluster less gas that could accrete on a black hole. So the observation manifestations of freshly open holes will most likely be weaker - no wonder for all the years of studying Omega Centaurus, no manifestations of Monster have not noticed. But since the motive has appeared for a deeper search, something like that may be able to open in Omega Centaurus. After all, the real hunt for a wonderful beast will begin.

\u003e Omega Centaurus

What looks like ball accumulation of Omega Centaur Constellation Centaur: description, characteristic with photos, diameter, how many stars, origin, age, facts.

(NGC 5139) - ball accumulation, removed by 15800 light years. He lives in the territory of Centaurion and occupies the first position in terms of luminosity, size and massiveness in the entire galaxy.

With a diameter of 150 light years, the ball accumulation of the constellation Centauric accommodates 10 million stars. In the Milky Way, you can find a minimum of 200 ball-type clusters, but Omega Centaurus is characterized by origin. Many believe that it was formed from the remainder of the dwarf galaxy destroyed when a collision with ours.

Such clusters move in orbit around the galaxy, without entering the disk. They contain tens of thousands and millions of stars united by gravity. Usually their age is almost the same, but in Omega Centaurus reigns a variety: from 12 billion years to the very young.

Such a situation forced scientists to assume that we were not typical ball accumulation, but deprived of the external stars dwarf galaxy.

The accumulation of Omega Centauri shelted several million stars of the population II. Age - 12 billion years. It is believed that the stars appeared within 2 billion years with several peaks of activity. The center is so strongly compressed that the gap between members is 0.1. Light year.

In 2008, researchers used the information of the Chmemin Observatory and Hubble Telescope to discover the black hole of the intermediate mass in the cluster core. The pictures showed a large star concentration, moving at high speeds.

It was clear that in the center of the ball cluster, the object is hiding in contact with the stars with gravity. By weight, 40,000 times exceeded solar. Under such parameters only came the black hole. Late tests tried to challenge the results, but it was not possible to exclude the presence of a hole. But the maximum mass was limited to 12,000 solar.

Omega Centaurus can be found without the use of technology, but it is better to capture a telescope with him. In the dark sky in size covers visible moon. Residents of the northern hemisphere can be observed only at a specific time. A favorable period for review - April-June. You can also watch from January to April, but it is shown before sunrise. If you live south of the equatorial line, then track down from March to October.

Use the back to search (the brightest in the virgin). They together reach the highest heavenly point in the south. The cluster is removed from the star to 35 degrees south. Be sure to apply online map Star sky on the site to find Omega Centauri independently in a telescope.

Because of the mass of 5 million solar, Omega Centaur, 10 times a massive typical representative of its species (practically as a galaxy). By massiveness, only Mayalle II exceeds (in M31). Also at the cluster is much higher than the speed of rotation, and the form is a bit alone.

Facts about the star cluster of Omega Centauro

In 1667, the accumulation in the constellation of Centaurs discovered Edmund Galley from the Islands of St. Helena. He became the first to name him not a star facility. He added him to the list of six "luminous spots." Even earlier, Ptolemia is associated with a star.

Johann Bayer enjoyed Ptolemy's information. For the first time, the name of Omega Centauri was reflected in its uranometry (1603). The object was not recognized by the accumulation of the ball type until 1826. James Dunlop called him a "beautiful bowl of compressed stars." As a result, John Herschel used his powerful telescope in the 1830s and finally secured the modern status.

In 1746, Jean Philippe de Szezo brings him to a list of the 21st nebula, and in 1755 Nicolas Louis de Lakail notes in the catalog as L I.5.

It is believed that one of the closest stars Karttein was formed within the cluster. We are talking about red dwarf removed on 13 light years (painter).

10 unexpected and intriguing facts about our Solar system "Our sun and his family planets," you didn't know about! "

Remember those model of the solar system that you studied? Solar system is still cooler! Here are 10 things you may not know.

  1. The hottest planet is not close to the sun. Many know that Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Therefore, there is nothing mysterious in why people consider Mercury the hottest planet. We know that Venus, the second planet from the sun, is on average 45 million kilometers further from the Sun than Mercury. The natural assumption is that, being further, it should be colder. But assumptions may be incorrect. Mercury has no atmosphere, there is no insulating "blankets" to help him keep the heat of the sun. On the other hand, Venus is an unexpectedly thick atmosphere, which is 100 times the ground.

This in itself, would serve to prevent the return of the solar energy back into space and, thus, to increase the total planet temperature. But in addition to the thickness of the atmosphere, it consists almost completely from carbon dioxide, powerful greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide freely passes solar energy, but is much less transparent for long-wavelength emissions emitted by a heated surface. Thus, the temperature rises to a level much more exceeding the expected, making Venus the hottest planet.

In fact, the average temperature in Venus is about 875 degrees Fahrenheit (468.33 Celsius), sufficient to melt tin and lead. The maximum temperature on Mercury, the planet is located closer towards the Sun, is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit (426.67 Celsius). In addition, the absence of the atmosphere leads to a change in the surface temperature of Mercury for hundreds of degrees, while the thick carbon dioxide gates retains the surface temperature of Venus is stable, almost unchanged in general, somewhere on the planet or at any time of the day or night!

  1. Pluto less than the United States. The greatest distance between the United States borders is almost 4,700 km (from Northern California to Maine). According to the best current estimates, Pluto is just over 2300 km in diameter, less than half of the US width. Of course, in size, it is much less than any large planet, maybe therefore, it's a little easier to understand why a few years ago he was "lowered in rank" and deprived of the status of the planet. Now Pluto is designated as a "dwarf planet"

  1. "Asteroid fields."In many scientific fiction films, spacecraft are often dangerous due to dense asteroid fields. In fact, the only known "asteroid field" exists between Mars and Jupiter, and although it has tens of thousands of asteroids (perhaps more), there are huge distances between them, and the probability of a collision with asteroids is small. Actually, spaceships Must be deliberately and carefully directed to asteroids to have a chance even take pictures of them. Considering this, it is very unlikely that cosmic aircrafts Ever faced asteroids or belts in deep space.

  1. You can create volcanoes using water as a magma. Mentill volcanoes, and everyone will immediately think about Saint Helens Mount, Mount Vesuvius, or, possibly, Calder Lava Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Volcanoes require that the molten rock is called lava (or "magma" when it is still underground), right? Not really. The volcano is formed when the underground reservoir of the hot, liquid mineral or gas is breaking to the surface of the planet or another uninimed astronomical body. The accurate composition of the mineral can vary greatly.

On Earth, most volcanoes have lava (or magha) with silicon, iron, magnesium, sodium and many complex minerals. Volcanoes of the IO Moon seems to consist mainly of sulfur and sulfur dioxide. On the Moon Saturn, Moon Neptune Triton and many others driving power is ice, old kind frozen H20!

Water expands when it freezes, and the huge pressure can increase, as in the "normal" volcano on Earth. When the ice breaks into the surface, forms "". Thus, volcanoes can work both on water and on the molten rock. By the way, we have relatively small water eruptions on Earth, called geysers. They are associated with overheated water, which comes into contact with the hot tank of magma.

  1. The edge of the solar system is 1000 times the farther than Pluto. You can still think about the fact that the solar system extends to the orbit so beloved dwarf planet Pluto. Today, astronomers do not even consider Pluto as a full planet, but the impression remains. Nevertheless, astronomers discovered many objects rotating around the Sun, which are much further than Pluto.

These are "transneptunovy objects", or "". It is believed that the belt belt, the first of two tanks of the solar cometary material, extends 50-60 astronomical units (A.E. or the average land distance from the Sun). An even more distant part of the solar system, a huge cloud of Oort Comet, can stretch up to 50,000 AE. From the Sun, or about an hour and a half - more than a thousand times farther than Pluto.

  1. Almost everything on Earth is a rare element. The elementary composition of the planet Earth is iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium, sodium and aluminum. Although these elements were found in places throughout the universe, they are only microelements that are largely eclipsed much large content hydrogen and helium. Thus, the earth, for the most part, consists of rare elements. However, this does not mean that the earth has any special place. The cloud from which the Earth was formed, had a much higher content of hydrogen and helium, but, being light gases, they were displaced in space sun warmWhen the earth was formed.

  1. On earth there are rocks of Mars. Chemical analysis of meteorites found in Antarctica, the Sahara desert and in other places showed that they arose on Mars. For example, some contain gas pockets that are chemically identical to the Martian atmosphere. These meteorites may have been separated from Mars due to the stronger impact of a meteorite or an asteroid on Mars, or because of the huge eruption of the volcano, and then collided with the Earth.

  1. Jupiter is the largest ocean in the solar system. Rounding in cold space, five times farther from the Sun, than the Earth, Jupiter kept much more high levels hydrogen and helium, when he was formed than our planet. In fact, Jupiter mainly consists of hydrogen and helium. Given the mass and chemical composition of the planet, physics requires that hydrogen turn into fluid. In fact, there must be a deep planetary ocean of liquid hydrogen. Computer models show that this is not only the largest ocean, known in the solar system, but also with a depth of about 40,000 km - about the same deep as the whole earth!

  1. Even small space bodies may have moon. Once it was believed that only objects with the size of the planet may have natural satellites or moon. In fact, the existence of the moon or the ability of the planet gravitationally control the moon in orbit was sometimes used as part of the definition that there is actually a planet. Just did not seem reasonable that smaller heavenly bodies Possess sufficient gravity to hold the moon. In the end, Mercury and Venus have them at all, and Mars has only tiny moon. But in 1993, Galileo's probe remarked the Ida asteroid 35 km wide, his one and a half kilometer moon - dactyl. Since then, the moon have been discovered in orbit about 200 other small planets, which further complicated the definition of the "true" planet.

  1. We live inside the sun. We usually think about the sun as a large, hot bowl of light at a distance of 150 million kilometers. But in fact, the external atmosphere of the Sun extends far beyond the visible surface. Our planet rotates around this weak atmosphere, and we see evidence of this when the impulses of the solar wind create the northern and southern radiance. In this sense, we definitely live "inside" the sun. But the solar atmosphere does not end on Earth. The radiances were observed on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and even for distant Neptune. In fact, the external solar atmosphere, called "Heliosphere", is expected to extend at least 100 astronomical units. This is almost 16 billion kilometers. In fact, the atmosphere probably has a drop shape, due to the movement of the Sun in space, and the "tail" extends on tens and hundreds of billions of kilometers.

Solar system is cool. These were 10 facts about the solar system that you could not know.

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All spherical star clusters are impressive, but Omega Centaurus is incredible. Sparkling 10 million stars, this is the largest "globe" of the Milky Way.

Having a lot of 5 million suns, Omega Centaurus 10 times more massively than a typical ball-shaped cluster. Omega Centaurus has a diameter of 230 light years. This is a star city, sparkling 10 million stars.

Ball clusters usually have stars of the same age and composition. However, the research of Omega Centaurus shows that there are different star populations in this cluster, which are formed at different periods of time. Perhaps Omega Centauro is the residue of a small galaxy that merged with the Milky Path.

How to see Omega Centaurus. Omega Centauro - the largest and most vivid star cluster of the Milky Way - it is clearly seen in the south, on the dome of the sky. It is perfectly seen from 40 degrees of the northern latitude of the south (the latitude of Ankara, Turkey).

From the southern hemisphere of Omega Centaurus, it seems much higher in the sky and is a great spectacle. If you are in the northern hemisphere and want to see this cluster, know that Omega Centaurus can be seen only at a certain time of the year. It is best visible on the evening sky from the Northern Hemisphere at the end of April, May and June evening. The inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere can also see the Omega Centauri from January to April, but they should be ready to go to bed at midnight or stand up to dawn.

Specker, Sameya bright Star In the constellation of the Virgin, will serve as a star-guide in search of Omega Centaurus. When the spice and Omega Centaurus move south and reach the highest point in the sky - they do it in unison. Nevertheless, Omega Centauro takes place in about 35 degrees south of (or below) sparkling, white-blue spics. For reference, your fist at the distance of an elongated hand is about 10 degrees in the sky. .

Omega Centauro - spherical, and not open star cluster. Symmetric, the round view of Omega Centaurus distinguishes it from clusters, such as pleiades and giads that are open stars clusters.

Open star cluster is a free collection of tens of hundreds of young stars in the Disk of Galaxy Milky Way. Open clusters are weakly held together under the influence of gravity and, as a rule, dissipate in several hundred million years. Ball clusters turn around the Milky Way outside the galactic disk. They contain tens of thousands or millions of stars. Closely related gravity, ball accumulations remain unchanged and after 12 billion years. As a rule, open accumulations visible to the naked eye are from hundreds to several thousand light years from us. On the contrary, the ball clusters are usually located at a distance of tens of thousands of light years.

At 16,000-18,000 light years from the Earth of Omega Centauri is one of the few of 200 or so spherical clusters of our galaxy, which are visible to the naked eye. It looks like a dim, fuzzy star, but the simple presence of Omega Centaurus testifies to its size and magnitude. Like any ball-shaped cluster, Omega Centaurus is best.

Summing up, the spherical accumulation of the stars of Omega Centaurus today is the largest known globular star cluster, visible from the Earth. It is about 10 times more than a plain ball cluster. It is best seen from the southern hemisphere of the Earth, but we can also see it in the northern hemisphere at a certain time of the year.

The position of Omega Centauro is a direct climb: 13 h 26.8 m; Declination: 47 degrees 29 'South.

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omega Centaurra I.
know from ancient times

ω centautional (Omega Centaurus, NGC 5139) - ball accumulation in the constellation Centaur. It is at a distance of 18,300 light years. This facility is one of the "new common catalog" listed in the original editorial office.

  • 1 Study Study
  • 2 Characteristics
  • 3 cm also
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Links

Study history

The accumulation of ω centaurus was included in the Catalog of Ptolem 2,000 years ago as a star. Lakail recorded it in his catalog called I.5. Edmond Galley, examining it in 1677, included in the catalog as a nebula. English Astronomer John Herschel for the first time in the 1830s determined that it was a star cluster.


ω Centaurus belongs to our Galaxy Milky Way and is its largest ball cluster known at the moment. It contains several million stars of population II. The center of the cluster is so tightly populated by the stars that the distance between them is 0.1 light years. The age of ω centaution is determined by 12 billion years.

The accumulation has several generations of stars. Astronomers suggest that, perhaps, it was a dwarf galaxy, absorbed by the milky way for many centuries ago. Published in 2008 calculations indicate that in the center of the cluster may be black hole medium mass.

see also

  • List of objects Mesia
  • New general catalog


  1. Eva Noyola, Karl Gebhardt, and Marcel Bergmann. Gemini and Hubble Space Telescope Evidence for An Intermediate-Mass Black Hole In Ω Centauri // The Astrophysical Journal. - 2008. - T. 676, # 2. - P. 1008-1015.
  2. Star cluster of Omega Centauri found a central black hole


  • Information in English and French from the original "new common catalog"
  • Information (eng.) From the revised "new common catalog"
  • SIMBAD (eng.)
  • Vizier (eng.)
  • NGC 5139 Publications List
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