Academician in Bekhterev Projects and Research. Academician V.M.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857 - 1927) - an outstanding Russian neurologist, psychiatrist and psychologist, morphologist and physiologist of the nervous system.

V. M. Bekhterev was born in s. Created by Vyatka province, in the family of the College Secretary. At the age of 16, at the end of the gymnasium, he entered the Medical and Surgery Academy, subsequently renamed military-medical. Due to strong overwork in preparation for entrance exams and nervous stressassociated with passing exams, in September he fell for treatment at the clinic of nervous diseases of Professor N. N. Sikorsky. Acquaintance and conversations with Professor made such a great impression on the young man that it determined his choice of specialization and an active position in mastering the future profession.

The incentive to self-realization of the creative potential of Vladimir Bekhtereva was the opportunity, starting from the third course, to actively engage in research work.

In 1878, at the end of the Academy, he was left at the Department of Nervery Diseases at Professor I. P. Mergevsky for preparation for the Professor rank.

On active self-realization of the creative potential of V. M. Bekhtereva testifies to such a fact. In 24, he successfully defended his thesis on the degree of doctor of medicine on the topic "The experience of a clinical study of body temperature in some forms of mental illness".

His scientific creativity was greatly influenced by the labor of I. M. Sechenov "Brain Reflexes".

Physiological works V. M. Bekhtereva, which are of particular importance, are devoted to clarifying the role of various departments of the nervous system in the activities of organs and systems of higher animals and humans. Starting from 1883, he carefully studied issues related to the irritation of various sites of the nervous system, especially the highest departments. In particular, great importance Especially physiological studies of V. M. Bekhtereva (together with N. A. Mislavsky), which showed that in the intermediate brain (Talalamic region) there are centers that manage the activities of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, bladder, eyes and other organs and systems. Based on these data, V. M. Bekhterev argued that in this department of the central nervous system there are higher vegetative (in particular, sympathetic) centers. Thus, the doctrine that the Thalala region of the brain includes the highest sympathetic centers, put forward in 1909 - 1912. Austrian neurologists Carrlus and Creidlem, it was justified indebted to them and developed by V. M. Bekhterev. In particular, he showed the meaning of thalamic nerve centers in the emergence of emotions.

During a foreign business trip taken to familiarize themselves with foreign achievements in the field of psychiatry and psychology, V. M. Bekhterev received a notice that he was elected by the ordinary professor at the Department of Psychiatry of the Kazan University. It happened in 1885, when he was 28 years old. Here fully revealed his creative potential as an organizer of science. V.M. Bekhterev became the founder of the first Russian magazine on neurology - "neurological messenger" and the first b of Russia of the Kazan society of neurologists and psychiatrists. In 1895, he created an experimental psychological laboratory in Kazan. In 1888 published a monograph "Consciousness and its borders." Here, in Kazan, his full research in the field of morphology and physiology of the nervous system has unfolded.

In the works of V. M. Bekhtereva, the key issues of psychology, clinical neuropathology and psychiatry were also covered. The morphological works of V. M. Bekhtereva are devoted to the structure of all departments of the central nervous system: a spinal, oblong, intermediate brain, large hemispheres of the brain. He significantly expanded information about the conducting paths and the structure of nerve centers; For the first time, a number of buns (conductive paths) and cell formations (cores) described a number of non-known beams. Thus, a cellular accumulation was described outside from the corner of the fourth ventricle, which was called the "Bekhtereva" core.

The results of their numerous studies of Bekhterev summarized in the fundamental work "conducting spinal and brain paths" (1893). The second two-volume edition was published when he had already worked in St. Petersburg (1896 - 1898).

In 37 years, V. M. Bekhterev became a professor at the Military Medical Academy, and in 1897 - Professor of the Women's Medical Institute. Here he created the second (after the Kazan) psychological laboratory. Exploring the effect of the bark of large hemispheres on the activities of various organs and functional systems, V. M. Bekhterev showed that blood circulation bodies, digestion, respiration, urination, etc. are presented in the crust of large hemispheres with relevant centers. They also identified the localization of other centers in the crust of large hemispheres.

In 1895, V. M. Bekhterev proved that irritation of certain centers of the brain leads to the simultaneous braking of the corresponding antagonistic centers. This principle was essential in the activity of the nervous system.

The results of their twenty-year-old studies in the field of physiology of the nervous system V. M. Bekhterev summarized in the capital labor "Fundamentals of the teachings on the functions of the brain", published in seven issues (1903 - 1907).

The clinical work of V. M. Bekhtereva is devoted to various issues of neuropathology and psychiatry. He first allocated a number of characteristics of reflexes and symptoms of importance for the diagnosis of nerve diseases. In addition, they were first raised the question of the need to study bone reflexes. V. M. Bekhterev describes independent forms of diseases, previously not allocated by neuropathology, for example, the spinal welfare, called "Bekhtereva's disease".

More than 150 published works are devoted to clinical studies; Some of them were reflected in the monographs " Nervous diseases In some observations "(vol. 1 - 2, 1894 - 1899) and" General diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system "(Part 1 - 2, 1911 - 1915).

In the works on psychiatry, V. M. Bekhterev considered disorders of mental processes in relationship with violation of bodily functions. He opposed the constraint of psychic patients, the methods of work therapy, physical education, hydrotherapy, etc., proposed his ways of treating a number of diseases (in particular, treatment of alcoholism hypnosis). Special medicine, having a broad healing application in the clinic of nerve diseases, is known as Bekhterevskaya.

In the psychological laboratory at the Military Medical Academy was performed a large number of experimental studies of various types of sensitivity (skin, pain, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, vibration). For these studies, valuable devices were designed: trico esthesiometer, panel, baroesthesometer, mioesometer, an axistometer, seismometer, etc. Materials were published in a special journal "Review of psychiatry, neurology and experimental psychology", which was founded by V. M. Bekhterev in 1896 .

Taking practical treatment of children and adults, V. M. Bekhterev summarized his observations on the peculiarities of the psyche of adults and the causes of their diseases. In these generalizations, essentially laid the foundations of modern acmeology.

Contemporaries in Russia and abroad responded about V. M. Bekhtereva, as a scientist, who more and better than others knew about the device and the functions of the brain. Thanks to his works, it was found that the brain is the organ of psyche. In this regard, all reasoning about mental phenomena Out of communication with the brain, the function of which they are, became fruitless mysticism. Ana-volume-physiological studies of the brain were an important condition for the translation of speculative psychology on natural-scientific rails.

V. M. Bekhterev rejected the methods and theories of the dominant subjective psychology and put forward the theory of the study of objectively observed reactions of the organism instead of the internal content of mental processes. He matched for an objective psychology (1907), calling it a "science of behavior". At one time, it was positive in the fight against idealism in psychology.

Evidence of the exclusive organizational talent of V. M. Bekhtereva is the creation of a psychoneurological institution in 1908, built on donations specially allocated for these purposes of royal lands. Money had to get, and construction - to organize. And all this, V.M. Bekhterev managed to do.

The uniqueness of this scientific and educational complex was that it had a university that took listeners, regardless of lengthy origin, and research institutions. At its base, a whole network of scientific and clinical and research institutes was created, including the first in Russia Pedagogical Institute. This allowed V. M. Bekhterev to associate theoretical and practical research in the field of both psychiatry and neurology and psychology.

The teachers of the psychoneurological institution included such advanced scientists as M. M. Kovalevsky, N. E. Vvedensky, V. L. Komarov. His student was subsequently the most famous sociologist XX century. Pitirim Sorokin.

A huge range of objects of experimental studies - from newborns to old people, from the deep structures of the brain to the behavior of a person in a different social environment - allowed V. M. Bekhterev to make a generalization regarding the structure of the personality of a mature person and human immortality.

After analyzing various identification identities, these time psychologists, V. M. Bekhterev found that not only and not so much synthesis of memory, character, mind, emotions, abilities and other faces create a person. The main thing is its focus, aspiration and focus, i.e. That organizing rod, around which are going to the unique ensemble all other human features.

At the end of February 1916, on the anniversary of the opening of courses of the Psychoneurological Institute, V. M. Bekhterev made a speech on the immortality of the human person and man at all.

In 1918, V. M. Bekhterev became the founder of a new research institution - the Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activities. As an independent area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, he considered reflexology. Part of Reflexology is the teaching of V. M. Bekhtereva about the "bleak" reflexes purchased by animals and man in individual life As a result of coincidence, "combinations" different phenomena external world with those or other congenital reactions of the body. Together with M. V. Lange and V. M. Mesichev, V. M. Bekhterev held his experiments in groups of students of medical, pedological and psychoneurological institutions. In experiments, the indicators of each student were first determined (they were recorded on one sheet); Then there was a discussion of the results and voting. The subjects were proposed to add additions and changes to their previous indicators (they were recorded on another sheet).

As a result of research, V. M. Bekhterev established: the team increases the volume of knowledge of its members, corrects their mistakes, mitigates the attitude towards the act, gives common shifts in the formulated indicators. Sexual, age, educational and congenital differences in attitude towards shifts of mental processes were identified in the conditions of collective activities.

The results of experimental socio-psychological studies were summarized by V. M. Bekhterev in his works: "Consciousness and its borders" (Kazan, 1888), "On the localization of conscious activities in animals and a person" (SPb., 1896), "Neuropathological and psychiatric observations" (SPB., 1900), "Psychic and Life" (St. Petersburg., 1904), "Fundamentals of the teachings on the functions of the brain", vol. 1 - 7 (St. Petersburg., 1903 - 1907), "Hypnosis, suggestion and psychotherapy" (SPB., 1911), "Collective reflexology (Petrograd, 1921)," Brain and his activity "(M. ; L., 1928).

V. M. Bekhterev is the founder of a holistic approach to the study of a person who has become the methodological principle of modern acmeology.

After the mysterious death of V. M. Bekhtereva in 1927 - when he was healthy, cheerful, energetic, full of new ideas and projects, - the criticism of his scientific heritage began, consistently opposing I. P. Pavlov, the silence of his merit. His actual psychological work was especially sharp criticism.

In 1948, in connection with the struggle against genetics, the institute for the study of the brain and mental activity was closed. Under these conditions, the preservation and development of the psychological direction of studies laid down by V. M. Bekhterev, demanded from its followers of big courage, purposefulness and manifestations of organizational talent in new conditions. One of the talented successors of ideas V. M. Bekhtereva, the founder of the Leningrad school of psychologists, became B. G. Ananyev.

Check questions and tasks

1. What conditions affect the manifestation of creative potential?

2. How do you understand the meaning of the concepts of "microacme" and "macroacme"?

3. What factor played a decisive role in the early self-determination of N. I. Pirogov?

4. At what age did he have meaningful acmesome programs and how have they implemented in practice?

5. Tell us about diverse acmeter programs N. I. Pirogov. What life credo they were merged?

6. What is your attitude to individual thoughts of N. I. Pirogov expressed in the article "Life Questions"?

7. Name the main directions for the implementation of the creative potential of P. F. Lesgaft.

8. Development of what theories P. F. Lesgafet served as the basis for the scientific substantiation of physical education?

9. What works P. F. Lesgafeta are you known?

10.Same, in which directions, the versatile scientific interests of V. M. Bekhtereva showed.

11. How do new theories and concepts V. M. Bekhtereva found development in the organization of creative scientific teams?

12. Keep the main vertices of creativity V. M. Bekhtereva.

1.Bekhterev V. M.Psyche and life. - St. Petersburg., 1904.

2. Guberman I.Bekhterev: Life Pages. - M., 1977.

3. Krasnovsky A. A.Pedagogical ideas N. I. Pirogova. - M., 1949.

4. Konstantinov N. A., Medyn E. N., Shabaeva M. F.The history of pedagogy. - M., 1982.

5. Pirogov N. I.Selected pedagogical writings. - M, 1985.

6. Teaching P. F. Lesgaft on physical education and its pedagogical activity // Pillars V.V. History physical culture: Tutorial for ped. In-Tov. - M., 1989.

Russian psychiatrist, neuropathologist, physiologist, psychologist, founder of reflexology and pathopsychological directions in Russia, academician.

In 1907, he founded a psychoneurological institute in St. Petersburg - the first in the world science Center on the integrated study of man and scientific research psychology, psychiatry, neurology and other "man scientists" disciplines, organized as research and higher educational institution, now wearing name V. M. Bekhtereva.


Vladimir Bekhterev was born in the family of a small civil servant in the village of Saralya, the Elabuga County, Vyatka province presumably on January 20, 1857 (he was baptized on January 23, 1857). He was a representative of the ancient Vyatka kind of Bekhterev. Education received in Vyatka Gymnasium (1873) and St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. At the end of the course (1878), Bekhterev dedicated himself to the study of spiritual and nervous diseases and for this purpose he worked under the clinic of prof. I. P. Mergevsky.

In 1879, Bekhterev was adopted in the real members of the St. Petersburg Society of Psychiatrists. And in 1884, he was sent abroad, where he was engaged in Dubua Reimon (Berlin), Wyunta (Leipzig), Meertain (Vienna), Sharko (Paris), etc.

According to the defense of the doctoral dissertation (April 4, 1881) approved by the Privat-Association of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgery Academy, and since 1885 he was a professor at the University of Kazan and the head of the psychiatric clinic of the district Kazan hospital. During work in Kazan University, he created a psychophysiological laboratory and founded the Kazan Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. In 1893 he headed the department of nervous and mental diseases of the Medical and Surgical Academy. In the same year, he founded the magazine "Neurological Bulletin". In 1894, Vladimir Mikhailovich was appointed a member of the Medical Council of the Ministry of the Interior, and in 1895 - a member of the military-medical scientific council at the Military Minister and at the same time a member of the Council of the Charity of the Version of the Disamet. Since 1897, he also taught in the Women's Medical Institute.

Organized in St. Petersburg the society of psychoneurologists and society of normal and experimental psychology and scientific organization Labor. Edited magazines "Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology", "Studying and Education of Personality", "Labor Study Questions" and others.

In November 1900, the Bekhterev's two-volume "conducting pathways of the spinal and brain" was nominated Russian Academy Sciences on the Akademik K. M. Bair Award. In the same year, Vladimir Mikhailovich was elected chairman of the Russian society of normal and pathological psychology.

After completing the work on the seven volumes of the "Basics of the Treaty of Brain Functions", the special attention of Bekhterev as a scientist began to attract problems of psychology. Based on the fact that mental activity arises as a result of the work of the brain, he considered it possible to rely mainly on the achievements of physiology, and, above all, for the doctrine of combination (conditional) reflexes. In 1907-1910, Bekhterev published three volumes of the book "Objective Psychology". The scientist argued that all mental processes accompanied by reflex motor and vegetative reactions that are accessible to observation and registration.

He was a member of the editorial committee of many-dimensional "Traite International De Psychologie Pathologe" ("International Treatise on Pathological Psychology") (Paris, 1908-1910), for which they are written by several chapters. In 1908, a psychoneurological institute established in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg. Pedagogical, legal and medical faculties were opened in it. In 1916, these faculties were transformed into a private Petrograd University under the psychoneurological institute. Bekhterev himself accepted active participation In the work of the Institute and University, headed the economic committee of the latter.

In May 1918, Bekhterev appealed to the Council with a petition for the organization of the institute for the study of the brain and mental activity. Soon the institute opened, and his director before the death was Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. In 1927 he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR.

At the age of about 70 years old married a second marriage on Berth Yakovlevna Gurge.

He died suddenly on December 24, 1927 in Moscow. He was buried on the literal walkways on the Volkovsky cemetery in Leningrad.

After his death, V. M. Bekhterev left his own school and hundreds of students, including 70 professors.

VM Bekhterev died on December 24, 1927, suddenly in Moscow, a few hours after he poisoned as if poor food, whether cannedi, whether sandwiches. And this poisoning happened as if after very significant event: After the consultation he gave Stalin.

Scientific contribution

Physiological reflexes of Bekhterev (bladeless-shoulder, reflex large spindle, exhaled, etc.) allow you to determine the state of the corresponding reflex arcs, and the pathological (a thousand reflex of Mendel - Bekhterev, a custodial finger reflex, reflex Bekhterev - Jacobson reflect the defeat of the pyramidal paths.

I described some diseases and developed the methods of their treatment ("post-monetic symptoms of Bekhtereva", "Psychotherapeutic Triad Bekhtereva", "phobic symptoms of Bekhtereva", etc.). Bekhterev was described by the "spinal obsession of the spine with the curvature of him as special form Diseases "(" Bekhtereva's disease "," Ankylosing spondylitis ", 1892). Behterev has been allocated such diseases such as "ferret", "syphilitic multiple sclerosis", "acute cerebellery attacking of alcoholics". Created a number of drugs. Money Bekhtereva was widely used as a soothing means.

For many years he investigated the problems of hypnosis and suggestion, including with alcoholism.

For more than 20 years, studied the issues of sexual behavior and upbringing the child. Developed objective methods for studying the neuropsychic development of children.

Psychoanalysis (the teachings of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, etc.) have repeatedly criticized. But at the same time, contributed to the holding of theoretical, experimental and psychotherapeutic work on psychoanalysis, which were carried out in the institute headed by the Institute for the Study of Brain and mental activity.

In addition, Bekhterev developed and studied the relationship between nerve and mental illnesses, psychopathy. Icyclastic psychosis, clinic and pathogenesis of hallucinations, described a number of forms of obsessive states, various manifestations of mental automatism. For the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, mixed-reflex therapy of neurosis and alcoholism, psychotherapy by distraction, collective psychotherapy, was introduced.


In addition to the thesis "Experience of a clinical study of body temperature under certain forms of mental illness" (SPB., 1881), Bekhterev belongs to numerous work:

  1. on the normal anatomy of the nervous system;
  2. pathological anatomy of the central nervous system;
  3. physiology of the central nervous system;
  4. on the clinic of spiritual and nerve diseases
  5. according to psychology (the formation of our ideas about space, "Psychiatry Herald", 1884).

In these works, Bekhterev engaged in studying and studying the course of individual beams in the central nervous system, the composition of the white substance of the spinal cord and the fibers in the gray matter and at the same time, on the basis of the experiments produced, clarifying the physiological value of individual parts of the central nervous system (visual bugs, predominary Branches of auditory nerve, lower and upper olive, quadruple, etc.).

Behterev also managed to get some new data on the localization of various centers in the cerebral cerebral (for example ("Doctor", 1886). Many works of Bekhtereva are devoted to the description of the low-prospective pathological processes of the nervous system and individual cases of nerve diseases.


  • Basics of the teachings on the functions of the brain, St. Petersburg, 1903-07;
  • Objective psychology, St. Petersburg, 1907-10;
  • Psyche and life, 2 ed., SPb, 1904;
  • Bekhterev V. M. The suggestion and his role in public life. St. Petersburg: Edition K. L. Ricker, 1908
  • General diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, part 1-2, St. Petersburg, 1911-15;
  • Collective Reflexology, P., 1921
  • General Basics human reflexology, M.- P., 1923;
  • Conducting spinal and brain paths, M.- L., 1926;
  • Brain and activity, M.- L., 1928: Select. Production, M., 1954.

Outstanding Russian Medical Psychiatrist, Neuropathologist, Physiologist, Psychologist, founder of reflexology and pathopsychological directions in Russia, Academician.
In 1907, he founded a psychoneurological institute in St. Petersburg, now the name of Bekhtereva.

Born in the family of a small civil servant in the village of Soral, the Elabuga County, Vyatka province alleged January 20, 1857 (was baptized on January 23, 1857). He was a representative of the ancient Vyatka kind of Bekhterev. Education received in Vyatka gymnasium and St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. At the end of the course (1878), Bekhterev dedicated himself to the study of spiritual and nervous diseases and for this purpose he worked under the clinic of prof. I. P. Mergevsky.

In 1879, Bekhterev was adopted in the real members of the St. Petersburg Society of Psychiatrists. And in 1884, he was sent abroad, where he was engaged in Dubois-Rimon (Berlin), Wyandt (Leipzig), Meertain (Vienna), Sharko (Paris) and others. On the defense of the doctoral dissertation (April 4, 1981) approved Privat - Event of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgery Academy, and since 1885, consisted of a professor at Kazan University and the head of the psychiatric clinic of the district Kazan hospital. During work in Kazan University, he created a psychophysiological laboratory and founded the Kazan Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. In 1893 he headed the department of nervous and mental diseases of the Medical and Surgical Academy. In the same year, he founded the magazine "Neurological Bulletin". In 1894, Vladimir Mikhailovich was appointed a member of the Medical Council of the Ministry of the Interior, and in 1895 - a member of the military-medical scientific council at the Military Minister and at the same time a member of the Council of the Charity of the Version of the Disamet. From 1897 he also taught at the Women's Medical Institute.

Organized in St. Petersburg the society of psychoneurologists and society of normal and experimental psychology and the scientific organization of labor. Edited magazines "Review of Psychiatry, Neurology and Experimental Psychology", "Studying and Education of Personality", "Labor Study Questions" and others.

In November 1900, Bekhterev's two-volume two-headed paths was nominated by the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Academician Prize K. M. Bair. In 1900, Bekhterev was elected chairman of the Russian society of normal and pathological psychology.

After completing the work on the seven volumes of the "Basics of the Treaty of Brain Functions", the special attention of Bekhterev as a scientist began to attract problems of psychology. Based on the fact that mental activity arises as a result of the work of the brain, he considered it possible to rely mainly on the achievements of physiology, and, above all, for the doctrine of combination (conditional) reflexes. In 1907-1910, Bekhterev published three volumes of the book "Objective Psychology". The scientist argued that all mental processes are accompanied by reflex motor and vegetative reactions that are accessible to observation and registration.

He was a member of the editorial committee of many-dimensional "Traite International De Psychologie Pathologe" ("International Treatise on Pathological Psychology") (Paris, 1908-1910), for which they are written by several chapters. In 1908, a psychoneurological institute founded by the Psychoneurological Institute begins in St. Petersburg.

In May 1918, Bekhterev appealed to the Council with a petition for the organization of the institute for the study of the brain and mental activity. Soon the institute opened, and his director before the death was Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. In 1927 he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR.

He died suddenly on December 24, 1927 in Moscow, a few hours after he was poisoned by canned. There is a version that the death of Bekhtereva is related to the consultation, which he immediately before the death gave Stalin. But direct evidence that one event is connected with another, no.

After his death, V. M. Bekhterev left his own school and hundreds of students, including 70 professors.

Scientific contribution

Bekhterev explored a large number of psychiatric, neurological, physiological, morphological and psychological problems. In its approach, he always focused on a comprehensive study of brain and human problems. Reformation modern psychology, developed his own teaching, which consistently indicated as an objective psychology (from 1904), then as a psychoreflexology (since 1910) and as a reflexology (from 1917). She paid special attention to the development of reflexology as a comprehensive science of man and society (different from physiology and psychology), designed to replace the psychology.

Widely used the concept of "nervous reflex". Introduced into circulation the concept of "compatibility and motor reflex" and developed the concept of this reflex. He opened and studied the conducting pathways of the spinal and brain of a person, described some brain formations. I installed and allocated a number of reflexes, syndromes and symptoms. Physiological reflexes of Bekhterev (bladeless-shoulder, reflex large spindle, exhaled, etc.) allow you to determine the state of the corresponding reflex arcs, and the pathological (a thousand reflex of Mendel - Bekhterev, a custodial finger reflex, reflex Bekhterev - Jacobson reflect the defeat of the pyramidal paths.

I described some diseases and developed the methods of their treatment ("post-monetic symptoms of Bekhtereva", "Psychotherapeutic Triad Bekhtereva", "phobic symptoms of Bekhtereva", etc.). In 1892, Bekhterev was described by the "spine's obsession with curvature of it as a special form of the disease" ("Bekhtereva's disease", "Ankylosing spondylitis"). Behterev has been allocated such diseases such as "ferret", "syphilitic multiple sclerosis", "acute cerebellery attacking of alcoholics". Created a number of drugs. Money Bekhtereva was widely used as a soothing means.

For many years he investigated the problems of hypnosis and suggestion, including with alcoholism.

For more than 20 years he studied the issues of sexual behavior and child education. Developed objective methods for studying the neuropsychic development of children.

Psychoanalysis (the teachings of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, etc.) have repeatedly criticized. But at the same time, contributed to the holding of theoretical, experimental and psychotherapeutic work on psychoanalysis, which were carried out in the institute headed by the Institute for the Study of Brain and mental activity.

In addition, Bekhterev developed and studied the relationship between nervous and mental illnesses, psychopathy and circular psychosis, clinic and pathogenesis of hallucinations, described a number of forms of obsessive states, various manifestations of mental automatism. For the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, mixed-reflex therapy of neurosis and alcoholism, psychotherapy by distraction, collective psychotherapy, was introduced.


In addition to the thesis "Experience of a clinical study of body temperature under certain forms of mental illness" (SPB., 1881), Bekhterev belongs to numerous work:

1) on the normal anatomy of the nervous system;

2) pathological anatomy of the central nervous system;

3) physiology of the central nervous system;

4) on the clinic of spiritual and nervous diseases and, finally,

5) According to psychology (the formation of our ideas about space, "Psychiatry Herald", 1884).

In these works, Bekhterev engaged in studying and studying the course of individual beams in the central nervous system, the composition of the white substance of the spinal cord and the fibers in the gray substance and at the same time, on the basis of the experiments produced, clarifying the physiological value of the individual parts of the central nervous system (visual bugs, predominary Branches of auditory nerve, lower and upper olive, quadruple, etc.). Bekhterev was also able to get some new data on the localization of various centers in the cerebral cerebral (for example, the localization of the skin - tactile and pain - sensations and muscular consciousness on the surface of the brain hemispheres, "doctor", 1883) and also on the physiology of motion centers of the brain bark ("Doctor", 1886). Many works of Bekhtereva are devoted to the description of the low-prospective pathological processes of the nervous system and individual cases of nerve diseases. So.: Basics of the teachings on the functions of the brain, St. Petersburg, 1903-07; Objective psychology, St. Petersburg, 1907-10; Psyche and life, 2 ed., SPb, 1904; General diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system, part 1-2, St. Petersburg, 1911-15; Collective Reflexology, P., 1921: General Fundamentals of Man's Reflexology, M.- P., 1923; Conducting spinal and brain paths, M.- L., 1926; Brain and activity, M.- L., 1928: Select. Production, M., 1954.

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"... only two know - the Lord God and Bekhterev"

He was surprised. Pupil Academician Bekhtereva Professor Mikhail Pavlovich Nikitin recalled his conversation with one of the foreign scientists, who unexpectedly admitted: "I would believe that Vladimir Bekhterev did so much in science and wrote such a number of scientific works if they were confident that they could be read For one life. " Different bibliographic directories show that Vladimir Bekhterev wrote and published more than a thousand scientific papers.

He believed in it. Recommended young scientist Bekhterev at the department of the Department of Psychiatry of the Kazan University, his teacher I. M. Balinsky wrote that "he got a hard foot on anatomy-physiological soil - the only one, from which further success in the science of nervous and mental illnesses should be expected."

There were legends about him. One of the most famous even got the name "Bekhterev at around bypass." "Bekhterev walked around the chambers, accompanied by the" tail ", joked, smiling, somehow freely today solving questions that have become the others in a dead end.

- This patient after a quarrel of the flames. Specialists otolaryngologists do not find any changes in the auditory. They believed that the deafness is hysterical, but ... - reported Bekhterev, busily threw a sharp chin, Raisa Yakovlevna Galvan.

- Hmm! - slapped in his hands over the ear of the patient: no reaction. "However ..." - the gesture showed the patient to undress the belt. Posted on a piece of paper: "I will spend your finger or a piece of paper on your back, and you will answer me - what?" And right there, by spending a finger, at the same time a piece of paper.

"A piece of paper," the patient said quickly.

- You are healthy, already hear! You can write out.

- Thank you, - quietly agreed the patient. Bekhterev told the doctors who accompanied him:

- Simulation of Vulgaris.

"... this patient was transferred to us from Maximilianovskaya," continued Galvan. - right-sided paralysis. The patient suffers from heart disease. Embolida vessels assumed. Treatment for two months did not give any improvement. So decided to consult with you ...

Behterev carefully examined the patient and, applying the tube to the skull, began to listen to it. Talked everyone in turn:

- Hear? This is what is called the "Wolf's noise". I assume aneurysm. It presses on the high hemispheres of the left hemisphere. The patient must be operated immediately.

Bypass continued.

- Afaja ... Engineer by profession, who received us already with full loss of speech.

However, it can be explained in writing or with the help of a special dictionary. The rumor is not disturbed.

Bekhterev was silent, cleared his way. Finally, he bowed to the patient, his robe began to push:

- Tell me, dear ... And how much will two plus two?

The patient was embarrassed, shrugged inadvertegable, sorry molded his forehead. Bekhterev sighed:

- Apparently, the front part of the brocade center is amazed, an anatomically connected with the center of the account ... - and, by going away from the patient, said: - symptomatic treatment. Bromides. Physiotherapy. Pochy! - and spread his arms, emphasizing the powerlessness of medicine.

And to this priestly, Shrushonka, who rose, smiling, at the entrance of the academician in the ward, Bekhterev approached himself:

- Well, granny, better?

- Better, Sokolik, better.

- Here you go. Perfectly. Go to your old man. And all will be well. I will come to your golden wedding. "

They were sorely admired. Bekhterev's colleagues were not a joke that only two knew the anatomy of the brain - the Lord God and Bekhterev.

Stages of his "Big Road" hit the imagination. Vladimir Bekhterev was a genius. He first created a new scientific direction in the world - psychoneurology and all his life he devoted to the study of the human person. It was for this that he founded 33 institutes, 29 scientific magazines. Bekhtereva's school passed more than 5,000 students. Starting with the study of the physiology of the brain, he moved to the study of his work in various modes and their reflection on physiology.

Seriously studied hypnosis, and even introduced his medical practice in Russia.

The first formed the laws social psychology, has developed issues of personality development.

He proved with its titanic work: one person can do a lot if he goes to a big goal. And on the way to the goal acquires a lot of titles and knowledge. Bekhterev is a professor, academician, psychiatrist, neuropathologist, psychologist, physiologist, morphologist, hypnotist and philosopher.

Genius was born on February 1, 1857 in the village of Vyatka province in the family of the Bailiff. At last nineteenth age, left without a father, and a family of five - mother and four sons - experienced great material difficulties.

In 1878 he graduated from the Medical and Surgery Academy. Since 1885, he was the head of the Psychiatry Department of the Kazan University, where he first created the psychophysiological laboratory and founded the magazine "Neurological Bulletin" and the Kazan Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists.

Since 1893 he worked in St. Petersburg, held the post of professor of the Military Medical Academy. Since 1897 - Professor of the Women's Medical Institute.

In 1908 he became the director of the psychoneurological institute organized by him.

In 1918, he headed the institution created on his initiative to study the brain and mental activity (later - the State Reflexology Institute for the Study of the Brain, which received his name).

In 1927 he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR.

As a scientist, he was always interested in a person - his psyche and the brain. According to experts, he explored the identity on the basis of a comprehensive study of the brain with physiological, anatomical and psychological methodsLater - through an attempt to create a comprehensive science of man and society (called reflexology).

The largest contribution to the science of Bekhtereva's work in the field of brain morphology.

For almost 20 years he devoted the study of sex education and behavior of a child of early age.

All life investigated the power of hypnotic suggestion, including alcoholism. Developed the theory of suggestion.

He first allocated a number of characteristic reflexes, symptoms and syndromes, important for the diagnosis of neurophecological diseases. Described a number of diseases and methods of their treatment. In addition to the thesis "Experience of a clinical study of body temperature under some forms of mental illness," Bekhterev belongs to numerous works that are devoted to the description of the low-prospective pathological processes of the nervous system and individual cases of nervous diseases. For example, he studied and treated many mental disorders and syndromes: Fearful to redden, fear of late, obsessive jealousy, an obsessive smile, fear of someone else's glance, fear of sexual impotence, obsession with reptilophrenia and others.

Assessing the importance of psychology to solve the fundamental problems of psychiatry, Bekhterev did not forget that psychiatry as a clinical discipline in turn enriches psychology, sets new problems to it and solves some complex issues of psychology. This mutual enrichment of psychology and psychiatry of Bekhterev understood as follows: "... having received an impetus in its development, psychiatry as a science dealing with painful disorders of mental activity provided huge services of psychology. The newest progress of psychiatry, obliged to largely clinically studying mental disorders in the bed of the patient, served as the basis for the special department of knowledge known as the pathological psychology, which has already led to the permission of very many psychological problems and on which, without a doubt, can be even more in this regard Expect in the future. "

Death him still causes bewilderment. He died suddenly on December 24, 1927 in Moscow, a few hours after he was poisoned as if poor-quality meals: whether cannedi, whether sandwiches. Moreover, this poisoning happened as if after a very significant event: after the consultation he gave Stalin. But direct evidence that one event is associated with the other, there is still no. Meanwhile, in the minds of many people, they looked up with each other and keep not one generation.

This is what Professor told himself, head of the Psychiatry Department of the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad - St. Petersburg (before it was led by V. M. Bekhterev for many years) Anatoly Portnov in his interview with the Socialist Industry newspaper (1989, 28 Apr.):

"... I remember the article O. Claus" The Last Diagnosis "in the" Literary Gazette "of September 28, 1988, where it is argued that Bekhterev in the presence of several people called Stalin" Sukhoruki Paranoik "... So, the version was expressed that Bekhterev was examined by Stalin, set He was diagnosed with Paraborion, spoke about it in the sidelines of the congress of psychiatrists and neuropathologists in December 1927. It allegedly the cause of the death of academician. From nowhere, neither the unknown personality appeared in the staff, which led him to the buffet and fed suspicious sandwiches. As a result, Vladimir Mikhailovich had acute food poisoning and soon he died.

This detective story seems implausible to me - do not et alive. As for the legendary phrase, Behterev, I am sure I could not say it. And not at all because the reprisals would be frightened. Vladimir Mikhailovich was really very bold man And spoke unlighting things despite the face, - the authors of the version rightly write about it.

But for some reason they silent that he was also a man of the highest culture that did not allow himself to insult people, especially since the eyes.

Sukhoruki paranoid ... so to speak about the patient, even a novice psychiatrist cannot. And Bekhterev was the largest specialist recognized worldwide. He was distinguished by exceptional tact, delicacy, subtlety in relations with people, called for colleagues to observe the medical secret, sparing the pride of the patients.

If Bekhterev and put the diagnosis to Stalin, he would never talk about it in the sidelines, and even in offensive expressions. I am convinced that they are attributed to the scientist people who do not know his way of thinking, moral position.

The name of Bekhtereva for several decades was committed to oblivion, now it was spoke again. And we have no right - voluntarily or unwittingly - throwing a shadow on him, especially without having convincing evidence.

... As for the mental health of Stalin, I will find a very unoriginal, saying that he was not paranoid. All his mental warehouse does not correspond to what happens at the same disease ... In particular, the paranoid is generally not capable of doublus - Stalin retained its dozens of years. "

However, the strange circumstances of the disease - the development of it during the day, the non-professionalism of the treatment carried out - as well as the peculiarities of the pathoanatomic autopsy (only the brain was removed and explored), hasty cremation of the body in Moscow and the subsequent obligations of the scientist for 30 years - all this suggests The violent nature of death.

Urn with the ashes of Vladimir Bekhtereva is buried on the Volkov Cemetery in St. Petersburg. And his brilliant brain is stored at the Brain Institute.

The son of Bekhtereva Petr is a talented engineer and an inventor - was repressed and disappeared in Stalin's Gulag. The granddaughter of Bekhtereva Natalia Petrovna as the "daughter of the enemy of the people" and his brother was in an orphanage. In the future, she graduated from LMI. I. P. Pavlova, became an academician. Since 1986 he headed the institute experimental medicine in St. Petersburg.

About hypnosis

... What is a hypnotic state? It is known that Charcot considered him as a special nervous state, such a hysteria, Bernjeim - like a suspicious sleep, some recognized him for a special emotion or spiritual excitement (affect), and I recognized the right to consider it as a special modification of natural sleep.

The opinion of Sharko, who admitted a special nervous state in hypnosis, such a hysteria, now completely left, since the experiments have shown that most people are amenable to the hypnosis to one degree or another. To recognize all hysterical, obviously, it is impossible. This theory was applied to the final blow when it turned out the need to recognize hypnosis and animals for the phenomenon, a completely similar and related human hypnosis.

... Among my patients there was one foreman's peasant from recruits, who did not understand the Russian language, which suffered from a spinal cutlery, or incomplete paralysis, and which I studied against reflexes obtained from the tibia. For this purpose, I had to be mile up repeatedly in the front surface of the berth. I did not pass five minutes, as I noticed that my subject fell asleep. Suppose that the case is about hypnosis, I did, in order to test, suggest the smells and different tasteings, and it turned out that the impressed hallucinations were completely successful. This fact made admit that it was not about an ordinary dream in this case, but about hypnosis; Meanwhile, this peasant foreman did not at all and did not even understand the Russian language. It is clear that it was going on about the impacts of a mechanical nature that led to hypnosis in the absence of suggestion.

I also had a case when under the influence of a simple suggestion managed to cause a moderate degree in one of the women, whereas a strong lighting of a mirror introduced it to such a deep hypnotic state with the character of lethargy, that it was possible to remove it from hypnosis as a way Strong mechanical fillacking with a okhrica or by using a strong foraudic current, while the suggestion wake up, even repeated with perseverance, remained unsuccessful ...

These and similar facts do not leave doubts that hypnosis is not called not one suggestion and that physical impacts are sometimes more effective than verbal impact in the form of suggestion.

The same conclusion also leads the fact that children in infant age are easily sleeping by methodical stroking or light pattering on the back and monotonous entry of a lullaby song, while the verbal suggestion does not play the roles here.

Finally, at present, as we have already said, it has been established that hypnosis of animals is a completely similar hypnosis in humans, and in animals about the verbal suggestion there can be no speech.

On the other hand, it is impossible to recognize unconditionally and then rapprochement of hypnosis and sleep, reaching almost before identifying, which makes Bernjeim. Hypnosis and sleep with well-known similarities have substantial differences. So, with hypnotics you can talk and receive answers from it; Next, during hypnosis, an increased suggestibility is observed, which does not happen in an ordinary dream: a hypnotized can be made by suggestion to automatically walk, perform those or other actions, etc. This was the reason for me at one time to admit hypnosis For sleep, at least enough, and for a kind of change of sleep, more precisely - a kind of senior condition.

To this, it should be added that the hypnosis differs from ordinary sleep another feature, so called. rapport. In deep hypnosis between hypnotized and hypnotizer, a special relationship is established: the first one hears only the words of the second, obeys him in everything, performs his suggestion unquestionably, whereas on the impact of third-party persons he does not react at all.

Let's see now, on which the emotional theory of hypnosis is based. It relies on the fact that with some emotions, the ability to reproduce the experienced during strong emotion At the same time, during the experienced emotion, an increased suggestibility is detected. These are both features, as you know, are observed in hypnosis. But in similarity, in the specified relation, the hypnosis is not suitable for any of the emotions known to us, and to recognize it with special emotion, it would be necessary to indicate its biological nature, because it is so called. Emotions, or, expressing objectively, mimico-somatic states are produced in life conditions as certain reactions under certain external conditions. Imagine with sudden external influence, fear for danger, shame as a protective reflex against encroachment on the sexual sphere, jealousy as the fear of the loss of sexual object, etc. - all this is mimico-somatic states that have been working out as appropriate reflexes under respective conditions.

What emotion or which mimico-somatic state is a hypnosis as a kindred to sleep?

If hypnosis, as we know, is observed in animals, it is quite natural that the roots of his origin are deep in the organic world. And indeed, in general, a number of animals, from the lowest to the higher, we see the special states of "talking", or the phenomenon so called. Imaginary death, which for the same animals can be caused and artificially. When a bug or a spider crawls through paper, a lightly impact on the table or a sheet of paper so that it is instantly and for a long time has become fixed, in other words, stopped in a duplicate condition. If, capturing the snake by the tail, we quickly shake it in the air, we will see how it is instantly discovered and becomes solid as a stick. Perhaps this is explained by the ancient "miracle" when in the hands of Moses that opened the water source, the rod turned into a snake. The bird under a closer look at the unexpected snake snakes chainets and becomes her victim, although it would seem that it could easily fly away and the way to avoid death. The major African rodent of Cabrib, despite the fact that it has a quick run, exactly the same way falls into the mouth of the snake. Similar examples of stitching represent more higher vertebrates, to monkeys inclusive. In the context of human cultural life, such phenomena are observed relatively rarely, but here we know cases of "tooltopenia" or "talking" with suddenly emerging external irritations, as, for example, with fires and earthquakes. Let us remember the biblical legend of Sarre, which turned at the form of the death of Sodom and Gomorra in the "salt" pillar. (The name "Salo" here is used, of course, as a comparison.)

It is asked: what is the biological meaning of these phenomena, characterized by a sudden stiffness of movements? Observations show that they are developing with a sudden hazard appearance. But what is the meaning of these reactions and how can the natural selection referring such a phenomenon? From the foregoing, it is clear that in the whole animal world, to a person inclusive, we have a common brake reflex, developing under the conditions of sudden irritations that affect the Mimicious somatic sphere. Although this reflex leads in some cases to the death of the individual, in general, however, it is protective, and, consequently, useful. The usefulness of this brake reflex is visible from the fact that the state of depletion is for most cases to a fully salvation for an animal.

Bug, taking a fixed position, becomes less noticeable as a target for predators. There are experienced experiments that even the chicks easily grab the crawling caterpillar, while the calmly lying caterparts are left alone. And the bird itself is per minute of danger saves by a fixed position or state of stuporing from predators. The same should be borne in mind and in relation to the highest vertebrate.

If in some cases the development of this reflex turns out to be disastrous for the individual, then it is impossible to lose sight of that we observe and in all in general inborn reflexes. They are appropriate for a huge majority of cases and may be just inexpedient and even harmful in some cases. An example is at least a blissful reflex: being extremely useful for the eyes in general, since using its dust particle removed from mucous membranes to the inner corner of the eye, the same reflex may also be extremely harmful if any sharp item falls under the top eyelid For when blinking in this case, difficult damage to the corneal of the eye is possible.

The usefulness of the total brake reflex with the character of the discharge is also used in nature and otherwise, in the interests of reproducing offspring, when the female of animals under the conditions of mating should be a fixed being. We are visible on amphibians and even in birds. The homemade chicken, which jumped off the rooster, capturing her with a beak for the inferction, suddenly discovered, stopping as the inserted, and remains without the slightest motion at the moment of mating. The deceitivity associated with the appearance of sudden strong irritations of a kind, can be detected and under the influence of weak and monotonous and generally monotonous stimuli. An example is the known fascination to the snakes of the flutes, the taming of animals with a close look, etc.

The specified state of derapet, observed in nature, is the sample of the hypnotic state, which we study in laboratories and clinics. And what we call hypnosis is only an artificial reproduction of the total brake reflex in the form of a sinking degree in one degree or another.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev is an outstanding Russian psychiatrist, one of the founders of Russian experimental psychology, possessed outstanding abilities and exceptional hard work.

The future great doctor was born on January 20, 1857 in the family of a small civil servant in the village of Elabuga County of Vyatka province (now Bekhterevo Republic of Tatarstan).

In 1856, his father, Mikhail Pavlovich, who sent to the modest china of the College Secretary, died from tuberculosis, leaving orphans three sons. He was not 40 years old. The youngest, Volodya, the elder brother Nicholas was preparing for the exams in the gymnasium, something was helped by the mother. He passed the exams successfully, and the Commission decided to enroll him immediately into the second class.

From August 16, 1867, he began to occupy. Later in the "Autobiography", recalling the time, Bekhterev will write: "I suppose that there was no well-known popular book on natural science, which would not have visited my hands and would not be more or less shifted with appropriate statements. There is nothing to say that such books such as Pisareva, Portuguez, Drevolyubova, Driver, Shelgunova and others, have reread with hobby many times. Darwin's essential at that time was, by the way, the subject of the very attentive study on my part. "

The knowledge they received during their studies in the gymnasium allowed Bekhterev at sixteen and a half years to enter the famous Medical and Surgery Academy in St. Petersburg, while only applicants who have reached 17 years have taken there.

At 21, by graduating, he remained at the Academy for scientific improvement under the leadership of the largest Russian psychiatrist Ivan Pavlovich Mergevsky (1838-1908). On April 4, 1881, Bekhterev successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on medicine on the topic "The experience of a clinical study of body temperature in some forms of mental diseases" and received a scientist privat-affection.

On June 1, 1884, at the 27th age, his as a particularly talented scientist, which has many own studies published in Russian and foreign languages, will be sent for two years abroad. Behterev is internship in laboratories and clinics of such world-famous specialists, such as Leipzig Neurologist Paul Flexig (1847-1929), one of the founders of modern neuromorphology, an outstanding Paris neuropathologist Charcot and Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of experimental psychology. Bekhterev left them a good impression of them, hitting their lack of interest and depth knowledge. It should be noted that, thanks to the visit to the Charcot clinic, in which work was played by the work on the study of hypnosis, Bekhterev learned to be treated with hypnosis and suggestion.

In the spring of 1885, Bekhterev goes to Munich, he gets acquainted with the clinic and laboratories of the famous German psychoneurologist Bernard von Gudden, tragically died in a year, June 13, on Sunday, during the rescue of the spiritual king Ludwig II in the Lake Starnberg.

Summer months of 1885, a young scientist spent in Vienna. It was interested in the methods of work of the "old connoisseur of the brain" anatoma and a psychiatrist Meinerut. Upon returning to Russia in July 1885, 28-year-old Bekhterev was appointed by the Order of the Minister of Folk Enlightenment by the professor and the head of the Psychiatry Department of the Kazan University.

After returning from a business trip, Bekhterev begins to read a course of lectures on the diagnosis of nerve diseases to students of the fifth year of Kazan University. Being since 1884, Professor of the University of Kazan at the Department of Health Diseases, Bekhterev provided the teaching of this subject with the Clinical Department in the Kazan District Medical Science and the Psychophysiological Laboratory at the University; I established the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists, founded the magazine "Neurological Bulletin" and issued a number of his works, as well as the works of his students on various departments of neuropathology and anatomy of the nervous system.

In 1883, Bekhterev was awarded the silver medal of society of Russian doctors for the article "On forced and violent movements in the destruction of some parts of the central nervous system." In this article, Bekhterev paid attention to the fact that nervous diseases can often be accompanied by mental disorders, and in spiritual diseases there are also signs of organic lesion of the central nervous system. In the same year, he is elected to the members of the Italian society of psychiatrists.

His most famous article "Spoken's obsession with curvature of him as a special form of the disease" was published in the metropolitan journal "Doctor" in 1892. Bekhterev was described by the "spine's obsession with curvature of him as a special form of the disease" (now known as the disease of Behterev, ankylosing spondylitrite, rheumatoid spondylitis), that is, the systemic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue with the lesion of the joint spine, as well as the peripheral joints, sacrilate -Stellic articulation, hip and shoulder joints and involvement in the internal organs process.

Bekhterev also allocated diseases such as Hoseic hollow, syphilitic multiple sclerosis, acute cerebellery attacking of alcoholics. These, as well as other neurological symptoms identified by scientists and a number of original clinical observations were reflected in the two-volume book "Nervous Diseases in individual observations" published in Kazan. Since 1893, the Kazan neurological society began to regularly publish his printed organ - the magazine "Neurological Bulletin", which was published until 1918, edited by Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhtereva.

In the spring of 1893, Bekhterev received an invitation from the head of the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy from the head of the St. Petersburg military and nervous disease. Behterev arrived in Petersburg and began to create the first neurosurgical operating operational in Russia. In the laboratories, the Bekhterev clinic, together with its employees and students, continued numerous studies on the morphology and physiology of the nervous system. This allowed him to replenish materials on neuromorphology and proceed to work on the fundamental semitomic work "Fundamentals of the teachings on the functions of the brain."

In 1894, Bekhterev was appointed a member of the Medical Council of the Ministry of the Interior, and in 1895 he became a member of the military-medical scientist at the Military Minister and at the same time a member of the Council of the House of Version of the Disamet.

In November 1900, a two-volume "conducting pathways of the dorsal and brain" was nominated by the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Akademik KM Prize Baer. In 1902, Bekhterev published a book "Psyche and Life". By that time, Bekhterev prepared for the press the first volume of the "Basics of the Treaty of Brain Functions", which became its main labor on neurophysiology. The general provisions on the activity of the brain were collected and systematized. So, Bekhterev presented the energy theory of braking, according to which the nerve energy in the brain rushes towards the center in an active state.

According to Bekhtereva, this energy is as it should flow into it on the binding of individual brain territories by conducting paths, primarily from near the territories of the brain, in which, as Bekhterev believed, "decrease in excitability, therefore, oppression". In general, the works of Bekhtereva on the study of the morphology of the brain made an invaluable contribution to the development of domestic psychology. It, in particular, was interested in the course of individual beams in the central nervous system, the composition of the white substance of the spinal cord and the course of the fibers in the gray substance, and at the same time, on the basis of the experiments produced, he managed to find out the physiological significance of the individual parts of the central nervous system (visual buggers, the predvender branch Hearing nerve, lower and upper olive, quadruple).

Pursuing directly by the functions of the brain, Bekhterev opened the kernel and conducting ways in the brain; created the doctrine of the conducting pathways of the spinal cord and the functional anatomy of the brain; established an anatomy-physiological basis for equilibrium and spatial orientation, found the centers of the movement and secretion of internal organs in the cortex cortex, etc. After completing the work on the seven volumes of the "Basics of the Treaty of Brain Functions", the Psychology of Psychology began to involve special attention to Bekhterev.

Bekhterev spoke of an equal existence of two psychologies: he allocated subjective psychology, the main method of which the introspection should be, and objective. Bekhterev called himself a representative of objective psychology, but considered an objective study only externally observed, i.e. behavior (in the behaviority), and physiological activity of the nervous system. Based on the fact that mental activity arises as a result of the work of the brain, he considered it possible to rely mainly on the achievements of physiology, and above all for the doctrine of conditional reflexes.

Thus, Bekhterev creates a whole teaching, called by the reflexology, which actually continued the case of objective psychology of Bekhtereva. In 1907-1910, Bekhterev published three volumes of the book "Objective Psychology". The scientist argued that all mental processes are accompanied by reflex motor and vegetative reactions that are accessible to observation and registration. To describe complex forms of reflex activity, Bekhterev suggested the term "combination-motor reflex". He also described a number of physiological and pathological reflexes, symptoms and syndromes.

Physiological reflexes open behterev (bladeless, reflex large spine, exhaled, etc.) allow you to determine the condition of the corresponding reflex arcs, and the pathological (a non-stop reflex of Mendel-Bekhterev, the custodial finger reflex, reflex-jacobson reflects the defeat of the pyramid . The symptoms of behterev are observed with different pathological conditions: a spinal dry shot, sedlicated neuralgia, massive brain strokes, angiotroid-pool, pathological processes in brain base shells, etc. To estimate the symptoms of Bekhterev, created special devices (an algezimetre, which makes it possible to accurately measure pain sensitivity; a basketsiometer, measuring pressure sensitivity; Mioesiometer - a device for measuring sensitivity, etc.).

Bekhterev also developed objective methods for studying the neuropsychic development of children, the relationship between nervous and mental illnesses, psychopathy and circular psychosis, clinic and pathogenesis of hallucinations, described a number of forms of obsessive states, various manifestations of mental automatism. For the treatment of neuropsychiatric disease, he introduced the combination-reflex therapy of neurosis and alcoholism, psychotherapy by the method of distraction, collective psychotherapy. Medicine Bekhtereva's detergent was widely used. In 1908, Bekhterev created a psychoneurological institute in St. Petersburg and became its director.

After the revolution in 1918, Bekhterev appealed to the Council with a petition for the organization of the Institute for the Study of Brain and Mental Activities. When the institute was created, Bekhterev took the position of his director and remained to them until the death. The Institute for Studying the Brain and Mental Activities was subsequently named by the State Reflectological Institute for the Study of the Brain. V.M. Bekhtereva.

In 1921, academician V.M. Bekhterev together with the famous animal trainer V.L. Durov was experiencing an experiments of a mental suggestion by trained dogs in advance of conceived actions. Similar experiments were carried out in the practical laboratory of zoopsychology, which was led by V.L. Durov with the participation of one of the pioneers of a mental suggestion in the USSR engineer B.B. Kaginsky. Already by the beginning of 1921 in the laboratory V.L. Durov for 20 months of research was done by 1278 experiments of mental suggestion (dogs), including successful 696 and unsuccessful 582. Experiments with dogs showed that a mental suggestion should not necessarily carry out a trainer, it could be an experienced inductor. It was necessary only to know and applied the transmission technique installed by the trainer. The suggestion was carried out both with direct visual contact with the animals and at a distance when the dogs did not see and did not hear the trainer, and he is them.

It should be emphasized that the experiments were carried out with dogs having certain changes in the psyche that arose after special training. Worldwide Recognized Scientist, Academician Bekhterev was distinguished by polyhedral scientific interests. In all encyclopedias after his behalf, three specialties are called immediately: neurology, psychology and psychiatry, and in each of them he left a deep mark. Peru Bekhtereva owns many works devoted to hypnosis, let's call some of them: "On objective signs of suggestions experienced in hypnosis" (1905); "On the question of the medical sign of hypnosis" (1893); "Medical meaning of hypnosis" (1900); "On hypnotism" (1911), etc.

At the end of 1927 V.M. Bekhterev was to participate in the work of the I of the All-Union Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists and the I All-Union Congress, devoted to the problem of education and teaching children. In Moscow, he settled in the house of an old friend, Professor University S.I. Blagovolin.

December 22 at the emerging congress of neuropathologists and psychiatrists V.M. Bekhtereva was elected honorary chairman. On the same day, his last public speech was held: he made a report on collective treatment with an impression under hypnosis of patients with addicts and, in particular, alcoholism, as well as various forms of neurosis; He spoke about the technique of collective hypuncium and therapy and its advantages over the individual method of treatment, which is associated with the original mutual induction of patients.

The next day, he led the meeting of the congress dedicated to the problem of epilepsy. The meeting took place in the building of the Institute of Psychonevroproproproprophilaxis Naroscope in Kudrinskaya Street. After the meeting of V.M. Bekhterev expressed a desire to get acquainted with some laboratories of the institute. Accompanied by the director and major Moscow psychiatrists, he visited the laboratory of the morphology of the central nervous system and the department of pathophysiology of labor, which was led by a former student V.M. Bekhtereva - Ilyin.

In the evening of the same day, he was on the performance in the Bolshoi Theater, and at 23 to 40 minutes on December 24, 1927 the largest neuromorphologist, neuropathologist and psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev died. V.M. Bekhterev left his own school and hundreds of students, including 70 professors. However, none of his students could replace the late scientist-an encyclopedist endowed with brilliant organizational abilities. The psychoneurological academy created by him soon broke up.

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