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The British did not want to lag behind their enterprising French colleagues, and in the English colonies in America, too, began to occur international centers piracy. One of them was the famous city of Port Royal on Jamaica. The Indian name of the island is "Shaimal", which means "edge of water and forests". Scientists suggest that the indigenous people are fish-ki-Aravaki - used this slush sushi from 1300 years. They grown manica, sweet potatoes, maize, tobacco and were happy on their land. Mountain and troubles came with the appearance of Spaniards, and for one and a half years of their domination at Jamaica Aravaki were completely exterminated.

On the southeastern tip of the island there was a small protected bay in which the long sand braid of the Palisaduse, stretching at 13 kilometers. The long and narrow, as the sword, it has long been adapted to observe and reflect the attacks of the unnecessary guests. At the end of this braid, the settlement of Port-Royal was located, and at least, not always, defensive strengthens were kept by the Natisk of the enemy, and their attention was paid to the construction.

He quickly turned into the most important shopping post in the Caribbean, due to the strategic position on trading routes between the new world and Spain. Over time, Port Royal became the infamous center for pirated gathering, gaming, women of easy behavior and drinking. He even got the nickname of the most crazy city on earth.

The expedition sent by Oliver Cromwell in 1655, beat off the island in Spaniards - the direct heirs of Christopher Columbus, to whom Jamaica was pleased as a royal gift. Over time, the island became the main base of Caribbean pirates, as well as the market for their sales
mining. Already in 1658, Komodor Mings, who stood at the head of the English Pirates set aside in Port Royal, took the Mexican city of Campeche and several cities in Venezuela, after which everything was departed in their Jamaican shelter.

By 1664, the English colony on Jamaica looked more representative than the nest of French flibusers in Torch: the thriving city was significantly crowded, and his deepwater harbor with many berths is wider. Crashing easy prey, representatives poured into Port Royal different races and nations. Here the Babylonian pillar is truly worn here: Africans, Mulati, mestys and other people with bronze, black, yellow and white leather. Dutch, Germans, French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Irish and Scandinavians opened Kabaki, Taurs, public and gambling houses, craft workshops and shopping shops ...

A long agony crowded a lot of ships that came with a cargo or waiting for it. In Port Royal, no one was interested in the origin of the goods or the past of its owner. The counters of the stores were broken from jewels, velvet, silk, brocades and other goods, all trading in the city only one goal was to facilitate the pockets of the eased entertainment of pirates.

Although the city was built on the sand, there were about 2000 stone, brick and wooden buildings in it, and some of them had four floors. In Port Royal there were four markets, churches, a synagogue, a Catholic chapel, a prayer house of quackers, extensive warehouses, war fees, and, of course, the city was well fortified.

Jamaica occupied even more profitable than trigger, strategic position: Santo Domingo and Cuba, Florida and Mexico - everything was near. The island lay in 180 marine leaves from Panama, where the treasures of gold fleets were overlooked. In the context of competition with Spain, the British government consciously supported his "Gentlemen of Good luck", the main goals of which were the Spanish ships. Most of the pirate wealth settled in the chests of urban merchants, the same greasy as the phlibusters themselves. Their safes and warehouses were filled with the most diverse goods: gold and silver ingots, jewelry with precious stones, pary and silk fabrics. And even icons! All this wealth waited for sending to England or continent ...

The temperament of pirates, which became more and more, determined and the lifestyle of the port-Royala. Glory about the slut-length city was separated throughout the light, and he was not whatever called "Pirate Babylon". His inhabitants were famous for "the most unbelievers and corrupted people", the usual phenomenon in the pirate city were orgies, violence and murders. Along the streets stretched numerous zucchini, taverns and attacks, in which they were embodied by a black rum, abundant food and women of all colors and skin shades. Glaid places where gambling flourished was much more than on Cortoge. Their spacious halls accompanied as many people, and therefore no one had to lay the way to the table with fists or wait on the street while the place would be free.

Henry Morgan

The Zenit of his glory of Port-Royal reached Henry Morgan - "the greatest villaging of the era of the villains", which went down in history as the brightest leader of the pirates of his time. When 30-year-old Henry Morgan arrived at Jamaica, the Governor of the island was T. Modifor, who received an order from London to stop the increasingness of flibusers. But everyone understood well that this document could not be perceived as a guide to action.

Although the flibuses of the Caribbean Sea and earlier ruined the Spanish colonies, but Henry Morgan first realized that the seizure of large settlements, even if well protected, promises much more benefit than sea raids. He was convinced that "where the Spaniards are protected, there is something to get used." In 1667, Morgan decided to seize Panama - the city, which laid the Governor Pedro Arias Davil, nicknamed cruel. In 1519, he chose this place on the Pacific coast, as it was dry than the shore of Darya. Conductor-Indians approved his choice and, circulating with her hand, said: "Panama", which meant "fishing".

According to beauty and wealth with Panama, no other city could be compared in the new world, it was not for nothing that it was called the "bowl of gold". Urban warehouses were headdown to the ingots of gold and silver; Sometimes they lacked the place, and the precious metal lay right on the streets. No one even tried to pull this exorbitant weight.

Following the conquistadors, the merchants reached in Panama, who first cowardly compressed from any ring of steel. But soon they were the true masters of the Panama Isthmus: merchants raised food prices, climbed to their hands of jewels and received profits that even calculated it was difficult. The Genoese workers settled in Panama built huge premises for their "goods", where black slaves were sitting in countless nets, which were sold to those who would pay more. In warehouses belonging to the king, the tenth of everything was kept, which was produced by these generous lands. Once a year came the caravans of the courts, the treasures were shipped through Panaman's shelters on the mules, shipped to ships and sent to Spain. Truly "gold bowl" was Panama!

The pops of the Spaniard thickened the walls of the old Panama. The treasury I spent so much money that the Royal Yard in Madrid was written, the builders folded out of Gold. In addition, after an attack on the city at the end of the XVI century English pirates under the command of F. Drake, this port was even more fortified and began to be carefully protected. The most selective troops guard royal pantry, barracks with slaves and stables with thousands of mules. When rumors came to Panama, that they are terrible Henry Morgan, everyone took it as a fun fiction. However, the unkind leaded from all sides, and soon the townspeople already moved from fear. They began to remember the brutal sprays that were created by pirates in the captured cities, and many were pale from these stories.

For the conceived expedition, Morgan had so many people as never before was going to. "Everyone will grow rich, if we succeed," his message read, and this cry was heard. Soon, the ships and people began to gather in an agreed place: the brown fraternity arrived from the cakes, who saw the pirates from Goava and fearless adventurers from around the world.

Henry Morgana was not at all embarrassed that for the year to the expedition planned by him, the English and Spanish kings concluded a contract for which the British were obliged to underestimate the Spanish possessions. He decided to attack Panama from Sushi, from the side of the Atlantic Ocean, passing through the swamps and tropical forests. The first thing happened at the Fort of San Lorenzo, located at the mouth of the Chagres River. Henry Morgan easily mastered the fortress, which was defended by a garrison of 200 people, and left her own detachment in order to protect his rear. He knew that the river Chagres was shipping for large vessels only on a segment of 40 miles, and therefore took a few canoe, which decided then to go further up.

At the end of the way, Henry Morgana, the detachment of Henry Morgan had to climb through the tropical jungle. The pirates are not accustomed to such transitions suffered severe and cruel deprivation; On the way they came across alligators, poisonous snakes, jaguars and pums. But it was still not the greatest evil, "Gentlemen of Good luck" painfully suffered from the bites of mosquitoes, spiders and poisonous ants, which were cisheli Jungle Central America.

Soon the army of Morgana reached the place of narrowing the river. Collect and send on pies, barcases and boats 1400 people were not easy, but finally Flempti moved into the path. Georges Blond in the book mentioned already writes that in the town of Juan-Calgo, where a weak Spanish garrison stood, Henry Morgan wanted to kill him and capture provisions. But this calculation was not justified, since the houses and miserable huts were empty, and there were neither corn, not a single piggyman, even the dogs ran through the streets had to continue to move on an empty stomach.

The Spaniards devastated the entire terrain on the way of flibusers, and people turned out to be more hungry than even in the desert. Somehow pirates found a few killer (stitched from the ice skins), which were, of course, empty, but people are already so cademed that they began to have these skins. And in the area of \u200b\u200bthe post Cruz there was a completely strange thing. People who went on the head of the column, suddenly began to fall out, although there was a complete silence and the enemy was not visible. The wounded tried to pull out the Indian arrows from their bodies, the column was mixed, many rushed back ... And then the village of Cruz fastened, and soon the fire did not leave anything. There were no warehouses with stone walls, in which the pirates found several drawers last year's superstars. These friction crops they have arrived cats and dogs that managed to catch and roast. In the cellars discovered barrels with wine, but Henry Morgan warned that it could be poisoned ...

After the hardest transition, the pirates squad finally saw the emerald waters of the Panaman Gulf and beautiful city On his coast. The defenders of Panama came up with a seemingly tricky: they drove a few hundred wild cattle heads on strikers, but this plan turned against them themselves. Mounting from shots, animals rushed to reversal and crushed the Spanish cavalry next to them. Henry Morgan took the city an attack, plundered him and burned. The prey was so great that the pirates week shipped it on mules. But Panama continued to defend even at a time when church gold, silver and other jewels were loaded into pirated ships.

In Jamaica, the triumph was waiting for them, but Port Royal was destined was not too long life. In June 1692, at around noon, powerful underground shocks destroyed the famous capital of pirates and slave trade. And many perceived this catastrophe as a karu sent to God's city.

The sky that day was cloudless, the Caribbean Sea is calm, the Sun has already bent to Zenit, and Port Royal dreamed in the threads of the dramatic heat. About 20 ships with lowered sails lazily swayed on a smooth surface of the harbor. The lunch hour was approaching, and in the copper boilers of many taverns had already boiled a delicious chowder from beef and turtle meat. However, this foolot was still disturbed by citizens, because almost every year, there were underground jackets in such a hot and mad weather. However, the inhabitants are also accustomed to them, so it seemed, nothing could disrupt the usual flow of life.

And suddenly the earth trembled. From the mountains came a deaf roar that reminded the remote raskats of thunder, and then the land shook a new powerful blow, behind him one more, and more ... Massive walls of Fort Jones and Fort Carlel collapsed in the blink of an eye. Deep cracks, seduced land, greedily absorbed buildings and covered by panic people. The bell tower of the Church of St. Paul fell, standing near the coast; The bell desperately rang and verse only when the waves closed over the ruins of the church. And in the sea has already been born new huge waveShe climbed higher and above and, swaying to the city, flooded his surviving part. A few minutes later everything was over. The catastrophe claimed the life of 2000 people, and Port Royal himself disappeared under the sea.

The event happened not at night, as it often happens with local earthquakes: the city died at 11 o'clock 43 minutes of the day, when beautiful weather, almost full of calm and the sun in Zenith did not foretell anything wrong. There have been only three shoes, of which the last, third, was the most powerful. But after a few seconds, after the first push, the hurricane has already inflicted the first destruction, forcing people to hide under protection not so much roofs, how many walls. The wind flew off from the sea, and some inhabitants, prefabricating a big trouble, took the right decision: they rushed into the upper part of the city. There they were saved. When the element was rear, it turned out that two thirds of the city were not only destroyed, but also went under the water: the coast acquired a completely different configuration. The was the fame of Port Royala became since the tradition.

After a decade, the remaining and reserved city destroyed the fire. Then there were several hurricanes, and Port Royal ceased to exist, brought by a powerful layer of snack and sand.

The old maps drawn up, however, after the death of the pirate capital, they still gave hope that the rich warehouses of bad values \u200b\u200bcaught the rich warehouses still contain inside these values \u200b\u200b(insignificant part of them, however, was removed immediately after the tragedy), and the story, so ruthless to Continuing to live cities, unrecognizable by changing their appearance, there was condescendingly and left everything as it was. Divers XIX and XX centuries were convinced by their own eyes, confirming the presence of vintage ruins under water.

In 1953, Edwin A. Link on a specially equipped and personally equipped for the SI Daizher's underwater archeology personally, began work off the coast of Port Royal. The first inclusion of the soils did not give the results. Frustrated was the Edwin Link suddenly guessed that he clears the sidewalk! And in In fact: having moved the fence hose for only a few meters and starting to swing, he stumbled upon the long-awaited finds. Among them are unique: brass watches made by the Blonde field in 1686, fixed the time of the catastrophe - no 17-minute noon ...

Surveying only the fort, the kitchen and the store, Link, regretfully parting with the Pirate Babylon, hoped that this is just the beginning. The expedition of Robert Marx then found a tavern, two unreserved buildings and ... a chest with jewels from Spanish galleons, victims of a wreck in flotilla In 1691!

But the catastrophe of the XVII century did not teach any descendants, settled above the sunken city: quite modern gangsters demanded that Marx of their share, threatening to finish the members of the expedition. The traditions of Port Royala turned out to be a barley. Thank God, the police intervened! For treasure detectors and archaeologists, and so daily at risk their lives, everything cost.

Today, the Government of Jamaica and the Institute of Underwater Archeology at the University of Texas are carried out in Port Royal.

Today's port of Piano is a city, notable for its dilapidated Fort and a small fishing village, where about two thousand people live, not counting the ghosts. Once there were six forts with 145 cannons. Only Fort Charles (Fort Charles) is now preserved. Charles - Fort Heritage, Fort Pride of the Local Population.

Port Royal (Jamaica) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Once - "The richest and most vicious city of the world", Port Royal in the 17th century was the capital english colony On Jamaica and one of the most famous pirate harbors. The most famous pirate who stayed here was Sir Henry Morgan, who attacked from here to the Spanish ships, flew through the Caribbean. Thanks to the pirate treasures, the city of rich year from year to year up to powerful earthquake In June 1692, a set of ships in the harbor sank, many people died, and a substantial part of the city absorbed the marine paunch. After earthquakes, fires and hurricanes collapsed on the city. Then it was said that the Lord himself gave God to punish Port Royal. After the catastrophe, Kingston became a new capital, and many who survived, moved there. But on this misfortune misfortunes were not over: the last strong earthquake occurred here in 1907, again alone with water everything that managed to rebuild in two centuries. Today, the city is almost completely abandoned, and its most part is under water, at a depth of 15 m.

Sound ships 17-18 centuries in his harbor were carefully examined by a variety of archaeological teams. But, of course, there are still lonely, fans of scuba diving and treasure seekers who do not lose hope from there to pull out.

The "Underwater City" of Port Royal was introduced by UNESCO to the list of World Heritage Objects. In the late 1980s. A partner enterprise was founded whose task was to revive Port Royal as a historical landmark. Many projects of thematic attractions were developed, which predominantly remained in the project stage. Therefore, to this day, Port Royal remains very quiet and sleepy fishing village with a population of about 2 thousand people. Nevertheless, some tourists even choose it as a base for recreation on Jamaica. Port Royal is located closer to the airport than Kingston, and is 25 km away from the latter - it is enough for those who take a car for rent, and a lot of people who are frightened by the criminal glory of the capital of Jamaica.

In the port-piano, many "pirated" stories - in particular, the adventures of Captain Blad and the film "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea".

Anyway, the two port-Royal district during the reconstruction project were given in a more or less divine look: Old city and royal docks. In the old town, in the reconstructed Harbor Chocolat-How, a pier was equipped for cruise ships, and from here, in particular, excursion boats with a transparent bottom. Along the water lined up Fishers-Row, a row of cafes and shops. In the docks, something like a combination of a shipbuilding museum and an underwater aquarium with diorams and expositions of local tropical fauna was discovered. In addition, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe docks, the headquarters of the Admiral of the Royal Fleet and the five-star hotel are located.

The fish, which is prepared for a couple in one of the two Gloria restaurants in Port Royal, is so good that many people go to her from Montego Bay.

The earthquake left not so many original buildings, but some of them still can be inspected along with later, but also quite interesting. The walls of Fort Charles were restored two years after the earthquake and reached this form to this day. This is a rather large stone fort by the sea, which can be inspected independently or with a guide. In Fort, a curious little museum with old things is also opened. In addition, the old hospital of the Navy, the ruins of Fort Rocky and the other four port-piano forts, Victoria and Albert battery, St. Peter's church, and a dizzying house. The latter is called so because it partly went to the ground and remained under the tilt after the earthquake of 1907, and, examining it from the inside, it is easy to feel nauseous.

Today, Port Royal is widely known among archaeologists engaged in the post-envoy period, as the "sunk city". The low concentration of oxygen in water contributed to the fact that many objects here are quite well preserved. Therefore, the port-piano is considered to be the most important archaeological underwater object Western Hemisphere. Sound ships 17-18 centuries in his harbor were carefully examined by a variety of archaeological teams. But, of course, there are still lonely, fans of scuba diving and treasure seekers who do not lose hope from there to pull out.

Practical information

You can get to Port Royal either with an organized excursion or on a rented car (half an hour of road). The second is preferable because not everyone consider the cost of a tour of the adequate gained impressions.

- "Captain Jack Sparrow!"

This replica from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" has become recognizable almost all over the world. Having heard her, the following picture comes to mind: merciless pirates, treasure chests, ships on black sails with turtles, smell of gunpowder, robbery, drunk taste of Roma. All this is an integral part of the glorious era, the epicenter of which was the famous pirate capital - Port Royal.

Middle of the twentieth century for Western Europe It was a historically important period. At this time, continuous conflicts between the dominant countries were conducted: Spain, Holland, England, France. Naturally, questions concerned the territorial expansion and zones of influence in the waters Pacific Ocean. The story of a small town in southern Jamaica began with an acute English-Spanish confrontation.

The first memories of the port - Royal are taught by the beginning of the XVI century. In 1518, the city of Cagway was founded on the Cape of the same name. Features It geographical location Subsequently served as the starting point for the development of the south-east coast of Jamaica. By the middle of the 20th century, Cagui (the future port-Royal) became a very important shopping link of the new world.

In 1654, English commander Oliver Cromwell announced sea \u200b\u200bhikeThe result of which the conquest of Spanish colonies in the Bay of the Caribbean should be conquered. The army is almost ten thousand people under the command of two trusted people of Cromwell - Admiral William Penn and Robert Velebiz - reached the shores of Santo Domingo on the island of Haiti. But as soon as the flotilla came ashore, she met a fierce rebuff of armed Spanish partisans.

An embittered British were forced to retreat, and then their glance fell on the defenseless at first glance, Jamaica, where only a few hundred militias could keep the weapon in their hands. The latter, without preparing the attacks, deployed deep into the island, but the British, who were passionate about the quick victory, did not go further, and remained off the coast. Taking advantage of the delay, the Spanish inhabitants of the island collected their belongings, released slaves and went to Cuba in urgency. The remaining slaves organized in gangs and suckers, becoming the first pirates of Jamaica.

Old port of Port Royala and surroundings | wiki.

Over time, more and more Englishmen began to settle on the island. For several decades, Port Royal turned into a center of trade routes of new light, where, on the one hand, the representation of influential trading companies was based and there was a base of the Royal Fleet, and on the other, smuggling and piracy flourished. Here it was possible without obstacles to make loot and pretty fun in local restaurants and public houses. Port Royal as a magnet attracted all sorts of deserters and robbers. They hired on the pier to the teams of ships, after which they went to the "case." Some of them were returned with long-awaited prey, others - with bullets in the forehead: shopping ships began to hire security for their protection. Pirates organized something like their state with the capital in Port Royal on Jamaica. The British were closed on this eyes - the sea robbers pledged not to attack British traders, but they did not give peace of the Spaniards, arranging permanent raids on their islands and ships.

Henry Morgan

The peak of its development port-Royal reached the time of the famous English pirate Henry Morgan. He understood that the plundering of small settlements and the islands does not give a significant increase in profit, therefore he was aimed at larger production. Such was the city of Panama, famous for his wealth accumulated through gold and silver trading. For his conceived, he needed a big army that a pirate who served the English crown was able to receive after talks with tricks and goaava pirates.

The company Henry Morgana was successful, and in 1671 the troops of the pirate loomed the city. They rummed that the mining of the captain was so great that he was able to take it into Port Royal only in a week. Home Robbers returned to the winners.

But the existence of the Pirate capital itself approached the end - after 21 years after the hike, Henry Morgan in the vicinity of the island happened strongest earthquake. The rising water flooded 2/3 of the city, destroying almost all of his population - apparently, the Almighty himself decided to punish the inhabitants of Port-Royal for rampant and inconsistency. Interestingly, out of 50 ships left only one belonged to the British military - everyone else belonged to the pirate teams.

Port Royal on a modern satellite map with overlapping map of the 17th century

However, who survived in a few years rebuilt the city again. But Port-Royal as if someone cursed: after 11 years, almost all the buildings destroyed a strong fire in the city, and "finished" the pirated capital followed by hurricanes.

Currently, part of the Port-Royal buildings is under water at a depth of about 15 meters

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Suddenly, there were thunder-racats somewhere, and the city shuddered. And already the next instant, the underground push of a terrible force turned Port-Royal into the pile of Razvalin. The Earth spun, and the sea rushed into the resulting break with noise, covered with everything that came across: people, houses, warehouses, warents with horses, boats. The church of St. Paul was collapsed with a crackle and collapsed from the bay. The last sad moan published and disappeared under water a heavy church bell.

Large vessels raised by multi-meter tidal waves invaded the shore and hit the roofs of buildings to disappear with them then into the gigantic flooded clefts. In a matter of minutes, the city stopped existing. The ruthless element fell over 5 thousand lives - most of the population of Port Roiyala. It happened on June 7, 1692 at 11 o'clock 43 minutes.

But where does the exact time of the tragedy come from? Is someone from a few who survived enough strength and courage to cool this terrible moment to cool, which should have seemed to be unfortunate residents of Port-Royal to the end of the world? No, time has shown hours, not simple, but gold. Yes, the golden clock, which managed to raise from the bottom of the expedition participants led by Edwin Linkom, organized in 1953 by the National geographic Society The United States - to raise Port-Royal's sunken treasures and a scientific survey of the sunken city. After one of the dives, the water diver rising on the deck of a rescue vessel "SEA Diver" showed his prey to comrades: a small round brilliant object - a gold watch, the dial of which was covered with solid lime-crust.

It was quite reasonably assumed that the clock belonged to any of the inhabitants or guests of the Pirate capital, who met their death hour at the time of the fatal earthquake. Then the clock mechanism was stopped. Link began to clean and study hours. First of all, he noticed engraving on the inside of the cover: "Paul Blondez". Who is he: Master, who made the clock, or their owner who died to that nightmare in Port Royal? It was still to figure out, but for now again for work. Gently removed from the dial coral crust Link saw the Roman numbers composed of a plurality of tiny silver carnations. There was no shooter on the clock: in two and a half centuries, corrosion ate them. "Now we have the opportunity to accurately set the time of the death of the city," Edwin Link told his assistants. - If the arrows collapsed after the corals covered the dial, x-rays They will help determine their initial position recorded on the coral layer. "

Everyone, of course, was not tolerated to find an answer to this question, but, alas, there was no X-ray apparatus. Recovered a familiar dentist from Kingston. The day later, Link has already carefully studied the drawing of the dial, to which the coral crust was "hoping" again. Translucent her rays showed those places where iron arrows were once frozen, "melted" then sea water. The traces of the shooter in the pictures were viewed quite clearly: the line the shorter was a little left of the twelve, and the one that is more authentic, rose a little over the eight. In other words, the clock was stopped shortly before noon or midnight.

To finally clarify the situation, Link sent Nakhodka to the London Museum of Science and Technology: There is the best collection of old hours in the world and specialists know everything about them. Soon the telegram from London came to Kingston: "The clock was made in 1686 by a blonde with Amsterdam field. They show 11 hours 43 minutes. " Until now, it was only known that the tragedy fell into Port-Royal hot June Day, now, thanks to the find on the seabed, it was possible to establish the exact time of the earthquake.

Evin Link's expedition worked in underwater town Two and a half months. During this time, a lot of marine trophies visited the "Sea Diver" deck: copper buckets with long handles, broken tin spoons, bowls and other kitchen utensils, bottles of wine and bubbles for drugs, roofing tiles and bricks debris. Of course, these items belonging to XVII centurywere considerable interest for historians and archaeologists. But the clock was the only golden product found by the members of the expedition. It is time for strong winds, and work had to turn. "SEA DIVER" starred from anchor and took the course on Florida.

Perhaps a more successful port-Royal explorer was more successful from this point of view - Robert Mix. In the 60s, on the instructions of the Government of Jamaica, he spent quite large-scale archaeological searches on the former areas and streets conquered by the sea. "This is the largest object of underwater archeology in the whole Western hemisphere, - wrote a scientist on the pages of the American magazine" National Geographic ". - Now we have a unique opportunity to find out how the whole city of the XVII century looked. During the excavations, we even come across food, for example, the oil that has become solid. like a stone. We know what tobacco smoked then - found a whole sheet of tobacco. We can say what strong drinks drank at that time: they were analyzing the contents of clogged bottles. There were rum, wine and. Brandy. We raised about 250 almost unscathed Objects of tin dishes. This is more than found on all other underwater archaeological sites of the Western Hemisphere, combined. We found six thousand clay tubes, silver products, pocket watches and a copper device for Roma distillation. "

But there were findings from the Mix and more interesting than the property of the Port-Royal Moonshit. One fine day, diving got from the bottom of the chest with the coat of arms of the Spanish king Philip IV. The back of the back was filled with perfectly preserved silver coins of the second half of the XVII century. As stipulated by the contract, the treasure transferred to the property of the Yamaican authorities.

There is no doubt that Port Royal more than once will delight underwater archaeologists and seekers of happiness: after all, only a small tolik of those wealths that were in the city at the time of his death were found. It is known that the port warehouses located along the marina have always been packed with gold, silver and expensive goods, who were expecting to be sent to Europe: after all, in Port Royal, in those days there were many maritime trading routes that combined the largest harbor of the world. In addition, the city served as the guy of many pirates, who made their prey here. That is why there are still legends about port-Royal underwater treasures that attract crowds of tourists here. At clear days on special boats with a transparent bottom, they come out in the sea and curiosity peer into the blue water-bay. When the sun shines especially brightly, a silent dead city appears before tourists. However, someone sometimes even comes from the depth of the bell ringing ...

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