Self-control in stressful situations test. Test "Self-controlling in communication

Health Ecology: With the help of these tests, you can independently determine your physical fitness and draw up a program of classes ...

How to make an individual classes

With these tests, you can independently determine your physical fitness and draw up a program of classes.

In determining physical fitness, a calculator is used when compiling individual program Classes - adder and dispenser.

Calculator of physical condition It is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the functionality of the cardiovascular system and physical fitness on the PALEEX-2 score system (control-express).

The counter levels-2 was developed by domestic scientists S.A. Sushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for the primary (counterex-3), the current (counterex-2) and self-control (counterex-1).

Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the system "Counters-2" are shown below.

Counharx-2 includes 11 indicators and tests that are assessed as follows:

1. Age. Every year of life gives 1 point. For example, 50 points are accrued at the age of 50, etc.

2. Body mass. Normal mass is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram, 5 points calculated by the following formulas are deducted:

men: 50 + (growth - 150) x0,75 + (age - 21) / 4

women: 50 + (growth - 150) x0.32 + (age - 21) / 5

For example, a male 50 years with an increase in 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and the normal mass of the body will be:

50 + (180 - 150) x 0.75 + (50 - 21) / 4 \u003d 80 kg.

For exceeding the age norm by 5 kg, 5x5 \u003d 25 points is deducted from the total amount of points.

3. Arterial pressure. Normal blood pressure is estimated at 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. Systolic or diastolic pressure is above the calculated values \u200b\u200bdefined by the following formula, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

men: adsist. \u003d 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight;
Addiast \u003d 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight;

women: adsist. \u003d 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight;
Addiast \u003d 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, in a man of 50 years with a mass of body 85 kg, an armful pressure of 150/90 mm RT. Art.

The age norm of systolic pressure is:

109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 \u003d 142.5 mm RT. Art.

Diastolic pressure rate:

74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 \u003d 92 mm RT. Art.

For exceeding the systolic pressure rate by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are subtracted from the total amount.

4. Pulse alone. For each blow to less than 90, one score is charged. For example, the pulse 70 per minute gives 20 points. With pulse 90 and above, the scores are not charged.

5. Flexibility. Standing on the step with legs straightened in the knees, the tilt is running forward with the touch of the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of the stop) and the preservation of the posture of at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter is below the zero point, equal to or greater than the age rate given for men and for women in Table. 1 is estimated at 1 point, when the standard fails, the scores are not charged. The test is carried out three times in a row, and the best result is counted.

For example, a man of 50 years old when the slope touched the fingers of 8 cm below the zero mark. According to the table. 1, the standard for a man for 50 years is 6 cm. Consequently, 1 point is charged for the performance of the standard and 2 points for its excess. The total amount is 3 points.

Table 1. Statutors of motor tests for assessing basic physical qualities

Age, years Flexibility, see Speed, see Dynamic power, see High-speed endurance Speed-force endurance Total endurance
10-minute running, m 2000 m, min.
husband. wives. husband. wives. husband. wives. husband. wives. husband. wives. husband. wives. husband. wives.
19 9 10 13 15 57 41 18 15 23 21 3000 2065 7,00 8,43
20 9 10 13 15 56 40 18 15 22 20 2900 2010 7,10 8,56
21 9 10 14 16 55 39 17 14 22 20 2800 1960 7,20 9,10
22 9 10 14 16 53 38 17 14 21 19 2750 1920 7,30 9,23
23 8 9 14 16 52 37 17 14 21 19 2700 1875 7,40 9,36
24 8 9 15 17 51 37 16 13 20 18 2650 1840 7,50 9,48
25 8 9 15 17 50 36 16 13 20 18 2600 1800 8,00 10,00
26 8 9 15 18 49 35 16 13 20 18 2550 1765 8,10 10,12
27 8 9 16 18 48 35 15 12 19 17 2500 1730 8,20 10,24
28 8 8 16 18 47 34 15 12 19 17 2450 1700 8,27 10,35
29 7 8 16 18 46 33 15 12 19 17 2400 1670 8,37 10,47
30 7 8 16 19 46 33 15 12 18 16 2370 1640 8,46 10,58
31 7 8 17 19 45 32 14 12 18 16 2350 1620 8,55 11,08
32 7 8 17 19 44 32 14 11 18 16 2300 1590 9,04 11,20
33 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 16 2250 1565 9,12 11,30
34 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 15 2220 1545 9,20 11,40
35 7 8 18 20 42 30 14 11 17 15 2200 1520 9,28 11,50
36 7 7 16 20 42 30 13 11 17 15 2200 1500 9,36 12,00
37 7 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1475 9,47 12,12
38 6 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1460 9,52 12,20
39 6 7 19 21 40 29 13 10 16 14 2000 1445 10,00 12,30
40 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1420 10,08 12,40
41 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1405 10,14 12,48
42 6 7 19 22 39 28 12 10 15 14 2000 1390 10,22 12,58
43 6 7 20 22 38 27 12 10 15 14 2000 1370 10,30 13,07
44 6 7 20 23 38 27 12 10 15 14 1950 1355 10,37 13,16
45 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1950 1340 10,44 13,25
46 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1900 1325 10,52 13,34
47 6 7 20 23 36 26 12 9 15 13 1900 1310 10,58 13,43
48 6 6 21 24 36 26 12 9 14 13 1900 1300 11,05 13,52
49 6 6 21 24 36 26 11 9 14 13 1850 1285 11,12 14,00
50 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1850 1273 11,19 14,08
51 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1800 1260 11,25 14,17
52 6 6 22 25 35 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1250 11,34 14,25
53 5 6 22 25 34 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1235 11,40 14,34
54 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 14 12 1750 1225 11,46 14,42
55 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1215 11,54 14,50
56 5 6 22 25 33 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1200 12,00 14,58
57 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1190 12,05 15,06
58 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1180 12,11 15,14
59 5 6 23 26 33 23 10 8 13 12 1700 1170 12,17 15,20
60 5 6 23 26 32 23 10 8 13 12 1650 1160 12,24 15,30

6. speed. It is estimated by the "relay" test at the speed of compression by the strongest hand of the incident line. For each centimeter equal to the age norm and less, 2 points are accrued.

The test is performed in the standing position. The strongest hand with dispened fingers (palm down edge) stretched forward. The assistant takes a 50-centimeter line and sets it vertically (the digit "zero" is addressed to the floor). At the same time, your hand is about 10 cm below the termination of the line.

After the "Attention" command, the assistant must release the ruler within 5 seconds. Before the surveyed, the task is as quickly as possible with large and index fingers grab the ruler. The distance in centimeters is measured from the lower edge of the palm to the zero mark of the line.

The test is carried out three times in a row, the best result is counted.

For example, a man has 50 years of testing, the test was 17 cm, which is better than an age standard for 4 cm. For the implementation of the norm, there are 2 points and for its exceeding 4x2 \u003d 8 points. Total amount - 10 points.

7. Dynamic strength (Ibalakova test). It is estimated to the maximum height of the jump up from the place. For each centimeter equal to and exceeding the regulatory value given in Table. 1, 2 points are accrued.

Test execution: The subject is standing sideways to the wall next to the vertically fixed measuring scale (student line 1 m long). Do not take off the heels from the floor, it as above the scale of the scale raised up a more active hand. Then he moves away from the wall to a distance from 15 to 30 cm, without making a step, jumping up, pushing out two legs. It concerns the measuring scale as high as possible. The difference between the first and second touch values \u200b\u200bcharacterizes the height of the jump. Three attempts are given, the best is counted.

For example, a man has a result of 50 years old. It exceeds the age rate by 5 cm (see Table 1). For the performance of the standard 2 points are accrued, for exceeding - 5x2 \u003d 10 points. The total amount is 10 + 2 \u003d 12 points.

8. High-speed endurance. The maximum frequency of lifting straight legs to an angle of 90 ° from the position lying on the back for 20 seconds is calculated. For each raising, equal to and exceeding the normative value, 3 points are accrued.

For example, in a man of 50 years old, the result of the test of the test was 15 raising, which exceeds the age rate on 4. For the performance of the standard 3 points are accrued for exceeding 4x3 \u003d 12 points. Total 15 points.

9. Speed-power endurance. The maximum frequency of bending of the hands is measured in the stop of lying (women in the kneel stops) in 30 seconds with the accrual of 4 points for each flexion equal to and exceeding the standard.

For example, when testing a man 50 years, the frequency of bending the hands in the stop for 30 C was 18 times. This exceeds the age standing of 4 and gives 4x4 \u003d 16 points, plus 4 points for the implementation of the normative value. The total amount is 20 points.

10. Total endurance.

1) persons who have not been involved exercise Or do not have more than 6 weeks, can use the following indiscriminate way.

Fivefold performance exercises for endurance development (running, swimming, cycling, rowing, skiing or skating) for 15 minutes at a pulse frequency at least 170 per minute minus age in years (the maximum allowable pulse is 185 minus age) - gives 30 points, 4 times a week - 25 points, 3 times a week - 20 points, 2 times - 10 points, 1 time - 5 points, never once and in the non-compliance of the rules described above regarding the pulse and training agents - 0 points.

For the performance of morning gymnastics, scores are not charged.

total endurance is estimated by the result of a 10-minute run on possible longer distance. For the implementation of the standard shown in Table. 2, 30 points are accrued and for every 50 m, exceeding this value, 15 points. For every 50 m, there is less age-related standards out of 30 points 5. The minimum number of points scored by this test is 0. The test is recommended for individuals independently engaged in physical exercises.

3) with group form of classesthe level of development of total endurance is assessed with the help of race for 2000 m for men and 1700 m for women. Control serves as the regulatory time given in Table. 1. For the implementation of the regulatory requirement, 30 points are accrued and for every 10 seconds less than this value - 15 points. For every 10 seconds, more age standing out of 30 points is subtracted 5. The minimum number of points over the test is 0.

For example, in a man 50 years old, the result of a 10-minute run will be 1170 m, which is less than the age standard for 103 m. Consequently, the amount of points on this test will be 30-10 \u003d 20 points.

11. Regenerate pulse.

1) for non-physical exercises After 5 minutes of rest in the sitting position, measure the pulse in 1 minute, then make 20 deep squats for 40 seconds and again sit down. After 2 minutes again, measuring the pulse in 10 seconds and the result is multiplied by 6. Compliance with the initial value (up to the load) gives 30 points, exceeding the pulse 10 blows - 20 points, by 15 - 10 points, 20 to 5 points, more than 20 shots - From the total amount of 10 points should be subtracted.

2) in physical exercise more than 6 weeks The recovery of the pulse is estimated 10 minutes after the end of the 10-minute run or running for 2000 m for men and 1700 m for women by comparing the pulse after running with the original value. Their coincidence gives 30 points, exceeding up to 10 strikes - 20 points, 15 - 10 points, 20 - 5 points, more than 20 shots - from the total amount should be subtracted 10 points.

For example, in a man of 50 years old pulse frequency to running was 70 per minute, 10 minutes after a 10-minute run - 72, which practically coincides with the initial value of the pulse and it provides 30 points.


After summing up all 11 points, the physical state is estimated as:

- Low- less than 50 points;
- below the average - 51-90 points;
- average- 91-160 points;
- above average- 160-250 points;
- High - More than 250 points.

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Purpose: Examine the level of self-control, the ability to assess the results of these actions and its capabilities.

Instruction: "Look at the pictures. Tell me what is drawn on them? Explain why it happened. "


In the first picture, it is depicted as a girl takes a canule, wants to pour flowers, but can not raise it;

The second picture draws a bench through which the boy jumps, but it can be seen that he clinched and falls;

In the third picture, the girl is going to swing on the swing, but can not climb them;

On the fourth - a boy is drawn on the slope of a snowy mountain with a broken skiing.

Possible options Replies

1. If the child explains that the cause of failures in the watering can, bench, swing, slide, i.e. The failures took place for the reasons independent of the characters, it means that he has not yet learned to evaluate himself and control his actions. Most likely, faced with failure, he will throw the work started and will take something to others - 1 point.

2. If the child sees the cause of the event in the characters themselves and offers them to practice, grow up, gain strength, call for help, it means that he has a good ability to self-esteem and self-control - 2 points.

3. When a child sees the reason for failures and in the character and in the object, it also says about the good ability to a versatile analysis of the situation - 3 points.

The second and third options for answers are peculiar to children who have passed the crisis of 7 years and capable of more correctly (adequately) to evaluate oneself and controlling their activities. The first version of the responses is typically "preschool", as a rule, combined with inadequately overestimated self-esteem, with inability to control and evaluate oneself.

Appendix 4.

Test "Color the picture"

purpose: To identify understands and whether the child takes the task assigned to the teacher.

The test is performed front. For each child, you need to prepare the same contour drawings, one paint into unconventional colors (for example, a tree - red, the sky is black, the sun is green, the clouds are brown, the earth is blue) and put in front of children as a sample.

Instruction: "Color your picture just like me." After the task is completed, children are asked to control themselves, i.e. look at your job and say everything is done correctly, is it like their picture on the sample.

According to the test results, each child can be attributed to one of the four groups.

I. Accepts and understands the task (Wants to fulfill the task of an adult and understands what to do). Children with the task coped completely. When they are asked if they did everything right, then the guys do not just answer, but they are trying to argue their words: "Here the sky is black, and I also have black, it means that it is correct."

P. Accepts, but does not understand the task (Wants to do, but I did not understand what to do). Formally, the task is done incorrectly. Children use colors inappropriate standards, but when an adult starts to be interested in each subject separately, the children of this group notice their mistakes: "Oh, here it was necessary to draw a red pencil, and I am green."

III. Does not accept, but understands (Understands what you need to do, but does not want to do it either want to fulfill in your own way). Children carefully consider the sample, when performing a task, partially or completely paint items in the picture, but not in accordance with the standard. When evaluating its results, they often argue about the feasibility, and not otherwise paint the drawing, they say: "The tree is not red, and green", "and so does not happen", etc.

IV. Does not accept and does not understand (Does not want to perform the specified and does not understand the essence of the task). Children perform the task incorrectly, they paint the picture in the colors that they like. When they are asked to compare the result with the sample, they do not notice the errors. Even if they are asked about each depicted subject separately ("and the tree in the figure is the same as on mine?), They respond to the affirmative, sometimes without looking at the drawing.

Appendix 5.

Tepping test.

The sheet of paper is drawn by 6 identical squares, which are numbered as follows:

The essence of the task is that children must at the maximum pace apply a point with a pencil in each of the squares ("pour from the branches") in accordance with the sequence of their numbering; The transition from the square to the square is carried out by the teacher. Duration of work in each square 5 seconds. In general, the child works 30 seconds, before conducting the test, it is necessary to give children the opportunity to exercise in performing this task in gaming form ("Dripping a rain"). The results of this task make it possible to judge maturity nervous system Child: The greater the number of points it turns out in the 1st square, the higher the level of maturity of the nervous system.

The title-test indicators not only speak about the level of development of the nervous system, but also indicate the typological characteristics of the child. For children with a weak type of nervous system, a significant decrease in the number of points in subsequent squares is characterized. The strong type of nervous system is characterized by a higher rate of work, the stability of the tempo during the transition from the square to the square or even some increasing compared to the first square.

Along with the weak and strong types of the nervous system, children have intermediate options.

Appendix 6.

Conversation About School (Ginzburg)

Instruction. "Now I will read you a story. Boys (girls) talked about school. The first boy said: "I go to school because my mother makes me. And if not my mother, I would not go to school. " (External motive.)

The second boy said: "I go to school because I like to learn, like doing lessons. Even if the school was not, I would still study. " (Educational and educational motive.)

The third boy said: "I go to school because there are fun and many guys with whom you can play." (Game motive.)

The fourth boy said: "I go to school because I want to be big. When I'm at school, I feel an adult, and I was small to school. " (Positional motive.)

The fifth boy said: "I go to school because you need to learn. Without teaching, you can't do anything, but you will learn - you can have someone you want. " (Social motif.)

The sixth boy said: "I go to school because I get there fives." (Moting of high marker.)

After reading each "statement", a schematic drawing is laid out before the child. The child is asked: "Who, in your opinion, of them right?" The child sequentially chooses three answers.

Assessment of results: The choice of educational and informative motive and social is read about readiness to learn. The child may have a different combination of motifs, it is important that they reflect the emerging focus on learning activities. If the child chooses a combination of external and game motives, it suggests that he has no understanding of the importance of educational activities, so the child may experience difficulties in school in school to learn.

Food and control: how do you control yourself?

Our character is brightly manifested in the way we eat and what we eat. How do you organize your food? How to control it? Who are you for yourself yourself with a friend or critic? Or maybe a parent? .. Pass our test and find out!

1. When you look in the mirror, how do you usually perceive your reflection?

A. You like to look at yourself, you can even turn off, emphasizing the advantages of appearance.

B. You try not to pay attention to the disadvantages of appearance, focusing on virtues.

B. Notice the shortcomings and are worried about them.

G. You are aware of the pros and cons of our appearance, and at the same time perceive your reflection with a sympathy.

2. If you have a bad clothes in the store on your figure:

A. Angry on how the clothes are sewn.

B. Comfort yourself, try not to get upset.

B. It raises the wave of self-criticism in you.

G. Treat this calmly, looking for another, more appropriate model.

3. Imagine that you scored overweight. How do you treat it?

A. Usually you do not notice changes in your weight.

B. Try to understand - why it happened.

V. Swear yourself, you are angry with yourself.

G. Quietly - you know how to return to the former weight.

4. When before bedtime, you suddenly play out appetite, how do you most often do?

A. Do not see the reasons - why not eat if you want?

B. Sometimes you allow yourself to relax.

Q. Hold down - you never eat at night.

G. Eat light noncalcorous food.

5. How easy can you give up the Caloric Dessert?

A. Why refuse? You do not limit yourself in sweet.

B. For you, it is painful, so most often you still can not resist deceptions.

V. You can keep yourself in your hands and adhere to tough discipline.

All depends on the situation - as far as dessert wants, is there now excessive weight ...

6. What can be said about full people?

A. They know how to enjoy life.

B. They are kind and fun.

B. They are loose and weak.

All people are different, by weight of a person can not be judged about him.

7. When you sit on a diet, how is it time for you?

A. Painstly. You think about food constantly.

B. It is difficult, but you know how to be distracted by other topics, entertain yourself.

V. You are easily used to restrictions.

G. You do not torment yourself with a feeling of hunger, and if you have to sit on a diet, then carefully think about your diet, replacing some products by others.

8. Do you have a habit of limiting yourself in food, keep a diet, think about calories?

A. No, you eat what you want.

B. You think about how much food is useful, and not about whether they will recover or not.

V. Yes, you carefully follow what you eat.

G. You think about how much food is useful, and not about whether you will recover or not.

9. Your relationship with food is more correct to characterize as follows:

A. You love to eat.

B. You follow healthy nutrition.

V. You try to eat smaller.

G. You do not give me a lot of importance.

10. When you tell you that you have lost weight, how do you react?

A. Do not pay attention.

B. Consider this dubious compliment.

B. Were happy - this is a compliment for you.

G. Trying to understand - this is true or compliment.

11. How do you react to overweight from other people?

A. Simpatize them.

B. sympathize.

V. condemn them for promiscuity.

We do not notice, the weight of man is not important for you.

12. Most often you look in the mirror for the following reason:

A. Just like that - you like to look at yourself.

B. Call yourself in order, take care of your appearance.

B. Checking - whether everything is in order, you critically evaluate your appearance.

If necessary - to apply a mask on the face, etc.

13. If the girl with ugly legs puts on a short skirt, your thoughts:

A. "She has beautiful eyes / hair / smile ..."

B. "She should have a lot of clothing choosing."

V. "Terribly! Here is urodna! "

"This is her personal matter."

14. How did parents fed you in childhood?

A. Part was pumped by something delicious.

B. invented interesting storiesSo that you eat better: about the "magic" porridge, etc.

B. It happened that you were forced to eat, fed violently.

G. Parents treated with respect to your reluctance or a desire for something.

15. In a meal for you, the main thing is that it is:

A. Tasty.

B. Useful.

B. Light, low-calorie.

G. Diverse.

BUT Potakator. You treat yourself gently and condescendingly, sometimes you even pock your whims. In relationship with food you have no clear scheme: you eat what you want, when you want, without holding a certain mode. Most likely, this reflects your childhood situation: parents loved you, but their upbringing was somewhat chaotic, and you lacked stability and certainty. This shortage affects both now, so concrete plans and clear schedule will help you to be more efficient and implemented.

Yours strengths - Kindness and softness. You tolerate the disadvantages of others, and wait for them the same in relation to yourself.

However, you should pay attention to your power mode - the absence of a system can lead to a set of excess weight and gastrointestinal diseases.

B. Loving parent. You can safely tell the parents "Thank you for a happy childhood" - they loved you and gladly cared for you. This laid a fairly high level of self-excitation, you know their strengths and weaknesses, you know how to take care of yourself. It makes you independent and independent. As for nutrition, you adhere to a specific system that you consider optimal. You know what you love that is not. Most likely, you like cooking, generously treat guests, you are not afraid to experiment with recipes. You can be a thoughtful parent for yourself, and therefore - and for your children will also be a good parent!

Your strengths are independence and courage. But think - do you sometimes lead yourself as a child? ..

IN Strict critic. Your parents in childhood were strict. Most likely, he acted out of the best motives - they tried to observe the clear regime, they studied books on raising children, but they stopped with criticism and comments. And now you yourself are unnecessarily strict. This also applies to meals - you often sit on diets, mostly limit yourself, watching weight. Perhaps you are even a vegetarian. A similar "iron" discipline makes you demanding not only to yourself, but also to others, so someone can seem critical and condemning.

In fact, you need support, approval - primarily from yourself. A person who does not accept himself as it is, can not accept other people! Try to surround yourself with loving, understanding close. Their attention will help you treat yourself with greater love and indulgence.

Your advantages are willpower, discipline, good organizational talent.

What is the "trap" for you? Remember that food should be balanced, and therefore diverse. Strict restrictions in food lead to a shortage of microelements important for the body.

G. Equal partner. Your parents in childhood were also friends for you. So now you can be able to be good friend, Including for yourself. You respectfully treat your needs, including food. Well feel your body, hear his "tips" - what kind of food and in what quantity it is needed now. This is a wise position, because our body itself knows what nutrients need. Trust in the body allows you to maintain optimal weight and be healthy. But your trust does not blindly, it is combined with a rational position. It helps find the optimal balance between desires and capabilities.

Your strengths are a combination of high sensitivity and rationality.

What should I think about? Isn't it too dissatisfied? You sometimes treat life - to yourself, to other people? ..

Prepared by the psychologist Irina Solovyva specifically for the magazine "Our Psychology"

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: In the 1960s, Professor of Psychology Walter Michel held an experiment with children from Stanford kindergarten In order to find out how much they can restrain their desires. Children 4-6 years old led to an empty room with a table and chair. Table put a treat (Marshmello). The presenter explained to the child that if he holds back and does not eat a delicacy before the adult return, he will receive another one.

A 15-minute test on self-control or as an unselected sweetie leads to success. Test Marshmello (or Marsht Test).

Psychological experiment

In the 1960s, Professor of Psychology Walter Michel conducted an experiment with children from the Stanford kindergarten in order to find out how much they could restrain their desires.

Children 4-6 years old led to an empty room with a table and chair. Table put a treat (Marshmello). The presenter explained to the child that if he holds back and does not eat a delicacy before the adult return, he will receive another one. Leading left, and the child remained alone with delicacy.

When the presenter explained to children the rules for receiving a second candy, almost all the children decided to wait. Then the researcher left the room for 20 minutes.

While several four-year-olds were able to confront the temptation of the whole 15 minutes, the majority surrendered less than one minute. When adults offered to cover the delicacy (according to the principle of "from the eye, from the heart of Won"), to make it easier to resist, children, as a rule, refused.

During the year in the children there were striking changes in the field of self-control. At the age of five and six years most preferred not to have rewards in front of them and persistently suppressed thoughts about them in accordance with the self-control strategy.

Film "Marsht Test"

How much time the child can wait for not to eat the Marshin, if the researcher promises to bring one more in exchange for waiting?

Continuation of the experiment

Psychologists continued to be interested further development And the fate of children held by the marshmallow test.

Subsequent studies have shown that children who could restrain and not eat sweetness at the age of 4, ahead of their peers in many areas when they reached 18 years: successful SAT delivery (standardized test for admission to higher educational establishments In the USA) and high indicators of IQ tests.

When comparing the results of children with the shortest time of delay in deals (lower third) with the results of children with the highest delay time (upper third), the difference amounted to 210 points.

In 2006, finishing the study, W. Michel came to the conclusion that the respondents who have failed in childhood the test stress, dependencies, emotional and interpersonal problems were on average, much higher than that of its successful.

Young people aged 27-32 years old, which preschoolers demonstrated the greatest exposure during the marshmallow tests, had an optimal body mass index, more efficiently achieved its goals and successfully cope with stress. At middle age, those who knew how to wait in childhood ("long delay"), and those who could not do this ("brief delay") had completely different scanograms of the brain in those areas (Preferrontal Bark), which are responsible for The tendency towards detrimental habits and obesity.

Self-control plays a crucial role in the long-term prediction of the success and quality of human life.

Mechanisms providing self-control helps to manage their emotions, fight bad habits, it is easier to carry stress.

It seems that those of us who were difficult to stay from candy in childhood, can be difficult to stay from a cigarette in adulthood.

The girl stretching toward the candy has already grown, now she feels like a beloved and can do nothing with it. Divorce and parting immerses it in the pulp of negative experiences, from which it can not get out independently, because it does not know how to restrain himself.

Self-controlling is needed a schoolboy and a student sitting on textbooks. Ballerina, developing complex dance "pa" and adhering strict diet. Those who wish to quit smoking and part with extra kilograms can not do without self-control.

Successful study, career, happy family - all this requires many times to overcome their "want" and realize its "necessary".

If you want to hold a marshmallow test with your children

Experimental conditions:

The age of the child is 4-7 years old.

Furnishing: a room without entertainment and distracting factors, on the table - your child's favorite delicacy.

Explain to the child that he can eat a treat, but if he suffers and does not eat it before your arrival, he will receive the second. It is important that the child understands this condition and believed that he will receive the promised second degree.

How to evaluate the result?

If your child managed to stay and waited for "deferred remuneration", then congratulate it with a good self-controller for its age and myself with the fact that they managed to instill this valuable quality.

And if you did not manage? If the marshmallow is hidden?!

It will be interesting for you:

Keep calm and optimism. Before you it is a creative task slowly and consistently develop self-control in the child. Teach him not to succumb to his "want", but fun and energetically do what to do "necessary."

One of best ways Teach another, especially the child - to show on your own example.published

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