The use of suffering structures. Passive structures

The persistent deposit is used in English much wider than in Russian. In the latter, the passive form wears, in comparison with the impersonal, more official and rather written than a conversational character, and therefore less used.

It is difficult to assimilate those cases when the Russian indefinite-personal offer corresponds to an affective turnover, impossible in Russian due to the fact that the semantics of some Russian verbs does not allow them to use in the assistant pledge, for example: to Give giveto grant. give,to Offer. offer,to pay. to pay,to Promise. promise,to Show. show,to Tell. narrate,to Teach. teachand etc.

She. was Given.a Cup of TEA. She was given a cup of tea.

Not was offered.a Trip Abroad. He was offered a foreign business trip.

They wERE TOLD.a Strange Story. They told a strange story.

She. was She promised help.

You. are PAIDa good Salary. You pay a good salary.

Another specific English design is close to the suffering structure in the form and in the nature of your translation into Russian. Often

the British are building a personal form, making it subject to what should be in meaning to be an add-on. In this case, of course, there are forms of expression, unusual for Russian. We observe such a phenomenon, for example, in cases where the combination of the verb-bundle to Be was pronounced with the adjectives followed by an infinitive.

Not is DiffiCult to Deal WITH. FROMit is difficult to deal.

Such ThoughtS. are Hard To Live With. FROMsuch thoughts are difficult to live.

Nylon Shirts. are Easy To Wash.Nylon shirts are easy to erase.

Compare the examples with the suffering structures that the image of the image has a presets.

Not IS much Spoken ABOUT.They talk a lot about him. She Was. easily Frightened.those Days. It was easy to scare at that time.

End of work -

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Apollova M. A.
76 Specific english ( Grammatical difficulties translation). M., "International. Relationships ", 1977. 136 p. The manual introduces the reader with characteristic features English language and typical

Personification of objects - nouns in the role of subject
Russian impersonal suggestions that are reported on the physical or moral condition of a person, about his sensations and mood, in English personal offers. Taken in An.

I Like - I like
As we will not be observed in the future, the character of the grammatical language of the language inevitably has its influence on his vocabulary. So, for example, the verbs to Like, to Want, to Care and some others

I. A. Translate the following proposals by defining in each case the type of English and the relevant Russian offer. 1. IT WAS Between One and Two in the Morning. 2. One Wants.

In the design of the leaning distinction of language systems, manifests themselves stronger and multilateral than in the design of the subject. This is due to the capacity and importance of this sentence of a suggestion. Indeed, S.

Verb to be
Russian verb corresponds to the verb to be in English. In its main meaning - "be", as you know, the verb can be used only in the past and future

I. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the multivalousness of the verb to BE. 1. Not IS Not A Young Man. 2. His Desk Is in The Middle of the Room. 3. A REAL Hotel Is for Hos

What a Language!
"What a Language English is!" A FRENCHMAN EXCLAYMED IN DESPAIR. "Ine Called on An English Friend and The Maid Who Came to the Door Said," He "s not up yet. Come Back in Half An Hou

Verb to have
The verb to have, like to be, wider than the value than the Russian verb to have. In it, as in the verb to be, the potential of action is laid. MAA HAS A PENCIL IN HER H

I. A. Translate the following sentences paying attention to various values verb to have. 1. I Have No Pencil. 2. You have no Other Way Out. 3. HIS FACE HAD THAT SMALL Subtle

About the transition of verbs in english
It should be noted that in the verbs of action there is the same internal division as in the verbs of being, division, which is due to the fact that in grammar it is customary to be called transition and

I. Translate the following sentences, paying special attention to the translation of the highlighted verbs. 1. "The Point IS, Though," She Went On Hastily, "I" Ve Suddenly

Taken - Center Offer
As already noted, the failed in english offer It is the actual center to which all members of the sentence are. In particular, it is interesting to note the fixed place of denial before


I. A. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the place of denying and adverbing ONLY in the offer. 1. We Haven "T Come to Disturb You, Darling. 2. One" S Only Young Once. 3.

In the Behamon section, we talked about the fact that adverbs are divided into quantitative and high-quality, and circumstances expressed by quantitative adverbs are directly with the fault, as well as

I. Convert delivery data in accordance with the model: Set the circumstance of the place to start the offer and use the inversion. There Was A Bed On The Verandah At The Side

In English there are two types of definitions: prepositive and postpositive. The first type of definition was the greatest distribution in English, namely prepositive. British K.

In English
We note here only some differences in the meaning and consumption of degrees of comparison of adjectives and inferior in Russian and English. So, if we speak Russian better than everyone, more than sun

I. Translate the following proposals into Russian, paying special attention to the translation of prepositive definitions. 1. IF I WERE AS YOUNG AS You Are, I "D Have A Walking Holiday. 2. G

We have already seen the above that adjective in English can be substantivate, i.e., as it were, "to" be determined ". This phenomenon is widespread in English. So, the degree in it is also about

I. Translate the following proposals into Russian, paying special attention to the translation of the highlighted words. 1. SHE WANTED HIM TO GIVE UP AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL; To Quit, and Choose Some O

In the introduction, we have already talked about the fact that the reaction to the syntactic stiffness and constancy of the structure in English is, in particular, conversion. It gives first of all a certain morphol

I. Mark conversion cases in these proposals. Specify from which part of the speech the words are formed. Translate proposals. A. 1. Not promised to Will ED a Castle in India. 2.

For the English language as the language of analytical, the desire for the abandonment of grammatical "excesses", to the economy of grammatical means. So, the idea of \u200b\u200bdenial, as we said, is expressed

1. A. Translate the following proposals, paying attention to the absence of an excuse in the predicative of English proposals. 1. THE POSTMAN WAS AN HOUR LATE. 2. IT WAS RAINING WHEN SHE CAM

I. Translate the following proposals and indicate those elements in the English proposal, which are redundant or complicating the statement from the point of view of the Russian language. 1. H.

We analyzed 4 types of documents: organizational documents, distribution documents, protocol, information and reference documents.

Of the ten texts of documents, only four were identified by the suffolding structures, namely the verb bunch and a brief ending party, which is a feature of writing texts of business papers.


I, Sidorova G.P., I bring to your attention, that on April 12, the fault of Malyar Ivanova P.G. A marriage of the body of the car was allowed, namely, Nesrox. 04/23/2007 year. Sidorov

A marriage was allowed - verbal relationships and a brief ending party.

Statement of claim

Application for the protection of honor and dignity

Tkachuk M.P. is my neighbor. There was a hostile relationship between us. I am a member of the Great Patriotic War. I have been issued a corresponding certificate, I have government awards.

On February 9, 1996, Tkachuk wrote on the place of my work - to the Red Zori plant - a statement in which I pointed out that I participation in the Great Patriotic War Not accepted, presented false documents to obtain a certificate and illegally assigned the awards of another person.

All this does not correspond to reality and purge my dignity.

Based on the above and in accordance with Article 7. Civil Code of the Russian Federation I ask:

To oblige Tkachuk Maria Pavlovna to send a letter to the place of my work with a refutation of the information set out in the statement of February 9, 1986

Appendix: Another instance of the application; Receipt of state duty.

An appropriate certificate is issued - a brief suffering panta.

Moscow state University them. M.V. Lomonosov

Petrykina Elena Alekseevna is a student III course of the day branch of the Faculty of Sociology.

Help is issued for presentation in the clinic

Dean Faculty of Sociology Signature

Help issued - verb communion


According to the questions given to me, I can explain the following: I, Malova Valentina Vladimirovna, April 23 at 16:45 following from work home, saw the following: Before the traffic light at the crossroads of the streets of automobiles and Dzerzhinsky, there was a car of VAZ 2110 state. Number N 921 Well, on a pedestrian moving along a pedestrian line to green light. It is written itself and right.

04/24/2007 Malova

On a pedestrian, moving along a pedestrian line - a verbal connection and a suffering communion.

Thus, persistent structures were found in such documents as a report and a certificate - this information and reference documents, and in documents that relate to the protocol are a statement of claim and explanation.

Turns, constructions, including or suffering, or a fague, expressed by the return verb, indicating that the subject is experiencing an action by another subject. For example, an order transmitted by watch;


The land is illuminated by the Sun.. Periting structures are most common in scientific, business speech.

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"Padding structures" in books

Creation and design

From the book Famous Writers of the West. 55 portraits Author Nellian Yuri Nikolaevich

Creation and design I was a sage, if I could say so, for I was ready to die at any moment, but not because I did everything that was my duty, but because I didn't even do anything and could not believe anything To do. Franz Kafka in magazines

Minimum design weight

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Minimum design weight Designers Designers of the Design Bureau For several years of work at Messerschmitt firmly learned the main rule - all circuit and layout solutions should provide the minimum weight of an empty aircraft. Kurt Tank did not stop wondering how this

New designs

From the book Kurako Author Beck Alexander Alfredovich

New designs Vologda wilderness from the middle of the last century was the place of political reference. There were a lot of people who encroached tsarism on the foundations. Many Russian revolutionaries took place the Vologda reference; Among them were A. V. Lunacharsky, V. V. Borovsky,

Personal sacrament prefers content

From the book How to talk correctly: Notes on the culture of Russian speech Author Golovin Boris Nikolaevich

Persons Predictive Predictable Predatory Contents There are in our language, pronounced brief form Persistently communion: written, sent, brought, read, washed, cast, rolling, split, etc. It turns out that such a leap, consistent with the subject,

Putty design

From the book Arrangement and repair of the house quickly and cheap. Communication and interior do it yourself in just 2 months Author Kazakov Yuri Nikolaevich

Putty design putty design is made throughout the surface of the suspended ceiling. Applied tools - metal and rubber spatulas. The narrow strip of the sickle is glued on top of the corners, then the surface is spacing again. And most carefully

Constructions and materials


Designs and materials of the tree of wood for stairs for the manufacture of stairs fit wood like conifer and hardwood. The most popular at the same time beech, pine ordinary, oak, larch, ash ordinary and walnut walnut. Oncecin when choosing this or

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Design features The easiest way of the greenhouse device is an arched structure formed by a number of parallel metal arcs coated with translucent material, that is, a greenhouse. From the ends, it is covered with flat walls. A other choice - tent

1.1. Mechanical structures


1.1. Mechanical constructions During the war, the Commissioner of our part shows me a drawing (according to the present GOST, this is the format A2), which depicts a large number of Gears, ratchet, levers and springs. I ask what it is? "This is one foreman painted and says

1.2. Hydraulic structures

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XML designs

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Design Theoretical Exquisites In the design of the electric submarine, German specialists completed in January 1943, just when Dennitz changed Rederate as a commander of Krigsmarine. The calculated data of the boat shocked the imagination. For 90 minutes

15. Constructions

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15. Family designs designed their current reality, organizing facts in such a way as to maintain the device of its institutions. Exist alternative viewsHowever, the family elected a certain explanation scheme that is for it


From the book of family therapy Author Minuchin Salvador

Designs 1. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, "Contextual Therapy: Therapeutic LEVERAGES IN MOBILIZING TRUST", IN THE AMERICAN FAMILY, UNIT IV, NO 2 (Philadelphia: Smith, Kline, & French, 1979) .2. Jose Ortega Y Gasset, Miditations on Don Quixote (New York: W.W. Norton, 1961), p.

The persistent deposit is used in English much wider than in Russian. In the latter, the passive form wears, in comparison with the impersonal, more official and rather written than a conversational character, and therefore less used.

It is difficult to assimilate those cases when the Russian indefinite-personal offer corresponds to an affective turnover, impossible in Russian due to the fact that the semantics of some Russian verbs does not allow them to use in the assistant pledge, for example: to Give giveto grant. give,to Offer. offer,to pay. to pay,to Promise. promise,to Show. show,to Tell. narrate,to Teach. teachand etc.

She. was Given.a Cup of TEA. She was given a cup of tea.

Not was offered.a Trip Abroad. He was offered a foreign business trip.

They wERE TOLD.a Strange Story. They told a strange story.

She. was She promised help.

You. are PAIDa good Salary. You pay a good salary.

Another specific English design is close to the suffering structure in the form and in the nature of your translation into Russian. Often

the British are building a personal form, making it subject to what should be in meaning to be an add-on. In this case, of course, there are forms of expression, unusual for Russian. We observe such a phenomenon, for example, in cases where the combination of the verb-bundle to Be was pronounced with the adjectives followed by an infinitive.

Not is DiffiCult to Deal WITH.FROMit is difficult to deal.

Such ThoughtS. are Hard To Live With.FROMsuch thoughts are difficult to live.

Nylon Shirts. are Easy To Wash.Nylon shirts are easy to erase.

Compare the examples with the suffering structures that the image of the image has a presets.

Not IS much Spoken ABOUT.They talk a lot about him. She Was. easily Frightened.those Days. It was easy to scare at that time.

3. Personification of objects - nouns in the role of subject

Russian impersonal suggestions that are reported on the physical or moral condition of a person, about his sensations and mood, in English personal offers. The baked in English offer is expressed in such cases with a combination of "to be + adjective". For example:

I am Cold. I'm cold.

Though He Never Said A Brilliant Or a Witty Thing, We

should Have Been Dull Worthout Him. Although he is never

did not say anything brilliant or witty, we

it would be bored without him. I am Not Quite Clear About the Rest of the Story. To me

the end of this story is not quite clear.

It is obvious that, by analogy with these proposals in English, proposals were possible, in which the noun, denoting items, is already subject to. When transferring to Russian, what serves as subject to English becomes the circumstance of the place in Russian.

Cyprus.iS Rather Hot in Summer. In summer in Cyprushighly

The Roads.will Be Slippery. On the roadsit will be slippery. HER VOICEwas Rapturous. In her voicesounded delight.

Here we see some share of the personification of inanimate objects due to the fact that they become subject to - to a certain extent, figures. Wed: Cyprus is hot in Summer. - I am Hot.

It was on the basis of the desire to build in order to build in English in English, it was obvious that the combination of not compatible verbs of the verbs with nouns not denoted by the leaders was possible. So, Russian combinations: The article says ..., in the communique...corresponding to English: The Article Says ..., The Communique Says .... Thus, inanimate objects are personified. Here are some more examples.

This List Does Try to Highlight The More Important Factors ... The most important factors are really noted in this list ... (letters:"This list really tries to celebrate the most important factors ...")

Afternoon Saw Jack and Somers Polishing Floors. During the day, Jack and Somers began to clutch the floors. (letters:"The day I saw Jack and Somers rumbing floors.")

The Mackintosh Showed The Thinness Of Her Body. She was Hud, and the cloak emphasized it. (letters:"The raincoat showed Her Body.")

"Proposals with the involvement of the turnover" - a male costume of the XVIII century. Special form verb. We are transferred to the XVIII century. France. We prepare for the journey. Determine the boundaries of the involvement. Participial. Correct mistakes. Participle. Fan. Signs of communion. How fashion came to Russia. Fijma. Explain the absence of punctuation signs. Female suit of the XVIII century.

"Valid and suffering communities" - the sun illuminating the land. Valid and suffering communities. It is necessary to read the rule to better memorize. Leaves, barely heated by the wind. The land illuminated by the sun. Commented Cheating. Sitting - real or affected. Wind chase clouds. Syntactic analysis offers.

"Communion and Templocoming" - soothing - a height. Worried - Communion. Work with tests by options. Tasks. The game "4 extra". What you have learned about such forms of verb as communion and verbal spirits. Silence of the forest, not disturbed by nothing. R.Sauti "Lododian waterfall." Not with communion and exclusive adjectives. Determine the tasks to proposals.

"The involvement turnover" is a book that tells about the origin of words. A man relating to interest to anyone, something. Music that enhances the mood. Write small story. The game that makes thinking. Flower, which makes amazing flavor. Dear neighbors having dogs. Pursuit and its syntactic synonyms.

"Part of Speech Communion" - a bright little cucumber. Materials for lesson. Turnover. The words. Sign. Eating adjectives. Delicious cucumber. Signs. Tomatour. Suffix. Friends. Participle.

"Russian" Communion "" - make up a few sentences in the picture. Find the phrase. Book the name adjective. Acquaintance with communion. Look at the kittens. Cat. Participle. Switchy suffixes. Insert the necessary communion. Dog.

Total in the subject of 32 presentations

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