The relationship of interpersonal relationships and communication. Interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships

Subjectively experienced interconnections between people, objectively manifested in the nature and methods of mutual influences exerted by people on each other in the process joint activities and communication. M. o. is a system of attitudes, orientations, expectations, stereotypes and other dispositions through which people perceive and evaluate each other. These dispositions are mediated by the content, goals, values ​​and organization of joint activities and serve as the basis for the formation socio-psychological climate in a collective .

A Brief Psychological Dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: "PHOENIX". L.A. Karpenko, A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .

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    INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS- INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships that arise in a group of people in the process of communication and learning. Most distinctly M. about. are manifested in the degree of psychological compatibility. The ability to organize the necessary M. about. in the team - one of the most important ... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

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In the socio-psychological literature, various points of view are expressed on the question of where interpersonal relations are "located", primarily with respect to the system of social relations. The nature of interpersonal relations can be correctly understood if they are not placed on a par with social relations, but if we see in them a special series of relations that arise within each type of social relations, not outside them.

The nature of interpersonal relations differs significantly from the nature of social relations: their most important specific feature is the emotional basis. Therefore, interpersonal relationships can be viewed as a factor in the psychological "climate" of the group. The emotional basis of interpersonal relationships means that they arise and develop on the basis of certain feelings that are born in people in relation to each other. In the Russian school of psychology, three types or levels of emotional manifestations of a personality are distinguished: affects, emotions and feelings. The emotional basis of interpersonal relationships includes all types of these emotional manifestations.

Relationships between people do not develop only on the basis of direct emotional contacts. The activity itself sets up another series of relations mediated by it. That is why it is an extremely important and difficult task. social psychology simultaneous analysis of two series of relationships in a group: both interpersonal and mediated by joint activities, i.e. ultimately the social relations behind them.

All this raises a very acute question of the methodological means of such an analysis. Traditional social psychology focused mainly its attention on interpersonal relationships, therefore, in relation to their study, an arsenal of methodological tools was developed much earlier and more fully. The main of these means is the sociometry method, widely known in social psychology, proposed by the American researcher J. Moreno, for whom it is an application to his special theoretical position. Although the inadequacy of this concept has long been criticized, the methodology developed within this theoretical framework has proven to be very popular.

Thus, we can say that interpersonal relationships are viewed as a factor in the psychological "climate" of the group. But to diagnose interpersonal and intergroup relationships in order to change, improve and improve them, the sociometric technique is used, the founder of which is the American psychiatrist and social psychologist J. Moreno.


Interpersonal relationships are a set of connections that develop between people in the form of feelings, judgments and appeals to each other.

Interpersonal relationships include:

1) people's perception and understanding of each other;

2) interpersonal attractiveness (attraction and sympathy);

3) interaction and behavior (in particular, role-based).

Components of interpersonal relationships:

1) cognitive component - includes all cognitive mental processes: sensations, perception, representation, memory, thinking, imagination. Thanks to this component, cognition of the individual psychological characteristics partners for joint activities and mutual understanding between people. The characteristics of mutual understanding are:

a) adequacy - the accuracy of the mental reflection of the perceived personality;

b) identification - an individual's identification of his personality with the personality of another individual;

2) emotional component - includes positive or negative experiences that arise in a person during interpersonal communication with other people:

a) likes or dislikes;

b) satisfaction with oneself, partner, work, etc .;

c) empathy - an emotional response to the experiences of another person, which can manifest itself in the form of empathy (experiencing those feelings that the other is experiencing), empathy (personal attitude to the experiences of another) and complicity (empathy, accompanied by assistance);

3) behavioral component - includes facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, speech and actions that express the relationship of a given person to other people, to the group as a whole. He plays a leading role in regulating relationships. The effectiveness of interpersonal relationships is assessed by the state of satisfaction - dissatisfaction of the group and its members.

Types of interpersonal relationships:

1) production relations - are formed between employees of organizations when solving production, educational, economic, household and other problems and presuppose fixed rules of behavior of employees in relation to each other. Divided into relationships:

a) vertically - between managers and subordinates;

b) horizontally - relations between employees with the same status;

c) diagonally - the relationship between the leaders of one production unit with the rank and file of another;

2) everyday relationships - are formed outside of work on vacation and at home;

3) formal (official) relations - normatively stipulated relationships, enshrined in official documents;

4) informal (unofficial) relationships - relationships that really develop in relationships between people and are manifested in preferences, likes or dislikes, mutual assessments, authority, etc.

The nature of interpersonal relationships is influenced by such personal characteristics as gender, nationality, age, temperament, health status, profession, experience of communicating with people, self-esteem, the need for communication, etc. Stages of development of interpersonal relationships:

1) the stage of acquaintance - the first stage - the emergence of mutual contact, mutual perception and assessment of each other by people, which largely determines the nature of the relationship between them;

2) the stage of friendly relations - the emergence of interpersonal relations, the formation of an internal attitude of people to each other at the rational (awareness of the merits and demerits of each other by interacting people) and emotional levels (the emergence of corresponding experiences, emotional response, etc.);

3) companionship - rapprochement of views and support to each other; characterized by trust.

Kiev Institute business and technology


on course

« Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy "

on the topic :

« Communication and interpersonal relations "

2nd year students

groups 97 - 1

Faculty of Economics and Management

Likholay Lilia Evgenievna

Kiev - 1999



I. Factors that determine interpersonal communication.

II. The relationship between the characteristics of a person's social circle and its properties:

a) changing the circle of direct communication depending on

age and environment;

b) the problem of the influence of the composition of people on the development of personality.

III. Communication and personality formation:

a) interaction practical activities and communication;

b) educational value of communication;

c) assessment of other people by a person;

IV. Conditions for psychologically comfortable and personally developing communication:

a) the peculiarities of the participants in the communication of each other;

b) ways of influencing the participants in communication.



Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to prove that interpersonal communication is an absolutely necessary condition for the existence of people, that without it it is impossible to fully form in a person not a single mental function or mental process, not a single block of mental properties, or the personality as a whole.

Since communication is the interaction of people and since it always develops mutual understanding between them, certain relationships are established, there is a certain mutual circulation (in the sense of the behavior chosen by the people participating in the communication in relation to each group), then interpersonal communication turns out to be such a process , which, provided that we want to comprehend its essence, should be considered as a human-human system in all the multifaceted dynamics of its functioning (other types of communication can be called: communication of a person with various communities of people, communication of these communities among themselves).

For interpersonal communication, such a situation is typical when participants in communication, entering into contacts, pursue goals that are more or less significant for them in relation to each other, which may coincide in their content, or may differ from each other. These goals are a consequence of the action of certain motives available to the participants in communication, their achievement constantly presupposes the use of various modes of behavior that are formed in each person as he develops the qualities of an object and a subject of communication. All this means that interpersonal communication, according to its main characteristics, is always a type of activity, the essence of which is human-human interaction. It is about interpersonal communication, as one of the main factors in the formation of personality, that I would like to talk about further.


In the overwhelming majority of cases, the interpersonal interaction of people, designated as communication, almost always turns out to be woven into the activity and acts as a condition for its implementation. So, without communication of people with each other, there can be no collective labor, learning, art, play, the functioning of the media. In this case, the type of activity that communication serves, invariably imposes its stamp on the content, form, during the entire process of communication, between the performers of this activity.

Interpersonal communication is not only a necessary component of activities, the implementation of which involves the interaction of people, but at the same time a prerequisite for the normal functioning of a community of people.

When comparing the nature of interpersonal communication in different associations of people, the presence of similarities and differences is striking. The similarity appears in the fact that communication turns out necessary condition their being, the factor on which the successful solution of the tasks facing him depends, their movement forward. At the same time, each community is characterized by a predominant type of activity. So, for study group such an activity will be the mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities, a sports team - a performance designed to achieve the planned result in competitions, for a family - raising children, ensuring living conditions, organizing leisure, etc. Therefore, in each type of community, the prevailing type of interpersonal communication is clearly visible , providing the main activity for this community.

At the same time, it is clear that the way people communicate in a community is influenced not only by the main activity for this community, but also by what the community itself is.

If you take a family, then its daily goals - raising children, doing household chores, organizing leisure activities, and more - purposefully program the interpersonal communication of family members with each other. However, what it turns out to be in reality depends on the composition of the family, whether it is a complete or incomplete family, "three-two" - or "one-generation". Specific characteristics of intrafamily interpersonal communication are also associated with the moral and general cultural image of the spouses, with their understanding of their parental responsibilities, the age and state of health of children and other family members. As in any other community, the features of interaction in the form of interpersonal communication and in the family are also largely determined by how family members perceive and understand each other, what emotional response they mostly cause in each other and what style of behavior they have in relation to each other. to a friend allow.

The communities to which a person belongs form the standards of communication that a person gets used to following. Bearing in mind the persistent influence of the type of activity and the characteristics of the community of people in which interpersonal communication develops, it is necessary in the analysis to make an adjustment for the constant variability of the process of activity and the community of people. All these changes, taken together, necessarily affect the interpersonal communication of the performers of this activity.

In the interaction of people, each person constantly finds himself in the role of an object and subject of communication. As a subject, he gets to know other participants in communication, shows interest in them, and maybe indifference or hostility. As a subject who solves a certain task in relation to them, he influences them. At the same time, he turns out to be an object of knowledge for everyone with whom he communicates. It turns out to be an object to which they address their feelings, which they try to influence, more or less strongly to influence. At the same time, it should be specially emphasized that this presence of each participant in communication at the same time in the role of an object and a subject is characteristic of any type of direct communication between people.

Being in the position of an object (subject) of communication, people are very different from each other in the nature of their role. First, the "fulfillment" can be more or less conscious. As an object, a person can show other people his physical appearance, expressive behavior, appearance, his actions, naturally without thinking at all about what kind of response they cause in those with whom he communicates. But he may try to determine what impression he evokes in others throughout the course of communication with him or at some particular moment, purposefully do everything in his power to form in others exactly the impression about himself that he would like them to have ... Secondly, differing in the degree of complexity of their personality structure, which characterizes their individual originality, people present different opportunities for successful interaction.

At the same time, being subjects of communication, people differ from each other in their inherent ability to penetrate into the aforementioned originality of another person, to determine their attitude towards her, to choose the most appropriate, in their opinion, the goals of their communication, ways of influencing this person.

Currently, psychology is widely investigating the phenomenon of the so-called compatibility or incompatibility of people. The facts collected at the same time show that the named greater or lesser compatibility makes itself felt most strongly in the communication of people, directly determining how they manifest themselves as objects and subjects of communication.

Now for psychological science it is very important, using comparison, to develop a typology of communication between individuals who are similar to each other in certain parameters or differ from each other also in certain parameters.


A person's personality is formed in the process of communicating with people. If in the initial period of life a person is not free to choose for himself the people who make up his immediate environment, then in adulthood he himself can largely regulate the number and composition of persons who surround him and with whom he communicates. Thus, a person provides himself with a certain flow of psychological influences from this environment.

As you know, the immediate environment of a person is made up of people with whom he lives, plays, studies, rests, works. A person mentally reflects all of them, gives an emotional response to each, practices a certain way of behavior in relation to each. The character of mental reflection, emotional attitude and behavior of the person communicating with them largely depends on the personal characteristics of these people.

At the same time it is a psychic reflection, emotional attitude and behavior always bear the stamp of the characteristics of the motivational-need-sphere of a person who communicates with the people around him. Associated with these features is the choice of people with whom he prefers to communicate.

Numerous facts show that depending on how people with their external and internal appearance, knowledge, skills and actions satisfy the needs of the person communicating with them, the frequency and nature of his communication with them are found. The correspondence of the characteristics that the people communicating with him carry, the peculiarities of his need-motivational sphere, determines the subjective significance of each of these people for a person.

At the same time, people become subjectively significant for a person and cause the desire to communicate with them not only when they correspond to the standards mastered by a person, traditional for the people of his environment. The choice of people for more frequent communication is influenced by such specific individual needs of the individual as the need for sympathy, guardianship, domination, in the protection of "I" or in self-affirmation.

The quantitative and qualitative parameters of a person's circle of direct communication are in a certain way influenced by such characteristics as social belonging and circumstances, such as, for example, studying at a university, specifics of work, or leaving her as a woman for the sake of raising children.

The expansion of the boundaries of the circle of communication for most people is characterized by interruptions of gradualness. A significant renewal of the composition of people with whom each person communicates occurs at such points in his life path as coming to Kindergarten, to school, the transition to its middle, then senior classes, leaving for the army, entering the institute, the beginning independent work, marriage or marriage. The volume of communication with peers from the same sex group and the expansion of the circle of communication with adults with the transition to the middle classes of school increase.

With age, there is a significant change in the nature of the reasons forcing a person to enter into direct communication with other people. So, if in the time interval of life 15-23 years there is a significant increase in contacts, which were based on the need to satisfy the cognitive need, then there is a noticeable decrease. The most intense period of direct communication falls on the age of 23-30 years. After this age, the person's social circle decreases, i.e. the number of subjectively significant people who are part of the circle of direct communication decreases.

Changes in the subjective significance of other people for an individual, as a rule, are determined, on the one hand, by her position in relation to herself in the system of needs, on the other, by the attitude towards her on the part of persons who make up her social circle. These significant varying degrees for a person, the attitudes of other people towards him affect not so much his leading needs as the tendencies to defend his “I” subordinate to them, which are manifested in the search for and in the implementation of methods of behavior that affirm this “I”.

The problem that needs further solution is to find out how the specific composition of people who form a person's circle of communication in different years of his life affects the formation of personality.

To solve this problem, it is necessary not only to general conditions that make other people significant for a person and increase his degree of compliance to their influences, but also to establish how these conditions should change from age to age, depending on the sex of the person, his profession and individually. - personal properties, so that he retains a high degree of compliance to the impact of certain people. It is also necessary to find out what the social circle of each specific person should be at each stage of his life, so that the formation of his personality goes most successfully. Finally, how to manage the creation of such a circle of communication for a person so that not only object-practical activity, but also his interaction with other people can be consciously and purposefully used for the optimal development of his personality.


Recently, scientists representing various fields of psychological science have shown an increased interest in a range of problems that, after being solved all together, will make it possible to sufficiently comprehensively embrace the laws of the communication mechanism.

Their efforts enriched psychology with a number of general and more particular facts, which, when considered from the standpoint of a holistic theory of human development as an individual and as a person, convincingly show the extremely necessary role of communication in the formation of many important characteristics. mental processes, states and properties throughout a person's life.

It is necessary to consistently consider all these facts and try to trace how and why communication, along with work, is an obligatory personality-forming factor and how to enhance its importance in education.

If by activity we mean the activity of a person aimed at achieving certain goals that he understands with the help of the methods he has learned in society and stimulated by equally certain motives, then the activity will be not only the work of a surgeon, painter, but also the interaction of people with each other in the form of communication.

After all, it is clear that when entering into communication with each other, people also, as a rule, pursue some goal: to make another person a like-minded person, to get recognition from him, to keep him from doing something wrong, to be liked, etc. To realize it, they more or less consciously use their speech, all their expression, and induce them to act in such cases exactly this way, and not otherwise their needs, interests, beliefs, value orientations.

At the same time, characterizing communication as a special type of activity, it is necessary to see that without it, a full-fledged development of a person as a person and a subject of activity, as an individuality, cannot take place.

If the process of this development is not considered one-sided and it is realistically evaluated, then it turns out that the objective activity of a person in all its modifications and his communication with other people are closely intertwined in life.

While playing, the child communicates. Learning that has lasted for many years necessarily presupposes communication. Labor, as you know, in the overwhelming majority of cases requires constant interaction of people in the form of communication. And the results of the substantive practical activity of the people employed by it depend on how the communication proceeds, how the communication is organized. In turn, the course and results of this activity constantly and inevitably affect many characteristics communication activities people involved in substantive activity.

And on the formation of a number of stable characteristics of mental processes, states and properties of a person's personality, and on the formation of the structure of these properties, objective activity and communication activity affect collectively, with a different effect depending on their ratio.

If the moral norms by which the communication of people in their main labor activity is built do not coincide with the norms underlying their communication in other types of activity, then the development of their personality will be more or less contradictory, the formation of an integral personality will be difficult for everyone. ...

Trying to find out the reasons that make communication one of the strongest factors involved in the formation of personality, it would be oversimplification to see its educational value only in the fact that in this way people get the opportunity to pass on to each other knowledge about the reality that surrounds them, which they possess, as well as skills and skills required for a person to successfully perform objective activities.

The educational value of communication lies not only in the fact that it broadens the general outlook of a person and contributes to the development of mental formations that are necessary for him to successfully perform activities that are objective in nature. The educational value of communication also lies in the fact that it is a prerequisite for the formation of a person's general intelligence, and above all many of his mental and mnemonic characteristics.

What are the requirements of the people around a person to his attention, perception, memory, imagination, thinking, when they communicate with him on a daily basis, what kind of “food” is given to him, what tasks are set for him and what level of his activity they cause - from this to to a greater extent depends on the specific combination of different characteristics that the human intellect carries.

Communication as an activity is of no less importance for the development of the emotional sphere of a person, the formation of his feelings. What experiences are predominantly provoked by people communicating with a person, evaluating his deeds and appearance, responding in one way or another to his appeal to them, what feelings he has when he sees their deeds and actions - all this has a strong influence on the development of his personality of stable emotional responses to the impact of certain aspects of reality - natural phenomena, social events, groups of people, etc.

Communication has an equally significant impact on the volitional development of a person. Whether he gets used to being collected, persistent, decisive, courageous, purposeful, or he will have the opposite qualities - all this is largely determined by how favorable the development of these qualities are those specific situations of communication in which a person finds himself from day to day.

Serving objective activity and contributing to the formation of typical human general characteristics his outlook, ability to handle objects, as well as his intellect and emotional-volitional sphere, communication to an even greater extent turns out to be a prerequisite and a necessary prerequisite for the development of a complex of both simpler and more complex qualities in him, making him able to live among people, coexist with them and even rise to the implementation of high moral principles in their behavior.

The completeness and correctness of a person's assessment of other people, the psychological attitudes that appear in him in the perception of others and the manner of responding to their behavior bear the stamp of a specific experience of communication. If he is on life path there were people who were similar in merits and demerits, and day after day had to communicate with a small number of people who did not represent different age, sex, professional and national-class groups of people, then this limited personal impressions from meeting people cannot not to have a negative effect on the formation of evaluative standards in a person, which he begins to apply to other people, and on the result of his emotional reactions to their behavior, on the nature of the ways of responding to the actions of persons with whom he, for one reason or another, communicates now.

Own experience is only one of the ways to form in a person the qualities he needs for successful communication with other people. Another path, which complements the first, is the constant enrichment of it with theoretical information related to various areas of human knowledge, penetration into new layers of the human psyche, comprehension of the laws governing his behavior through reading scientific and authentic fiction watching realistic films and performances to help penetrate inner world a person, understanding the mechanisms that ensure his existence. The enrichment of people coming from different sources with generalized knowledge about the basic manifestations of a person as a person, stable dependencies connecting it internal characteristics with his actions, as well as with the surrounding reality, makes these people more sighted in relation to the personal essence and, so to speak, the momentary state of each of those specific persons with whom these people have to interact.

It is necessary to raise another issue that is directly related to the upbringing of a person's ability to interact with other people at a psychologically literate level - this is the formation of an attitude towards creativity in communication. A person, especially if he is an educator, leader, doctor, must be able to take an individual approach to each of those with whom he has to work, overcome formalism in communication and, moving away from evaluative stereotypes, identify, stepping over old behavioral patterns, seek and try the most educational methods of treatment suitable for this case.

To achieve tangible results in covering all areas of the process of personality formation in communication, it is necessary to pose new questions and look for scientifically convincing answers to them. These include the development of ways of managing communication in order to increase its educational impact on the personality and, in this regard, the definition of a directed correction of communication of a person with these specific properties; clarification of the characteristics of communication most favorable to the all-round development of the personality, its goals, means, actualization of motives, taking into account the age, gender and profession of the communicants; search for the educationally optimal organization of communication when people perform various types of activities; creation of reliable diagnostic tools for establishing the degree of formation in the personality structure of the traits that form the "communicative block".


Currently, it is generally recognized that communication plays a huge role in the development of a particular psychological state in a person, in the actualization of certain characteristics of mental processes and properties, as well as in the formation of his entire personality.

In order for communication to optimally contribute to the satisfaction of the positive needs of the persons involved in communication, to generate in them a state of emotional comfort, high intellectual-volitional activity, which allows them to successfully fulfill the goals of the collective activity they perform, it must be characterized by a number of psychological characteristics.

If we bear in mind the peculiarities of the participants in communication of each other, which favor the increase in the psychological effectiveness of interpersonal interaction, enhance their role in the development of individual properties and personality of each participant in communication, then they are as follows:

1) communicators must carry the ability to perceive and adequately psychologically interpret each other's behavior directly at each moment of communication, to record changes in cognitive processes, feelings and actions of communication partners, to determine the reasons that cause these changes;

2) the communicants should have a wide set of evaluative standards that allow them to compare the nature of changes occurring in the verbal and non-verbal behavior of each participant in communication, and timely draw correct conclusions about their essence;

3) some participants in communication must constantly be aware of how the other participants in this communication perceive and psychologically interpret their appearance and behavior and, accordingly, “correct” for this influence;

4) communicators should have, if possible, in-depth knowledge of typical mistakes the type of "halo effect", "stereotyping", "projection" and others, which are often allowed when assessing the external and internal appearance of other people, as well as in the psychological explanation of the observed pattern of their behavior; they must also constantly show the ability not to fall into dogmatism and inertia when assessing the appearance and behavior of each other, to show the ability to isolate themselves from prejudice when cognizing another person, imposed by someone else's, perhaps authoritative opinion, for the sake of comprehending the individually unique originality of this person.

The condition for the development of a comfortable state in communicating, their behavior at their characteristic optimal level of intellectual-volitional activity is also their manifestation of goodwill towards each other during interpersonal contacts, as well as the ability to empathize and sympathy.

An important condition for successful communication is always sincerity in the expression of feelings, because only if it is there is it possible to build a truly psychologically adequate and constructive behavior of the communication participants in relation to each other.

Communicating people should develop in themselves a stable habit of creativity, manifested in a constant search and use, when establishing and maintaining contacts with each other, methods of behavior that take into account the individual peculiarities of those to whom they are addressed, and at the same time maximally work to achieve the goals of communication.

When selecting ways to influence the participants in communication and using them in the process of establishing contacts with each of them, one must remember that the basis of a person's ability to influence other people is the ability to deeply and comprehensively understand both these people and himself and based on this knowledge, develop various forms of cooperation with all participants in communication. Moreover, our ability to understand the content, scale and causes of explicit and latent conflicts that we have with those with whom we have to interact on a daily basis is the most important condition for finding effective ways to weaken or completely eliminate these conflicts in a timely manner. In this regard, it can be directly argued that a person's immunity to the influences to which he is exposed from the person communicating with him usually turns out to be evidence that the last resort has resorted to methods of treatment that do not correspond to the personal characteristics of the person in relation to whom they were used. ...

Evidence of psychological blindness and deafness to these features are poverty and the monotony of the methods of influence that representatives of a certain type of personality resort to when entering into contact with by different people and with the same person in different situations, as well as their characteristic great ability to use these methods. For example, the habit inherent in some educators of influencing students with the help of punishments and threats, as a rule, causes a defensive reaction in the latter, requires them to expend significant energy to cope with fear and apprehension, and largely suppresses their intellectual and volitional activity, i.e. .e. causes the opposite result; on the other hand, a person's behavior in communication, weakening and, even worse, removing any self-control over their actions from other participants in communication, has, as a rule, a negative result for their behavior in the present and in the future.

Therefore, human creativity, aimed at enriching the ways of behavior in communication, should not be subordinated to the formation of the ability to manipulate people or, on the contrary, impersonally adapt to their desires, found in their behavior during communication, but is aimed at mastering the ability to create psychological conditions by their treatment with people. , conducive to the manifestation of the intellectual-volitional and moral potential of these people at the optimal level.

Mastering the methods of dealing with other people, striving to ensure that they give rise to trust in people, set them up for cooperation, it must be remembered that the degree of their effectiveness to a large extent depends on their compliance with the personal characteristics of the person who uses these methods in his communication with other people. ... Therefore, each person should strive to form for himself (although this is not simple) a style of communication that most accumulates the dignity of this person when he has to act as an object and subject of communication, while taking into account the personal characteristics of those with whom he mostly you have to communicate. Moreover, the development of this style of communication will go more successfully if we have the courage and skills to be constantly self-critical in relation to ourselves, in addition, the understanding that our treatment of people can be affected by our existing and not always realized attitudes, for example, to adapt to the expectations of others or rejection of certain characteristics in oneself.

By pondering and organizing the treatment of other people, a person does this to achieve various goals. And, as already indicated, the psychological effect of the action of his treatment of the person in communication in some cases turns out to be really the way he planned it, in others it is achieved only partially, in still others it does not work out at all. The conditions that increase the degree of psychological effectiveness of treatment or, conversely, reduce it in communication, were discussed above, now I would like to emphasize the following: so that the treatment of one person with other people, along with solving local problems (labor, educational, play, household, etc. .) worked optimally for the positive development of the personality, it must from beginning to end meet the principle of exactingness towards another person and respect for him.

If we mean communication aimed at helping a person move forward in his personal development, then the task of the persons helping him in this is, first of all, so that by their influences on him in the process of communication, they maximally activate his internal resources, so that he himself, at a high moral level, can successfully cope with a variety of life problems.


All of the above illuminate one thought: since communication is one of the main types of human activity, it not only reveals the most essential characteristics of them as objects and subjects of communication, but depending on how it proceeds, what requirements it imposes on them. cognitive processes, the emotional-volitional sphere and how much it generally meets the ideal of communication that each of them has, in different directions affects the further formation of their personality and most clearly on such blocks of properties in it, in which its attitude towards other people and towards herself is expressed. And the changes that take place in them under the influence of one way or another (with a positive or negative result for the goals of each participant) of developing communication, in turn, more or less strongly affect such basic personality traits, in which its attitude to various social institutions is expressed and communities of people, to nature, to work.

Timely and correctly assess the role of communication to stimulate the optimal emotional mood of the individual, maximize the manifestation of his socially approved inclinations and abilities and, finally, to form it as a whole in the direction necessary for society, it is necessary because communication as a value in the system of values ​​that most people have very high place.


1.Asmolov A.G. "Psychology of Personality". Moscow, 1990

2. Zeigarnik V.V. "Theories of personality in foreign psychology." Moscow, 1982

3. Maslow A. "Self-actualization of personality and education." Kiev-Donetsk, 1994

4.AABodalev "Psychology about personality". Moscow, 1988

5.Nemov R.S. " General basics psychology ". Moscow, 1994

6.Kostyuk G.S. "The initial-vikhovny process that psycho

development of specialness ". Kiev, 1989 p.

The basis of interpersonal relations is communication - the need of a person as a social, rational being, as a carrier of consciousness.

Communication Is a process of interpersonal interaction generated by the needs of interacting subjects and aimed at meeting these needs. The role and intensity of communication in modern society are constantly increasing, since with an increase in the volume of information, the processes of exchange of this information become more intensive, the number of technical means for such an exchange increases. In addition, the number of people whose professional activities are related to communication is increasing, that is, those who have professions such as "Man - man".

In psychology, important communication aspects: content, purpose and means.

The purpose of communication- this is what a living creature has this type of activity for. In animals, this can be, for example, a hazard warning. A person has much more communication goals. And if in animals the goals of communication are usually associated with the satisfaction of biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many diverse needs: social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, needs for intellectual growth and moral development, etc.

Communication means- these are methods of encoding, transmission, processing and decoding of information transmitted in the process of communication. Information can be communicated through direct bodily contact, such as tactile contact with the hands; it can be transmitted and perceived at a distance through the senses, for example by observing the movements of another person or listening to the sound signals they produce. In addition to all these data from nature, ways of transmitting information, a person has others, invented by himself - these are language, writing (texts, drawings, diagrams, etc.), as well as all kinds of technical means of recording, transferring and storing information.

Communication can be divided into several types (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Classification of types of communication

Communication between people is verbal and non-verbal.

Non-verbal- This is communication without the use of linguistic means, that is, with the help of facial expressions and gestures; its result is tactile, visual, auditory and olfactory images received from another individual.

Verbal communication takes place using a language.

Most non-verbal forms of communication in humans are innate; with the help of them, a person achieves interaction on an emotional level, and not only with his own kind, but also with other living beings. Many of the higher animals (for example, monkeys, dogs, dolphins), like humans, have the ability to communicate non-verbally with their own kind. Verbal communication is inherent only in humans. It has much wider possibilities than non-verbal one.

Communication functions, according to the classification of L. Karpenko, are the following:

contact- establishing contact between communication partners, readiness to receive and transmit information;

informational- obtaining new information;

incentive- stimulation of the communication partner's activity, directing him to perform certain actions;

coordination- mutual orientation and coordination of actions to organize joint activities;

reaching mutual understanding- adequate perception of the meaning of the message, understanding of each other by partners;

exchange of emotions- excitement in the partner of the necessary emotional experiences;

establishing relationships- awareness of their place in the system of role, status, business and other ties of society;

influencing- a change in the state of a communication partner - his behavior, intentions, opinions, decisions and other things.

V communication structure there are three interrelated parties:

1) communicative- exchange of information between communicating individuals;

2) interactive- interaction between communicating individuals;

3) perceptual- mutual perception of communication partners and the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding.

When they talk about communication in communication, then, first of all, they mean that in the process of communication, people exchange various ideas, ideas, interests, feelings, etc. communication process there is not just the movement of information, as in a cybernetic device, but an active exchange of it. main feature lies in the fact that people in the process of exchanging information can influence each other.

The communicative process is born on the basis of some joint activity, and the exchange of knowledge, ideas, feelings, etc. presupposes that such activity is organized. In psychology, there are two types of interaction: cooperation (cooperation) and competition (conflict).

So, communication is a process of interaction between people, during which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and form. Communication involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences. In the process of interpersonal communication, people consciously or unconsciously influence the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of each other. The functions of communication are very diverse, it is a decisive condition for the formation of each person as a person, the implementation of personal goals and the satisfaction of a number of needs. Communication is the internal mechanism of joint activities of people and is the most important source of information for a person.

2. Perception

The process of one person's perception of another is mandatory part of communication and represents what is called perception... The perceptual side of communication explains the perception and understanding of another person and oneself, the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding and interaction. In perception, an important role is played by the attitude in communication. Often, the formation of the first impression of a stranger depends on the characteristic given to him. And then in it, depending on the installation, some will find positive features, others are negative. Perceptually possible errors of perception, the reasons for which may be:

¦ halo effect- information received about a person before direct communication with him forms a bias in the idea of ​​him even before his perception;

¦ "novelty" effect- when perceiving a stranger, the primary information about him (the so-called first impression) often seems to be the most significant;

¦ stereotype effect- arises from an insufficient amount of information about a person and exists in the form of a certain stable image.

3. Attraction

In the process of perception, not only the perception of each other occurs, but a whole range of feelings is born, emotional relationships arise, the mechanism of formation of which is studied by attraction.

Attraction- this is the appearance, when a person is perceived by a person, the attractiveness of one of them for another. To form an attraction, you can use some techniques:

proper name

when communicating, more often refer to a partner by name and patronymic, since such an appeal serves as an indicator of attention and unconsciously evokes positive emotions;

reception "mirror of the soul"

a friendly facial expression, a smile when communicating, signal friendly relations and good intentions;

reception "golden words"

do not skimp during communication on compliments, praise, which any person needs;

patient listener reception

be able to listen with interest and patience to your interlocutor, let him speak;

reception "preliminary information"

when communicating, use knowledge about your interlocutor (character, temperament, hobbies, marital status, etc.).

Thus, communication is a complex, multifaceted socio-psychological process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities, communication and including the exchange of information, the development of a single strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

Considering technologies, techniques and rules of communication, they usually proceed from the idea of ​​constructive, positive communication. Exists several rules for constructive communication, whose goal is to achieve best result during communication, for example:

Speak in a language that both partners can understand;

Show respect for your partner, emphasize his importance;

Emphasize community with a partner (professional, gender, ethnic, confessional, age, etc.);

Show interest in your partner's concerns.

4. Communication and speech

One of the main characteristics of a person is our ability to interact. People pass on various information to each other, report on their states of mind and feelings.

The most important achievement of man, which allowed him to use common human experience, both past and present, was verbal communication.Speech Is the process of communicating through language.

The possibility of verbal communication is one of the main differences between man and the rest of the animal world, reflecting the laws of his physiological, mental and social development.

The classification of types of speech (Fig. 16) is carried out on the basis of the presence of certain signs. For example, monologue speech is always active, planned, assumes the ability to use any language, different intonations, use pauses during a monologue, etc. While the distinctive features of inner speech are fragmentation and fragmentaryness.

External and kinetic speech mainly plays the role of means of communication, and internal speech - means of thinking.

The physiological basis of speech is the activity of the auditory and motor analyzers, as well as the resulting temporary connections between external stimuli and movements. vocal cords, larynx, tongue and other organs that regulate the pronunciation of words.

The main properties of verbal communication include:




Rice. 16. Classification of types of speech

In the communication of people, as a rule, there is an emotional coloring, which is the basis of non-verbal communication. Means of non-verbal communication as a kind of language of feelings are a product of social development and do not coincide in different national cultures, in different age groups, professional communities, social groups. For example, for Bulgarians, a vertical nod of the head means disagreement with the interlocutor, for Russians - agreement, in China the color of mourning is white, and in the West it is black. The correspondence of the used means of non-verbal communication to the goals and content of the verbal transmission of information is one of the elements of the culture of communication.

In psychology, the concepts of "speech" and "language" are separated.

Speech Is a set of spoken or perceived sounds, as well as means of non-verbal communication that have the same meaning and meaning as the corresponding system of written signs.

Language Is a system of conventional symbols, with the help of which combinations of sounds that have a certain meaning and meaning for people are conveyed. Language is developed by society and is a product of socio-historical development. This is a fairly complex education, characterized by grammar, lexical and phonetic structures. The language is the same for all people who speak it, while the speech of each person is individual, unique. It expresses the psychology of an individual person belonging to a certain community, which is characterized by certain features of speech.

Speech without mastering the language is impossible, at the same time, language exists and develops according to laws that are not related to psychology and human behavior.

A person's speech can be expanded and abbreviated. The expanded type of speech is characterized by a large vocabulary and various grammatical forms, the frequent use of prepositions, the use of impersonal pronouns, clarifying adjectives and adverbs, the numerous subordinate connection of the components of sentences, which indicates that a person is planning his speech. Abbreviated speech utterances are usually used in everyday speech, in a familiar and familiar environment.

perceptual (mutual perception). Considered in the unity of these three sides, communication acts as a way of organizing joint activities and relationships of people included in it.

So, the multidimensional communication process has three sides. Let's dwell on the characteristics of each of them

In the beginning, a few words about the functions of communication at the individual level of human life. They are diverse, but usually there are three classes of these functions: information-communicative, regulatory-communicative, and affect-communicative. And on the basis of this, three sides of communication are distinguished: as the exchange of information, as interpersonal interaction and as people's understanding of each other.

The communicative side of communication is the transfer of information.

In the communicative process, there is not only "movement of information", but also an active exchange of it. The importance of information plays a special role for each participant in communication, provided that the information is not only accepted, but also understood and comprehended.

The nature of the exchange of information between people is determined by the fact that through a system of signs partners can influence each other. In other words, the exchange of such information necessarily involves the impact on the partner.

Communicative influence as a result of information exchange is possible only when both participants have a single coding system.

In the conditions of human communication, completely specific communication barriers can arise, which are of a social and psychological nature. Differences can be social, political, religious, professional, etc.

The transmission of any information is possible only through signs, more precisely - sign systems. Usually a distinction is made between verbal and non-verbal communication. Each of them forms its own sign system. Speech belongs to the means of verbal communication. Speech is the activity of communication (expression, interaction, communication) through language. Speech is special and most perfect form communication peculiar only to man.

So, speech is verbal communication, i.e. the process of communicating with the help of language. There are the following types of speech: external and internal. External speech is subdivided, in turn, into oral and written, and oral - into monologue and dialogical. All types of speech interact closely with each other. In preparation for speaking or writing, there is a phase of internal speaking to oneself. This is inner speech.

External speech, as already mentioned, is oral or written. Under written speech understand speech using written signs. Hearing speech that someone speaks is called oral speech.

Oral speech can be dialogical and monologic. Dialogue speech is supported by mutual replicas of the interlocutors, also called colloquial speech. The monologue speech lasts long enough, is not interrupted by the remarks of others and requires preliminary preparation.

As already noted, the transmission of any information is possible only through signs, sign systems. In the communicative process, the verbal is usually distinguished (as sign system speech is used) and non-verbal communication (when various non-speech sign systems are used).

Verbal communication is the process of communication using language; uses human speech as a sign system. Under the speech here

Modern Humanities University

natural sound language is understood.

Non-verbal communication is an emotional attitude that accompanies a speech utterance; a system of signs, which includes gestures, facial expressions, voice timbre, range, tonality, crying, laughter, speech rate.

Visual communication (“eye contact”) - new area research. It has been proven that, like all non-verbal means, eye contact is an adjunct to verbal communication.

The interactive side of communication is the interaction of people through the organization of their joint activities, interpersonal interaction, i.e. a set of connections and mutual influences of people. Interpersonal interaction is a sequence of unfolded in time reactions of people to each other's actions.

So, the initial condition for successful communication is the correspondence of the behavior of the interacting people to the expectations of each other. In some situations, antagonism of positions is revealed, reflecting the presence of mutually exclusive values, tasks and goals, which sometimes turns into mutual hostility - an interpersonal conflict arises. In joint activities, the causes of conflicts can be subject-business disagreements and personal interests. The cause of conflicts is also vague semantic barriers in communication, which impede the establishment of interaction between the communicators. A semantic barrier in communication is a mismatch in the meanings of the stated requirement, request, order for partners in communication, which creates an obstacle to their mutual understanding and interaction. Therefore, an important role in communication is played by the ability to put oneself in the shoes of the one with whom you are communicating, in other words, understanding the strategy and tactics of the partner's behavior in the situation.

Psychological influence occupies an important place in communication. Psychological impact is a structural unit, a component of communication. In essence, this is the penetration of one person (or a group of persons) into the psyche of another person (or a group of persons). The purpose and results of this penetration are the change, restructuring of individual or group mental phenomena(views, attitudes, attitudes, states, etc.). The psychological impact is by no means omnipotent, although under certain conditions it is possible to cause certain changes in the psyche of people, and through it - in their activities and behavior.

A special form of communication between people is friendship as a stable individual-selective system of relationships and interaction, characterized by the mutual affection of those communicating, high degree satisfaction with communication with each other. The development of friendship presupposes adherence to its unwritten code, which affirms the need for mutual understanding, frankness and openness, trust, active mutual assistance, mutual interest in the affairs of another, disinterested feelings. Serious violations of the code of friendship lead either to its termination, or to the reduction of friendship to superficial, friendly relations, or even to its transformation into its opposite - enmity.

Ideal friendship is the deepest sincerity, complete mutual trust, reckless disclosure of your intimate self. The value of friendship lies not only in complete self-disclosure, but also in unconditional acceptance of the other.

Thus, in order to understand the mechanism of interaction, it is necessary to find out how the intentions, motives, attitudes of one individual “superimpose” on the ideas about the partner, in other words, how the image of the communication partner is formed.

As already mentioned, interaction is impossible without mutual understanding. It is very important how the communication partner is perceived. This process acts as an obligatory component of communication and can conditionally be called the perceptual side of communication. The perceptual side of communication is the perception of another person: his external signs, correlating it with the personal characteristics of the perceiving individual and interpreting his actions. It's not just about perception, but about knowing another person. In the most general terms, we can say that the perception of another person means the perception of his external signs, their correlation with the personal characteristics of the perceived individual and the interpretation of his actions on this basis. Comparison of oneself with another is carried out, as it were, from two sides: each of the partners assimilates itself to the other.

The idea of ​​another person is closely related to the level of one's own self-knowledge. This connection is twofold: on the one hand, the richness of ideas about oneself determines the richness of ideas about another person, on the other, the more fully the other person is revealed, the wider the ideas about oneself become. Thus, a person is aware of himself through another person. The analysis of self-awareness through another person includes two sides - identification and reflection. Let's consider these mechanisms.

Identification is a way of understanding another person through conscious or unconscious assimilation of his characteristics to the subject himself. Identification acts as one of the mechanisms of cognition and understanding of another person.

Reflection is another mechanism for understanding another person. In psychology, reflection is understood as the awareness of the acting individual of how he himself is perceived by a communication partner.

Communication, as has been shown, cannot be reduced to a simple transfer of information. In order to be successful, it necessarily presupposes the presence of feedback - the receipt by the subject of information about the results of interaction.

Certain features of a person's physical appearance (face, arms, shoulders), postures, gestures, intonation act as carriers of information that should be taken into account when communicating. A particularly informative carrier of feedback signals is the face of the interlocutor or listener.

The family is the first social group that actively influences the formation of the child's personality. The peculiarities of the relationship and communication between its members create a specific moral and psychological atmosphere in the family. The relationship between parents and children and the specifics of their communication, in which these relationships are manifested in the family, have a huge impact on the formation of the child's personality.

A high level of mutual awareness of parents and children is one of the important prerequisites for their adequate understanding of the personal characteristics of each other, which ensures normal communication in the family. Mutual awareness of parents and children can only be ensured through the diversity of both spheres and topics of their communication.

The specificity of communication between parents and children not only shapes their interpersonal relationships, but also has a huge impact on the formation of communication skills between children and other people.

1.2. Communication in groups and teams

A person as a person is formed in a group, is a direct and indirect exponent of intragroup relations. A group is a community limited in size, separated from the social whole on the basis of certain characteristics (the nature of the activity performed, social or class belonging, structure, composition, etc.). And how does the collective differ from the group? A collective is a group where interpersonal relations are mediated by the socially valuable and personally significant content of joint activities, and this is its main psychological difference from other groups.

An attempt was made to compare the inspiring influence on the personality of an unorganized group and an established collective. And quite unexpectedly, it turned out that the inspiring influence of the opinion of randomly gathered people on the individual is manifested to a greater extent than the influence of the opinion of the organized collective to which this individual belongs.

But the paradox of this experimentally substantiated species is only apparent. Knowing well the collective as a whole, many of its members, the individual consciously, selectively reacts to the opinion of each, focusing on the relations and assessments that have developed in joint activities, on the values ​​that are accepted and approved by everyone. The state of the individual in a random, unorganized group, in conditions of a deficit of information about the persons who form it, contributes to an increase in suggestibility. Thus, if a person's behavior in an unorganized, random group is determined solely by the place that he chooses for himself - most often intentionally, then in the team there is another specific possibility - the collectivist self-determination of the individual. The personality selectively refers to the impacts of one particular community, accepting one thing and rejecting the other, depending on the mediating factors - assessments, beliefs, ideals.

Collectivistic self-determination arises when the behavior of an individual under conditions of specially organized group pressure is mainly due to the goals and objectives of the activity adopted in the group, and stable value orientations.

In another plane psychological research a phenomenon called collectivist identification was identified. This is the phenomenon of interpersonal relationships, which presupposes such a motivation for relations to a friend as a member of a team, when the subject, proceeding from high moral worldview principles, treats others as himself, and himself, as to all others in a team, when the opposition “I” and “They” is removed by the concept of “We”.

Collectivistic integration equally presupposes a rejection of altruistic forgiveness and an egoistic consumer attitude towards others. Humanity, caring for a friend, as well as exactingness towards him, is the norm of collectivist relationships. This creates a psychological climate favorable for the all-round harmonious development of the individual. A violation of the principles of collectivistic integration is behavior in which an individual applies different moral norms to himself and to others in the same or similar situation and builds his actions on the basis of similar norms.

As a result of active interaction with other members of the group, deciding specific tasks, the individual acquires his own value orientations. Their assimilation also presupposes a kind of control over the individual, actually carried out by the group or prescribed by the individual in the group. Orientation to the values ​​of the group, to its opinion forces the individual to single out the circle of persons, the position and assessment of which are most significant for him. How should we designate this group of persons within the collective, which the individual chooses to cope with their opinions, assessments, the group of persons acquiring the status of preference for the subject? This group of persons is usually denoted by the concept of a reference group.

A reference group is a group that somehow attracts a person, the norms and values ​​of which he adheres to or seeks to adapt to them, of which he would willingly become a member. In the understanding of the reference group, the most important thing is the assessment factor: the orientation of the subject to assess his actions, his personal qualities, essential circumstances of activity, etc. from the side of the reference group. From the multitude of people around him, the individual chooses those whom he endows with a special subjectively important quality for him - reference. In terms of communication with its reference circle, a personality, as a subject of cognition, becomes an object of self-knowledge, consciously or unconsciously highlighting individuals who are able to evaluate it according to the parameters that it itself considers as the most important.

So, each person has his own reference group, with the requirements of which he, of course, counts, on the opinion of which he is guided. As a rule, this is not one group, but some combination of them. It is good if the requirements, expectations, interests, ideals and all other value orientations of all groups that are referential for a given personality more or less coincide or turn out to be close and, which is especially important, are connected with socially significant goals and ideals. If this is not the case, then a person belonging to two oppositely directed reference groups experiences a severe internal conflict.

The values ​​that form a deep foundation socially meaningful activities groups, at the same time form the basis for intragroup preference and selection based on reference. The individual who scored the maximum number of choices in the referentometry acts as the leader of this group.

A leader is a person for whom all other members of the group recognize the right to make responsible decisions that affect their interests and determine the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group. Thus, being the most authoritative person, the leader really plays a central role in organizing joint activities and regulating relationships in the group.

Perhaps the most important characteristic of a leader is associated with the selectivity, the preference that the members of the group endow him with, distinguishing him from everyone according to some criteria that are subject to psychological study. What is the basis of this choice? It has been experimentally proven that everything here depends on the level of development of the group. The higher the group in terms of development, the more interpersonal relations are mediated by the content and values ​​of joint social activity, the more likely it is that the emergence and stabilization of a leader in the group occurs as the implementation of these very relationships. In essence, the leader is the most referential person for the group in relation to joint activities, a kind of general average member of interpersonal relations that influences the effectiveness of its activities.


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