Which city is cheaper to live in. Which region of Russia to choose for moving

Due to the large geographical extent for several time and geographical zones, living conditions in different regions of the country differ markedly. There is no definite answer to the question of where it is better to live in Russia. Of course, there is a rating of cities and regions according to certain criteria. But when choosing a place of residence, everyone has different priorities. What suits one person is categorically disliked by another. Therefore, when choosing a place of residence, you should focus not only on key indicators, but also on your own priorities.

Different parts of our country are fundamentally different from each other. These are both natural-climatic and socio-economic features. Where it is good to live in Russia depends on priorities. Those who like the mild climate move to the southern regions of the country. Those who need big earnings go to the capital or to places where a high regional coefficient is added to the salary.

The cities of the European part of the country are located more compactly, of which it is easier to get to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The population density beyond the Urals is much lower; settlements are located at a great distance from each other. This makes travel difficult - it takes a long time to get by land transport, and it is expensive by plane. Another feature of these cities is the emphasis on the extractive and manufacturing industries. Because of this, the environment suffers, and many professions are fraught with the development of chronic diseases.

The northern regions attract those who need good earnings. High salaries are complemented by preferential seniority. But the climate for living there is very harsh, which is why many residents suffer from chronic diseases. Due to the permafrost, it is difficult to get there for much of the year.

In the south, the climate is mild, but due to the proximity to the sea, there is often high humidity. Allergy sufferers can get in trouble a large number of flowering plants. But the absence of large industrial enterprises has a beneficial effect on the environment - the level of pollution in the southern cities is much lower than in their northern industrial counterparts.

Favorable cities for resettlement

  • standard of living;
  • climatic conditions;
  • ecology;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • social security;
  • economic growth rates and investment attractiveness.

All this creates comfortable living conditions for indigenous people and facilitates the adaptation of recently arrived. The goals of the move also play an important role. For young people, the key often becomes the opportunity to find a high-paying job with career prospects. Couples are looking for a city with a developed infrastructure, where they and their children will be comfortable, and it will not take two hours to get to a clinic or school in traffic jams. Older people value stability and comfort.

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When choosing conditions for this parameter, people, first of all, pay attention to the temperature in summer and winter. For many, humidity is of no small importance. The number of sunny days and precipitation plays a lesser role. Sometimes the choice of climate is a matter of preference. However, it is not uncommon for a situation where health is the decisive factor. For example, hot and humid climates are not good for asthmatics.

Standard of living

When determining which city to move to live in Russia, this indicator often becomes a key factor for making a decision. It includes a complex of factors: the availability of jobs, the amount of wages, the cost of the consumer basket.

Medical service

The availability and quality of such services is an important criterion when choosing a new place of residence. This is especially true for retirees, parents with small children and people with chronic diseases.


The availability of vacancies in most cases depends on the size of the locality. The main sector of the economy and the presence of city-forming enterprises also play an important role. The Ural and Siberian cities are historically oriented towards the industrial sector. The southern ones - for tourism and agriculture. Seaside towns are a merchant fleet and seafood mining.

V last years in all settlements, the sphere of trade and services is actively developing. But a feature of this industry is the focus on premium wages, which is not suitable for everyone. When choosing where to move to live in Russia to earn money, you need to take into account several factors:

  • the level of income in the capitals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is higher than in the regional centers;
  • the level of salaries is highly dependent on the industry. According to statistics, the highest incomes are in the oil and gas industry, the financial sector, fishing, and transport. But agriculture is poorly paid;
  • in addition to the size of salaries, you also need to take into account the cost of housing and a grocery basket. For example, in the northern regions, high wages are partially offset by expensive products: since the local climate is not intended for agriculture, most of the goods are delivered from other regions, which affects their cost.

Interesting statistics reflecting the levels of average wages by region in 2019 Territories with the highest wages are presented in the table below.

The following table shows the regions with the lowest wages:

Promising cities

When choosing a city, many people, first of all, evaluate settlements by this parameter. This includes the rate of their growth, the opportunity for a resident to find a job and make a career. Also in such cities, the service and entertainment sector is actively developing, Russian and international investments are attracted. We will consider some promising regions of Russia for relocation further.

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The city is one of the most promising in the country. It attracts with a relatively high level of salaries, a large number of jobs and a developed social sphere. There are many beautiful views and places for families to relax. A large international airport makes it possible to fly on vacation to other countries. The climate in the city is quite comfortable. Summers are warm with moderate humidity. Winter is generally mild, severe frosts are rare.

Of the shortcomings, one can single out a rather pronounced monoculture. Tatars are the titular nation, Tatar speech is constantly heard around. People who do not speak national language, this can cause some psychological discomfort. Islam, although not as clearly expressed as in the republics of the North Caucasus, is still the predominant religion.


A large city on the Yenisei, an industrial and cultural center of Eastern Siberia. Krasnoyarsk leads the list of landscaping. The rapid development of infrastructure and rather high salaries attract many to the city. Among the disadvantages is the harsh Siberian winter, a significant distance from other large cities.


It is the largest city Western Siberia, the third largest in the Russian Federation. Novosibirsk combines industrial and scientific field, so people can realize themselves there different specialties... The level of salaries in the city is quite high. The climate is sharply continental, with short hot summers and long frosty winters.


This southern city with a mild climate has been rapidly growing and developing in recent years, including at the expense of numerous visitors. A large number of vacancies make it easy to find a job. The most developed sphere of trade and services. There are practically no large industrial enterprises, which until recently was the key to a good environmental situation. Recently, however, this indicator has worsened due to the increase in cars and, as a result, the deterioration of the air composition, gas pollution.

Crime level

The criminal situation in the city is one of the most important factors when choosing a place of residence. The low level of serious crimes guarantees the safety of life and health. A small number of thefts and robberies will allow you not to worry about your property.

Special resettlement programs

When deciding which city to choose for living in Russia, it is worth paying attention to the strategically important regions for the state. The territory of Russia is populated unevenly. Most of the population lives in the European part of the country, in the Urals and in Western Siberia. The northern regions, Eastern Siberia and the Far East are much less populated. To ensure the influx of the population, including qualified specialists, state support programs are proposed. For those who are ready for long-distance travel, this is a good opportunity to purchase their own home and find a job.

At the government level, a program of resettlement to the Far East for Russians has been developed. It involves the provision of free land and the payment of lifting costs to everyone who decides to move. But for this it is required to fulfill a number of conditions, in particular, to live in a new place for a certain amount of time.

Where is the easiest place to get a quote?

The government is interested in settling underdeveloped lands and remote regions. Therefore, in Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal and Primorsky Territories, the Amur and Magadan Regions, as well as some other subjects of the federation, it is easiest for foreigners to obtain a RNP and a residence permit. In addition, within the framework of the state program, assistance is provided for relocation and employment.

Where better to go to live with children

People who want to change the city and are looking for where to move to live in Russia with children are primarily interested in the following aspects:

  • the quality of the main and higher education: schools and universities;
  • availability and wide choice additional education: circles, sections, etc.
  • security;
  • quality medical care;
  • favorable ecological situation and a good climate;
  • developed infrastructure for family recreation: parks for walking, children's cafes, etc.

And also when moving, you should pay attention to acclimatization: the younger the child, the less harsh it should be.

Choosing a suitable place for retirees

The priorities of older people when choosing a place to live are changing. The need to pursue a career and receive a high salary is no longer relevant for many. The first place is taken by a calm atmosphere, a low crime rate, good medical care, and affordable prices. Therefore, the best small towns of Russia for living are more attractive for pensioners. Much depends on the character of the person, on the state of his health, as well as on the opportunity to see children and grandchildren.


A small town near Moscow, on the one hand, is quite close to the capital, on the other, it is devoid of the bustle and smog of the metropolis. Podolsk is one of the most developed regions of the Moscow region. The program of resettlement from dilapidated housing and the construction of new houses is actively underway.


Not Big city in the central part of Russia near the border with Ukraine. The mild climate and friendly population make it attractive for relocation. There are many green spaces in Belgorod, so the ecological situation in the city is quite favorable.

Permanent residence by the sea

Most of the country is located in an area with a fairly cool climate. Therefore, many in Russia are looking for where to move to permanent residence, where it is warm and at the same time there is work. The southern regions are focused primarily on the tourism sector, there are practically no large industrial enterprises there. Therefore, people with specialized education will not be able to find work in their specialty.

The main peak of economic activity occurs in the summer months. In winter, life in cities stops, many shops and cafes are closed for this time. Not everyone likes this unevenness in the rhythm of life and earnings. The attractiveness of the northern and Far Eastern coastal cities is much lower. The climate there is more severe, so the main work of the local population is associated with fishing. Some of the coastal cities are the bases of the merchant and navy.


The holding of the Winter Olympic Games has become an impetus for the development of the city and has increased its tourist attractiveness. Unlike other resort towns of the Krasnodar Territory, people come here in winter - to a ski resort. Therefore, the seasonality of earnings is less pronounced here.


After the peninsula became part of Russia, many began to wonder how. In addition to the mild climate, many are attracted by the tax incentives established in the region. A large flow of tourists makes it possible to start a business and quickly develop a business.

In the question of how to choose a city for moving, the cost of housing plays a significant role. Real estate prices depend on the size of the settlement and on its attractiveness in the eyes of visitors. It is expensive not only to buy your own home, but also to rent it. In megacities, pendulum migration is not uncommon - when people live in neighboring settlements, and go to work in a neighboring city. Real estate prices for Q2 2019 are presented below.

Cities rating

Each locality is good in its own way. However, among the cities of Russia there are those that attract a large number of external and internal migrants.


The capital of the country traditionally attracts energetic and ambitious people. A large number of large companies, including international ones, are like a magnet for those wishing to realize themselves and make a career. Those who need to work with permanent residence in Russia often start their searches from the capital.

However, the Moscow rhythm of life does not suit everyone. Long distance combined with traffic jams make it difficult to move around the city. Added to this is a strong gas content. Expensive housing and high level competition in the labor market forces those who have not been able to realize their plans to leave the capital.

St. Petersburg

The "cultural capital" is also very popular with migrants and residents of the country. The proximity of the Finnish border makes it easier to obtain a Schengen visa and travel to Europe. There are many universities in the city, including military ones, which attracts a large number of students to St. Petersburg. Finding a job here is also pretty easy.

Of the shortcomings of life in St. Petersburg, many note the climate. Strong winds from the Neva and the Gulf of Finland, high humidity, frequent rains and a small number of sunny days often have a depressing effect on visitors. In addition to the weather, the economic factor also affects. The lower, in comparison with Moscow, the level of wages, combined with the high cost of housing, forces many migrants to look for where to move from St. Petersburg to live in Russia.


One of largest centers oil and gas industry. In Tyumen, salaries are quite high, the housing and communal services industry is well developed, many residential buildings, cultural and sports facilities are being built. The authorities invest a lot of money in social sphere... The climate, as in the whole of Southern Siberia, is sharply continental - with short hot summers and longer cold winters.

Evaluating 1114 cities in Russia (these are all cities in the country at the end of 2018), which were divided into 7 groups by population.

"The assessment took into account 36 indicators that characterize housing, road network, landscaping, public-business and social-leisure infrastructure, as well as city-wide space. , the state of green spaces, the concentration of cultural heritage objects, the availability of sports facilities, the proportion of children among the population The index methodology says that the Ministry of Construction used its own data, information from Rosstat, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cartographic, geographical systems, as well as information from social networks.

Each city could receive from 0 to 360 points. At the same time, settlements with an assessment of up to 180 points are considered, according to the index methodology, cities with an unfavorable urban environment, above 180 - with a favorable one. "

Let's see what happened to the officials and how their assessments coincide with!

For convenience, I have placed the cities in different groups in order. To the right of each city is its current index.

Largest cities in Russia (population over 1 million people)

Favorable urban environment:

1.Moscow - 276
2. St. Petersburg - 238
3. Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk region) - 191
4. Nizhny Novgorod – 190
5. Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan) - 190
6. Krasnoyarsk - 189

Unfavorable urban environment:

7. Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) - 179
8. Rostov-on-Don - 178
9. Samara - 163
10. Novosibirsk - 161
11. Chelyabinsk - 160
12. Voronezh - 154
13. Perm - 153
14. Volgograd - 116
15. Omsk - 104

Large cities of Russia (population from 250 thousand to 1 million people)

First ten:

1.Sochi (Krasnodar Territory) - 219
2. Grozny (Chechen Republic) - 218
3. Tula - 217
4. Belgorod - 215
5. Kaliningrad - 214
6. Tyumen - 212
7. Khimki (Moscow region) - 210
8. Stavropol - 209
9. Yaroslavl - 208
10. Krasnodar - 206

The last ten:

54. Sevastopol - 169
55. Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region) - 167
56. Orenburg - 166
57. Kurgan - 165
58.Simferopol (Republic of Crimea) - 165
59. Makhachkala (Republic of Dagestan) - 162
60. Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia) - 153
61. Arkhangelsk - 150
62. Chita ( Zabaykalsky Krai) – 147
63. Yakutsk - 147

Large cities of Russia (population from 100 thousand to 250 thousand people)

First ten:

1. Reutov (Moscow region) - 252
2. Krasnogorsk (Moscow region) - 230
3. Odintsovo (Moscow region) - 229
4. Mytishchi (Moscow region) - 225
5. Arzamas (Nizhny Novgorod region) - 225
6. Dolgoprudny (Moscow region) - 225
7. Lyubertsy (Moscow region) - 223
8. Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region) - 220
9. Veliky Novgorod - 217
10. Korolev (Moscow region) - 217

The last ten:

84. Khasavyurt (Republic of Dagestan) - 147
85. Orsk (Orenburg region) - 146
86. Artyom (Primorsky Territory) - 144
87. Elista (Republic of Kalmykia) - 142
88. Nefteyugansk (KhMAO - Yugra) - 137
89. Prokopyevsk (Kemerovo region) - 134
90. Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva) - 134
91. Mines ( Rostov region) – 132
92. Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov region) - 129
93. Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia) - 121

Photo: magas.su

Medium cities of Russia (population from 50 thousand to 100 thousand people)

First ten:

1. Vidnoe (Moscow region) - 232
2. Lobnya (Moscow region) - 222
3. Fryazino (Moscow region) - 219
4. Dzerzhinsky (Moscow region) - 212
5. Gatchina (Leningrad Region) - 211
6. Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region) - 211
7. Anapa (Krasnodar Territory) - 210
8. Ivanteevka (Moscow region) - 209
9. Solnechnogorsk (Moscow region) - 205
10. Ishim (Tyumen region) - 204

Photo: Tatiana Kuznetsova / NN.ru

The last ten:

144. Chapaevsk (Samara region) - 136
145. Urus-Martan (Chechen Republic) - 134
146. Gudermes (Chechen Republic) - 133
147. Usolye-Sibirskoe (Irkutsk region) - 131
148. Gukovo (Rostov region) - 131
149. Lesosibirsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) - 129
150. Labinsk (Krasnodar Territory) - 125
151. Cheremkhovo (Irkutsk region) - 124
152. Shali (Chechen Republic) - 119
153.Sunzha (Republic of Ingushetia) - 118

Photo: official website of the administration of the city of Sunzha

Looking at these ratings, you need to understand that they are not always related to reality. Not all cities that hit the first lines of the rating should be happy, not all outsiders should be sad. It's just that the index is calculated based on statistical data.

"The main methods of collecting information for the formation of the Index - government statistics, data geographic information systems and remote sensing territories ".

That is, they unload data from various departments, then unload data from Yandex.Maps - and the rating is ready!

Blind use of statistics allows for manipulation. So, at one time Moscow boasted hundreds of kilometers of bike paths. In reality, no one saw them, just all bus lanes were recorded on the bike paths. Or the police often incorrectly draw up accidents so as not to spoil the statistics. For example, if a person dies after some time in a hospital from injuries, then from the point of view of statistics, he is not a victim of an accident.

Why make one good public space when you can make 10 fields with tiles and benches? For example, St. Petersburg is in second place after Moscow, but those who have been to St. Petersburg know that there is not a single normal public space in the city (New Holland is private and sometimes closed), it is impossible to walk on narrow sidewalks, there are parking lots and fences everywhere.

What do you think? Do you agree with the assessment of the Ministry of Construction, or has your city been offended again? Or maybe, on the contrary, overestimated?

Many of our compatriots are thinking about where they can move to live inside the country. Rankings that show the advantages and disadvantages of individual cities can help them make their choice. How are they compiled? What is taken into account in this case? Which cities in Russia are at the top of the ratings in certain categories?

Features of cities and regions of Russia

Environmental, climatic and economic conditions in different parts our country is markedly different. How to determine which Russian cities and the regions are favorable for moving to permanent residence? Based on public opinion polls and statistical data, ratings are compiled that should help to understand this issue. Many means mass media are engaged in such research, but the most authoritative are the ratings compiled by such organizations as the Department of Sociology of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Center strategic research Rosgosstrakh company. The data source is the Federal State Statistics Service. There are many criteria by which the situation in each city and region is assessed.

Where to move to live better if the environmental factor is important to you

Human health is highly dependent on the condition the environment... Toxic waste that contaminates air, water and soil can cause serious illness and even premature death. Availability environmental issues especially dangerous for pregnant women and children. Various congenital pathologies are the result of exposure to the human body of toxic emissions.

There are three factors that determine the state of the environment:

  • industrial waste;
  • exhaust gases from cars;
  • geographic location.

Businesses in industrial cities and a large amount of transport in metropolitan areas are the main sources of pollution. In addition, the concentration of toxic substances depends on the geographic location. If the city is located between hills, the air currents do not sufficiently blow through its territory. In this case, the concentration of harmful emissions increases many times.

  1. Pskov;
  2. Smolensk;
  3. Murmansk;
  4. Nizhnevartovsk;
  5. Sochi.

The air is fresh, the city is small and therefore not very polluted. If you are tired of the bustle of the city, gases and cars, then I suggest you go to Pskov.


The purity of the atmosphere in this city is maintained thanks to the coniferous forests located around it. Another positive factor is the many green spaces in the park areas of Pskov.

It is also worth paying attention to the opposite rating, which determines the most environmentally polluted cities in Russia. When choosing a place for permanent residence, it is important to know in which cities the difficult ecological situation poses the greatest health risk. The environmental anti-rating is as follows:

  1. Norilsk;
  2. Moscow;
  3. St. Petersburg;
  4. Cherepovets (Vologda region);
  5. Asbestos (Sverdlovsk region).

It is easy to see that this list includes megalopolises and cities where large industrial enterprises are located. For example, the Severstal metallurgical plant is located in Cherepovets.

Medical service

Integral part a fulfilling life is the opportunity to receive quality medical services. Life expectancy directly depends on this factor. Assessment of the level of medical service is based on surveys of residents: how satisfied they are with the availability and professionalism of treatment. As additional indicators, the mortality rate among people of retirement age and the percentage of people with incomes below the average who seek paid medical services are used. Rating of Russian cities with the highest level of healthcare:

  1. Moscow;
  2. St. Petersburg;
  3. Naberezhnye Chelny;
  4. Tyumen.

It is important to remember that cardiac problems are a common cause of disability and premature death. Timely diagnosis and highly professional treatment can stop the development of cardiovascular diseases. People suffering from similar ailments, you should pay attention to the presence of cardiology clinics in the city or region to which they plan to move. These hospitals must meet modern standards. A large number of clinics providing high-quality treatment of vascular and heart diseases are concentrated in Moscow, however, there are high-tech cardio centers in other Russian cities. For example, the Tyumen Cardiology Research Center, the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin and the V.A. Almazov in St. Petersburg.

Standard of living

In Russia, in terms of income, Moscow and the regions of Siberia and Of the Far East, in which there are large oil and gas fields. The rest of the Russian regions lag significantly behind the leaders. This trend has continued for many years. Rating of the average monthly income of working citizens in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2018:

  1. Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region(73091.7 p.);
  2. Moscow (70220.8 rubles);
  3. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (64097.55 rubles);
  4. Nenets Autonomous District (61,592.85 rubles);
  5. Chukotka Autonomous District (58,063.5 rubles).

It is worth noting that in regions rich in hydrocarbon reserves, it is not only workers in the oil and gas industry that receive high wages. For example, in Yamalo-Nenets, which occupies the first line of the rating autonomous region the average monthly income of a schoolteacher is about 60 thousand rubles.

The leaders of the all-Russian list simultaneously top the income ratings in the Central, Ural, Northwestern and Far Eastern federal districts. To complete the picture, it is worth comparing the average earnings of residents by federal districts:

  1. Central federal district(45312.3 p.);
  2. Northwestern, Ural, Far Eastern federal districts (40530.6 rubles);
  3. Siberian Federal District (31,081.05 rubles);
  4. Southern, Volga Federal Districts (25957.8 rubles).

The average wage represents only one aspect of the standard of living. Another important aspect that should not be overlooked is the cost of living and price levels. Such an indicator as the affordability of housing will help to understand this issue. Ranking of the cities with the highest price 1 square meter housing:

  1. Moscow (202269 p.);
  2. St. Petersburg (110,114 rubles);
  3. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (104319 p.);
  4. Vladivostok (97,576 rubles);
  5. Sochi (95467 rubles).

For comparison, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of cities with the lowest cost of 1 square meter of housing:

  1. Nizhnekamsk (33501 rubles);
  2. Novokuznetsk (33935 rubles);
  3. Biysk (34558 rubles);
  4. Rybinsk (36470 rubles);
  5. Cherepovets (36,806 rubles).

Settlements with affordable housing prices are mainly located in the Volga region, the Southern Urals and the Siberian Federal District.


What climatic conditions are considered the most favorable for human health and life? The positive factors include insignificant day-to-day fluctuations in air temperature and the absence of sudden changes atmospheric pressure... To strengthen immunity, the human body needs to receive a lot of ultraviolet radiation, this is especially important for children. Therefore, a large number of sunny days per year has a positive effect on human health.

Taking into account the listed criteria, the most comfortable for living climatic zones are the Azov, Black Sea and Caspian coasts. The following cities are located in these zones:

  • Krasnodar;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Novorossiysk;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Sochi.

Have you ever been to Sochi ?! A wonderful place. Half a year in summer, half a year off-season - green winter. Moved three years ago from Siberia. The climate is excellent, humid and hot for a maximum of two weeks in August.

the guest


Meteorological people should be careful when choosing a region for permanent residence. Their well-being worsens not only from magnetic storms... It is affected by abrupt changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. Day-to-day temperature fluctuations up to 1–2 ° C are considered safe for people suffering from meteorological dependence. In the regions listed above, this indicator is kept within these limits.


For people of working age, the prospect of getting a job in the city they have chosen to move is of critical importance. Employment potential in a city or region can be analyzed using several indicators. First of all, you need to find out what kind of competition exists in the local labor market. The number of applicants per vacancy is an indicator showing how high the competition among applicants for a job is. You should also take into account the number of unemployed people in a given city and the percentage of its residents who want to move to another region for the purpose of employment. All these criteria together will help determine how attractive and promising a given city is for migrants seeking to find a job.

  1. Ryazan;
  2. Vologda;
  3. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;
  4. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  5. Vladivostok.

The best cities to live in Russia

If you are planning to move to a new place of residence for a long time or permanently, it is wise to opt for a sustainable and promising city. Many Russian cities have significant development potential and offer hope for the future.


This city of the Volga region is one of the largest tourist centers in Russia. It attracts about a million tourists every year. The city's industry includes large chemical and aviation enterprises. Kazan is the leader in terms of housing construction in the Volga region.


The largest economic, educational and sports center in Central and Eastern Siberia. Multiple winner of the "Most Comfortable City of Russia" competition. One of the most attractive Russian cities for investment. The leading sectors of the economy of Krasnoyarsk are non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering. The population is growing constantly and rapidly.


The capital of the most economically powerful region in the south of Russia. Krasnodar has repeatedly topped the ratings of the most favorable Russian cities for doing business. The industrial potential of the region successfully attracts domestic and foreign investors. The industrial complex of Krasnodar consists of many enterprises, which employ about a third able-bodied population... In addition, Krasnodar is an important transport hub.

Video: Krasnodar is one of the most promising cities in Russia


Through Novosibirsk passes Trans-Siberian Railway... This city has the largest logistics complex in Siberia. Its economy has a number of important advantages: diversified industry, development of the service sector, transport, logistics and science, the presence of a large number of small and medium-sized businesses. The population of Novosibirsk is growing thanks to migrants from other Russian regions and the CIS countries.

Crime level

A difficult criminal situation makes the city unattractive for migrants, even if according to other criteria it can boast of high rates. The desire to live in a safe place where there is little likelihood of becoming a victim of criminals often outweighs other reasons for choosing one or the other. settlement... There is a simple way to assess the level of crime - statistical data on the number of crimes committed per 1,000 inhabitants. The safest cities in Russia by this criterion:

  1. Ryazan (7.8);
  2. Ulyanovsk (11.3);
  3. Voronezh (11.5);
  4. St. Petersburg (12.0);
  5. Penza (12.9).

It is also worth paying attention to the sad list of the most criminal cities in the Russian Federation. Comparing a positive rating with a negative one shows how much the crime rate differs in different cities and regions.

  1. Kemerovo (32.2);
  2. Kurgan (31.9);
  3. Tyumen (30.7);
  4. Nizhny Novgorod (27.7);
  5. Samara (24.3).

Child development

When choosing a permanent place of residence, families with children should give preference to environmentally friendly cities with high quality medical care. It is also worth inquiring about the availability of educational, sports and entertainment facilities. Cities that have a large number of such institutions and create conditions for the comprehensive development and education of children:

  1. Kazan;
  2. Belgorod;
  3. Rostov-on-Don;
  4. Kaliningrad;
  5. Voronezh.

In the case of moving with small children, it is advisable to avoid sudden changes in climate. If the climatic conditions at the new place of residence and the previous one are not too different, it will be easier for the child's body to endure the move.


Undoubtedly, the most prestigious city in Russia is its capital. Many Russians aspire to Moscow, hoping to realize their potential there. But it should be taken into account that other large Russian millionaire cities are gradually developing, improving and improving and today are not much behind Moscow. Among them, it is worth highlighting St. Petersburg, which is often called the cultural capital of Russia.

It is impossible to select one city or region that meets all the requirements at the same time. For example, a city with a high average monthly wage can be environmentally unfriendly, so the choice of each migrant depends on personal preferences and life circumstances.

In this article we will tell you where it is better to move to live in Russia to a permanent place and how to do it correctly.

If you look at the map of the world, you can easily notice that Russia is the most big country worldwide. It unites in itself a variety of climatic conditions, cities and peoples. Many do not know where it is better to move to a permanent place of residence and basically the determining criteria are the standard of living, prices and the cost of housing. But they are not the only ones that are important. Let's figure out where it is better to move to live.

Where is the easiest place to move for permanent residence in Russia?

It is rather difficult to answer the question - where to move to live in Russia, because everyone determines the city according to their own criteria. Everything is taken into account here, starting with lifestyle and ending with the need to move. Moreover, life in cities and towns is very different and by comparing them, it becomes clear what the advantages and disadvantages of the choice are.

Let's figure out what are the advantages of living in small and large cities, so that it becomes clearer for you where it will be easier to move.

Benefits of small towns:

Small towns in Russia

  • Affordable prices... Typically, the regions have small areas, and therefore the competition is high here. Accordingly, the prices of goods are not too high. Transport and utilities are also cheaper, but if you do not live in the center. Usually this is not a problem, because getting from one point to another is not difficult.
  • Lifestyle... If you are not satisfied with the fast pace of life and you do not want to lose comfort for the sake of status, then you will be better off in the region.
  • Family support... Since spending decreases, then it becomes easier to live. Moreover, in small towns there are always places in kindergartens and schools.
  • Ecology... With her, everything is also much better, because there are fewer factories and machines.
  • Mobility... Even if the infrastructure is not very well established, it is still possible to get to the right places without any problems, even by bicycle, and therefore transport costs are reduced.
  • It is often noted that in small towns people are friendlier but this is more a subjective assessment. Although, it is true that people often know each other, even if they live in different areas.
  • Attractions and entertainment... Although there are not so many interesting things here, you can always visit exhibitions, performances and much more. This culture is much more interesting than the one that all tourists see.

As for big cities, they also have many advantages:

Big cities of Russia

  • Megalopolises have many inhabitants, and therefore it is possible to expand the circle of acquaintances. Many people strive for this, but this does not mean that there will really be more acquaintances.
  • In large cities there are scientific centers and universities, and therefore you can always choose from a large number of specialties. Moreover, even during training it will be easy to find practice and even work in your specialty.
  • A big city requires multitasking, and therefore it disciplines to some extent.
  • Although the infrastructure is developed, the demand is also high. There are a lot of people here. So the rule of equality hardly applies here.
  • Of course, a big city allows you to find more opportunities for entertainment. There are cafes, water parks, movies and much more. At the same time, everything is close by and there are no problems with visiting.
  • Big cities offer a wide variety of goods. All because more people... This is the key point. But this does not apply to all products. If you want something exclusive, it will be easier to find it here.
  • With work in megacities, things are better, because there are much more vacancies and organizations. And the choice of specialties is much wider.
  • Great opportunities for starting a business. But keep in mind that you will have a lot of competitors. So you should enter the market with a unique offer.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages in both cases. But in big cities and the standard of living is higher, this is also important to consider. Moreover, many people go for a large salary, but it does not always justify itself, because the prices are correspondingly high.

How to choose a city to move to the Russian Federation?

So, if you are thinking about where to move to live in Russia, you should know by what criteria you should choose. You must take into account all the points so that you do not regret what you have done later.

So, as a rule, the choice is made according to the following criteria:

  • Ecology

If the city has a lot of trees and not very many factories, then this reduces the likelihood of respiratory illness. In other words, if the air is clean, then there is much less harm to health.

Most clean cities Of Russia

  • Climate

Depending on the predisposition, a person can be comfortable in a cold climate, or maybe he likes the heat and something in between. If you choose the wrong place, it will have a bad effect on your health.

  • Infrastructure

Many do not understand the meaning of this word, but it combines the convenient location of kindergartens, schools and other structures important for people.

  • Work and salary

When there are many vacancies in the city and a good salary, its residents are sure that they can provide for themselves.

  • Crime level

If statistics show that there is not much crime and that there are rarely accidents at enterprises, then we can talk about the safety of residents. This is very important, because no one wants to live, for example, in a criminal area or near a dangerous enterprise.

  • The price of housing and utilities

If the cost of housing is affordable, it usually attracts people.

  • Average cost of living

It concerns the cost of food, clothing and other important things, such as medicine and education.

Where is it better to live in Russia for an average family with children: a list of popular cities

As a rule, when people decide where to move to live in Russia, they do not do it alone. Usually people move immediately with families. In this case, the choice should be based on criteria such as:

Best cities for families with children

  • Good ecology
  • Low crime
  • Developed education and medicine
  • A climate similar to the current place of residence so that the child does not have to go through acclimatization

Among the cities that fully meet the criteria are Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Stavropol... They are located in the South of Russia. Living in these cities is not too expensive, and the sea climate is good for your health. The main difficulty in this case is finding a good job. It is not so easy to find her here.

Where within the country, to which city, region of Russia, do people, Russians, most often leave, move for permanent residence?

Many are also interested in the opinion of other people when they decide where to move to live in Russia. If we turn to the official ratings, then you will not find Moscow and St. Petersburg there. They are already leaders, but more on that later.

Among other cities stands out Kaliningrad, and all because it has a low crime rate, and in other respects it can be called a leader. The only thing that can be upsetting is finding a job. Difficulties will arise with it, but otherwise there will be no problems.

Moving to Russia

The next popular city is New Urengoy ... It is the capital of oil production. Accordingly, earnings are high here.

The city is also attractive Novosibirsk... He is also capable of giving an excellent education, but the climate here is cold. But maritime and shipbuilding is well developed.

Many cities from the Moscow region are also attractive to people. This is due to the fact that next to them are located many state-owned enterprises, very important, good ecology, as well as high salaries and good infrastructure.

Where is it better to move to live in Russia for permanent residence: the best cities and regions of Russia by rating for work

Moving to Russia

Many people, when deciding where to move to live in Russia, are determined by the level of salaries and job opportunities. Let's see where things are best.

In fact, the choice should be made on the basis of which industry you work in yourself and already based on this in terms of salaries. So, the most profitable are the following industries:

  • Mining... The average salary here is 45 thousand rubles
  • Finance... Financiers have a higher salary, within 50 thousand rubles
  • Oil and gas industry... People with one of these professions are offered 70-80 thousand rubles

Many will be surprised at such salaries and think that they can only be received in the capital. But this is far from the case. The highest wages in these industries are observed in the following regions:

  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  • Tyumen region
  • Novosibirsk region

A great advantage of the regions is that it is not even necessary to move to get a job. It is enough to get a job on a rotational basis. You will also be provided with housing. So it is not surprising that many tend to go to work in the North.

Where to move in Russia?

In addition to high salaries, some regions offer a large number of vacancies for specialists different levels. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Moscow... The capital offers a huge number of vacancies. Here you can find a place even without experience, or with low qualifications.
  • St. Petersburg... He offers lower salaries, and therefore he only gets the second place. Although, the number of vacancies here is no worse.
  • Kamchatka Krai... A particularly large number of vacancies are offered in the mining industry. Although, the ecology here is not the best, and therefore not everyone dares to go here to work.
  • Novosibirsk. There are also many vacancies here. Moreover, more than 10% of them offer a salary of 150 thousand rubles.
  • Tyumen... He also keeps up with salaries and work. Everyone will be able to settle down here.

When you have already decided exactly where to move to live in Russia, it's time to prepare for the move. So that this process does not give you a lot of problems, you must strictly follow the algorithm:

  • First, decide where exactly and when you plan to move.
  • Decide exactly where your accommodation will be, up to the address.
  • Then start preparing things, find a company for transportation.
  • Prepare documents, specifications and so on. In other words, you need everything you can to get a job in a new city without any problems.
  • Make sure that you have funds for housing for the first time. You may not be able to find a job right away.

Should you move to another city in Russia?

  • Make up all the possible contacts for your new residence. Try to find common acquaintances in the city so that at first you will have someone to help you with adaptation.

It is important to remember that you are planning to radically change your life and not only yours, but also those of your loved ones. It is not enough just to mentally prepare for the move; material investments will also be required.

Where to move for permanent residence in Russia: reviews

Many are trying to find feedback from those who have already solved the question - where to move to live in Russia? In fact, how many people have so many opinions. If a person found his ideal city and immediately settled down perfectly, then he will have nothing but good reviews. There may be disadvantages as well. Some, of course, remain unhappy with the move for various reasons.

In any case, if you do not know whether to move to another city at all, then try to find friends who have already done this. Perhaps you will be given a bunch of useful tips, and they will also say if it's really worth it.

Video: Where is the best place to live in the south of Russia? Where to move?

According to statistics, every year in Russia approximately 3% of the population moves to a new place of residence. It would seem that the figure is small. However, if we take into account that with the change of year the composition of immigrants is almost completely renewed, it turns out that over a decade, more than a quarter of Russians move to other places.

Where exactly are they going and where are they trying to quickly disappear from? The answer to this question is given by the research "RIA Novosti", which determined the most the best regions of Russia in terms of living standards 2019. They have the highest standard of living, high wages, little unemployment, good ecology and climate, decent health care and a developed transport network.

The study was based on data from the Ministry of Finance, Rosstat, the Ministry of Health, the Bank of Russia and other sources.

10. Kaliningrad region

In tenth place is a small region sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland. The Kaliningrad region has taken the best from Europe and the Baltic - from architecture to part of the Curonian Spit, a favorite vacation spot for Russians. A few people live there - a little over a million, but in the very large city(Kaliningrad) there are only 475 thousand inhabitants.

9. Lipetsk region

Compared to last year's rating of the quality of life in the regions of the Russian Federation, the Lipetsk region is doing worse. From eighth place, she moved to ninth. However, this has nothing to do with the national debt, on the contrary. As a rule, the more money the region owes to the Ministry of Finance, the better it does. For now Lipetsk region occupies a modest 16th line in the list of debtors.

It is in the lead by other indicators, and first of all - by investment activity. The region, already famous for its developed industry, which even the nineties could not completely mow down, is going to launch six new enterprises in 2019 in cooperation with foreign comrades. So there will be even more work for local residents.

8. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

But Ugra has risen from ninth to eighth line in the list of the most prosperous regions of Russia. The only Siberian region in the top 10 got its worthy place primarily due to the "oil money". It is not for nothing that Surgut has some of the highest salaries among all cities in Russia. He is in the top ten.

Unlike the "debt" Liptsk region, Ugra is completely self-sufficient, and has been a donor region for several years now. Despite the harsh Siberian climate, the sweltering cold in winter and the all-pervading nastiness in the summer, people continue to go there. Every year the population of the region is growing steadily by at least 20 thousand people.

7. Voronezh region

For which year Voronezh region is in second place in terms of the number of visitors, both from the former CIS countries and Russians. They are attracted primarily by earning opportunities, since according to statistics, the unemployment rate in the region does not exceed 1%.

Voronezh residents work both at industrial enterprises and in rural area- The Voronezh region is one of the leaders in Russia in the production of grain crops and potatoes. In addition, she recently received first place in the rating of the Ministry of Culture for "informational activity of cultural life." That's it, otherwise it's all "Peter, Peter".

6. Krasnodar Territory

Debts of the Krasnodar Territory to The Russian Federation exceed 140 billion rubles. It is immediately clear which region our state considers valuable and is ready to lend it its mighty financial shoulder.

The Krasnodar Territory, already extremely important for the country as a granary and one of the most popular regions for tourism, received even more importance in connection with the annexation of the Crimea. It is through the bridge connecting the Taman Peninsula and Kerch that the automobile communication with the new territory goes.

I will also build a railway bridge in the Krasnodar Territory, and a new railroad, and one more automobile. There will be a lot of work, as well as financial investments in the region. And besides work, the Krasnodar Territory still has an excellent ecology, a wonderful climate, and the sea (albeit not too clean).

5. Belgorod region

In fifth place in the ranking the best regions In Russia, according to the standard of living, the mistress of green fields and snow-white chalk mountains is located - Belgorod region... 70% of its soil is black soil, so it is not surprising that from time immemorial people have been engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry.

This year, the Belgorod administration decided to withdraw growth hormone preparations and various stimulants from circulation when raising animals and poultry, which will make the local animal husbandry environmentally friendly.

True, the residents of Belgorod do not like everything - the region is among the leaders in terms of the number of protests. Most of all, residents are concerned about the development of infrastructure and internal improvement.

4. Republic of Tatarstan

Tatarstan is unique to some extent. This is the only region of Russia in the top ten where the majority of the population is not Russian. We can say that Tatarstan is a kind of state within a state that likes to be independent, but not too much.

This is achieved through the skillful maneuvering of the president of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov, who, on the one hand, has established good relations with the center, and on the other, he knows how to flatter his own people, for example, by introducing compulsory study of the Tatar language at school.

Tatarstan is one of the most economically developed donor regions of Russia, which is explained not only by oil production and developed industrial production, but also by efficient agriculture, as well as an excellent transport position. Tourism also played a role, because Russians love to go to Kazan on excursions.

3. Moscow region

The Moscow region owes its attractiveness to life, of course, to its neighbor - the capital. This is evidenced by the number of housing under construction in the region. It accounts for 12-14% of all houses coming into operation.

By the way, the results of the Moscow region also confirm the pattern - the more public debt a region has to the Ministry of Finance, the better it is to live in it. The MO borrowed a modest amount of 128.8 billion rubles, which, although inferior to the indicators of the Krasnodar Territory, is significantly superior to all others. For comparison: Yaroslavl Oblast, which is next in the list of debtors, will have to return 37.2 billion rubles to the state treasury someday.

2. St. Petersburg

The northern capital is confidently gaining momentum, and may someday press the capital of all Russia. Peter lags behind Moscow by some 1.6 points. Agree that in the scale of the rating, where the difference between cities usually goes from 2 to 9 points, this figure is quite insignificant.

The number of internal migrants to St. Petersburg in recent years significantly exceeds the number of migrants to Moscow (11% of "new Muscovites" versus 28% of St. Petersburg "come in large numbers"). St. Petersburg is famous not only for the abundance of jobs and high salaries, but also for its excellent infrastructure, an abundance of retail outlets, as well as its proximity to abroad. From there, Finland is just a stone's throw away.


Did anyone have any doubts about which city will take the first place in the ranking of regions in terms of living standards in 2019? Yes, the capital of our Motherland has once again won. Although she does not believe in tears, she attracts like a magnet everyone who wants to radically change their lives.

However, the popularity of Moscow among internal migrants is slowly declining, in contrast to the popularity of St. Petersburg. But Pervoprestolnaya continues to be the largest Russian forge of personnel for the CIS countries and far abroad.

Times are changing, but the prize for the top ten regions of Russia in terms of living standards in 2019 remains almost the same as in the previous ranking. Perhaps there was a slight castling between the eighth and ninth places.

It is more interesting to watch the rest of the rating, which has both bright ups (for example, the Magadan region jumped from 44th to 35th place) and dramatic falls (the indicators of the Udmurt Republic decreased from 36 to 43). And the worst of all is the life of the inhabitants of the Republic of Tyva - as it was at 85, it remained.

Full rating of Russian regions in terms of living standards 2019 (table)

The subject of the Russian FederationPoints2017
1 Moscow77.371 1
2 St. Petersburg75.687 2
3 Moscow region72.453 3
4 Republic of Tatarstan66.147 4
5 Belgorod region64.426 5
6 Krasnodar region63.973 6
7 Voronezh region60.757 7
8 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra60.113 9
9 Lipetsk region59.245 8
10 Kaliningrad region58.935 10
11 Leningrad region58.148 12
12 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District57.966 16
13 Sverdlovsk region56.672 11
14 Tyumen region56.302 13
15 Kursk region55.391 15
16 Nizhny Novgorod Region55.077 14
17 Tula region54.769 17
18 Samara Region54.214 20
19 Rostov region54.124 18
20 Sevastopol53.527 23
21 Kaluga region53.043 19
22 Stavropol region53.016 22
23 Chelyabinsk region52.435 21
24 Novosibirsk region51.249 26
25 Republic of Bashkortostan50.201 24
26 Ryazan Oblast49.898 25
27 Yaroslavskaya oblast49.597 28
28 Ulyanovsk region48.779 31
29 Khabarovsk region48.778 30
30 Penza region48.511 27
31 Republic of Adygea47.973 29
32 Kamchatka Krai47.868 35
33 Orenburg region47.763 41
34 Vladimir region47.573 32
35 Magadan Region47.465 44
36 Murmansk region47.308 42
37 Volgograd region47.307 39
38 Saratov region47.222 33
39 Smolensk region47.184 37
40 Tambov Region46.955 34
41 Oryol Region46.924 43
42 Perm Territory46.650 44
43 Udmurtia46.506 36
44 The Republic of Mordovia46.280 46
45 Krasnoyarsk region46.260 38
46 Sakhalin Region45.978 53
47 Chuvash Republic45.925 40
48 Ivanovo region45.402 47
49 Bryansk region45.270 50
50 Primorsky Krai45.200 48
51 Tomsk region44.469 49
52 Republic of Crimea43.803 55
53 Amurskaya Oblast43.801 61
54 Kemerovo region43.260 56
55 The Republic of Khakassia42.166 51
56 Astrakhan region41.725 52
57 Omsk region41.681 54
58 Pskov region41.602 62
59 Tver region41.521 64
60 Kostroma region40.685 58
61 Novgorod region40.553 57
62 Vologodskaya Oblast40.353 59
63 Kirov region40.183 60
64 Komi Republic39.984 65
65 Republic of North Ossetia - Alania39.827 72
66 Mari El Republic39.548 63
67 Nenets Autonomous Okrug39.255 67
68 Irkutsk region39.240 69
69 The Republic of Dagestan39.102 73
70 Chukotka Autonomous District38.954 78
71 Chechen Republic38.766 68
72 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)37.617 71
73 Altai region37.609 66
74 Republic of Karelia36.324 70
75 Arkhangelsk region35.676 74
76 Kabardino-Balkar Republic34.148 75
77 The Republic of Buryatia30.526 76
78 Jewish Autonomous Region29.923 80
79 Kurgan region28.890 77
80 Altai Republic28.768 82
81 Republic of Kalmykia28.757 79
82 The Republic of Ingushetia28.533 84
83 Zabaykalsky Krai27.192 81
84 Karachay-Cherkess Republic25.300 83
85 Tyva Republic16.195 85

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